Trying Clothing LIFE HACKS to see if they work!

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hello friends it's me your favorite hack testing youtuber back at it again making a fool of myself to see if these really work here we got some pj pants oh yes put it right over your head and we got a date night you'll never know those are pj pants in a previous life you could have fooled me i would have never known either we made a similar dress like this before literally well that worked this is taking it a step further and making it a little off the shoulder look those are mine i needed really big pants for this one so this is very similar to a one i did before but i thought it'd work better because if i use your pants they'll be bigger and they would fit do you like these pants i do and you know it's too tight okay i need to turn this so the pants face you it's getting hot in here low pants hole where are you pray this fits over my big old head hello hello date night i look like a potato okay so this is what it was last time but we're somehow supposed to get this over our shoulder yeah that ain't happening i think this is pretty cute this came out good no no i'm looking in the the thing and it looks good we gotta snatch it up that looks good i snatched myself up it has to look good i like this it's getting really hot this is i don't know i'm dying getting my pants back oh there's another hack you only cut the crotch oh she tied a bow oh and then she twisted it okay okay yeah it looks a little rough around the edges like you know when your kid's school has like a fundraiser this is what the younger cooler hip moms wear that's the kind of vibes i'm getting from this i mean if you want to sacrifice a perfectly good pair of leggings for a mediocre shirt be my guest but i'm going to try this i will you watch me oh look a perfectly good pair of tights oh but i want a new shirt now we're gonna snip snip at the crotch i know it's gone this is big enough for my head to fit through she's stretchy now we put this on who needs spanx when you got tights this is gummy snatched oh okay so i wanted to try something with this instead science has gone too far you want to throw hands come on come on this is cute and deadly but that's not how you do it we're gonna do how they intended all right so they took this tied a bow you gotta make it cute this is the ugliest bar i've ever seen i think this looks better than when they did it this is cute and it's got the bow in the back fashion nova stocks dropped to zero i seriously feel like you can make some of the cutest stuff like with type 10 out of 10 would wear that does not look like a bow it's still overall it's a ball i'm gonna put on the sleeves again no round two no bite mean smash bros do you have a perfectly good pair of plum colored leggings say no more we're just gonna cut them into shorts oh and then cut the crotch oh all the way around what oh she made a crop top out of it it's kind of rough around the edges but maybe that's the kind of look she was going for i don't know her style janice could be walking through the back alleyway of a 7-eleven doing illegal things i don't know but after seeing that shirt and this diy that's the kind of person i perceive her to be someone who takes shortcuts it's not always a bad thing no dress made from your boyfriend's shirt no sewing or cutting or ruining your boyfriend's shirt necessary oh all right so you just tie the sleeves around your waist and then make a knot in the back that seems simple enough right we got this super cute please shirt over here but you know if it ain't your thing i don't know maybe going to work or school this is a daytime outfit but you'll get for a nighttime outfit say no more so this one looks like it's pretty easy you don't have to like do any crazy stuff trying to get your sleeves out hands come out at the top hole wait is this not long enough to be a dress no finally get a bigger pad shirt so you take the sleeves just crisscross them snatched real good and then tie the back i actually think this looks cute it is this is a whole look i like this one i just wish it was longer this is kind of an oversized flannel i'm sad that i wasn't like longer i think this one gives a big fat yes i agree i like it it's cute look it actually makes it for a cute top with those shorts yeah this is actually a feasible hat yeah this one actually works like completely transforming an outfit out of a plaid shirt if it was a little longer i could have made it well it has to be a lot longer to be able to be a dress but i like it do you feel like you have no clothes that you have to go into your man's closet and take his favorite dress shirt to diy oh she's really gonna cut it oh no what did you do when the poor man's only had like three shirts she's like no what's yours is mine oh no she ruined it she really ruined it you could have just tied it like a normal human being but no you had to do a bow i never seen a dress shirt with a bow you know what you think about it you're like okay you know what that's kind of a cute idea but when you see it done it's like ugh you could have just tied it like a normal shirt tie and now it looks kind of stupid yeah kelly you really done messed this up i'm not even gonna attempt this because i respect my man's side of the closet i mean i'll still diy them but i won't be cutting them up making them ugly pretty too big and warm no problem take out the string i feel like they should put a disclaimer once you take that string out there's no putting it back in i think there's like a special way to like do it but i don't know that special way and i've tried it and it doesn't work i feel like i've seen this so many times but i've never attempted it myself like making a cute two-piece set out of one hoodie like skirt and cropped hoodie this is up my alley way it's my style i like this look if i can only figure out how to get the dang drawstring through the waist i i think this would actually be cute take a hot glue stick cut it into sections oh oh no oh i was like oh you do not want to make it touch wow you want it to melt but you can't like push the iron down on it otherwise they'll just have a sticky mess that's nasty and my nose is kind of stuffy so i worked hard to get those up there in the first place they're pretty thick and i was thinking about this why can't you just do a regular glue gun and then just like make whatever design you want why do you gotta like cut it with some scissors we're gonna do it to five minute craft way these are hard to cut i don't think we're gonna be using very many so we're just gonna cut them carefully angle your glue cylinder down so they don't go anywhere wow you can just forget this other stick this is a workout in itself so this is a clarence shirt that i got from target what are we gonna do make a design i think i'm just gonna make the boat not a regular boat it's a glue boat and just fill it up with these things oh it's a perfect pyramid okay we don't even need all of these all right i think i'm going to do the pyramid first and then we're going to take my flat iron because do i really look like i own an iron like for clothes come on now your girl can barely brush her hair and you expect me to have an iron so basically you just have to put heat above it just doesn't work i need an actual iron for this you know whenever i have some creases in my clothes i just whip out the good old flat iron and just like do the creases like this and i actually it works that's why i've never gotten like a real iron also i don't like irons because when i was a kid and my mom was trying to teach me how to iron i got the sickest burn on my hand like the first time i picked up an iron and tried to iron i ironed my wrist i still have a scar from that fateful day okay glue hello hurry up and melt point of this hack to walk around with a glowy shirt yeah it's supposed to make like a cool bean shaped decal on your shirt it's gonna come off when you wash it exactly all right i'm gonna do it this way make sure you don't touch it and this is the flat iron i use all the time so i've been using it for like the past five years so i don't want to ruin it but i also want this glue to dry like now i think i see one piece slightly melting it's a process but i mean if you really like this look of melted glue on your shirt then you got to be patient it'll be worth it okay i have my settings turned up to the highest 450 degrees it's an oven in here and the glue is still struggling to melt y'all really wanted me to do an entire shirt of these things i don't think so by the way that's my metal straw if you're wondering why i'm drinking from a hydro flask it's to save the turtles today on my second channel i uploaded a let's go girl transformation so check that out well look they're melting okay okay i mean does it look dumb kind of yeah didn't even cover the whole boat we can't even move it now oh there's no going back it's too late this is my shirt now this is my happy place okay friends here it is finished product what do you think you like my super cool new decal i hate it oh i love me some good old scarf hacks see these are actually cool okay no way that's gonna stay no way that shirt is gonna stay defying the rules of gravity right in front of my eyes how did she take off the shirt under and it stayed in place yeah i'm not buying this ashley you don't fool me so over here i got this little scarf dress you know this actually works i could actually wear this as a dress all i need to do is properly tie it but no we're doing something else today so we're going to take it like this and instead of flashing the camera i'm going to do one side like that and then the other side like like this i feel like there's so much you could do with this but today we're just making it into a shirt and i feel like this scarf is really long and does not want to be made into a shirt it wants to be a dress i think it's working tada date night it's just baggy over here look how baggy this is really bad yeah but i feel like this is just a really big scarf if you do it with like a really i don't get why girls don't just wear a shirt maybe they have a scarf that where my grocery gave them and they just want to make it into a shirt the top looks cute look at it if you do it just like this like you just take a picture of it like hello school photo over here it kind of looks cute but this part is just way too baggy but i still feel like this wants to be a dress how can we make it into a dress yeah like that what do i do with this i hate it i'm just gonna be batman i should just make my own hacks video life hacks by me smash like if you want me to do a life hack with my own hat there'd be no heat glue or sewing involved okay so she does another one i'm still not 100 convinced so she just tied it around her waist and then flips it around that's a shirt she made a freaking crisscross applesauce shirt put it with a skirt okay you know what that's actually kind of cute i'm not really like feeling the fringes this is a lot of steps okay she tied it and then she did a good old twisty round and then just like put up the sleeves like it's a shirt okay i'm so confused i want a scarf shirt let's make a scarf shirt wow i literally went to target today and bought another scarf for 15 and then realized like this one is bigger than the one i bought like i needed a big scarf but anyways let's try this hat so this one there's a lot of steps to it we're gonna tie around the waist once and then twice now why can't this just be a hack this is so easy it's done skirt done um starting in my leopard print those are all the safari animals we got zebra we got a leopard we got tiger we got the whole dang zoo so you tie it you tie it twice and then you lift it up like this just to show everybody you tied it like okay we did it we did it we did not yet okay and then twist it to the back and then take those pieces that you lifted up before and we're gonna criss cross them no i feel like this is not gonna work what did i do perhaps my knot was a little too thick i tied most of the fabric i wasn't supposed to do that okay so you're supposed to tie just a little piece a little knot oh gotta suck it in for this knot all right so now you have a lot of fabric so turn it around and then you're gonna criss cross apple sauce why does it look stupid on me what am i doing wrong why does it look so bad on me these are supposed to like somehow tie and then you have like a long sleeve shirt like i get what they were trying to do and i get that it's like kind of cute what did i do wrong that ashley over here it's so very correct that it literally gave her sleeve look what it's supposed to look like it's not the same thing at all nothing how did it cross like that she twisted it around oh maybe she twisted it to the side not all the way she twisted them off to the side they don't really want you to know how to do these hacks because if you know how to do them you'll be like oh i don't need five minute crafts am i doing it yes this is kind of i mean it kind of has sleeves okay girls just buy normal clothes don't do this no no i'm doing it once i took my shirt off i don't know how to fix it how did we have it basically a shawl it's not cute oh the back is kind of how it was supposed to be the back is supposed to be like this am i supposed to tie these two pieces together is that why i messed up mission failed we'll get him next time no date night no no this is supposed to be the date night show outfit take me to a zoo yeah i'll show you i'll leave you there okay this one has a big fat fail you fool oh my god you just made me spill my vino all over my fancy new dress your shawl belongs to me now okay i know we did something similar to this but this one's different we spicen this up this shawl diy 2.0 so she tied it around her neck and then takes her never-ending shawl and ties it on the front and then oh puts it over again oh and then we add in a belt oh wow okay she looked better than she did before but i want to know where all this fabric came from this is not one shawl she went to the jawlands and she got three four yards of yellow fabric because i tried this it did not work you need a shawl the size of alabama for this to be successful take some printer paper or you know us peasants call that a photo i printed out with my colored printer so they cut it out put it in plastic wrap oh see i wonder if this is gonna work cut around it put it on a t-shirt oh okay so the parchment paper see that's the barrier between the heat and the t-shirt and then all the plastic melts and it sticks it onto his shirt wow you really could have printed out and made any shirt of any google image that you could possibly find and betsy over here really printed out a heart you wasted all that time and effort for a white shirt with a red heart and janice with her light bulb shirt i don't got any bright ideas in here but i do right here on my shirt nice gold star for you do you wake up with messy hair are you sick and tired of it messy hair every morning it's not like we have this super cool invention called a brush does she sleep with a freaking pantyhose on her head what does that hurt your head i have a very sensitive scalp i don't think this hack is gonna work for me but apparently she just fell asleep with pantyhose on her head after a wild night of binge watching the handmaid's tale and then just wakes up with perfect hair before i brushed my hair and after i bet she didn't even nap she had a fake napper anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face for some more life hacks and comment below let me know which one was your favorite and make sure you subscribe during the wolf pack and make sure you turn on notifications click click i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,464,573
Rating: 4.8645334 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, life hacks, clothing, life, hacks, to, see, if, they, work, amazing, diy, do it yourself, life hack, trying, lifehacks
Id: Bbv-DPQZa2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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