Enjoying a British style pub in Japan HUB【Japan life】

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okay so today we are at hub which is a chain of british style pubs in japan so before we get into this video i just want to thank hub for allowing us to film today and let's get into it as soon as i walked into hub i could immediately feel the british pub vibe okay so the first thing i have to show you today is the hub ale i'm gonna be completely honest with you we already filmed this video already but because of a technical issue we've had to film it again in that video i had drank the whole thing in less than 10 minutes because honestly the hub ale is so so good i've also found out that they change the flavor slightly between winter and summer so when you buy this in winter it's going to have a slightly different flavor than it would in the summer and i really appreciate that i think that's a fantastic thing to do and it's a good incentive to get people to come back and try it again but like i said i drank this in less than 10 minutes so i am a huge fan and i'm totally fine with drinking it again just to show you guys so can pie this is so fresh it's so fresh and it's so so smooth i usually find with most japanese beers that they are very very smooth so it's no surprise to me that this one is the same um and yeah like i said the last one i drank in less than 10 minutes so if i'm not careful this one will be going down very quickly as well even the foam on the top of it is just perfect it's everything you want in a beer i just think this is perfect honestly and really what better being a british style pub drinking a perfect beer you cannot go wrong this really really reminds me of home and it's making me a mixture of happy and sad happy because i get to enjoy this but sad because it reminds me so much of home that it's actually making me miss it really really smooth and it's served at the perfect temperature i could drink this all day and considering i've already had like a whole one this is still so easy for me to drink fantastic okay so the next thing i want to show you i think a lot of you have probably already figured this out by now fish and chips here we go there it is i had to have that so i will say this is smaller than a traditional british fish and chips but i like that just because i think when you're at a pub you don't always want a full meal sometimes when you're drinking with friends you just want something that's quick and easy and bite-sized and that's why i really appreciate this so yeah i'm gonna try this before i do i just want to mention this vinegar i was really happy to see this vinegar here this is the exact vinegar we would use in the uk for fish and chips this is very traditional so when i saw this here at hub i was really really happy so if ever you eat fish and chips i highly recommend you use this vinegar because this is so traditional every chippy in the uk that's what we call a fish and chip shop they have this vinegar this is what they use this is the standard so to see it here at harvard made my heart soar this is perfect so i'm going to be putting this on my fish and chips so before i start eating this i just want to quickly show you guys these are the chopsticks here at hub they are wrapped in the union jack flag and i love that so much it's such a nice touch and i really wish i could have these at home i just think if ever my british friends or relatives come and visit me and i hand them these i just want to see what their reaction would be this is great i love this i i want them so let's start with the chip easy basic let's go for it so i'm going to dip this first chip here into the ketchup here we go itadakimasu so good really good i also really like that the chips here are actually wedges i think that's a really nice touch from what i understand most people love wedges i think particularly with british people we're quite fussy when it comes to our chips because obviously you have fried chips which are really skinny you have chunky chips you have crinkle chips and not everyone can decide on what the best chip is but i think with wedges they're kind of universally popular and again at a pub i think you want something that's kind of quick and easy and something that everybody likes so i think wedges are a really really nice touch so yeah wedges with the ketchup perfect combination okay let's try the fish the most important thing i'm gonna have it plain first and then i'm going to dip it in the tartar sauce just to try both that is really good just with vinegar and whatever seasoning it has on it it's already amazing i'm not really sure what this seasoning is that's on the fish already but it's perfect it's not too strong you know it's there but it doesn't overpower the fish so it still tastes like more of a traditional fish and chips but yeah on its own with a little bit of vinegar already it's perfect they do serve the fish and chips here with lemon as well so if lemon is more your thing you can absolutely squeeze a little bit of that on there all right so now i'm going to try it with the tartar sauce that is really good i love that obviously there are some people that don't like tartar sauce but if you do have the fish with the tartar sauce it is really really good i highly recommend it definitely this is great this kind of reminds me of summer because usually in the uk you have fish and chips in the summer right by the sea you have a beer with it so drinking this beer which i'm going to drink some more of because it's delicious amazing so yeah drinking this beer with fish and chips it just instantly takes me to summer especially if you consider this is japan and not the uk they've done an amazing job making it as close as possible as authentic as possible this is this is really good like i said i've already drank one of these and i'm about to finish this second one i might be in trouble okay so the next thing i want to show you guys is this so this is called the hub london iced tea the reason i want to show you guys this is because in the uk we just call it pims and pims is the spirit that this is mixed with so typically we have pims and lemonade and you'll see a lot of fruit in it this is a traditional british drink that we usually have in the summer and believe me i have tried looking for this in japan because in the summer naturally i crave it this is the only place i've been able to find it at hub so i want to try it and see how close it is to the authentic drink so here we go kampai this tastes exactly like what i'm used to in the uk it's kind of crazy because it really takes me back to summer because like i said this is a traditional british drink for the summer the one thing i will say about pims is it's actually quite dangerous because when you drink it it's really really sweet and you would be forgiven for thinking it had no alcohol at all and that's where you kind of get trapped you drink three of these and you are drunk this is so easy to drink it's dangerous so i'm gonna drink it naturally i can't help myself so good so refreshing okay so something else you guys need to know is that hub has a happy hour between four and seven p.m and so right now we are in happy hour so this costs about 250 yen so it's a really good idea to get to hub during happy hour because you are getting a great deal and i honestly i think that's better than any happy hour we have in the uk the only happy hour i've ever taken advantage of has been like a buy one get one free but honestly i think this is so much better because not everybody wants the same drink so during happy hour here at hub you're getting your drinks for half the price so i really recommend it okay so what we have here is the hub craft ipa and first of all what i love about this is you can see the london skyline along the bottom which i think is a really nice design touch so this is about 650 yen you can actually purchase this on amazon and also from hubs website directly so i'm going to try this and see what it's like okay here we go oh wow okay so this tastes quite fruity so it's very fresh tasting very fruity again i feel like this is the type of drink i could drink very very quickly which is not a good thing um but yeah it tastes lovely it tastes quite delicate quite fruity it smells good too which is very important actually because i feel like with a lot of ipas they don't always smell very good but this has a really nice aroma oh this is very very fresh tasting i really like this it's quite light as well really good i recommend this okay so before i finish this video i just want to say as a british person i really do recommend hub i think this is a great place to meet friends have fun drink eat they've got the football on in the background the staff are really really friendly the decor in here is pretty accurate to a traditional british pub i'm sure it does vary from branch to branch but definitely where i am today even this sign here is very traditional to a british pub thank you so much for watching today you guys and thank you once again to hob for letting us film here and i'll see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 61,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, HUB, ブリティッシュパブ, イギリス, 外国人美女, 外国人の反応, 日本生活
Id: gTNVZwZ4bsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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