Who is the SWEETEST Treat Among us...?

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look at me i'm beautiful you're not listening to me die everyone delicious crew desserts are served i'm the most delicious clearly i am the most delicious not me it's so fancy here sliced tea is here it feels good to be alive as a sweet dessert pick me banana ew sliced tea no no one wants to eat a clenana that sounds so nasty pick me delicious cupcake hey up here nothing sounds aggressive i know how you can be the next chosen one you've got to get tasty oh rainbow's so cute what the heck thank you wait what do you mean get tasty see that paper it shows what the customer wants on their new best friend white a cake for my son please he loves funny creatures 4 p.m i am a cake i am a cake the last cakes bought toppings to impress their customer they looked so tasty [Music] i like the pigs first we need to find out who deserves the most chocolate coins with the cake [Music] this bash shows the type of cake bash you'll be playing wow and you can vote for your favorite place by pressing a to the next clipboard wow thank you for the tutorial rainbow i like the bakery bakery let's go to the bakery yes i place my vote vote me pick me clenana no sliced tea i'm a cake no they won't likes cake i'm a cake i played this before all i do is beat the living cake out of you the sweets get out oh the sweets are mine hey you you rainbows cousins you're luna's cousin hey luna come over here look what i'm doing hey don't pick on my cousin how dare you oh stop it lulu yeah that's what you deserve gold what's wrong with you clennan i've been eggified what draco's eating all the candies candy candy candy no ow stop it i'm just a slicer give that to me loner i need this in my life yeah take this chocolate balls ah it didn't work i deserved it dracco take that luna he has too much luna you ate too much jelly beans give me those candy no where are you going luna get out of here i'll teach you a lesson gold oh that's the tastiest of us all right say it who's tastiest you're not listening to me die everyone that's what you're awesome candy clonana clenana where are you going clanna no please please mikey these are all mine oh yeah i win forever oh yeah no rub it you're cupcakes are overrated best we're mainstream we have so much people loving us draco can't have the most candy it's me candy candy come on i need all the candy all the candy it's mine take this that's right oh yes yum yum yum yum yum yum yum delicious no no no my legs looks big don't attack luna shiny i'm gonna eat these i'm gonna eat this they're for me oh god draco [Music] oh draco you don't look tasty no i agree nope i look amazing what is this beautiful shop welcome to topping shopping wow it's so cute here you can exchange your chocolate coins for my tasty toppings they look good rainbow's going to rip us off [Music] over there is cheaper but i heard someone mixed in gross stuff [Music] oh try to buy three of the same types they combine to become even tastier oh you ready to go shopping cakes oh yeah i've got four coins hey is this safe rainbow my strategy is to use this uh okay go ahead dracco track was that safe i'm gonna buy from the trash luna no don't buy stuff from the trash lunar give me a try look at me look at me i'm beautiful um oh wait it's time no no i gotta open one it's time oh my god [Applause] oh my god wow you're a stinky cupcake haha i want a roast marshmallow you take out my stinky cupcake your name's clanna okay your name is what did you say about me no one will get yourself beautiful gold your dessert name is funny okay cupcake over clanana it's not she's an eclairs banana oh no i forgot uh oh this is gonna be hard chill not just like in real life always never burn it just uh like this no come on this game is so challenging look at luna and drago oh i need help wait why am i asking you i shouldn't ask you you're not that good marshmallows marshmallows look at draco marshmallow frozen master luna mess up no never okay perfect i'm not saying are you kidding me i can't play this game for my life for real look at me you look like a smokey cupcake no last last last pillow how did you get zero funny don't look at me look at this creation don't look at me don't look at me bash time what does that mean oh we're gonna hit each other oh it's tomorrow a factory as a judge i would not choose player one player one why not rainbow you would totally love this cupcake look at me i am the delicious sliced tea yeah get out of here all we gotta do is throw the fruit into the pie easy and i get points it sounds easy ooh blue raspberries let's make this the most delicious tart i missed great i'm a failure at this don't worry i'll pick it up for you no please no oh what's that let funny get one win at least come on whoa what's this no i'm gonna throw it in here i think lunar's trying to kill me i'm scared oh wait guys look in the background don't distract us are we in a cleaning factory no i'm not distracting you admire the background cleaning products yeah why oh it's to clean funny and lunar hahaha very funny wait that's a golden berry drop that luna driver lunar drop that no don't worry heads up no it's mine it's mine it's mine please give me the golden baby go let go no no [Music] come on ah get away come on come on come on let's throw it in please get in oh my gosh you stepped up dude the golden berry is not worth it gold oh no welcome to the lead thank you everyone i repeat get away get away hey look at another golden bear you know i have a joke for you what did the cupcake say to the dessert um what nothing come on come on come on i can't even get this in thank you thank you barry come on no buddy throw it in yeah let's go let's go hey you guys are looking pretty cold over there that was easy wow funny and draculaura thai no lunar stop i hate you no yeah no i did it jackal was so close this proves that i am i am the most tasty give me those chocolate coins oh yeah time to go shopping once again yes hello ripoff rainbow this isn't ready to be you're just jealous because you're not beautiful i'm buying this it's cute i wonder how much chocolate coins rainbows got this is not worth it wait look at me anything in the trash is gonna be the stinkiest i just threw my coins in the garbage i just i got a king frog i got a king frog look at my amount of stink i am amazing look i have a king frog that's why i'm gonna win rainbow i'm going to become the most delicious ice cream for you i'm stinky catch ice cream falling from the sky how high can this favorite hey ice cream this is so cool yeah we all yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you mean you share yeah yeah are you moving my guns oh you're rude you're a selfish cupcake i don't care cupcakes are the best moves my ice cream's tipping draco ice cream you have to keep it balanced look oh oh it's really cold but i got this oh someone go push over luna hey luna luna oh no no my ice cream hey yeah oh no [Music] hey someone push jacqueline over hi jacko don't push me don't push me i'm pushing you dracco [Applause] draco it fell off at the end that's not fair that's right i'm the true ice cream master i'm still the prettiest slice of cake that's what he always said are you because look i got rid of my stinkies look at me i'm clean now did you get rid of your stink i don't know but luna is still very very smelly we gotta collect the fortune cookies whoever opens the mouth smash it come on give me something good two points that's not good enough i need a giant fortune cookie excuse me gold you're looking quite not delicious today oh fortune pigeon what is my fortune what my fortune is i will beat this game okay easy way my fortune is that i will win is there a golden fortune cookie i hope so i need it everyone you all need to stop being so toxic have some salt put your cookie oh man there's pigeon doo doo's all over the table that's nasty hey goals stop being so shiny gold's winning guys this ain't good please it's my first time winning let me win that no we will not give it give me my gold cookie stay away from my cookies oh my gosh they're fine hey stop the fortune says i will wait and pee the top is the top he's hurting me for cookies no i need all somebody's dog no one wants he just had gold with a wooden spoon all these cookies are mine oh yeah please draco is glowing ah stop it come on all the cookies just some pepper for you guys here you go delicious yum yum yum yum no bunnies in the leaves stop letting her get in the lead come on for the cupcakes for the cupcakes of the world let's go yeah no it's time get off here i was clearly the better one why are we sharing chocolate coins disgusting someone pushed jacqueline just kidding shopping time let's go okay um uh hi rainbow hi rainbow you got any good stuff no gold oh third stick oh why is jackal so crazy that matcha cake is pretty i am beautiful no he's not no he's not i'm beautiful i am still stinky luna i think you have to trash your item please i must have the bee it matches wow i think i'm the most beautiful lunar you should stop at me you should stop being so smelly luna you should just stop playing that machine you guys are gonna do the campfire no i'm so bad at the campfire i don't want to play it [ __ ] knife let's go this will prove who is the best dessert royale oh it's already over i think it is draco's cake oh bye buddy yes oh like you're sad over that draco gold get rid of him come on gold never get ready i can do this [Music] whoa nana shall win stay in there gold nothing in there where do you think you're running stop being me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on just die already you die oh my gosh this is insane [Applause] voting time bakery or factory um i guess we should head back to the bakery huh i like the factory yeah i like collecting candy more than no i like the bakery yeah same i mean the factory like the other one away one no it's not because i won i'm very bad at this game everyone please like i won this the first time without winning it's kind of hot don't you think so far that's what you get i need a smile nice for one can you tell me why you're still standing on the phone stop screaming yeah it makes me faster so i can get more candy yeah someone get in there there's so much candy get out of here candy drop candy is mine everyone is it me or is it getting rain on me candy it's getting hot in here oh i was selfish i went on the stove oh there's wind the jelly bellies the jelly beans are going towards us please i need it i need to eat all of it oh no draco ow oh don't get me please i'm on fire nobody go near me nobody go near me or whatever don't come here don't go near me gold okay i'm not okay you may scatter luna that's too much candy for you no you have too much candy no lunar you have too much my favorite utensil to eat a cupcake is what no screwdriver no why would you eat a cupcake with a screwdriver wait what happened over there wait what is this draco no no no no no no delicious this is like some nice chocolate sauce there's an oil leak this is extremely dangerous and we're near fire too so yeah burn them we need to make sure oh no no no no you'll never get me hey where are you going guys come on come on no he won again it's the final round it's time to finally shop and choose who's the best out of all of them of course it's gonna hi rainbow we meet again you guys better buy you better use all your chocolate coins give me them all i did i look good i look good i think rainbow juice looks good you could look better you have 10 seconds i am the cutest uh lunar all oh luna's the smelliest okay yay it's time the customer is arriving soon one of you will be chosen yay oh yes oh no let's take a look at the toppings and your best moves i am the most beautiful one of all sweet and fun it's player one tasty crew it's player two that's right a treat to see it's player three i'm the best smelly four ask for more it's player four lunar that wasn't quick here they come lunar i don't think you're gonna get chosen i'm so nervous right now ah baby mimi yeah three is the tastiest no he's not stinky wow i don't want to get why wouldn't you pick me i can't wait to see minus luna's minus 310. well guys if you want to see more make sure to like and subscribe because the next one's going to even be tastier especially if you want to see more of me delicious sliced tea more of clenana which one of those tasty treats would you pick [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,469,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, cake bash, cake bash gameplay, cake bash itsfunneh, cake bash funny, cake bash krew, cake bash funny moments
Id: _CcUtfsQRxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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