Trying Local Japanese Beer at a Festival in Tokyo

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okay Japan is famous for its Japanese sake but this country also has a fantastic selection of beer join me in today's video as I visit a Tokyo beer festival to try some local beer [Music] Mina sang konichiwa squishy today we are at the oweno beer festival in shinagawa and it's the first time the festival's been happening after its three-year Hiatus so I am super excited to be here and it is such a beautiful day anyway if you like videos like this don't forget to like And subscribe and let's get into it this Festival is located in the grounds of shinagawa station there are many different breweries from all over Japan offering their beer and there are even a few vendors offering German beer as well as mouth-watering food so the first beer I have is called Fiona honey pale ale and it's from pekari beer and they are based in Nagano prefecta and the color of this is phenomenal it's so cloudy but it looks like honey if you've ever seen what natural honey looks like it looks exactly like this so I'm really curious to see if I can taste the sweetness Kanpai that's very fruity wow so it definitely is sweet I don't know if I can taste honey specifically but it definitely is a fruity beers if you really like that I definitely recommend this one it's also six percent alcohol so that might be good news for you or bad news for you depending on what type of Drinker you are this is very refreshing although the festival is in a busy station you're still surrounded by nature and a peaceful atmosphere so I have a set of five tasting beers here and I got this from Doppler microbrewery based in okayama prefecture and for 1 200 yen this is fantastic because you get five different types of beer and the size you can see from the one in the middle pretty decent they're not that small really anyway I'm gonna get into these and I'm gonna tell you a little bit about each one many vendors were selling sets of beer it's a great way to try more of what a brewery has to offer at a reasonable price so the first bit I have to try is omachimaya laga beer and the color is nice it's very golden very pretty let's just try it Kampai [Music] so this has a lovely flavor it's very crisp and clean and it reminds me of my days in the summer in London in a beer garden spending time with my co-workers after work that's what this reminds me of so it's got that very instant refreshing feeling like imagine you've been at work all day and then you have that first sip of cold lager that is this it is beautiful I'm gonna drink some more I'm instantly relaxed this is delicious so the next little beer I have to try is their golden ale and you can immediately see that it is a golden color it's definitely less yellow and more on the golden side it apparently smells like oranges so let's check that it does I can confirm it does indeed smell like orange let's just try it Kanpai oh that definitely has a stronger flavor it's definitely more full bodied I really like this one it's still refreshing it has a lovely flavor but it's definitely heavier it's not quite as light as the previous beer but it is lovely it's very smooth as well like it Glides down my throat perfectly it's so nice so the next one I have is slightly different this is Muscat pills and it's still bare but it's low malt beer and you can kind of tell because there are more Bubbles and it is lighter in color the musket that they use to flavor this is also from okoyama prefecture so let's just try it I'm really curious to see if I can taste the difference between low malt beer and standard beer Kampai you're gonna hear a few of those today that is lovely wow wow so usually in the summer if I want something more on the fruity side I will drink cider apple cider this might replace that this is wonderful the Muscat flavor is so clear you immediately recognize the flavor when you try it to the point where it almost doesn't taste like beer so you could easily drink a few too many of these because it is so refreshing and the Muscat flavor is so strong this is truly divine this is very sweet very sweet and I love sweet things so I love this it's too easy to drink so as you can see I drank this quite quickly but it still smells so strongly of Muscat even though there's no beer left in here the smell lingers that's how much it tasted like Muscat you can just thank you yeah you can only smell Muscat you can't even smell beer so the next one we have is Dunkel and this is a German style lager which is famous for its smooth multi flavor and you can tell it's different because it's quite dark I don't think I've ever tried anything like this before so I'm quite curious it is a really beautiful color actually when I first looked at it I thought it was really dark but if you hold it up to the light there is a slight orangey amber color there which is just gorgeous Kampai that is very different wow it almost tastes toasty I'm not sure if you know what I mean by that but it definitely has a strikingly different flavor compared to the other lagers and beers I've drunk today it's very very strong it's still delicious but it definitely has a unique flavor I would say it's not sweet at all it's so unique [Music] it's definitely very multi I can see why they say Dunkel is characterized by its strong multi-flavor this has that it is smooth though that is one thing that I will definitely say it goes down very smoothly I can definitely see why this would be a drink that you either love or you don't because it has such a unique flavor I quite like it but I don't know if I could drink this all the time because the flavor is very very strong but I'm really glad I got to try it so we're finally on to the last one from this set and while the previous beer was very German the final one we have is very Japanese so this is Yuzu doppo so it's Yuzu which is honestly in my mind one of the iconic flavors of Japan and Doppel the name of the micro Brewery that this is from if you smell it it smells exactly like Yuzu so I'm really excited to end with this one that really is like YouTube Kanpai wow okay I said it smelled like Yuzu it tastes like Yuzu too the first flavor that hits your tongue instantly recognizable as Yuzu and as a fan of Yuzu I love this wow I'm really impressed because so far with the two fruit flavor beers I've tried from this Brewery both of them taste exactly like the fruit they're named after this tastes exactly like Yuzu and their previous one tasted exactly like Muscat I must know how they do it it's truly incredible I love this so much because I feel like too often especially with beer it has a flavor and it doesn't taste like it right A lot of the time the flavor of the beer is the prevailing flavor but this says Yuzu and it tastes like Yuzu the previous beer said Muscat and it tasted like Muscat so I am super impressed [Music] foreign so I finished all five of this taster set and I definitely feel like I finished all five of this taster set but I don't regret a single thing all of them were so delicious and they definitely all had their own unique flavors which I love I love that you could clearly taste the difference between each one of these well that's it for today's video you guys thank you so much for watching I've had an incredible time here today there were honestly so many different places I could check out and so many different types of beer that I could try and it's fantastic and I definitely recommend you guys come here and check it out for yourselves this Festival is usually open every year and it's really so much fun anyway I would love to hear from you let me know in the comments section below what your favorite beer is thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 85,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, Japan life, Japan trip, Japan, tokyo, 外国人の反応, 外国人美女, 日本, Japanese beer, festival, ビール, 東京
Id: 9DmyWyU0-cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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