Truth of God Radio Broadcast 733-734 Camden NJ Pastor Gino Jennings!

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[Applause] brothers and sisters we thank to one God for the divine wisdom and is perfect understanding of all things we thank him for the prophets we thank him for the apostle's we thank him for the way of holiness reveal to his servants while we're learning we are grateful to God for all of you that here this afternoon you that were here last night that came back and you that are here today for the first time we thank God for you being present we had a very good session last night I'm grateful to all of you that had your questions and you were given answers from the Scriptures as I said last night some of the ushers are passing around you may see a notebook where you can put your name and address and how you can be contact and that way we can put you on our mailing list making you aware of whatever events that is coming up within first church in different parts of the country you can be we'll send you a schedule of what's going on and also if it be God will we do if it be the Lord's will in the near future and ask by God's permission I'm looking to open up the temple here in Camden because Camden is like a jungle and what God gave us to give them they need some said is too many Church as well you can have all the triggers you want if you don't have the right stuff coming out of them then what you got is not worth having last night we had some I was told some Hebrew Israelites that came and almost when we was about to go some of the brothers was telling me that some of the guests was disputing with them outdoors and there was outside yelling in whatnot don't waste your time arguing with religion some may say well you do it well I pretty much know what to do how to do it when to do and I know how to lay it to you I know what script is to put on you I'm brother when I put a scripture on you you won't have a lifetime trying to come out of it but I don't waste my time and actually argue with everyone because some really don't want answers some just want attention you get what I'm telling you amen and then there are those that are seekers of knowledge and I do hope that's why you're here today because you want knowledge that's greater and much better than what you've been getting because as I encourage you over the telecasts as I do all listeners throughout America and many parts of the foreign countries that you should ax your preacher questions you should never go to church mosque synagogue or any religious temple just believing things on face value you should question you're a teacher question you're a so-called Reverend question your bishop question your elder question your so-called a pasta or prophet or Imam question your teacher if you are financially supporting any religious order then you have the right to question what the minister is teaching if you don't question it how do you know what is truth and if you do question it never let him give you an opinion for an answer it must always take you to the book of truth the scriptures one thing about the Scriptures men have strived through the years to discredit the Scriptures why haven't been tried to discredit the book of scriptures because they know the Scriptures are a stem and man hate the scriptures amen because whenever God tells us to do anything that we don't want to do we have a tendency of getting very angry or very upset that's why the millions of television viewers around the world many of them get upset with me as if I wrote the Bible some cussed me out call me all type of names but strangely enough they watch this every week Plus every week watch this every week undoubtedly some of you that are here now when you first saw us he was very upset angry and said something that well I'm certainly you some of you wouldn't say to me now but it is common for people to speak evil of what they don't understand the book of Scripture teaches us and all that in getting what should we get understand that's what I want to give it today Camden Camden I want to give you a good understanding now if you get mad believe me that's not my problem amen my objective is to tell you what God said if you walk out of here cussing that's right if I see you walk out of here cussing well you're cussing at God you're not cussing at me you mean if you get mad and say well I'm gonna smoke my cigarettes I'm gonna drink my beer regardless of what you said leave it to me I wouldn't care what you do but I'm just a mailman you get upset with the mailman because you give you a $500 light bill you better get upset with The Electric Company that's right his job was just bring the mail well I've got a book full of letters yet a man and I know it's a lot in there that hurt a lot of us and many have gotten upset with me but again I'm just a bailed man I didn't write the book the book is designed to hurt all of us that's right how many here never got hurt from the book never raise your hand and tell a lie go ahead everybody here get hurt the book sometime that's right you know why because God has a high standard don't you mean I mean consider this the Lord our God has a very very very high standard and the standard of God is in clear contradiction how we think how we live how we walk how we talk that's right that's the way the standard of God is leave it to us we will do what we want to do go where we want to go see what we want to say do anything that pleases us because no man and no woman is born with the nature to please God that's right that's why the Lord our God says you must be born how again a new birth is instituted from God in order to change man's nature change your thinking change your way of walking and once you consent to be transformed you'll find yourself giving up the smoking and the drinking and the gambling and the whoremonger and the prostitution you will be ashamed to walk the streets with your breath out and miniskirts on with the split from your ankle oil to your hip you will be ashamed brother the go outside with shorts showing your cactus-like legs amen yes you'll be ashamed that's right sister you would be ashamed to have something cut all the way down here showing your breasts you will be ashamed God gives you shame that's right God make you a shame in areas of life where you don't have nothing amen and when God gives you shame II also instill self-respect that's right because a man and a woman that don't respect God as a man and woman that don't respect self amen if you want to know self first learn God that's right now I know some of you is here who don't already went to church called most churches they've done already hey don't tuck your money and take you out you know went to church and you got your early revival feeling the choirs song something you felt moved that's right got a little teary-eyed and whatnot yo jheri curl red ring got up and grunted a few times and threw his hands over his ears I know I know some of you snuck to your false church and then came here after it hardhead I told you don't go to church that's right which is that is in the world today brothers and sisters it is not designed to resurrect you from the dead I want to talk to you today from the second chapter of the book of Ephesians now again to you that are here for the first time as I said last night you'll find the services here different from what you're used to because here you are allowed to ask questions you're allowed to raise your hands and stop me whenever I am teaching it doesn't have to be on any subject that you're presently working on that I'm president working on questioning me about what you are learning in your church if you wants to know whether it's truth or whether you want to know the preachers lying to you don't you want to know whether you being lied to or not talk back to me Camden that's right you should what you can't question your bishop you should want to know whether he's telling you the truth well this is Bible School this is Sunday school right here it is not like what you're used to having and that club that you go to called church where you got a little paperback textbook and all these little classes no we got one text book the Bible right here that's right and if you don't believe what's in here you take your little paperback book and throw it in the trash amen now you compare your wish up your wish that you're having in your church whatever they got going on let the guess come on in brother if they can't fit where the brothers are get where the women are just get them in here come on in here because we're gonna have a good spar today Camden we're gonna go toe-to-toe eye to eye nose to nose get me to kitten it's just the chest I'm gonna hit your heart amen because what you're getting is nothing but sugar so you can then your churches that you go to you know the church that you've been going to for 5 10 and 15 years you've been getting their message from sugar daddy and all he have is a congregation of sugar babies amen that's why you can have the church and party at the same time and you look at some of these preachers there they're downstairs fellowship hall out to the community and the community whole parties in the church amen the preachers preach it upstairs and making money from his community party downstairs let's go to work now again if you have any questions raise your hands and stop it while I'm talking I pick up any subject you want someone to set up something real quick you don't wait for me to get up for you they get me before I get up all right they got four questions here guys come on in and make yourself comfortable it doesn't matter where they sit at just get him on and you can come on in brother than something to make yourself comfortable you don't have to separate them just get them in here got a duty separating even if they come in with a second wife let them both sit together in adultery I did with them God knows come on and sit comfortable for now go ahead you and your second wife can sit together for now we let you sit together for now you and your third husband y'all can sit together for now I'm gonna kill your boat before you leave here guaranteed all right now you can ask your questions by raising your hands or if you want to you can write them on a piece of paper and send them up or there's brothers through the owl with microphones you can stop one of them and they put them back up to you and there get you that way before we get the mics let me get the first question that I have in my hand and we get busy all right watch the women keep their heads covered why very good question that's gonna work in a book description eleventh chapter first Corinthians I want to shoot in atomize everything with the script if I go too fast raise your hands and stop me whenever you feel like it raise your hands and stop me that's right I'll backtrack and go back chapter and verse again amen the question is why should women have their hands covered follow me and get me everybody all right good all right let's get busy first Corinthians chapter 11 and we'll begin reading at verse 5 listen but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with their head uncovered yeah this on with her hey now as three words I want you to notice an 11 chapter first Corinthians Hubbert uncovered covering that's right many of these dumb breaches they often tell the women your hair is your covering tell me what the word covering mean that's right listen wire the preachers say well you're not wrong you don't have to have mutton on your head and all that type of stuff they don't want us know what they're talking about no there's three words in 11 chapter first correctness that are what you pay close attention to covering uncovered and cover cover lesson good 1st Corinthians 11 still at verse 5 what is it but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered what does she do this on with her hey now holy every woman that prey or profits our prey or prophesied mean wish up that's right if I'm praying or prophesying I'm wish up in God let me give you a broader understanding of the term wish up praise and worship is not narrowed down to going to some religious temple singing and clapping your hands that's right wish up truly come under one word obedience that's right if you think wish up in God and just when you come to church and clap your hands and stomp your feet and roll on the floor like a road to be an attack then you have a very sad understanding about a wish up that's right we shall come under one thing Oh babies because even their animals the fowls of the air the beasts of the field the insects of the world give God wish up that's right when a snow it give God's wish up it give God praise when a rain that's why because it act out of obedience amen so for warm and pray or prophesy having a head uncovered bear bear hid it that's right what does she do this on with her he who is the woman hail but I would have you know there's an in 1st Corinthians 11 out verse 3 what is it but I would have you know the head of every man is Anna Maria and Christ had the head of the woman the head of the woman is the man get this that's right so in a woman wish of God with nothing on her hair and just have all her hair exposed she's dishonouring her head she's dishonouring the man man now when the Bible speaking out speak about this honoring the man it is not just nailed down to man on earth that's right but it's also dealing with man or angels which are in heaven that's right for the book says for this cause lesson in Revelation chapter 21 and at verse 16 now you made it go to back to first Corinthians chapter 11 back to first Corinthians chapter 11 and that verse father I show you how she dishonor the angels which is also had the title man listen good but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered what she do this on with her head and well that is even all as if she was shaved listen so if a woman don't have nothing on her hair wish you wish up in God God look at you as if you shaved all your hair off that's right hey look at you as if you're a ball headed woman that's right that's right because you're not given him honor amen that's why you see our women with their head covered now a lot of people when they first saw I would tell the caste I thought it was a bunch of Muslims which lets me know because they are not used to seeing people with their body covered when Muslims first saw our telecast they thought we were Muslims and the many Muslims that wrote me from around the world said it thought we were Muslims because they couldn't believe they were looking at a church on television where you couldn't see the woman's body amen because you know and I know that every Church program that come on there women I have negative the women up on the choir half-naked backs all out armed just bare from the shoulder down that's right and if they got addressed sometime is about the length of my jacket and if it is longer splitters in it like someone is opening the curtain tour amen even grandma got a split amen am i right that's right grandma got a split demon come on son let's add but that breath or prophesize with her head uncovered what happened this on earth oh hey it is out of the man well that is even all as if she was shaved yeah for if the woman be not come if the woman be not covered let her also be sure and it also be Shawn but if it butter shake it'd be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven then what let her be covered that obscene the Bible say is a shame shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven let you know she's not even allowed to cut a head that's right she is to have that stuff covered that's right they got us some good questions here I want to get all of them come on son for a man indeed ought not to cover his head brother when you wish up in God you you wish up in God you shouldn't be trying to pray with your head cover like you see the Jews do that's right and the Arabs do have a turban on and you had a little bean on his head no when you try to pray brother with your head cover you dishonor God that's right did you hear what I said for a man indeed of man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is that much as he is the reflection and glory of God manifestation of God but the woman but the woman is the glory of the man here this now the Apostle Paul wasn't going around telling women to put hair on your head no the only time you do that you got a wig that's right are you listening to me we we're us amen are you listening wig we're us amen it goes for you too fellow your toupee thing that's right got your little paintbrush on your head horse hair all on your head hey come on brother let's add for a man indeed ought not to cover his head yeah well as much as he is the image and glory of God what I don't like come in Camden you see me on television I always wear my hair low and then when I come in Camden I got a 3 or 5 inch afro that's right don't you know see my young brothers today want to do like they did in the 70s where half-frozen long hair they men men you are forbidden by scripture to have long hair in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 14 did you hear me men all men that's right off a baby by scripture yes brother yes yes good my job is saying that um I need that keep my job right right ah but because there's not any that tell you how long Jesus hair while in there that's right what what that the reason why they condemn you for shaving your hair because it is the nature of a man to fight the Bible that's right but still is the one that fights you for obeying the Bible humble himself you'll find him doing the same thing that you done that's right alright let's finish giving this first Corinthians chapter 11 we're at verse 14 all right listen doeth not even nature itself nature itself what's your main common sense that's right teach you that if a man long hair it is a shame it's an embarrassment on to him shame it's disgusting state you see it on TBN dope ponytail wearing men preachers that's right may wonder where ponytails that's right man went away two ponytails like Snoop Dogg listen when I came up and if there was a mayor coming out to hoop with ponytails he was considered a amen am i right men amen now Snoop Dogg's for they come from the hood so that's not balancing out a boy from the hood with bangs in a ponytail that's right we're truly living in the last days that's right you get what I'm telling you been you that got your hand up we'll get to you in time enough just let me finish working on the questions that Mike Douglas raise your hand Mike let me finish working on the questions that brother Douglas sent up so let's finish on the women come in the head come on brother still now first Corinthians chapter 11 now at verse 7 all right let's get the covering now our ad verse 10 all right for this cause all the woman to have power owner he know let's get the hair is the covering then I'll go back up the verse 10th at verse 15 is the term covering that I want to explain listen first corinthians 11 in verse 15 but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her why for her hair is given her for a covering hold it this is where the preachers used to say well women don't have to have none only head because your heads given to you for a covering covering and cover is two different things that's right two different things that's right now the term covering means incomplete it just has you women need to have children if you have daughters and it's wintertime out there here's your daughter want to go outside and play and it's cold out there and the wind blowing you tell your daughter puts up with your hair girls cold out there but she already got hair she has a covering so what'd you tell her cover your hair puts up on your head you didn't teleport hair on that's right covering is a incomplete if if we have a temple here in canva and all of us brothers get together we land carpet and somebody see what y'all doing we are covering the floor that means the floor is not covered that's right we all covering the floor come back in 15 minutes we'll be done all the floors covered so now we're not in the process of covering is not incomplete now it's covered it's complete that's what covering mean and complete that's right so your hairs giving you for a covering well yet is incomplete because you are still bare headed that's right listen but if a woman have long hair it is a glory and in the glory under her for her hair giving her for a covering or a covering back up to verse six and notice verse six for if the woman be not cover if the woman be notice it different in the term covering and cover that's right the woman be not covered let her also be sure or not but if it be a shame if it's a shame a woman to be a shame and that her be covered so when you have your hair covered it on a man here on earth but now let's take it up into heaven first Corinthians eleven now at verse 10 listen for this cause all the world this reason up the Worman left power halfway power pal aware on her head because of what because of the angel you have your hair cover you on a man on earth and you on a man and heaven angels wear the shape of man in Revelation chapter 21 the angels of heaven bear the shape of man that's right it's in that Revelation chapter 21 and we'll begin in verse 16 what is it and the city lieth Foursquare and the length is as large as the breath yet measured the city with the reed twelve thousand furlongs and the length of the breadth and the height of it are equal yes and he measured the world there were men in the wall there and one hundred and forty and four cubits why was it according to the measure of a man according to the measure of a man and what is the man called that is of the angel so woman will you have your head covered you have your showing honor and reverence to man on earth that's right and man which are the angels in heaven and in Daniel chapter 9 and at verse 21 what is it yes well I was speaking in prayer What did he say even the man Gabriel the angel Gabriel call even the man Gabriel and it's the same gay bro that came to Mary and total about the conception of Christ that's right what was Gabriel call even the man Gabriel see the angles better shape of men so whenever the women have your head covered you on a man on earth and you show honor and respect to man in heaven and if you don't cover your head you disrespect you disrespect and your dishonor heaven and your disrespect and you dishonor Earth judging yourself judging yourself is it comely in your comment that a woman pray unto God uncovered the Bible saying you judge that's right is it calmly that a woman pray unto God uncovered uncovered all right let's get brother Dulles next question is it permissible for them to wear weaves and extensions no no no what's wrong with the way God made you amen why would you put on you what God didn't make that's right I see many sisters throughout the world some sisters very dark-skinned go put on a blonde wig that's right like they got a hot beam light on the head that's right having weave in hair extension false hair God wants you to be the way he made you for the Bible says in Leviticus chapter 10 verse 10 and verse 10 follow me in the scriptures easy I love to use all the word of gold of Leviticus chapter 10 and verse 10 then we get first Corinthians or rather first John chapter 2 and begin at verse 14 14 come on Sam in Leviticus chapter 10 in verse 10 yeah that's extension we're us and that ye may put different and you that's unbelievable I want you to get it also that's right because noun the women the men I want to do what the men are doing amen alright get this and that you may put different you like put different don't be the same put difference be the same put different but I'd give chapter and verse again in Leviticus chapter 10 chapter 10 and verse 10 and that you may put difference but are different between holy between God's Way and on hold and the way of the devil and between ugly between what's unclean and clean the year the book says that you may put different if the scripture says if you're in Christ you are a new creature old things are passed away those wings that's right those hair extensions that Faust ponytail amen false Bay that's right that toupee that's right don't worry with it that's he said but a different with difference and then you have Postal John teaches us first John chapter 2 and add verse 14 do what I've written or add verse 15 alright love not the word I'm not the world neither the city there's a saying that are in the world all God forbid is people to love the things that are in the world that's against God If any man love give any man love what the world had to offer you the love of the father is not in a love of God and not in your heart of God feel about the conduct of the world all right all that is in the world all that is in the world under the Bible said about it for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh then what the flesh want hair extensions that's right hair black extensions is brown that's right hair gray just a minute brother let me finish this up hair gray extensions black hey man what's wrong the way God made you that's right God didn't make you with false hair and all that and you putting all these weave ends and then a man trying to look in a way that God didn't make you look that's right don't even need contact lenses but they don't like the color of their eyes even today go put contact and lenses just after they color one eye blue one eye stripe if you got stuck like that you'll be hunting down some crazy TV evangelist Damon they try to slap his hand on either they get the contract off that's right and you take knew the reason why you find so many of our young people today don't know what to do with their body because you allowed to be influenced by the media amen every time the media put up or something they make it look uncivilized God's people supposed to be different from the center that's right that today when you go in the church you don't see no difference you look just like the center that's right so the Bible says put a difference that's right between the clean and the unclean and God saw everything yes and in Genesis chapter 1 in verse 31 and God saw everything everything that he had made a whole lot that he had made hard in bigwigs that's right he had me he saw everything day he made and behold if a hole was very good it was very good thought it'd make toupees and wigs and hair extensions and that's right a man is making that stuff amen you walk around with a horse's tail on your head and all that foolishness that's right be the way God made you that's it next question doesn't matter when I'm praying if I use the Lord Jesus or Yeshua or which is Hebrew there is no J's in the Hebrew language and Hebrew the way you say the name Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua which is correct the way you say the name Jesus and Arabic is Issa some pronounce it Esau that's right the way you say the name Jesus in a Hispanic community is hey Seuss so if you use the term Ashura which is Hebrew for Jesus there is no violation of biblical principle you still stay in the name Jesus but you're just saying it and the different language that's right all right the Bible say where there is no law there is no transgression question four is music a weapon primarily used by Satan to job believers away yes oh yes without question oh yes Kurt Franklin now we like came in the 70s we came up in the funk era there's that Wright brothers and sisters let the funk say Amen so we know what the funk music is like is that right amen but to this generation who really don't know nothing about the funk they think Kirk Franklin is instituting a new music right but he is it that's right because if you listen to coach Franklin music is simply take the music that was played from former groups change some of the rhythm a little take some of the band's section from Savannah ban or James Brown band group or tower power that's right Grand Central Station or Sly and the Family Stone that's true and just change the lyrics that's right and for the name Judas in here a few times that's exactly what the devil is doing touch now if the scripted planning figures put a difference between holy and unholy there's no so-called Christian musician music should be trying to patterning itself after a sinner in Amos chapter 5 the rent came out rap been out for you young people that don't know it I mean the Ink Spots was rapping it was just in a different rhythm the Mills Brothers was a rapid it was just in a different rhythm Ella Fitzgerald and all of them was rapping rapping as simply a group of words put together rhyming and see tour music right that's all it is but you look at the day now the so-called Christian all the surely Caesar is that's right you've got her twice you went from home I'm you the trauma rep David you know why whatever way the so-called the so-called Christian can make money if the music is of God that how can it be played or any station R&B gospel blues rap how can heavenly music be played on a on a station I just play strip the full party and jamming something's wrong with the music that's right that's right something is wrong with that music let's now let's go to the Book of Amos Amos chapter five and we'll begin in verse 23 she takes all a way that's not what God said take doll away from me God says take away from me the noise so he called it the no no no no check you go to Amen when you've got your eyes and they're like a class full of holes and gay men that's right half just they don't clap like they used to in the churches now they men metaphor with a flair to it this is church church when you went to the party everything was here we go come the church throwing it now that's right they used to say throw your hands in the air wave them like you don't change now do the same thing a so-called Christian concert that's right the white brothers who supposed to be so cold white Christians will have a contemporary Christian music they got hard rock amen Christian music amen and when you go there you can understand them like you at a regular rock concert you understand what they say understand it that's right and then it's so-called rappers who spoiled me a rapper for Christ imaginet a Christian who came on the stage pants top down Joel's pulled up bare chest is showing a man what a coarse Brown is naked I'm microphone goes walking around come on that's right amen and I realize that [Applause] noise say please his lyrics his rhythm and took the name of Jesus instructed in it because he knew people don't understand the name uses name to make money that chant to that chair to the sound listen in Amos chapter 6 and verse 5 listen that chant to the sound that chat to the sound of the vial of the vial and invent to themselves invent to themselves instruments of music instruments of music like David like David that's right huh that's right it's all in the bottle it they sank to themselves and they invent instruments like David David was no righteous man that danced before down that's right under the influence of God that's right now when we came up if you dance where do you dance the spirit or head if you're dancing in the spirit you don't have physical movement like a dance and a pilot that's right that's right but look at your churches now amen this is no longer a pulpit it's the stage for what is called praise dance that's right and you go to a church they got that jump do not Christians your party goers that's all a party that's right that's right praise dancers that's right once a young folk just kidnapped it that's gone a man difference that's right that's right they're different the reason why these international hustlers like TV Jake's creflo dollar and these other wires allow this stuff to gone and the churches that cost their brain their members and it brings in money and you don't see no change they ain't nothing but a building with the steeple and a cross you the name Jesus for a front and you're still a Bible tone Center that's right nothing more that's right you still party and still do what you used to do that's true yes the devil used music that's right you can see how the music had changed oh yeah the rap people have come along with their rap videos exploiting women the so-called Christian done the same things anything rap videos same steps per finger plot a rap video when you came out with that stop amen and you saw a young girl shaking a backsides that's right we're short song that's right you can listen that their so-called Christian stations now you got to make sure that it is one because we can tell me too it's true you don't know whether you listen to music then you ready to make love to somebody or have you ready to pick the feet up the stop book right now years ago you could never do this to a true spiritual song spurge the song came on you don't hate to the side double clap now that's right even also chronic Amen so yes brother Mike Douglas the devil have used music as a photo tool that's right they keep you away from God and keep you from coming to God amen and every musician they have participated and inventing dis music to make it supposed to be like them to David that's not a proceed Satan is subtle he's not called a certain for nothing so st. I'm brain what the people love to hear and do to lure them away from God that's why so many of our young brothers who think they Christians going through these churches and a part of a praise dancing group right your part about you being nothing but a little party group that's all that's all that is that's right all right let's start to get the questions with their hands alright brother Judah I get the first one back there this is a question about marriage and divorce yes why does the person has to wait to his part his marriage party dies until he can marry again I didn't get that question why was it again why would a certain you know a marriage you marriage partner has to wait tool one dies in order to afford to be right to marry again why because God said so 7 chapter first Corinthians Corinthians chapter 7 I tell you why because that's the way God planned you see we plan and God planned but God is the best of planners and God planned just have a tendency about weighing I was all the time that's right the reason why you got to wait to someone kill or die kick the bucket croak because that's the way God ordered it first Corinthians you know what's the preachers saying when you was at the altar till death do you part amen tailed it anybody's head that's right and appreci don't mean it then why would he say it that's right alright listen at what God says it now first Corinthians chapter 7 and at verse 39 yeah a wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth the life is bound by the law as long as the husband is alive but if her husband be dead her husband is what B did if my husband is what folk he did what they talked to me Jersey yeah you can talk to me better than that if the husband be dead but if her husband be dead be dead she is at liberty to be married she's to be married to whom she will only in the Lord only in the Lord that's right you better give me at verse 1 let's get all that at verse war just don't want to get the key point I want to get all of it 1st Corinthians 7 will begin in Romans chapter 7 again at verse 1 Romans chapter 7 we're beginning reading at the very first verse listen at this real good no you're not brethren for I speak to them that know the law yeah how that the law has dominion over a man as long as he liveth all right for the woman which hath an husband woman I have a husband is bound by the law to her husband and so long as he liveth then what but if the husband be dated the husband be dead she is loosed from the law of her husband now if I die my wife with a free woman shave free long as I'm living that's right long them alive I got her and bound prison lockdown solitary confinement you understand that's right and I don't mind and she don't mind it being better way man but if I die she's free free she can marry again that's right not that she will but if she do that's all right that's right because God gave her that right but if the husband be dead if I'm dead she is loosed from if hundreds dead then and only then you are loosed from the law for herself her husband so then if listen at this now so then oh then if while her husband while your husband is alive she be married Parsloe so Vincey oh then if Wow Wow her husband her husband liveth is still alive she and she is married to another man or another man what is she called she shall be called an adulteress but she says she's a Christian an adulteress but she's on a class she shall be called an adult so if you got another husband or another wife while your first wife and first husband is alive you are living an adult ego cause God log did not plan for you to get an extra piece of meat that's right you can't get no turkey until your chicken died that's right are you listen to the old man that's right so that's why it's that way brother because God expanded that way that's right all right listen at this in the book of ecclesiasticus chapter 23 listen at the book of ecclesiasticus chapter 2,300 verse 18 and verse 18 a man Oh Oh a man that breaketh that break wedlock went lost saying thus in his heart saying nothing is hard to see if me go see me I am compares to bout with darkness I got my second wife in secret I had a little private where no one see me the walls cover me the walls covered me and nobody sees me nobody see me with my second wife what need I to fear what should I be scared of the most high will not remember my saying God won't remember me getting my second and why that's the way that man think such a man all these man only fear with the eyes of men he only feared either men and knoweth not that the eyes of the Lord are ten thousand times brighter than the Sun when you got a second life or a second husband even if you per have that way and done in secret that's right you worried about people seeing you that's right you forgot the eyes of God is ten thousand times brighter than the Sun that shining today that's right this shall it also go with the life that what the same law apply it to the wife and in case I got healed any old women here who've been in a second marriage for the last 35 or 40 years that's right the one thing about the devil he buying a second marriage Fred that's right there Fred is dead amen so they started focusing on what Fred had done for the house the car the bank account the clothing the mink the Fox the dog the skunk the rabbit that's right all the name-brand garments that he gave him amen but you gather those things not buy right that's right and the book says he that gathered rich is not buy right dies a fool see this is God's law it don't have nothing to do it past the Gina's church believe nor do have a church that's right it's not my church this is the laws of God that's right and the reason why the world is in a condition that it's in the cost they have took God's law and pushed it aside that's right listen the shove-it also go with the wife also for the wife that leaveth her husband leave her husband and bring us in an air buy another for fried amen also go other way that's right that bring in an heir by who by another that means the wife then left her husband and got pregnant by another man and that pregnancy is an air by another who was the other the other man she's pregnant by another man not by her husband that's right and for first for first she has disobeyed the law of the Most High yeah for a first try woman that's right you got pregnant by a man that's not your husband and your first husband is alive for for what did you do she has disobeyed the Lord you have disobeyed the law of the Most High of God that's right and secondly what someone else who got and secondly second she has trespassed against her own husband and thirdly it then secondly secondly first what happened to her first she has disobeyed the law of the moosa' and secondly she has just passed against her own husband apparently she has played the in adultery she then what she has played the in adultery and brought children by another man amen do you hear that and thirdly you can't blame this stuff on me no no you trespassed God you dishonor your husband and then God call you a ho that's right that's what God said she has played the in adultery God called you an adulteress ho that's right huh that's right huh that's right huh amen he said she has played the in adultery I'm playing you was playing that's their second marriage is a game that's right that's what God is talking that's right if such a marriage is a game you're playing she has played go banking in the first thing for first lesson for for first god I don't need to get upset now and this is what you hear that's right this is what a god got for you a man I got a few thought I wasn't personally different what you see on television you would sadly mistaken that's right my god we only hit you on television you only get about what an hour worth about an hour oh god I want to give you such a billy for the day and make you burp when you leave here because we marriage in divorce is tearing up homes across the world yes it is all across the world and one of the reason why rematching the voice is making a mess everywhere because most people are getting married without having a god-sent man giving that woman counsel and giving that man counsel that's right he has got some dumb preaching when you walk in his office hey Evan I want to get married congratulation congratulation resolution why he shouldn't be with that woman one-on-one he should be with that man one-on-one that meet with both of them together and catechized in the same way when they're together when he did when it was 101 to see who gonna lie first that's right I did you see now by law you don't have to get a blood test like go you follow passage it is brother we demand you get one amen that way sister you ain't marrying a walking crab that's right am i er like event amen you don't want to become a syphilis and gonorrhea Herbies that's right the reason why I grill that man one on one to make sure you ain't marrying somebody you want to download that's right that's right I believe that woman should know what she's marrying amen and I believe that man should know look he's married Amen you don't want to come home woman who you find your man my god is trying to live with your own son my lord I said I'll leave my Bible down no I pick my Bible up and beat you with it but this is how bad things are not like it was 30 or 40 years ago all right come on this let's finish up this don't worry we'll get you let's finish something more this come on for first-years disobeyed the law of the most Nestle made a lot of those hi and secondly she a trespass that gets to her holding his own husband and third she has played the in adults you play like a ho in adultery and brought children by a brother million by another man she shall be brought up she shall be brought out into the country and the congregation Inquisition shall be me you're gonna be put on trial all of her children do you see how strict the law of God is amen what else her children shall not take root her branches shall bring forth no fruit you hear this means I'll strict the law it's about adultery and having not waiting until your wife died your husband died all right let's get the next one come on brother another question about marriage and divorce I was just going to say far as when you say that they have to be dead could they be mentally dead of the way of God and you can move on or no repeat that question Judit if you heard it repeated woman can they be mentally dead in the way of God can they be mentally gay or consciously did unconsciously gay consciously dead damn cut either you're gay or not O'Day did consciously do it no the day that the Bible are talking about graveyard cemetery that's right no life that's right no breath they don't exist among the land of the living any longer that's right consciously they're what preachers talk about is when you're in sin no because i'ma show you in the Bible where a st. Mary tool sent up to a sinner give me the seventh chapter first Corinthians chapter seven we'll begin at verse 10 listen at this and on to the married I could mine into the Marriott a man yet not i but the Lord let not the wife depart from her husband what but and if she depart out if she depart let her remain on man or be reconciled to her husband an embalmer talking about the warmer and married to the unbelieving but to the wrists because I not the lows any brother has a wife when they said brother is talking about a man that's in the church that's right if a brother have a wife that believe it's not that's an unbeliever unbelieving is a sinner and she be pleased that unbelieving wife is a sinner someoneís dead in sin that's right listen if any brother has a wife that believeth not yea and she'd be pleased to dwell with him what let him not put her a will let him leave the center and go ahead and get a Christian woman let him not put her a way no leave the sinner or get a Christian Walnut that's what the bridge of the t-shirt that's right that's what he's lying preachers a teacher now that if one of you are saved and one of you are not you can divorce the sinner and get you a Christian husband or a Christian wife that's right God use I love Amen you following a church that teaching you go to a false church and your pastor is a liar Amen if you were pastor here and teach you you's a liar that's right are you getting what I'm telling you if any brother has a wife that mean his brother if any brother got a wife that's an unbeliever and any brother got a wife dasa sena and she'd be pleased to dwell she want to stay with you let him don't you think i put her a way and the woman which her husband believed is he the center and if he'd be pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him don't you gonna leave and he'll me that that's right and go to that man you know God gave you to me my husband is a sinner and I pray to God for a same Christian man and I met you James Oh seeking massage you got to get a Honda that's right that's right you're nothing but a church-going ho that's it that's not free to get another man or another woman until the first wife first husband guys my god yeah that's right so you got a navy pretty try to change it they gonna suffer that fire of hell as a penalty that's right all right next question question about cremation what's that is the question about cremation being cremated alright cremation but the scripture says where there is no law there is no transgression which means this if there is no law against the thing then I don't have the right to make this thing wrong there is no law against cremation if you want to get burnt up while you're here fine just make sure you don't go to hell afterwards that's right that's my concern my just trying to keep you out of hell you want to give cremated be my guest but remember when you cremated those ashes come back together at the Day of Judgment every ash come back together to formulate that same man is saying water so they can stand before the judgment seat of God that's right alright next question question about hair they're sorry to backtrack you but what wasn't that Samson's strength in his hair yes back in the Old Testament Samson's strength it was in his hair and he was called a Nazarite now let me explain to you about the law of Nazarite in the Old Testament there better give me the Book of Numbers so I can take it apart and strip it down let's have it numbers chapter 6 and at verse 1 listen and the Lord spake unto Moses saying now you gotta remember you're dealing back on the Moses law that's right Jesus came here and the Bible said 1 greater than Moses is here that's right yeah that's right yes n and the Lord spoke unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them when either a man or woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite habit to separate themselves unto the Lord yea he shall separate himself from wine and strong drink it says when they do it when was let you know the separation is temporarily here that's right alright he shall separate himself from wine and strong drink and shall drink no vinegar of wine or vinegar of strong drink and neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes nor eat moist grapes or draw all the days of a separation all the days of his separation means during a period of time that he separated these are the things he must obligated to perform all the days of except while he separated shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine hand from the kernels even to the husk and all the days of the vow of a separation yea this shall no razor come upon his head until until the days be fulfilled see Samson was a Nazarite he was under that law right so when you were the natural under the law and when your days of under the Nazarite was fulfil under that vow when those days passed then you can go we eat the things that you would have standing in front and the reason was able to go upon your head and cut your hair after the national rate law was fulfilled in your life so back in the Old Testament back in the Old Testament time when Samson was a Nazarite he was under a temporary valve that's true our strength is not our hair now our strength is within our body but you're the power of God God is greater than some hair on our head that's right I will once strengthen my hair oh no not at all no because now if strength is in your hair just a fireball today it will contradict or Paul lead down forth that is a shame for a man that had long hair so I'm not obligated by the Old Testament law that God gave Moses in the form of being a Nazarite by letting my hair grow long but now the shame for me to have long hair I got lots in my hair God command me to cut that's right all right next question my question is I know when doing the ROM Deuteronomy it talks about a woman that supposed to wear anything that pertains to a man yeah how can we used the Bible to determine what was worn back then to determine you know what's a man and woman clothes now well number one back then it had to be distinguish between men's apparel and one was apparel even forward to even be taught because if you had men's apparel back there and you had men's apparel back then and yet the strip is going say for a woman not the word that was pertained to a man obviously it was a distinction even back in those days from what women wear and what men wear I traveled to many foreign countries in the world and every foreign country I go to you can see the distinguish between men's apparel and women apparel so in order so when I go to foreign country I got to be able to utilize that scripture and every foreign country I go in but for me to do that properly I've got to have knowledge what is men's apparel in this country what is women's apparel in this country I go to the Philippines what is men's apparel there I go to Australia what is men's apparel I go to Bangkok I go to any place wherever I go I must be able to take that same scripture that's because what may be men's apparel there may not be the same apparel somewhere else right so yes they got their distinguished right all right next question yes I have a couple of questions just give you one all right that'd be all day can you spray to me the scripture I see a lot of people wearing tattoos yeah and I understand I wouldn't when I it makes me upset when I see scripture isn't written on your body I just want to explain it a little bit you can and tell us where it says that it's okay to do our price creatures on our body I don't see it all right now put your script is on your body on me nothing they can obey the book your big obey the book you can have the babba turn it all over your head what does that prove all right let's get tattoo and you see is it in the Bible in Leviticus chapter 19 all right let's get it in the vinegars chapter 19 and verse 20 is all of you didn't get your ink that's right now you don't have to get you ink a man and you that did get your ink and didn't know better well now you don't have to go get no more that's right listen at this individ against 19 in verse 28 all right you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the day he shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for who for the day and the Bible said this thing of death is sin so when the Bible said don't make no cuttings in your flesh for the dead his meaning don't put no cuttings or no printing in your flesh on behalf of sin no prints no print that's what tattoo is that's right it's printing that's right they're giving you ink in the form of printing that's one myth of tattooing they have imprisoned is they take urine and they take to heal in the soul of many of the shoes that a rubber cut it nut it down to a liquid mix with yarn and then make a homemade needle and piss the skin down tattooing had became a part of the devil that's right any times something come along that contradict God than is of the devil amen listen you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the day or not do I not make anything any in it and that goes for folk they trying to put scriptures and it any cut any cuttings in your flesh for the day will send your print don't print anymore any mark upon you upon you I am the law I am the law oh is that it the Lord no no tattooing no ink none of that's right all right this question pastor is are we supposed to want nice things in this life cars house closing etc and the second part of the question let's get the first question first what is it okay are we supposed to want nice things in this life cars houses closing instead of a materialistic it is nothing wrong but what a nice thing the bible does not against you want in nice things and in fact let's get the book correctly to see what the wife will want that's right I show you the book correct is what the wife won't want a shoe a minor things of the world oh please the husband that's not a humble minor things of the world to please the wife that's right nothing at this 1st Corinthians chapter 7 in that verse 28 yeah but it if thou marry thou has not seen if you marry you haven't broke no law and if a virgin marry she hath not seen ya nevertheless every level in the flesh yeah but I spare you now get this warning nice what's that verse 31 let's get this real quick and they they'll use this world it's not abusing it that's the difference see warning nice things is one thing abused in what you want is another that's right I can buy a nice car go buy a Maserati go buy a Bentley and use it correctly right for the file use it I'm gonna let my windows down that's my radio that's your angle pick up some holes that's right abusing it just sit down and they shaking your car it's Rick that's abusing it that's right so it's not a sinner one nice thing listen clearly what the book says still in 1st Corinthians 7 in verse 31 yeah and they that use this world is not abusing they that use this world as not abusing it using you're able to afford a big house that's your business if your living room is this big you haven't broken no commandment that's right the sin is when this living room have you you don't have it that's right you should clean up in your big house so put up in your big car and so caught up in your suits and caught up when your dress and now you think you're more than what you are that's right they that use this word bride because you got a gold toilet or you can do is sit your toilet paper was imported from India you use Campbell's hair who wouldn't you be in the issue stage do you understand that's right this is like I teach my young brothers in the hood and out why in the world where you spend 40 50 60 thousand dollars for a car and you living in a project does that make sense amen now oil you spend forty and fifty and sixty thousand dollars for a car and you living in a project you go buy a used car for four thousand fine and spend $8,000 for limbs while usual food or food today they people won't concern about a car then they are they always go has to be leaking you got pans all around that's right you'll come out there and clean your car before you fix the roof of the house amen before you go buy an expensive car roof over your head amen is that right that's right listen at this good and they that use this world and you not religion not abusing it for the fashion of this world that fashion of this world passes a way now there's no need to get caught up in no fashion and no style because they come and go right all of us that comfort that was raised up in the 70s the 70s is back again isn't it the platform shoes the same pictures that the young people used to look at and their parents photo album leads to laugh about that a Warrnambool back then they had little riding genes but there's a lot of time there was called hipsters right but they were still cut low that's right to build bottom pants they got all that stuff back now I even got the tie-dye shirts back so all this is back now so they all could open these fashions but the fashions come and the fashions go that's questions Cory brother the second part is is Jesus in inherited name yes it is when you inherited something that mean is passed down give me the first type the book of hebrews hebrews chapter 1 and add verse 4 yeah they made so much better than me god is not me that's right but the son of man or the messiah that's me the flesh of Christ that body of flesh and blood that was conceived by the eternal God from the house of David out of the tribe of Judah me and me so much better than the angel as he hath by in hair as he has by inheritance obtained obtained a more excellent name than the angel so if you take note where did the Son of man obtain this name from from the eternal God massive all creation that's why he said I come in my father's name that's right so yes the name of Jesus is an inherited name yes brother the last part is who wrote Genesis and this is by sister Kirra whole Road Genesis I don't know history says that Moses wrote the five books the scriptures doesn't say who wrote it history says Moses wrote in the scriptures doesn't says who wrote it so I can't tell you who wrote it but I can tell you the scriptures are true that's right the Bible said I so leave that we just noted in the scriptures of truth all right let me get someone I didn't get not suppressed that passage ended on the thing about men wearing earrings in a year you have a scripture for that I do thank you get earrings on your and rings on your finger and necklaces around your neck and bracelets on your arm in fact I just get all little while I'm doing it that's right Isaiah chapter 3 and begin reading at verse 18 in me Isaiah chapter 3 beginning at verse 18 then give me Jeremiah for 30 they gave me first Corinthians chapter 14 if I'm correct then give me the book of Timothy again even give me the book of Peter that's right you get all that are you ready I'm ready let's get busy all right first and I say Amen all right all right no don't go to church tonight that's right I'll go to your false church tonight you get more in this session than all the years you've been going to check that's true that's a person Isaiah chapter three and verse 18 be quick in that day the Lord will take away the bravery of the tickling ornaments about their feet come on taking the ornaments about what about their feet now and they're wearing rings on they told that's right what's that matter with you that's right don't know what to do with themselves you are rings on your toes too why amen why amen well I want to feel like that I'm in Africa that's right a ring on your toe make you feel like you in Africa oh and just put a pole through your nose then that's right every time the devil come out with something you get someone that's prominent do something everybody want to do it amen come on refax in that day the Lord will take away the bravery of the tinkling ornaments about their feet I'm quick and they're calling quite underground tires like the moon what else the change yes the change when they got round in it the change but they got running at the change when they got running at the change is a cross chains silver chains girlfriend gave it to me chains what is it chains what else and the bracelets and the bracelets boyfriend gave it to her and the bracelets laughs and the muffler and on the body weight and the ornaments of the lead angle change that's right I say last man if you're not a host up wearing the label is one get the angle chain off your legs amen what else and the headband what else add the tablet else and the earring slot and the earrings are a brother earring men men we're men that's right the holy book says what add the earrings I don't care what the words say these things are diamonds that's right again I said no don't go fussing with me the Lord will take away I'll go fussing with me that's right you want to disobey God and then let God put you in hell you take it up with God I'm just gonna tell you earing love up amen tell god what you're not gonna do that's wrong tell you get upset with me you don't tell me but don't go sneaking out on me and you fellow what's the matter with you right wear earrings in your ears or your ears can jingle that's right hmm amen yes and I'm the earrings earrings the Rings engagement the Rings high school ring military ring wedding rings even told me I don't mean to tell you nothing this is no Bible in Isaiah chapter three and verse 11 Barry made you faithful no no now wait a minute never made no man or no woman faithful that's right don't say he gonna take them away not past the Jenna's God said the Lord will take away the Rings I look at these men still trying to pay off a ring for 20 years that's right 20 years amen trying to pay off something the size of a lifesaver well I want a ring I want everybody to know he's my man that don't tell them women that he's your man no no if you can take a ring nothing that's right that's right ringing ain't gonna tell that man she's your woman no no she have a ring all her told her toes up in the air with another man Oh Lord moving the toes around Lord a my bed I wanna hit it real good no I'm telling the truth you may not like what I'm saying but who knows the truth that's right a wedding band never made no one faithful since you've been born into this world amen come on son let's add the Rings and nose jewels they got the nose pierced now nose jewels they got the nose piercing got the tongues pierced they got the name of peace you got the eyebrows pierce your cheek what's the matter with you amen oh that's tough violate the book all right next question pastor Jennings yes I read through certain books of the Bible and I started from the beginning Genesis it seems that there are some points where some things were allowed because of that particular error that's true verses the Old Testament in the New Testament one of the things was to host animals yeah eating the hoofed animals yeah so many other things are a bit confusing to me and I'd like you to perhaps tell us about some of the things that were allowed in one Testament because of that time now it is no longer yes very good you're dealing with a dietary law the Old Testament had a dietary law reference to hoof animals and also species that have fins and certain type of animals like pig which is most time called swine well those things were forbidden to be eaten under the time of Moses which had an Old Testament dietary law you also got a New Testament dietary law in the 14th chapter of the book of Rome in Romans chapter 14 and at verse 1 9 listen at this him that is weak in the faith receive ye and but not to doubtful disputations yea for one believeth that he may eat all things now you got some men they eat everything I don't care what it is when they said that the table is like a vacuum amen mama days sitting down mouth come open all the air just come on and everything goes in that's right they don't turn nothing down I'm me personally I'm a very very very picky eater I travel in other parts of the world and most time I come back skinnier than I am before I went there because there are many things I just don't eat and it don't violate the Bible it's just certain things I don't eat that's right now there a thing that there wasn't allowed to eat in the Old Testament but when it came through the New Testament those thing was no longer forbidden that's right listen at this for one believeth that he may eat all for him believe he could eat all things another who was weak eateth herbs 1 eat herbs you have those today and this script is dealing with today someone they eat herbs who don't eat know me if you don't want to know me there's no transgression there that's right if you want to just eat herbs you haven't broken no law that's right but again let me interject and say this if certain meats doesn't agree with your body you don't have to wait to read a scripture or have the way to hear a voice for heaven they tell you not to eat it if you're eating bacon and all the sudden you see in spots put the bacon down that's right head right hope you don't need to add voice from heaven that says put down the baked on put down those spots tell you I can't take this right so our body many times will tell us that it cannot digest or teak or it doesn't agree with certain things we eat so some eat herbs something eat certain meats some eat certain fish some won't eat catfish I know I won't but if you do eat catfish today there is no violation of the principle of the book that's right but like in many Muslims and Jews still go by the Old Testament dietary law so therefore some Muslims won't eat cornbread you know they jiffy did jiff just bread made from the box some Muslims and I didn't learn that to lie when instead of a Muslim store brothers some brothers in the nation won't eat the corn bread made from the juice box yet over that Muslim store will sell the cornbread made from the juice box so you got ones with both sides about eat it you got one of their beers that are sell it not that the cornbread violate any law but it's a personal roll that one may have that's right so eaten bacon don't violate the New Testament law but it may violate the law of your temple right because your body may not can't handle it that's right listen at this real good for one believeth that he may eat all thing and another who is weak eateth earth yes let not him that eateth let not him that eateth despise look down on him and eat it's not and don't eat it and let not him which he did not die him they ate him not judge him that eateth do you hear that for God has received him God and God received the one they eat Portland don't you judge them that's right the book plainly states let not him him they eat a spicy device scam that don't eat now you got some folks with you from the south who eat pig feet whole mall pig ears chitlins and some of the ones that don't eat it now if they didn't handle a was coming up there'd be dead it's true so you may now don't eat it but don't despise the one that dude that's right she may not eat it now but you may get into a predicament you see what I'm telling you they like certain things I don't eat I just don't eat but if I go to a foreign country now I don't eat monkey that's without question I don't eat monkey but if that's all it is dead and I'm a whole to my stand no monkey and by the third or fourth day me and that monkey may be pals this is why I often tell people be slow to say what you never won't do because you may get into a predicament you can get so down and left you may find yourself in the trash can that's right you may find something going to a restaurant trying to get somebody else leftovers you may find yourself eating like an animal because of your disobedience to God God may bring you down that low if that scripture yes he said it to a king named Nebuchadnezzar that's right Nebuchadnezzar one time was a mighty man of God and by God permission Babylon was built but this man became self-centered self-righteous and arrogant and was all about his self later on after god bless them to the size giving God the honor and the reverence of the prosperity of Babylon he took the credit for himself and says is this not great Babylon that I knew had built he doesn't build nothing and the voice of God spoke from heaven and stripped Nebuchadnezzar from King drove about the kingdom and the book says that he ate grass like an ox that's right his nails who long in his house as the feathers of an animal so God can bring you down to such a degree until what you said you never would do he can force you to do that's right listen let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not all right and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth yeah for God has received so I'm God except a person that eats something you don't eat then wash it we look down upon him or her that's right all right at verse 6 9 listen good he that regardeth the day regardeth it unto the Lord yea and he that regardeth not the day to the Lord he doth not regard he that eateth he that eateth to the Lord it up to the Lord for he giveth God thank you God things and he that eateth not to the Lord he eateth not I'm on time I'd give us God Thursday with not offending our brothers all our stuff that what we eat at verse 15 get this but if thy brother be grieved with thy meat o if thy brother man brother Vic ieave with your meat now walkest I'll not charitably now if I invite brothers to my house for dinner my wife don't cooked and I know my brothers may not eat beef why would I recommend my wife to cook beef and that's not what they eat that's right then I'm trying to force my personal not my scriptural but my personal beliefs upon them that's which is wrong that's right but if they don't if they don't eat beef then what I should do out of love and respect it's serve what I know they eat it's different if I serve something I don't know they don't need it amen but if I know I don't eat Chinese food they he don't eat Chinese food why would I take him to a Chinese restaurant that's really and I know you don't eat it now he may start getting hungry and then may eat it I know from experience I was on the island of Mauritius which sits east of Madagascar and I'm not a Chinese food person but when they picked us up from the airport our first stop was in a Chinese restaurant but I didn't want to offend my brothers when I first went there so I ate what I knew I can tolerate like a vegetable roll egg rolled and then one time we were there last year and my brother was with me and he was sitting down ordering what he thought was chicken and he was just eating it to disco stuff him he got Emily it's good stuff man and it's good stuff you want some I said no he said made his good stuff try you want some I said no to the other brother who was from that Island said I tried and I brother star I left I said what's funny brother he said what you ordered it looked like chicken it feel like chicken it's no chicken so you ask the brother what is it he said I don't know but it's not chicken see and right away so sometime I had to suffer you know eating salad for about seven or eight days salad and french fries in one location and peanuts and crackers and you know so the dietary laws of the New Testament teaches us not to look down on those who don't eat certain things that's right listen at this real quick but if thy brother be grieved with thy meat now walkest I'll not charitable yeah destroy not destroy not him with thy meat for whom Christ died all right for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink why get hung up on me and all these other stuff is let you know it the kingdom of God is not in meat and drink your drain but righteousness is doing right living right and peace and peace and joy in the Lord with the Holy Ghost for me destroyed not the work of God if you eat pork you won't go to hell that's right meaning telling me you somewhere and ain't nothing around but Paul you may survive the first day nutty second day not eat third day night eat fourth day night II but then I'll set you start looking right them other men and keep chewing on little pig legs before you know you're gonna be that's right and then when they gone you gonna be getting them scraps making that pig leg last a long time amen so yes the dietary law did change in the New Testament it teaches us to be temperate and admits of our eating which means don't make your belly your God that's right you shouldn't eat until you can't move from the table you're growing Oh Oh Lord now you wanna call on the Lord that's right when the Lord's an already said don't make your belly your God because if you do you sin that's right one should practice being temper temper it means self-control because you may get in a predicament in life you can't eat as freely that you are used to eating that's right but if you have governed yourself and disciplined your eating habit whenever dhikr may come in your life you won't sin to get what you want you know like many of us do when we go to the market and we walk by that big bin of candy and just take it and I'll pay for it and just eat it be loose that's right you don't go up to the cattle and you check out and say oh well you know I took three pictures of candy you still be opening it up while you had the cash register and just eating it and then pay for nothing amen the Bible said bow if you're not still that's right and that covers the smallest thing that's right all right next question all right brother go ahead I don't pass all right better being in a study group with the nation Islam can you explain Melchisedec since he was a handle without mother without father I had no beginning or ending because we have oh you know thing about the world of Melchizedek King explained you have a form of order of Melchizedek no I have a be I'm still I'm baffled by the order of Melchizedek himself some sum up some people in nation Islam say he was God you explain that more and I had one more question all right Melchizedek let's see what the word or the name Melchizedek means book of Hebrews chapter 7 follow me and began reading at verse 1 yes for this Melchizedek king of Salem for this Melchizedek king of Salem priest of the Mogollon mean peace king of Salem listen for this Melchizedek king of Salem and priest of the Most High God wreath of the Most High God met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him yes to whom also Abraham gave a tif part of all a PAMP eight I first being by interpretation this is what has named me king of righteousness there's only one king of righteousness that's right the name Melchisedec mean king of righteousness and after that also after that also King of Salaam king of Salem and king of Salem which what which is king of which mean king of peace without father if you don't have no father you always was without mother if you have no mother that means you're not begotten no are you born without dissent if you have no dissent that me you have no relatives having neither beginning of you have no beginning that means you have no birth date so you are eternal nor end of line if you have no end of life that means you never will die that's God that's good without beginning without anything that's God you're not born you're not begotten you haven't been conceived you're always warm and you was not created in documents either that's right you have no beginning of days you have no end of life that's the Melchisedec was there's only one king of peace no man is king of peace no all right what's the second part of your question brother I travel to see you on the weekends from Baltimore yes sir now I've kind of like lost a lot of ties with my Muslim family down that I'll come and see you I'm pretty sure you have so how do I kind of explain this decision to my family well to explain it to your family just like were your family always Muslims they came into Islam at an a period of time when they chose to correct so you can approach them from the perspective to your family just like all of you came into Islam for a period of time I decide to walk with holiness for a period of time because Islam I talked to a Muslim many times Islam brothers and they often say Islam is the religion of God without questioned Islam is the religion of God that's what they say I teach holiness is religion of garbage now talking to a Muslim one day time Muslim you know me one submits as you know so I asked the brother is God a Muslim he said oh yes brother without question he said Allah who are far all phrases all phrases you know God is a Muslim I say God is a Muslim he said for us to be Muslims God will have to be a Muslim I said Muslim mean once submit he said yes I said well of God is a Muslim didn't tell me who does God submit to that's right for God will have to submit to no one no one God don't submit to anyone who hath directed the spirit of the law in nobody and I said no one direct God's know when you're told to submit that's the direction that's right you understand you are directed to do no one directs God so when I asked the Muslim who does God submit so he was like he had the lad I never thought of that brother he said well what about this wholeness I said God now who asked me is God holy please just likes me because he know God is holy that's right you let say you Baptist is God Baptist is God madness hope dude I said you African Methodist Episcopal is God African Methodist Episcopal dude that are freemasons Prince Hall Scottish Rite your life is on your hand as a ring and you use a little Lions caller razor from the day it's God a Mason these better Pentecostal Scott Pentecostal here attorney apostolic it's God apostolic you know a Buddhist his darling Buddhist is God a Catholic it's got a Hindu let God speak for himself let us see what God say he's in the biggest chapters justify me and being what I am in Leviticus chapter 19 beginning verse 1 listen and the Lord spake unto Moses and the Lord speak to Moses or as the Arab said to Musa saying speak unto all the congregation unto all the congregation of the children of these are the church in of Asia and say unto them Fanta then ye shall behold he shall be had Judaism ye shall be holy Judaism holy Mormon holy muscle holy Baptist holy nondenomination holy Pentecostal holy apostolic holy now my beef with religion is if the Lord didn't say he none of this stuff that's right why you that's right does that make sense are you getting me New Jersey are you getting what I'm telling you why are you bragging about being this stuff my religion is Christianity what are you bragging about metaphor and the book either that's right well I thought Christian was in the Bible Christian is in there but Christianity is not in it Christianity is a religion Christine is a person who's trying to live like Christ but not even Jesus told you he had a religion called Christianity that's right it's just like apostille is in him but apostolic supposed to be religion our posture is in here but there's no religion called apostolic that's right what did Jesus have way to God say here ye shall be holy what what what what why should we be home for I the Lord your God am holy God is holy that's right so ask yourself what are you here you sitting here now Baptist Methodist Presbyterian Lutheran Catholic nondenominational Mormon Muslim Pentecostal Apostolic and all of this stuff and then some crackpot come along and tell you what all of us is one family know and not know doesn't matter what you believe we one down inside that's a inside lie that's right it does matter what you believe we need to tell me I'm looking at a giraffe you gonna tell me it's a cat we're both standing in front of a giraffe are you gonna tell me look brother us a cat from Indonesia my lord the Indonesian cats go that tall listen man other giraffe no no brother that is that's okay brother listen that's a giraffe look how long his neck is was just an extended cat now Islam came along 572 AD 572 years after the death of the Messiah Jesus it is said in a religion of Islam that the Prophet Muhammad little had direct contact with God that all his lessons came through Gabriel ort and Arabic he's called gibreel in the quran the circle christian is called the people of the book and said the people which is the christian of the book is the closest people to the muslims they are more than one set of muslims my brother he was raised in a nation not even the nation have Quranic teaching about God that the Muslim had the Orthodox or a Sunni Muslim the Sunni Muslim had belief about God correct in a lot of ways they believe God is one God always was he's the master of creation Lord of the universe in the nation they believe God didn't always exist but God created himself out of darkness and the darkness of space was equal to the darkness of the womb of the woman and God started off at the speck of light and he rotated in space as the egg rotate in the darkness of the womb they say we don't know how long they took God to create himself Nannette part is right because he never was created it was created they said what God is self made God is not self-made oh no God always will always have been in God listen if I make a suit from material then I got to take the material to make my suit that's right so if God created him self from darkness that would get dark there's more power than God but that's saying God had a need of something to withdraw from that's right come here that's right God don't need nothing to come here God always always have been always will be that's right for thy almighty hand let head and woke up the wisdom of Solomon chapter 11 and verse 17 what is for thy own mouth o mighty hands that made the word very match the world what then made the world of matters holy the Nation of Islam is heavy in science right now according to the study of science and darkness of space consist of matter that's right is that right that's right now if the darkness of space consists of matter and God created himself from the darkness from the material of the darkness that will make dark consist of nothing that's right if you've got raw material and you create or make a suit or a dress from the material of the wall they never make your dress or suit a lawsuit that's right so if space consists of matter according to the study of size and Islam say that god curate himself from the material of darkness that will make God nothing more than matter that's all look at what the Bible says about matter for thy almighty hang Oh glory to God for thy almighty he my almighty hand that made the way that made the world of matter without form or manner without what without full no he made himself from matter without fully made the laws of matter that made the world of matter without the world of matter without form what it not means to sin among them a multitude of bears or fierce line so not that God created himself era what in the book of ecclesiasticus chapter 11 and verse 16 what is it era era and darkness and Don had their beginning together with sinners it is a man every me mistakes and darkness and darkness had their beginning don't beginning to gather together with sinners will sin us that's right the singer is the darkness that's right a sinner is the error so you say God cut you from the darkness that's equal to say that God divided from sin that's right go ahead brother you say God tell you from boundless who is equal to sin that God come from thing that's right that's right are you listening to the old man this then is the message you're ready aren't you amen listen at this first John chapter 1 and verse 5 this bin is the message which we have heard and declare one thing clear to you that God is light God is light and in him in here no there is no darkness then amen question okay brother Judas microphone back here brother I can't hear park it all right there you go there's a two-part question from my brother Charlie why do you believe and use the Bible over the Quran and the Torah why do I use I don't use the Bible over the Torah for the Torah is part of the Bible the time Torah is simply Hebrew for Old Testament that's right that's all we use all the scripture now when it come to the Quran I accept what truth is in the Quran but anything out of any religious book that contradict the Scriptures I won't accept the Quran gives me permission to have four wives God say I already can I am one so you should I take a man to put on give you permission to have four lives if I can see them all equally that's right but God says in the beginning God says he lays muhammad always Muhammad always Moses God always all the prophets that's right so yes we don't exclude the Torah the term Torah is simply Hebrew for for Old Testament test we use the Old Testament and the New Testament and I sip what truth that come from the Quran that doesn't contradict the book of Scripture that's it yes brother the second part why would God use Constantine to put the Bible together if Constantine believes in Christianity and Christianity is not in the Bible using a man number one I never said that God use Constantine never disobey the order of the scriptures Constantine's and his people put him in a certain order because they put him in a certain order didn't take away from the truth that's right the better let me put it more harsh if a didn't pay and really from this book he may be a but it don't take from the truth of the book that's right so if Constantine and his cronies put books together I don't take from the truth no more than Judas walk where Jesus taught Jesus from being the Messiah that's right no Constantine don't have nothing to do with the truth Constantine has nothing to do with the contents of the book all Constantine and the others did were set scriptures in a certain order that's it and then they tried to take it upon themselves to exclude certain scriptures that's right we don't exclude the scriptures whatsoever so the Scriptures was here long before Constantine Emma was born amen great brother yeah when it makes pretty start the brother has wended mixed breeding start oh they love Ellen 10:10 when a mix breeding start didn't start today mix breeding as the old thing you ever heard of a man named Noah young man mix breathing starred in the days of Noah God instructed Noah the son of Lamech to build up and when Noah was building this Ark before the ark was even built before the Commission went out man was resorting to every method and every tactic to provoke God that's right and mixed bring was one of the methods that man used to make God angry notice the book of Jasher in the book of Joshua chapter 4 will begin to verse 17 listen and every man made unto himself a god yeah and they robbed and plundered every man his neighbor as well as his relatives and they corrupted the earth and the earth was filled with violence yes and their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force they took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice yeah and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth the sons of men and those days took from the cattle there the beasts of the field the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air and the fowls of the air and taught the mixture of an horse the mixture of animals of one species with the other in order there is order there where to provoke the law that's where Miss breeding begins back in the days of Noah purpose was to provoke God and to make God angry that's right over here gain of you all right this question says I'm a tighter but sometimes do not have ten percent or being on a fixed income don't pay that ten percent am i violating the laws of God concerning tithing if I don't pay the 10 percent the Bible says exact no more than what's appointed you if God put an order of a tenth of all dine spoil then I don't have the right to tell you to give less the law of God said the tenth of all that is Paul and the Bible says be obedient and all things but if you don't have it you can't pay what you don't have neither can you give what you don't have that's right that's just common sense if I don't have it I can give it if I have it they're not gonna be obedient and give it because whatever I have in life I can't get it unless God give it to me that's true and if I don't give God what do you want that makes me a robber I don't believe I'm robbing God you will not believe you're robbing were you breaking that man house but when you go in jail you become educated right away that's right so if we go in here for robbing God education will hit us right away that's right all right let's get the sister over here hello I am purchased one of your tapes with the I'm speaking with you and the brothers from the Muslim community and one of the Muslim speaker said that he believed that there was corruption in the Quran and the Bible I just wanted to speak on his thinking that there was corruption in the Bible because I do hear that a lot and oh yes I don't know whether I mean I believe the Bible no doubt but there are a lot of people that try to use that to deter you from you know using the scriptures to live your life so I want to know your take on that yes I hear that all the time the Bible has been discredited more than any book in the world because the Bible is the only book out of all religions that's against people deeds against people flesh against people wants against people will run but let's see now if the Bible was corrupt the only time I thing is corrupt is when a man do it on his own that's right and God have nothing to do with what's being done that's right first let's see does man have anything personally to do with writing the divine scriptures of truth listen at this and the books Peter 2nd Peter chapter 1 and begin reading at verse 20 let's go quick knowing this first that no prophecy Egyptian that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation of any body personal interpretation or personal view for the prophecy came not in old time becoming old time by man's will by man's opinion by man's thought but wholly bit of God what I'm holy mid of God what kind holy men that means the men that speak in the man that wrote was divinely inspired and divinely taught and divinely guided but holy men of God speak as they were what as they were moved by the holy groups so if God who is the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit guided these men and God is responsible for the contents of the book I have no more sense better since then to respect and to honor and to reverence the contents of the book that's reason why many people think some strippers are contradicting another scripture because of they lack of understanding of the book that's right so right away and right away they say oh that Bible contradicted I first got a big that no no a good example I appreciate one God in another but he people write me from around the world and say what about Genesis 1:26 let us make man in our image after our life who was to us who was the hour they overlooked verse 27 work is right under verse 26 they clearly clarifies verse 26 that plainly says so God g.od made man in his own image in the image of God created he him so the reason why people lack understanding or think scriptures contradict the other is because of they lack understanding of the book this Bible is divinely inspired divinely truth and it is the strongest force that is in this earth today that's why if you evaluate frankly all of these religions they have some type of religious book really what they have they take bits and pieces from the Bible that's right to formulate their own religion because every religion got to have a book that's right every religion got to have some type of book so what man do here go get what he want from the Bible and get his idea and formulate a book and here get a lot of it from the book of truth that he claimed he don't believe that's right yes brother my question is about what you said earlier about how we can have riches when I read in Matthew 6:19 he said lay not yourself treasures upon the earth then in 21 said for where your treasure is there is your heart will be also yeah and then he says again in Matthew 19 23 and 24 I mean yeah 23 and 24 he says verily I say unto you that a rich man shall ain't he ain't getting in the kingdom of heaven that's like sticking a camel to that the eye of a needle let's break that down Matthew chapter 2 19 I begin at verse 23 listen then said Jesus unto his disciples verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter and say he can't get him hardly and hardly I mean it will be hard for him to get in and you know why because that rich man is so caught up in his money there are many people that believe certain things in the Bible until on before a rich man to be saved because he's so caught up in his riches in his wealth he think he's something now it is easier for a camel to go through the yard looking that is a bank booth and keep looking at this and he got to love it because he got money he's too foolish into England to realize that he's so caught it when you're harder to get in it proof that's your heart become in it because now you're fighting stuff you're not in church don't want to be in church that much you don't even care about coming to church that much you used to be prayerful you're not used to fast you don't in fact its days that you don't even have to work but the cost so much money coming in you refuse to pass up that money because you love those goals more than you love God that's run and gotta let you get to a certain point in life and then strip you naked the Bible says whatsoever things are written aforetime I've written for our learning the problems many of us we read but we don't learn nothing three men so some of us will learn the hard way by suffering what many of those suffered in the book that's right so when a battement state where your treasure is there will your heart be also if I value what I have him is life more in God then I would give myself over to it more than I will God that's why you find when these people so crazy about money they don't want to give God no time you gonna be a teacher ain't got no time to go to church man but you ain't got to work tonight I know but their money that money that's right is it that money mm-hmm that money gonna be a witness against you it was a suggestion all right good afternoon my question deals with death I know it says to be you know absent how do scripture go acid from the body and present with the presence of the Lord yes so when you do die what happens and how is that connected to Judgment Day are we apps are we just hanging up in somewhere and we have to wait a thousand years before judgment comes before what happens can you explain what happened when your dad right excellent question please yes please in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7 the scriptures have all your answers in it come on then shall the dust return to the earth as it was now when you die I know many of you say your mama's didn't have a no she ain't your mama's in the ground if you don't believe me go dig that's right your mama your daddy your husband your wife your children when you die your mom ain't ever know that body's in the ground now and the dust go back to dust then shall the dust return to the earth as it were where it come from and the spirit the spirit shall return spirit is also in the body the actual person or the real person is not what you see that's right the real person is the unseen the real person is what's in the temple in the structure in this earthly tabernacle that's right well the real person is the body give chapter in verse again in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7 yes then shall the dust return to the earth just return to the earth as it was or where it came from and the spirit and the spirit shall return are your hands to God who gave it now hold it that many would say well if it returns to God for after dinner that means it goes to heaven no because God is not just in heaven God is higher than heaven the book says deeper than hell brought up in the sea and longer than the earth God is everywhere so when the spirit of a man come out that body when it goes to God meaning it goes in the presence of God that's right that's where it goes in the presence of God and ain't going up into heaven cuz that no one have ascended up into heaven at anytime of course the descriptive but he that came down that's right so it goes in the presence of God and God fulfilled heaven and earth alone and that spirit must wait unto the time of judgment judgment is an appointed time it is a time that is to come that have not came yet few more questions then we have quit because we're on a time this question is from brother will where can we find a Bible that has all the books in it well we're getting prepared for you now we're getting all prepared for you now we put it all together that way everybody can have it and once we're done you're sit on telecast we'll announce it over the telecast where you could order it and you'll be able to get it all right all right come on I noticed a lot of pastors when Jesus told either us to come forth they say he hopped out but the Bible says said he came forth they didn't send up about no hobby but they say he hopped out cause he explained that I can't get that he said when the when the Scriptures talk about when Lazarus came forth a lot of preachers teach that he hopped out and the scripture says that he came forth they lied yes Elad just hop down it's just like he's pretty a lot of time these men sit in seminary school so long they get tossed that type of theology the huge theology and integrated in many of the homemade sermons and homemade messages lag it hopped out of Spokane says he hopped out of nothing know all that stuff is homemade that's all all right I got time for a few more questions then we gonna have to quit yes brother description this question is what do you need to do to be saved how do you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost do Terry or pray and if you're full with sin she put do you know or she put her he put do you know of a church and can and that teaches like you do do welcome new members I don't know of no church in Camden that preach what we preach amen because if it was you wouldn't be here now that's right why do you think I want to open up one here that's right that's what we want to do I don't know of no preacher that stand for what we stand for I don't know nothing now here in Canada they got something wrong or they pushing something wrong or they preaching a lot somewhere that's right and I'm talking about a church that preach nothing but the Bible not appreciated get up and write a sermon not appreciate pre-plan hear sermon motherfu sure they got a pre-planned a sermon said so you can have it all together by Sunday no I don't pre-plan nothing I never plant the sermon I don't have nothing written now never been a Bible School to seminary school since I've been gone and I've been on his earth for 43 years never the Bible say Hume goddamn saying speak the words of God and these men here Camden who says their sense of God have God sent you all the truth then none of your message should be a contradiction of God how can God send you the preach from the book and yet your message contradicted okay man how much you preach or contradict the book and you will tell the people to believe the book and your sermon contradicted no I don't work that way that's right so no I haven't met none of the preachers in Camden that believe this most and they still haven't reached some of it some of it and most telling the preacher adulterer but don't hurt you the Lord is my shepherd I shall not one or they preach songs Amazing Grace how sweet the sound savor rich like me that's right ah ah I once was lost and he still lost this is the condition that it's in and I know the preachers they they they don't want me here they don't want us in town they don't even want to Church him I was told when the Hebrew Israelites left out of here last night they were standing outside yelling this who don't load them here tell them don't need him they don't need that junk hear what I'm hearing and nothing nobody can do about it I mean nobody we're in town nobody's tough enough or bad enough to run me out cause you can make me run out you can't make me rush out I'm here and ain't none you can do about it if you don't like it tough I don't move from Prince I'm not intimidated by nobody boring the planet that's right I'm not intimidated by nobody if you're black is light as snow yellow is brother clear water and a timid aided by nobody living I was maybe the preacher that's right I was maybe what I am I'm not trying to be a preacher I love me what I am that's right I'm not trying to get a sermon I wouldn't leave what I am study to be a preacher god major you're lonely that's right these men proving that made or you know stole money and they set out on you that's right these men ain't nothing but a sellout amen yes we're looking to open up the Camden temple put something good in here cause a lot of ruckus that way the folks can come out of the false churches you come out of these false teachings the young make it come off the corner and get all the cigarettes and dope out of this system I let holiness clean them up that's right I've got time for two more questions and that's it question about the degrees passages yes sir pertaining to death wine understand there's two classes peoples gonna be saved the righteous in the Holy right what separates those two one has the Holy Ghost one didn't receive the Holy Ghost but they lived all they knew according to description all right how does that come into play with the white throne judgment modes as Holy and they the righteous receive this white throne judgment the white throne and judgment as it is called first and foremost the white throne and judgment is not full holy that's right because the book tells us judge yourself when now why that ye be not judged be not judged when in judgment so you judge yourself now that you don't be judged the secretary Direction is where the two class of people will be because the book says whoever is not found written whoever's not found written they cannot be talked about the holy cause best in the whole didn't see their front part in the first with the rest in the force which is the church builded a back tire than an ember Jesus Christ had the baptism of the Holy Ghost is already to redirect it first right second resurrection you had left in the earth after the whole is taking up the only ones you got left are wicked and those that's trying to do right that never had the Holy Ghost so then they come along in a second resurrection Bible say what a second death have no power what do you mean if they have no power nobody else will stand in their will have the power of God in them meaning no one was standing in the center of the ritual had the Holy Ghost the power of God is the Holy Ghost or no we're not standing there well have the Holy Ghost in them but there will be two classes of people righteous and filthy John says this he that is filthy let him be filthy still he that is righteous let me righteous still tell Peter say if the righteous scarcely scarcely be see scarcely get it wonderful directors to get in they gotta be found written that's right in the book of life let's do righteous mean that mean a man and a woman that live all they know to do that was right even if they didn't hear over true what they heard they strive to live by that all what they heard that's why the righteous scarcely make it because many won't live all they heard so because of that some would be lost so whoever's found written in the book they have got a chance to escape the Hellfire those not town that's right in the book they are the one that will be cast that's what he separate wheat from tares and then wants a separation of the righteous and the wicked take place the right has come with the holy this is why notice he says blessed now holy I see they have part in the first resurrection but then later on you say I go to prepare a place that where I am you may be also and then Peter says he gonna create a new heaven and a new earth were being dual of who righteousness so that mean the righteous will be do well with the holy in the new city called Jerusalem that's right John said I saw New Jerusalem for penance a bride adorned for her husband come down from God out of heaven it's there and I saw the city it lieth Foursquare The Heist the breadth and the length thereof was equal one part with twelve thousand furlongs another part was 144 cubits he said the city had no need of the light of the Sun no of the moon he said because God did light up the city so the righteous was four with the Hali which is the church who hurt a god are you getting what I'm telling you alright one more where is it let me get someone I didn't get go ahead brother give him the microphone brother because I can't hear you in the city of Camden you know that we have a very high percentage rate of men who I have an addiction yes sir alcoholism and homelessness yes sir the church had made an attempt to help in this area but have been very unsuccessful if you had an opportunity or chance what would you do to reach them in to bring them back to their right state of mind the Wonder problem that the church have made mistake of that they thought will help them they thought one way of helping them were just building basketball courts would you just give them a place to hang out you need a good constructive program that can deal with the men and the women that has these problems one on one and this program is beyond getting them in a room saying their name my name is Bill I've been clean for three days the problem that the church has been lacking they were having programs like this and they wonder why I don't work they don't include God in the program so you need something more the inside to kill the appetite I can get you in a group to sit around talk about all my problem with drugs my addiction to you walking on this field pitiful and sorry no you need God and the only thing that's gonna truly break that habit you must be taught how to fast you must be taught how to pray and you gotta be made a soldier a soldier is one that fights against his will and the fight against his will begins in here the first title we construct we develop we create the mentality of the man another woman because I get you in a room and all you do is talk if your mind don't change you're a bit long chains so my job first and foremost I got a reconstruct that mind that crackhead that's right it's calling a crackhead bacopa not Cardiff get in there brain in a separate sustainability that's Monsieur so God gotta kill your appetite change your mind and then you're gonna work on your heart because the old mine your mind is attached to the drug and your heart is emotionally attached that's why some say I love it I love it so now we've got to work with the mind and gotta work with the heart and universe we're working with a spirit that's right it's the spirit that getting these people that's right that drives them to the bottom why you think a state store says why and what spirits wine and what spirit spirit of God in it it's the spring of the donut in them that's right what made that man a woman stay on alcohol drugs and is that spirit of the devil that's in him that's in her that's helped driving the force sitting around a circle talking never do it you need God get in it it's just like you can have a car full of gas but you need that battery to get a jump in that's right now you got the community things and less than the other but what the community is lacking is God the Church of ain't door nothing they are not churches they gets a building with a steeple that's right you need don't stretch that's it I got many men and women follow me that I ex drug dealers used to be crackhead used to be alcohol and used to be in the prison used to be murders used to be gangbangers used to be prostitutes used to be and and with this hard gospel where it keep you are used to be that's right so this is what we want to do for Camden make it a used to be amen and I know more bring the crackhead playing the big guzzler we're gonna deal with you hard like boot camp that's right not sit in a circle my name is Jeffy Jeff how long you be clean no well I might jump on Justin with all Scripture him is not gonna pacifier not gonna pass the farm and tell him it's all right isn't all right and just we gotta be able to see what he's doing is killing himself and they give him my stop he got the love himself you got the loan yourself enough not to kill yourself that's right I can show laughter do but you don't love yourself what I'm telling you won't even help you at all amen I got it when you don't want to go to hell I guarantee you'll start loving yourself that's right so I believe me it's a big plan that we got for Cameron it's a scriptural plan not a government plan that's right the government has failed america didn't it Amen religion had failed so we might as well go back to the drawing board and try god that's right let's go to the original source and try God event thank you for listening Kappa New Jersey now brothers and sisters all of you that are here in Camden has not saved or believed you save the way you truly save a born again you got to repent of your sins repenting is when you have remorse of all the wrong you're done and you must be physically baptized your whole water the whole body go down in water in the name of Jesus Christ not father son the Holy Ghost now bow your head and raise your hands and accept Christ as your personal Savior not pray some cheap sinner's prayer not join nobody's Church the way to be born again is by scriptural law you must be baptized in water in the name of Jesus pretendin do you want to get to separate do you want to get your separate how many here what to obey God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ stand on your feet so I can see you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 all praise is a dude as good as secretaries your secretary they have the book please get each individual name please quickly get their name and whatnot and address so we can contact these people and make arrangements you may be seated and baptize them please let's move quick I need more than one secretary with the book and when they come to you raise your hand up so they can know who you are they can take your name and phone number so we can get these brothers and these sisters baptized we want to work on I really want to work on Camden hard I mean work on Camden hard because camp is like Zulu nation down here the Hebrew Israelites already expressed they don't want me here I know the Nation of Islam don't want to be here I've caught them over the radio down here barking about me this Mangino gin is coming down here yeah he had that mr. Harry Knox up in the pulpit he would never fire hurry up an outpour pit well if the house of God is the truth that's where everybody should be so whether you want us here and not we're gonna come down here and work work work but until we open up the temple here for the left is adjust the tousle strolling away isn't it so don't be lazy make your way to Frankfort Avenue so you can keep getting this big grub in you if you got that problem of smoking and drinking and brought in drug addiction you need to be around some hard core and the truth of God is the hardest core stuff you can ever get so we're gonna work god-willing me try to find a place down here in Camden they get you in set up a temple where we can get your soul fed and then you can come out of this churches that's feeding you nothing but garbage please secretaries let's work quick those of you that want to be baptized get their names because we got to make arrangements to get all of them baptized before they leave please get them before they leave if you got an extra book please or one sister don't have to do it it kind of kills time all right we'll give me a correct time brother 321 we thank you candidate judge for being here for these two days we thank you for being faithful of being here we thank you for having us because if you wouldn't have us I would have came anyway we're being philadelphia philadelphi session starts tonight at 6 o'clock so Camden you're welcome to drive caught the bridge and be with the Philadelphia tonight at 6:00 God willing we may be back in Camden later on this year start back working on you some more so keep watching a telecast my young men they'd love to stand out in the hood and do whatever it is you do we're working on YouTube yeah we're not going to spare you either we're gonna work on you delt where you can work on your household work on your family because today the families need to be one the family structure of the homes of America is practically falling apart husband doing one thing wife doing one thing and the children want to do something else so our objective our aim is to push all the people towards God not away from God but towards God to unify your mind change your way of thinking let the message cause you to be ashamed about your sins and about your conduct because if you're not ashamed you won't make no change then right keep watching the telecast there's various events coming up in different parts of North Carolina and South Carolina you're welcome you got the men's convention coming up at about two weeks in Florence South Carolina you have the International communication coming up and the month of November during the Thanksgiving week in Rocky Mountain North Carolina you have will be in Baltimore Maryland two weeks back to back guard Willie in September we started to work down there had a boot got a beautiful size following down there in Baltimore so we'll go from state to state place to place building working this is what we do we build and work and all of you that are sincere want to be right don't mind striving and make a change don't mind striving and get yourselves right so we don't get rid of clothes with prayer but if you if the Terri's or the sisters enough power that our Usher's if they haven't got your name you don't want to be baptized to be sure they don't overlook you go to them give them your name and following them and address so they can contact you and the RAM in fact you can be baptized this evening we can baptize you fluff you this evening if you're not too lazy to go cross that bridge we have baptized you this evening in fact we ain't gotta wait the evening you can leave here and go straight to the Philadelphia headquarters Church will baptize you in the next 30 minutes or hour if you're learning you can have it there's open to you now it's open to you now you can be in for the left here right from here you can get your baptism in the name of Jesus Christ today is that all right you don't wanna be baptized that all right good all right so we get that done God willing soon as possible let us all stand brothers and sisters let's all close out with a friend eternal God in the name of the Lord Jesus the god of the prophets and a god of the Apostles we thank you for your divine wisdom your perfect understanding your infallible knowledge of all things we thank you for your in depth truth that you reveal to your servants the prophets and the revelation that you have given to your servants the apostles we can never thank you enough for the brothers and sisters that are here in Camden New Jersey we thank you for giving them an open heart in open ears to be able to hear and receive the message of truth eternal God you know our desire grant us our petitions to open up a temple in this city give us victory in this city that a young middle-aged and old me calmly hear the divine laws of God that the mind might change their heart make change and their ways may change that the entire conduct may please you the one though that want to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus eternal God we thank you for them accepting the message of truth keep them with the mind of what to obey your divine law then they haven't been baptized give them a mind to receive the things of God that they to one day may submit to your divine law and give up their own will and submit to your divine will we thank you for your wisdom we thank you for your knowledge we thank you for the way of holiness eternal God as we depart this place protect us as we go back to our separate places bless the service this easy in Philadelphia that the souls may come again to hear the message of truth knowing your coming is near knowing the end of creation is near help us to better ourselves by obeying of divine law we thank you for all things these blessings we ask in the name of the Lord Jesus to one God let the brothers and sisters say amen chair brother
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 133,302
Rating: 4.7314663 out of 5
Keywords: Gino Jennings, Holy, Holiness, Truth of God, First Church, TOG, Religion, Pastor Jennings
Id: 0_m4pPzBQWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 5sec (8705 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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