Becoming TINY in Roblox School!

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[Music] Don't Panic everyone wear Agents from the Department of mitigating criminal activity we received word of a school shrunkening and we're here to help noises I don't think think they heard you say don't panic now students these Sinister or evil afoot guys look how giant the ants are oh honey the ants aren't giant We Shrunk oh what if we're the shrunken ones aren't we the bugs so Draco you're a bug something you hate uh being small doesn't make you a bug wait let's just talk to the super agents hello hi super agents oh it's you glad you can make it listen up I'll fill you in on the situation are we ageless now as you might have noticed this entire school has been shrunked students are in a panic we need to set things right we have agents all throughout the school but they can only do so much we need your help us with you on our side we'll find out who Shrunk the school and get things back to normal in no time got it and if you want you want agents have some fun and helpful items for sale wait is this like a we're counting on you special agent who special age thank you well since you said that take all of my money no no no no no thank you so no we're special agents we have to but we gotta get it you guys we have to fit with the specialist yeah I agree okay oh it just pops on rainbow come on yeah look at our ages oh that's cool this Robux was supposed to be for lunch money they called me suits International Super Spy agent funny who breaks pencils whoa look at lunar why did you break pencils I feel so clean oh okay well look at my back it says dmca for you oh [Applause] super agents are super fast [Music] no Gold's careful I'm being careful they're out of control what wow I don't know if it's the super suit but I feel amazing look how fast we are let's go we're super fast yeah um what it looks like Hooters and it looks like we need to go to the washroom do you gotta go to the washroom because [Music] gold yeah we're not looking up we're not looking like a super spy okay just jump over them yeah do you guys know where the washroom is yeah yeah it's down this way follow me whoa oh my God oh my God tripping away the students oh my God they're screaming on you guys guys come on the washroom's out here oh thank you rainbow I need to go really bad is it me I'll be very very very very fast are you guys talking faster too I feel like yeah how long are we gonna be fast I don't know let's just get out of the school first don't worry guys I'm gonna go out watch this no I mean once you get the hang out of this superstars it's pretty easy are you it's worms [Music] ah yes even giant bugs worms and bowling balls can't get in the way of good old-fashioned dodgeball and neither can you for the record uh-huh we need to get through here to find out who Shrunk the school so try not to get hit can't you just tell them to stop playing come on how much harm could a dodgeball do actually a lot of perks when you get hit wow huh this looks painful who wants to go first okay lunar I remember agent stop I remember basketball during school everyone would vote to play dodgeball every day and I hated it why do you hate dodgeball I love dogs you could get hit right in the face how much dodgeball can you play everything I love dodgeball okay then you can stay here okay let's go let's go I'll get past this part I just keep running keep running there you go whoa how are you doing that it's a double jump oh we could double jump oh wait how cool whoa wait I'm easy I'm double job okay we made it now what halfway there keep on trucking trying all right I don't know what that means but that will be like it means keep going meow okay wait why are these kids throwing dodgeball though don't you know like we're trying to do a mission because there's no school Draco yeah they obviously don't care who Shrunk the school but we do you know what because we're trying hard now let's go Draco come on Colts I can't I never could Dodge balls oh no [Music] wait what this is the first time draco's been behind us oh yeah never right it's the dmca on my back okay it's doing pretty bad look there's those giants again oh Giants oh my gosh that's us no that's really funny I love your joke a plus Stars no let's go wait is there a music festival [Music] and now for our regulatory schedules government mandated dance break time to dance um well I know how to do this today yeah show those Gotta Dance this is creative funny you're on the floor oh you're glitched you just stopped my vibe okay I got this I just want to dance you shall not dance get it no I don't understand how do you not understand you shall not pass challenge shall not dance do you mean challenge that makes no sense Charlotte why would I be talking about that's me that's my mood I hate dance breaks she's grumpy well not every agent likes dancing [Music] come on let's go are you one of them funny ow maybe maybe so how is this helping us and why does our school have a dance hallway Draco because it's mandatory because sometimes yeah Draco you fun hater I don't get it don't you want to be the prom queen slash King wait gold this looks like your avatar [Music] let's go oh what ah whoa looks like a huge food fight broke out forget food fight this is an all-out War this is a waste of food yeah you guys shame on you I could eat that I don't think [Applause] okay guys I don't think there's any point talking to them just stop you have to restore the school so food stops getting wasted it's so there's so much I'm slipping on banana peels someone get them to stop oh oh no the banana peel has just slipped me into Oblivion like a cartoon hey you started I know what we'll scare them the attention detention for all of you I don't think they care about your detention I've been listening to you everyone here gets detention for wasting food now yeah you first lunar okay I'm gonna jump I'm gonna jump I made it gold you might want to come see this I'm sorry I will not what what happened go ahead oh all right that's it Mr Apple Bottom we'll get all of you you're gonna be all suspended because it's not worth it it's not worth it go oh my God that was so sad that was the most comical thing that has ever happened okay come on Draco and rainbow ahead of us no go who made it no oh my God rainbow can you put them in detention they have they're not gonna listen to you why they don't listen these children are out it's a drawer stop it stop thank you charcoal you gotta go get gold come on let's go you're fired lunch has never been this scary before I agree oh yeah it's unappetizing speak for yourselves I kind of want one of these giant sandwiches I agree I agree with her whoa they're bouncy whoa I like this it's pretty cool oh I just got fried hurry up people let's bounce on the burgers and let's go to the next part we have to do Draco is already ahead oh soggy sandwiches the sandwiches you know what the question is the real question is do sandwiches bounce ah no the sandwiches don't bounce people are still throwing their stupid lunch trays around I swear where are they getting these lunches I don't know like it's an infinite amount of lunch trays I think they're just they're eating it across come on wait why are those lunch trays still tiny that doesn't make sense could they be giant Luna don't question the logic of Arby's to the exit come on are we out now freedom whoa what welcome to the quiz hope you've been paying attention because now it's gonna be put to the test by the end of this quiz we should have enough information to figure out who Shrunk the school God really all right let's TV show quizzes what organization do agents cease and I can't see does this weren't for it's on come on obviously it's this one Draco talks about it's on my back yeah it's dmca gold are you gonna come take this test I know you hate tests but you know I hate tests tell them I'm sick get your butt through here what does the dmca do take down outlandishi outlandish Outlander take down take down outlandishly Sinister yet extrude [Music] excruciatingly I'm not saying this I pronounce sinister excruciatingly my face went through the wrong door yeah yeah I get it what insect was outside the window in the classroom I reckon I remember this it was horrifying it was the big queen bee yeah it was a queen beagle wait do you see what these kids are saying what I all I know is she's freaking out I saw it before but it's gone now let's go what could have been used to shrink the school a shrink that what we're trying to find out what I don't understand I don't get it no I don't understand it [Applause] there's a there's a lot more questions you might want to see this have a little fun agents where have we seen something that could be a shrink ray oh um we weren't paying attention I'm pretty sure it's this though because the professor looks pretty evil that's true yeah the professors really sucks guessing ding who was standing nearest to the object we saw that could possibly be a string tray the kids do this one it's fine this one the corn jokes who have we seen acting suspiciously the kid who hated jokes except the same person name three times already oh guys I think it might be um agent bootleg now yeah okay plus work really Top Notch thank you all okay if they all knew this why are they making us work the students in on this well now that we've sorted out all the information me perfect professor at the same time was I who shrunk this school I suppose you didn't recognize me when I was disguised as a school teacher please why'd you do it what do you get out of shrinking a school I don't know I saw it in a movie one I mean bamboot like is cool you'll never get away with this stop me simple too never call us yeah we are not simple nor basic people come on crew not let him get away this is ridiculous he called us simple yeah not just simple simple tinsel okay you know what are you guys I'm just gonna uh I wanna be like all the kids in here relaxing on those paper oh wait I just what did it do hey bro it just flies us to the end oh my gosh no no you're lying no no no oh my gosh that's amazing it was to the next level Jaco that was amazing no we skipped like three levels um you guys might want to come join us oops I just got a paper cut from the plane oh [Music] choco what I didn't step on the checkpoint now I have to play The Hobby you have to play again it's fine I I don't think 15 Roblox for going that far is worth it it's totally worth no no it's not tracking it's totally right just gotta get across them and done whoa track I think you're missing part of this level ah he's back aren't you well then let's see if you can get past my Army of mechanical contraptions don't worry their bite is much worse than their butt so what are these robot dogs I'm not scared to say I love all dogs they're called bike bugs right they look like little toys oh they're chasing that you're out are you guys back yet Jaco wait up not everyone that's such a flexor okay there is uh okay I just got something oh yeah oh my goodness actually maybe the house yeah it's really bad it's really bad there's so much no no chaotic [Music] okay I just can't get smacked girl I bought the pass it's impossible really gold okay I'm gonna use my pass wait rainbow you should get one of these um come on I'm still stuck am I the only one that made it here traditionally no no I'll make you traditionally watch well and done hello people nice Draco You're Gonna Love That level yeah Rainbow's still back it was easy whoa what is this [Music] got past my Contraptions did you no matter you'll never get past what please impressed are you I saw these in an online game I played once years ago it took me forever to get past them so I figure they should hold off a simpleton like you definitely I must once again bid you add you later loser oh my goodness bond is a little little bootleg yeah honestly I think I think a while back when he played that he was probably very angry these things are since you guys did it normally you didn't get the alternate story I got the alternate story oh I hope you're happy Draco if you skip he's like hey you skipped all of my cool things I mean that's pretty funny come on wait I'm failing these kill blocks I understand his rage now I know why he's so angry it's because this is quite ah um challenging oh my God you put your butt on the floor and then I tripped on it you just said oh um um you guys I guess kind of like once we're saying yeah we know I'm sorry these are simple but deadly so you are simple yeah yeah it can you can jump over one whole block with it huh oh I got double jump just go straight fighting just jump straight jump jump can we cross that no legit it doesn't look like we can go out the bathroom one two just slowly like this look [Music] oh guys there's a restroom oh nice finally I need to use it it's been a long trip I need to use it yeah my feet they're too big can you just hurry up before we get an actual dmca at your rate thank you finally whoa [Music] there you are what kept you everything never mind that we can we can shortcut through the bath catch up to Von bootleg it's crawling with robots though not to mention the power's out too we've got some flashlights but we're not permitted to give them out we don't have much in the way of funding okay anyway void the robots and try to get through the vents in here whoa um now this is for a super secret agent but we already have questions I mean I have to support this Creator you guys are getting scared I don't need a flashlight for this somehow ow oh funny these dogs are evil all right basically a shopping mall Obby they're just trying to sell us stuff just keep going Jack where you at oh I see it what do you mean I'm in front I'm out whoa why do they keep talking to me there's a lot more stuff we have to escape I'm just gonna speed through this there's a lot of bugs they're flying now what I mean the evil mastermind is pretty good there's a giant ant whoa giant spider I don't think is that all right is it another ant it's an at dude Luna come on let's go this way oh through here come on lunar this way hurry okay um finally not where I can rest in this restroom lunar I don't know rainbow would love these pods we gotta get ahead of this because it looks like there's a lot mm-hmm good thing we can maneuver dark spaces very easily wait where am I going ah come on come on what you doing I got eaten a toilet come on I'm out behold my greatest Contraption the Mighty infrigerator boy he's sure to knock you out cold quick get into the sewers that thing can't reach us down here whoa cool man not the sewers my nose it's burning ah I just hooked up why would you jump into the shoes of water I don't want to talk about what I just did oh it's toxic water not a swimming pool okay everyone's getting pummeled hey guys make sure to smash the like button forget to consider subscribing out subscribing by Smashing the like subscribe okay I'll stop let's go just go around are you kidding me why are you gonna slip it oh my God he's gloss oh all right never mind I will stop making fun of these Contraptions they are actually I'm not even close to it no I think the thing is slow and steady wins the race whoa careful there's a glove right there oh thank you Luna yes you gotta be careful guys these gloves are dropping any minute ow I'm careful about the worms they're kind of popping out through these worms you no all right I found a shortcut I think you could double jump there's a shortcut like this there are no shortcuts yeah this is Sean bootlegates creatures be kind of annoying I do not like these worms although they do remind me of gummy worms they do not remind you of gummy worms would you eat them no then they don't remind you of gummy worms don't lie yummy yeah they remind me of things that are better than Gamers they remind me of bubble gum and I'm dying you know what's the worst thing about bubble gum over chewed bubblegum oh time to talk about it the worst part is bubble gum that you chew for and then after in 10 seconds we're like the only ones trying to save the school like no one else cares do we really care about saving the school like I could care less like why are we even saving it oh thank you can I join Von bootleg no but bye it's so easy lunar you're not allowed to join Von bootleg our suit is normally this big I think so yes two ways keep all of the junk that humans don't want no I'm kidding that's good ow come on guys get out of the sewer whoa careful oh my gosh they're back smash the like buttons back guys careful I'm kind of getting hungry sandwiches [Music] that that statement was so disgusted I fell into the studio these sewer sandwiches the only thing they're gonna get is sued [Music] gold lost her mind the only thing getting clean and this sewers your attitude oh I fell but down come on let's get [Music] huh how do we get here again never mind that there's the school oh it's so cute I'll destroy School [Laughter] oh the school instructor how it was I who unshrunk this school okay I kept watching that no yeah I got the shrink free idea from and guess what what they had a reverse switch on their shrink ray all right so of course I took that too wait you're stealing oh that's why we're the dmca whoa oh no that's of course um is it friendly maybe you should lose wrecking a city with a giant Contraption is much more favorable than terrorizing a shrunk in school I'll see you simple things later when I'm scrapping you off the bottom of my Contraptions boots because it's going to squash you like a ball okay does someone want to go play Roblox yeah his problem just got a lot bigger you're telling me I have an idea for taking it down though how are you thinking what I'm thinking I think I am all right we have something we have to get from HQ is it gonna cost robot you chase after Professor Von bootleg and try to get that shrink ray away from him in the meantime now it's a girl way we'll meet back up at that construction site over there got it good luck out there special agent crew we know you can do it come here you why are you shooting me come and get it it's time to run guys yeah why are you running around children especially doing stuff oh hey this is so chaotic this is what chaos looks like Professor Von bootlegs come here nothing is a realistic chaotic Army is your refrigerator running rainbow rainbow that's not funny jokes it's funny it's funny that joke hasn't been ever funny since it was created oh oh my gosh money I'm dying from these these Giants is singing banana helping you live it actually is ah not International Super Spot funny we got this we just gotta be patient wow and take our sweet time to go across where's everyone where'd you guys go at the end I'm at the end still falling down the subway guys I have a trick go go to the left go left like this gotta run gotta run get around put back here great which spectacular Splendid Evil Genius set up this month for fun fun [Music] Minecraft refrigerator gold definitely gold what what go hey yes no did we win um is gonna be us not slipping come on speed is my name just kidding speed is my name again just let's jump over these sandwiches and they're still throwing beach balls I'm honestly starting to think that these kids don't want us to save the city we're trying to yeah save the whole city you guys they don't care they don't care yeah I think they don't care about the city they're just tormenting us get on the burger come on whoa you gotta pee got a cheese if you can okay Luna just keeps using this as a comical way she needs to go to the washer whoa You Haven't Seen the Last Divine bootleg crew look he dropped the shrink ring you got the shrink ray nice work crew check this out the dmca's most powerful Infinity the dmca's most powerful invention demonetization this is scary it's a special device that wipes all traces of an event ever happened kind of close to home everything will be put back to the way it was all right it takes a lot of juice to get going though we need to plug it into an electrical outlet we'll also need a clear shot at a big and obvious Target for the takedown to have any effect refrigerator should do nicely make your way up that construction site we can set up the takedown you imagine the special agents you do it I know you can do it you guys are literally the agents why did you take this off that's so lazy you know what we're gonna get up there you know what I'm buying a super coil Draco that's not very agent of you super coil before super coil power Jacob you're just gonna cheat to the top I will too cheat to the top what actually never mind he's actually dying hello giant we will stop ow we will stop your refrigerator because they don't call us International Super Spy super duper I'm dying clumsy super out wow it's a super koi trap you're distracting me Draco please please super coil super ow agent needs to be quiet yeah all the way up here what's your right okay now what food I hate this oh my gosh I hate this place oh the super coil is actually great it's so great I can skip so oh it's great now playing out holes don't scare me the dmca needs juice they need to add them those things do made it up here oh there's Outlet let's plug it in and action all right we've got the takedown all set up you want to do the honors crew just give that power switch a flip let's flip the switch see you later we've been waiting forever oh we should have said something cool like what an agent would do oh yeah time to run or turn to kapui time to freeze is your refrigerator leaking you know it's running off oh not the dmca takedown uh my hard work done is it here is this game is starting to feel like personal it is you Cruise does that mean where Von bootleg feels like someone really does not like the dmca thanks to you Von bootleg was taken down and brought into dmca custody couldn't have done it without you special agent crew [Laughter] and you know what time it is now no party time government mandated dance break I thought you hated dance breaks uh this is something worth celebrating now that I can agree with let's break it down get down get down and move oh yeah it's happening are we on an alternative party I want to leave is this in the mind of a dmca they just is this what happens when they take down stuff yeah this this is what I'll imagine now oh yeah and as a reward for a job well done we've got a special top secret item to give you heads in the back of the rooms the big glowing pod to get it a charge coil special agent crew wow [Music] I want to get my free item and leave Marco Taco what do you mean you have to stay here you're part of the dmca I need to get this first you just got the charged coil this special coil gets better and better the morning music The Charge coil starts only slightly more powerful than your base abilities but you see the more energy you harness from the mysterious checkpoints the more totally awesome and super cool you become you use it and try to beat our top agent's best time or just find out how Ultra powerful you feel at Max charge we've also got a supercharged battery that will double the level up rate more than your new coil want to use the time machine put the coin I don't care no no I still have things here no they're gonna make us restart nice try yeah nice try well it is technically the end and you know what this means dance break and that is all gold can't be here because she didn't read the instructions she went back to school the giant ants here thank you all so much for watching we hope you enjoyed the video we are crew and we'll see you all in the next one bye-bye bye-bye bye time to go see what happens if we restart come on hurry no don't do it it's not worth it bring me back scientist yeah take me back to our past I want to see what it's like oh you get a badge oh wait not bad okay you get a badge oh no and it shrinks again [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 7,809,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox obby, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox story, roblox games, roblox tiny, roblox shrink obby
Id: lMDc8-SH-iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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