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do you guys like in speakable well do you like minecraft well do you like lava you also like when the floor is lava because of you do within all of those things are in this video and you're in frigid welcome to sprint lava parkour number seven there's there seven of these maps yeah there's seven okay I'm playing number seven look at all the lava like behind here it's so cool nice but this is just the lobby this is where we start the map there's also some heads in here and uh yeah you better have my head in there I'm gonna get the YouTube icon actually you know what I'm gonna get the Twitter one because you guys need to follow me on twitter armored and trolling curse of blood I don't need any lol really this is like a one hit sword okay I'll take I'll take some of these why not well with that being said let's go ahead and start the map and um well it's just like an introduction or something they're showing off all the blocks what is this also the map creator failed with SMAP a hundred and three times so hopefully if we don't get any more than that level one the series is back okay so what what are all these wool blocks I guess these wool blocks are just you know wool blocks I thought the wool blocks do like different things like special effects or something level one halfway checkpoint well thank you for the confidence okay oh they have some new features in here fancy interesting is this level two navitor difficult to you one point five out of ten one point five out of ten then what's a what's a ten oh geez I guess this is pretty easy if you think about it what does this say Oh hint okay okay thank you for that oh I guess this is kind of easy I could definitely see this being a 1.5 difficulty you know with this roundabout jump it's definitely turned into a two point five difficulty and it doesn't help that all the floor is lava it really doesn't it doesn't what is this okay level three rough climb difficulty four point five out of ten okay let's see if this is a four point five I don't know it looks like it looks like a like a 3.5 to me so far what do you guys think a four point five yep yep it's a four point five just because that jump but also guys before we go any further past this blog I need you guys to take a moment to well leave a like on this video and like that subscribe button if you haven't already so you guys can see more content on my channel I greatly do appreciate it but let's go ahead and continue oh wait did you not click the subscribe button okay wait I'll sit I'll wait what about now okay okay okay okay I'll make one we're all do you not click it yet let's try to jump on the side of the net sorry that didn't work well the good thing is I'm getting used to this but I can't I can't Crouch like on the other side of this like it doesn't let me cuz the anvil is sideways I guess like super weird oh there we go that's how you do it now the three checkpoint okay well when does this map turn into a 4.5 difficulty flip there we go what is this level 3 checkpoint 2 out of 4 okay we're still on level 3 Jesus how did you guys leave a big ol like if you like parkour and you like watching me fail and try to swim in lava although I'm not trying to swim in it you got to understand it's an accident there's another checkpoint right here checkpoint 3 oh my gosh so dark in this little corner hey map great he ever had a night vision yeah that's a great thing ok so far I only have 6 fails I don't know how the map creator got a hundred and three fails by the the last couple level of way what the heck am I supposed to do here I'm super confused how how much was oh wait I see it oh my gosh how am I supposed to watch what I was saying is the last level this map must be very difficult and I think I was supposed to go this way no nevermind I beg to differ I don't know who that was that that one of those was a four-block oh come on I was supposed to jump up there yeah we go there we go there we go there we go there we go Oh what is this is this a level look at all the other levels there's so many of them I'm not ready for this level 4 4 equals quads difficulty 7 out of 10 wow you just went from four point five to seven out of ten you what happened to the five and the six and the six point five quad jump squad chums for block jumps I hate for block jumps I hate entry block jumps one up I also hate check boy checkpoint one out of one ok this this better not be a long level oh come on really I missed that one oh okay okay okay okay is this a four block jump as well of course it is what is in here Oh got a diamond barrier blocks I'm super confused oh oh oh okay okay well how am I supposed to get up there I'm so confused what if I try to jump on I'm just I'm just gonna soak I'm just gonna soak I'm gonna soak in the lava what if I try to job I was gonna say what if I hold on hold on hold on oh there's definitely a block above my head I can feel it oh you said it was fake but no it it was not no it was not theirs oh come on come on come on oh oh there it is level five difficulty seven point five out of ten okay so this should be almost exactly half what how is this a seven point five out of ten do you see how many roundabout jumps I have to do right here there's no way this is seven point five out of ten and you're making me go to the left around the roundabout this week this is not a seven point five minutes in I completely completely disagree with this this is a seven point nine out of ten and if you don't mind I'm gonna set a spawn and now I'm gonna put now I'm not not worth worth a spawn point you know you know I need a slump boy I gotta make it to the checkpoint I literally hate roundabouts jumps if there's one jump that I don't like it's this one yes there we go let's keep that up let's keep that out now no no just just a bad start just bad stuff okay okay okay whatever whatever maybe I should go the other way I don't know yep I should go the other way that's exactly what I should do I should go the other way this way is just not work oh my gosh checkpoint one I - ah why so many round jumps with jump around Thanks I can see why the map creator has a hundred and three deaths now I I it makes sense it makes sense level one two and three are like this map is a joke and then you get to level four you like okay it's actually kinda difficult I think it's love five and you're like yeah alright all righty yo you had to do it to me I'm actually making it through this map how am I to oh there's another one are you serious we're either do all of these get guys if you want to see a video where I rage quit your infantry do RN for ight this hoodie is keeping me very warm with that level five checkpoints to attitude where am I supposed to go am I supposed to jump around this oh you've got to be kidding me how in the world I have never been able to do one of those jumps in my whole entire Minecraft career I have never been able to do one of these how do you expect me to do it now actually no no no the thing is you can have these one roundabouts with a space next to him which technically is I guess a two roundabouts if you want to say so but when you actually have two blocks let me tell you how incredibly difficult it makes to really jump around and squeeze back in there and like try to go on your Minecraft world and make one of these jumps yourself then you feel my pain oh no flipping way no flipping way you're lying you're lying you're lying there's no way how am i way what am I supposed to oh my suppose to go here oh my god level six bouncy blocks love difficult five to six five to six that was a seven point now okay whatever well this should be easy then nevermind it's gonna be a little bit more difficult than I thought bouncy jumps though you can give me bouncy jumps all day and I will do them all day except when you do stuff like this what is this how in the world okay okay yeah I was about to say how in the world am I supposed to jump around this glass and make it to that and then bounce it later okay I'm glad there's a lot of back here I was about to reach crit I was about to be like yeah this is difficult 11 famous slime neo I didn't even jump I didn't even jump wait where am I supposed to am I supposed to grab that ladder on the side there no way how in the world am I supposed to do that oh oh I did how how how did know there has to be another way hold on hold on spare me okay maybe I'm supposed to go this way now that wouldn't make any sense oh wait there's a lower ladder right there so maybe you have to fly all the way to the back what that's that that's pretty difficult this this just turned from a five to six difficulty to a nine because it's like a roundabout slide jump I told you map creator I loved slime jumps but I hate roundabouts and of course you have to combine both of the things I love and hate in one jump thank you for doing that okay I'm just gonna just go an apple so just make my death harder ah wait what if I'm just supposed to land on uh I think I'm just supposed to hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I think I'm just supposed to land on this if I jump on this hold on oh come on let's we will save yourself save yourself save yourself save yourself okay there we go we're good we're good we're good we're good there's a chest right there I don't know what that means but there's all diamond wait a second how am I supposed to land up on that I'm so confused on what I'm supposed to do with this map am I supposed to go for this ladder am I supposed to jump around it cuz it doesn't seem like I can make that ladder jump like I've tried it so many times and like I don't even like just my height I don't even get close I feel like I'm not supposed to do the ladder but then again the the other part is also extremely difficult so like yeah guys I finally made it who said that okay but seriously though how am I supposed to make a roundabout slime jump roundabout why do I call these jumps roundabouts I guess because you're like around and about oh I don't know I did that I really don't know I did that oh my gosh okay yeah see it makes the map makes sense now okay no you know what never mind it doesn't make sense I don't know if I like this there we go okay what is this checkpoint three out of six here goes nothing oh that was legit yeah that's a four-block jump uh oh my gosh oh my god jumping around difficulty six point five okay six point five I can do that I can do 6.5 jumping around difficulty six point five attitude alright well we'll see about that I would be the great judge of what how do you suppose that what are you supposed to fit right what wha that is so weird am I supposed to oh my gosh how the heck there's a sign right there and it says on the slime block oh my gosh there's a lot of back there - okay so I guess I'm supposed to go from this one to that ladder then to the slime block and then to that [Music] hmm oh my gosh I don't like this whole jumping around thing I'm not digging it totally a hard jump right yeah that actually is kind of hard that's definitely like a four and a half block jump but okay totally a hard jump right why are you putting a sign there that says it's a hard jump like yeah yeah it is is that gonna is that supposed to like make me like more mad or something okay there we go this map right when I'm done with it this is one of those maps where I have to blow it up with TNT like it is a like No no questions asked it is happening oh my gosh oh my gosh at least I have a checkpoint I'm not complaining at least have a checkpoint I am complaining I am complaining actually I definitely complained what was that I literally over jumped it I'm getting very triggered this is not cool oh I don't know how I did that I don't know I did it I don't know I did it I don't know how I did it if I miss this I'm gonna cry I almost cried I almost cried what the heck is that wait what how in the world are you wait you can do that that's a thing oh my god I didn't even know you could I just tried it cuz I was like maybe I don't know maybe I'll glitch into it what in the world I'm not getting more fails than the map creator there's no way okay where's the last one okay this is the last one so how do I I cheated I cheated it I'm proud oh never mind never I didn't see I didn't see it oh good of these I can work with these but what thick is that okay alright level eight find the Z button that actually what I'm supposed to do difficulty seven out of ten okay find a button to unlock this jump spruce button that's just that diamond really I really thought it was gonna be under here okay what what I have to find a spruce button to unlock this jump is it oh yes I knew it had to be somewhere like I was not about to look through all the lava never get that never mind never mind if they'll find it another button to unlock a jungle button are you serious right now ah I didn't see a single button anywhere no I'm not searching around the whole entire lava pit there's not a single button under any of these blocks yeah there's there's literally not a single button where could it be I can't get over there I'm gonna die how am I supposed to there's not even a button over there I mean let's just hiding behind that iron block maybe it's in here maybe it's somewhere under a lot oh you sneaky little bot I press the button and unlock the slime block so hopefully there we go checkpoint go down yes I'm serious how in the world oh my gosh you can actually make those I don't even know that was possible I'm so dead I'm so dead I have a Golden Apple I need to get out of here real quick there we go there we go I'm good is oh there is something under here hold on where is it I'm dying from everything right now there's something under there I swear where is it I swear there's something under there there's another button there's something under there I swear all right ready there it is I pressed it I pressed it I pressed it I pressed it I pressed it okay oh my gosh what did that do oh that's the secret right there you're just gonna jump all the way to the to the enchanting table but you can only be in the lava for so long alright let's regenerate a little bit here and oh you've got to be kidding me you've actually got to be kidding me I just want to know what the last two levels are like because like if this is only level 7 oh my gosh or honestly the last level like seriously another checkpoint okay thank you for giving me a checkpoint here because these are not easy jumps I am just so done with this map I am just so done with it I'm sorry I I have like no motivation to finish this map anymore because it is just so frustrating Oh what that's that's baloney I'm gonna take that ah that was a W for me now it makes it harder because you can't screw back as much because there's glass here did it oh wait what does that say something it says birch button though I think that I'm pretty sure that was a birch button oh my gosh think of all you got this just just just just just what well I have a confession I cheated no you did yes I did yes I did stop yes I did yes I did why am i arguing with myself all right yay what is this is this level 9 difficulty nine point nine nine out of ten and you know I'm just gonna take the L here honestly hold on this is level nine let me see what level 10 looks like where's level ten well no we did that one I think this oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me this has to be levels then hold your horses where does this thing start oh my gosh look out MIDI roundabout jumps there are so many hundred punches I'm gonna cry I'm actually gonna cry what is this okay so we counted two and then oh wait three four five six seven eight in a row Oh nine 10 and these are doubles bro I've only been able to make one in my whole entire Minecraft crew that has to be the last level what in the world is going on here lol redstone puzzle for you yeah this is giving me a headache just looking at it 100% possible has been tested a hundred percent possible okay okay so for the map creator to put like ten of these signs right here means that this is probably almost impossible so you fall through here and then yeah and then you okay it doesn't look too hard actually that looks extremely difficult you only have a couple seconds to oh my gosh that looks extremely hard it doesn't look that hard but for you to move I don't know it does seem kind of easy here let me try this real quick I'm curious I am very curious I want to try it this is one of the last levels of the map level ten redstone master okay all right let's try it here oh well that was easy oh that was so easy I did it on my first try yep that's where that's where I give up alright ladies I'm gonna stop the map here I hope that's out of the app yep yep alright if you guys want me to do a part two on this where I beat the rest of this map let me know by leaving a like because the rest of this map is way way way more harder if you guys want to see that I would love absolutely love to do that all I'm asking for you guys to do is leave a like if this video gets a ton of likes and a ton of support from you guys then of course I'll do a part two but thank you guys so much for watching before you guys go if that subscribe button is red and you haven't clicked it yet then there's a problem and you guys need to click that subscribe button stay safe stay awesome and I hope you guys stay unspeakable and have a safe and fantastic yesterday and I'll see you guys tomorrow with a brand new video and also follow me on Twitter that's that's that's the whole point of me wearing this giant this oh and I just hit a hundred thousand Twitter followers the other day so let's let's make it a hundred and one thousand Twitter link in the description [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 619,462
Rating: 4.9474125 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: 3begTvv3_nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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