Truth or Drink w/ My Ex-Best Friend Mia Sayoko

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[Music] [Music] do so this was really requested [Applause] [Music] okay are we good now yeah okay yeah um do you guys remember mia um [Music] okay first so you guys may remember uh mia for new people they're like what so this may be the most iconic truth or drink i'll probably ever upload on this channel yeah i'm gonna take that for those of you who are not familiar with mia we were best friends for like five years and we had a pretty big blowing up and neither of us ever talked about it once publicly and now here we are filming a truth or drink because why the [ __ ] not i was gonna if you were i don't know what to say it just feels weird to sit next to you not like in general but like i mean in general and be filming i'm awkward i think it's good okay i still think that we hate each other do you guess we'll see [ __ ] would you like to say it i feel like i'm hugging but it's your video okay i got a lot to say later anyways let's just start because i'm just rare okay oh god we're going yeah okay okay what is a harder breakup a friendship breakup or a significant other breakup i'm gonna go with friendship that was hard i'm gonna say it's situational oh but if we're talking our friendship yeah a friendship could be much harder why did you stop being friends oh just pull out my diary you go first okay i think the reason why we never talked about us our falling out much was because a lot went into it it wasn't like i cheated on or you i was you know what i mean like it wasn't like i was like i hooked up with your boyfriend or something like that like it wasn't like like pure hatred yeah it wasn't like a i feel like there's a very complex answer for a very short i mean we've talked about it yeah i think on my end not all friendships are meant to like be super close at all times forever and i just think it wasn't our time at the time i don't know i think we're so close and spending like all of our time together for so long and now we've like allowed ourselves to evolve on our own and then mature on our own and at least on my own and now we're at the place where we can rekindle our fire i think one of the biggest problems of our friendship was me not communicating how i felt or little things that bothered me i would never bring up until one day i know this would be like the last time until one day just kind of all came out and i'm sure that was hard to hear so next question who was in the wrong when it comes to the friendship breakup at first honestly i was like i i thought it was you the whole time but then but then after like a year or so i that's when i had a few moments realizing oh i was like way more to blame than i thought i think we clashed in a lot of ways i needed my space to to like cool off but then that's what pissed you off the most so then we both just uh i mean i felt like you were in the wrong but now looking back at it i fully realized like what i've done and i fully realized like how i could have been a lot more mature and yeah i mean seeing things 2020 yeah 20 20 vision what's the worst thing you've said about each other when you weren't friends nothing honestly i'm i'm sure i said something but i don't know what that would have been i'm trying to like dig deeper i know my hatred like i don't want to say it because i don't think it's true anymore go ahead i'm going to take a shot [Laughter] i laughed and then it like came back up oh oh my god you tasted your water i tried to keep it cool for a bit what is one quality you wish you had that the other has oh great life yes your hair i think you like like you don't give a [ __ ] i just really like i didn't even connect that to like sorry i'm sure that's coming up later you'll like tell anyone off like i really struggle with that oh also you've never cared about like money and fame and like all that [ __ ] you hear that i wish i was as ambitious as you and goal-oriented and productive and boss-esque uh responsible you know just all the adult qualities you also clean really well thank you i don't a reliable source has informed me that you two have matching cartier rings friendship rings do you still have them if not what happened you're wearing it yeah you wear it every day and somewhere at home oh no should we tell the story so the other day it was my first time going back to mia's house in a few years and i'm reaching for some popcorn and i hear someone say someone oh [ __ ] i was like what she looks down at my hand and says i got rid of my cartier ring oh [ __ ] it's okay i get it like i get it they were friendship i get it did you sell it did you make some money instead we i threw it off my balcony i blacked out in rage i threw it off my balcony it was going through a moment why didn't you sell it and make like a thousand dollars from it that's what i mean i wear every day there was a few times i was like i don't want to wear this i'm like i want to work out passion uh you've got a metal detector i did and we um tried to find said ring and we have some footage we are looking for a moment of trauma wait wait i need light hold on if we [ __ ] found this ring wait oh it's me i was like wait i would just i think i threw it all the way up to this tree that's the thing okay um we didn't find it the ring fell off that day off my hand for the first time ever and it was a sign so we're dead i was like friendship is dead passion for her is dead and yeah it was it was a bad day i remember that day was it that day it was oh it was that day alicia do you think that mia got jealous when you and remy started pretty basic together see i i thought yes which was why i got weird about it but she says she didn't so i'm trusting her on that because i really thought she did like ask me two years ago i'd be like yeah the [ __ ] is so jealous like no no no no i was like oh yeah like how can you not be jealous like we were best friends how come we did like in my head you were so mad that i had a podcast with remy so when everyone would comment mia's mad i was like right i know like she has to be i didn't trust her that she wasn't what are your thoughts on that mia i thought it was cool that they started a podcast you know two friends starting a podcast you know when you guys met i was incredibly supportive in fact i feel like i like brought you guys together you didn't like take credit or anything you didn't come to our um our party i didn't come because i wasn't invited you were invited in the group chat and i thought you didn't want to like 30 [ __ ] yeah but i didn't think you wanted to talk to me i didn't even reply to my address what was the text how do you are we fighting not yet i remember sending you this long ass text me like mia like i don't know what's going on but i hope you know i'm here for you blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and i didn't get to reply to that and i was like [ __ ] a [ __ ] is mad and i was like what did i do i was like i don't know what i did and i didn't hear anything and then she didn't come to our party lauren's telling me you need space i mean let me just invite me either supporters oh [ __ ] who's your least favorite person you've ever collabed with oh oh so this has nothing to do with it no no yeah thank god i threw in some randoms i think back to the old days someone popped into my head but it was such an old one and ashley would totally understand it [Laughter] that's so true oh i can't see that one i think i've only collabed with people that are friendly acquaintances and or friends that being said i would just be choosing my least favorite of my friends acquaintances so that being said cheers who is your least favorite ex of mias just rank them look at it oh okay favorite victory next would probably be alex deadman because even even least favorite no no next favorite least favorite next least favorite would have been alex denman i was a fan of the channel the vlog channel alex and mia i mean you guys were it you were the it couple i mean i did skip his part of the vlogs but i mean everyone else did too least favorite definitely kyle i don't know the other one i never really met him mia who is your least favorite friend of alicia's it can be from current or past dude can you think of somebody yeah no i can't think of like a least favorite is there somebody like i hate maybe like you're friends with now no oh oh oh oh i guess i'll take a shot i didn't like the things that you would tell me about her so i didn't like her for you that's a solid mature answer that being said we're not naming names today been brought to my attention that one of you got sick during the girls night in experience can you explain what happened when you got sick do you remember what you did for me this has to be illegal somehow it for sure is in many levels i'm uncomfy so what happened somebody had to take a dump we'll just start there on the tour buses you if you need a poop you have to poop in a plastic bag like over the toilet like you don't have to just like you know you can put it over the toilet you can poop in the bag but you can't flush it like it's clogged so so i was like shoot oh my god we had to wait until the next stop it was like a lovely 2 a.m like it was late because you were drunk that night of course long story short alicia had a really bad virus and was out for a whole month i missed all of like the florida shows or whatever and i was on like a ton of antibiotics and stuff so i had a bathroom i told the bus driver like can you pull over can we and he was like no the next stop is not for like another two hours i was like oh [ __ ] would i do oh so he knew that you had the poop yes and that's why you got mad at me yes anyways long story short i didn't know what to do with the bag and mia threw it out the window in florida on the freeway and then the bus driver was like hey we're at the gas station she was like no no you're like this you're like it was a garbage truck why don't you have to and i was like oh no his name bill bill i hope he's doing good yeah i chucked her poop i chucked her poop off the bus i don't know what i was thinking at the point you haven't been it was just a moment of adrenaline i didn't even ask her to she just comes back and it's gone how much did you get paid for the girls night in tour which one oh i'll say it i'll say it well the first one was like a 40 000. i got 30. well originally i got 25 and then i found out everyone else got paid more than me we bumped it up to 30. yeah and how how long was that a month really we got per games and for like the [ __ ] show that it was like we got paid decent this one is mia's as you saw and this one is mine we definitely got paid more than we should have the second tour she didn't go on i got paid about do i say it yeah we can we can bleep it out oh lovely i got paid about 200 grand why you missed out on that tour were you invited to that tournament yeah you didn't remember the day you you slept in bed and i was like she's not coming it was sponsored for how long a month month and a half 200 thousand dollars was my crime it would not be that much now but point being is we love girls night in speaking of money what's the most you've ever gotten paid for a brand deal probably girls night in i couldn't tell you i mean like i couldn't i can't remember probably like we're like i'm gonna you know what can we just cut that all out i'm just gonna take a shot okay i don't like talking about well then should i no no no no no this is four for mina you're still a two leader oh [ __ ] nevermind 80 000. sources say that the two of you had an awkward encounter at coachella can you really explain what happened in your side of the story oh [ __ ] go ahead guys at this point i really just if i heard mia's name exciting i saw mia anxiety so i remember this one lovely day day three of coachella i was wearing the really cute spandex um thank you although i don't recommend because i was sweating like no other we were sitting down in a group and we're waiting for who was going on lizzo we were waiting for lizzo to go on in the vip section and mia and her boyfriend came up and i was like and i was like looking down i was like i was trying to focus and then remy like looked at me and she was like [ __ ] you good just chill and i was like i am chill i was like i'm fine and then you came in i remember distinctly you're taking a sip of your drink and you like looked but not at me but you looked and i knew you saw me like peripheral vision you know what i mean and i was like oh my god and then i was like hey guys like let's go and then um maybe like two hours later i like checked my phone we got the do lab we were like then i checked my phone and then mia had text me let it in so my size so i was having a beautiful coachella day slept until like noon you know huge migraines all weekend finally feeling great so i'm i'm strutting i'm thinking i look cute you know i was strutting i was walking and i see all of my friends sitting in a circle literally sitting down on the ground like in the vip section where all the food's at and i'm like oh hi everyone you know like i'm a little like a little buzzed you know still a little uncomfortable seeing that alicia was there so i say hi everyone and then alicia's like like turned this way like that's just the way she was like the way i pulled up to her and then i i see her like this and i was like [ __ ] like i thought at least we could be civil so then after that i'm like [ __ ] so i text her and i'm like you know what like i i don't remember exactly what the text was i remember did we read it read it i'm sure you're good it might be a little too much for me it was something along the lines of like [Laughter] oh there you go turn your back if you're going to be giving me dirty looks like you own the place to her defense i felt like my own complaint just know that's why it's impossible to be friends with you all i wanted was to be civil and give us time to cool off i always saw you as a best friend no matter what but you showed me your true colors today and then in my head i was like i was sad alicia were you jealous when mia cut her hair short [Laughter] i mean i think we all know that alicia can be competitive sometimes and i think yes i was in fact i mean the fact that i could barely say she looked good was probably the first flag of me you know not being supportive in that decision where you know to my defense i just felt like i was finding myself for the first time and i was threatened by you know someone else also having short hair wasn't happy about that but i did not voice that opinion in fact she asked me if she could and i said yeah i see that you cut your hair short i think it looks amazing it got me thinking if i cut my hair short would it look cute on me too and you were somewhat like this is me oh my god yeah that's the communication part we've we've worked on did you ever unfollow unsubscribe block or mute each other on social media duh muted you on instagram unfollowed you on instagram i didn't unfollow you i think i unsubscribed from my vlog channel it's just hard to see that yeah it's hard to see that i mean i could have just muted you but i unfollowed you i think you get shadows oh that makes sense every year the lifestyle girls go to big bear for a big vlogmas trip who is the least talented from the vlogmas trip next do you think we are filming this truth or drink video too soon no no we've talked about everything we've we've hung up two and a half times maybe that does feel soon i was a little nervous but more of just like it's been forever since we've even like you know i've never said anything about the filming yeah it's not us it's that the new you too whereas before i was like let me just are you guys glad that your friendship breakup happened yes it literally is so cliche but you know that those like cheesy songs was like absolutely somebody to find myself like that kind of stuff that's how i felt mia how do you truly feel about school alicia oh you mean i yeah go go i think it's iconic i think it is a business venture that everyone should take but not everyone can take i think it requires a lot of talent perseverance perseverance i think it's and i think it is uh something that i wish i could have done wasn't cool enough to have my own settings are you kidding me i forgot let me see what are we talking about [ __ ] i can't wait to edit this okay mia can you explain what your song out of sync is about yes so the song out of sync is about nicole it is not i figured the song out of sync yes does have my friend nicole in the photo the chorus goes wish that we can tell stories on the same page so that we can fast forward over this phase wish that we can be like we used to feel like we used to but we're way too way too out of sync i did you said it to me so it's about a friendship breaking up and about just processing it having to go through it and there's a line in there where i'm like yeah yeah we're way too out of sync for that so like it's not the moment but like perhaps soon it was about alicia well when mia sent me the song um i cried yeah and i listened to it a few times and i'd scroll up on our convo even though it wasn't long and click it and be like oh wow then i played it for tk and ash and i cried yeah okay what's your least favorite thing about each other you can sing this shot if you want to meet your
Channel: AlishaMarie
Views: 3,952,165
Rating: 4.9579549 out of 5
Keywords: Alisha Marie, alisha, alishamarie, mia stammer, mia sayoko, ex, bff, truth or drink, truth, drink, mia, mialisha, friendship breakup, friend, truth or dare, addressing our friendship breakup, the cut, drinking challenge, drunk, spill tea, tea spill, tea, drama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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