TRUTH OR DRINK 🥂 Drunk Q&A with Alisha (aka an exposé)

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name the rooms in your house that you've had sex in besides the bedroom any kitchen island action maybe [Applause] [Music] hey guys what's up it's lauren welcome back to my channel i am currently three shots in i'm not gonna lie this was my idea i was like yo will you film this with me and so here we are alicia's had four shots because we're fine we're fine today we're doing a drunk q a slash truth or drink shout out the cut alicia and i have both done a segment on the cut and we feel like we just like didn't give you the tea that you were after because the cut didn't even know the questions to ask no so we've got um tk behind the cam honestly tk and ashley both did us so dirty like these questions are so insane so we've already filmed um i don't know like 30 questions for alicia's channel hence why we're feeling a little posty right now so make sure to go to alicia's channel to see the other half of the questions because the t has been spilled the shots have been taken so essentially how this works is that tk's gonna ask us a very scary question if we don't want to answer it you'll have to take a [ __ ] i haven't said anything this whole intro i mean i feel like we don't need to be like yeah yeah we'll get to it lorisha hey guys what's up so today we're going to be talking to you about um truth or drink because obviously we're 27 year old and we know how to drink but we've been very centered our whole lives so hopefully this is still monetized oh my god you're like i feel like i haven't said anything i said that give us the first question okay for both of you who has the more successful youtube channel lauren no i think you you're you're almost at that diamond play button you're almost at the time you play your vlog channel's so much bigger though no yes this one no i keep going down i went under nine million subscribers like i've been going downstairs wait have you been going down on instagram yeah me too irrelevancy feels good who is an underrated youtuber that you think is on the cusp of popping off you're the queen of underrated youtubers like watching other people that like haven't popped off yet mine is lone fox i've been absolutely oh he's like pre-pop off to like the pop-off yeah i'm not just saying this but tkjc pulls chocolate literally have you ever had another influencer type person like guy slide into your dms like trying to hit on you oh yes i had a creepy 18 year old tic talker stunned in my dms not too long ago and then i saw it and a couple hours later he unscented i can't remember honestly what his name was but it was one of the guys who does like the weird like lip growl rays wait sorry what like you know when they like they can all lift this corner yeah you can do it yeah other than that though honestly when i first became single i was like maybe there were guys who like thought i was cute like when i was in a relationship no one cricket [Music] [Laughter] have you guys ever slid into another youtuber's dms like trying to like you know hit on them not a youtuber oh do tell like more celebs you know succeeded she's quietly just succeeded at some point give us one give us one oh my god is this the time i finally say it yes a few months ago i slid into tyler cameron's dms and the replied i'm talking dialogue like exchanges of messages what else would you be referring to well i i didn't want people to assume you like hooked up and like hannah would come for me you know are they still together i have no idea who would be more successful in a normal person job like not being a youtuber oh i think you you're super like thorough i'm thorough but jeremy i have this conversation all the time i'm scared of asking for what i want so i think i would do a lot of work and do really good work but be like way too scared to ask for a promotion so i'd be at like an entry-level job i feel like we're similar in like our work ethic so it's like maybe both of us just not be successful so that's great i was extreme peta pro i'm sorry what a peta pro when i worked at this extreme pita shop oh like a pita pita like a pita not pita pita i can scoop a solid ice cream okay i can serve an icy drink okay are you a millionaire yes both of you have to answer i know how much you paid for your house yes it's like i want to say it but it's just like you're like yes with gusto i am you can do it for me yes some years i have been blessed we're so conditioned to like have to be so i'm a pr's dream me too no we need to own our pride we need to say we work hard um i alicia marie okay who makes more money lauren or alicia i think you but we can find out right now last year yeah like last year [Laughter] um wow like really yeah which youtuber in your friend group gets the most guys all my friends are like wifed up i feel like who's like the one that usually has no problem getting guys i would say rem i mean she's boot up oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you're so right yeah alter ego yes she wild as we all know youtubers can make a lot of money when a youtuber's boyfriend moves in with them should the guy pay rent yes yes no questions asked literally no questions that i know some girls who just like let it coast does jeremy pay rent hell yeah thank you thank you wait i feel like is this like a rare thing do other people's boyfriends don't pay rent i'm sorry i feel like it'd be more problematic if they didn't feel the need to like want to pay for their stay yeah would you advise your friends to have their significant other sign a prenup yes yes absolutely it's not like a sign of not having trust in the relationship your relationship is great it's amazing you trust no one's gonna cheat everything's gonna be so fine but on the tiny little itty-bitty chance that things don't go right there's so many other people vested in your business that you need to have a prenup also even if i trust someone and my whole family trusts someone we all including the viewers like you know someone who has just blindsided you has to who has turned into a crazy person who literally like has just backstabbed you out of nowhere and you were so taken off guard and we don't want that she heated she is heated pro prenup over here what are your thoughts on youtubers who share their channels with their significant other oh i have thoughts and feelings on them okay so i mean alex and i didn't share a channel but like we were heavily entangled in each other's hands everyone loves you a little entanglement of business one could say and i feel like there are very real emotions in a relationship there will always be a tiny little piece in the back of your head when a camera is rolling that there is a camera rolling and other people are going to see it in the future i've yet to see a relationship last are there some out there that i hope yes justin gabriel kante i hope you last forever but so far i've yet to be proven when people merge channels i think there are definitely some couples channels that can work and especially if they started if they were together before if they were together before there's a foundation of the relationship before you start making money off of your life it's just hard it's really hard but i would agree i feel like i haven't been in a public relationship but i can't imagine wondering hey are you actually giving me flowers because you love me or because you want the vlog to see this tea you have no idea there's just like so many things that you would probably do off camera because they're fun but everything is like amped up there's times where you might not have given the reaction that that person is looking for and they ask you to do it again she's an actress lauren on average how many times a week do you have sex with your boyfriend once do we feel more than me i don't know we're just busy and tired and quarantined i feel like quarantine sex is like different than regular lifestyles name the rooms in your house that you've had sex in besides the bedroom any kitchen island action maybe i would say fifty percent of the rooms oh you should make it a golden strike mall check them out yeah you know before 18 questions every year there's a vlogmas trip where you go to big bear when the lifestyle girls go to vlog who is one person that got a pity invite i know like three people wow i too will be enjoying my gummy bear shot lauren why do you think alicia still doesn't have a boyfriend oh i feel like i actually have like thought about this in depth before a lot of people i think we're really similar in like our perfectionist attitude towards work and i feel like you carry that through your relationships as well and your standards are very very high and you don't give noho a chance i think they're probably so many guys up in the dms it's not have you checked like the other messages and like the apps like do you have really intense filters on the apps well we just made over my dating app so hopefully now we find you a man it was rough before lauren really was it rough what was wrong her photos that she chose you have so many good photos why would you choose that one i'm not gonna lie like i set my standards pretty high on the dating app as well because like when i was first just like getting back into dating i was like okay well like i'm gonna hook up with someone i wanted to be someone that's like name a friend's boyfriend that has been a mooch they can be an ex-boyfriend or a current boyfriend there is an ex-boyfriend who not only lived rent free for i think a year but then asked his ex to pay for a rental shut the [ __ ] up when they broke up shut the f up for him no because he was just broke and like had just been like living off of her we done we have lauren i get so stressed when you make the pause i heard a rumor that you and your ex-boyfriend purchased your current house that you're living in together is that true that's why we do pre-dubs i'd like to clarify something that i feel like my shop may have implied i paid him back gosh [Laughter] yeah she did enter me is like so happy that you did that because that's such a boss ass so speaking of you and your ex-boyfriend you guys were very public on the internet did you guys ever fake anything any prank any bit any skit for your youtube channels like for the relationship i mean like we were genuinely like in love and like loved each other but there were definitely moments where like i might buy something and he would title it by my girlfriend yeah god [Laughter] did you ever think you and alex would get back together honestly what happened was that we broke up and then alex kind of made a video without telling me and then there was a lot of questions that we had to answer so we made the breakup video probably a little earlier than we monetized on that i was just [ __ ] intended to oh girl i had to buy him out of half a house obviously it's mom i was gonna say i think we made the breakup video genuinely there was like a small chance that there was like still some stuff that like we potentially could work through i had convinced alex to like try and like work out our issues yeah through therapy and we just like never got there so um there was like a small chance but i think eventually once our intentions were clear of like where we both wanted to go in the relationship um it was a no but i think that's the problem though is that we made the video we made the break a video too early before we like actually knew what that was you waited yeah 100 oh wow 100 when you see a breakup video on youtube what do you think honestly i feel so bad it's just like genuinely the worst ever to feel like you have to recap some of your most intimate and emotional fights of like why someone doesn't want to continue being like who's in the wrong if neither of you are on youtube when do you think you would have broken up i don't think our past would have crossed without youtube well okay theoretically i'm not sure if that would make commitment issues be more scary or less scary though if we weren't in the youtube industry so i don't know i genuinely don't know um can you replay all that self high five lauren you are launching a podcast with jeremy soon correct whose podcast in the long run do you think will be more successful yours or pretty basic i'm curious what you're gonna say honestly i don't know jeremy is so funny and so sarcastic so it could go like really really well for us but also like it could go really poorly but you guys are just like on a positive upwards trajectory so like we could crash and burn in the first couple weeks or we could like or it could be one of these like you know pretty basic pretty basic i mean it was just like tried and true like have your together but also like listen to wild till nine that's the podcast name fyi oh i love that the merch just put wild and then inside put two nine or on the back foot tonight we love a merch designer if you and jeremy were to break up what happens to the podcast hey we got a podcast prenup i was gonna say my mine and rems have a contract who would you rather go on a date with jake or logan paul i know logan much more than i know jake and i think logan has done some like soul searching and reflection not said he is a perfect person and has not made many many like very severe mistakes in his past but i genuinely think that logan has a better head on his shoulders physically and literally on logan over jake i could see logan being a little more romantic i guess but do i want romantic i don't know what's going on here jake i i don't want anyone picking me up in a lambo why not i don't know i don't like the attention i don't who is more narcissistic lauren or alicia i probably would say me [Laughter] i mean if you want to take it off i'll take it i'll take it you can do you think having a sponsored proposal or engagement is tacky here's how like brand deals work is that if i'm doing a brand deal i have to sign off on that brand deal so then that means my engagement is not a surprise which would be devastating for me that's like problem number one problem number two is that i would never want to make an actual video recapping my love and my engagement and why i want to spend forever with someone with a brand but like if it's just a picture tag or an instagram after the fact i would be down i think like i would not be opposed to it i agree with that though if it's something after the fact i'd be more open to it but overall i feel like i still would say yeah it's kind of tacky cherish them only because you don't want to go into your whole marriage thinking oh was this only because we got a deal or oh it was free so it seemed easy or i don't know i feel like if i was with a boyfriend and we were talking about marriage and then i got an email saying hey we have the ring sponsor i feel like that would speed up the process that would have been natural right you're like oh well like we're already talking about this yes it's free like well we talked about the next year so we might as well you know like take this opportunity but then it's like no no don't take that opportunity don't take it but also like if you want to get free stuff for a wedding and just like tag oh yeah i would tag like the venue and that kind of stuff i just want the whole idea to fully be mine for sure and i want to be surprised and like feel emotional yeah like i don't want someone's lawyer contact me letting me know that like he got down on the wrong your lawyer to know before you know last question ladies since you guys are so known for being so pg on camera would your viewers be shocked to know that you have done things other than alcohol have you ever taken anything besides alcohol to make you a little bit i'm going down together cheers ladies straight from the juice jug that's frat boy status that's fat boy status all right well on that note um how many shots and are you alicia marie i think seven lovely i think i'm at five i'm gonna get pizza tonight anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this video um seeing a literal different side of alicia movie the same thing but different make sure to subscribe and go watch the other like 30-ish questions we did over on alicia's channel i'll have a link in the down bar below subscribe to the vlog channel as well and i will see you guys soon bye guys surprisingly like i know i'm drunk but but you what but i feel good you look great sweetie the diy queen that's the royal elites my pretty little kingdom out here
Channel: LaurDIY
Views: 3,090,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, do it yourself, how to, laurDIY, lauren riihimaki, lauren diy, laurdiy room decor, laurdiy diy master, laurdiy diy challenge
Id: FbhFBe6XBfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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