I Wore A Victorian Corset For A Day

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hi my name's Jill drew so for as long as I can remember I wanted to try wearing a corset because it was just such an symbolic piece of clothing I was really interested in how it works and how it feels and if it's really that bad and if it really makes your waist that small sorry my voice is weird but it's since I just woke up okay so then I realized there are some people in Poland making corsets and I was like I'm gonna give it a try so I saved some money and I contacted a talented corset maker and she made me a course that was based on a Victorian era pattern and it wasn't made to measure so I got this beauty monied and I've shown it in one of my videos already it's this blue embroidered corset which is pretty historically accurate I mean obviously it was machines machine stone and everything but it's based on 1850s patterns so it has this really long straight line right up to the waist and then kind of pokes out to accentuate the hips and today I'm going to attempt probably for the first time in my life to wear it the whole day while doing my regular stuff we'll see how that works why is it getting brighter what the hell is going on so let's let's get ready for some broken bones crush lungs moving intestines fainting overall horror and death are you ready I've learned this course at multiple times before and I've only wore it to particular events like bowls picnics and stuff like that and it's always like only a couple of hours and I know kind of a person that moves around a lot so of course it's are not ideal for me because they kind of restrict your movement we'll see how that works in kind of day-to-day chores I've been wearing courses before so there's that but I'm not wearing them on a daily basis it's like once every six months or something and it's only for a couple of hours so then I know the next birth I know a couple of people that actually wear them on a daily basis so it's possible it's not gonna make you die the thing is though they usually wear modern corsets whereas this one is practically Victorian its historically accurate and its really long also I'm gonna tie it I'm gonna put it on before I eat my breakfast so we're gonna see how that affects my eating skills without further ado I'm gonna get dressed okay so I put a t-shirt on so I have the surf underneath underneath layer under the courses usually you would wear a chemise that's a thing that I hate about modern period dramas is that people just randomly pretend women work or assess without anything underneath like what would be the freaking point they would get marks it would be uncomfortable it would be itchy they would have to wash the corsets all the time and you used steel boning of course and so like give me one good reason why you shouldn't worry shammies underneath please educate me so let's put this bad boy on now there is also this myth about dictionary and women having maids to do it for them obviously if you could afford the maid you would probably have her place your corset but there were plenty of women who couldn't though they would have to do it on here on their own and it's not impossible because because it's not like you have to apply the string into each hole and stuff like that it's pretty much you have the lacing ready and you just have to sort of tighten it so [Music] so basically what happens here is we have like the top lacing which I'm not usually using cuz it's annoying so I'm just gonna tie the very top bit of it and it's still gonna stay in place hopefully one of those is drastically shorter than the other so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start doing it sort of like medium tightness and then I'm gonna wait like ten minutes and reapply it your body usually needs a couple of minutes to adjust to the fact that there is something on it so I'm already feeling a bit uncomfortable because I'm not being able to completely like lean down instead I have this straight piece here that's kind of preventing me from doing this and I have to keep myself straight which is not a bad thing if you have troubles with keeping yourself in an upright position this is the thing for you okay it's been a while I think we can we are ready to tie it a little bit tighter just so it's more historically accurate I'm trying to feel the moment where it's sort of tight but also comfortable like I don't want to go too tight okay I think that's enough so this is sort of the affected kids like it gives you this waist thingy without being too extreme so now I'm gonna work my actual clothes the corset doesn't show that much like this piece here is a bit old and I have a third boob but otherwise it's not really that visible which is surprising obviously if I do this you can kind of tell so the problem that I definitely not foresee is that none of my clothes would fit so instead I wore this skirt which is on an elastic band now I'm gonna move on to very interesting part of this experiment which is eating my breakfast as to breathing I normally have some weird breathing problems sometimes I just talked too much and I need to like stop and go like so it's possible that I will experience some breathing problems with this I already feel like it's a bit limiting to my lungs let's go eat so here's my beautiful and impressive breakfast which is a bowl of cereal and two sandwiches this is usually the amount of food I need and I eat so what happened was I kept eating the cereal and it felt okay and then when I was in the middle of the first sandwich I kind of felt that I'm really full and I am NOT going to eat the second sandwich like there is no way so then I went on to do my makeup and my hair and it didn't affect it at all like I could just raise my hands as usual so didn't really do anything okay so I had the first little crisis because I was trying to brush my teeth and I always leaned over to sink like I'm always kind of like bended and of course that prevented me from bending so it was really hard because my muscles were really tense I mean I am also kind of convinced that's because my muscles are so weak they just can't really handle but that's what I've noticed so yeah if you want to lean over for a longer amount of time than of course if they're not the best option then I went to work at my computer for a little while and it turned out that I can only do it in a very straight position because like when I try to do what I usually do which is lean over like be slouchy didn't really allow me to do that so there is that I had to be straight all the time [Music] what I discovered next is that it's really difficult for me to find a comfortable position to look I sort of like rest on my bed because it's just really stiff and yeah you just can't really be messy like you just have to sit up basically and then the famous dilemma of putting your shoes on like you can do it it's just complicated and you have to do things you would not normally do like you just have to stop and think anything my hips are swaying here is what I walked like you can't really tell the difference you can't really tell I'm wearing a corset at all [Music] so it's interesting because it's beginning to be more and more comfortable and I wonder if it's gonna stay that way my body is getting more used to it I guess we'll see so then I went to do some groceries yay if you have a lot of stuff that you bought and is getting heavy lifting waste is not exactly the thing you want to be doing with your face okay so it's almost 3:00 p.m. and I'm beginning to feel a little bit uncomfortable and it's not because of course it itself is uncomfortable it's just that it prevents me from doing things I would normally do such as weird unhealthy positions or things like laying when your bed can be difficult and also I just had dinner and I'm feeling a little bit more full than I usually a.m. I mean I'm the kind of person that eats dinner feels full and then it's hungry like two minutes after now I don't think I'll be that hungry in about an hour or so so and it's really I think the worst thing is though that I have some really unhealthy positions when I'm working at my computer and right now when I'm trying to work at my computer I need to be straight and it's pretty uncomfortable and it's funny because at the same time it's uncomfortable for me but it's more healthy for my spine and my back so I'm kind of torn see this is the thing like I I usually like I'm Huff lying on my bed and I can't do that it's just like hello so then I wanted to see if it affects the way I run or if running effects the corset in any way plus you look like Dwight but it didn't really do anything I am now not entirely sure whether I'm tired because of the corset or whether I'm actually that blame so it is now half past four and I actually forgot I had my corset on I mean my thighs feel a little bit uncomfortable because of corset like the boning keeps poking my thighs but that's because the corset is so long I think if it wasn't that long it wouldn't be that bad but then again it's a reproduction of a Victorian era corset so that's what would happen like that an hour ago I was about to take it off because it was so annoying you think I'm gonna give it an hour or two more and we'll see if anything changes right now I'm just seeing sitting in my in my computer and not doing anything really walking around the flat as I usually do just doing normal stuff so nothing really changes okay this is a little bit uncomfortable but at the same time it keeps me straight so it's not a bad thing so usually when I'm reading I keep my legs up and I'm like this really lame position and I can't really achieve that because okay I can't breathe this way so I need to keep myself straight all the time okay let's sum everything up so I'm still not dead I so can breathe and none of my ribs are broken so there's that the only things that make me feel uncomfortable is just the fact that I still need to wear it and I'm not used to it but it's not any worse than it was a couple of hours ago it's not preventing me from doing things I would normally do like it it forced me to do some things differently but it didn't prevent me from doing those things it's no deadly corsets it won't kill you and I can already hear some people going like oh you only weren't for a day like trying wearing it every day for 25 years but the thing is like you're wearing bra day some people are wearing high heels every day actually I've noticed a lot of things today that were again preventing me from maintaining this unhealthy lifestyle that I have because they're why I work at my computer the way I sit the way I lay down is not very healthy for my spine whereas the corset forced me to keep myself in an upright position the whole damn day and really like whenever I wanted to slouch whenever I wanted to kind of loosen up a bit and let go what it just didn't let me do that and I personally think that's a very good thing so there are any things that I did not like about today is first of all the back of the corset is showing through my shirt and not again it's something that could be prevented by just wearing so much snow later the second thing is it's really warm it didn't prevent me from running it didn't prevent me from walking long distances the only thing is when I'm trying to lay down the way I usually do it won't really happen because it's too stiff I actually can't wait to take this off right now you have to under your lacing first before you remove your corset because otherwise if you pop out of it it's even dangerous for your bloodstream and everything because there is like so much pressure and then suddenly it's all gone whoo-hoo it feels oh it feels good it feels good to be slouching again mmm oh I missed this now the very last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to measure my waist even though I'm pretty sure the measurement has not changed at all but just to prove you that it's not enough to wear your corset for a day or like just go tight lacing one's yeah my waist still the same this is it thank you for watching I am so happy I can just lean over like and talk to the camera normally this experiment is over and let me know there are any other weird experiments you would like me to do that had something to do with Victorian Iraq clothing or like old style clothing in general now I feel like eating now I'm actually getting hungry so by [Music]
Channel: Karolina Żebrowska
Views: 1,726,005
Rating: 4.9550853 out of 5
Keywords: victorian, victorian fashion, victorian era, corset, corsetry, 19th century
Id: acb3o4pE_9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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