Taking an 18 hour ferry from Tokyo to Hokkaido in Japan【Japan Life】

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[Music] foreign [Music] we are currently in Tokyo Station or rather just outside of Tokyo Station because I'm doing something today that I've wanted to do ever since I was a child I'm going to be taking the overnight ferry from Tokyo to Hokkaido I have always wanted to spend overnight on a boat and so I'm really excited to finally be doing it today and to be showing you guys anyway if you like videos like this don't forget to like And subscribe and let's get into it so I'm currently in the queue to get the bus to ibaraki for orani Ferry Terminal and I don't usually get the bus in Japan too often so this is going to be an interesting experience as well so I just got on the bus and it's really really busy but it's very comfortable so the journey is going to take two hours with anything so I've just got off the bus after that two hour bus journey and it was actually pretty Pleasant the seats are really comfortable it's really easy to relax now we just have one more bus to get before we make it to the ferry terminal let's go [Music] we finally made it to the ferry terminal and I'm so tired that was quite a long journey but none of it was bad it was all quite Pleasant and pretty smooth it's just taken a while but yeah I'm excited to check out the ferry and show you guys around let's go so the ferry terminal is actually pretty plain there's a Lobby behind me here with a few vending machines some gachapon machines toilets but other than that it is pretty empty so you just come in get your ticket the information that you need and then make your way towards the ferry so let's do that now I can see the ferry and it is huge so I'm actually on the ferry right now but there's an escalator right here so it doesn't feel like this should be a boat with an escalator what but it is we're on the ferry here we go let's go cool wow here is a little room tour I can't believe that this is a boat it's kind of crazy this doesn't look like it should be a room on a boat it looks like a hotel so we have a Japanese style room so we have tatami flooring we have huton we have these really cool Windows which I love how they've made them very Japanese there's air conditioning there's also a bathroom next to me here and like I said it's just crazy to think that this is a bow I mean it's a little small but it's very cozy it's very comfortable and I'm really impressed it was actually a really pleasant surprise to see all of this this television storage space it's everything so just like you'd expect to see with a hotel we have some amenities over here so we have pajamas towels a kettle some tea tea cups a hair dryer so all the usual things that you would see in a hotel which I find quite nice because there are also some other facilities on the boat which I will show you soon and I was kind of surprised that they would also provide these things as well as having everything else that they have on this Ferry but yeah I really like it I'm really really impressed I'm gonna open the window let's have a look ah so you can't see much at the moment because it is night time but I'll try and show you this in the morning when you can actually see what's going on and by then we'll be out in the open ocean which is very very scary and exciting this isn't the only type of room that you can get on this Ferry they have rooms that are like sweets in fact I think they're actually called sweets where it is a bedroom a living room and a massive bathroom so that's obviously the most expensive type they have the Japanese style like we're staying in they have a more western style with beds they literally have every type of room available including a communal room which is their cheapest option so you can just sleep with other people if that's something that you'd be interested in experiencing so yeah they have every option available so no matter what your price range you can enjoy a nice long boat trip to Hokkaido so I've just found this sign that says milk vending machine and I'm really curious to see what that's about so let's go and find it foreign vending machine and it is just milk but different kinds of milk all the milk here is actually from Hokkaido which makes sense since that's where we're going I might get some later there's so many vending machines on this Ferry there might be even more vending machines here than there are in my neighborhood in Tokyo which is kind of crazy I actually really like it there's actually a vending machine right behind me just full of different types of sapro beer so I'm happy one of the most amazing things about this Ferry is that there are bathrooms like where you can go and get a bath with saunas in as well that's just crazy to think all of that is on a boat you have a bath enjoy your sauna on a boat I can't get over it it's actually insane just behind me you can see a laundry room a laundry room I just can't get over how many facilities are on this Ferry it's really crazy it has more facilities I would say than the average hotel even I'm super impressed there's a sapro classic machine over there and it's really cool so let me go and show you foreign [Music] it's been too long so this Ferry is the Sunflower forano and it is 200 meters long it also can accommodate cars and trucks so not just people and it's the 50th Anniversary so it's a great time to check it out for sure it's really amazing to think that it also accommodates trucks and cars because when you're on it it just kind of feels like a hotel it's crazy to think that it's also transporting vehicles um I've just found the game center and uh I might spend a lot of money I'm kind of addicted to these games once I start I can't stop so this may be a problem for me but again it's super cool that they have this here and kind of unexpected this is orai port and we haven't left yet I nearly said we haven't taken off yet because I've forgotten I'm not on a plane I am on a boat but we haven't left yet departed but you can smell the Sea Air it's really strong and it's just really cool to be here on a boat I'm so excited it's so cool I'm so happy it's actually now 10 minutes before we're due to leave and I think they've switched the engine on or something because everything is starting to shake and uh yeah it's a little bit scary I'm not gonna lie it's also exciting because you know we're leaving soon it's a bit weird I'm now in my pajamas provided by the ferry and they're very comfortable it's getting pretty late here so I'm starting to get ready for bed and I'm really curious to see how easy it is to sleep on a moving ferry so I'll let you know how that is in the morning and hopefully I can also show you the ocean view and breakfast too so the next time I see you it'll be in the morning good night so it's the next morning and I actually got a shower before I went to bed last night and I was pretty impressed with how simple it was it was literally like a hotel shower but a little bit bumpier oh wow it's so nice to be able to wake up with this View and you can actually see some land just there in the distance which is really interesting it's beautiful it's amazing weather today as well so I think we're really lucky I'm pretty hungry now so I think it's time to get some breakfast let's go so this is one of the lobbies I think there's about two one on the sixth deck and one on the fifth day and yeah the windows are really really huge and it's a really calming quiet atmosphere so last night the lobby areas were both really busy everybody was out drinking beer having a good time but this morning it's really really quiet so it's a big difference so I've got my breakfast and mine is pretty small but there is a lot of stuff there a massive variety it's a buffet so you can choose whatever you want and as much as you want they have tarako pasta and even fries as well which I found quite surprising but hey it's up to you what you have for breakfast it's about 7 30 in the morning and we are near Hachi nohe so we're kind of close to our morning we've got a few more hours to go but yeah that's our current location at 7 30 a.m I love that there is a huge window right next to me so you really do get to eat breakfast with a spectacular view of the ocean let's take Mars thank you I mean so I finished eating my bread and now I'm going to move on to some more Japanese style food choices hichiki has become one of my favorite things ever tamago it's very sweet and fluffy and perfect tofu that's really soft it's lovely [Music] I actually got another slice of bread because I don't know why but spread is so delicious I can't explain it it's so fluffy it's just amazing I don't usually like really thick slices of bread I like really thin slices but this was too good to refuse so I got a second slice foreign and it's really really windy but the view is really nice so I try to go out on the deck and film it and show you guys but it is so windy I'm not even kidding I felt like I was going to be blown off it was pretty scary but yeah the view for the few seconds I was out there was incredible it was really lovely but that wind wow so you can see that we're approaching Hokkaido now so I imagine pretty soon if we look out the window we should be able to actually see it we can finally see land in the distance it's not too clear but you can just about make it out and we are about 40 minutes away from arriving we're so close you can see we are now approaching tomakumai and you can actually see there's snow there as well which is quite interesting because it doesn't feel cold at all I'm excited I'm excited to finally be in Hokkaido so we still have 30 minutes before we actually arrive and can disembark but we're so close [Music] it's finally time to get off and I'm a little bit sad I wish I could have stayed here for more than one night because it felt like a hotel really it's time to start our adventures in Hokkaido well that's it for today's video you guys that was truly an amazing experience and I'm so glad I was able to take it off my bucket list the inside of the ship was really cool it was super modern and they even had fun pictures of animals that are native to Hokkaido there was just so much attention to detail and it was so much fun I would love to do it again anyway leave your thoughts in the comments section below I would love to know what your favorite form of Transport is let me know thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 269,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, Japan life, Japan trip, Japan, tokyo, 外国人の反応, 外国人美女, 日本, ferry, Hokkaido, フェリー, さんふらわあふらの, 北海道, sunflower Furano, boat, cruise, 東京
Id: q0dwvIYDfxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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