Experiencing the world's largest Japanese sake festival in Tokyo【Japan life】

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[Music] thank you [Music] so today we are at sake Fair 2023 in sunshine City in ikebukuro this is the world's largest sake event they have it every year and this year it's in its 15th year this event is hosted by Japanese sake and shotu makers Association anyway you guys know how much I love Japanese sake so I'm so excited and if you like videos like this don't forget to like And subscribe into it so as you enter you are given this cup in this really cute little bag and basically what it's for is you can spit sake in here so obviously there are so many different types of sake here today if you drink all of them you could end up quite drunk but if you just want to taste them for the experience you can spit the sake in here and there's a powder in the bottom so it turns into a solid and then at the end of the event you can throw it in the bin which I think is so clever and honestly really necessary because with this much sake I imagine it's very easy to get quite drunk oh this looks good I see a lot of different bottles here um so I have this sucker here from NADA and the label on the bottle is so so cute I don't think I've seen anything like it and it looks stunning it is Crystal Clear there's only one thing to do [Applause] it's really really really smooth and a little bit sweet but the sweetness is definitely two more to the end wow this is amazing so this sucking is kankiko cheese that's the name of it and it's delicious I really like it the sake I just had from NADA was so so delicious one thing I should mention is to enter this Fair it costs about 3 000 Yen but with that you get to try sake from almost every prefecture in Japan which is absolutely amazing there are so many different varieties to try here and I can't wait to drink some more so let's keep going so I have hanayuki sake from Kumamoto prefecture this is sparkling and I think this is the first time in my life I've ever had sparkling Japanese sake so I'm so so excited about this I know I'm gonna love it but I should probably just drink it and find out for sure tampai wow that has a little bit of a citrus flavor to it and the sparkle in it is very subtle so it's not like drinking a soft drink that's really really fizzy it's a very subtle Sparkle which I really really like it's so so delicate as well this is lovely this really is I think you can even drink this with a meal it's that subtle I've got a little bit left cut up sake I have here is called tamagawa and it's from Kyoto prefecture but what makes this extra special is the person who made it is from the UK they're from England they're not here today unfortunately but I thought that was so cool and I cannot wait to try sake made by an English person from Kyoto Kanpai oh oh that's so smooth it's quite light as well the flavor isn't too overpowering it's got a nice light flavor to it this feels like a summer type of drink to me it's delicious I have yagoragi Mizu which is just water basically but you use it to cleanse your palate in between sake which I think is absolutely fascinating and there are these water stations dotted absolutely everywhere at this fair so you'll find one pretty much on every corner it's also really helpful too to stop you from getting too drunk too quickly so I absolutely love that it's here I think it's completely necessary so this is very common in the sucky drinking community and I didn't know that I just learned that today but it seems like a good idea anyway Kanpai okay so we're now in a different area and that's because this fair is split into two sections so there's one half of Japan and then the other half of Japan so that's really interesting and it's good to know so it's easier to keep track of which types of sake you're trying from where let's go there's sake separated by prefecture but there's also a different section over here but I guess unique types of sake so I think there's vintage sake over here and also champagne style sake so let's go and check that out now the sake I have here is called nari Masa and it's actually a vintage sake and it was made in 1999 so it's 24 years old and it is so golden it literally looks like liquid gold and I'm super excited to try this because I think this is my first time trying vintage sake Kanpai wow that doesn't taste like any other sake I've ever had in my life it's got a smoky flavor almost wow yeah I've never tried a sake that tastes like that before it's really good it's a very interesting flavor it's super unique yeah to me it tastes quite Smoky I think my favorite part about it is the color that color was stunning absolutely gorgeous I really recommend trying this 100 wow that was such a nice flavor and I'm really really glad I got to try it and this sake is sparkling and it's served by the Japanese awas sake Association just behind me and it is made with shirokoji and I'm excited to try this they did say it would taste a little bit sour so I'm kind of curious to see if I can taste that anyway Kanpai it is sour but in the best way it's refreshing that's the type of sour it is wow I really like this one to be honest I really like everything I've tried today but this is really interesting it's really good Japanese sake is really interesting because you can try a very traditional style of it but you can also see the different ways that they're trying to modernize it as well it's honestly so versatile and it's become one of my favorite drinks it's actually getting it really busy now which I love it's really great to see so many people with one interest in common and definitely something that's so important to the culture of Japan as well and it's really great I love it it's a great atmosphere it's a really fun time and I'm so glad I got to come here today not only are there Japanese people here today but there are also quite a few foreigners as well so it's really exciting to see that so many people all over the world are interested in Japanese sake and so they should be it's great behind me is a really interesting display and it's basically a lot of the Prime Ministers of Japan have written kokushu in their own handwriting so behind me you can see the name of the Prime Minister and their picture also the prefecture they're from and all the information about them and their handwriting that says which is so fascinating and such an interesting thing to have here today so they really ensure that you're learning about different types of sake and also seeing things like this and I think it shows how important sake is to Japanese culture I'm currently in the area for Goodman prefecture and they very kindly let me wear this with gunmal Chan on it he is absolutely adorable and I love this it's so cute I'm so grateful they let me try it on now let's try some sake from gunbar prefecture so the sake I have from Guma prefecture is called asamayama and it really caught my attention because the bottle is stunning it's this gorgeous crystal blue color and as soon as I saw it I was like I need to try what's in there so here it is and it's a beautiful clear color and you can see it's served quite cold and pie I like this it's very smooth you can taste that it's strong but I would say it's not an overpowering kind of strong it's very easy to drink but you can still taste the strength of the alcohol I love it I love it I love that it's served ice cold as well it made it more refreshing that's really delicious there's virtually no aftertaste I drunk it and there's no flavor that's really lingering in my mouth anymore which I think that's quite interesting usually when you try sake you've got a little bit of flavor left with this you haven't and it kind of makes you want to drink more of it which is dangerous but it's really delicious super pleasant we are currently in the souvenir area which is fantastic because if you want to buy a gift for someone or even for yourself you can do so here they have all kinds of information on Japanese sake as well as things like cups accessories everything to satisfy your sucky loving hearts you'll probably see behind me that they have some really cute tenugui which you can use to wrap bottles of sake in they are so adorable I think I want one this is probably my favorite thing here to be honest it's a sake cup and it's meant to look like Mount Fuji if I turn it that way with cherry blossoms and it's just so beautiful it's also a lot heavier than it looks I picked it up and I was kind of surprised but it's absolutely stunning a really cool feature of this event is if you complete a questionnaire you actually get a little gift so I've done that and now I'm gonna get my little gift and I'll show it to you I've got my little gift from completing the questionnaire and I'll just show it to you oh my God it's so cute so it has that it's from the sake Fair but the best part it has a smiley face right inside that is adorable I love it so much I'm going to be drinking lots of sake from this for sure well that's it for today's video you guys I have had the most incredible time here there were so many different types of sake that I didn't even get to try this is truly a sake Lover's Paradise anyway I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below what is your favorite type of Japanese sake and which would you recommend that I try anyway thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 116,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, Japan life, Japan trip, Japan, tokyo, 外国人の反応, 外国人美女, 日本, Japanese food, Japanese sake, 日本食, 日本酒, 祭り, festival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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