Truth of God Broadcast 825-827 Baltimore MD Pastor Jennings HD Raw Footage!

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Oh mother if you live [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is everyone in the name of Jesus Christ this ladies and gentle was again the worldwide truth of God radio and television program is a pre-recorded program come to you from the International and General Assembly of the First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ were located at 2 4 3 1 Frankfort Avenue that's in Philadelphia Pennsylvania right here in the United States of America where pastor Gino Jennings our leader teacher guide and general Overstreet Nazi salute Acciona to Loserville francophone an audacious Ukraine Usama la vérité to do program radio fennec avec - Lucas - Jeana Janice so notice a todos nuestros values could just apply spanner and nombre so crystal SS el programa ready alrededor deals con el past or Gino channels basketball with us as we led in prayer by brother Kenneth folder of Baltimore Maryland [Music] thank you Lord father I come in the name of Jesus enough thank you for allowing us to be here at this particular time thank you Lord for allowing us to desire to seek your face bring news new year in write my prayer tonight is that the word there spoken tonight well prick us to the point where it will cause us to change it caused us to submit caused us to surrender to you but thank you so much for the leader the teaching guide that you put over us we ask that you continue to pour wisdom in him and allow it to spill out on the people so that you can come back and find a church without spot without wrinkle the words that I speak will send my heart be acceptable unto you innocent Jesus Christ's name I pray amen progesterone s you're listening to and watching the world watch youth of God radio and television program pre-record to come to you today from our temporary location it's in Baltimore Maryland the Forest Park Senior Center this 4801 Liberty Heights Boulevard in Baltimore Maryland this is the First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ our international headquarters however is located at 24:31 Frankfort Avenue and Philadelphia Pennsylvania where pastor Gino Jennings is our leader teacher guide and gentle overseer you're also listening to and witnessing watching our New Year's Eve service it's New Year's Eve 2008 and this recording is being made approximately 10:30 that night now you can write our email us for any of the following a current list of all our radio and television stations a list of our church locations both in and outside of the United States a list in the biblical literature written by pastor Jennings and the church's magazine the truth of God journal the truth of God journal it's our 4th edition that's available for 10 US dollars a cassette recording of this the Worldwide Church of God radio and television program has also come cameo taped the costs of five US dollars we do also have DVDs and CDs of our program and you can tame those by right into the church I'll give you the address shortly when you're writing and to request copies of our program that the program you're listening to or watching tonight is program number eight to five once again for those or listening and watching at home our program number tonight eight to five now if you desire five gospel preached in your area in person by pastor generator of questions regarding this program or simply regarding the scriptures again you may address all your correspondence to pastor Gino Jennings as pastor Agito Jenny's first church of our Lord Jesus Christ our street address is 2 4 3 1 through 49 Frankfort Ladell to pennsylvania right here in the united states of america we're lucky over to direct your correspondence to our post office box peel box seven seven four five p o-- box seven seven four five Philadelphia Pennsylvania one nine 101 once again if you have questions or concerns about our program send your questions and comments to pass through Gino Jennings First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ our address 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 Frankfort Avenue Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1 9 1 to 5 but again send your letter to our post office box P o box 7 7 4 5 P o box 7 7 4 5 Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1 9 101 now you can also visit us on the Internet our website address is a WWF calm once again go to the Internet and visit our website you will find programs there previously air programs the address ww2 Thoth guard calm visits on the Internet you can also send us an email as always or a requesting that you send us a short email see that we do receive so many of them our email address truth of God at arrows calm email address truth of God at errol's calm again send us your email if you have questions or concerns about our program you can also call us toll free fell in to do any of the two above I just mentioned our toll free number is 1-800-218-4243 lose some library to the deal program radio finis curricula pastor Jeana Janice said miss Yuen Pavia de la première eglee's do not wear senior is Jesu Creek Scituate bank at Taunton Frankford Avenue at Philadelphia Pennsylvania DS no Stovall sank also tested America laugh applaud to salute to do demand aponte 11m dilute or northern Jersey people absolutely on the Rupesh a a give also VA look I do the st. Esprit completely doable novel sambito another clip of our own documentation retreat or France a you know long lay a titular head flew home a family the country's Aug created here to Crystal Rock of1 upon not addressed premier eglise Laura senior Jesu cream van cat Vanka 2000 Frankfort Avenue Philadelphia Pennsylvania these doves oven sank also tells me the Malik Devo Bernie's does just whenever a vonabell threat portion mo once again just like to remind you that you're listening to and watching the world watches of guard radio and television program you're also watching our concluded services our concluding service has been held this year at the Forest Park Senior Center that's our concluded services for the year 2008 it's New Years Eve 2008 the Forest Park Senior Center and that's in Baltimore Maryland specifically we're at 4801 4801 Liberty High full of and I believe that's in Baltimore Maryland once again you're listening to and watching the world wide tooth of God radio and television program like to present to you now our servant leader teacher and messenger of the one and only Almighty God pastor Jeana Janice witting brothers and sisters friends and to my many enemies we are thankful again to the one God for blessing us to be present we thank him for his divine wisdom and his perfect an infallible understanding of all things we thank him for the prophets we are certainly indebted to him for sinning to us his students the apostle's well to you that here into the millions that are watching 2008 is almost gone but we are thankful of that while it's drifting away from us rather quickly the truth yet still remains I'm glad that the year is not going away and I'm somewhere in darkness ignorant to the truth of God but have an understanding no longer am i subject to ignorance to wish up and a false religion that gives me false hope that teaches me nothing but false concepts this is the best place to be tonight you that are watching you're watching the greatest program as I often say religious program that is seen here in America Bar None and the reason why I say that because touching religion you find more junk on television than anything mm-hmm God is not hardly preached when it comes to religion that's right money took the place of God in religion money prosperity well God has been banned out of the churches he is no longer a subject of importance in the minds of preachers because if God was a subject of importance in the minds of preachers God word would be preached throughout the airways around the world and then that's right so I'm thankful that we are focused and just contending earnestly for what God have outlined to you they have written us through the year favorable and unfavorable well we thank you just the same to my enemies that are loyal to the program we thank you for watching most time at the end of the year we usually tried to tally up and sometime the number may be off by five or six perhaps perhaps not but as I talked to the brother in the years not gone yet so far 224 souls been down in water in the name of the Lord Jesus well most people have been baptized 224 people in 20 years but I believe last year we baptized I think was close to 3 or 400 some plus in fact in about a four year time we probably baptized over 3,000 people mm-hmm which is more than most men were baptized in 40 years so we are thankful a lot of progress been made this year as always we could never thank God enough for the land that he blessed us with in Georgia 33 point 11 acres we have new areas added to the work of the Lord glad for the brothers in South America God willing in all nine we're looking to get in South America and Chile and also Venezuela and Argentina we have Asia now on the map specifically in the country of Burma near Vietnam and also in that area so as the work continued to grow and our enemies continue to increase what up God don't change amen view us I've been reading one email tonight someone asks me what exactly are you what are you they said we know you're not pretty costal we know you're not nondenominational what knew where are you what what do you profess we profess a good profession that's right before many witnesses our religion is not Christianity oh I know that made some of you get out to chair we believe in the term Christian the word Christian that simply means to be like Christ there's none better or worthy to be like that's right other than Christ there's none more difficult to be like other than Christ so we believe in the word Christians that's the person who try to live after the manner of Jesus what we don't believe is a religion called Christianity that's right you said Jesus came over 2,000 years ago to start Christianity Jesus never told you that Christianity is not the religion of the prophets it is not the religion of Jesus nor is it the religion of the apostle's the prophets told you what they were they were holy prophet whose brothers Jesus was a holy prophet and a holy a pasta that's right well he was both he was a prophet because Christ is the end of the law he was an apostle because Christ is the head of the church right that's right that's right yes he was both even Moses said God can raise up a prophet like me that's right him sure you hear in all things talking about Jesus coming after Jesus got here then ascended above all heavens Paul said wherefore holy brethren partakers of their heavenly calling consider the Apostle high priest of our profession Christ Jesus so Jesus is a pasta and prophet he brought the law to end and he introduced grace and truth that's right so what is our religion holiness when did it begin never had a beginning you can't trace no man and credit him to be the founder of this religion no prophet was worthy to start a religion it's like no apostille is qualified to start a religion it is written according to as God has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy that's it our religion foundation of it is plain and simple human we bear witness there is no god but how many there's none with him there's none besides him there shall be none after him besides him there is no God that's right we don't believe in Trinity we don't believe in a God that schizophrenic multi-personality that's right we believe that God is father God is Jehovah God is the I am God is Yahweh God is Elohim yes God is the rock God is alpha yes God is omega that's right God is the beginning and God is the ending God is Christ that was in Jesus that's right that's right Jesus got his name from Christ that's right Christ is the function as well of Jesus the way Christ mean anointing mm-hmm Jesus Christ means The Anointed One amen Jesus is the one anointed by the Christ that's right are you getting billed man Jesus got his name from God when we say to this questions God when talking about a baby get me boo us amen when we declared Jesus Christ as God we're not talking about a baby God is not a baby God is not breastfed God don't grow God don't sleep let's go Dhoni and God don't pray that's right God don't fast that's right when you fast you need something even God don't need nothing Amen when we say Jesus Christ is God we go past marriage we go past the tribe of Judah that's right we go past the house of David we go past David father Jesse we go past the generations of Shem the brother of ham and Japheth Novus sons we go all pass Adam that's right we go past creation that's right the Messiah got his name from God that's right the name Jesus is a inherited name bestowed upon the Messiah that's right you see God wanted to get the credit for everything - Messiah would do and he wanted you to know his name that's right this is what Jesus meant when he says when you see me you see god that's right who else he didn't say that yes he did he said will you see me you see the father it is written half we not all time fathers right have not one God recreated Oscar so when you see me you see the father how through the works that Jesus done the father or the Eternal Spirit the Creator worked in him that's Jesus all his own the man couldn't do nothing nothing that's right talk back to me the man couldn't do nothing that's right give an example when Lazarus died the man said no the stone away and then that's right who saw the man could do man for the man already declared of myself nothing I can do nothing of myself well as my father or as God that dwelleth in me right the world he goes to work that's it God it's the verb the man is the noun that's right that's right the Lord was the adjective of them now a verb in English language need action that's right God is a God of action that's right that's right hey now's a person that's demand place or thing the thing is the man that's right that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God amen so when God treated that body in the house of David Jabril or Gabriel brought God's name that's right episode that name upon a child that's right then that child grew in the wisdom and the knowledge of God and then that child had gardening and had God's power and God's title and authority till he said all things that's right that the father has on their mind we say Jesus Christ is God we go past flesh oh yes we talked about what was in that flesh that's right we're not talking about what may be birth marry didn't birth God no way no way God didn't come from the house of David no no II didn't David came from God that's right that's right David came from God and then God created David house so the Messiah could come out of there amen that's why after Jesus got here walking the earth it says the throne of his father David there shall be no end you know that's right David was the father of the house they Jesus come out of so when we talk about Jesus Christ is gone I want you to get this religion no statement is right he is God's good but your analogy interpretation is wrong right quotation without explanation brings about condemnation you can't make a wise quote without a wise interpretation that's right that's right don't make the quote if you can't explain is Jesus God yes was the man God know who amen what was in that man was God and the man took on God's title I took on God's name that's right because God has not forgotten no God is not born and God ain't got a mama doesn't God don't grow in wisdom no no no God don't grow in stature any man God is higher than heaven that's right deep inhale broader than the seat and longer than the earth that's right see God is everywhere everywhere the spirit that was in demand which was Jesus it's everywhere that's right when the man took on the title and the name of God Jesus the man gonna be local okay men one place at a time that's right that's right why do you think the man couldn't preach to the dead when the man died that's right the gospel has to be preached to disperse that was in prison right but the man can only be at one place at a time that's right man couldn't preach to the spirits no so when the body died spirit come out demand go to the law parts of the area and cover the world that's right three days and three nights of preacher the spirits that was in prison I hope you can get this brother is he God yes but the flesh and blood was not gone no that's right that's what was in him that's God that's the same thing that's in me [Applause] I just want to throw that out there to stir up the devil everybody man sir yes they say well you're that fella he boasts well call it what you like but brother Paul said no man shall stop us from this boasting that's right I don't boast myself but I was never stopped boasting in a God of heaven amen he's worth it to be boast about it tell us of my villas get yourself set you know get yourself ready do your moving now you that's coming in this morning you have just got in from playing Church tonight get it ready to get yourself prepare and call your pastor tell him his enemy is about to come on amen this is the best program that have ever hit television since televisions been made that's right there's so many so many thousands for many thousands around the world that's catching it for the first time and you know as always when some catcher for the first time some find it very offensive yeah some find it offensive then there are those that love it there are those that say they can never get enough you know when something is good and just right you can never get enough of you just got to have it that's right we just got to have this that's right beautiful thing when your book says how you sit in heavenly places I can bear witness today oh yeah alright villas because we're ready to get some letters out the way and after what we go on get busy and go to work you're not gonna read a lot of metal gets got a few and we're closing you out with that and then not go wicked busy and dive into the book of pain that's what it is what it is scripting the book of pain isn't it that's right don't you feel the pain from it got your hurt and don't get they are smiling alright dandy man come on let's get busy this desert says it's just a greet here it says may peace be with you Pastor Jennings pastor I am a goofy white guy who just listened to you for years now that you speak the truth you preach what's in the book more than anyone else you speak to my heart thank God for that amen I hope that sometime in 2009 you will be in Mobile Alabama keep watching a program God willing we will be there hoping get a chance to shake your hand and meet you face-to-face mm-hmm I have told my brother about you as well I look forward to listening to you in person and shaking your hand if you have the chance to be in town no response is necessary please keep doing what you do and I think that will I think that you will and it says your friend and if I may say your brother in Christ and it gives his name thank God for that all right this studies on the subject of guidance says I know you get a mass amount of letters and emails however I am prepared to email and send letters every day until I get a response my husband and I live in Madison Wisconsin and we can't get your radio or television broadcast here at all the only thing we can do is listen to things on your web page as as law a long time ago we finished watching all sermons that we can find on this website and have searched all over the state of Wisconsin for someone who is teaching true holiness that's hard to find anywhere amen we can't was able to find anything no we can't find anyone we have made some mistakes in the past year and I feel so guilty I cried le we need a pastor as Jesus said he would give us I don't ever want to lose my gift to be with him forever person says please help please help me my my heart go out to people like this and this is why our arrest is not as frequent as we want it to be because this is just one write up this one but we get thousands of letters like this people catch the telecast living in one part of the country moved to another part of the country and actually go around searching looking to see whether a church is there preaching what their what they've been hearing from the truth of God and I'm telling you it's hard to find if you find it at all some circles preach some of it that's right and most time it's the principles repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue and there's one God but somehow someway they deviate from the rest they may have a woman up in the pulpit as a preacher I got one email I didn't bring out here but somebody wrote me and asked me how what do you address the pastor's wife as should she be addressed as the first lady or by her name they say the church villian is that one of the oh you do have oh I forgot all right let's read that that's very interesting all right this is on the subject of our first ladies yeah this person says dear pastor Janice and I watch your show every Sunday and I really enjoy your messages thank God for that but I wanted to know if you could answer this question for me how are we supposed to address the pastor's wife in the church do we address her as first lady or by her name in my church if we call her by name she gets upset because she's out the devil that's why that's right you want to know what to address mm-hmm I tell you what title to address that depending upon her age that's right first Timothy chapter 5 Laura thank God Amen depending upon her age I tell you what title that God giveth 3 min all right let's go to work first Timothy chapter 5 verse 2 the elder women all right if the pastor's wife is their elder woman what title should we address them as mothers address her as mother the younger if she's a young sister as sister address her as sister doesn't matter of T the patch is wife no she's not the first lady my wife god bless her Sanctifier art she's not the first lady here no the first lady is dead I never met her that's right her name is Eve that's right lady and if the patch is a wife as humbles you don't mind your addressing her by your name no I'm glad I don't have this crazy self-righteous arrogant wife you know hats are so big you can't even see nobody she don't mind you addressing her by her name that's right so yes you all patches the wives that are looking at my face now all first devils was called first ladies amen you passed us get the title off your wife will make your wife that prominent that's right what make us so important she hadn't been as being called the first lady no let it just humble herself and work in it just like everybody else won't be puffed up and proud and go to hell with almost everybody else so if you in the church and you address the pastor's wife by her name and she get offended she needs the print of a sin to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ that's right I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost cuz the Holy Ghost is the humble spirit that's right huh amen that goes for men that may be ministers if your wife get beside herself because her husband is a minister working in a church then you need to set your wife down zoom in and teach her also ain't no special privileges everybody got to come around the mountain and do the same thing that's right amen alright next so we hope you straighten you hope we straighten you out you go back and call your patches wife by her name but she's the old mother call her mother so-and-so if she's mother Lucifer young sister Lucifer all right next letter this letter says makeup-less you know your mini slow let's God have all day honestly Speaker I must say that from the bottom of my heart I believe God has anointed this ministry all right I should pray that your ministry stay strong and continues to grow like never before but the help of God didn't do that amen so that the Word of God can saturate the hearts of men women and children throughout the world yeah I'd like to thank Minister Jennings for speaking the Word of God for the world to hear and I also acknowledged that wholeness or hell is the muscle for God's people and never shall we fall short of his glory love and blessings as long as we follow his word mm-hmm may his love grace and mercy follow throughout the sanctuaries of your ministry this person says it is my chance that I have happened to speak to my art about about God's love and grace well your telecast played with strong truth and conviction one cannot deny the power of our true and living God this person says may all members and falls of gods came to me blessed and they give their name thank God for that wonderful letter that's letter this letters on the subject of wind preachers hmm the person says pastor Gino Jenni's I would like you to copy this link to your web browser and listen to my sermons in the Church of God in Christ believe in women preaching the gospel I just know you do the Church of God in Christ believing women preaching the gospel the Church of God in Christ General board want to have a discussion regarding your take on religion and women preachers all right the presiding bishop Charles Blake and the general Board of Church of God in Christ incorporated have several issues with your teaching wonderful please read this article to your church hmm please recycle to your church and they sign thanks Bishop Martin L Johnson and closes that's it house enough all right Church of God in Christ founded by Bishop Mason hmm you want to discuss women preaches with us yes I know that you believe women can preach oh yeah I know you believe that lie you men there's several issues you would like to take up with us I welcome the discussion mm-hmm and then some issues I want to take up with you one of them is about simply being born again right of the water the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ which is something the Church of God in Christ don't believe so Presiding Bishop Bishop Charles Blake and the general Board of the Church of God in Christ I tell you what you do write me back make it quick let me know the date time and place you want to have it open and publicly or you want to do it behind closed doors I prefer to have it openly openly publicly subject woman preaches I'm game plain and simple show me one woman that preached the gospel and the Bible says she did right then I joined the Church of God and quest including all of us have you feel and I promise you you will if you fail to show me the woman that preach the gospel and the Bible said she did that right Charles Blake residing bishop you've been repented that's it and fall in my arms that day that's right be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ I demand that the entire church organization of the Church of God and Christ be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you got to step down amen from being the bazzara bishop lord and turn everything over the first church [Applause] you've got confidence that women can preach take my offer that's right just bring it that's right shut up oh shut up amen not only the Church of God and Christ anybody else God ain't never called us in a woman to preach the gospel never just show me one one not two one that's right if you said Mary the mother of Jesus didn't use a love I'll make your tongue lick that up oh yeah if you say massa did it nya if your wife you didn't rape me that's right your wife is a preacher Amen I'll make you lick that up the dinner there's not a woman bishop mm-hmm a woman a pasta amen there's not a woman traffic no there's just warmin prophetess that's right that's you there's no women evangelists in the book no it's not there is no Deaconess organizational beliefs that's right let's go to the scriptures this would be a bra for at all oh yeah very good letter oh yes we read it to the people now is your turn to respond the preacher that sent this is a bishop Martin L Johnson mm-hmm all right bishop Martin you make sure you contact Blake that's right and contact your boy let's really contact me let me know the date time and place and then we'll contact all of our boys that's right you can take us amen and let's get some legal documentation written winner-take-all that's right Randa that's right all amen I'm willing to put everything on the line because I know that what I'm preaching every drop of it is true that's right so brothers and sisters around the world whom God bless us the stand head of is the quote and I may use the term me being a presiding bishop if you will find fun but if Bishop bleep got confidence that it is God will amen height is not gonna do it see you can refer us to every man in history mm-hmm and every woman is you I will sit calm with my legs crossed rubbin my eyebrow that's right licking my lip that's right goes all I want to do is taste one scripture amen that's one that's all that's right what just one one woman that preached one thing in the Bible and the Bible says she did you can't get the resurrection when Jesus told the woman tell my disciples to meet me ain't got a lead you can't say she preached the first message if you want to say it fine please do it amen because I know how to lock your chops down oh yeah we specialize in two things we won't make you admit the Bible was right we men oh we will make you say you's a liar you're lying that's right wanted it to one of the other so please we answer your letter now it's your turn all right that's enough now it's up to you Blake and Martin you drinking Martin Martin oblique y'all turn now that's right all right well let's go to work and get busy in the book of Scripture you that are watching get closer all my woman pre COS god bless yo happy hellbound wig-wearing hot you get close amen blow it to God that's right I want to greet all of our viewers throughout Jamaica we was in Jamaica about a week ago you mean time go by fast and there was a woman that stood and gave a beautiful testimony just so happened she was a woman preacher hmm our date preaching and a so-called Apostolic Church until one Sunday morning Laura take Garcia flick in the television amen she said in the Jamaican exit she said the world of good pricked my thought so hard lon wonderful she said if this thing is right I want to obey it she stepped down the man stepped down went down in the water and the name of Jesus Christ god bless her with the Holy Ghost man she's a member First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ preached in Jamaica wonderful that that Sunday night that certain light another woman preacher was there I didn't know sure the woman preacher at the service they was crowded around the pulpit to meet us as they always do and the woman I asked her as to how you enjoy the service she said well I'm a little bit upset I said really she say yes just a little bit she said because I to is one of them fiery women you know because the fire department came in Jamaica to put all the flames out we've been she said but I am now starting to consider wonderful what you've been preaching women don't let no church organization give you credentials amen and then give you a title that God didn't give them that's right if you are a woman pastor mm-hmm show me amen one woman one woman in the book that's right that declared herself to be a woman pastor amen show me one bishop in the Bible that are deign a woman and gave her credentials that's right don't let these get away by throwing the title or than you just because they know women in the church are good fundraiser amen so they give you a title so you can help raise the money and help the bishop rob the people that's right talk back to me that's right that's right Phillip the Wranglers had four daughters that were prophetess women whom God used the full tell events that's going to come that's right script has never said that Phillip have four daughters that were evangelists Angeles no didn't say that no no no way in the book do you have women deacons no Deaconess this chunk came because men took it upon themselves that's right the stretch the chest wide up and take it in a direction that God didn't make it no what good miss having the book of scriptures if your belief and your preaching is not found within the contents of the book that's right I have hundreds of women following us around the world not one yes not one not one of them is the preacher that's right my wife is no preacher no is she problem talk back to me any women here that are preachers now tell the truth you that are watching me many of you had wrote me upset I had a woman write me and said I dare you I dare you try to put women in Chains I don't got you in Chains that's right have you in the boat it's the book that's right I'm macho I said God said eh that's it well passage it is a woman taught you your mama taught you yes it's given to the mother give to teach the child that's right like King Lemieux that's right King let me let me well his mother taught him the prophecy the words of King Lemuel listen that describes chapter 31 an adverse one yeah the words of King Lemuel the prophecy the prophecy that his mother tell his mother told him not the gospel that's right that is mama preached to him that's right not that no but their prophecy prophecy that his mother taught him yes my mother taught me what she knew right now our chickens my mama that's right that's right I want you all women prick is looking at me real good amen I teach my mama now see now I'm my mother's teacher that's right I'm my mother's leader mmm I'm my mother's guide I instruct my mama Lord my mama needed a buek out not listen listens I want to burn you up so good if you men if me be I just toss my mother that's right if need be I rebuke my mother that's right if need be I sit my mother down amen but she can't do it to me that's right I'm over my mother amen amen I guess want that the summer that's right well if I was your mother I slap you well you ain't my mama I ain't come from your womb so you ain't got that the word button that do you that's right we even though you not my mama woman woman okay I'm your hair that's right I'm your head that's right you are in my head never took the first career as one tree and the head of the woman the head of the woman is the man that's me that's right [Applause] woman that's a real woman don't mind having a real man real man that's right see real you women preachers love to be these dominant wild barbaric crazy loud cool things out here amen who got these Spanglish take it your heads good for nothing things that's husbandry breathe good they don't have no spine no strengthening are you listen to the old man screw that that's right once a wall I can tell what kind of wife you got you got it no no no no no no no my wife she's not in no prison my don't beats my wife I don't know B she's my wife I got a good one any men see I don't preach against women please because I had some type of female abuse in my life no no no I preach against women pretty because God Almighty is against them and Moses spake unto the Lord less in person numbers chapter 27 and at verse 15 what is it and Moses spake unto the lotus speak to the law saying let the laws saying let the Lord the god of the spirits of God of the spirits of all flesh said amazed chatter what set a man better what set a man this is not male chauvinism no this is the law of God that's right God's law that's it now you say well that was back then he said I'm the same yesterday and today and forever more forever that's right God said he would do what let the Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh set a man over the congregation no let the bishops that is in the churches said women over the congregation set a man over the congregation a woman over the congregation a man over the congregation amen I was on the talk show in Jamaica and a David Boeing that's me well suppose there are no women no men in the chest mmm then what sort of people do bring right all the ingredients is not bad to make the cake they don't try to mix the batter oh that's right wait till you get all the weeds so the cake can taste right amen that's it that's right you that are watching this morning in Jamaica you're gonna watch it throughout America you know watching around the world God never at no time that's right call and send a woman to preach the gospel that goes for your wife that goes for your mama that's right yes I said yo mama mama ain't go grandmomma amen the pastor's wife Amen kill who you are it's something about a man darling and a woman is dominant over him that's right all women used the bed to dictate him that's right that's why some of you minute ain't got no spine amen and you all gain your wife your Dane your wife and then you may preach something that she find offensive offensive to the first lady sitting her church with her hat like this LeMay Eagle that's right [Applause] and give you a look and right then you bow about Romania because you want that mattress stumble not a man that's dictated by mattresses no man that's right only one that dictate the Churchill's go hey man what if God says in a book of sandwich in the book of ecclesiasticus 25 and verse 20 listen stumble not stumble not at the beauty of that the beauty of a woman and desire her desire not for pleasures for pleasure so anytime your wife is a woman preacher and you know it's wrong that's right but you're scared to say something it's the climbing up listen still in the book of ecclesiasticus 25 now verse 20 as the climbing up of a sandy way of a sandy way is to the feet of the a what so is a wife full of words to a quiet man Amen and peck man thing that's right Chicken Little that's right amen in pac-man that's right worthless pieces of garbage my lord you're not even recycled goods you said this is male chauvinism you said this is hatred ya know we see this is Scripture words that's right that's when you showed me one woman in the book they preach anything and the book says she did that did that I will repent over the television and tell the world I lie Lord now I'm not bluffing I will say I'm wrong and you're right but that it never happened it is eatin icicles in hell before that hat that's right all right let's go to work in the book of scriptures mm-hmm let's dive in the book and open the eyes of the simple so church the garden Christ is in your hand I don't let such a garden Christ anybody else anybody else the body else that's all mixed up over this woman preacher issue I have a whole lot of women following us that used to be preachers in other churches in fact there are many women following us stretch the door to Christ are going to quest listen we used to be with you a lot of these women here it came from you because they made you lie to them any men you like told me a sterilized deal that's right all right women let's go to work Isaiah chapter 2 and we'll begin at verse 1 yes the word that Isaiah the son of amos saw concerning judah and jerusalem what is it and it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house Lauretta God he meant the Lord's house Lord not the house of men no not a house made by man that's right not a house found it by man that's right see when you got a church founded by men it got to have a bunch of lies in there too he meant well you've got some type of religious organization founded or started by men you will have men's theory that's right means ideology amen means supposition means opinions right means opinion is no good go to church that's right that's right God Word is the best thing amen for the chest that's right listen and it shall come to pass in the last days a lot that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountain the top of the mountain it's above everything and and shall be exalted above the hills and who's coming too and all nations Lauretta God shall flow unto it look at it amen everybody that's right and it's doing it too it's doing it is just flowing flowing that's right unto it that's what God want that's right Oh got to have a right message that's it that would move people to flow it has a strong current they made strong sauce yes that will move those that are sincere towards God that's right you that are watching us today many things that we preach you have never heard no and some because you never heard it you fight mm-hmm it is the nature of a person to rebel against what they don't understand that's right it is the nature of a person to fight against what they're not able to comprehend man yes and people many people go and say come you alright come you yours come on come you that's right that's what we're saying that's right see that adds just at the bottom of your screen look at come see it do you see it down there come on come your magic already come right with the truth of God that's right not only you your pastor that's right your mama your father it changes everything there's nothing else to come to but what God said and Melissa this is my G no jealous check no no no scoffs check that's right jesus said upon this rock I'll build my trip my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against that's right if you got something with that hell can't prevail against it got to come from God that's right now religion if you're teaching mm-hmm can be damaged Amen if you're teaching can be shaken yeah if you're teaching can be condemned by God's law then that teaching didn't come from God that's right God teaching is infallible God teaching is perfect God teaching revolves around scripture around the scriptures you that are watching this supposed to run your check that's right talk back to me this supposed to run your church even though your organization may have a book of bylaws all the laws within the context of that book got accordance out with this that's right can't time to dig this amen now what got you touches in the mess is this your bishop wrote too many sermons that's right your bishop he wrote too many salmon root two minutes writing so many sermons it calls them to leave Scripture that's right now if your bishop I don't care if it's Blake your art blakey if your bishop truly believed the book amen all of his preaching will come from here no Bible College no no theology that's right no philosophy that's right all of it false information that's right he run here it's for his interpretation here on here for every message every message it's rishabh go to Bible School and brag with the PhD and a DD yes let me content carrot you I want you to feel like you have the upper hand you have a DD in theology I don't have no PhD or DD and no farm of biblical study no you know nothing I never been to a Bible Institute in my life at no time perhaps that will motivate a preacher that's right so you you know you may be smarter than me when it come to the book you know you got your degree you men sorry hi I don't have no degree that's right Oh chemical study no no none my degree is very low very low very low very low but the book says that the brother yeah the brother of low degree degree rejoice rejoice in that he is exalted he is exalted Sultan I don't have a doctorate I don't have a masters batches none of it now when they share the study of theology that's right double cook the average that's right but I do have a teacher I have the best teacher amen I sit his tongue so all the time wonderful wonderful [Applause] behold his manner that's right that's right have endowed us with William and the driving source of knowledge that's right do I take any and every preacher that studied theology Amen with the book yes hey God as my guide I promise you that's right I will shut your mouth from Earth right into heaven that's right I will good amen with no problem no problem that's right it is written so so it is the will of God that was well doing you put the silence the ignorance of foolish management the Apostle Paul said at the mouth of the gainsayers we stop us to start you preachers have lied to the people long enough yes now you got a stiff challenge that's right and I'm that challenge that's right with God's Word amen everything preached it was not in the book it's gonna be challenged this is real call me arrogant call me self will call me self-centered but after the names is over and the smoke clear you will come right back yeah that's right in this same pitbull will be behind the fence that's right with a sign beware oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's you people you're a church-going amen look at the garbage that is preached in your chest forehead you know 95% of the junk that is in your church there's not no way in the boat that's right but because Oh daddy's the pastor amen your uncle is the pastor that's right your relatives go there amen you are faithful yes forget about your family that's right Peter said same who yourself oh you're poor it's a godly man save yourself save yourselves God first that's right worry about family I know what it's like to be in a family check hmm trust I came out of me man well the family checks me man my father pastor was my great uncle mm-hmm but when God start dealing with me yeah opening up my understanding my uncle kept hearing a sound at his door every time he done preaching I'm knocking on his office door why I want some answers right I heard you say something such a thing where's that at in the Bible he's tired of me he said listen it ain't no just go believe all the Bible he said you will never find it Lord told me straight up you say you another final Church that believe all the Bible if that's the case all of us are do that's right what good is having Church the goodies if you're not gonna believe the book then what sort of thing they're written a full time written follow what learn first structures built by the book by the word that's right the truth of God and the book are one that's right that's we cannot be the truth of God and just believe the book now I say even if the book can give us yes God ain't gonna make a change that's right that's right that's right let me make any change needed amen to get right with God right that's right swallow your pride bishop they've been swallow your arrogance if God say no then it's no that's right you women preachers you gotta swallow your pride well it'll play you're just simply not in here that's it don't pass the made you something that's right he forged office that's right snot in here the devil don't lie to you and now you've been doing that junk so long it's a habit yeah screaming and hollering like a wild person it's turn loose in the jungle that's right that's right are you listen to the old man ask for my people listen at the book in Isaiah chapter 3 and add verse 12 what a God said well as for my people as for my children are there oppressed children are they oppressive and women women rule over this I'll get the prophet Phil oh my people beggars how did the Prophet feel how did the Prophet feel did the Prophet fail I don't sound too happy Diddy amen aggrieved up breathing that's right but you preach it hmm it don't grieve you give it a watching when you see a church and most time you see the church the preacher always advertise him as a wife you see pretty Lovins that's right yes yeah big picture right in the main sanctuary that's right preach it is like reaching a first lady what for amen and the church might be named after the preacher that's right let you know it's a family business that's right keep all the money in the family let's just that's all have you line check and see if Jesus said upon this rock I'll build up my chest then there's no favoritism new favorites everybody gotta come around and do the same thing and getting the kingdom of God that's right that's right everybody got the side got the repented they said follow the same rules follow the same guidelines that's right but in churches today no but it's not like that listen and women rule over women rule over them oh my people they which lead thee they would leave thee cause thee to error the air that amen they were still what they which lead thee a preacher's a leader right preach is a leader that's right you are elder or bishop apostle pass up he was a leader tomato that's right when did your poppers ever go around ordaining women in every city that's right Rin yeah you preachers adorn this do that that's right that's right I mean if you're gonna say women have the right to preach don't you think Mary should have been on hey men I mean if you're gonna say their complaints to preach well I wasn't Jesus mommy one that's right why wasn't Jesus mommy a preacher man you said she was the book didn't say something silly villus the Lord is coming amen this program is designed to bring you back to the original map that's it that God left here that's right men have tried to modernize the ancient map of God amen and introduce new ropes and declared in a digit to the kingdoms right but those weeks that they introduce the desire to detour you that's right from this that's right and then do keep it constant make you feel good feel good feeling gives you a height that's right you become emotional this program is designed to bring you back to the original book ask for the old original pan that's right listen at the Prophet Jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 16 what is it thus saith the Lord I said the Lord and he in two ways and see Danny and the ways and see and ask for the old paths Villa Authority God Villa this is the old this is that good old religion that's right they just sing a song coming up give me that old-time religion it's good enough for me that's right good enough for Paul Silas Peter John Pitman see you don't want it another one the religion you won't spoil you mm-hmm make you up the temporary Christian that's right that's what you are that's right the old past wingman is the original standard that God set for the world to live by that's really is trying to modernize themselves so I don't be like other preachers that's right God designed the book for us to be like Jesus amen that's it be like him he's like follow his room that's it tamil is standard follow the kids they gave to their pasta that's right not to deviate you listen that's many of you think that course of apostolic is worse than everybody else you have left the old pathway things we're not leaving there's not enough money in the world you can offer me the poor man with no pathway that's right that's right have to say like Balaam tobei like yeah if you fill this house with silver and gold I cannot think beyond though where the Lord to do more or less for this leave it just like it is that's right view us understand what churches for church supposed to connect you with God that's what churches fall that's right no God have never sent a preacher and put them in a pulpit that cheek swab on a prospero plan it's God I did God got America with your name on it God don't want you to be poor God one everybody be millionaires you Bible carrying church-going suckers that's right that's right yeah nothing but a suck-up that's it that's not the devil no you want money but you don't want God there to give me the money when I was in Jamaica TD jakes was there a week before I got there and many people came to the meeting telling me how for them to get in they get a major seat cost $2,000 my lord get a major seat on the seats $1,000 my lord that's something and people was pause that's something you people you send these hustlers in America your social security checks amen you place millions of dollars took these religious evangelistic logic that's right Jake's left low dollar we men Benny Hill Billy they go into poor countries and make the poor people pay to see a medicine you people that see us and Thor touches a man any man come from America during a stadium in your country you got to pay to see him he's nothing but a robot that's a rubber that's arrived from America that's right that's an American thief that's right right a moment that man coming your country are you gonna pay to see him call the police on Iran when that religious meeting is of God anybody can come anybody drunk staggering it that's right let those of the pork come in there man come you to the war ain't got I know you ain't gonna done that's right but come on that's right come without money and come without price up that's so pathway years ago he didn't have to pay money to see preachers years ago they didn't do it but now such it's a racket that's right tract is bigger than a mafia that's right Lucretia even they are greedy dogs what they are greedy dogs and Isaiah 56 and verse they let the dogs out that's right amen these told like pictures you're greedy greedy we got some dogs who gets a roam around that's right it's wrong sometime they see another straight doggy hookah with him he meant years ago you would never have people going to pay to see preachers know but shush has become a big-time multi-billion dollar racket that's right you bills don't like what I'm saying but you know it's the truth amen why turn tp'ing on or TV one that's right Oh pinky red look at the men look look at anything want to be a preacher just for rap artists or entertainer that's right it's not doing good music man what first thing there is are silly me being a preacher in your future that's right Reverend rod that's right that's right MC haha even Al Green tried to pull pit even Little Richard shot that's right they think God is a gay man thank God is a joke you weak-minded stains you're upset with me because I tell you what God said that's right I don't care what you think of me hate me if you want it is written preach the word preach the word that's right I give my life for me that's why we can preach it that's right yeah they are greedy dog listen at dis in Isaiah chapter 56 breast verse 10 at verse 10 listen his watchman a blood creature is the Watchmen amen but he's suffering with spiritual cataracts that's right a bad condition of divine glaucoma that's right lose much blocking his vision amen too much money too much money until you deliberately overlooked what's in the book that's right yay and Jeremiah saw a preacher that's right there works in fact they will violate the scriptures to make money that's right that's right you know if a preacher own a business or own a hall or something or preach you can rent that hall out for people to have a dance no way make money off sinners dance Jim property owned by the preacher either preacher that's true you can't talk about Jesus in one hand that's right then go get full freedom to party in another amen you can't get sweet and bitter water from the same counter that's right either you up gonal you up the devil that's right he that's God's house there's no in-between in-between amen talk back to me a man his watchman of blood watch me blind leaders line everything no misunderstand it takes money to function but you ain't got to manipulate the people to get it no $10 boy that $10 prayer lines almost played out thousand dollar prayer life that's right $2,000 prayer life amen the price going up now [Music] you ain't got no cash credit will do that's right whatever cake ever it takes get into the kingdom of God as a message of the past that's right take up it viewer take of it turn your television on and you probably can count the preachers on one hand who's teaching you how to live in the way that God demands and teach you to do what it take to stay out of hell amen hell is not even a subject : television that's right McArthur pretty the busy worry about who they're gonna fit that's right don't want a friend nobody nobody don't wanna film that person in the congregation they give them big tithing and big offering amen you know what the fitness brother-in-law who's running a a racket that's right you don't want the friend blood brother who's running a racket that's right the pretty lot to scare who they go her skin I am totally the opposite I don't care who I hurt Amen if you don't like me tough stuff I was born naked I shall die the same way that's right why you live on the beat do God's will that's it that's right what have you gained when you don't robbed all the money from the people he's still gotta stand before God still you are so focused on being rich you are so focused on getting your own private jet that's right you are so focused that's right on getting your own luck amen don't misunderstand me if you work with your own hands they got these things high but to get it off the backs of poor people you deserve to go to hell that's right yeah you deserve amen to go to hell that's right this end his watchman of blood Watchmen are blind they are all ignorant they're what they are all ignorant all this madness in the world hmm whenever these previous go somewhere you gotta pay to see them that's really think of you I want to talk direct to you yes woman you're adjusting your wig this morning on your way to church got your fake eyelashes trying to put them on hold up hold it now that's holding it sit down let's rest yourself fella you do you trying to put on her eyelashes listen why are you getting dressed to go to church what are you going for what's there what are you getting out of it do you know what it takes to escape hell or is you're gone the church will push you into hell every minute shots can push you into hell that's right yes it can that's right falen have built trucks that's right see them use the name Jesus to manipulate the car the simple that's right see them talk about Jesus oh yeah Satan priest Jesus Satan talk about Jesus because you know so many fold love them that's right there's two purposes behind the uses of Scripture give it a full chapter book of Matthew mm-hmm let me show you this Matthew chapter see don't think you go to a church and that churches of God because the Bible's being talked about right the question is what is the motive that's all the agenda behind the usage of the scriptures that's right Jesus was led in the wilderness to be tempted by the devil Jesus will quote scriptures Australian and the devil were quote scriptures in Matthew chapter differences motives that's an objectives that's right Jesus had an object together an objective one was to get you close to God one will get you away from God that's right yet the quotation of Scripture was used that's right listen good Matthew chapter 4 and verse 3 and when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the Son of God now the tempter came to him you'd be the Son of God if thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread you commanded these stones be made bread but he answered and she answered and said it is written and now here come Jesus and soon we're Scripture it's written man shall not live by bread alone see scripture Wilber's Scripture that's right the difference is agenda behind quotation that's right mass not live by bread alone but by every word that is every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God then the devil taketh him up into the holy city then the devil take them up to the holy city and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple yes and saith unto him if thou be the Son of God devil still adamant right that would be the son of God cast thyself dance now here now catch this up down then what for it is written I told you here come the devil that's right quoting the book that's right but he was calling the boat to get Jesus to do something totally wrong amen he tried to integrate the book mm-hmm and what he wanted Jesus to do and I'd be the son of God do what that's thyself then kill yourself for it okay is that that's right go here to kill yourself that's right gotta commit suicide catch us up down what is written it is written he shall give his angels charge and anger gonna do what and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against the stone quoting scripture to convince Jesus he should kill himself right like what's your pastor do viewer that's right this is what your pastor do the Lord had told me church that's $5,000 more in the house and the Lord said Lord said if you would give it all hallelujah got to get him your Honda see you told he want you to get him a Honda that's right that's something he will lie and tell you God said there's an extra amount more dollars in the house besides being set up as a look Church we need 7 $1,000 we got some things we got to do in the church that's right let's tell the truth to be playing about it you ain't got to lie No then when he don't get that amount of money all of a sudden the Lord let's keep talking to him they auction off the Lord that's right auction them off that's true God and the mouths of most preachers there's no more than a piece of material something that they can sell that's right they sell God to make themselves rich amen and in the midst of this people become poor and poor both ways spiritually and action and naturally listen good and saith unto him if thou be the Son of the Son of God cast thyself then - yourself down for it is written he shall give his angels tree will give the hand your charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up and then what less than any time thou dash thy foot against a stone come on Jesus said unto Him scripture verse of scripture mm-hmm Jesus says to him it is written again it's written again thou shalt not tempt the Lord though I don't tempt the Lord thank God again again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain yeah well not finish devil nut fence no like your pastor viewer he's not finished that's right he'll be back and o.9 that's right this is real same bulb Lester listen viewer I want you to think a little bit here we're in the end time now we're in the last days here's things in the world's not getting no better the book says that evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived ash yourself you'll just sit down and let me just some common sense all this chaos in the world do you really think the only message that God will give some preacher it's how for everyone to get rich think read your Bible that's right whenever God sent any message just any place it was to warn that people to give themselves right before the judgment of God will come that's right so how is it that every preacher on television got a one message amen prosperity Vera true prosperity is not money it's not houses it's not land that's right that there's like some people there's some people you can buy amen sure you take a woman who's materialistic god help you if you ever get broke hmm you get broke forget it that leaks gonna get on someone else that's right and sucked all the money out of them that's right but a woman who's not materialistic you don't have to buy her things for her to love you you don't have to give her things for her to love you all she wants is the reality of your heart that's right hey listen amen villus if you was poor in your church and your preacher know it most I'm here to ride raped by you in your Bentley Minutemen and wave his hand and tell you God would provide yeah that's right God will provide mm-hmm listen at this come on son again the double take them up into an exceeding high mountain Josh what the devil have done with the preachers right he have took them up so high in authority they got the megachurches now that's right an exceeding high mountain iron mountain then what and show with him all the kingdoms of the world show him all what he can have and the glory of him the glory of it and saith unto Him all these things will I - what the devil don't owe your pastor that's right that's right amen you see try to work Jesus into what work would work but it worked very well with your pastor that's right he said what oh these things all these things will I give thee what I give you if thou wilt fall down and worship me that's exactly what happened to the chester's amen that explains why the churches are in the condition they're in now they have failed down and wish up that devil that's right that's right materialism have replaced God amen materialism the blessing plans that's right it replaced God that's right God is a thing of the past God now is not necessarily in churches no God now's not preached in the churches that's right until now they don't even want to use the word church a Christian Center Center why let you notice the place for recreation that's right that's recreation celebration amen everything now gone backward this is the old pathway program that's right we stick to this that's it this book right here that's on your television mm-hmm and you see the closet or your dashboard you know the book that you got your family name on it but your family to really go a little bit that's right the Holy Scriptures is the book that God designed for the world to follow its viewers viewers look at me look at me this morning this afternoon and tonight stop going to church stuff stop going to church knock it off by the time is program is seen on Delta 2009 we'll be here amen knock it off that's right don't go from oh eight 209 still be an old Baptist that's right being a Catholic Mary lover going to all nine village you're over witness keep selling comic books instilling I won a comment book I'll get barb all DC Comics thanks that's right I got it on good superheroes in there get Iron Man Captain America get the whole Oh get up that's right you gonna come knock on my door just to sell me a comic books on characters that nobody no wasting my time to turn your goal in 209 with the same trash recycle over and over and over and the devil knows that this garbage is recycled mm-hmm go back to where you were again the devil taketh him up into animalizer back in Isaiah chapter 2 and add verse 1 and it shall come to pass that in the last and the last day the mountain of the Lord the mountain of the Lord house established top of the mountain the top of the mountain and shall be exalted above the hills and who's come all nation bill everybody Under the Sun now got the pin of your sins and be baptized in the water and the name of Jesus Christ you'll pastor got to have it let's run you got to have it if your path to say you don't got to have it your past as a lion son that's right are you listening to me amen you're past it you your whole house all nations Lord say God must do it that's right got the pin of this end mm-hmm everything in Baltimore got to do everybody I believe we are in about three stations here wonderful everything got to do we run about five stitches in New York everything after doing everything you better hear they have not repented of your sins I'm not talking about bowing your head and raise your hands raise your head up and put your hands down amen that's not salvation in this confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you are saved Bible didn't say your are save after you do that no seven you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus they cried and believed that Christ risen from the dead thou shalt be sure PC that mean in the future that's right you shall be shall be if you put money in the bank now she'll get interest that's right but you first like to do so they do something you own salvation repent now bow your head and raise your arms up keep telling you whenever you in that position somebody robber you put your hands down and raise your head up that's right not join the church no no not sit on the mourners bench II get numerous works of grace amen none of that religious garbage is in the Bible none of it what shall we do you hear this in Acts chapter 2 and verse 37 what shall we do what shall we do then Peter said unto them repent do what repent join the check repeat prayer sinner's prayer repay listen fewer you not blind god help you you not blind that's you hear this that's right you know the church you in them baptized you wrong or you ain't being baptized at all no some of you've been baptized with a firehose sprinkle right there's not summertime that's right be able to water god says men and brethren what shall we do know what then Peter said unto them repent now don't need no baptism repaint just join the church repin just sign my name on a church notebook and pay my dues every week reap ister you hear that that's right repent repent hey listen take repentance from oh wait right in 209 to escape hell that's right repent repent and be baptized know what repent and be baptized every one of you how much every one of you I said you do it in the name of Jesus Christ for what for the remission of sins I say you get your sins washed away that's right for the remission of sins and and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost God builds a stretch on that that's it you build a stretch on that one day without the new birth you've never been in the body no to be in the body it takes christ to put you in the body rice have to put you in the church that's right you can't put yourself in you can't sign your name on a notebook and get in no if Christ is the head of the church you said you're baptized by one spirit into one body so to get in you must get it on his terms that's right by his rules he's way that's you so that bowing head and raising hands don't do it join the church don't do it the sinner's prayer don't do it going to a Catholic Church again sprinkled by a Catholic who can't even keep his clothes on that don't do it that's right that's right stay away from the captive priest stay away from you don't even get too close to him that's right he may be looking like a baby why he got his head over the bowl Amen be baptized every one of Judge of God in Christ you got to repent for lying about that women preacher doctor that's right be baptized to be one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy God for the promises unto you and to YouTube Angela well and to all that are afar off and even as many as the Lord our God showed them one of God says the Lord has spoken and have called the whole earth moves from the rising of the Sun to the going down the road that's right we thank God for bringing us from Oh 8 moving us over 209 viewers we act to over we're actually more alert to consider what we say and the Lord God would give the understanding and all things many things we say is designed to make you think thang-thang ignore the way I sound I know I get thousands of letters from many of you you often comment that I sound mean well get over it get over how I sound I'm not a mean fellow I think I'm a nice guy but when it come to the Word of God hater bottom line is heaven the hell that's it that's the truth of it that's wrong what do you want me to take ya want me to tell you what the Pope said at purgatory hey ain't no purgatory is nothing there's nothing heaven or hell with God or with the devil that's right going up or down that's right yeah amen when I get on the elevator either I'm going up or I'm going down I'm not floating in the middle no I end up in the middle I'm gonna mash that button I said you emergency that's my I'm in a place where I had no business being that's right I'm gonna sound the alarm why I'm not supposed to be going somewhere somewhere that's Beulah where you going mm-hmm look at me I want to talk direct to your heart today why are you going where are you going you're going to church you giving all this money every week preaching you up preaching every single week if the information you give the people deprive them of getting to the kingdom of God the blood of those that died following you is on your hands the blood that's right of those that are following you is on your hands let these sayings seek in your ears viewer don't you step in another church after you see this program today that's right pin up your sins go down and water and walk the truth of God I want to be just like him I want to be just like him I want to be just like him [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to be just like [Music] [Music] how are they just like you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we thank God for all of you [Music] God is certainly merciful unto us we have a God to think in a got to glorify God is been good to first church [Applause] [Music] bringing us from one year to another giving us much time privileged to work on self we have faced many things in oh wait but God have brought us through up into this present time and I'm pretty sure there will be things that we would face and we'll face and oh nine but with God he'll he'll bring us through them all we look for the work to continue to expand as we travel in many parts of America and in the foreign country we thank God for keeping us so far we have been in many dangerous places we will be going into more dangerous places and we believe with God's help that he will take us there and bring us back and February God willing we'll be in India to be the Lord's will for the South Indian Convention from South India we go to East India new area never been it from East India a flight to Asia to the country of Burma which will be the most violent country I would have been in thus far will be out the country for properly three weeks more or less probably more we're scheduled to return back here to the States on the second or the third if everything go well in Burma Burma is a hotbed is unpredictable we're scheduled to leave out of there the second or the third but depending upon what happened in Burma it can keep us there five days you can keep us there ten days he can keep us there a month this is how unstable Burma is it is the most unstable place that I would have been in thus far but I do hope that they are brothers going with us to India and to Asia if there are any women gone to India there will not be any sisters gone to Asia it'll be my first time there and this part of Asia is very extremely violent and because of that we will not have no circus going whatsoever for any reason of any kind just brothers brothers that are not of afraid nothing wrong if you run just don't leave me behind grabbed me by the hand I can't keep up dragging me but just get me out of it Varma is an extremely violent country that had extreme hate for Americans there's a country that's consist of guerrilla warfare it is a type of country where you have to go in the jungle men who don't work for the government a whole separate military regime I'll walk up to your jeep or truck demand your passport and to see American well you're liable to be held hostage or either killed more so if they see quote-unquote Christian attached to you believe it is a embedded heat for church the country of gamma is Buddhist that is the predominant religion Buddhist then next percentage of Islam but 99.9 who dis idolatry fellow with a fat stomach and ballhead smiley they will kill you if you speak against Buddha I mean go past beating you they will kill you some years ago a missionary would know over there without God trying to convert people they found him maybe several months later with over 2000 holes in them they slowly tortured him so we go to these places like I tell the people I don't travel for fun I'm not out there risking my neck for fun because I don't get not a drop of fun out of it so I do hope him put it there some brothers going with us especially to Burma we do want you to go to India and Burma we do hope some brothers have gone with us over to Asia our first time there and it will be God willing a standard trick we are to meet with the ministers over there for the first time to discuss biblical issues what they believe what they don't believe what they understand what they don't understand and also we ought to get into Venezuela Chile South America and then who knows what other doors God will open for first church in onine we don't know it is easy to sit back and say all God is blessing the church I said Genesis traveling I don't enjoy it it was a time I did because I was going into areas that wow this is beautiful I'm hearing there now I do it only because God says it I don't get enjoyment out of doing it I do it only because the Lord says it and I'm sent to do it if there was another alternative and a way out I would take it ignorant men who don't understand and say oh I wish I had your calling stay away from that person so that's a dangerous spirit why would you wish something that I don't even want and I don't but it's it's this and I think about it this being passage in this thing doesn't always give you joy at all it's burdens you know because you have so many hating you and you have some folk hate you that have come to church every day and what you did some yes I don't I don't had people that was in first Church and wanted me dead and tried to organize among themselves to have me dead I remember the first church many women that bind themselves together they try to have me killed but I'm I'm well alive and I ain't going nowhere no time soon dragging the Lord showed me Laurie so you know ajan I saw your friend I saw you Lana Cassidy all right you should he got me out of there ain't going to win no time soon yeah I know that if I was to die you will see something manifest out of people that you would be shocked some would rejoice there some follow me actually waiting for me to die do you know who they are yes I saw them over three years ago God made me a watchman I sit and shake hands with my enemy and sit and eat with them and talk with them and even let them travel with me at times I've set into office and counseled with them and advise them and knew they were my enemy brother Williams wife Ricci her words stick with me for years how can you treat your enemy the way you treat those who are not your enemy somebody have to be the better person somebody so they can't get to me they get to those who they believe is close to or they try to get to my family yeah I try to do something to pull me down as a human being but I'm a fighter I don't put my family above yours and I put my children above your children I don't have a higher expectation out of my children than I have out of yours I don't do that no I don't do it my children go wrong they get yours go wrong they get my chose you go wrong I wonder one look at my sensor those passengers children so what your children go wrong angles say hey you know I'm gonna say they're children and I'm gonna kill him I don't believe in putting the children higher than the other I don't believe in that foolishness nope it's like some folks will have a big family have favorite children well that's my favorite son I don't believe in that I don't believe any one child of mine I favor more than the other I don't believe in that foolishness no wait favorites among gods they all came from the same wool should I have one favorite baby than the other not at all no but I've been through that cycle it's sad but I've been through it just make sure that you'd never be that way I can respect a man or woman who's a sinner but it's honest about this is I love a pure heart I have high regard and great respect for a pure heart what do you mean someone who's simply real not try to be over righteous just be humble and be real don't try to impress us because I'm I'm not impressed don't come to church to impress me don't come to church we're not coming down to your local area and then say asset when I'm gone I'm not sure god I'm always traveling and going you've been doing that it always just stopping my weight so I come in your area I didn't want to get spiritual all the auxiliaries want to become cooperative I didn't come again town we better clean the church what's the matter with you I'm not Santa I'm not coming down there to check your crib out now you got our ended different branch searches be cooperative I have some respect one towards the other you know learn the other person don't judge them be able to accept constructive criticism be able to accept it don't call a person the devil if they criticize you if you're wrong you're wrong take it like a man you can dish it out be able to take it to Baltimore be cooperative you pray God that the Lord blesses to make settlement next year it wasn't our fault it was the owners of the property that helped everything up it was a woman that was in the property who had a daycare and they didn't want to get rid of her so they helped us up we just waited and waited so now she's supposed to be gone and papers was redrawn up so hopefully a happy new year we could make settlement thank God for that be praying that we continue the open temples up in throughout America and again all financial contributions that you have given it's always appreciated we always thank you tithing in an offering it takes money for things that run certainly it does I had many ask me why you never come asking for money no because we teach the Word of God and people supposed to know they do t it is a telecast that got folks running in here telecast may cause over three hundred and seven thousand dollars a year we first started out we was paying a hundred thousand dollars a year on one station not a Hutu no other one soon got rid of that station got rid of it because they want us to compromise what we preached it was packs pack station the fellas know that we were too strong for them packs TV so they kept literally trying to up the price so he wouldn't afford it so now in their station is now trying to do the same thing and or they want the sensor all of our tapes now they don't want me to say things like and dykes in those type of things they don't want me to use those times you know so but y'all continue to be prayerful for first church pray for your brother breakfast may that God will continue to protect and watch over us as we travel I thank God much for my wife and my children and I thank God for the type of person she is and their midst of mine travel at least when I come home she wasn't gone because both women ain't gonna tolerate a man always gone you know she's been a supportive this year make 25 years that we've been in leadership these has been a rough 25 years anything worthwhile don't come always easy 25 years we've never let up there were those that knew me before we got married and declared in fact I mean one brother specifically man he was like you shouldn't get married I'm like why not he said cuz if you get married you gonna get soft me gonna change I told him you don't know me he said passage in is I'm telling you right now after you taste it I'm gonna tell you who it was but he used this time he said after you taste the fruits anybody gonna tell you it was I let you figure it out I mean he arrived he would ride my back you should marry mangalore's I'm telling you brother after you taste the fruits I'm like what he said the fruits my own the fruits I said what gonna happen to me you see haven't if you're gonna become weak you won't take a stand on the world he said I fear for you and said I told me you don't know me after I got married time pass he came to me marry you please harder than you ever did now go back to this single man change it up now anytime God make your preacher merits changing you never was a preacher to begin with 25 years what they call it silver anniversary Oh nine will be celebrating it all nine every place where God done for all of us I thank God for you that been here for the whole 25 years I thank God for you have been here 25 days I'm glad for you that be here for 25 minutes I want to see I want to see our young people have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ receive this Holy Ghost it's time that you young people that been baptized they really started thinking about receiving the Holy Ghost what I mean by that you must start really seeking the Lord young middle aged oh you've been baptized name of the Lord Jesus it's time for you to really start seeking the Lord or the baptism of the Holy Ghost don't take it for granted because if you look at life itself sitting like their life expand of a young folk is shorter old is walking the young to the grave my visitors that may not been baptized have never a penny never been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ smoking drinking gambling you know doing your thing I mean many of us years ago we would never think we'd be sitting in a church or some New Year's Eve be out partying with you or drinking or drunk or leaving one party going to another or getting a mug shot god is the best thing for you so wonder from God all of us were being a mess that's one of them so you that are just baptized and namo Jesus Christ you that have not been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ it's time for you to start considering your ways don't walk around here for granted being caught up in this modernistic world if there's nothing else around you you got one life don't blow it while you have it don't get so caught up and distract it with friends job career college and all that other stuff God must be at the top of the agenda it's a must not second not third God must be at the top of the agenda don't ever forget that you walk around here like there is no God in Israel you've got life on him because God lent it to you question is how long he gonna let you borrow it don't look at your age you think you got a long life because you're young no the only on borrowed time and you judge yourself what you gonna do with this borrow time we won't let you go and I pray that everyone have a safe trip back home to you to have services on Thursday night well service later on tonight you don't have to tumbles Friday night Sunday is the first Sunday of January what is it January what 3rd or 4th 3rd 4th hmm all right January 4th 1st Sunday Wow Ivo 9 God willing I'd be in Philadelphia the new schedules are here from January to April also for what would be taking place throughout a bowl night anyone here didn't get the new schedule raise your hand anyone didn't get it all right anyone you don't have it brothers please give it to all of those keep your hands up please we want everyone to get it keep your hands up one brother work one side one brother work another side kind of kill some time all right there's anybody here want to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and obey God for once stand on your feet one two anyone else three all right Kenneth and Tosh take the brothers get them ready come on brother let's get them ready your brothers follow them brothers follow them take them down the water and the name of the Lord Jesus don't leave the brother behind killer got another one I feel anybody else without baptism you cannot be saved nobody got water right back their clothes also baptize them and put you on the right track start your year off right well I'm gonna turn over a new leaf just keep working on the leaf you got that's all that new leaves don't worry about that work on the leaf you have because I guarantee you there's a whole lot more to it Sunday we're being Philadelphia if you look on a schedule there's only two places that I'll be in January that's it after that January I won't be nowhere else God willing unless an emergency come up and believe me it's gonna have to be an emergency I mean one of them fire burning emergencies something that only I gonna have to deal with otherwise Anette a brotherhood here take it up or we're send some brothers otherwise it that there's only two places I'm gonna be out in January that's it I pray that God will bless us with a steady Minister right out of Newport News I need that I need study ministers and the Newport News areas and I pray that God blessed me with some I don't want one I want some I don't want one now I'd like to have one minister in a place I want more than one that way it kind of keeps things balancing no no one get uplifted you got to share authority then I love to organize a a moderating board that weighted Minister know he got somebody to answer to brother Bernie take your hat off you ain't looking like Clint Eastwood back there doll that hat on thank God all right say you that you that don't have discuss with you get it and you'll see what errors we go and be in Dan make sure you get it one area is already on the television but the other is not so Ron can give that today we do hope you pray for us that God will give us a safe journey into India and Asia I'm thankful for God opening up the doors of Asia but I have a lot of mixed feelings about this trip I really do I have a lot of mixed put in one of the feelings I have this plane is simple I don't want to go you know it's a new area but I really don't I just don't want to go but pray that God would get us in there do his will and then get us out on time I want to be able to get to that plane that's what helped minister nem joseph nem from getting into America those uh he was scheduled to fly out a certain time at the little car prize in broken Burma just that quick until the Ariat guns and everything was down at the airport no one could get on the plane they wouldn't let no one fly in and nobody was flying out he was stuck he had to weak by flying I want to fly out at the time appointed I want the flower we got to run duck and hide for some reason I pray God all the brothers with us survive and be safe I'm not trying to scare you I live a real listing life I don't live a cartoon life no this is real this traveling we do and the things that we face tell you right now it's real I think something that you watch on television this is a real jacket people get in behind you wanna kill you want to cut your head off all right someone said stand and pray all right you stand and pray our running pray know what I mean if you want to stand and pray fine I will not argue with you you prayed that I pray all the way down there and pray I do hope that somewhere in the middle our prayers will meet you know but I'm gonna wash and pray I'm gonna watch yards away don't see the real man of God won't run will you read that where asked you what that scripture what a sketch I ain't never read that I show you the book with men did run and here they Paul was in a basket same apostle deck dead angels to preach and you come from heaven hey power yet I'm in a basket look over heaven and bringing the other gospel yo Paul what Brian I'm in a basket being lured out of a window hiding men's of God hidden caves some things I say me ticking you but brother when something get in behind it's gonna take your life all that laughing goes even if you got feet problems healing will come yes it will I remember when my brother was living brother at work and you wanted to go with me on an overseas trip and he said bro thank God he said man I want to go with you he said but if we gotta run don't leave me I said he's had a bad fit I said you probably beat me at a point before I get there this traveling and facing death it's very real very very real I never know when I'm coming back to first church or have to be shipped back so why some of you look at it from a very easy perspective sometime I often say to Dan I don't believe that some folk really come to grips with what this really consists of who do you know on television preach like this and preach hard and not afraid no people will hear you just because they hate you I mean people by the hundreds who come embrace me because they enjoy the program well just like people embrace you that enjoy they come kill you because they hate it I experienced that a man tried to take my life in Newport News with a hunter's knife try to cut my kind of try to cut my chess opens he didn't come to shave my face you don't see what the hunters knife no I was on my way back to the hotel and I noticed a car kept following me so I've deliberately went away I ain't had to go I deliberately went around certain streets you know solid pull up to the gas station pump my gas fella pulled up open his you know door you took my woman I'm like who me who are you I don't know you you said you passing dinner I said yes you preach against rematching the boss my wife left me I said sir your beef is not with me you'll be pleased with God well he couldn't see God he saw me pumping gas so when he stepped out that car and he kept going up way taller I am looking like he's pushing close to 300 a ball head his head was like a lot Jayant lima bean you know this man three or four or five times my size man I knew my body I don't move body box I come up with that but I got just enough to know Mom my friend me gonna brush off well his I thought his body he'd be like a mosquito bite them and I wasn't going to let him arrest of me I wasn't stupid I was street smart you had a man that size in wrestling you work for total said why run if you got a hummus knife obviously you know how to use it why would I run with leather sole shoes where I'm going to get to bus there pageant he should have prayed you're right but I didn't think of it I don't believe we're trying to project something I'm not I didn't think of it yeah but see when he started talking he was talking to Pastor Jennings but when a hunting knife swung on he swung on Gina can I get a amen yeah yeah this one going Gino jacket back keep it real I wasn't done it no I was I waited on the Lord you know but Gino stepped in you know that front his knife man that blade was yellow and the blade like his body wide as my hand he was swinging all while on our the sound that thing when the first swung past me it whistled at the street I'm like oh oh right then pasta Jennings you ill early nobody's gonna heat it made when setting the costume with it was just Nick and him it was Huntington Park where hours from a Newport News Jack kept it real man don't when he swung the second time I felt all Huntington Park I can tell from my body motion it was number hunt apart I can start about knowing I'm laid off something but something got to give I wasn't the Lord rebuke you know see something for get this over write this way about them think oh I'd never do this I don't get it to that our never do know I'm getting it no I don't do that you know see I ain't gonna tell you you know if you bought my wife I'm just gonna stand there and pray because I I'm not a violent man I'm a very peaceful fellow I don't like violence I don't advocate violence that's why I tried to stop it so when I mean we started swinging on me you know I Bob the wheel but I knew that I couldn't go on with a man I was 300 pounds and he charging at you swinging while we sweet while he would get off balance so didn't have that you street smarts do this off balance to my advantage I had he use his weight against you you know so when he swung and whatnot and I'm ducking I try to just use my speed I just wanted to close his eyes I got it hit do something so I agreed to make some modifications the most prettiest wouldn't tell you that but I will keep it real which either makes it modifications man every time he's swinging it was wild I was on the side of him he swung again all was over Wow today I started getting red I feel like I was hitting the wall swing all while again put your North they're ours clothes and I just stayed on that Blind Side by that time by that time where you don't want the please when you need the police they go around we don't want that right there you know look we speak at that time here you got a crowd of people it was two females inside the gas station in a crowd hey buddy spokes fan out there you know like the turtle I'm not worrying about my face is seen on television I worried about living and that one I just made him more mad he swung wild and got real off-balance and I rolled and stepping back up and guided him why he was bent and just guided with momentum right into the corner the gas pump well all the might I had until that shoulder drop disconnected you can see it just drop that didn't stop and he was like a boo from Mexico I would like this is ridiculous look about that time marry you you huffing and puffing backing up like you rested in the angel so he still made stoppies you know he came out of the game and that's when I concluded somebody gonna have to bring all things to her end and I knew my life was not designed to end at a gas station my life wasn't designed for that no so his shoulder was dislocated and when he started swinging again I forgot what kind of movement I'd done my body but I managed to get in back of him he got a hold of the arm that was dislocated and took all 168 pounds of my weight and dropped it on the back of his elbow until the whole elbow just went up that way by that time the blade hit the ground and so did he and I'm back on the car gets huffy see when adrenaline wear off you tie it oh that drilling ain't kickin you like you come on damn man ya know jack then the police come up traditionally late like the Calvary wouldn't you know they'd recognize who I was fellow walk old please welcome with me please Ashley's different ones question you know the paramedics who want the prior mention it was so funny the paramedics thought that the guy was in a car accident paramedics you know what happened you know the folks coming round with this that this is a definite happens Paris attacks me he's like you did I say yeah he looked at me he said but he's a big me you I said yeah I know that he said you did that I say yeah man want to kill me what you think I'm gonna do he said man police come up or the state men now the police recognize who I was he said aren't you faster jealous see what I did I got shame our like yeah our dog out like a little boy all right and then the police is like this what I'm talking about give your life for the sergeant's like what look we can have to take the statement where you stand I say hey I'm right over there man he said well hey give us your room what now we gonna stop by so they stopped doing but moving we talked you see you're gonna press charges I said no he said what I saying oppressed as Jarvis man they got his beef really wasn't with me per se his beat was with this he said you can press those travelers at 9:00 I'll press my charming soon to jail whoa you know perhaps he'd get his life straight you're something go no just like wow wow he's a good man whatever called my wife she said hey hey hey she said how it serves I said well you know we had a good time I I didn't tell her I didn't tell her what happened to like a long wow I guess told I said well you know sometime you gotta fight the devil girl it wouldn't do no good to tone it if I were a torta what happened all I would've hurt was Jesus oh my god oh I'm glad I was alone because if my wife and family was there that wouldn't put me in a crazy position because they hey he could he could attack my wife he could attack my children then somebody really would've got hurt they wouldn't put me in a very awkward position I'm glad that brothers of the security wasn't there because then it really would have been a a very interesting beatdown like Rodney King so I mean if one person jump on me I can handle myself now if the gang government jump on me don't stand back and tell me to endure you do something passes did it be an example I know you hear college it is an example he suffered no you don't help me you go something y'all be prayer for one for another please pray for us as we travel from place to place people I'm telling you Burma will be the most dangerous country we would have ventured in thus far going in is one thing coming out that's the task this is the most tedious place I would have ever been I have never been to a place where going out is difficult coming out of Burma will be difficult only way I don't be difficult God somehow by his great power make everything to be smooth but and I pray that's exactly how things go we don't know how the phone lines are over there we may not even be able to call anyone about nothing I mean I even be able to call home because the places we go to in the world sometimes do not have the finest hotels some places we stand there are no hotel there's no phones in the hotel's period nothing there's no hotels there's no room service there's insect infested beds ain't always no luck Jim when I was instantly on I stayed that uh supposed to be I think a three or four star hotel when I got there there was no stars on the hotel not no bear it was covered in ants and I didn't know what I got in it start scratching man you thought I was a dog with fleas my jumped up looked at my hair board and it's just covering the wall March it turn the shower on and take the shower your water come out Brown tell you ain't fun man it is not fun when I wasn't silly on brother almost broke down crying several times sitting in my hotel room hours and I was there for so long our eyes several times I almost cried actually almost crying I did not want to be there I started hating the place I did not want to be there there was nothing to eat nothing nothing me eat your water was brown it was four hours going just to preach them for hours coming back when you got off the truck he was covered in red dust from a red clay dirt road it was exhausting yeah we got to go back again this time to about three or four countries in about two weeks said early on Nigeria Liberia and thank God all areas so it's a lot of work brothers you must work from the heart don't be afraid to work don't be afraid to sacrifice anyway you can be a help to the church do it to the best of your ability anyway you don't tell fast engines to get rest if you're problematic can't happen be cooperative one to the other trivial matters please straighten out among yourselves little gripes and stuff straighten out among yourselves don't call me don't run to me for every little thing you've got to argue with a brother you send up with the brother don't call me you got a conversation with the sisters you settle between you and her along like the book says settle the matter you know let onine be peaceful let it be peaceful and restful if you don't rest let me get some keep me up because you understand to our menaces we thank you for laboring faithfully the cooperation that you strive to have among themselves be faithful be humble strive to line one another brothers and subs in two different temples that may not understand the brothers - please don't lay with them and think they got something against you because something may be taught they hit you the Word of God hit all of us it hits me but we have to strive to live by it and try to what grow by the Saints alright we're gonna grow to let you get out of here and we love all of you we thank God for all of you doesn't made it out we know you tired about your be alright I'm more tired than you are I may hate you wouldn't even be going home now a normally widget you'll be up partying and drinking I mean he sneaked into a party after the night having a service you going to party after all this message you can still going apart you're going to play with the devil still you still with the play with the devil now you don't want to go party back now you don't want to do that partying God don't mix no partying God don't mix brother you got to want to change from that lifestyle that lifestyle to care I mean it will kill you put you in a pine box when next time you wake up you standing before you judge God Himself no skip your party you may live longer go there may in your life let's get ourselves back home and get home safely all right earnest Austin eternal everlasting God in the name of the Lord Jesus we thank you for your divine wisdom perfect understanding of all things we thank you for your mercy unto us what divisions you have made for us thank you for watching over us and guiding us bringing us from one year to another you alone is worthy of all praise your alone is worthy of all honor help us as we strive to submit ourselves to you will anything that face us if it's not your will to move it then give us the strength and the patience to endure it let it not take us over then it calls us to depart from your divine wisdoms help us to fight the good fight of faith but the Word of God contained to prick the heart of the viewers around the world the work continues to grow in number keep us as a people and make us as a family but the love may be genuine from the heart without any partiality it was all a safe journey back to our separate places supply way we need build us up we're we're torn down and strengthless where we weak men whatever's broken give healing to gold in a sick lessons we axe and the name of the Lord Jesus brothers and sisters save me brother bill right real quick they've got anyway
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 78,247
Rating: 4.8196077 out of 5
Keywords: Holy, Holiness, TOG, First Church, Truth of God, Religion, Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings
Id: EVDq3b8rkdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 49sec (9829 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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