Testing A 150 Years Old Victorian Crinoline

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Hey it's your meme mom Welcome to another episode of "I spent a lot of money on old stuff" since you guys seem to have enjoyed the last one where I tried on a dress that was over a hundred years old I thought I'm gonna show you what came in the mail last week Is my address here? This baby! I was a little terrified opening it because it came all the way from the States and what it *chuckling* contains is.... Approximately ... a hundred and fifty years old Sooo I was a little worried opening it, but it turned out it's- it's in an okay condition, considering how old it is. And it is... A crinoline, ladies and gentlemen! A damn crinoline! And I was like, oh my god! I have a crinoline. Obviously, I'm not gonna wear it Not only because it's old as hell but also because it's too small for me. So let's have a look at this baby It's not huge which led me to believe that it's an 1870s Crinoline-slash-bustle transitional period one But then... It doesn't really have much back fullness, if you know what I mean It's made of those tiny little bones made of really flexible and soft metal, like when it came in it seems to have been a bit a little bit squashed when it was put into this and that top bit was kind of like, smashed and I was like, uh-uh. That doesn't look good But turns out you can easily just sort of shape it So when it was squeezed in, I could just, you know Do this and it would go back to its original shape. So that's really interesting. I did not expect it to be that... Adjustable when it comes to this shape Like literally, you could just make it like that and then just go back to this shape in a second Also the bones are incredibly narrow Probably like a max of two millimeters wide and that's another thing I was a bit surprised about because I did not expect it to be that tiny The bones are covered in cloth like they're those kind of like cotton boning channels that I don't think they put the bones inside when they were making the crinoline I think it came out like this already, like the boning was just already in the cloth because you can see those little metal sort-of boning ends sort of like clasps keeping it together Overall, it's not in a bad condition but the worst part is this bit here and I'm gonna have to Fix it because it doesn't look good and I'm afraid it's gonna fall apart So this bit here definitely needs some work , and also the waistband is so tiny Like I kind of thought it's gonna be like-- at least it's gonna fit me Um, it turns out no. There's no way, it's way too small It's like... I'm gonna have to measure it actually, but I don't think it's more than 58 centimeters So apart from being made of those small channels, it has those Vertical tapes and these are meant to hold the boning in place and sort of give it the shape They are also secured in place with Tiny metal pieces which is interesting construction-wise. No, no, no thinking of it It does look like it like it had some additional bone--- Oh, oh my god, oh, wait a minute So what is kind of mysterious is that these tapes have tiny holes? So the boning can go through and then it's kind of clasped in place with a metal piece What's funny and I I'm not sure what to think about it is that there are still some channels right here together with these huge pieces that look like there used to be boning inside it, and it does have some signs of wear and use in it Like it does look like it had some boning inside and it's been cut out so I'm thinking maybe now that that has been done to sort of adjust the shape of the crinoline later when it changed You know the fashionable shape changed a bit and the back was slightly accentuated, or maybe after the back was accentuated I don't know but it seems to me that some adjustments have been made here because the channels are empty but you can clearly see some rusty stains and also this bit here looks kind of suspicious and it does feature some sort of wire. So the question is: would that wire have been a boning channel? What I think happened these only have holes and remains of boning on this side and not on this side but it's also that very center so we would not have any boning right below her stomach So I'm thinking there used to be some sort of construction around the bum. That was either Supposed to be--- either supposed to give a lot of volume or it was just a flat Continuation of of whatever is happening here and it has been removed for some reason. I don't know why, but it's fascinating So let's measure to waistband because I think that's something that's quite interesting So the waistband is apparently around 62 centimeters (24.5 inches) But you have to remember that it was supposed to go in this piece So you would need a couple of centimeters at least additionally so you can just, you know, close it So at least I think two centimeters, so I'm thinking the original waist of whoever was wearing That would have been around sixty centimeters or smaller Which is.. how many inches is that? Where did it go? (looking for tape measure) which is around 23 inches or even less? Considering that women back then used to have smaller waists not only because of the use of the corsetry but also because of the diet malnourishment and all of the other factors, that is not a crazily small waist at the time I think 60 centimetres for someone petite is not a huge deal to be honest and also I'm thinking this would not have been worn by someone super tall because usually crinolines would end around let's say... 20 centimeters above the ground like it will reach above your ankle and if I actually hold it above the floor it's literally like a meter like you can just have a look where my waist is and where where the waistband is, so it does look like Someone small has been wearing it but then you know, maybe it was just a short crinoline so I'm not gonna try it on because a) it's not gonna fit and b) the smallest hoop would barely fit my hips and I just don't want to destroy it. So I'm gonna put it on a mannequin Hopefully it will not Be damaged by doing that I will be very careful and just so we can see sort of the shape again and this is what it gives and also see how nice and Collapsible. This is that's the stereotype about crinolines that just annoys me so much It's like how did they sit in that? Well, maybe they just did this the whole thing just collapsed You know, it's not that difficult. It was not like something stiff that would just go like that when you sit because these babies we're just like Err, you know and you know going through the doors was not such a big deal because it just squeezes You know, it's not a very stiff construction it is Adjustable it is movable Squeezable flexible, whatever you call it. Let's put it on the mannequin Just I'm just gonna sit on the floor like a true Slav because there is no other way I can show you the cradling so here's what it looks like as you can see is not super huge if you if you keep in mind that there would have Been several petticoats weren't over it. The shape does does remind me of 1870s at the beginning of 1870s or maybe like the transitional period of late 1860's because you can see that as the Hoop skirt goes down it sort of Expands slightly to divert like at the very bottom the last two three, maybe even four hopes I am honestly not sure what the exact time period of this would be because Us as I said before it seems to have been adjusted slightly. I'm just gonna I'm just gonna rotate the mannequin for you Just so we're gonna have a better. Look Oh, see how it swishes nicely Can you imagine it going like this when someone's walking that's gorgeous? also I determined that this is the front because it has duct clasp in the front closing and also because those two tapes would not have been connected because there are no signs of any boning in between and France were usually left open as it is This is the front It looks slightly funny because the monican is actually wider than the crinoline itself like the hips Are bigger than the first hope which again leads me to believe that a person wearing It was was probably quite small and then you got this side so I can also see the back Volume which also leads me to believe that this is definitely post 1864 Because that's when Krita lands hoopskirts and generally skirts Started gaining Fulham at the back. So it would start off with those trains and generally speaking crinolines would have been Longer at the back and it would later evolve into the bustle So this clearly looks like there is something going on at the back rather than at the front So that's why I'm guessing it's post 1864 and again just have a look at how collapsible this is. Oh, it looks Oh, it looks like this dis toy I used to have in the nineties. Sorry about that old background These are my costumes. I have not murdered people and I don't keep them. Um in my room Why is it so low all of a sudden? So anyway, I hope you enjoyed this I don't think there's much more to be shown. It's quite a simple construction. The last thing I want to point out is how Small this actually is and I don't be small SN petite But I mean when you think of crinoline when you think of hoop skirts of bustle dresses You usually think of huge volume because on fashion plates you see those magnificent Gigantic dresses, but it's important to remember that in day to day lights Even if you could afford wearing a crinoline or bustle every day It would probably be much smaller Like it's same with the difference between the day dress and a ball gown ball gowns were not supposed to be worn everyday during the day they were supposed to be worn on balls or events that happen in the evening that Meant that they did not have to be practical at all, but these types of crinoline I'm guessing the would be like a practical day-to-day accessory. The dresses were usually much smaller and in like volume So this Crillon? The bottom hoop which is the widest is a hundred and seventy centimeters Which also is I hate having an international audience? Dammit? Which also is 67 inches, which is not huge to be completely honest it's tiny a Regency dress that has a release like narrow sleek skirt would have probably at least two Meters hem, so this is really small. This could go underneath a Regents address Anyway, I hope you enjoyed seeing this glorious piece of history. It's probably do all this thing I own at the moment, which hopefully will change someday And let me know it. What do you think about it? let me know if you have ever seen an accent example of a crinoline or Bustle cage and how different was it from this one if you can guess the time period let me know What do you think? I'll be interested to to hear what happened to the framing of this video It's it's completely dyed. I'm off because I need to make money to buy new pieces. So see ya
Channel: Karolina Żebrowska
Views: 205,536
Rating: 4.9791098 out of 5
Keywords: crinoline, cage crinoline, 1860s, 1870s, victorian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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