Try to Watch This Without Laughing or Grinning #121

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- Is he already smiling? - No! (laughs) - Why, why? - I hate this game! - Same. - I hate these rules, I hate it! ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, we've got a very special edition of the Try Not To Smile or Laugh Challenge. - Aw man, I suck at these. - I suck at these, and then if you put someone next to you... - It makes it even worse. - Everything is funnier when you're with someone else. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh shh. - Okay. And we can't, okay. (laughs) - I'm not great at this. Especially when... - I'm gonna tell you right now, we lost. We lost. - I'm like already having a problem. - We lost! - We won, we're so gonna win. - (FBE) Well we found that many of our cast members are BFFs with some of the other cast members, and so you're going to have to get through this while sitting next to your bestie! - Nice! Nice! - Nice! - I find him kind of atroc, atro, tro, tro. (both laugh) - Tom can't speak, Tom can't speak! - Shut up, shut up! - You didn't do English. - (FBE) Here are the rules, if you laugh or smile during or in between videos, important, you will get a point, and to win the game... - No smiling. - (FBE) You have the least amount of points possible. - Okay, okay. - What if I hold my face? - (FBE) You're out. - I can't hold my face? - (FBE) Yeah, that's cheating. - We're just gonna have a good time, because that's what's gonna happen. - That's what's gonna go down. - Yeah. - (FBE) We're here to have a good time. - And I'm also very competitive, so we're not laughing. - Okay, I'm gonna do my best. - Okay. - (FBE) Y'all ready for this? - Dah-nah-nah! - Dah-nah-nah, y'all is too easy, man. - Who said anything about a door? - (Jasmine) What are you doing? - What is he doing? - We saw this movie together. - If he just falls... - Okay, he's just gonna fall, yeah. Just gonna splat. - (Aladdin) You just have to take a risk. - I'm afraid I know what this is. Is it? - I'm afraid, what's gonna happen? - (Goblin) Hello, my dear. - What? What just happened, sorry what? I didn't get it, I didn't get it. (buzzer rings) - (Goblin) Hello, my dear. - Okay. Uh, personally, I found the content rather pedantic, and you're, is he already smiling? - No! (laughs) (buzzer rings) - I didn't see it coming, but I've seen it, I'm composed. - Me too. - That wasn't in the real thing, yeah? - Uh, no [bleep]. - See I didn't even know where to laugh in between before they even start the next one, because they might dock us a point. - Right, so we're not laughing or smiling. - Hmm, shade, I know, right? - We're not having fun. - Once these doors close when we leave, girl. (monkey sings) (Tom laughs) - (man) Dad, knock it off! (buzzer rings) - Voiceover just so good. - Oh my God. - It's so cute. - (man) Be quiet! - (monkey) Hey hey, this is part of my vocal training. - 46577382. (laughs) - What? (buzzer rings) - (monkey) And, and, alright this is my time. - We're fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. - (man) Stop! - (monkey) You can't stop me, eh? - (man) Shut up! - (monkey) Woo! - God, that was good. That was us trying to film together. - That was good, that was good. [bleep] Why you making a joke? (Mikaela laughs) (buzzer rings) - Not hysterical. - No, and I woulda gave it a courtesy laugh if I had seen it on my own, you know? - I passed, right? Okay, okay, okay, I didn't lose that one. - There was some serious monkey business in that video, and I appreciate it. - You're bananas. - (laughs) We're slippin'! (rimshot echoes) - Ah! (canned audience laughs) - I know. - (Donald) The snowstorm can't get us here! - I feel like I've seen this before. I didn't see it. - Wait, go back. (Ryan snickers) I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm all good. - I'll take that. (buzzer rings) - Why did you have to do the Kingdom Hearts, why? - The snowstorm can't get us here! That was it? What happened? Why are you laughing? - (Donald) The snowstorm can't get us here. - (laughs) Oh [bleep]! - I tried so hard. - Oh my God, wait! (buzzer rings) - This is already after she sang Let It Go, though. (Tom laughs) Oh, he's gone! Donald just got yucked. - Yuck! (buzzer rings) - (Donald) The snowstorm can't get us here! - (laughs) What is he looking at? I just see him in the corner of my eye looking around. (buzzer rings) - This is what happens on some of these, where I'm like I know there's a joke in there, but I'm too old to know what the joke is. - We're gonna make each other laugh off of stuff like this. - We're not going to. - No. - We're doing really good. If I look at you, that's why I'm not looking at you. Not. - But I'm looking at you, and I'm, you know, the impulse to laugh, and the impulse to smile, I'm just gonna, just gonna carry on. - (laughs) God damn it! It wasn't funny! (buzzer rings) - Do you hear how he laughs? How are you supposed to sit next to that? He just barks. - I don't bark. - You go ah-ha-ha! (Tom laughs) - We're zen, we're a cucumber, we're a cute-cumber. - Aw, a cute couple of bumbers. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - I like how they clearly labeled the pool. - This is an indoor pool. This guy, whoever lives here is bougie. - Please fall in. - Oh, he's gonna fall in. Ooh. He's just going with it though. He's just woop. - Why does it just say poo now? (laughs) (buzzer rings) - The ones where people hurt themselves are never ones that make me laugh, just for the record. - That slip? - Like, someone's gonna hurt themselves, fall in the pool, like that guy. - That's terrible. - Yo, you gotta be [bleep] kidding me. - That's an expensive-ass outfit. - Why is the L just lit up? - I know, that's what I'm thinking of. - They kept the L lit. - Excuse me sir, how did you not see that? - They kept the L lit, that is genius. - Poo! Wait, why? - He took an L. - Oh. - That sucks. - That's, I feel like that's happened before with your homies. Right, I got a little itch over here. My bad. (Mikaela laughs) - Why are you so stupid? (buzzer rings) - I can't swim, so I would've died. - I would've been there. - You might. - Yes, I know CPR. - Okay, but can you drag my body... - To your grave? - Yeah, if you want, if I die. - (laughs) Okay. - (FBE) Jeannie, that counted! - What the [bleep], no! (buzzer rings) - See, I noticed the background thing, like I like the architecture of the house. - That's, that's all, you weren't, he wasn't even focusing on the video. - I was focusing on the video, I just like to... - No, no, you were focusing on the architecture of the house, quoted by you. - I'm a man of many looks. - You feel a little bad for the guy. - He's just like chillin'. - Yeah. - I woulda totally laughed at that. - If we were drunk, but we are not drunk at the moment. - That video was the [bleep]. Indeed, the poo. - Mmm, I think it was number two. - Ah. - Mmm. - We're way past two points now. - I'm all flush. (Tom grunts) That's my last joke. ♪ (Queen, "We Are The Champions") ♪ - Put your hands up! ♪ We-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e ♪ - Did I laugh, is that considered... Aw, damn it. - I didn't understand what was funny about that, but it was funny. - Do you know the song? - Yes. - When he goes "we are the champions". - Oh, 'cause he's saying "wee!" He's saying "wee!" Oh! (buzzer rings) - We! (Eric yells) - Hoo! - Aw damn it. - Ah, that's a good one. - I was smiling while I was going down. - He loves roller coasters! - You know that, that's not fair. - Come on, man. Don't do that to him. Hey man, I'm sorry they did that to you. (snorts) - (laughs) I got him! (buzzer rings) - We! - (whispering) He didn't see it. It doesn't count. He didn't see it. - (laughs) You guys are talking! (buzzer rings) - (FBE) You guys good? - Mm-hmm, why, you can't do that! You can't ask if you're okay. - Yo, yo, yo yo. - That's not fair! - I'm not taking the L on that one. - Uh-uh! (buzzer rings) Point! - Put Ethan's face on the thing, and put an X on him. - Yeah, eh! - Yeah, eh you homie! - Eh! - Not my thing. - I really wanted to just put my hands up and like scream. - Yeah, not my thing. I wanna do this. - No, I mean. - So, going to an amusement park together would be something that will not happen. - (laughs) Why'd you say that? I hate this game! I hate these rules, I hate it! - We suck, game, ugh, the worst. (buzzer rings) - Alright. - Alright, shake it out. - Time to start trying so we can make these go quicker. It's lunch time, bitch! - (man) Flavor blasted, flavor blasted pizza. - Mm-hmm, flavor blasted. - Ooh! - (man) Baby!? No artificial flavors, what the [bleep]? - I can't say same. (Jaxon laughs) - I can't, (laughs). Oh, that is the stupidest thing ever! (buzzer rings) - Mmm, yum, I love Goldfish. - (man) Baby? No artificial flavors? What the [bleep]. - I'm baby. - Excuse me? - I feel like a lot of humor passes my head, 'cause I just don't understand. - I love baby flavored Goldfish. Delicious. Is it premature? - So. (laughs) Shut up Michelle, are you serious? You're making me laugh! - What is baby flavored Goldfish? - What the frick! (buzzer rings) - I'm baby. - He is baby. - I'm not in that. - Tori's baby. - Tori's second baby. - I thought you were saying you're her second baby. - No. That'd be weird. (laughs) - Tori has a kid. (buzzer rings) - 100% baby? - Mm-hmm. - That's some Al-ga-jones [bleep] right there. - Some what? - Alex Jones [bleep]. You know who that is? - I'm not gonna ask further questions. - It's basically like, they get like fetuses. - I said I'm not gonna ask further questions. (laughs) (buzzer rings) - We're trying so hard. - Oh my God. - (FBE) You're doing great. - I mean unbelievably hard. - I literally have underarm sweat from that, yeah. - Yeah. ♪ (tense music) ♪ - (man) These creatures were here before us. - Oh, that's funny. - Oh this is great. - That's lit. - Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh. - This is honestly really funny. (laughs) What is happening? (buzzer rings) - Who needs a meteor, when you have that? I just heard him breathe. - Yeah dude, that was like a (snorts). (Eric grunts) - Can we get a tissue? No, no no no. - It's not a [bleep] laugh or smile dude. - No no no no no no! - This, not a smile. This, not a smile. - (FBE) Yeah, but what you did before was, and it was definitely... - This is a smile. (both laugh) (buzzer rings) - We would be amazing judges on some sort of... - I would agree with that. - America Has No Talent show. - If you continue to carry on like this, you're gonna make me laugh. - Nope, not gonna make you laugh. - Aw, he just wants water. - Yeah dude, thirsty. - How are you already about to laugh? - 'Cause. - (boy) More. (laughs) 'Cause I knew what was coming, I've seen it. (laughs) Wah! - (laughs) I hate you so much! (buzzer rings) - (boy) More. - (laughs) He said more, like he was even having any. He said, "more". He had some [bleep] mist. Next level osmosis going on his [bleep] passed through his cheeks, to his mouth. (buzzer rings) - This kid is too cute! - Just turn your head, just turn your. - (boy) More. - (gasps) I want him. - Clem, you better watch out, boy. (buzzer rings) - What'd he say, mwah? - Mwah. - Mwah? - Wah. - (FBE) Could've been mwah, maybe more? - Mwah? - Mwah. - That's cute. - The cute ones, the hurting ones, we're like moms here, so we get right into that moment. If that was our kid, we'd be like "oh honey." - Hey it's that one Fortnite guy. Ha ha. - Dude! - That is so... - What are you gonna do to my Dad? - That is Keanu Reeves, right? - Yes. - Keanu Reeves. - Oh my gosh, I love him. - I know, me too. Who doesn't? - Just waiting for a twist. - Please no. - [bleep] (laughs) I'm already laughing. - What are you gonna do? (laughs) Why? (buzzer rings) - (gasps) He used the red coin. - He's playing Connect Four, [bleep] bitch. Any game of Connect Four ends in murder, everyone knows that. You lose the game, you lose your [bleep] life. - That's why we've never lost a game of Connect Four. - That's why we've never played against each other, until this day. (both swishing) - You can't keep making dumb side tangents. (buzzer rings) - How did I know that was gonna happen? - That's funny. - That's hilarious. - That's good. - That is actually funny. - We love Connect Four. - That's badass, that takes a lot of skill. - Mm-hmm. - That's honestly how some games feel. - That's how, I'm pretty sure that's how most of 'em end. - Well done. - That was actually really funny. - Clever, ingenious. - Yeah. - Plus we're all hot for Keanu, so we're not laughing at that. - Yeah, no, I love him. - We are dead-on serious. - I love him. - (FBE) Alright, that was the last one. - Oh. - That's it? - (FBE) That's it! - We got through the last one! - We made it, oh my God! We got it through, okay. - (laughs) You made that so hard, my whole life just... - I know. - ...Inside all the way down. - Faith is like a really good actress. And then when she was all stern, it's hard to be around. - You know, because the thing about it is that you make me laugh, it's just joyful, I don't know why! - Because of him, I've almost laughed at all of them, okay. When he didn't give commentary, I didn't laugh. - Best twins make each other laugh. - I guess so. - Winners, most points, most points! - Woo! Victory! - (FBE) Alright you guys, well, you're walking away losers, how do you both feel? - Happy losers. - Yeah, I was gonna say we laughed it out. - I always feel like if you leave the game feeling happier than you should have, you won. (Mikaela laughs) - I literally find Michelle to be the funniest person that I know, so this was like extremely [bleep] difficult. - Alright, let's never do this again. - Goodbye! - Thanks for watching us try not to laugh... - ...On the REACT Channel. - Subscribe! - We have new shows every week. - If you liked this episode... - Hit that like button! - Got a funny video that we should see? - Let us know in the comments. - Bye, mmm. (Trudi laughs) - Hey guys, Ethan here from the REACT Channel with my best... If you want even more FBE content in your life, then be sure to follow us on Instagram, click on the links in the description below. Bye guys!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 3,276,082
Rating: 4.8728237 out of 5
Keywords: Try to Watch This Without Laughing or Grinning #121, reaction, react, reactions, reacts, Try not to laugh, laugh challenge, laughing challenge, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, fbe, funny, try not to laugh, react gaming, people versus food, staff reacts, guess that, secret pro, in one, find the flaws, you're doing it wrong, can people guess, TMI, Most in a minute, LC1943
Id: tZv-AJ6NYV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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