Trying classic West Virginia foods: Pepperoni rolls, hot dogs, & Tudor’s Biscuit World!

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when you last saw us we were road tripping across the beautiful state of south dakota for the first time we visited two national parks ate some delicious food hiked in some of the craziest scenery saw iconic u.s landmarks and explored different cities we have made our way over 1100 miles east to west virginia another brand new state for us west virginia is nicknamed the mountain state because not only is the state home to many mountains and is the third most forested state it's the only state completely within the appalachian or appalachian mountain region and over the next few weeks we're going to be exploring different regions of the state trying local foods hiking in the mountains seeing different cities learning some of the state's history and conquering our fears we are excited to check another state off of our list and can't wait to share it all with you welcome to west virginia [Music] so you may be wondering how the heck did you go from south dakota to west virginia but after a crazy busy august in montana and south dakota we were just in desperate need of a break just some time off catch up on work relax a bit so we actually took a whole month off from vlogging we went and hung out with some family in the midwest for a bit and took full advantage of their unlimited internet hot showers air conditioning all the good stuff all the things we don't really get in the van before heading east for the fall our original plan was to go to the new england area but with some tight coveted travel restrictions we decided that we should postpone it until next year so our new plan is we're going to spend the next couple of months in west virginia north carolina and tennessee before heading back to texas for the holidays and we're kicking it off in fairmont west virginia which is in the northern part of the state to try some very iconic west virginia foods warning today is not going to be a healthy day so don't judge us [Music] so the first west virginian food we're going to try is a pepperoni roll and if you google iconic foods to eat in west virginia this is probably the number one thing you'll see in every single article and basically what a pepperoni roll is is it's a roll with either sticks or slices of pepperoni inside of it and it became really popular when the italian immigrants were working in the coal mines so coal miners would work long hard hours in the coal mine so they needed something filling and simple to take with them for lunch so an italian coal miner named giuseppe argyro would see all of his friends eating a stick of pepperoni in one hand and a roll of bread in the other so he thought why don't i just put these together so he created the pepperoni roll it became so popular that he quit the coal mines and started the country club bakery in fairmont in 1927. and you can basically find pepperoni rolls all across the state and grocery stores i think gas stations are super popular but we wanted to come try it at the original spot okay so just smelling this it reminds me of like kalachi bread in texas and it they kind of look like it too oh man it's still warm yeah they look so good oh i guess they like bake them together because they're kind of yeah that's huge yeah these are big so doughy and kind of stringy kind of dough oh yeah now that i think about it it kind of is a kolache there's the meat inside and then the bread but it's not as sweet as the kalachi bread but it's definitely like that italian bread flavor but this is really good the pepperoni inside is really it's got a good spice uh it just has a lot of flavor and it's just this is just a good simple filling snack like you need in the coal mines and as you can see the grease from the pepperonis kind of seeped through the bread oh my goodness it's very fluffy it's way bigger it's kind of like the size of a hot dog bun maybe yeah probably about the size of a hot dog bun it's simple and delicious it tastes just like what you think pepperoni inside of a roll or a bun it's so good the bread's kind of like dense and then the pepperoni has really really good flavor it's nice and greasy so we've seen that some places do slices of pepperoni and some do these sticks kind of like you see here i kind of like the stick because it's a little bit more hearty i wasn't sure if i'd like the slice concept or the stick better another thing we've seen and i think the only thing that would make this even better is gooey melted cheese on the inside and i think some places do but the original recipe does not have it so country club bakery is just doing it the simple way but this is delicious i mean you can't really go wrong [Music] [Music] another very popular food here in west virginia are hot dogs but not just any hot dog it's a west virginian style hot dog which is a hot dog mustard onions sauce which is basically just chili without beans and slaw so similar to pepperoni rolls they got really popular in the 20s and during the great depression because they're simple and cheap and easy to eat when you're working down in the coal mines and then eventually they started adding more toppings on there to kind of beef it up however we hear there's this line that goes through west virginia it's the slaw and no slaw line so in the north slaw is not very common on hot dogs but in the south it's very popular to get slaw on your dogs we here in the north they just focus a little bit more on the sauce aspect of the hot dog so we're here in the north and fairmont so it's not really the best spot to get slaw on our hot dog but we found a spot that does do it so we're gonna try that and then we also found there's a spot in town that's like an institution that does not do slaw and we just had to try that so we're gonna try both all right so first up we are trying yarns or yans we're not sure how to pronounce it we were just in there we should have asked them how so we're sorry but they do their dog with no slaw and we hear that if you go in and you ask for ketchup or add to slaw on there they're not gonna do it we also hear that this sauce on here is pretty dang hot so you're supposed to get it with chocolate milk to cool the heat down you can actually see yeah you can see the uh the pepper seeds or whatever the yeah looks pretty hot all right this has pretty good flavor the sauce is a little spicy it's not killing me right now i think once you get in the middle you get more sauce in the bite you'll be good i kind of got a lot of bread on there but the hot dog just seems like your regular old hot dog um you can definitely taste the mustard gives it a little tang the onions are in there it's a good nice little flavor combo it's pretty good i think if i go back i'm gonna need to get a couple more of them though so when you bite into it you get all the flavors together i feel like the heat of the sauce is kind of masked a little bit like the bread it just kind of balances it out but if you try that sauce by itself i definitely feel the kick in my throat and this hot dog is just super juicy we have to admit we have not we had we got the hot dog then we went and got the other hot dog and now we're eating it so it's not hot anymore and not as fresh as when we got it but it's still really dang good even when it's a little bit colder but oh man yeah i can see why people think that's spicy that you can see the seeds and stuff there's definitely a kick but i think all together it's like the perfect heat level i do like the sauce on there and then you have to like we said you gotta mint wash it down with the chocolate milk but yeah we were talking with uh we think who the owners were in there and it's an institution they were telling us that it's been around since 1927. but don't try to go there on the weekend they're only open certain days during the week and they close we hear when they sell out and it's cash only so make sure you have some cash gotta try me some chocolate milk now i just love chocolate milk it's so good it's like the best combination it's the most random the best combination ever so i don't know stuff in her face over here so i don't know if we've said anything yet but check out this picnic spot we have this is palatine park up here just uh on the bank of not sure whatever this is the monongahela maybe maybe not um but yeah this is sick you got the river going through here the bridge is over here and then yawns or yans they're just yawns or yan is just up there yeah behind the trees on the edge of the over yonder hot dog number two is from woody's restaurant and as you can see it has that creamy like finely chopped cabbagey looking slaw on top there's some sauce in there as well it's uh as we said uh we had to wait a while to eat this so it's about to fall apart i think from sitting too long but there's some sauce in there there's the hot dog there's mustard and onions as well and we ordered our sauce medium here but we hear that the yams or yawns we're so sorry that hot dog is like the spiciest you can find the area so we're expecting this one to be a little bit cooler so there's a lot going on with this it seems like a similar bun and weiner so similar flavors there mustard onions there and then obviously what the change here is the slaw so adds a lot of flavor in there and it's kind of sweet so it kind of adds like a spicy sweet and salty kind of component here i'm not a huge fan of sweet slaws but it's good good overall it's definitely different than the other hot dog i'd say the hot dog and the bun are pretty much the same but where it gets really different obviously is the slaw but the slaw is like mixing with the sauce and the sauce is definitely nowhere near as spicy as the other one and so it's kind of just hard to distinguish between the sauce and the slaw it's kind of become one the slaw adds a nice crunch to it but 100 honest i'm not a coleslaw fan at all so i wasn't sure if i'd really like this and it's good but i definitely prefer mine without the slaw sorry if you're from west virginia i know that's probably blasphemy to say but they're both good but i prefer the yans yawns one better we're not big hot dog eaters but it was a lot of fun to try the local cuisine and different takes on it but if you're from here from west virginia and you have a favorite go-to spot let us know what it is so others can try it too for our final west virginia food we are gonna eat some biscuits and so the history behind biscuits is that back many years ago cornbread was really popular here in west virginia because it was easy and cheap to make but then people started to worry that cornbread wasn't healthy so they started making these things called beaten biscuits which are more like a cracker but they were more expensive to make so they're more like an upper-class delicacy but then as milling became more popular and flour was easy to get people started making the fluffy biscuits that we know today we are heading 30 minutes north to morgantown to go to a west virginia chain called tudor's biscuit world to get our biscuits we typically don't really like going to chain restaurants but everywhere we read to get the best biscuits tudor's biscuit world was on the list so we're gonna go give it a shot [Music] oh yeah [Music] all right we're not starting our day at home right away but we're continuing our day the homemade way all right tudor's biscuit world here we go this biscuit looks really good so i think we read that all the biscuit sandwiches are named after some kind of sports local sports either team or person this is the huggy bear we had to look it up what huggy bear was but apparently the basketball coach tom hudson huggins i've heard the name you know watching sportscenter bob bob huggins that's it i've heard the name but his um his nickname is huggy bear this bad boy is bacon sausage egg and cheese with a beautiful looking biscuit this thing looks super good [Music] this thing is ridiculously good i was looking at pictures of the place yesterday and i was kind of like underwhelmed because their pictures don't do this thing justice especially coming for like a chain place like i said we don't do a whole lot of chains we like to do local spots but man once i got this thing in my hands tasted it super good that egg it seems like it's a real egg cheese american cheese the sausage patty's good the bacon's like awesome and crispy but the biscuit i mean just like it's in the name is the star of the show it's like crunchy but like fluffy on the inside it's one of the best biscuits like especially for a chain place it's a fast food right yeah yeah this thing is massive i thought it was going to be about half the size but it's so tall the biscuit has some good thickness to it the top's a little bit thinner but wow it just it smells like a really good sausage that's the smell i get it's just an awesome breakfast sausage that biscuit is amazing like adam said the photos like it just didn't look like it was going to be as good from the photos online kind of those like stock fast food photos that like mcdonald's and all of them have but this is incredible the biscuit is so soft and like moist and wow i could just eat the biscuit by itself it's so good that was a very delicious introduction to west virginia one of our favorite things to do when we go to a new place is eat try the local foods and even though we've had some of these things before we've had hot dogs before we've had biscuits before it was still fun to try the local spin on things and just learn where it came from and it was all really good really frozen and it was super cheap the pepperoni rolls were a dollar fifty each yan's hot dog was about three dollars with the chocolate milk woodys was 220 and the biscuits here 580 something for a little over a total of a little over ten dollars yeah like 10 to 12 dollars with all of our combos and drinks and everything but that is a pretty dang good deal but we're going to be hanging out in this area for another day or so and then we're going to be off to see some nature which is where you guys will see us next [Music] our first west virginia food is a pepperoni rolly roll pepperoni roll we have a friend that really wants a hot dog none for you buddy sorry dude give me a hug i'm just gonna come over here on the back side maybe they don't notice me my buddy hope you find your dad that's my favorite quote from a movie you
Channel: Adventures of A+K
Views: 64,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: west virginia, tudors biscuit world, pepperoni rolls, country club bakery, marion county, west virginia vlog, things to do in west virginia, what to do in west virginia, west virginia road trip, fall in west virginia, west virginia in fall, fairmont west virginia, fairmont wv, west virginia hot dogs, west virginia food, best food in west virginia, west virginia food tour, west virginia travel, west virginia travel vlog, what to eat in west virginia
Id: 2ge50lMNx_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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