YouTubers Try To Watch This without Laughing or Grinning #33

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Song I'm referring to is at 7:08

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Maora234 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sorta sounds like this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/3spoopy_5me 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
- (man) I ain't got no car! - (both laugh) - (laughs) Yo! All right. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, we have a laugh challenge for you. - Oh, no! Y'all love pulling these on me! - (FBE) If you laugh or smile during a video or in between a video, you'll receive a point. And to win this challenge, you need to get no points whatsoever. - Okay, no points. - Okay, so no smiling in between videos? - (FBE) Mm-mm. - (gasps) So, not even after? - You can't even laugh or smile after the video? - (FBE) Mm-mm. - So, it's just a continuous-- you guys are brutal this time. - If I really gave it my all, I could stone face it, but who doesn't want to win? - Yeah, as long as I just maintain the fact that I'm dead inside, I should be all right. - Let me get this all out. I'm already laughing right now. That's not good. - (Captain America) Tony, what's going on? Tell me you found that cube. (sighs) Oh, you gotta be [bleep] me. - (Spice) Good morning. - (snickers and giggles) God dang it! I was really gonna try. (buzzer) - (giggles and snorts) - (Spice) Good morning. - (laughs) (buzzer) - It's Spice. - (Spice) Good morning. - That's my dude. I saw the Spice-- Oh. (whispers) I'm smiling. (buzzer) - (Spice) Good morning. Ahaha. - Mm-mm. Mm-mm. Mm-mm. Nope. Nope. No! - (Spice) Good morning. - Oh my god. Whoooa. I almost laughed. That was-- WOOO! That was hard not to laugh at that one! - (SpongeBob) Old people are the greatest! They're full of wisdom and experience. - (man) [Bleep]! Ooh! - (both laugh) (buzzer) - (SpongeBob) They're full of wisdom and experience. - (man) [Bleep]! Ooh! - (repressed laughter) - (FBE) That's a laugh. - I just-- (laughs and slaps knee) (buzzer) - Oh, no. Oh, here's to the wisdom. - (man) [Bleep]! Ooh. - (laughs and snorts) - (giggles) (buzzer) - (SpongeBob) They're full of wisdom and experience. - (man) [Bleep]! Ooh. - Tsk. That wasn't funny. (laughs) Yo! All right. All right. (buzzer) - (SpongeBob) They're full of wisdom and experience. - (man) [Bleep]! Ooh. - (snickers) The only thing that would make that better is if that water was frozen over. (buzzer) - (SpongeBob) They're full of wisdom and experience. - (man) [Bleep]! Ooh. - I like that one. I like that clip a lot. I'm really trying hard not to laugh. - (man) Yeah, over to the right. To the right! (loud tone) Oh, hold on. Hold on. (loud tone) - Amber alert? ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - (man, panicked) Black Honda Civic? Black-- Black Honda Civic? - What is happening? - The Amber alert. - (man) the baby, come on! We got-- there it is! Come on! - (laughs) (buzzer) - (man) Man, we gotta save the baby, come on! We got-- there it is! - This is great. Is what you do, Wren? - This is-- this-- what? - When there's an Amber alert, is this what you do? - No. - Did you see that? Did you see that? - (FBE) Yeah. - That's a point. Go ahead. Let it out. Let it out, man. - It's not-- (laughs) - That's right. (buzzer) - (men yelling frantically) - Black Honda Civic. There it is. Get 'em. Get 'em. - (man) I got the baby! - They took a baby. Save the baby. So glad I've already seen this. - (man) Oh, it's crunch time, baby. Woohoo. Kruh! Mm-hmm. - (laughs) Ahh! (buzzer) - (man) Woohoo! Kruh! - (laughs) - (man) That's what I'm talking about, man. (buzzer) - Oh, no. - (man) Kruh! Mm-hmm. That's what I'm talking about, man. Nobody's saved. - (both laugh) - You made me laugh. (buzzer) - (man) Oh, it's crunch time. - Oh, yeah. - (man) Woohoo. Kruh! Mm-hmm. Woohoo. Kruh! Mm-hmm. That's what I'm talking about, man. - (slow clapping) - Whoa. That is very funny. That kid's face is just covered in mud. - (man) Kruh! Mm-hmm. That's what I'm talking about, man. - (Ian hyperventilating) - (Wren snorts) - That was a good one. - That-- yeah. - That was really funny. (buzzer) - (man) So, I'm trying to get back to the place I was, you know what I'm saying? - Yeah, I know what you're saying. - (man) ...walk and jog through the rain. And while I was running, there was a lady that rolled down the window and was like, "You're so brave! Good luck on your weight loss journey." [Bleep]! I ain't got no car. - (both laugh) (buzzer) - (man) ...I was, you know what I'm saying? And I have to walk and jog through the rain. And while I was running, there was a lady that rolled down the window and was like, "You're so brave! Good luck on your weight loss journey." [Bleep]! I ain't got no car! - (both laugh) (buzzer) - (man) "You're so brave! Good luck on your weight loss journey." [Bleep]! I ain't got no car! - (snickers and giggles) I'm so happy that I lost. (buzzer) - (man) [Bleep]! I ain't got no car! - Oh, no. - (man) [Bleep]! I ain't got no car! - Who does that to strangers? Who does that?! - (man) Oh, [bleep]. You got a spider crawling in your scarf, ma'am. You got a spider crawling in your scarf. - (woman) Could you get it? - (man) Oh, [bleep]. I'm scared of... - Oh, I saw this! - (man) It's in your cap. Oh, [bleep], bro. You got a spider crawling on your back, bro. Spider on your shirt, bro. - Oh, no. - (man) Spider on your shirt. - Awww. - (man) Spider. - (man 2) Where is it then? - (man) Spider in your shirt, bro. I'm going that way, bro. I'm scared as [bleep]. I don't like spiders, bro. I don't like spiders, bro. - (laughs) - (snickers) - (man) Ooh, [bleep]. You got a spider on your shirt. - (woman squeals) - (man) Oh, oh, oh. - See, that's the kind of reaction I was waiting for. (buzzer) - (man) Ooh. You got a spider on your shirt. - (woman squeals) - (man) Oh, oh, oh. Oh, you run-- don't run. Don't run. I'll get it off for you. - (suppressed laugh) - (man) Yo, I'm just playing with you. There ain't no spider with you. I was just playing with you. (buzzer) - (man) ...going that way, bro. I'm scared as [bleep]. I don't like spiders, bro. - Oh, no. He's taking his shirt off. - Oh, no. - Oh, no. - Wh-- - (man) Yo, yo. I'm just playing with you. There ain't no spider on you. I was just playing with you. - Oh my god. How quickly people are willing to believe. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - Look at the cat! - Oh, no. - No! - (laughs) - (laughs) (buzzer) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - (suppressed laughter) (laughs) (buzzer) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - What is happening? There's like a real-- is that a real cat? What is that? I'm so confused! - I have so many questions that I don't want answers to. So many. - Yo, Toy Story is my favorite movie ever, I swear to God. - Each individual part of it almost made me laugh. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - This clip alone is funny enough. Then you add in these other characters... Oh, that was so funny. - (Shaun) ...stewardesses had all seen the games and they... - Oh, I know this video. I'm prepared for it. - (Shaun) And I mean, I had, like... - What is that? That's not a real gold medal, is that? - (Shaun) ...and I was getting snacks. And I mean, I was taking photos in the back with all the stewardesses. - (reporter) Wait a minute. Drinks? You're 19 years old. - Uh-oh. - (Shaun) ...Mountain Dews, baby. - He better be talking about Mountain Dews, or he's in trouble. I was sitting here laughing at his-- not laughing. No! (buzzer) - (reporter) Wait a minute. Drinks? You're 19 years old. - (Shaun) I'm talking about Mountain Dews, baby. - Hmm. - Hmm. Oh, I did good on that one. - Mm-hmm. - (reporter) Wait a minute. Drinks? You're 19 years old. - (Shaun) I'm talking about Mountain Dews, baby. - Mountain Dews. I can relate to that. - I was hoping there would be more of an awkward pause, where he has to process the drink situation. - He was on it. (snaps) It's like he's an Olympian or something. - Ahh... (knocking) - (woman) Amber, the UPS guy's here. - (Amber) Oh, [bleep]! I've been waiting for this package. Hi. Oh. - Oh, no. - (Amber) Oh, you can come in. Sure. - (snickers) - Mm-mm. - Aww, it was so cute! I lost that one. (buzzer) - (Amber) Hi. Oh, you can come in. - Awww! (laughs) (buzzer) - Aww, buddy. Awww, buddy. I would never laugh at him. He's trying his best. - (Amber) Oh, you can come in. Sure. - That was adorable. That was adorable. - (Amber) Hi. Oh. Oh, you can come in. Sure. - Ohhh, that's very funny. - (Keenan) Cardi B fans who rolled up here to the El Paso County Coliseum went from feeling okurrr with anticipation to feeling brrr with disappointment. - Dude, the deadpan at which he delivers that, the confidence... - That was good, man. - God. - That was good. - That was good. - Could you have done that? - No. (chuckles) (buzzer) - (Keenan) ...the El Paso County Coliseum went from feeling okurrr with anticipation to feeling brrr with disappointment. - Cringe, my dude. (chuckles) Oh, no! (slaps thighs) (buzzer) - (Keenan) ...went from feeling okurrr with anticipation to feeling brrr with disappointment. - What?! Was that real?! - (FBE laughs) Yeah. - That was a real newscast?! - (FBE) Yes. - Seriously?! (chuckles) - (FBE) Yes. - (wheezing laughter) - (FBE laughs) (buzzer) - (Keenan) ...went from feeling okurrr with anticipation... - Oh, gosh! - (Keenan) feeling brrr with disappointment. - Ahh. - Oh, no. - That was cringe. - (Keenan) ...okurrr with anticipation to feeling brrr with disappointment. - (clears throat) Just got a tear in my... got the allergies. Ahhh! Allergies are killing me right now, dang! (buzzer) - (Keenan) ...went from feeling okurrr with anticipation... - Wow. - (Keenan) feeling brrr with disappointment. - I wonder how they spelled it on the teleprompter. - (Keenan) ...went from feeling okurrr with anticipation to feeling brrr with disappointment. - That ain't it, Chief. - (FBE) So, you won this challenge. Congratulations. - Mwahahahahaaaa. So proud to be the champion. - I'm the champion?! Again?! Did we prove again that I have no soul? That I am a cold, heartless bastard? (sighs) I'll just thank my angsty teenage years for that. - Feels great to be a loser. - Feels great to lose again. - Yup. Yeah. - We love being losers. - I play to win, and I think I brought my A game. That old man diving naked into a lake... that broke me. - Yeah. - To all the people who won, I have no clue how you do that. But hey, more power to ya. I'm just gonna sit here and laugh, 'cause I'd rather laugh. - Thanks for watching us try not to laugh... - On the React Channel. - Subscribe for new videos every day. - Got a funny video we should see? Leave it in the comments. - Bye! - See ya! - Hey, guys. Miya here from FBE. Make sure to follow us on Instagram, @fbe, where you can check out our auditions, see what's going on behind the scenes, or just say hi to us. Bye.
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 3,703,515
Rating: 4.9193225 out of 5
Keywords: YouTubers Try To Watch This without Laughing or Grinning #33, reaction, react, reactions, reacts, Try not to laugh, laugh challenge, laughing challenge, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, fbe, try not to laugh, react gaming, people versus food, staff reacts, guess that, secret pro, in one, find the flaws, you're doing it wrong, can people guess, TMI, Most in a minute, lc1945, smosh, merrell twins, youtubers
Id: Y0tH7gzUZyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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