Are "The Witcher" Costumes Any Good? Costume Review/Roast ft. My Sis

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hi this video I'll since I had a guest on my channel obviously all of you are really excited about the which are coming out and us being Polish people I mean we had to watch it I brought my sister here because she read the books and she knows stuff whereas I don't so we were going to write the costumes in The Witcher and find some historical inspiration that was going on in the series because I feel like every single fantasy movie that ever was out somehow is inspired by history like historical fashion obviously I we need to rate the male characters as well even though we don't know crap about my fashion a fashion and and armor and wear to battle but obviously we're gonna get our opinion on this let's start off with the main character though the witcher's costumes yay or nay I feel like they knew because of the games that the character is known looking a certain way and they were like we need to make him look similar to the games because people will be pissed yeah I think so am i quite like his costumes because they're like I say supposed to be like I think in first episodes they said that he looks like some character oh yeah I'm like something new yeah they complained about his looks yeah I think it's good because he's supposed to be like yeah I think especially his cloak looks kind of like I got in a good way like it looks like it's supposed to be cracking like it's just pulled over on his neck and I think I like his clothes because they're quite texture like there's a lot of stuff going on like some metals so we also have his like palace outfit nothing more thing but the palace one was funny funny yeah yeah and I think that was the point so and there was also the leather jacket that he wore when he asked he was ill that I hated it looked like 2011 oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that was kind of what it looks like my jacket looks like your leather jacket and your no not the winter is history inspiration do we have an Easter people inspiration and girls outfit most of the other made characters in the show date there are wearing like 16 17th century inspired jacket but he apparently doesn't care my face just because he's the waiter and they have different fashion taste and also his pants don't really look I know a cure so let's move on to his friendly ask I think is one of the most historically inspired characters in the show because he keeps wearing like to learn stuff maybe his pants are not completely well or that Iraq was like to their stuff probably be more happy and he spaz I think are bit tighter than they would be in the tuturro era but I mean the cuts it looks like in to their jackets and then he also had the slashes and I think the leather jacket was also cut and that's a very popular decoration decoration when they went to his color palette is interesting because it's quite crazy but at the same time it is kind of historical like if you look at historical paintings not all of them are like black and brown and some of them are really crazy especially I think German fashion I don't know I I think I remembered German paintings from like 60 17th century that are kind of like that oh you know it's missing the heartwood feather you know the hardware feather was like his significant look that's right even books Gerald would go to some city and see a person of this Heather he's like yes oh I kind of missed this true but I'm you already kind of done he looks like a bard let's face it so I guess that's that's my job well done should we move on to our favorite truth we we have a problem of trees because we feel that we're not we're not fans of tricks in the show but her outfit though yeah yay or nay you think that's gonna be a first night it may no I mean it may be influenced by the fact that I really hate racing but also I think the fabric of the like the thing you would buy in a secondhand shop yeah it's shiny and it doesn't look like a natural fiber so I noticed a lot of her dresses have this front fan thingy that was featured that was featured in the 1840s and 1850s dresses a lot and just a front section make me think of 1840s and I noticed she wears a lot of like dress and cape combo that should look cool but that's not cool so how about a Kalon say how do you feel about Columbus oh okay yeah you're going there and there are some stuff I don't like about her outfits like the gatherings on her dress because it looks like a very cheap antique kind of dress and I didn't like the leaves I mean I think I like like two dresses that they weren't really that cool oh I like the armoire oh yeah that's yeah and she doesn't like the rest kind of armor that's featured in every single fantasy when a woman is involved she does like that full bottle but the outfits were like that the one she wore when she tried to like cheap Gerald into taking another Siri looked like a copy of Ceres dress um I feel like her dresses were kind of all over the place there wasn't one single silhouette that she would wear and I think it would be nice if there was because if you look at like historical Queens they're usually stuck to like one style I know they're supposed to be like time differences but I think a lot of her dresses were like 1930s inspired with the velvety things and the ball is especially in the very first scene I think that we see her in she's wearing a velvet dress with like puffy sleeves and there are some gathering here I think that looks a lot like 1930 so I don't like the one she had when she tried to again see Rita girl she had a lot of like shiny stuff over here and also I mean she is a queen so she should have the best stop yeah and like the plains I feel like I said yeah you know I'm just me doing all of her things you like you should do yay but then you think about like Cersei Lannister with her and right there is lions and you know yeah true well oh yeah because I just feel that me looks nice and the clothes oh I also thought that she does look a bit rougher light sometimes like it looks like someone took historical clothing and tried to make it look historical like historical style fantasy dress it kind of made me think of paratha lights paintings how do we feel about men's fashion in general because there's a lot of smaller characters that I don't think we're gonna do Scott discuss every one of them but all in all I really didn't okay I totally threw the only woman I know I know but like I'm gonna do like half and half because I'm not sure so here's what anything about men's clothing I feel like it was it blended in with the surroundings which is good but at the same time it was nothing new it looked like your generic fantasy costume like if I was supposed to draw a fantastic costume in five minutes this is what I would come up with there was some 17th century in there 16th century malsuk I think was wearing a part of like 15th century stuff I don't know what it's called but at the same time there wasn't like one style for each country or something that they didn't like this country culture versus the sculptures inspired by this century here was kind of all mixed and it kind of turned up a bit generic too much like to the question and then I stopped like thinking it's their wheelchair I was more like watching I mean I always imagined it could be more like I don't know yeah because it's just fantasy and I have yeah but maybe because of the games and because it's Slavic we think of Slavic as medieval and not to their own PC because like we think of all the cultures that were before Christianity so we're like early medieval time lose gowns and stuff and then we have tutors and 16th century and we're like when you think Slavic you don't think it's not then you read the books and like what's going on oh yeah I know it's is this yeah but I remember watching the trailer and thinking about all the costumes and then I was like it's kind of a mess because there was too many inspiration going on when it came to like this little bit but about the armoire we're no experts in armor like we don't know the battlefields we all know the history of the armoire like I see some are more I think it looks nice it's okay this one like nilfgaardian armor which is so controversial everyone is complaining about it to be completely honest I didn't care about it until ice - all the complaints obviously it's not something you see every day because it's made of leather apparently it does look it's completely impractical on the battlefield because you can just go right through it right and for something that is supposed be like super powerful and something that you fear kind of and you know are excited about it doesn't look that powerful if it's made of something soft so maybe that's why it's so awkward because it's supposed to be like this power force that comes into your village and you know right does it whereas you're wearing something so soft and like useless yeah I mean I think that the shapes on the armor are weird but at the same time you can imagine that because new authorities like the other country they have different tastes you kind of can see that they're different the bad ones and you can see there's a different culture and you go sweet but you can like you can differentiate them from the other one yeah but at the same time like why wouldn't you just have different shades of metal a lot more like you could have just black and silver or some black metal exists I got your universe I don't know but I actually I compared the series are more to the games and I think they did it better indicates anybody some cosplayers a defense or job oh I read an article and this is a bit sad but apparently the guy that designed the costumes for this season anyway let's move on to some mythical creatures such as elfs and Dragons let's start with elves first Oh have enough okay showing how do you feel about else what were the else like in the book we have the Lord of the Rings else idea where they're really rich and like fancy there is like yes them and they like a group of just people who attack the trommel's versions okay they are not like their friends LCIF fine but then that should show under clothing and I feel like it was just a bunch of stuff thrown together yeah I don't know I just felt like it didn't show me who else were and it was the only scenes who have else in it so it should tell me a bit of a story going no there was a long world yeah but he was separated so both of a drag crayons I would go half and half because that's not a good sign is that yes like I don't remember a bit but hey look like generic Amazon style women in the forest I like their hair like yeah well hair and makeup was really cool yeah I feel like it gave you an idea that they're kind of dangerous yeah going on we're kind of dissing dryads at this point but yeah I feel like try another America it wasn't super memorable and I I feel like I've seen something like this before run free yay me like when Chris outfit I think she looks cool because she looked powerful and she looks badass but she didn't look obviously like there wasn't too much of it like she just looked like she was having the time of her life trying to find a guy killed him not like he was me a strong female character half you know it wasn't in your face like this I mean she she gave the vibe of like the woman you know that she travels with her yeah yeah like her character shown through her clothes T SIA personally the costume yeah oh hey I think I know why cuz taya if you didn't know that is one of the most historically inspired characters in the show it when it comes to food with the clothing because most of her outfits do have 1890s by some water like go like and you don't like aging thank you so that's obviously why you don't like the guy's hair of course she looks very very similar like to this question er like when I first so it's okay am I like watching 90 century shower bumper which is like but that there is something honestly there is something about 1890s that screams witches to me I don't why but like remember that witch that we've noticed in Harry Potter she was wearing 1890 style and like if you look at Mike McGonagall it's like yeah there is a lot of Victorian stuff going on there so there is something like magical about 1890s when I think 1890s fashion there is something witchy not your fault I know but like just a standing color that's featured in tea size clothes and it's also featured in a lot of 1890 escapes it's so cool I gave loom pie on the witch but oh so she was one of the only characters that had actually really fitted clothes like Juliet as her like father's it's always like well tailored so I wonder why that was all of the others and also one of the addresses that she's wearing looks a lot like this historical 1890s coat we're gonna talk about Vienna for in a minute Gary with the girl with Dickon that's what I have noted down there are secret that the affair was supposed to so basically yeah oh yeah oh and me um I think yeah but it looks really modern you don't get to see much of the clothes but when she like rips address etc and when she's running in the desert it looks really a lot like austere fashion shows of like 2018 I don't know that was this one collection by Dolce Gabbana's and I feel like there is a lot going on there that looks like a Vogue editorial so I do like it but at the same time I'm like should I like it cuz like it's a fantasy series and it's not supposed to look like a fashion show we're really we're both fans of pepitas green dress yeah I don't know if I think the color combined with her blonde hair that looks really cute it's also like very kind of medieval but not really but I don't know this dress is just yeah cuz the thing I didn't like about the courts outfits is that most of them look like cheap medieval stuff that you get on Aliexpress or something it just looked like your typical medieval counts without actually attempting to Oh Jerry Lewis like what I notice in the court that all the clothing weren't fitting enough like puppet that's right yeah but all of the other dresses especially in like the dance scene at the beginning damn you really need to get some nice clothes especially that it's supposed to be like quarter ears that have nice clothing because they're rich oh and also they're yes I think they look like anything grease there's a woman with her mating this antique hairstyle and with a low-stress that looked like antique racer Rome is actually more wrong I think he was fired which annoyed me because then I was in like fantasy world and then there is his from the world woman yeah I know and that was it the same party where Colin three was wearing a nineteen thirties right so like so let's move on to should we move on to you never all right oh crap I completely forgot about you so series clothes costumes yay or nay I really like the blue cloak like her trademark blue cloak look really cool with the snow and her hair I do like that she had pants it was very smart because she and also those were kind of historically inspired because if you think of like late 19th century early 20th century cycling paths they were kind of called like a split skirt so you basically had two skirts but that was actually packed and it looks kind of like scary at first I didn't notice that series wearing pants like I actually felt she's wearing a skirt until there was like a close-up of her running and it was like oh wait a minute there's this one jacket that she's wearing at the beginning of the series I can go this first episode that that also kind of looks like a doublet it has those little buttons in front and basically the silhouette just looks really similar and that also fits with the men's fashion that was that was this dress that she was wearing at the ball with the suit Asha but it did it did look really badly done like it was and you could tell it was done in a Russian it didn't look smooth it just look like yeah and then wait I mean I don't know but a lot of characters had plain clothes I liked playing clubs but I'm like poor you're like a princess of tin Troy you should really have some embroidery I think actually the only thing that will make fantasy so finger look look all right it's Android there you can see it in game of trance as I said before yeah and that's that's what happened like you had Queens and they had a [ __ ] ton of embroidery and decoration because they could afford people making it for them neither kalantay nor Series stuff is actually complicated and actually the most complex like decoration noise complex outfit I think artists is because she has this one coat that actually looks a bit like 1820 spell East she has a lot of detail going on a dirt back we're asking true yeah and he's not royalty so yeah fiasco Vegas so it makes sense but it shouldn't be like that they shouldn't have better clothes than the royalty I think we're finally moving on to yennefer who obviously as one of the main characters and the main female character for now because I think it's eerie was less featured in the series than Hannaford she had a lot of clothes she had a little dress and stuff so how do you feel about her clothes I'm going for a night I know the moment I saw the trailer I have a problem because I should hate them I like I like so first of all we have this stuff that she's wearing before she goes her transformation like before she even goes to the yeah don't you you don't really get to see much of it but I like to the movie lame keeps really dirty so I think they did a good job on it and it also reminded me of like children's clothing worn by someone whose knowledge to a child anymore so and I like the outfit she was wearing in Arethusa a student like they blue dress that all of the other girls were wearing I think they were okay so we have Vienna first makeover dress that she wore to the ball what we do anything for okay yeah we can try for this I'm going to do meio piously all of the people are like here is our historical feast and then she's like 2010 prom dress like what is that hair what is that dressy event like toward that Twitter Chrome I mean but you'd like to so that means it's a prom dress I think the silhouette in the bust and the hair is just okay about the hair I have a little bit of problem with them throughout all the series because it's obviously this it's not over here you can see it but an item I'm not a fan of its you it by the infront of the thing here yeah I mean I guess it's cool but then this is something you could see on like Golden Globes but I just really liked this moment in the show like when she yeah it was like it's about a moment ago she had like a train that would be nice train yeah then we have the assassins dress awesome colvett which is the one that the ennifer worse as there being an assassin okay this one yay what are you really what I feel like about the dress is this stripes that were horizontal because it makes me think of this carrot that were popular in 2000 you're right damage like brush skirts yeah thinking about it then I like the texture like the fabric oh so we have the helping other people dressed an excerpt with the cutouts and there was also old another woman in the scene that looked like a chronic bent painting but that's off topic so that's the dress she was wearing when she was giving medicine to people so yeah I mean it looks okay maybe yeah but just because it matches her personality but it's also likewise she always wearing black what's that like nothing to bone okay I mean she wears black and white so the cage the dress yeah so I think the top is cold because it's finally something I haven't seen before and I think the silhouette is interesting and the sleeves are obviously really cool yeah this cage thing is like very weird but after seeing it that was like okay it's actually quite cool yeah but it's the bottom parts like the lower half that I don't quite like at all so there is one shell where she's standing sideways like I used to like to dress and then there is this one shot but she's like standing sideways you can see the whole silhouette and just at bottom like the skirt looks so modern and it just looks really prom wedding mermaid's tail like it just really took me out of this story because I saw it I was like that's not the winter that's like a modern dress yeah I mean I took the same when I saw it that it looks very modern like they're my thing and that is very fitting and more like you know then she words at the baby the mask and the mask oh my god what is wrong with the costume people like you don't use that mask seriously because this mask look like 50 shades right like if you just type like a carnival mask a bull mask or something the first thing that shows up is this type of mask like I've seen it in a lingerie shop I see it we've seen it today on there like a poster for New Year's Eve party it's everywhere it's like the worst mask you can choose if you want to be mysterious and just so late like they both own them I think Shane's a great poster I think like why would you use that kind of mask we did five demas it was almost the sole reason why I would not watch the series after seeing the trailer this damn masks like if I really like this design they're always give her and I've been arriving last week with a face of a barrister literally just take a piece of see-through ribbon like they did Marie Antoinette and that would be a better solution because like honestly why the bathrobe dress yes when I saw it on the trailer I hated it because it looked very like a modern dresses that you can wear a skirt so at first I was like man then I saw it I was like okay it still docked bad and I thought so I don't know the fan of this one but I didn't like the dress because hey it looks too modern to me and it looks like an 80s dress with film elastic but also I didn't like the dress because you could tell but it was designed especially so she can undress like for this one particular scene so I was like you can basically see the directors notes on this dress like we need something for her to get out of easily and then put it back on in a second so but not really like I didn't like it because they won't because it was so obvious to me the the Wi-Fi subject our the white cones okay so what I didn't like is the amount of for here it wasn't too big too much it looked like and I do like how it was okay this code I love it I feel like I've seen it sometimes on like middle-aged ladies that are wearing like high-heeled boots with it I feel like it looks like something is it though and also what I hated about it is that it's long and she's going on in as Banshee it's only because it made because but they seem that where she's going on a rock thing she's literally on the like rock shelves trying to survive do you really think a long warm coat is gonna save her it was like if she trips on it she's gonna die anyway you know what I mean it's not practical and I feel like she has brains she knew it's not gonna be the best for like mountain climbing right I didn't like my cheese person like she would be like I look good lately I looking good oh oh the cutout dress I'll go in I for the first time yeah I'm going oh I like the color palette and I like the idea of like the cutout style fabric but I don't like the zoomit on the fit yeah that's her limits my problem because I like the my negative sleeps and I like the abs within the pattern but it's like news doesn't make sense like why she wouldn't want something fitting right yeah yeah I feel like she just looks too lame for a ennifer the neckline doesn't work it should be either lower or like wider is just like a t-shirt to her and they're good the fabric is yeah oh that's this role dress okay our name huh yeah same ain't totally hated it I promise right I appreciate it but I don't like I saw it in the trailer I think or on the poster I think I said I don't know trailer and I was like that looks basically like a designer going too far in trying to be original like that looks like someone going like to do something fantasy it kind of also reminds me of like if you are a 17 year old and wanted to go into fashion design and submitted it to some kind of competition this is what you would come up with so that's why I'm not a fan but at the same time I do appreciate the idea because it's kind of cool I just don't think it works well I like the ropes I like the idea at the same time I hate because like I like how it looks but I don't like that she's going with it and more well if she like goes and there's a tree and she gets stuck oh crap and I saw the one seen that the ropes were longer than her skirt so what an idea like actually that pole what if the arrow goes there it's a bottle of salt and is like the blood is battle ever and you're like let me show my dress I don't think it was a good choice for about oh yeah so overall costumes yeah your name yeah yes there we actually expected much force yeah are you from seeing the trailer I actually thought it's gonna be all over the place at total mess I think the rating I would give the costumes is kind of the same as I will give the show like I had fun it wasn't the best when you watch it and you think the costumes are look bad but then you watch lot of drinks I mean it's not the same level they didn't have the resources they didn't have all the people that were hand making their game of throne are yes obviously but hopefully it's gonna get better maybe it will go yeah next season we know thanks so much - my sister gotcha for joining me today and talking about The Witcher coasters our man is calling see you soon
Channel: Karolina Żebrowska
Views: 445,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cd91TmES3fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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