Which side are you on? UNO FLIP!

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oh you think you're smart you know has a new DLC called uno flip we are playing it and I think it's gonna be saltiest games you have ever played Iowa wedding for once I promise no it just seems like you guys are salty and I have the chips because I always win if okay I have a deal if I lose you will get the chips whoever wins no deal I love my double salt shakers no please can I start flipping yet do you know oh I can see your dark side cards I will remember it I have a great Jaakko has a fine I'm no I don't remember anymore and to your flip I say a 9 I don't even think flipping has a disadvantage just looking at you guys's dangerous cards host again Wow stop flipping me I'll flip your flip now the real question is imagine playing this in real life this is so dumb uno red how about red okay you why aren't you flipping I don't want to flip I want to win why does it take you so long to figure out you want to flip or not is the unknotting flipping I'm playing mounted cards that I didn't just draw [Music] yes I see funny has an all color dark side she don't look at that side of the card look and she has a shuffle oh she only has one eight this is so bad you're right this is why I said it was just gonna be normal it's not a normal game give me a flip card every Bard's it's easy to remember oh no you didn't take that gold nope I'm not holding this haha what comes around goes around ah now get flipped the wink have a lot of special cards he'll funnies lights ID cards and grows don't be rude to my cards i won me over you know blues girls yeah you can grab more cards just third side first okay I know she has something better be careful they don't work should I reverse don't know no oh I do I can flip I can flip her other side oh wait no no one like card is flip it just whip it it's a yellow if it don't feel a fit I can't flip it what do I do oh we have a 9 [Applause] bad double salt shakers leave a life and I might give you one of my salt shakers but for now I have them I don't think Jocko deserves that Dorito crown give it to me I don't think you deserve those salt shakers I technically do I beat the game in under five minutes I'm amazing okay cool story bro story why are you confused salty girl you can what-what are you accepting there's a lot of new cards that we don't know about and what kind of meaning anything what a sad sad time someone watch out drachmas purple and two oranges and a pink I'll remember that no like a memory card oh no I see his colorful card he has no blue or green stop creepin I apologize profusely funny Oh what oh I hate you I seek revenge you don't even know what card this is someone reverse it okay rainbow okay are you gonna cry you ready cried today I am again she's such a Lionel better not have a + bi it's all over for you what is it looks really pretty though oh did oh it did enough I don't know what that did let me read when I draw this card the next player must draw until they get a color of your choosing or else yeah two cards so you have to know what to draw orange being cruel let's flip it back you know I don't like my deck actually my decks not that bad it's pretty colorful what do you mean you have 16 cards 16 cards rainbow how about you don't get a play you probably don't have the cards right you have a yellow gold is all oranges remember why does it keep a challenge dog challenges why don't you just not challenge it and take the head tell her how to challenge so she could stop eating so paying gold Wow it's okay gold I got you back reverse wow you're so kind thank you I will not let rainbow play this is the ultimate revenge I can't even remember what's on the back of my own I don't like that girl's mind now seek revenge [Music] right oh this is the perfect game to play when you have lots of time the cards never end Mike you throwing it down no one flipped the deck ah I'm burning how can you even scream with Doritos I need to dispose all my cards first before I start using my ultimate cards the dark side is gonna tell you right now your dark side sucks okay let's not flip it believe it as regular do you know we're not lying to you maybe your dark sides good yeah well your dark side I see Drac hos dark side I'm talking about me and we're flipping you know my dark side does take five because I know Drago has no orange so he has to pull yep see any memorize well big big brains you don't have orange either Drago so I know you should be worrying about rainbow oh you jerk Kiki doing doing doing doing doing doing doing now the real and I asked five on me or else I'm gonna add five hundred rack oh that's mean don't do that salt shakers we have to work together oh yeah you deal here not revenge oh I suppose we can see what cards were drawing I didn't even notice that oh but like on the other side yeah Oh hmm I don't like Oh what did you say he didn't have orange Oh have orange how dare you draw until there's orange I'm going to I don't know what that means what does it mean I don't know fine whatever after read what challenging is [Music] there should be radioactive symbols for everyone oh she just declined it she didn't even want to deal with it what is challenging it just seems salty I got nothing thank you let's play this and repeat behave nope orange don't be scared oh thank you I'll reverse it so you can play again no orange remember guys I repeat use orange lists I love it thank you what a Canadian game what will we taste the victory haha salty that's my own the orange there's no one gonna flip this on like flipping it oh you do have an orange okay I'm surprised his rainbow have nothing to get rid of funny oh no reverse pulse has that +5 she was talking about guys don't know what I have we can do this we can do this we can do this okay everyone memorize these cards again fold it such a hurtful opinion haha on the back it was paying up yeah but now we know that she has two green cards I can't yeah I can change oh yes [Laughter] what Genoa wait we have to remember right Oh what to drag you home get teal [Music] yeah what do you have as pink she has pink she's definitely a pain she has pink this is a this is a diet legal we play a game since everyone only has two cars and we like let Rainbow get down to cards steel now we know everyone does not have pink this is awkward the suspense was ruined I'm gonna keep this [Music] no pink stones and yabbies I can not unless it's not pink here oh I'll help you guys oh thanks I got an orange challenge I have an orange so it should work right no well I had an orange though I don't get it someone call them out of challenge and how does challenging words oh heck no oh heck oh heck no into a trap or our own Oh somebody flip it again what well how about this she isn't worried somebody flipped that somebody somebody flip it I can ruin her game just reversed me reverse me reversed me to pink no versum you think I know she has orange dye nah she's got it I have this she has a green and something I forgot oh no oh yeah Oh get rekt Wow don't give it to funny she's the one in the lead I have so many cards cool it's gonna challenge right again um why do you keep challenging me I don't understand it what is it one I only lost eight the colors of McDonald's hey somebody get rid of funny I don't remember what card she has does anyone remember Dada Dada Dada hey you're not supposed to be helping funny I'm not I don't understand whoa I pull the head challenge this challenge why isn't anyone just not to challenge again McDonald's wait a minute the dark side cars are the same color as the light side cars flipped over in the same color flipped over I think this is the same color like I'm pretty sure blue is like bad you don't have pink your favorite color pink did you dirty she keep saying no no he loved she has no pink because all her back hearts are green no drunk who your Theory's wrong whatever Oh [Music] let's go back to the side I don't want to be overhead you guys are the robotic vials a rabbi I don't like the dark side dark side scary yeah okay we should addition up and make Drago eat the cards we should do it don't mean don't bully me well Jerry yellow yellow okay and we're gonna add it up sorry laters plus one no that's not that bad that was kind of weak oh I'm off the McDonald's colors now thank you what colors were they that was me and you guys I'm already full of salt and you had to just 25 or 20 it was a lot it was 25 nope not today no just don't put down the plus one if you can't fix it after I hate the light side handle the heat don't don't play the game see I could get rid of all my cards so I'm leaving the my side silence silence and concentration figure out what I'm supposed to do oh are you singing a song no London don't freak out dropping out don't be suspicious don't go yep just keep pulling the car this is nice just a peaceful game of uno funny she's getting close to victory again just chill game of you know how banks honestly don't remember Jocko has no orange honey I'm gonna challenge you oh no I'm so scared tink okay what had ping ping think uh challenge I'll challenge you I don't know I am laughing oh I just noticed a strategy would be pulling all the good cards oh I see thanks for that I want a challenge no one said anything and you're just talking about like a strategy hein I want it take it give me sustenance it's just a game calm down yeah nothing will give you sustenance come on purple pink give us a purple washes pink purple yes why did you do that it's magic yeah purple spin oh oh yeah stop these cards are lame just don't you solve you know cards I only have purple why do you mean you're purple you're ruining my day wait rainbow has two cards left oh no no change it to her colors there's no way she would have changed a hair color she's bluffing she'll change it to her color I'm not dumb you hear that everyone I don't have any I have nothing like this now I'm covered in salt leave like and we'll sprinkle some salt on you don't subscribe if you're new or saltier than ever especially tackling golds I will see you on the next one thanks for watching bye bye short a mouse has replaced gold [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 10,019,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Role-playing Game (Game Genre), roleplay, itsfunneh, funneh, funny minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, playthrough, let's play, no cursing, no swearing, mmorpg, rpg, no swears, funny, moments, funny moments, uno, funny moments uno, uno gameplay, uno multiplayer, uno game, uno funny, uno funny moments, krew, krew games, krew plays, uno flip
Id: RP97d2JIdxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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