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hey all you cool cats and kittens we're definitely not but that wasn't you funny hi I'm Jamaica I'm Anika and today we're finally filming our number one most requested video of all time and if you don't know who we are I am Anika's mom I had her when I was 14 I found out I was pregnant in March of my eighth grade year and it is currently April of her eighth grade year so triggering for me yeah there's just some things that show does yell at me because she's just scared but like and whose fault is it um oh yeah yeah but it wasn't my fault but it is taken out of me because you're here because I know but it sure I did that's how I were talking about right now what we're talking about is I'm gonna go through step by step and tell the story of the night I found out I was pregnant I've never told Annika just because I did feel like she was a little young to hear all of it now I mean it I was literally this exact age when I found out so if I could have gone through it you know she can - I remember it like it was yesterday it's truly a day my life for the rest of my life but it was a Monday or Tuesday night we had just had a meeting at our school for an eighth grade trip that was coming up that I was going on so we had come home it was kind of light and my stepdad was at work still and my mom was at home it started out I guess I don't even know how to even tell this story okay so Anika's dad and I started dating in the end of my seventh grade year so he'd been almost a year at this point you know No thank you I'm not here talking I'm not talking about it yes you are but that's obviously so what's this okay so we have been dating for a really long time and you know once a young we're skipping I'm not that's not what I'm even talking about what's a young like middle school couple is dating for so long than fellow middle schoolers start rumors and just start talking about that couple you know probably happened with you this year no not really nobody started talking about what couples were doing no okay well maybe was just met you there was a girl that had kind of started spreading a rumor that I was pregnant some of my friends even told me and I was like that's the craziest thing you guys know I've never even had sex like I've told my friends that I'll try to limit at the times that I say that word this time you're doing it to warn okay anybody if I lived it you can watch them I lived it yeah you don't remember that I'm telling you this girl started a rumor about me that I was pregnant and I was like that's the craziest thing I've ever heard obviously I'm not pregnant that's that doesn't know genuinely in my head obviously had been doing the thing that can lead to pregnancy but I was just like we took all the right precautions not to get pregnant I'm not pregnant there's no way and plus I'm a good kid I am it's not gonna happen to me that was my young obviously very immature very didn't have any brain cells yep so rumor was circulating for like a couple weeks and said I'm not like I said my friends were literally coming up to me like aren't you right now and I was like this my sister was 11 at the time and she got off the bus just like Monday or Tuesday whatever day it was and went to my mom and was like mom I heard the craziest thing today I heard that Jenica was pregnant and my mom was like yeah that is crazy unless my mom knows that she's been buying tampons like she's not seen any symptoms of me I've not thrown up or anything like that but my mom knew that I had been dating this guy for a while and just maybe just wanted to ask but after we got home from that meeting she had a pregnancy test and she was like hey would you be willing to take a pregnancy test and I was like obviously I would mom pre are you crazy I was like okay that's fine just go check this and I was like cool I'll see you in five seconds so I go take the test I like very confidently sit it down like this is such a waste of everybody's time what's going on I set it down and I like calling my friends I'm on the phone and I hear like five minutes later I hear just this and I was like what are the chances of that test being wrong like that's so crazy so I go in there and I'm like yes she's like my mom's like what was as flawed as I say positive and I was like well is obviously wrong like we need to get another like it's that's obviously wrong I'm not pregnant and she was like just panic mode and then so she calls my stepdad and at this time my sister told my mom this rumor that was got around about me because she is 11 she like it's not even a realm of possibilities in her mind for her eighth grade sister to be with child she almost saw my mom's like a joke oh you would have popped out and like a toilet or something I don't even know that's great no I didn't show like I don't get there we'll get that one bit there I'm still like mom this is crazy I'm obviously not pregnant this is wrong so she calls my stepdad he leaves work and picks up another pregnancy test probably a couple and I like chugging water cuz I'm like I'm out to prove all wrong I am not pregnant I take another test anyway wait however long and I'm like what are the chances of us having two wrong pregnancy tests this is crazy in my mom's like honestly shut up you're lying obviously you're pregnant let me figure this out this is like eight o'clock on a school night I not only have my 11 year old sister in the house but my five-year-old brother also it's you know we're all chaotic um they get sent to their rooms and then my pediatric doctor lived across the street so my mom's like white right here let me just go get him so mom runs across the street and I'm sitting there like so embarrassing I'm obviously not pregnant everyone's overreacting so my mom walks across the street and she gets the doctor he comes back over we are like laying on the carpet of my floor and he's kind of like just like pressing on my stomach and he's like I don't know and I'm like I'm sorry he's like alright maybe it's a pregnancy in the tubes like what's going and I'm like I'm telling the doctor even I'm like look I have not done it like I've not participated in that activity like this is crazy I'm there's no way I'm pregnant I'm not going to hire I wasn't even lying I was just changing okay I was lying to my mom because my mother liked everyone okay I was like my mom was one of those tiny little like Southern Christian women that if she even knew that I like kissed a boy for too long she would like put me in a blender or whatever she would like chop me up put me in a blender and like have me for breakfast and that would be the end of Jenica as we know her and my mom had drilled into our brain like do not touch boys ever and I was like cool I see you we see each other well you know anyway I'm like everyone hello I am not pregnant there is no child inside of me it's just me we're good [Music] I'm like there is no child in me we are good it's just me she got up and when you got glasses just do that bit so y'all comment and let her know that was worth it it was in the rest of all this my stepdad like leaves and goes to her dad's house to like let them in on what's going on and back in my house the doctor still like pressed on my stomach he's like okay I'm gonna order a and uh ultrasound yeah I would her for an ultrasound head to the hospital figure out what's going on it's like we live in a town that was like this smoke it would just be like the front page of the local news if people started finding out before we even knew it was happening my mom called her one of her friends that she worked with and was like look family emergency we please meet me in the hospital I've got an order for an ultrasound just make me at the hospital so we all meet at the hospital and I at this point I'm just like obviously all the adults that have brains at this point realized that yes I had done that and yes there is a baby inside of me but at this point it's still not really sinking in with me I have by no means do I have like an attitude and I'm really just like genuinely like scared I'm the type of person that didn't want to like not do what my mom said at this point my life I was very like obedient I was very good kid I was very good student and I was like just knew that my mama told me not to and I wasn't gonna admit to her that I did so so it's not like you didn't want to disobey her you just didn't want to know she heard about that you did so later pretty much so it doesn't that's still okay I know I had was an [ __ ] I made a mistake you're not a mistake I'm sorry mom um we're on the way to the hospital at this point it's starting to like hey Severus I'm like everybody's really freaking out like should I be taking this more serious at this one I'm really genuinely like I knew that I had done that but I still did not think there was a possible way in the world that I can be pregnant the hospital it's just obviously becoming a little bit more real i get checked in the hospital with the band goes on my arm and i'm like snapchat there was not snapchat at that point and I was like this something seems fishy either something's up and I was like still not convinced to myself that I had a baby inside of me we get to the hospital my mom's family friend is meeting us there I'll lay down on this you know title thing I get this like a weird jelly put on my stomach at this point have just totally like a girl act out like I have no I can't even like really see I remember like laying down and looking up at the ceiling and that's all that I really remember about this because I genuinely like disconnected then the lady looked at me again was like when's last time we've had a period I like to hear her talking but I had no idea what she was like I couldn't formulate where it's like this is what now when people are like I'm speechless I'm I know you was not it felt like such an out-of-body experience so she takes a little thing and she we're weird not excited my mom's maybe expecting a little like tadpole because she knows she just bought tampons two weeks ago so she like what is the thing like this and there's a full-grown baby just like what does that y'all let's get the show on the road Anika literally had already like all five fingers five toes the head full of hair it she was like literally almost fully grown yeah I was born three not even they do these measurements is obviously then we're like I don't even know how far along I am I don't know when this happened I don't know what's going on I'm six months along I'm still like in la-la land not even knowing what's going on the woman looked and I was like do you guys want another sex and that's that doesn't count because that's do you guys want another sex and my mom said yes it's so it's so strange I still like was in this weird like haze whatever was going on with me and as soon as she said it's a girl it's literally like like life like job back into me MIT is literally like it like took my breath away and I like realized what was happening and I was like there's a little girl at some point some a guy that I went to school when his dad walks in the room because it's literally like at this point it's like 10:30 11:00 at night nobody's even supposed to be in that room but I was getting the ultrasound done in and this guy that I went to school with his dad walks in and my mom just driving home and I was just I mean like I don't remember anything like I don't remember getting home I remember laying down in bed and being like I like was like I definitely had some form of like denial because like were there symptoms that I just like didn't even realize I was having because I didn't think about being pregnant you know to me and then I had her two and a half months later yeah should that be a part too okay the best part of the whole entire pregnancy was the day that I had that was really and this is more of a funny yeah that's the serious moments over I got to finish my school year out and have to miss any school June comes around I still really never showed I also had my period the whole pregnancy so it is Saturday June 17th it is my sister's birthday the next day sunday was Father's Day and then the 20th was my grandfather's birthday so we just had like a big summer extravaganza mm-hmm big summer blowout cookout whatever accelerating like all three of those things and at this point I was pretty pregnant but I still wasn't good for like three more weeks my sister had cupcakes for her birthday and I was eating so many cupcakes to the point where my mom gets me I was like so I got my brother my baby a little angel baby brother to act like he was getting a cupcake then sneak it to me and then I would take it to the bathroom eat it wrap it and pull it and just put it the trash Hey like a hundred cupcakes and I also was at the point my pregnancy where I was like walking every day to try to I wanted to like naturally early induced because I wanted to be able to have more as much time with her as possible before I started high school in August I was also putting a little bit of castor oil in my orange like in a cup of orange juice at night and downing it just to help naturally do that because I read that somewhere too well this night I was like this has been fun I'm kind of over it I couldn't sleep on back cuz it felt like everything was getting crushed I couldn't sleep on my side because it was felt like she was like gonna fall off out of me and obviously I can't sleep I was just like very uncomfortable it was hot it was the middle of summer and I was miserable I didn't like looked at the castor oil at night look tomorrow Zeus looked at the castor oil and was like I didn't even know what it did but I just knew that I was only just doing a little of it and I was like maybe if I do a lot I down that aren't shoes if you can even call it that it was more just oil and go to sleep I had one of those little purple American Girl doll clocks that could get lit up the time on the ceiling - so cool it was like ahead of my time okay I remember kind of waking up with like some stomach pain and I looked up and it was like three something and I was like I'm not getting up like I'm just gonna go back to sleep kind of drift back off and this time I fainted again so I was like well guess those cupcakes are kicking in so I go serious go to the bathroom just pee come back downstairs try to go back to sleep wake up again and I'm like let me go try again go try to use the bathroom nothing go back downstairs try to goes back off and then pains again and I was like these are like three to five minutes apart it's kind of a short pain in my stomach I think it's happening I think it's time and of course we had my like hospital bag packed ready to go I go upstairs to tell my mom and I'm like and she's like and I was like baby she's like oh my god so the plan was the whole like we had a birthday so we grabbed the bag the plan was my sister was coming with us every step of the way so that she would never even like look at a boy and my grandmother was gonna come with us so she could get me checked into the hospital my mom wouldn't have to leave me to check me into the hospital would wake my sister up she like it doesn't even know what it was just her birthday like she's exhausted she gets up gets in the car and she's like asleep I get in the front seat my mom is driving and we take off to my grandmother's house we live on like a First Street and my mom lived on our my grandma lived on seventh Street so we just had to go like seven streets over to grab her so my mom calls her mom calls her and she's like hey it's happening like we need when were we're on our way to get you so we're on the way to my grandmother's house and my mom's like never gotten to use my caution lights so she puts her caution lights on and she's like it is 3:30 a.m. there is hot on the road because we live in a town where everything shuts at like 7:00 p.m. so there's not a car on the road but she's still like so excited about her caution lights we get to we get to my grandma's diaper heads mom's singing a little song in my grandmother's driveways kind of long it's just kind of curvy so but she lives in a cul-de-sac so my mom just like pulls around the cul-de-sac being the child that I was was like oh my grandmother needs to sit in the front like so I get out and get in the back seat and I remember when I was out hearing my grandmother's like door closing so I knew she was coming so i sat there I looked over my sisters asleep my mom singing about caution lights and I thought you have a job where I'm like like it's dark but does that go with her and she did not um she just was carrying a bunch of stuff and just had no top no bra she she gets in the front seat she's like how are you feeling yeah my okay my mom's like mom look I'm gonna use that caution Lutz she's like a hug how are you feeling again I'm look oh sure sure and she was like oh it's a funny story she's like out of breath he says I'm a child and I knew where everything was but did you did you find it she's like oh yeah I got it my person my grandmother you said this purse that was literally like the Hermione Granger's bag that like you put your hand in and it just disappeared and you could bring out like a crock-pot I don't even know so she's like putting a bronzer my mom we get to the hospital and I'm like okay two of my best friends like mom's work here please let it be neither one of them they have to put their fingers in my mm-hmm we'll be good well of course we get there and it is one of my best friend's moms and I'm like okay we're good we're good we go in they check me I was only dilated like one and I was only 80% then so they were like you're good like you're not like gonna have her within the next five minutes and I was like cool in that case I'm gonna wait to call people it's 4:00 a.m. nobody needs to rush over here now I'm just gonna wait finally go back to sleep and at like 6:30 I was like okay I'm tired of waiting like I wanna start calling people at 6:30 my first phone call was to Anika's dad I might call my family in Nashville they start heading down it was not like super super crazy and I'm not like dialing to pass anything so everybody kind of comes in visited visits before church I was gonna have an epidural if I needed it if I could make it the whole way cool if I didn't cool it would get another point where I kind of needing that epidural so I was like all right let's let's do this thing so I get an epidural and still the plan is my sister is gonna be along with everything and the plan for when I was actually having Annika her dad was gonna be kind of my my head my mom was gonna be at my one leg his mom was gonna be at the other leg and then my sister was gonna kind of be videoing it's time to where I am like just in a ton of pain and I'm starting to really get close and that was the first time I could never those like three months that I was that I knew I was pregnant I never could say I'm pregnant like I would only say I'm having a baby or I'm gonna have a baby I think that I was just so focused in such a short amount of time on being pregnant that I never really realized that I wasn't gonna be pregnant forever like I was there was a baby that was involved in this just like my mind was so immature I remember looking my mom and being like it's like 6:00 p.m. and it is it is okay it's ready we're ready to start pushing ready I said we're ready no you said it said hero ready it's ready we're ready we're ready to start pushing I throw my legs up in the thing I start pushing for a little bit and it was just like exile I mean I was literally exhausted after five seconds sister is supposed to be winning if soon as my legs go up she starts and so my nurses were like okay okay okay let's get her over here to this little section this is where the babies brought like right when it comes out so you need lightweight and clean you just stay here with your camera quarter and as soon as this baby comes out you can take pictures here so she's like cool good and she looks up and there's a perfect reflection like above the little mirror over there's a sink and it just was a strike shot into the and she starts screaming bloody murder again crying like she can't handle it so she gets escorted out so one down gone you can only push while you're having a contraction so I have a contraction I push her look the top of her little head would show the contract Stav I'd have to stop pushing and she just likes alert backup at Mare and I'm like so I did that for like 25 minutes and finally I was like if this I have got to have this ad right now also it was Father's Day so my doctor that I had been seeing was like on an island with his family celebrating fathers day so it wasn't even like the doctor that I was used to keep pushing it's just not happening the family I'm like I'm doing this my way I'm not gonna stop pushing at at that time when I realize I'm about to just like crank this out and go I look over and my mom is the color of this wall like she is like white she did not realize that she has been holding her breath and like pushing ding with me so she thinks my mom works the hospital saw my nurses like went to go help her and they're like light her on the little recliner thing and because other grandmother came and it's like help my mom so grandmothers are gone so that's 3 4 5 who knows then she comes out we hear cry and I guess dad had like one of the little hospital barf tray it's just in case he did very well until the cord cutting time came and that got the best of him so that took one nursing him over to take care of their business and when mangaka was handed to me it was just me it's free I started with a room of people and then it was just me this and oh my gosh I like thought that she would just have like really really straight black hair with big black eyes Hey oh [ __ ] as she came out and she had the like her eyes were already like aqua blue and they just like worsened the quarter-sized like her eyes took up like her whole face I felt like and she was just like so pretty and her hair was sighs curly yeah um her hair was like squiggle squiggle curls matted down to her head and I was just like in absolute shock and awe it didn't matter how many people were like in that room or even around me like it was a moment that like there was just a bubble of me and her around and I was just like Anika and I should be like Anika I kept saying her name and I was like already picking [ __ ] out of her like eyes and nose and my fixing her and you know fixing her you know just being like goo off you I was a laborer for like exactly 12 hours 14 hours I say all this to say don't touch boys don't look at boys don't be around boys and that's it anyway I got knocked up I had this my god here we are 14 years later like could you even imagine it's obvious you said don't I think it back you can set some inspirational words it just depends on the person really cuz like one of the most annoying things to me is like I'm sure we like are you saying you're annoying things about me yes I don't where to where to this country like down Falls and having a young in the mm-hmm yeah like you literally use 10 mojo sayings like that's all you're I hope it that I'm relevant so let's not get dizzy here you're dizzy you need to chill you're just okay do you have anything like you can't just like give me a compliment sandwich or something nice I said that it's compliment sandwich if you like you you have something bad to say this is a to good things to sandwich it so you owe me two good things now you if you ever get to use your caution lights just put those bad boys on and be like let it flat and just I hope everyone is saying socially distant from other washing your hands taking this serious the sooner that we all take it serious the sooner okay yeah well you don't be around the people that are gonna do that okay have a great week we love ya oh my God look at my legs man how alright okay we gotta go well it cute let me do it hi yeah [Music]
Channel: Jennica and Annica
Views: 7,691,148
Rating: 4.9172659 out of 5
Keywords: teen pregnancy, teen mom, pregnant at 14, 14 and pregnant, young mother, pregnant at 13, teen pregnancy storytime, 13 and pregnant, 13 and pregnant storytime, young mom, single mom, motherhood, jennica and annica, pregnant in middle school, teen mom og, mother daughter, mother daughter channel, family channel, my pregnancy story, my labor story, my delivery story, my labor and delivery story
Id: g2v1E0iVJ38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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