TRY NOT TO EAT EACH OTHER! Who's going to win?

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uh-oh I don't feel so mad at them hey I didn't even start yet jacoub get her get her I'm just a small meatball you are let's just go before going to the kitchen all right Mamma Mia Magnus we go I'm getting rainbow back for destroying me this why think about the restaurant evil it's very what I got a ring hey hey you want a home is waiting someone getting married yeah it was someone getting ready in this restaurant before we wrecked it get off we heard someone's getting married oh no no please I guess jello not getting married anymore no you die from that attack the jello get off the cliff I will destroy you I have butter on my forehead who likes corn with butter hey Berger do you like me I'm not becoming a part of jock oh he'll get all this up I will get her I do not deserve to get drinking her mess I have the picture I have the power with yourself away from the spicy people no so spicy I'm so spicy take this spicy meatballs I'm dead oh I guess you couldn't handle the madness I can't why he's killing yourself GMO oh I'm too young I am hiding because I don't want to become with that thing you know what I'll just end your suffering about making meatballs and jelly no come down here don't fight me Jaakko you don't look okay man are you glad I got all my meatball juice in this chair you don't go down there you're gonna die no one will be savage or the trick now i'm a flaming meatball no no no I can't control it I can't control it I'm too hot oh it's one life versus one Oh have a caudal burger all right that looks good right hey man there could only be one burger around here who are you what do you mean who are you you're I'm you but better and healthier and more delicious get off why it's it's tofu I'm the burger ah what a beautiful cruise oh we're taking a river cruise hey Drago I got one of your friends oh no of akkad Oh what did you do you feeling about your die you will pay no copay for getting avocado shouldn't you not hurt gold because she's a vegetable it's true I'm one of you dull I am NOT a veggie burger I am simply an avocado burger yet with pepper I would appear what you someone help me snake over there no no please why are we eating at a place that has snakes I keep dying and drunky Oh No double stack up yes I don't mean this is all great you and get off the table you should go back well here uh however you go there you go I don't think as a burger lever when I'm doing weight gold we use the head now you lost all your corn your corn oh come here avocado burgers no what are you oh do something really gross that was that Gold's only move spinning hey gold I got a cipher when you spend just call it or nado goodbye take this goodbye good boy are you ready for hot corn why I'm an avocado you have no effect i neutralize all spices don't even try fighting me I'm to pass and once again a burger I'm not gonna be a burger anymore a burger is a curse hi I'm a meatball now and the goal is to hold the cake it's my great aunt best meatball no those doll is to be on this plate and it's mine because if people want to eat me because I can't you're probably delicious however guys are great ok I'm the power rule I would call them your little deal with you get out of here meatball get out of here avocado hey I'm just a snuggle you want your friends yeah can we just go gang up on them I think my get out why is everyone so mean to the meatball you okay you know what everyone team of quadratically is too annoying guys please smash one like myself Oh victory I'm not playing with avocado Jackie chocolate you're too good yes finally a pizza parlor hey LLL it's probably special because it says area I was clearly losing because I was not blue but now I am blue corn hello Mario you see that's right what wait wait wait a plate put in here let's play okay you got this little Drac oh no don't talk to us we just want to play a calm game okay I have a static electricity I'm static electricity it's not working that's not a token yeah I put the coin in I'm on i watch Ito's on me I'm the best corn ever no work necessary guys I think I glitched please help every game I play always glitch it not trying to alarm a job don't even buy anything you just trying to put the coins away that's because I am a spicy delicious meatball and I got to change you don't look spiked when you look like someone will get sick I I got GMOs you 100 now down wow that's so cool haha money money you know I die hey hey hey hey hey I'm sticky I just killed gold my evil yellow corn and now I will destroy all of you we're winners triumphs are you sure I'm evil or you're evil you're blue you're evil I was the original corn color blue killed yourself three boys - why you wanna high-five now the tables are even I guess you can saying now the tables have turned here you know barf meatball chickie my boy just listen soccer see luck I'm kicking you put the coin down the coin in no ha ha ha I may be dead but your dad know you're not dead hello funny isnarly Abby smelly and I can't control myself ooh a new meal up our foodie noodle oodle ooodle I'd rather be an avocado burger than a spicy meatball you don't want to be a little Oh what happened to you hello meatball I am what do you mean you cooked me Humbert we're going to upper food Oh luteal whoa we're going back home back to our thing I wonder about that barbecue I want it oh I don't want watermelon I'll go to the barbecue [Music] avvocato burger no one wants yeah you can talk yourself yeah everybody this world belongs to meatballs meatballs are great for barbecues everyone else said no one like you porn everyone says they love these long square barbecue burger actually don't reckon you're not a real burger jello is so Opie you know what people don't eat up barbecue please stop hurting me I'm just gonna meatball where's she going I don't know I'm going to say don't take me away I died I died what's that wait you fully died that was yeah and Rocco has my body part fight fight fight what are you doing get down that is bus 1 I got this Jelly Belly how do you spit so much jello if you just have a jello I don't understand jello is the ultimate power of now don't you know no here half a jello no come on Cory you got this and the best bottle actually tastes really good frozen you know it doesn't taste good froze way courgettes great frozen shallow tastes disgusting frozen no no it doesn't what's gonna go down here and get rid of you shouldn't have came down here jello what is there in a watermelon so much life left it's now a fruit punch watermelon come here jamming me up with me gold gold has three lives and Randall has why [Laughter] he's gonna win spits e-jelly or twirly Falacci melon butter butter cello butter corn win another meal oh is this an Inc burger it's a black burger it's a good it looks thick burger challenge only burgers allowed I want to be this fancy delicious HD looking bug I'm gonna be the crispy more like Paul everyone like paddy and my girls can I survive that's a no there's the one that looks like vomit we're able let's team up on them all of you deserve to go to phantom fall feasts cuz ya'll look nasty the only the nasty ones shall survive Oh as that's awaiting us rainbow we match with the blue burger baby oh right hey it looks so creepy maybe they're eating guys die no I don't want to get here leave me your cupcake I will win this time I refuse to lose come on what's happening it daughter posted this Mary [Music] babies are teaming up trash go you gotta get a beat did you know oh wait but he has five lives at the heck no I don't I don't have five life so was fired by the microwave which is extremely dangerous you shouldn't heat up foil in the microwave but I am I only have foil no hole to go she's scared to go so she went down to hide I didn't even though it's nice train bomb who wants that I heard that's right tasty bye stinky it's backwards everything's bad word No Oh No wow you come down here I am NOT going up there I'm not going down there man I'll die I'm not going up there smash I guess it's a waiting game I can do this all day instead as long as you aren't a ghost we'll get you looking at you oh no my controls are back dude my controls are all wonky hey what's down there come on those discussed not you just get her the ghost of their no ghost is not gonna snatch me you sure about that yeah you afraid ghost or something just come up here man no you come down here you look someone spit on the floor on the right oh oh wait I think that's your gut choose you see that whatever no no seriously look look go look I'm on the floor the floor I'm out of here has armchair security oh no you stay away from those GMOs no GMO burger careful whoa no GMO no to your mouth but but but no no and the thickest and I deserve to see our last Mia oh my gosh this is my dream oh my gosh it's my dream it's my favorite food of all time fine gold you can be my teammate Drago you're the worst food get out of here the most worthy place for pizza and Italian restaurants hi I'm Hawaiian nice to meet you in a minute oh you're not as cool as me I'm avvocato burger yeah you're like so 10 minutes ago then can I sing avocado burger I think I'd rather look at me look at me yeah not even sad you kind of frozen nothing for my magnitude oh yeah I get sir hey well one pits are you okay no she just got snapped out of the game she's happily use your other half really way to gold gold you diet as a pizza now they didn't even let me exit the restaurant man oh man Hawaii pieces or something choco noob and Hawaiian pizzas you die from potato yes revenge revenge is sweet like pineapple on pizza who doesn't like an arcade with pizza yeah you see this coin right here look at me I'm gonna put the coin in the master light and you can have a slice of Hawaiian pizza I know a lot of people gonna be like oh man pie up own pizza is gross but leave a comment down below what your favorite pizzas okay down here No subscribe for avocados burgers because we are the best thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you on the next one bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,133,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, food game, food mini games, lunch a palooza, lunch a palooza itsfunneh, lunch a palooza krew
Id: xeB56vF_4Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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