Truth of God Broadcast 1212-1213 Dover DE Pastor Gino Jennings HD Raw Footage!

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and at this time I like to bring to you a leader I got past Gino Jennings greetings brothers and sisters friends and enemies we bear witness there is no god but one there is no God with him there is no God besides him there is no God greater than him there is no God equal to him he's God alone he's the God of all holy prophets he's the God of all holy apostles to our beloved ministers that are here brother minister Craig who's the minister of the Delmar Delaware temple brother minister web of Baltimore temple brother Minister Fletcher of the Portsmouth temple for the minister right of Newport News to all of our guests that are here it is a blessing to be here in your wicked city of Dover Delaware our purpose of being here is to call your attention to the Bible I hope you didn't get a fin it because I call your City wicked you know it's wicked it's nothing holy about Dover in fact the whole state of Delaware is wicked just like all of America the only thing that have America still existing is because the mercy of God exists and there are some righteous people in the country and God will not destroy the country as long as the righteous and the holy is here in this country just like he would not destroy the old world while Noah was still existing thank God but when God instructed Noah - Billa art for the saving of his house and when Noah and the righteous folks were rescued God decided to destroy the world so dov'รจ our purpose of being here is to call your attention to what your churches won't do tell you what the Bible says it doesn't matter because you go to a building called Church that don't mean nothing today churches have become the biggest clubs in the world you know it just look at your church you smoke and you still remember you drank your beer and whiskey and you still remember you got a second wife or your second husband but you still a faithful member you're homosexual mm-hmm and you still a member some of you are racist bigots still a member politics have taken over churches more than the Bible Hollywood have taken over the churches more than the Bible the entertainment industry have taken over church more than the Bible my job given to me from your Lord that made heavens and earth is to call the entire world attention back to the Bible I don't travel to make friends I don't travel and get paid I don't get a speaker's often because nobody ain't gonna want to give you money for breaking up their home breaking up their church breaking up their relationship breaking up their fake marriage nobody want to give you an offering when you preach against wrong like the little spoiled brat that's raised by incompetent parents incompetent parents let their children do every rotten thing they want to do no discipline no order no instructions no chastisement no rules y'all can go out and come back three days later parents don't care they too drunk to care too much liquor too much dope mother don't know where her daughter is because the mother don't know where she is father don't know where do i fenced cuz the father don't know where he is pre she don't care where his wife this because he got another one into Woodworks anyway are you listening to the old troublemaker the Lord is patient is he not only the reason why you're still breathing it ain't because you're safe it ain't because you believe you cute what a cheap excuse is that it ain't because you got money it ain't because you think you God gift to women the only reason why you still live in is because the Lord of creation is just lending you time time you have but just lent to you here soon such a heart down he assumes snatch your breath and leave your eyes open and you send darkness he will soon make your mouth come open with no breath and you made mine everybody that's one thing I love about a real God everybody got an appointment with him your preacher that run around the church with his hands over his ears and speaking a tongue whenever he feel like it your preacher that tell you when I count to three you gone speaking tongue one two three you jump up like a bunch of Thanksgiving Turkish and speaking some feet tongue because some cheap preacher told you to do it you bear mine black white brown yellow red rich poor you gonna stand before God you've got a date with them pastor Janet I don't believe us no God we've still got a date with him you may not believe that your house is on fire when it's burning be a fool and stay in there once that fiery hit your britches I don't care how tough you are I guaranteed them corduroys gonna make so much friction where you run out of that what caused us to travel around the world and then come to a small city like Dover because Dover if it's just one person in this city that wants to get right if it's just one of you then it's worthless coming here if it's just one now I know many of you are Baptists Methodist Presbyterian Lutheran Pentecostal United Pentecostal P aw Jehovah Witness Mormon Muslim apostolic you're some of everything like open buffet chicken pork chop turkey smoked pork chopped liver chicken wings grilled chicken broth chicken you got to open buffet I want everybody in the world to hear and understand God purpose for everybody to be the same thing when Jesus walked this earth he chose 12 men and made them twelve apostels and the 12 apostles did not start 12 different religions you should not have all these religions in one city you're supposed to be the children of God and that meant you supposed to be what God is it ain't no such thing you have your religion I have mine we are the same don't be a fool Jesus taught to be holy I don't read where Jesus was a Baptist so why are you I don't read where Jesus was a Catholic who are you I want to soak you a little you can shout next year I don't read where Jesus went around knock on folks doors with a comic book and time out Jehovah Witness is why are you I don't read what Jesus said he was Pentecostal do you what are you bragging about it for I want to take you back the Bible I don't read where Jesus said he was apostolic so why are you bragging you are mm-hmm I didn't read where Jesus said he was a Muslim why are you I don't read where Jesus said it was a Mormon why are you in a Mormon Church see you go to church but you don't think you too busy going to church to get hype and some fraud getting the pulpit and tell you look to your right look to your right look to your right and touch the neighbor and say neighbor you our is just now look to your left look to your left look to your left neighbor your our is just now leave your neighbors alone and look at yourself ladies and gentlemen brothers in such as of Dover Delaware if the Lord came right now will you be safe with your religion put of your religion to the test tonight we're live all over the world tonight we're live out of Dover Delaware if the Lord came tonight will you be seized by your religion well pastor Jenna's my religion is Christianity that's nice did Jesus tell you he started a religion called Christianity oh I know that just shocked a whole out of you if anyone need water let the ushers know they may need some me some water and Tylenol do you know there's not a religion in the Bible called Christianity the word christen is in the Bible the Bible says there was first called Christians at Antioch a Christian is someone that lives a life like Christ that's a person Christianity is the name of a religion go to your Bible you hear me tell you over television come on back to Bible come on back to Bible you whitney's churches and jumped and shout and you're the mistake you made you just took what men told you and ran away with it you said amen to preachers you gave preachers money you helped them build churches you help them build schools you encouraged your mothers and fathers and sons and daughters and grandparents to join your church now I'm here in person to challenge your church and your pastor I'm here in person I'm in person challenge your religion you pastor and your beliefs any wise woman that go shopping for any type of home appliance do not let the sells men give her a quick sales pitch so she can sign an agreement a wise woman wants to know she's getting her money worth so regardless of how fast he tried to talk he's like we were meeting what did that mean what do that mean if she gotta take out a magnifying glass and look at the small print why she wants to be sure she's not getting duped she's not getting kind she's not getting bamboozled if an intelligent wise woman is like this with home appliances why are you not that particular about your soul you go to church you don't ask questions the preacher get up and he got his sermon written out and you say he preached he preached he talked a man is not preaching if he's not preaching the Word of God and a real preacher don't have to write a sermon because it's already written in that book I never been to Bible School never had a Bible course since I've been black and last time I checked and changing colors I was made a preacher by the best teacher my teacher is the lord of creation-- and the lord of creation-- have never sent men to give their opinion their personal views their personal idea the job of the preacher is the pointer to the book why are you going the churches where the preacher points you to history theology renowned great men as the fig greater than God you don't ask questions but you shout you don't ask questions but you run around the church like you're in the indiana 500 you don't ask questions but you look at a fake prayer line where the preacher take people and push them on the floor you don't ask questions you go along to get along and assume that the conduct of the churches are biblical so then the preacher says when you do ask questions don't question God tell them you ain't God you took my tithe and took my offering and you won't tell me I can't question your teaching when you in school do you question your teachers then why you don't question the man in church he got on his big baggy robe like a trash man you think he's biblically inclined because he ever PhD and a DD in the lld school don't make preachers scroll make students preaching is a divine act of God and just like God inspired men to write the book the same spirit have to get a man to preach the book are you listening if God inspired mental right then the same spirit gotta get a man to interpret breakdown analyze explain what is written Word of God said whatsoever things were written aforetime it's written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope that's why you hear me over the air telling the world leave these churches oh and the people they hit me too and they're coming from all around the world we was in Augusta Georgia about two weeks ago 56 went down in order and the name of Jesus Christ before then we were in Sacramento California a hundred and two went down and the name of Jesus Christ before then we were in Houston Texas a hundred and fifty-six went down in the name of Jesus Christ why is it that people are cooperating and coming out of the churches black white yellow brown ray I don't care about the color of your skin you have a God that you go and stand before he ain't a white guardian a black God is just God and when you die ain't no white worms and ain't no black worms it's just worms is yes worms and they waiting on everybody in here are you listen to the old troublemaker whatsoever things were written let's go there I want everybody to follow me in your Bible everybody I wanna greet all our view was there throughout California California I'll be back there God willing 2019 so you look out for our arrival I want to say too I believe Green Bay Wisconsin and Milwaukee look out for our rival God willing this summer we're looking a step there also and Bridgeport Connecticut we're looking at going Connecticut we've been dropping it from the air it's time for them to get shot from the ground out hey man we got a new program down near Miami we just want to stir up all of Miami real good and God willing we'll be coming in Miami to knock everything in town clean over that way with a smoke layer only Jesus is left standing Amen you better sin mind you that's in Canada we're looking God willing and then I believe in the summer we should be over there and Montreal God be our helper there in Canada all right let's go to work in the Bible I want everybody to follow me you guys here in Dover Delaware don't get upset and leave now because you're the host and I'm the guest you live here I'm just passing through doing the drive-by shooting Authority god I'm doing a drive-by shooting and all my bullets say the same thing scripture scripture scripture scripture scripture scripture and some time I gotta unload Scripture just I gotta it strip chat ah that's when I say a false prophet get up some chatter Loretta God ah let's go to work in the Bible in the book of Romans chapter 15 and we're at verse 4 follow me in your Bible brothers and sisters god bless your heart Romans the 15th chapter beginning at verse 1 verse 1 all right within that are strong within an Australia the infirmities of the weak now weak preachers weak leaders produce a weak people that's right the reason why so many people around the world complain about pastors dinner they say he sound me he don't preach with love you take a inexperienced young parent who don't have what it the necessary skill how to properly raise children and implement discipline well that child may not have to wash his hands and they will go in the refrigerator at will and run across the couch with his shoes on hit mommy back hit daddy back there think it's cute oh that little boy little girl go to Grandma and Grandpa house where there's order grandma and grandpa's hat wash your hands they don't even have to talk much grandma just look at him alright did he get that same look he understand well I'm like grandma grandpa wherever in the preachers in the pulpit today is like the young inexperienced generation he's afraid to offend you that's right so this is why he invite in this church so called Christian comedians you got to be a fool and a good fool if you think comedy a Christian comedian represent the book then the apostle's and Jesus sponsor Christian comedy clubs so this is what the modern churches say well we have to resort to these methods in order to bring in the young people we have to give the young people what they want so if the young people say let's have raffle tickets they have the preachers don't say nothing unless you do it and see if the young people say hey pastor can we have a fashion show why go ahead that's right yong-seok all save girls that come out with the skirt this big in the blouse that big half-naked showing their body all interesting appreciate go see nothing because he's gonna be out there looking at your daughter - oh yes they were half so called praise dancers where they move all the chairs in the podium from the pulpit and turn it to an entertainment stage and have music playing over the speakers of some sinner so-called Christian group singing and they all dancing to it and they say that's praise dancer that's nothing but a bunch of sinners Lord says my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people the church supposed to be a sacred place so how is it you gamble smoke sell raffle tickets play the lottery have a church dance in the fellowship hall report of the church out to the neighborhood community so they can play get bingo and have Christmas trees in your churches he told you what his house should be that's right he said my house shall be called a house of prayer for all the people all right what did he say we've been that Ostrow it then there are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves and not what not to please ourselves we have a message that God call holy holy passage everything no no don't blame it on pastor Janice God call it holy that's right and God said for us not to please ourselves our sails now where you're not holy when you're not holy where you don't have holy teaching where you're not in the Holy Church and you don't have a holy preacher and you don't believe in the holy book yes and no one is standing for the Holy Word then you got to have a church full of sinners that's right pull that out pull that out and put it to the front there just just pull it out slide it on out brother slide it out it's not it right there right there just right there is good enough this is in some of y'all church that's right thank God for television this is in some of y'all church this is in some of your homes right now your pastor is telling you Jesus birthday is coming on the 25th your pastor is a liar by boy never said Jesus was born December 25th not only is your pastor a liar your momma that's right we talked about my mama your mama your daddy children there is no Santa Claus your mama or your daddy bought them presents there is no Santa Claus they no man for 500 pounds coming down your chimney and live and talk about it not today stop lying this is heathen this of hedonism this is paganism they say got nothing to do with God that's right that's right right amen Tim chapter book of jeremiah real quick let me read it jeremiah 10 we'll start at verse 1 come on here you the word which the lord speaketh unto you o house of israel hear ye the word of the lord that's coming to you now dover delaware and the world thus saith the lord i'll say FG no Jenna thus saith the Lord you hear this now your son to be a hypocrite to go back to your church tomorrow you've got to be a child of hell that's when you go back home tonight when you look at when you drive up to your house and see it all lit up and that fake manger got down their head tell me who that little dirty ugly baby you got on your lawn who's that dirty ugly plastic baby that's right you got on your lawn amen and on your church ground even now you may be ignorant but do you know where you got a baby and you claim as Jesus you blaspheme that's right because Jesus Christ is God and God said make no image of me who told you she does blaspheme why is it passage in this God ain't no baby when Jesus walked this earth he ain't still no baby who told you he had blond hair blue eyes and white skin who told you he was light-skinned or brown skinned with dreadlocks you already never met him that's right he ain't walking the streets of Delaware who told you he had curly locks who told you he had a little pudgy toes amen who told you that he had a little ol fat knees who told you he had plaques in his hair you bunch of heathens hear you the word bunch of Dover Delaware heathens and when you go back home you take that mange and collect it and put it in a plastic bag and set it out on trash day well pastor Jenna that's the Christian thing that's paganism man idolatry yeah who told you Mary look like that who told you Joseph look like that that's right I want you to get the old troublemaker I want to bring you back the Bible and get you away from these foolish church traditions that's right everybody go hungry all year then the church get a spell from hell and want to give out turkeys and December hungry all year long all year long folks is hungry and then it just get a spell from hell and all of a sudden wanna get involve in a community a bunch of heathens amen Jesus stayed involved you folks ain't used to this kind of preaching they used to Joel all Steve smelling all day long I see my son and he bring their glass of water I just think how fortunate that's what he does you listen to Joel Osteen TD jakes Fred price creflo dollar you people don't read the Bible every man of God and the Bible spoke out against the ills of society and spoke out against sin these men you watch on television that you fall in love with don't mention sin don't speak against sin only one message they got and it didn't come from God it came from the devil and a sensitive round money and I realize that only Africa will come before the people and say God says for you to bless me with a jet and you just go and suck us fall for it let passage in and say the Lord says he need a jet somebody will probably send me a model and they won't even have all the pieces how is it that society you see I am I'm from the hood like brother Chris I'm from the hood interview from the hood you know a hustle when you see it oh yes how is it that many of you people so educated you are so educated you can't see a racket Church is the biggest racket in the world and the reason why you cannot see the racket going on in your church you don't know the Bible that devil winning trust business that's why you got all these religions in the world the Devils and trust business tomorrow you were in a Christian home and you got a bar or Christian home with a six-pack of beer a Christian home and you smoke cigarettes a Christian home smoking pipes yes a Christian home and you got the symbol of a heathen amen finish up Jeremiah here you the word which the Lord speaketh unto you o house of Israel what did God tell us thus saith the Lord I want you to judge yourself tonight Delaware does that the Lord learn not the way of the heathen what learn not the way of the heathen I want you to judge yourself and ask yourself are you are heathen tonight amen heathen heathen not a Christian are hatin that's right yeah heathen not a Christian Oh heathen even I want to emphasize on the H that's right I want you to I want you to get the breeze Bible says Jesus breathed on them meet judge yourself now judge yourself all of you that said Jesus was born December 25th you lied on the Son of Man that's right you lied on the Messiah you lied on Christ will you go to a church and your priests you gotta preach a sermon you got our heathen form-master in fact if any of you here are pastors here in Dover Delaware and that's what you told the people use the heater that's a he use a Pentecostal or apostolic or Baptist or non-denominational or Lutheran or Mormon Ethan are you listen to the old troublemaker thus saith the lord be not dismayed at the signs of my for the heathen are dismayed at them rita dover delaware what the heathens do here for the customs of the people are vain anything as vain is no good what do they do son for one cut us a tree out of the four Oh cut it you ain't gotta cut it now they cut it for yourself to you that's right they cut the tree I had to force what they knew son the work of the hands of the workman with the end what they knew they deck it was like with silver and with gold Jack thank you and what God called them that do this learn not the way of the heathen and what do the heathen do to the tree they deck it with silver and with gold right there the old mother father son daughter all happy rude off the fool Nosed Reindeer he never had a shiny nose you sing a lie just like you tell when you're lying that's a lie you light you thought you weren't a Christian didn't you mm-hmm were Christian means being like Christ that's right what do Christ and Christmas got in common nothing because Christ is not a heathen that's right he ain't never left for record when his birthday was no never customs other people are gonna give me the first chapter book of Luke let's see what month did Gabriel came to him Harry that's right that's right in the book of Saint Luke chapter one follow me and we'll start reading at verse 26 no click and in the sixth month when a six month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin exposed to a man whose name was juice Gabriel came to Mary in the sixth month the six month so that means she conceived in the sixth month that's right with the English calendar the six month will be June that's right June June July August September October November December January March February March you still don't have a whole different season coming that's right that's right they don't care no six month in the sixth month the angel the angel Gabriel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth six months and the six month eCampus that's right it didn't even give the date of the sixth month of the conception no it just said the six months that's right that's a bunch of heathens amen now go home to your lighted up house go home to your light-up house amen because when you leave tonight you know you were healing and not a Christian that's right passage in is I'm a Christian I don't care what you say give chapter and verse again Jeremiah wait a minute where Jeremiah no chinnan's Jeremiah G no Kenneth Jeremiah jindo jenna's Jeremiah I didn't call you a heathen Jeremiah that's right the Prophet Jeremiah hear you the word which the Lord the Lord said you Jeremiah you got Santa yeah if you listen at what they say about Santa they put them in competition with God mister you of course according to the Bible God know what you're thinking that's right it is God that know whether you've been bad or good and it is god that's everywhere yeah God didn't make reindeer to fly no Santa is everywhere in one night he's everywhere a bunch of lying heathen say men if there was a man named Scrooge here at the right spirit until three Devils Kansas when the three Devils came to him he got nice too if there was if there was a real Scrooge he was all right well he was against Christmas yeah I got to show you what happened to you when you go through these churches and they got Christmas wreaths on the door Christmas wreaths all on your house and you talk about a Christian family you are bunch of heathens the syllable speaks plain you're lying Dover Delaware heathens thus saith the Lord amen learn not the way of the heebie what the heaters do I'd be not dismayed at the size of heaven for the heathen are dismayed out there what do they heaters do for the customs of the people are they aah you may as well go take your stuff back the best buy let's just take your stuff back the best buy RadioShack Walmart and Target and Kohl's and Macy's and JC with her pennies may as well take your gift cards back yeah yeah heathen amen you a bunch of heathens that's right when you holy you don't give gifts to celebrate a lie you don't accept gifts you don't have you don't participate in Christmas parties on your job you don't even bake nothing for the party on the job that's right anything that endorsed Christmas God's people take a Bible stand because we refuse to be eaten amen but you look at Joel Osteen and TD jakes they have all the Squires on television singing Christmas carols yeah bunch of heathens that's right i'ma point you to the Bible hmm i'ma point you to the Bible if you don't want the Bible stop telling people you were Christians see the people want the parts of the Bible that don't hurt him Lord of my shepherd I shall not warning daniel in the lion's den and meshach Shadrach and Abednego I don't hurt you John the Baptist was in Jordan baptizing people now to hurt you know preachers that tell you that all day because he know that stuff don't touch your sin that's right you were sitting there with your second wife from blow kisses Atta why he talked about meshach Shadrach and Abednego he meant they're not the way of the heathen for the customs of the people are they what you done was vain I come here to ruin your Christmas humbug they're gonna ruin it you stop using yeah you come on you love your children if you love your children tell them the truth why would you take them down to a mall to sit on the lap of a pervert that's right you got your daughter standing between the legs of a man you don't even know yeah you got your son sitting on the lap or some old pervert that's right what's the matter with you you supposed to be a protector for your children are you listen to the old troublemaker for the customs of the people or vain Hey for one cut us a tree out of the forest look at that tree and think of what's in your house amen yeah he left your house all them like still blinking yeah heathen that's right you're thinking about it while we're preaching yeah heathen man what is that for the customs of the people are being you thought you did something some of these food people got try to compete with each other in neighborhoods they really got they don't got lights on the doorknob lights all on the roof likes trimming the shape of the windows like trimming the shape of the house like a bunch of trash all on the on the house all lit up and then want everybody to pray that God would give them a miracle blessing to pay the light bill that's right he'll even heathen Hey amen hey man this is a soul stirring message I want to call you back to Bible that's right across the church got away from the Bible and God made me deal with things to pull you back to the Bible amen no need to shout with no need jumping only falling out come on back to Bible so you can be sure that you on the right journey to the kingdom of God that's right and ain't no such thing you gone to heaven anyway nobody's going to heaven anyway it ain't nobody gonna step a foot in the kingdom unless you come on the Bible order that God left that's right if God say stop you go and stop if God say go you're gonna go oh yes if God say he's won everybody got to say he's won that's right that's right if God didn't say the Trinity and if you said Amen if God did say he's white shut your white mouse up yeah if God didn't say he's black close your black lips up that's right whatever God said that's it if God didn't say be sprinkle your Maslow closed down your upright toilet bowl if God never said join the church doing in no church that's right and God didn't say he's a Baptist you might as well stop claiming it that's right that's right if you really mean to go back with Jesus then come on and respect the Bible that you claim you believe in amen learn not the way of the heathen for the customs of the people are very quick to one colorful tree out of the farm and what they do the work of the hands of the workman with the a jacket they deck it with silver and with gold they fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move now they analyze that thing to doctor yeah sometime mother and father just sitting room and drinking coffee looking at the tree admiring it idolizing it yeah just looking at they deck it with silver and with gold they fastened with nails and with hammers that had moved up they are upright as the palm tree but speak not ah it must needs be born because they cannot go all right let's go back to the book of Romans if I'm correct back in Romans 15 in that verse 1 be quick within that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves yes that every one of us please his neighbor I write for it's good to edification for even Christ please not himself what even Christ please not himself well that let me know Christ is opposite from what's going on now what Christ stood for and what the churches are standing for is not the same thing there's a separation between the world and church that's right it should not be a democrat or republican coming in a church running for office that's right pulpit is supposed to be for the word be preached amen now for somebody to run for political position and that he may put the flesh listen at this in Leviticus 1010 that she may put there for this mean holy day holy and unholy how in the world cannot vote for a democrat or republican when your agenda is not the same agenda as the book amen I can't strengthen the hand of the evil door no no I can't strip to the hand of the evildoer amen look at the wicked president now Trump Trump full of the devil anybody that say he's not wicked you're a wicked yeah that's right that's right and it would be preacher right me Trump believe in God because someone mentioned the word God I don't mean they believed him no for jesus said if you believe you will keep his Commandments right he commanded for you to have one wife Trump got about three or four and don't believe it no Bible no you don't believe it no Bible you don't give two cents about the Bible that's right that's right even a sinner knows that a sinner can be drunk I know it but these artificial Christians and then that's why they hate us because I believe in standing up you know when you're not on a payroll and you wasn't elected as a preacher man you can preach free amen these preachers can't preach free because the Board of Directors gonna start attracting some dimes and dollars from that paycheck I'm pay us coming who's gonna give it to you Jesus go and do it that's right and it won't be dollars and cents Bible said they're laid up for me enough for me only but for all them that loves appearance a crown of life amen all right and that's he may put difference between holy and back in the book of Romans I'm back at Romans 15 we're at verse 3 yeah for even Christ please not himself man but as it is rich added a directive of approaches of them that reproached thee fell on me yeah for whatsoever things were written a for - alright Delaware get this now what soak you real good case you don't come back tomorrow that's right the Bible says for whatsoever things were written or what hang was made up were written aforetime know what sum of things was suggested whatsoever things were written of whatsoever things in the preacher's opinion whatsoever things were written aforetime your belief your religion is it written Richard you can slide that heathen back that's right slide it back fluttered back I want to all you that are watching you do this - [Music] gone whatsoever things were written aforetime was written for what were written for our learning where did it come from that we work that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures where did it come from we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures it came from laughs of the scriptures what did you believe come from hmm scriptures if you got a belief and you may find in the library or some famous person believe it but is not in the scriptures scriptures why are you so loyal to it that's right why are we afraid to find out we rely - that's right you really tell me you work for a company and you loyal and you don't want to be sure they paying you right I mean you don't want to be sure they are paying you right I mean they telling you they gonna give you all these benefits you're not gonna do no type of background to check to make sure they're not just talking to sound good that's right you're just gonna take it face value where you know your family depend on this income of your bread and your water and your bills you won't let them give you a song and a dance and just take it face value if you guys do not a food you know you won't do that that's right why are you afraid to check up on your teachings then you go to churches they got a cross on the wall and the image on it and you said that's Jesus when did Jesus pose for that oh yeah who told you that was Jesus that's right don't you know idolatry is a sin that's right you got pictures all around your house both of you Jesus who's that that's not Jesus who is it somebody from the Bee Gees one of the Beach Boys a reggae performer John Lennon maybe maybe it's one of the Beatles it's not Jesus God speak all these words who told you Jesus look like this I want you to think of the lies you got in your house that's right some of you got a picture of President Kennedy Barack and a little white Jesus yeah and some of you got a picture of Kennedy or Barack or Martin Luther King and the little gingerbread color Jesus yeah yeah bunch of haters you are heathens that's right God is not mocked no all of images in your house you should not be battling in front of no image patio head and both side of the Oh chess may your gut Jesus thing taught you to do that foolishness no Hail Mary the mother of God Oh you's a liar that's a lie Mary ain't never been God's mother right don't you know to be the mother of somebody you got to exist before that one yeah the mother got to be here before the God God don't have no month with el father notice the book of Hebrews let's see what God testified about himself Hebrews chapter seven and we're adverse I want you to get this heathens heathens heathens heathens heathens hey man get this hebrews chapter seven and we're at verse three what else without father without mother wait a minute God don't have no father because he is the father that's right he don't have no mother passage in is didn't marry birth Jesus yes or D she birthed God no no one day she brought gold passage it is give me the book of John chapter fall on chapter four in that verse 25 tell you why she didn't birth God God is a spirit God is what God is a spirit God is a spirit marrying birth no spirit no marry birth flesh and blood that's right and the Spirit of God was in that flesh and blood and the flesh and blood had a birthday and the birthday of the flesh and blood was the arrival of the Son of God God was in that son sir that's right that's like God is in me amen God is not me no God is in me that's it that's it are you listening without father guardian got no father called a spirit God Himself is the father amen I asked without mother all of you that says Mary's a mother of God you lied on Mary you gave her too much credit I should gonna be the mother of the corrida are you dad ignorant amen how I want you pricky to get this now come on precious preachers yeah how can Mary be the mother of the creator of the universe Mary was the mother of the Messiah that's right Mary was the mother of the Son of God Mary was a mother or the only begotten of the Father and within that body that God forgot God was there I was there that's what the Bible says to it God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto himself yes like God was in that body that Mary birth God is in the body now we're just a church that's right hey that's right oh it's a god what did is that without father without father without mother without mother without the sin look at the spirit ain't got no dissent the spirit ain't got no relatives having neither beginning of days you ain't got no beginning you always want nor end of life you ain't got no end of life you always will be that's God that's God that's right that's God I said amen whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that what that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures I have what might have hope your religion do you have hope with God with your religion that's right do that claim you a Christian tonight hmm and say you're born again yes the way you've been born again you got scriptural hope that's right that's right the way you've been bought did you hear what he just read that we've got ms romans 15 and we're at verse 4 that way through patient to patient comfort and comfort of the Scriptures of the Scriptures might have hope the way you're born again tonight your new birth do you have spiritual hope that is right that's right that's right you a scriptural hope amen that is right you bow your head or raise your hands do you have scripture for that that's right you see how quiet is Amen oh I want you to think real good oh yes that we through patience patience and be patient don't get in a hurry be patient issues and comfort of the Scriptures I have what might have hope the way you say you born again tonight there's an accord into Scripture and does it give you hope that you can get in the kingdom with it that's right that's right you bow your head or raise your hands can you get this in the came of God with it that's right your preacher saying anybody went to church home I give you a home come up a hold up Rica's hand here give you a sinner's prayer now you come up in the churches here in Dover Delaware and help the hand of some preacher and the preacher said repeat after me Lord Jesus I'm a sinner wash me cleanse me make me white as snow he said you're safe you old liar amen go to the Bible did Jesus tell you to hold the preachers hand and say a sinner's prayer talk back to me you that did it why are you still bragging you a Christian that's right where is your spiritual Hoku tonight that's right dude I saw some fake preacher on television and he told you you can be saved right now your living room right now in your living room you can be saved tonight just put your hand on a television we can touch and agree we can touch and agree now you touched the television and you repeated some sinner's prayer and the preacher said you saved my friend you my friend now if this telecasts have helped you just send me a love offering from soap so some see my friends that's right and I've been telling you for years over television when these television TV pulpit bums beg you to sow seed go to Home Depot go to Lowe's go in the flower section buy some seeds and Senate on don't say no money no send them a pack of seeds that's right playing a sinner's prayer is a fraud all of you that done it you're still a sinner ain't none of you been saved that done it no I'm challenging how you claim your save that's right I'm challenging the entire state of Delaware who claimed their seed and I can't find it in the Bible if Jesus never told you to pray a sinner's prayer why are you doing it and why are you so loyal to it now why are you getting upset with me because I can't find it in the Bible you know one done it should you bear to find honey okay you upset with me but you the one done Oh to tell me I'm not safe give me your Bible or you got to do is find your salvation in here go to the scripture that's right Jesus says such to search the scriptures search the sessions search searches see do you have eternal life subject search the scriptures this is no game subject that's right you bow your head and raise your hands and say to accept Christ then search that Bible that you got in your lap tonight and show me just one person one that done it go ahead and I do it that's right search it search the Scriptures search it don't be scared you want to scale when you came up to that preacher only his old dirty hands you want to scare when you've done it that's right you cry to your mascara ran from your eyes to your lips lipstick off smudge it now I'm telling you you claim you're Christian and here I come along telling you to go to the Bible go to the Bible find your salvation in the Bible that's right you get mad at me it proves you ain't got confidence that what you got that's right you save show me anybody that bow their head and raise their hands and accept Christ as their personal Savior church jesus said do what search the Scriptures chapter verse in st. John chapter five and add verse 30 no better obey this search the Scriptures search I said I'm asking you to do search the script you have value here to raise your hand what did God say search the scriptures start flipping them pages that's right you can't find the night while you're here finally you go home and come back tomorrow that way you can stay home all night and look and show me one person that's right that bowed ahead and raise a hand show me one person that held the preachers hand and pray the sinner's prayer show me one person say got baptized and was sprinkled by a brief that's right show me one person where they got saved by joining a church show me one person what Jesus said his apostle said I'll open the church doors and give you a home show me one person where the Bible taught the preacher to tell you to take a piece of paper and trace your hand and then cut it out and Senator show me search the scriptures why shall we search the Scriptures for in them you think wait in them you do what in them you think you have eternal life o you thank you getting there don't you that's right that's right you think you getting there don't you amen black white brown yellow red it ain't a person in the Bible that got this man may fictitious hellish form of salvation that's right it's been lied to for years until you that's scary Baptist a Baptist Christian a Methodist Christian a policin Christian a Catholic Christian or non-denominational Christian I have a solid Christian but how many ways you claim you as a Christian and how many ways you got born again that's right that's right well Patridge it as I heard you say on television you gotta be baptized the thief wasn't baptized mr. know-it-all what'd you say about that give me the thief for the thieves yeah in the book of st. Luke cuz you got these out here that loved a thief yeah what do you mean planted you they tryin to steal a fake foundation fake a Salvation and get in that's right they said that the thief went to heaven thief they go nowhere you liar listen that the thief didn't even ask to take him to heaven no no we did your read it wrong that's right follow me in your Bible in the book of st. Luke chapter 23 and read verse 39 I want to take my time and teach you amen you see a lot of you used to going to church and someone Plato organ and appreci just make a bunch of noise like he's in an auction place organ play behind him he's breathing you understand that shut up gods Treach supposed to be a institution of learning you supposed to learn about the God that made you yeah you cannot serve Him if you don't know him that's right that's right before you can serve Him you got to be taught of him amen otherwise Annette you go through rituals and make noise I'm out the smash all man-made religion and I'm out the crush the tradition of men that's right that's right follow me in your Bible st. Luke chapter 23 and read verse 39 what is it and one of the male factors which were hanged railed on him one of the male factor which hang railed on Jesus saying if thou be Christ save thyself you can save yourself and us but the other answering rebuked him laid him out saying doest I'll not fear God seeing thou are they the same condemnation and we indeed justly but we receive the due reward of our deeds with this man has done nothing amiss break away and he said unto Jesus Lord thank you Jesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom no take me to heaven remember me no no no then what the preacher said the preacher said the thief asked Jesus take me to have it Lord remember me when the house take me to heaven remember me when thou comest into thy brick you don't see the revelation in the scripture No thank God they did they don't see it remember me not take me remember me remember me when thou comest into thy King well you coming a kingdom and Jesus said unto jesus said to him verily I say unto thee what today today shalt thou be with me in paradise thou shall be where in paradise thou shalt do what to day shalt thou be with me in paradise Oh someone said you see pastor Jenna's brother William just read that Jesus took him to heaven that day let me prove to you you ain't thinking she just didn't even go to heaven that day no have you forgotten oh you didn't see that you forgot that our Lord after he died he went to the grave that's right still didn't go to heaven yet now that's right ah he was in a grave with death for three days a few nights they go to heaven yet come back the fourth day and still stayed around a month is a pasta didn't go to heaven yet no later already ascended above all heavens but did the Bible says and he said unto Jesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom and what did Jesus say jesus said are them verily I say unto thee today - I did a day today today today so Jesus then go that day that's right that's right the preachers don't have revelation so they can't see the message did you say blessed are your eyes for they see oh yeah that lobbying preached for years now how you gonna tell me that the thief went into heaven before Jesus amen amen I don't need that the thief was a man that's right and the Bible said no man no man has to send up to heaven in Saint John chapter 3 and verse 13 John c30 says and no man has to send it up to heaven what but he that came down from him how you gonna beat Jesus in that's right so when the thief say remember me and me and Jesus said what - the thief today to be with me you will be with me in paradise the question is how will he be with Jesus in paradise how will he be with Jesus in paradise that's right not physically no but remember what the thief requests and he said unto Jesus Lord remember when the word remember it was with Jesus and sup the question is what did the thief what Jesus to remember while I'm here reeling on you I don't want you to forget that I got a change of heart now that's right I've got a repented heart now that's right I'm not the same for you man what do powders dice represent peace who was he talking to the Prince of Peace that's right that's right whatever Jesus is that's paradise amen glory to God amen and he said unto Jesus riches don't have no knowledge no the thief went to heaven he ain't went nowhere oh no the thought of him remember me it was the thought of him that's right I want you to remember that I changed that's what you want Jesus to remember you is it a change oh that's right amen amen remember me remember not take me remember remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom no man hath ascended up into heaven at any time any time I remember when I preached that and there were some pre controls up and stand brother sent me scripture about Enoch and Elijah and say you forgot those men winning giggle you see if they don't have no revelation that's why you need an apostille that's right those men didn't go in what Pilate you didn't know when you say man that mean flesh and blood and they was changed that's right from mortal to immortality that's right the spirit of the man went in the man Eliezer didn't go in that's right Enoch didn't go in the man it was trash that's right Russian blood cannot inherit that's right the kingdom of God amen so the Bible is right when it says no man man knows man no man man in the course translated that's right what the man of him didn't go in but the spirit of the man went in I'd say that's right same thing will happen to the church yeah it is written behold I show you a mystery that we shall not all sleep but we shall be what changed we shall be what changed this body that you got right now ain't good enough to get in no way it's Val no way Bible says in the book of flip is 3:23 he gonna change our vile body fashion and like unto his glorious body and he said unto Jesus Lord Lord remember me when other people run to brother thief and say I don't have to be baptized pastor Jenness the thief wasn't baptized that thief couldn't be baptized then why not passage in gave me the book of Ephesians 1:7 mm-hmm then Ephesians chapter 1 in that verse 7 I show you why the thief couldn't be baptized the reason why the thief couldn't be baptized because Jesus didn't release something yet that's right yeah that's right hey man Jesus had to release something amen yeah so take guard and what Jesus was still allowed there was something in him that wasn't released that's right and if it wasn't released it helped up baptism amen baptism just couldn't people fall that's right though right a god come on son in Ephesians chapter 1 and at verse 7 - in whole we have redemption through his blood and mine why Jesus why the thief was talking to Jesus it wasn't nobody redeemed through Jesus blood no no no somebody say what Jesus did shed blood until after death after death after he died didn't it came to him and piss them in aside and out came blood that's right Bible said without the shedding of blood no remission of sin no remission or remission in the world the thief's gonna get his sins washed away remember when they press them and aside now came blood and what and water no just blood learn and water see your prick has been telling you just about the blood in Saint John chapter 19 and verse that's what these previous talk about the blood the blood ain't the only thing that came out of Jesus like John Saint John 19 and verse 34 Jimmy John 19:34 but one of the soldiers was buried pissed aside forthwith overcame their out blood and war no just shedding blood blood and water just shedding blood learn and water battle said this is he that came by water and blood not by water only but by water and blood that's right that's right so when they oppressed him in the side out came blood and water how now you gonna get the blood hmm how you gonna get his blood now for you to give this blood you got to get the other element that came out of water you got to give blood and water that's right you got to go down in water in the name of Jesus Christ Dover Dover all of you that bow your head and raise your hands you're still a sinner tonight they meant Bible never told you to do it no raise your hand up and put your hands down your neck and get tired in your arms that's right I have another told you hold a preacher's hand and pray a sinner's prayer I don't care how saved you thought you were i'ma bring you back the Bible you mean come on back the Bible that's right come on back the Bible come on back the Bible come on Dover Delaware you won't you come with me don't come home you know they're the false prophet do come on friends come on my friend come on my friend that's right it's me that you want to touch people hands you don't sit next to someone who want to touch your hand turn to acts 2:38 and tell them touch that that's right yeah well pastor Janus I was baptized Father Son and Holy Ghost and I heard you say that's wrong that's right that's right Jesus didn't tell you pee baptize Father Son the Holy Ghost he did so he did not Matthew 28 and verse 19 probably in your Bible Dover Delaware I want to explain this and break it down because I want to put you on the right track that's what I know I may sound mean and harsh to many of you but I'm not I'm just here like your granddaddy to spank you with the Bible that's right just spank you with the Bible I'm here to beat you at the Bible man the drive that false religion out of you that's right yeah that's right you know sometimes you gotta give that challenge you gotta really get it right yeah you know some of you you test Todd your children stop bill stop it I look at you like you lost your mind yeah oh but when you do like granddaddy take that belt off bill look up when that belt hit bill your think bill is in church yeah that's right you think the Holy Ghost got on the bill Amen I'm gonna beat you at the Bible until these man made a religion cut off of oh yeah let me give you an eye open up there's not a religion in the Bible called Baptists yeah there's not a religion in the Bible called evangelical there's not a religion in the Bible called Pentecostals right there's not a religion in the Bible called nondenominational there's not a religion in the Bible call Apostolic there's not a religion and the Bible calls Catholic called ruthless call morning call power century not in there that's right and you've been gone all your life all your life in a religion started by some rattling no good man amen started by Riley and Andy right vamanos - Oh ugly down that's right Bradley antenna - all ugly down though that's exactly your religion it oh yeah Riley and and Annie depreciate and his wife that's right Riley and an engine the preacher and the first lady yeah Riley and Annie's right that's right if you are preacher tonight and you bow your head and raise your hand if you're a pastor you ain't safe no I don't care who you are I'm a tick your salvation to the Bible I want all of you to open your Bibles to Matthew 28:19 19 a great Commission that's right cause practically everything in the world I'm misunderstood this oh yeah look at the thousands of people now coming getting baptized right leaving out of their churches to walk with the only thing the Bible said listen what I'm preaching is what the only thing the Bible told everybody be Bible told everybody to be holy and I so appreciate that's it you come tell me what you are I make you find that in the Bible any men pass agenda well I'm not a nomination what that means ain't nothing I'm nothing nothing a whole lot of nothing was Jesus nondenominational I don't know why people think it's all right to be this man-made stuff yeah why you think these religions can't stand against holding this when they debate us mm-hmm we come along and demand Bible that's right I demand the whole city of Dover Delaware to bring Bible for your religion that's right brain Bible yeah if you love your daughter and love your wife and love your son then love your children why would you raise them in a man-made religion man and your wife at you honey listen we've been in this church for years and we supposed to be a Creek Scientology was Jesus Scientologists amen well presented who cats right I wouldn't care John Washington was in it that's right come on back to Bibles amen my god that's why listen the people of the world they see all these other free-cos on internet they see all these preachers on internet but my god this is the only message that is dropping so hard and so effective and digging people work from all around the world that's right that's right people people watching this program you would never thought was watching it I was in the airport on my way out of town and there was a sad thing with about four white brothers and one or two white sisters and it was what you call gothic lips black lipstick black fingernails pierced all look tattoo hair like a turkey or chicken she did all sitting straight up dark shades on and it was cloudy so one of them came up to me and say dude dude he went back to demoscene that's the dude that's the dude so I mean the girls and the boys came over and said faster dinner we love you do I mean dave was pierced everywhere you know I'm a all gothic tub there was like you know we we believe what you're saying you know we know we don't look right now but you are right dude say can we shake your hand shook their hand if you would take a picture wonderful I don't care who you are wonderful if you look at the telecast we did in Sacramento California just listen at the testimonies gangbangers turning yeah all people all kind of background big-time drug dealers turning you mean I don't have a blue collar gospel I have our gospel that's right that reach the people amen Matthew 28:19 I want you to read close and let me show you where the preachers lie to you Matthew 28 and verse 19 all right family listen go ye therefore and teach all nations this is what people are not getting interested now teaching teachers how to tickle your therefore and teach all nations that do up baptizing them what in the name that one words where you overlooked right the preachers overlooked that you know what they say baptize your father sign I'll hold it off Jesus didn't say that baptizing them in the name they are the preacher said baptize you father son Holy Ghost Jesus didn't say that baptizing them in the name what of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost let's go to school and evaluate our intelligence how many brothers here Mary yeah all right good any brothers raise their hand up front here you marry young man what's your name son for my butt mount your son you gotta chill you got it my all right Vermont is a Sun Vermont you got it brothers Vermont is a Sun Vermont is a brother Vermont is a husband but if Vermont axe someone to do something in his name are you going to say son are you going to say brother are you going to say husband no you gonna call from our name correct I want to see can you get it listen closely what Jesus said go ye therefore and teach all nations and go times goes to show you that not even the preachers know what they don't baptize them in the name in the name again remain in the name of the Father and of the son of the sign of the holy holy ghost I cannot baptize nobody in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost until I know the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost when I know the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost they're not gonna be baptized in that name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost until I know trouble Vermont's name to me he's just somebody son somebody brother and somebody husband but when he tell me my name is Vermont oh you Vermont you mean to tell me you that son brother and all I've heard about your past in that right era yeah then I can operate in his name that's right not names in a mes in the Nama name name the name of the Father is Jesus yeah because God is our Father and Jesus said I come in the father's name that's right the name of the son same names Jesus cost a body inherited the name of the spirits that's right the Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is the characteristics of God but the Holy Spirit got a name what is the name of the Spirit he said I send the Holy Ghost in my name didn't he say so that's right I send the Holy Ghost in my name amen so what's he would name salvation come in and a fourth chapter the book of Acts of the Apostles in the book of Acts chapter four we'll start reading in verse 10 I'll email you Father Son the Holy Ghost folks that was baptized wrong all of you that was bad all of you that was taking in water and the preacher just said Father Son and Holy Ghost he took you down and brought you up he never called the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost like jesus said dude that's right jesus said baptize them in the name of so if you know anything about English where you see of that main ownership that's right that's right the name of there's a name that owns the title father and it owns the title son and it owns the title Holy Ghost it owns the title of Alpha it owns the title of Omega it owns the title of Rose of Sharon and oh the title of Lord God Almighty all that's attached to one nature the name that's right wonderful I'm a father I'm a son I'm a husband I'm a preacher I'm a boxer I'm a Crippler I'm a resin I'm a wrestler yeah but I got a name that's right Jenna's the name that so many folks the name of the Father Son Holy Ghost Alpha Omega Rose of Sharon living out of Valley Shiloh Emmanuel Lord God Almighty his name the name of the Lord he got a name that's right even so say who art thou Lord the law said I'm Jesus who nine persecutors fourth chapter book of Acts quickly accepted for was started verse 10 all right being known unto you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus by the name of Jesus Christ crucified whom you crucified raised from the dead even by him doing this man stand here before you hold this is the station too strong to set up that one of you be able to just become the corner neither is there salvation oh wait a minute neither is there salvation oh how did you get salvation damn brother doba amen and sister Dover neither is there salvation hey bishop Dover elder Dover pastor Dover that's right so call her Reverend Delaware amen Bible speaks plain neither their salvation in any other for there is none other no mom father's not a name son is not a name Holy Ghost is not a name that's right those are titles that the one God hold that's right God had many functions one name neither is there salvation in any other what for there is none other name under heaven given among men how God strong is it whereby we must be saved give me acts 2:38 Acts chapter 2 and verse 38 all right we're gonna bring it home now then Peter said unto them repent why doesn't your preacher tell you that man why are you afraid to tell you bow your head and raise your hands why your preacher told you to join the church why your preacher tell you this is the hour of decision why did your apprecia tell you to prayer a sinner's prayer well pastor in general what about the scope to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart the Lord Jesus they did rule from the dead and I am saved he didn't say that no give me the book of Romans quickly Romans chapter 10 and we read verse none I haven't forgot that because a lot of you think all you have to do is confess and believe that you saved I've always said that no I love to go back and reread the thing people overlook the thing that's right yeah Romans chapter 10 read verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead laughs thou shalt be saved oh no you are safe when you do it thou shalt be saying no you are saying thou shalt be saying I just like me telling you if thou shalt put money in the bank thou shalt get interest that's right but you gotta put money in here first that's right amen are you listening to the old man amen go back to acts 2:38 then what what do everybody in the state of Delaware got to do then Peter said unto them repent are you ready repent are you really ready to get into the kingdom of God Oh middle-aged young I don't care who you are you gonna die one day you're gonna die and this message it to prepare you for the grave that's right after pay you to meet God that's right listen at this then Peter said unto them repent repent and be better how much in the state of Delaware every one of you not your pastor your so-called bishop your so-called Reverend your would be a pasta yeah your pastor amen the choir don't you the organ player and the drummer that's right your wife everybody got to do what repent and my whole reap it first thing you got to do is repent you know what repentance is you got God wants you to repent because he wants you to be sorry about your wrong that's really a lot of you ain't sorry about no wrong when a person sorry about their wrong whenever they do it they always go to God for repentance yeah they cost the wrong picked a hot God wants you to be sorry about your wrong that's right and when you truly sorry about your wrong and you see that you're not baptized right that you might even save according to the Bible you see that you in a religion that don't even exist in the scriptures man when you find all that stuff out and you really want to be right you're gonna be convicted as you will you ain't gonna get mad at me no you're gonna get convicted that's right you're gonna be like oh my god I've been wrong all these years why did nobody tell me a person can tell you what they don't know that's right and a man can't show you what he can't see that's right Bible said blessed all your eyes before they see the question is what are you going to do now that your eyes see now then Peter said to them repent repent Delaware repent and watch and be baptized every one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ ain't that much love for Jesus at all mr. and mrs. Christian that you gonna fight this yeah I met preachers that claim they're Christians and they're not baptized right and fight this and say it doesn't matter hmm one dumb preacher said I'm gonna obey Jesus before I obey the apocalypse I told him your food that's affluent you obey the Apostles you obey Jesus that's right don't you hear what Jesus said is about his apostles he's in here with you Jesus said about his apostles he they hear you hear me he that despised you despised me if you don't hear the Apostles you ain't hearing Jesus that's right don't you know Jesus gave him the commandments that's what the Bible said the former treaties have I made or Theophilus of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the Holy Ghost I've given the commandments to his apostles whom he hath chosen by whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God being a symbol together with them he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the following said you heard of me they were using them from the mount that is called Olivet and the Holy Ghost fell on the day of Pentecost and that church got active that's right all the daily across at Jerusalem Peter stood up with the eleven and declared won't reap it oh yeah yeah the Bible's talking to you tonight mm-hmm I did God is talking to you that's right you preparing for a new year that's right that's your plans you plan God planned amen but God plans it's better than ours oh yeah some people done died already 20 19 ain't here but they died already God by the time this message is aired 2019 or be here listen at this then Peter said unto them repent repent and be better how much every one of how much every one of you have my every one of you had Wow in the name of Jesus Christ so I for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy God II want to obey God I want to get right and don't want to go to hell and want to lose they pride and get out of that man made a religion that you're in anybody want to get on God's side and get baptized the right way in the name of Jesus Christ anybody want to obey that like the Bible said stand on your feet tonight if you want to obey it stand on your feet tonight if you want to obey it stand on your feet tonight all of you all of you that are standing you see them brothers and sisters right over there in the back all you better standing go where they up all are you that is standing go where they are all right brother Craig get ready okay God we have a more sure word of prophecy that's right everybody under the Sun got this to do everybody Jesus is coming Pat yes yes said Jesus is coming anybody else want to be baptized come on why you got life you better come on amen that's right come on repent why you got life come on rape everything and be better amen amen hey you might as well come on and get on God's side you out there partying and drinking and smoking and gambling and acting like a fool and claiming you acquit you're no Christian no you don't have a thing that wit Christ that's right this is what Christ wants you to do mister man and this woman then Peter said unto them repent you gonna die that's right yes you are Pat you're gonna hold on to that man so tight to you lose your blood circulation but Bible says you came in the world and you shall return the holy God says what reap it's anybody else want to be baptized the right way come on the stand of your feet um march to the back like so many are doing oh yeah come on and get on God's side now that's right because the death angel is riding through America amen he's round Laura he's riding through America that's right mr. and miss repent repent and be baptized that's right keep coming glory to God anybody else want to get right with God come on come on Oh God go ready go that's right then Peter said unto them repent are you ready to get right with God this is the message for the last days that's right the messages for the last days is to be holy be holy amen come out of all your man-made religion you that's here in Dover Delaware we got a temple about maybe a little bit over our drive from here and Delmar Dellacroce add just why would Delmar Church what's that 108 North 2nd Street do that's in Dover Delaware area going down to 108 North 2nd Street you will drive 3 hours to go to a party Matthew would drive all the way from here to New York let's go to a club or to see some actor/actress yeah I'm trying to point you to Jesus and nobody else that's what interests me Jesus said what through Peter then Peter said unto them repent alright repent and be baptized I'm on bat tomorrow don't you go to your church I don't care if you the pastor don't you go you'd have pastor don't even go to your own church don't even get in your own pulpit that's yeah you Baptist you Methodist you why new world you want to remain a Baptist in a Pentecostal preacher and here I'm telling you to your face you're upholding a religion that's not in the Bible that's right I'm telling you to your face not behind your back your fraud that's right I'm telling you to your face use a faker I'm telling it to your face your religion don't exist in the Bible you still gonna go in the pulpit you're going to hell and leading them right with you that's right the Bible speak plain then Peter said unto them repent you gonna stand before God mister so call or Reverend yes you will it's not even a man on the earth can be called Reverend that's right only one can wear the title revenant get away with it is God God Father say holy and reverence in his name I'm not Reverend G no Jenny no I'm just G no Jenny that's Reverend God yeah Reverend Jesus yeah Reverend Lord Reverend Alpha that's right and a Reverend Omega that's right even what is happened Peter said unto them repent all right preach it you can jump around with your robes and got your bars on your arm and study you Hebrew Greek and Latin but I make you lick up all three languages and come on back to acts 2:38 repent you're gonna repent go where dr. ll D FX ups whatever type of letter you got behind your name I don't care what it is that's right repent and be baptized Oh every one of you got you and your so-called 1st 2nd and 3rd lady every one of you house on in the name of Jesus Christ you ain't baptized in the name of Jesus Christ tonight I don't care how old you are or how young you are sinner you're not safe and yet never been saved may God help you they gotta open up your understanding come on back tomorrow service begin at 11 o'clock prayer begin at 11 o'clock when you come in hit your knees and talk to one God that's right don't get on there looking the three to talk to him that's right Williams dad dad didn't work didn't work didn't know didn't work did it nor did he when he was a trinitarian he got on his knees try to talk to three here and get an answer from nobody no didn't work he got on his knees so blind and said Jesus I don't want to talk to you I want to talk to your father and then he ESSEC ated me we was out of town I think somewhere and he told me how there was a part of the Trinity day he was taught I never heard of it he was taught that the Holy Ghost is that not only is it the third person of the Godhead but it's the gentleman of the Trinity yeah the Holy Ghost supposed to be the gentleman of the Trinity supposed to be a spirit dressed in a tux with an English accent in a top hat you know he was of the devil that's someone that's sauteed by the devil yeah yeah you know that's that's someone who was marinating overnight just soaked in the devil's trash even I thank God for the cleanliness of the Scriptures that's right if you haven't been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ mom and Paul grandma grandpa father mother son and daughter yeah you ain't saved that's right when you die your priest you can say all the nice words over you he like and he'll show you lift up your eyes yeah be hard hair disturbance and go back to your Baptist wretch go back to your Pentecostal you're neither nomination or your apostolic and go back to your church now but when you stand before God you would never be able to tell him I didn't know no Lord said be holy you holy and you a hold it hmm if you was holy you I have a holy doctrine that's right and the holy doctrine brings about a holy standard that's right you got women preaches the boss and remarried don't believe in having your head covered ankle chains and lipstick and splits all in your clothes finger rings fake fingernails women act like boys and boys act like girls hallelujah that's really I start to hell amen grandma wanna dye her hair getting her hair shaped up in the back like a man and man wonder where his hair long like he's super fly that's right digging with his finger nails manicured Bishop got his bracelets all alone and bling-bling watchin his hair slicked back like he's a little imitation version of James Brown that's right you've no more holy than a dog and me out and if a dog me I'll I'm running amen this fake stuff that you got ain't holiness no cause someone got on a church holiness that don't mean nothing no that's like having on a building supermarket and it's clothes all boarded up that's right you mean to tell me you're gonna park in that parking lot and wait for it to open and you see that the boys over the doors their windows mmm and you still gonna stand out there on the lot with the shopping cart and wait and it's closed Lord go to church now you go to anybody Church after you heard this but in hell you gonna lift up guys come on back tomorrow at 11 o'clock don't go to your church be obedient now for the Bible said come out from among them and be separate be obedient now the old biddy don't go to your church cause if you do you're gonna go to hell from this day forward you don't obey what the Bible said then Peter said unto them repent up off me now hey man I scooped you hit you you got something repent for you better surrender hey grandpa repent and be baptized be baptized everyone of I got you free listen you go back and call your preacher and if he sleep tonight call him in the morning yeah tell em hey uh Reverend Lucifer you need to come on with us Oh Reverend Lucifer and Bishop Abaddon you come on with us you need to be baptized in a narrative as Christ that's right well apparently generally baptized in Jesus name I didn't that no I said in the name of Jesus Christ well I'm baptized in Jesus name do you still baptize wrong that's right there's more than one Jesus in the Bible the Bible never say it be baptized simply in the name Jesus no you got barred Jesus just to Jesus you got the brother of Jacob who name is Esau but in Arabic is pronounced ISA ISA and Arabic and English it means Jesus there are no J's in the Hebrew language so the name Joshua is pronounced in Hebrew hot shoe ax and hot shoe are translated into English as Jesus nobody in the Bible been baptized in Jesus name so if you've been baptized simply in the name Jesus just still baptized wrong that's right Peter say Jesus Christ Paul said Lord Jesus Jesus Bible said whatever you do in word and deed do all the name of the Lord dude all the name Jesus of the Lord Jesus no just jeans of the Lord Jesus you've been baptized simply in the name Jesus you've been baptized wrong that's right you still got to go back and do it over the Bible said do your first work over oh yeah you see how we're gonna lay in the Bible that's right we're gonna lay right in the Bible oh yeah I don't know what the preacher said ain't meeting Jesus like that know what I don't like meeting Jesus I don't know what the preacher say I'm telling you why do you think that there's more loss than save here we brought all this Bible but people still hard-headed and stubborn and they are more loyal to the church than they are the Bible that's right you that are loyal to your church or your preacher or your organization you love your preacher more than you love God yeah you love your church more do you love the Bible because there's no way you can say you love the Bible and be in a religion that's not in your Bible think of that I want you to go home and think about it where you drink your tea tonight and you're coughing in your Donuts but your artificial flavor I want you think about it when you go home and getting prepared for your Baptist Methodist Apostolic nondenominational and you're going to all them churches and you can't find it in your Bible let's close out in Leviticus 19 chapter end of it is chapter 19 I will start reading at the first verse very quick sir Leviticus chapter 19 begin at verse 1 Leviticus 19 and verse 1 that's what and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel and say unto them ye shall be holy why did the Lord say for us to be holy for I the Lord your God am holy you did a Baptist methods and Presbyterian Lutheran apostolic and all that tell me is your God what you are I can tell the world my god holds what I am that's right he's like ye shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy now I'm brag about your religion brag about it tell me what it is bring it and lay it before the feet of the apostille that's right and then i my action it's god what you are thank of it you claim you a child of the father why are you something different from your father that's right if you're a Baptist you relate it to the devil yeah you of your father the devil because God says he's what ye shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy alright Methodist Lutheran you're going out on that yeah Christian Scientists Scientology Mormon Muslim Amen Rastafarian scientists Scientologists what is God our the Lord your God am holy man go to church you can go tomorrow now will you go remember yeah for a holy you're on your way to an everlasting eternal hell that's right alright let us all stand come on back tomorrow at 11:00 o'clock come on back now hear the word of God again you turn everlasting God in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you for your word thank you for those that come to obey your word to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ look upon the inside the entire state of Delaware let your spirit pricks the heart of all those that are sincere and honest and want to be right not only Delaware but the rest of the world we thank you how you're moving through country to country state to state town to town gathering up your people for your arrival hallelujah what for you said if I be lifted up from the earth I draw all men unto me bring us back tomorrow keep us as we all go back to our separate places he was in preservers and then will these blessings we ask the name of the Lord Jesus let every heart say man come on back tomorrow morning god bless you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 488,556
Rating: 4.667356 out of 5
Keywords: TOG, Truth of God, Gino Jennings, Pastor Jennings, First Church, Holy, Holiness, Religion
Id: lQyne0UuFls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 22sec (6622 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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