Try Not To Eat Challenge - The Office Foods | People Vs. Food

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- (Kevin) Ancho chiles. - Aw! - Oh, just scoop it in! (laughs) It just gets worse! - Look at how extravagant this dish is, and if I pass on it, I'm gonna feel so terrible. ♪ (accordion intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, we wanna thank you guys for coming in to our office, because we're gonna be trying not to eat Office foods. - Oh! - Wait, from The Office? - Oh my God. - Like The Office, with like, with Michael Scott? - (FBE) Yes, we are not like grabbing food from our break room or anything, this is foods from The Office, the show. - That's like my favorite show. - Same, oh my gosh! Are we gonna get Jell-O? - (FBE) All of these foods were either featured or inspired by moments in the show. Since this is a Try Not To Eat Challenge, if you make it through all of the rounds without eating, there will be a reward Office food, but there is a punishment for losing! For every food you eat, you'll have to take one bite of our punishment food. - (gasps) Oh no, okay. - And you know the punishment's [bleep] way worse. - Yeah, yeah, okay. Well, we'll see what happens. - This is my Get Out of Punishment Free Card, so I get to eat all the foods, including the reward. So I'm hungry, so I want to use it. Exchange this card to skip a future episode punishment and take the reward instead. - How do you get one of those? - I won it when I did the Try Not To Get Scared. - Oh, when you went to Horror Nights. - I love The Office, love it, so great. - (Michael) You got it? - This is funny. - This looks so good in the show. - (Michael) Fettuccine alfredo! - Oh, I love fettuccine alfredo. - (Michael) Time to carboload. - Carboload. (laughs) - That looks [bleep] good. - I love fettuccine alfredo. - Oh my God. It's in the container, too! - (FBE) Yes, so we've got some fettuccine to start this challenge off right, as Michael says, it's time to carboload, and this not from a restaurant, this is still prepared by our gourmet chef. - Gosh dang it! - Oh. - What, this is torture. This is literally torture, okay? - Does it count if I open it? - (FBE) Please do. - Okay. - Oh, it looks so good. - (Ashby) I'm gonna go for it. - You're gonna go for it? - I'm gonna go for it! - It's worth it? (buzzer rings) I don't know what to do. I'm so conflicted. - Oh my God, it is so good. - Stop! (buzzer rings) - Wow. - Oh my gosh. - It's so good! - It's so good! (laughs) - Ooh! - Yes, bitch! - (laughs) This is, he just gets to eat! - It was like... - For every food you eat, you have to take a bite. - Yeah. - Ugh, man. I wish it was just like one punishment, one and done, 'cause I would eat everything. You know what I mean? I don't want it. (Danny laughs) I don't want this one. - Ugh, am I gonna eat this? Are you gonna eat it? I'm carb-loading for the marathon I'm not running tomorrow. (buzzer rings) - I'm starving. - Mmm, that's good stuff. - I'm gonna pass on that one. (sighs) Restraint. - Oh [bleep] me! - Oh my God! It smells so good. It's nice, and like the right amount of creamy. (buzzer rings) Oh my God! It's so good. This is worth whatever's coming my way. Oh my God. - I'm gonna hold off. I'm in it to win it this episode. - Congrats to you. - (FBE) You ready for us to spice it up a bit? - Oh. - It's chili. - Oh no. - It's the chili. It's Kevin and chili. Yay! (Ashby laughs) - (Kevin) Some of my Kevin's Famous Chili. - This has happened to me in real life, by the way. - Has it really? - (Kevin) Undercook the onions. (both laugh) - He's so close, yet so far! - He's like right there. - Right there, oh! - (Kevin) I'm up the night before. - (laughs) He's so... - (Kevin) Dicing whole tomatoes. - (laughs) And then the scooping of it. - (Kevin) Ancho chiles. - Oh, guy just gets... - Oh, just scoop it in! It just gets worse! (laughs) - (Kevin) It's a recipe passed down from Malones for generations. (both laugh) It's probably the thing I do best. - Oh [bleep] Kevin. - You know what's crazy about that scene? Is like, that was probably first take, one take, 'cause you can't [bleep] up the carpet and have a huge stain. - (FBE) While we've been able to keep ours off the ground, we do think that Kevin would be proud of his famous dish. (Ashby gasps) - Oh, look at that goodness. If these things weren't attached to one of my favorite shows, this would be easier. Kevin, this one's for you, buddy. - I always like to see what he says about it first. (buzzer rings) - Mmm. I'm so happy right now. Welcome to the failed group, it's the best! (buzzer rings) - (FBE) This is his exact recipe. - Mmm. - I don't believe that. - Yeah, it's smoky, it's good. It is damn good chili. - I like chunky. (buzzer rings) No, no. - That's really good. Are you sure you don't want any? - I think I'm sure. I don't think you know. - It's so good, that I wanna take a bite out of yours so that they have to send it home with me too. - (FBE) (laughs) And you have a cold. - And I have a cold, so I know you guys can't use it. Oh, I should've... Very good. - I'm in it to win it. So I'm not gonna eat it. - I lost already, but like I said, at this point I just, I don't know, I wanna resist and like make myself proud. I'm gonna pass on the chili. I'm. (laughs) - No! No, not today. - Well how about we do the short tour, and then I'll start dinner. - Oh yeah. - Some of my favorite episodes. - It's great. - (Jan) No no, just the osso buco needs to braise for about three hours. Everything else is done. - Oh no, I love osso buco. - I love this episode so much. - It was so cringy. - Three hours? - (Jan) They often don't even start eating until midnight. - (Michael) When in Rome. (Sharon laughs) - This is one of my, oh, this episode is so good. When she throws... (laughs) Into the television. - I just love how awkward Jim and Pam are. Like okay, can I go now? - Yeah, yeah yeah. They like represent all of us watching. This is how it feels. - (FBE) This dish that Jan serves in the Dinner Party From Hell episode consists of delcious veal shank, white wine, vegetables, and broth. - It's veal? - (FBE) Veal. - Wow, you guys are spoiling us. - I just hate he can just dig right in. - Oh yeah. Ooh, oh, I didn't even have to cut it. (buzzer rings) I'm just a person that, when's the next time you're gonna have veal? - That's right! (laughs) (buzzer rings) Mmm, delicious. - I'm looking forward to watching her do the punishment. - Ugh. - Part of me like feels bad, because look at how extravagant this dish is, and if I pass on it, I'm gonna feel so terrible. Alright, what the Hell, I'm gonna do it, okay. - Oh. (buzzer rings) I can just tell Ashby's gonna like it. - I actually like this because it does like... - It just falls apart. - Fall apart. - I've never had veal, and I don't want to. - I can't eat that. I won't eat veal. - Mmm. - I'm good. - (FBE) Really? - Yeah, I think I'll pass. I love osso buco, but yeah, I think I'll pass. - It, yeah, it looks really good though. - (FBE) For your final challenge, we decided to kick things up a notch, we're actually gonna be combining foods... - Ooh! - (FBE) From two of our favorite Office moments. - Okay! - (Michael) I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon, sue me. And since I don't have a butler, I have to do it myself. - Same, it's so hard! - (Michael) So most nights before I go to bed, I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman grill. - Yeah! - (Michael) Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill, I go back to sleep again. - Genius. - (Michael) Then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon. It is delicious, it's good for me, it's the perfect way to start the day. Today I got up, I stepped onto the grill and it clamped down on my foot. That's it. I don't see what's so hard to believe about that. (both laugh) Look at that. Nothing like grilling in the great outdoors! - Oh no. - The George Foreman, again. - (Ryan) Is it the same grill you grilled your foot in? (both laugh) - (Michael) Yes, but I got all the foot off of it. - I got all the foot off of it. (laughs) - (FBE) For our final tempting dish, we decided to combine two out of the three things that Michael famously cooked on his grill. - Is that bacon wrapped steak? - (FBE) Just not the foot. - Shut up! - It's bacon wrapped steak! Yes! - (Kendelle) Shut up! - (FBE) Instead, here's bacon wrapped steak. (buzzer rings) - Oh! This is the best one. This is the reward. - Mm-hmm! - At least I think, this is delicious! - Mm-hmm! This is delicious. - Mm-hmm! (both laugh) - I took a big bite. - And I already know that all of this meat is cruel, so don't, you know, kill me in the comments, but... (buzzer rings) That's some good [bleep] right there. - What's the sauce? - I've never had bacon steak. Like this. It does not suck. At all. God damn it, that's good. - I made my decision. - And this point, you're gonna go for the... - Yeah. - Good stuff. - Yeah, I'm gonna go for it. I've been craving bacon lately. (buzzer rings) Mmm. Mmm. - Aw. - Bomb. - Damn. - That sauce, actually is so good, too. - Damn. - Oh my God. Yeah, this is good. - I had steak yesterday. (Kennedy laughs) So I'm gonna say no. - Alright, here we go. (buzzer rings) Mmm. - Is it good? - Mm-hmm. (Chelsea laughs) I can't get over this sauce. It is so good. - I don't know, it's just like does it seem worth it? And then the mustard, I'm pretty sure that's be more of a punishment, for me, anyways. - I hope all this was worth it. (both laugh) - (FBE) Congratulations, you have made it through all of the rounds of food without eating any of them. Are you ready to see what you've won? - Yeah, please tell me it's good. - (Pam) Once a year, they bring in a little cart, and they give away free pretzels. - (gasps) Yes! - (Pam) It's really not a big deal. - Oh, pretzel! Pretzel Day! - (Pam) For some people it is. - Oh. - Yes! - (Michael) Please tell me you have a sweet pretzel left. - (man) We do. - (Michael) Thank God. - (man) And we have 18 different toppings. We have sweet glaze, cinnimon sugar... - Oh! - (man) Fudge, M&M's, caramel dip, mint chip... - They're so happy about the pretzels. - (man) Toffee nuts, coconut, peanut butter drizzle, Oreos... - Such a good actor, it's insane. (both laugh) - (Michael) Is there any way that you could do all? All of them? - (man) The works, you got it. - Can you just get 'em all? - This is great. - (Michael) Thank you. - We probably could have had any pretzel we wanted. - Oh no! - Any pretzel! My heart is broken today. - I am so depressed right now. - (FBE) With our gourmet prepared dessert pretzel, here are all the toppings and fixin's you could possibly ever want in a Pretzel Day pretzel. - Wow. - Nice. - I'm gonna be making this. - We can do it. - (Danny) I'm gonna... - (Kendelle) While he makes it. - I am particular. We might go over time. (Sharon laughs) - My mouth is like glomped shut. - Mm-hmm, so, this is so good. It's working really well into my new diet. - I still feel like a winner. I mean, I don't know what the punishment is yet, so I feel like I can't speak too soon. - (Michael) Judges in session, what is the problem here? - (Dwight) They put my stuff in Jell-O again. - Jell-O, okay, okay. - Okay. What's in the Jell-O? - (Dwight) That's real professional, thanks, this is the third time. - I hate Jell-O! - (Michael) What is that? - (Dwight) That's my stapler! - (Michael) No no no no, do not take it out. You have to eat it out of there. - (Dwight) I do own property. My grandfather left me a 60 acre working beet farm. - Oh, yeah, oh beet Jell-O? - Together. - Oh my God, am I eating beet Jell-O? - (Dwight) Stores and restaurants. - Someone's clever. - (Dwight) Sometimes teenagers use it for sex. - Oh my gosh, it's beet Jell-O. It's beet Jell-O! What the heck? - No! (laughs) - Oh my gosh, no! - Oh no! - I feel like it's gonna be gross, 'cause of the Jell-O, but I don't know, we'll see. I'm nervous. - (FBE) So, as you've probably predicted, we have your beet flavored Jell-O. - Oh, that looks like heart. Like it just looks like a pure heart in there. - (FBE) Yeah. - Oh, I love the mug! - (FBE) But if you'll note, when Jim gives Dwight his Jell-O, he doesn't really give him any utensils to eat it with, so... - No! - (FBE) When we say you have to take two bites and four bites of Jell-O, you're gonna have to eat it the way that Dwight did. - Oh! (laughs) Alright, here we go. Ugh, oh. - Too weird. Go for it, just go for it. (Ashby moans) (both laugh) - Ew, look at that, okay. - Looks delicious. - I have such mixed feelings about this. - Get that, mm-hmm! - Shh! - Is it bad? Oh, nice. Oh. - Oh no! (laughs) - My man, mm-mm. - (gasps) This should be illegal. - I might throw up. - Oh, mm-mm. - That noise, are you [bleep] kidding me? - Ugh, this grosses me out. I don't hate it. You know what it is? It tastes a little bit like candied beets. This is why I didn't wanna eat it, with my hands, because beets stain the [bleep] out of everything, you a-holes! (Danny laughs) (Kendelle slurps) - Oh I didn't, the sound effect is what'd get me. It sucks though, because I am that person that's like you want an M&M? She can't have an M&M. (Kendelle smacks lips) - (laughs) Disgusting. (Danny laughs) - Thanks for watching us Try Not To Eat... - On the REACT Channel! - Subscribe! - We have new shows for you every week! - (both) Bye! - Hey guys, Ethan here from the REACT Channel. Hey, if you liked this episode then be sure to follow us on Twitter, because we have reactor and stuff Q and As, and so much more! Or just tell us what you thought about this episode or The Office in general. Bye guys!
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 3,035,808
Rating: 4.9276333 out of 5
Keywords: people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, fbe, react channel, the office, michael scott, try not to eat, try not to, food challenge, the office food, dwight schrute, Kevin's Chili, EAT2001, Try Not To Eat Challenge - The Office Foods | People Vs. Food, the office funniest moments, fine bros, try not to laugh, best the office moments, food, watch, nbc, try not to eat react, people vs. food, best of the office, steve carell, hilarious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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