Try Not To Say Wow Challenge (Impossible)

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna try not to say wow i say it again i'll lose warning if your teacher hates you and wants to see you fail like yeah i did my homework bro where wait you didn't do nothing paper's empty so you're telling me you could take a hair straightener heat up the page and the ink is gone vanish it never existed you never did the work i need to test this out oh there's something there it takes a shovel oh it's a crab bro my homie just chilling in there giving him a bath he never asked bro i live in the ocean you don't gotta wash me like okay what are we doing today i know exactly how he did this trick but i was looking again because look cool look look it's like his finger his hand went right through the other hand right that's what it looked like but he quickly switched hands to make it look like that i have never seen something so satisfying they're just cutting these clear cubes i got a long stick is it soap is it plastic i don't know but they cut in it and it's just like sliced like some soft cheese oh delicious and you got this little piece this is a cube factory what are we making i can't believe this video is not sped up what are you doing girl what kind of ritual is this what are you trying to summon what possessed her to flip here we flip for fun i've never seen somebody do it so fast look at her go she human windmill one day i'm gonna go to one of these restaurants i have like these i don't know what it is it's a dry ice pop it pop it pop it hurry up before it's too late before it pops oh this drives me insane they allowed it to become too powerful oh whoa the ultimate one punch punching bag oh no it survived another hit you just gotta like pull the skin back after every hit see when you just like oh this would be so satisfying after having a rough day and just i'm gonna go beat my metallic bucket that thing would get abused in my household oh what's going on here sir what kind of power is this what power does your finger possess oh it's just very dirty water it's like pushing it on the ground and it's just maybe he's polluting it with his finger e.t vibes right here oh you playing a dangerous game man this is a dangerous game you're playing that i would love to play with you but oh it's the squishiest ground i've ever seen don't you just want to just stab your hand through it find out first hand what's causing all of this why are you so squishy i know that tattoo's glowing it's glowing so now i know the secret they shine a flashlight on it and it kind of reflects it doesn't actually light up i've seen past the deception pretty cool though got magnets on magnets on magnets on whoa very strong magnet oh he could have pulled it up higher probably could have absorbed all the orbs oh it's blue i don't know what it is about the color blue it's just oh such a magical majestic color the absolute privilege of having that on your scalp oh it's such a pretty color professional glass blower over here have you seen somebody blow so hard it's like a cartoon how much more can you blow that's about my max air capacity one two three four five six wait what one two three four five six i don't need you oh that is better that must have felt so nice pinky toe looking real sus also he was the imposter all along he's gone now forbidden fondue fountain i can't believe something so inedible it's dirt and rocks it looks so delicious so smooth no chunks are they making luggage oh no it's getting too big sorry sir sir turn it off now look what you did you see this is how they coat luggage and i think he just pressed the button on max and then just let it go all the way let's see how big we can get this boy he's like oh how satisfying would it be to just like push a little pin in it pop it it committed balloon side before we could pop it this is the most flawless bread i have ever seen in my life is it bread or is it a pound cake oh it's so fancy they're selling the bread individually this bread educated went to harvard grew up in a loving home oh it's a genius we're gonna sell it by the slice but can slice bread really be that fancy somewhere in a toyota factory we got lasers that make the toyota logo wow pop it on the front of a car call it a toyota why we got a whole entire chopping board for this hair no charcuterie only haircuts sorry i am not a piece of meat yeah it's kind of sloppy 7 out of 10. only because it looked cool bro what kind of water slide is this it goes through a forest that's like the diy that i have never seen a water park in a forest and you just slide on down what oh man that looks fun oh and then you got this rainbow slide that's low-key kind of scary and then you got this slide just kidding it's a waterfall you slide you die yo there's a frog right there there's a frog right there another day of natural selection you really didn't see him oh he thought he saw him he thought he was just another raw just slipped up one bite no chewing hurry before it's too late oh she made it oh no not now you're being risky what we got here some apple slime oh it's so metallic and stretchy i thought there was an iphone under there for sure no okay no apple products were hurt in the making of this slime if y'all are gonna charge a thousand dollars for a phone i better be able to do this and then just pop it back into place it's so satisfying somebody's child brought a whole entire watermelon to the zoo gave it to the elephant i know that this this skin's still on it the green part is the one and he's just like thank you for the offering i mean it's none of my business you want to eat the watermelon with a wrapper still on it that's none of my business me after holding my tears in all day sometimes the earth is sad too wants to just let it all out squishy gold ball oh it's not a ball it's a balloon she's trying to make a shoe out of it the golden slipper that ain't a regular balloon is it whoa and then she just tucked in the little blowhole and just made some boots out of balloons i is that a papaya oh peel open it don't be shy show me show me the inside whoa i don't think that's a fruit ah i think it's becoming a tree this is a drawing oh it's not even a drawing it's made of powder he just pushed it away that my dude was a wizard sitting atop his mini gnome hats but no it was nothing but lie oh have you guys ever been to one of these public pools that have like waves it's like a fake ocean how is every single person on a floatie how big is this sir are those eggs are you turning eggs into sausages what is going on here what kind of parallel universe is this where eggs turn to sausages no that's illegal what are those little seeds going down the center it's like it's grinding it into something and then making what am confused i have never seen the tomato cut like this before that should be illegal it's a tomato not a butterfly you ever take your pasta strainer to the beach put it in the sand oh pick it up hey sir where you going with that that is no pasta and then cleans it off in the ocean water and then wa-bam you got some shells easy shell hunting boys oh wait there's more oh how did you know there was gonna be a hole there i can't believe my whole life i would go to the dollar store and get a bucket and a shuffle there's so many better tools you could use sir what do you have there a sea mushroom an ocean bamboo a long snail i don't know what it is but he found it in that hole hey yo there's fish in there is this a green screen how are there fish in there it's glitching up it's gotta be a green screen he's painting the fish on i am slightly confused but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one was the most satisfying and if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 16,576,888
Rating: 4.89465 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, try, not, to, say, wow, challenge, impossible, try not to say wow, try not to say wow challenge, impossible challenge
Id: wDx6QfVe5_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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