5 surprising things about being married to a Japanese man【Japan life】

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but in terms of men being attractive in japan it's definitely the fashion for me that stands out the most [Music] meena sang konichiwa squishy toke in today's video i'm going to be talking about five things i found surprising being married to a japanese man so if you like videos like this don't forget to like and subscribe and let's begin okay so before i get into the list i do want to mention that this is just from my own personal experience and that everybody is completely different and just a disclaimer before i begin this video let's get into it number one breakfast i know the most important meal of the day not for me at least not until i moved to japan so being british we don't really eat breakfast everyone's different like i said but it is normal for a lot of us to skip breakfast or have breakfast on the go so by that i mean you'll just like eat something on the way to work or just something quick it's definitely not treated as one of the more important meals of the day in the uk we kind of just skip over it a lot of the time we kind of see it as not necessary but if you have time to eat it then yeah great perfect but definitely in japan i've learned that breakfast is considered really important so even when my husband has to get up for work ridiculously early he will still find time for breakfast which i think is essential especially if you're working really really long hours i think you need to get all the energy that you need and as well i really love traditional japanese breakfasts i love that they're really really balanced and you know you can have a baked fish bowl of rice sometimes miso soup i just find it really comforting and actually it is a really good way to start the day i'm still not great at eating breakfast i still don't eat it nearly as often as i should but definitely since moving to japan i have taken breakfast a lot more seriously and actually now that i'm back in the uk and we are quite lazy with breakfast here i have fallen into my old pattern of not eating anything or just eating like a biscuit and a cup of tea which is probably not great okay number two not tash kampaku so i feel like maybe this should go in my misconceptions about japan video because this is definitely a misconception that i had where i thought that japan still had that very traditional lifestyle of you know the man is the breadwinner he goes out to work the woman is the housewife she takes care of the kids she cooks she cleans and like i said everyone's different and i do think that you see that kind of set up more in japan than you do in the uk these days but i was kind of surprised to learn that really no not everyone is like that and it isn't as common as i thought it was i mean it's still more common than it is in the uk but in my situation and like i said this video can really only be from my personal experience but in my personal experience my husband and i we share everything so he cooks and i clean both of us work and you know if we see something that needs doing in the house that's not necessarily falling into either either of our categories whoever wants to do it will do it yeah so even things like laundry we typically share the laundry my husband does anything paperwork related i clean as often as i can i will also like do ironing and things like that we try and share as much as possible just because that's what works for us and i think different things work for different people everybody's different everybody has a different dynamic and yeah we share things and i'm so glad that he cooks because i am a terrible cook okay i'm not terrible but uh one thing that i've learned living in japan is japanese food is more often than not made from scratch so most things are made from fresh ingredients whereas in the uk we do tend to take the quick way out yeah what i mean by that is buying things that you kind of just throw in the oven or really quick meals i eat a ridiculous amount of pasta in the uk it's just my go-to i don't know why so honestly i did think i could cook i really did and then i moved to japan and realized no i cannot cook because i think making something from scratch is just something that i find really really difficult whereas my husband oh my goodness i think if i asked him to he could make absolutely anything especially japanese food he could make anything he's really really talented and he really enjoys cooking as well whereas i don't so yeah whenever i cook which i do sometimes cook it isn't you know always one person doing one thing and one person doing the other we do like to switch it up sometimes but yeah when i cook it's pretty much the same few dishes whereas when he cooks he likes to experiment and things like that but yeah like i said everybody's different different households work differently and we've just found what works for us it's definitely not as simple as all families are the same all husbands go and work and all wives stay at home it's it's not like that at all it really is different for everyone but like i said i don't know why but in the uk even before i moved to japan and you know people found out i was getting married i did have a few people saying to me like oh you know be careful because you'll be expected to stay at home a lot more and expected to you know cook and clean and do everything and i was like like you don't even know my husband so how can you say that um so yeah there is that kind of misconception and like i said maybe it is more common to have that routine in japan but for me and my husband we're not like that and like i said everybody is different and this is just my experience okay number three weekends so i've talked about it before on this channel but basically in japan a lot of people work crazy hours during the week so logically that would mean the weekends are meant for resting and maybe you don't want to do much on the weekends which is kind of sad because i feel like that is your free time and you do get to do fun things on the weekend that you can't do during the week that's what i thought but actually and again this is just my own experience but my husband and i like we like to date like i love that even on the weekends my husband gets up really really early which actually sometimes i hate because sometimes i just want to sleep till like 10 11 and he's always just up and ready to go and do things and i love that and you do see a lot of couples just dating on the weekends which i absolutely love i mean you do see it in the uk as well but i feel like it's really definitely more common in japan and i don't know if this is just maybe my lifestyle is different in japan and i am more likely to go to date spots in japan and maybe i just didn't do that in the uk but even when i've been here in the uk and i've gone out over a weekend i don't really see too many couples coming out and doing things like going to the zoo or going to museums like i definitely see families doing that but in japan i do see a lot of couples both younger couples and older couples it doesn't matter that they're working long hours during the week they really do try and make that fact like they really do try and make that time for their wives and girlfriends and yeah families and it's really really nice to see and i absolutely love spending the weekends with my husband going to karaoke eating sushi going for a walk going to museums we love the zoo we're always at the zoo like if ever you bump into my husband and i in japan we're probably going to be at the zoo like that's probably where you'll see us so yeah and i really really love that and i think it's weird because you would just assume with everybody working the hours that they work that we would just be tired all the time want to sleep on the weekends and not really have the energy to do anything but no not at all and i think as well it's nice for me personally to maybe spend saturday going out and doing something and then sunday just chill do nothing i think at least one of those days needs to be reserved for just relaxing and resting again this is just my experience it's just how it works in my household but yeah i really like it okay number four gentlemen so in the uk uh we have this kind of famous stereotype for british men being gentlemen but i feel like in japan it's do i want to say better than that no not better more obvious gentleman behavior if that makes sense so like in the uk i feel like everybody holds the door and there's the old ladies first thing but in japan it's kind of like that as well but there are certain things that i've noticed that i've never experienced in the uk before if i'm going down an escalator he'll stand in front of me and if i'm going up an escalator he'll stand behind me and i've never really experienced this before so i asked him like why are you doing that and he was really sweet he said because if you're going up the escalator and it suddenly stops and you fall backwards then you'll fall on me and vice versa so if i go down the escalator and i fall forwards then i'll fall on him which is really really sweet and he also will stand on the side of the road side of the pavement closest to the road just like stuff like that i've never experienced before and i thought it was so simple but so so sweet and then there's the standard stuff where he'll never let me carry any heavy bags or anything like that and i feel like i again in my experience i've never really had this with a british guy that i've dated before i mean i think you always offer to carry you know a bag or whatever simple things like that but never have i experienced someone just walking on the side of the road closest to the cars or the escalator thing so for me that's something that's really nice and maybe i am just really lucky and that my husband is really really gentle like that but i mean i definitely do see it in japan as well like with other couples so i think it is relatively common but like i said everybody's different and it is just down to experience but i definitely feel very lucky to be treated so nicely definitely okay finally a number five fashion and style when i'm attracted to someone it's not necessarily about the way that they look it's more to do with the way that they carry themselves and the way that they're dressed and style things like that i mean obviously i care about personality but when you see someone for the first time you immediately notice their appearance and for me it's not necessarily about their facial appearance or their genetic like like anatomically how they look but it is definitely about their style and the way that they dress and i feel like japanese men just dress really really well for the most part again this is definitely preference and you know not everybody dresses the same obviously but generally i do notice that japanese men in my opinion dress a lot better than british men again everybody's different and it is down to your personal taste but for me i definitely do prefer japanese fashion even when it comes to women's fashion as well i definitely prefer japanese fashion but in terms of men being attractive in japan it's definitely the fashion for me that stands out the most i just really love the way that people dress i can't explain it it's not anything excessive i think i do appreciate that japanese fashion tends to be quite simple but also very smart and very neat i feel like in the uk fashion can be quite lazy people do just walk around in like jogging bottoms and sports clothes when they're not going anywhere active and i'm guilty of it as well actually even in the uk if i'm just going out somewhere casual i won't really make an effort to dress nicely at all but in japan i notice i do make more of an effort so i think it is just that mentality in japan that people do just want to dress a certain way and i really like that and uh yeah so for my husband it was quite surprising to see how nice his clothes are and how much he does care about the way that he looks you know he wants to definitely make a good impression on people but then again i have noticed he kind of just looks good in everything that he wears anyway and i think that's just what happens when you're attracted to someone you just think they look good no matter what they do and i do feel that way about him but definitely i feel like he dresses really really nicely and i think that in japan people just do that anyway and i really like it but yeah that is the end of this video you guys as usual i would love to hear what you think in the comments section below and like i said this is another one of those videos which is just down to my personal experience and everybody is completely different but yeah i just wanted to share my opinion with you so yeah thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 1,396,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, イギリス英語, イギリス人の感想, 外国人の反応, 海外の反応, 外国人美女, 国際結婚, 日本文化
Id: GrL-MhBsDo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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