Day trip to Sioux Falls, South Dakota | Coffee, Food, Falls Park, & Arc of Dreams

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this week we're exploring south dakota with south dakota tourism to show you all the best hikes things to do places to see and delicious food to eat all across this beautiful and diverse state and it's been an amazing week we visited two new national parks explored diverse terrain including waterfalls crazy rock formations badlands forests and eating delicious food after a five hour drive across the state yesterday full of fun and quirky stops we are spending our final day in south dakota exploring sioux falls the largest city in the state [Music] [Music] we're starting our morning off with one of our favorite activities when we visit a new town is visit a local coffee shop we came to this place called the source which is in a really cool part of town it's restaurants there's a park nearby really cool buildings we got a boring americano and then two fun drinks our first fun coffee drink is called the full bloom and it is espresso coconut milk honey rosebuds and lavender and you can see on the top there's the little lavender on there maybe the rosebuds as well ever since we visited that lavender farm on the olympic peninsula we're super into or i'm at least super into lavender now adam's not the biggest fan of these kind of drinks so we'll see if he likes it but i'm just kind of on a lavender kick so this sounded really good it's on their summer menu so they may not have it when you're here but it looks like they're always doing really creative drinks so we originally just got the two drinks the boring americano and then the other one and then we remembered they had this cool looking one a staycation so they had house made lemonade matcha and butterfly pea pod tea those are three of my favorite things i'm so excited for this butterfly pea pod yeah so i just can't wait for this it is a really cool color though green and then this is like a purple reminds me of a mardi gras all right let's give it a go it's really good though i want oh yeah it's crazy like if you drink from the bottom it's the sweet lemonade but you bring drink from the top it's the not so sweet matcha but i wonder like when you mix it in i wonder how it stays separated like that it's crazy it's like two drinks in one okay i have to try this one first adam's got me so intrigued that's really good it's sweet i haven't tried this part yet [Music] and the matcha is kind of like we haven't had matcha it's kind of a kind of earthy that's what i was interested in kind of like the right flavor for it it's really good if you like sweeten it by itself it's not as sweet but this bottom part which now it's starting to kind of go together so it's not as cool looking as before the bottom part is really sweet and good so what happens if you mix it together it turns like brown this one smells more cinnamony than anything is there cinnamon in it smells like there is it smells good but i'm gonna give a shot and we're gonna get try to try to get some of these bits in there it tastes like a rose garden just kidding no it tastes pretty good one of the most popular things to do here in sioux falls is visit falls park which is a 123 acre park located on the big sioux river as the name implies the park is home to a waterfall that drops more than 7 400 gallons of water over the waterfall over a hundred feet per second that's a lot of water [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] reminds me of a mini shoshone falls it's pretty crazy that this is just in town you can walk to this from the coffee shop where we're at [Music] if you keep going up the falls you find even more waterfalls this definitely does feel like a shoshone falls to me there's so many waterfalls here i don't even know there's these yeah it's like a staircase of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] the falls park area is home to some of the oldest buildings in sioux falls including this one behind me which is the queen bee mill and no it's not beyonce's mill but it's quoted on the sign over there as saying it's the most it was the most ambitious attempt at using water power west of the mississippi river and at one point this thing was seven stories tall over 100 workers would work in and around this area and it would produce 1200 barrels of flour a day so this is the queen bee mill this is the little hut that's there the river was diverted into there and would power everything to make the the flower ignore my cousin it looked today it's very windy out but the visitor center at the park actually has an observation tower that's free to go up in to get a better look at the fall so that's where we're headed [Music] next [Music] for lunch we grabbed takeout from a local spot called bread and circus sandwich kitchen and as the name implies they have sandwiches there and they do really interesting unique flavor combinations for the sandwiches they also can do like pita salad a bunch of stuff and fun fact guy fieri actually filmed an episode of triple d there this summer the episode's not out yet but when it does come out make sure to check it out because he got one thing we did get and one thing we did not get and you have to see if he thinks it's flavortown out of bounds so i got the vietnamese fried chicken this is actually what a guy got when he went there fried chicken sandwich so there's an aioli on there a huge piece of fried chicken as well as some bon me pickled onions and carrots and then also a yummy looking aioli and it comes with cider chips also they said they were running behind this morning in the kitchen they forgot to turn the fryer on apparently but they were very nice about it because of the the longer weight and they gave us a free chocolate sea salt cookie coming out here to the park it kind of got a little damaged but it's still gonna be extra super delicious and that was very nice of them to do that and i got the pork belly gyro salad so normally it comes on bread or naan or maybe i guess a gyro but i got it just a salad form so it has some i think goat feta and then the pork belly which i love pork belly i'm so excited oh my gosh it looks very fatty and good and then tzatziki sauce and then another sauce i don't know what this one is though and then you know how we do we had to get something naughty so we got naughty fries so there is a bed of fries with pork chili verde on there cilantro queso fresco some uh what are those called carrots yeah there's taqueria pickles is what it's called oh man this looks mighty naughty ever since i read about this sandwich the other day i've been so excited for this oh boy this bun is nice and all right that was either your i bit my mouth face or your excited face guy is going to say this took him to flavor town the chicken is so juicy there's a nice crispy crunchy on the outside fried to perfection the pickled onions are awesome the bon me pickled onions they say the carrot the aioli on there this sandwich 10 out of 10. this looks really good that pork belly is so dang soft and it has mediterranean spices on it has such good flavor oh my goodness i'm so glad i went with this i was really torn they had so many good options but i just really love pork belly and it's just done so well it's incredibly just tender and soft kind of melts in your mouth but not too fatty where you like feel kind of weird eating it so good time to get naughty let's try out these naughty fries oh this pork looks really good i'm not right-handed so don't laugh at how bad this is gonna be the nice green chili is that bunch in there sauce oh yeah mmm you're gonna like that i can't ever get it i'm struggling the pork soft it's kind of falling off you're using your dominant hand i know i have no excuse that is so good um this is probably a meal on its own but pretty confident i saw someone that just ordered this as their meal but we thought it would make a good side dish the pork the green chilies in there and a real tangy oh man it's super flavorful it's really good and creamy and yeah there's a lot in here too the only thing that would make it next level is queso on it yeah well there's some cheese but yeah like legit yeah yeah yeah and for naughty thing number two chocolate sea salt cookie that sounds like an awesome combo tad under done just the way you want it but the it's a warm day so the chocolate chips are a little melty the sea salt's so good it's a nice little touch adds a little bit just a chocolate chip cookie a plus chocolate chip cookie next time i go i'm going to request them to turn the fryer off and then give me another cookie [Music] we didn't really know what to expect from downtown sioux falls but their main strip of stuff i think it's phillips avenue is super cute there's tons of cool little restaurants shops there's some cool looking breweries if you're into breweries can't say that word very well but yeah it's a really pleasant surprise one fun thing to do in downtown sioux falls is the sculpture walk there's 55 sculptures scattered around all throughout downtown sioux falls they're they're placed on a pedestal with a little plaque that has their name and a little description about each one the cool thing is they change every year so whenever you come they'll be all different for you to check out or they'll be the same if you're coming really soon [Music] so [Music] but there's one sculpture that's always here and it may transport you to italy in case you don't recognize this manly figure it is a bronze replica of michelangelo's david which is in florence italy we actually saw the real david we went to italy over a year ago so go check out our florence vlogs if you haven't seen them but this was actually a gift from a man named thomas falwick he used to live in sioux falls he left he was a multi-millionaire and then in 1971 he gifted the city this bronze replica apparently this thomas falwick guy feywick i'm not we're not sure how you say it we're giving it our best shot but he was a really big inventor he was granted over 200 patents and he assembled the first the nation's first four-door automobile the right-handed drive four-cylinder three-speed phallic flyer so he he did patents for like uh like clutches automobile clutches and transmissions and my favorite invention of his is golf club grips nice that's uh i'm liking this guy not only is sioux falls home to a famous italian sculpture but they also have some french delicacies there's a world famous french pastry chef that lives here in sioux falls named chris hanmer and he has a little place called ch patisserie so we're gonna go check it out and get ourselves some french treats [Music] [Applause] [Music] here is our loot from ch patisserie we got four macarons i think we've been saying those uh wrong our whole life so we had to look that up on google we also looked up what the ingredients are so if you don't know what's in a macaron it's almond meal egg white and two types of sugar these look so delicious we got four different flavors this one is salted caramel this is black currant almond which is the uh the flavor of the month this is puppy chow puppy chow is and this is pistachio i'm one thousand percent not supposed to have these they are gluten free but they have egg but i'm figuring it's the last day of our vacation if i feel a little sick tomorrow i feel a little sick but this is a puppy chow one it's probably the one i'm most excited for because puppy chow is one of my favorite snacks growing up if you're not familiar real quick explanation it's like corn chex with powdered sugar peanut butter chocolate you like mix it all up it's so good oh wow that tastes just like it it's so soft look at that you bite in and it just crumbles instantly it is so flaky and the inside's so creamy and it tastes just like puppy chow it's so soft and delicious we've we've had these before not this flavor but we've had uh macarons before and i've always really enjoyed them but this one definitely you can tell is extremely high quality oh through i have to share it don't i i'll give the black almond current one a run this is the one that i really wanted whoa pop oh wow i feel like the ones i've had in the past they have like a crunch to them these are just like there's a stiffness but then like you bite in it's so soft and it's almost like buttery or like gelatinely i don't know how to describe it but it's super interesting texture very good wow that is so good we should have gotten 20 of these four was not enough last one salts caramel caramel caramel which one are you caramel oh the caramel one is really good it has a caramel goo on the inside plus some other kind of goo really good you bite into and you just get caramel our last stop in sioux falls is the ark of dreams which represents the leap of faith that dreamers take to see their dreams come true good job you did it the ark of dreams is this sculpture right behind us it goes over the river and we've seen it all day long just driving around town but we wanted to come check it out at night because as you can see they light it up with pretty colors this is dale lamphier and we just learned that he is the artist behind the arc of dreams and also the artist behind the dignity statue that we saw yesterday we also learned that this thing spans 275 feet and it's 60 tons of steel [Music] and that's going to do it for our week-long south dakota road trip we can't believe all the crazy scenery we saw all across the state from badlands to mountains to forests to prairie like plains and waterfalls and cities the way we describe i know we're a broken record but the way we describe this state is unique and unexpected it was just such an amazing surprise we loved it so much more than we thought we would and we hope you guys enjoyed following along want to give a huge thank you to south dakota tourism for partnering with us this past week if you guys want to plan your own south dakota road trip definitely check out their website they have so many helpful articles of basically what we use to plan our trip here so we'll put a link to their website below we will have our own guides coming out at some point but we're not sure when that'll be but we'll put a link below when they're ready but that's gonna do it for us here unfortunately and to be honest we don't really know what's coming next yeah i was gonna say what's next for us we don't even know we have a few options that we're gonna think about but we're gonna take a couple weeks off and kind of recharge a little bit we vlogged seven days in a row we don't normally do it back to back to back to back to back like that so we're gonna rest and recharge a little bit and then who knows where you'll see us next stay tuned
Channel: Adventures of A+K
Views: 128,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: south dakota, south dakota travel, south dakota travel vlog, things to do in south dakota, what to do in south dakota, what to do in south dakota usa, south dakota road trip, Sioxu falls South dakota, sioux falls vlog, things to do in sioux falls, what to do in sioux falls, falls park sioux falls, best food in sioux falls, what to eat in sioux falls, arc of dreams, sioux falls, road trip across south dakota, what to see in sioux falls, sioux falls sd, one day in Sioux Falls
Id: Jg9IvvpVS8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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