First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1518-1520 April 17th, 2021 Saturday Night Augusta GA Raw Footage

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oh i hate this thing already all right family before we get started we want to ask god's blessing upon this place we're gonna ask everyone to stand please we want to rededicate this house it used to be it used to be called turning point ministries it's turned to the right direction now [Applause] eternal everlasting god in the name of jesus christ god of abraham isaac and jacob the god of the holy prophets and holy apostles who we thank in praise for your divine wisdom and your perfect understanding of all things we thank you for being a god of truth god that's infallible a god that is without an error you made the heavens alone and spread it for broad the north over an empty place you said in your word that you hang the earth on nothing we thank you for being a god of truth a god of wisdom and a god of knowledge and perfect understanding as solomon your servant dedicate your temple by your divine power your presence in the form of smoke filled the temple we thank you for this place we ask you according to your divine will and purpose consecrate and dedicate this house for thine glory that your spirit may roll rest and abide hallelujah and manifest itself here let souls hear the word of god preached to what you have outlined in the scriptures that men and women heart might be pricked and repent hallelujah gloria take god and repent of their sins be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ and receive the baptism of the holy ghost speaking in tongue at the spirit of god give utterance everyone that come into this temple preserve and bless thee coming in thank you hallelujah glory to god and they're going out [Music] heal them that are sick strengthen them glory to god that are weak eternal god every foul spirit every contrary hallelujah every contrary spirit all the powers of hell bind it and cast it out forever thank god never again to return let your anointing be given here glory to god that souls of men and women may hear the gospel of god in turn [Music] once again we ask you to consecrate and dedicate this place that your spirit may rule rest and abide here forever that those that may come here at this soul-saving station will hear nothing less than your everlasting word that when you come hallelujah eternal hallow your authority god when you come they may be counted worthy lord take god to go back with you rebuke the powers of satan [Applause] give us victory over every adversary hallelujah hallelujah we thank you lord god almighty for every place where you have took this message you have given us victory thank god we're forever grateful bless bishop williams and bless the saints here and daily such as should be saved these blessings reacts in the name of the lord jesus the most high god let everyone say amen amen all right greetings again my beloved brothers and sisters we thank the one true living god for his divine guidance his perfect understanding we thank him for being the true sender and teacher of holy prophets and of holy apostles we thank him for being a god of truth a god that's perfect a god to have no errors we would love to give our viewing audience the address of the new first church of the lord jesus christ of august georgia if you're nearby the address is 3441 i believe i'm pronouncing it right millageville road augusta georgia 3441 millageville road augusta georgia now you heathens are still going to your church you have a chance to leave it now [Applause] amen you got a chance to not just stop in but pack up and get out and come walk with the word of god and get your soul bible right i thank god for bishop williams and him considering to come walk with this old-fashioned message of holiness there's only one gospel and as my brother byron always said i am determined not the dvd not the size of a hair on a gnat's ankle from god's eternal word there's only one church one preacher in the church and i'm not the preacher someone said what no did you hear what i just said one church one preacher pastor jennings is not the preacher jesus said to his apostles it is not it is not ye that speaks ye that speak but the spirit but the spirit of your father of your father which speaketh in you that's the preacher in god's church god have to be the preacher in his church now before going any further i want i got two announcements i have to make you know this message was pounding memphis tennessee for years that's the headquarters of the church of god in christ and when i first went to memphis church of god and christ followers came by the number in fact i think the first night we baptized close to 80 something souls in the name of jesus christ well [Music] what of god was pounding the false church of god in christ and uh they start calling the television station get that man off he should not be speaking about us like this take them off the air so the television station bowed to the weakness of the church of god in christ and took us off been off those few years now but uh social media picked up the slack and they still kept coming so we prayed and been praying and we're right back in memphis now [Applause] so to all of my memphis viewers we aren't back in your wicked city yes wicked city and you know it's wicked sunday mornings from 10 30 to 11 30 that way when you start getting ready to go to church you got time to change your mind on station wlmt the cw network cw channel 30 sunday mornings 10 30 to 11 30 beginning may 9th contact your pastor let them know you won't be there long amen serve what little time you can yeah man we gonna make these preachers get a job and go to work and stop robbing the people [Applause] all right we have another news station baton rouge louisiana also covering lafayette louisiana and surrounding areas wbrl channel 10. i saw on cable cox early sunday morning 6 a.m to 7 00 am beginning may 2nd that's in baton rouge louisiana and lafayette and surrounding areas wbrl channel 10 on uh cox cable sunday morning at 6 00 to 7 a.m uh beginning may 2nd now let me say to uh again to all of my media staff i can never thank god enough for your hard work behind the scenes getting this message out and the other viewers and other brothers at this program tony harvey and and brother jayru my brother in the philippines that got folk watching this in so many foreign countries and sea rock now see rock i heard your request that you want some scriptures you want a bible well i'm going to call this number out to my secretary mr rock you write it down now you contact sister cindy rollins at 252-341-9358 252-341-9358 i have an extra book of scriptures rock and i'll send you one of mine i want to make sure you don't have no excuse or follow me in the bible all right let's go to work williams open your bible anywhere and let's start demolition and uh and start building you can build into your demo first we have to demo first to all of my brothers that minister we're glad to see you that are here we and to all of you i can't see you standing back there and to you that are watching throughout africa i got a text today from uh brother ray one of the international secretaries pastor joshua went into cape town eleven went down today in the name of jesus christ that's a blessing all right well let's start now let's start seeing who we can hurt today in the book of first thessalonians chapter five and we'll start reading at the first verse first thessalonians chapter 5 begin at verse 1. but of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that i write unto you what is it for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night wait a minute the coming of the lord is as a thief in the night no thief call you before he burglarizes you no thief announced himself that's right it doesn't matter of your state of mind it doesn't matter what you're doing whether you're cooking showering sleeping when a thief come he or she because he got women thieves also either one come in your neighborhood in your house to take whatever they want you may not like it you may call the police they may catch them but here's one coming as a thief that you won't be able to catch then that's right listen at my language now you can't catch him then but he's giving you the opportunity to catch him now you see the thief that's coming he broke in my house are you listening to the old man and he uh burglarized my temple are you kidding me and he robbed me of my childhood already god and filled me with himself which is the holy ghost so when he come for creation he will liken his coming to a thief then that's right but his arrival now is not like a thief that's right he's making himself known now openly and publicly so you can be prepared for the future coming as a thief that's right are you listening that's right i want to just show you the different functions of the one that's coming as a thief you know there are some things that uh they don't wait to the night to rob you yeah they're very bold brazen oh yes they handle their business open so everybody can see it that's right well that's god's function now he feed with the holy ghost boldly doesn't matter where you are it falls on you amen if you seek him the bible said he give the holy ghost of those that obey him that's right it doesn't matter whether you're at work behind the desk hallelujah glory to god in the shower that's right if you're ready for it thank god he'll release it that's right and it'll move on you any place in any time right now in a time for it to be functioning as a thief no glory to god that's right so he send the word of god out boldly to prepare man for the coming of his arrival and even though he's given man countless and countless and countless of opportunities man is still stubborn still rebellious still hard-headed right still arrogant think he's more than what he is that's right and further realize he's less than nothing nothing don't say wait a minute i thought i was something he that think he's something when he is nothing you deceived you're not only nothing you're less than nothing you know only god can make you less than nothing i said less than you know we would say you're nothing god's come along i can do better than that you're less than nothing all right all right let's have it for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night what is it but when they shall say peace and safety when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon you it's here now oh yeah it's here now they're crying peace safety safety they say everybody's all right america is all right america is a country full of the devil that's right the american government is wicked that's right all democrats and republicans aren't exempting none of the politicians they're all the wicked that's right all of them of the devil that's right i haven't met a politician yet repent of his sins baptize in the name of jesus christ and receive the baptism of the holy ghost and follow god's word some folks say well you can't be a politician and serve god that's a lie that's a lie what do you think a king is that's right king of the politicians that's right when i read the bible there were politicians that were prophets in the book of daniel chapter 6 and verse 1. god david was a politician that's right he was a king that's right but he was a prophet he's a politician that was a man of the god own heart that's right you don't have to lie or bow to the powers that be if you're in politics no the difference between the politicians of the day and the politicians of yesterday yesterday they put god first that's right and they respect god law first that's right and more importantly the fear of god was in them but is not in the ones of today that's right the love of money is in them today yeah listen daniel chapter six in that verse one that's right it please darius to send over the kingdom it please darius to set over the kingdom and 120 princes yes which should be over the whole kingdom and what and over wait a minute we got president president over these three presidents of whom daniel was first daniel was the first that was over the presidents that's right so you got presidents today that's right full of the devil yeah who all of them from washington to biden that's right from washington dubai and from buying back to washington that's right thomas said what about barack you think he's exempted because he's black are you that big of a fool amen he was of the devil yeah don't say say what any time a man will fight for two men to marry they of the devil god knows that's right are you listening that's right what of god says back in first thessalonians 5 and verse 1 but of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that i write unto you what is it for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh the day of the lord so come as a thief in the night now before the lord's coming he give us the opportunity to make preparations one scripture says prepare to meet thine god do you know how to prepare 99.9 of the world is not prepared that's right that includes church people that's right are not prepared that include preachers that's right them that say they are apostles yes prophets yeah bishops oh yeah elders pastors evangelists you a junior bishop i know you ain't prepared that's right you that are acting deacons you pretend that you're a deacon before you get ordained i know you ain't prepared you're getting prepared for hollywood amen you're too busy acting that's right that's right that god when i read the bible either you're the real thing or you're not nothing and job 31 and verse 14. that's right what then shall i do when what writes a thought what shall i do amen you know i'm i'm from the hood you know yeah and then the hood when someone rise up and they start stepping to you smacking their fists that's right that mean is a brawl for it all and a blast from the past and you better know how to hold your own yeah so whenever come till you're stepping that means you better come out stepping that's right it's on now that's right when i came up it was outdated put a chip on your shoulder put something on your shoulders about knock it off no we had the term fair one you know what fair one mean it wasn't like the young fellas of the day you get beat up when they shoot you no we kept it clean so we came out mix it up kept it clean toe-to-toe and put it to you best man win when we done we go back and shoot the who nobody died from it [Music] we kept me clean what did he say there what then shall i do when god rises up so when someone rose up in the hood we took care of business but what can you do when god riseth up when god rises up amen god is rising up and many farms around the world proven to everybody you don't own nothing that's right you send a flood and wash your whole life away that's right he's in flames burned down almost entire cities burn down your savings sometimes people love their house so much i was watching the news some months ago when the fire was burning in california one man he didn't want to leave his mansion he got his little garden hose trying to wet his house fire was almost bigger than some cities and they trying to wear this house what is god telling you you came in the world you shall return when are you going to accept the fact you don't own nothing that's right you don't even own yourself that's right god said all souls are mine you came here you're leaving that's right the most important thing in life it's god god is the center of worship that's right god is the most the most important part of church service is the message that's right there ain't nothing more important than that no the message is more important than you fasting that's right someone said what because the message teach you how to fast that's right the message is more important than you praying how was that you got to have the message so you can learn how to pray that's right message is more important than your song how was that because the message said saying with the spirit as saying with understanding everything point back to the message that's right because the message put all worship in order keep thy foot until you hear this in the book of ecclesiastes five and verse one what is it keep thy foot keep your foot when thou goes to the house of god will you come into god house and and be more ready to heal wait a minute how should i react towards hearing be more ready to hear be more ready to hear then then to give the sacrifice of food why would they consider not that they do evil you're singing you're praying to his help the message without teaching you don't know how to pray that's right i believe the apostles say lord teach us teach us how to do it how to pray hey man if everybody knew what they was doing they wouldn't request teach us and it came to pass and if you take note when he instruct his apostles he said go ye into all the world and teach that's right teach all nations that's right teach them teach them that's why folk need teaching yeah oh you got your shouting you got your falling out you got your running around the church like you in the indiana 500. all right but do you know what you're running for yeah teach you how to sing yes the bible come the word of god come and investigate the lyrics of your song that's right but you can sing a lot quicker you can tell the one that's right when you get the word involved there the prophets and the apostles start investigating yeah language wording of song that's right don't you know every part of wish up you're not wish up in the preacher no no you gotta wish up god that's right that's why i don't allow nobody in the truth of god you can thank god for me but you better write no poem about me that's right don't even write a poem about pastor jennifer's that's right you want to write a poem dedicated to god that's right you better even make a song about pathogens yeah you want to make a song make it to god you worship you know not what do you hear that in the book they make poems about their bishops and amen write songs about they bishop that's the devil out of hell that's right i wanna say why you say that pastor janice a song and a poem that's written and when it's sung that's a deed yeah whatsoever ye do in word indeed do all right in the name of the lord jesus and god's name is not pastor janet that's right that's right [Applause] am i right that's that's right you gotta keep the preacher in the right place where god put them don't put them above the book that's right they gotta keep them within the confines of the book that's right and when they step out of the book you don't step with them that's right are you kidding the old man let every man abide well i'm call you the devil let him call your backslider let them call you wicked but when your good man steps it's ordered by the lord so when bishop or apostle or elder his feet go another direction tom no no no no no bishop i can't do that that's right why because the word of god has spoken that's right and when the word of god speak you take that even when bishop go that's right i had to bring myself on this objection unless i go to hell that's right first corinthians 7 and verse 20. what he said let every man abide let every man let every man above every man in the same chapter verse again first corinthians chapter 7 and verse 20. i want you to follow me i want to take my time and amen you know when we break down scripture you know i sow a little yeah and i don't like to use a a a wide hem when i'm sewing because it may come loose so i like to stitch it fine they stitch it real fine so nothing coming loose i want to stitch you up real close yeah i don't want that be a misunderstanding here that's right oh i said god i i don't want your ignorance to fall out to him that's right i want to stitch it up real good amen let us understand that all praise oh honor it's due god yes are you getting what i'm telling you that's right i said all praise all honor is due god that's right you have to keep the preacher in the place where the scriptures place them that's right give chapter and verse again first corinthians 7 and verse 20. says what let every man above let every man abide in the same colon in the same calling wherein he was called in other words every man i don't care what you call yourself that's right if you're called to be a plumber stop trying to be an electrician that's trying to burn the house down that's right amen that's right just function in a capacity where you're able to function that's right are you listening that's right this is why when i look brothers over who want the minister i have to go to my rule book yeah i ain't gonna ordain you because you have remember a long time there ain't no reason no i ain't gonna dang it because you got a big mouth enable to quote scriptures when you're testifying that's right a reason is that that's right i got to investigate you yesterday looking over first thessalonians you got a following of a thousand that's right i have to investigate you that's right look it over with the fine examination of scripture that's right that's why some men don't like us i have a lot of men come in bishops elders pastors and i listen to them out of respect and i show respect and when they talk some don't even know how to be ordained that's true some never heard the teaching before that's right most time men are ordained when they get catechized take a ordination test and if they pass that exam bishop lucifer ordain them that's right bishop lucifer dana elder aberdan got his hand on him and apostle napoleon and deacon wicked amen and don't know anything that's right that's true the pressure must be a surgeon that's right you have to be a mind surgeon heart surgeon feet surgeon teach you how to walk right you gotta know how to open up your mind spiritually and remove the carnality that's right and replace the kernel of thought with the thoughts of god that's right gotta know how to dive into your heart and cut it yeah thank you what you gonna use a sword on who everybody that's right that's right cut you open make you bleed out that's right i'm not trying to patch you up that's right when i use the word of god i want everybody to bleed out breathe out amen what you mean everything in them does not like god come out come out that's right bleed out yeah now the reason why you don't find many people spiritually developing in church because the word is red but the sword is not used that's right teach that's right in the natural i can get a straight razor take it out look at it but uh if i use it glory to god you'll be educated right away yeah all right the scriptures have several titles yes let's get all of it hebrews chapter four and that's the old testament amen i want hammer yes i want axe right amen amen i want a sword oh yes i want rock and i want stone amen and i want water amen and i want fire don't worry i mean yeah amen amen all of it punch to the word we'll start in deuteronomy chapter 32. i want to start from the old testament to the new because the word of god fall in two categories it's a solid and a liquid that's right did you hear me that's right i said it's a solid and a and a liquid that's the way god were it's cause it has a title of a liquid it's called water that's why on the day of pentecost it says they was filled you see when you got living water it could fill up a thing that's right but then john said one come after me that's mightier than that he shall baptize with the holy ghost that lets you know another function of the spirit that's right fire don't feel fire spreads that's right so when god come in he feel you from head to feet and then the fire spreads to the inner parts so we can consume everything that's not like god that's right how are you getting me that's right you see in the net in the natural water put out fire yeah but in the spirit water is fire that's right that's right all right let's let's take a trail from the old testament and describe describe the attributes of god yes sir describe the function of god because god is the word that's right all right let's come on son first in deuteronomy chapter 32 we'll start at verse one everybody all right listen verse again deuteronomy chapter 32 and we're starting in verse one all right give me your o heavens and i will speak give me all your heavens i will talk and hear o earth the words of my mouth my doctrine shall drop as the rain who doctrine my doctrine amen god laying claim that's right mind doctrine my doctrine shall drop as the rain shall drop as the rain my speech my speech shall distill as the dew that's why you hear me say i'm going to soak you that's right that's right that's right i'm going soak it that's right you stand and do long enough you're gonna come out wet oh yeah as the and as the showers upon the grass what else because i will publish the name of the lord what is it a scrub ye greatness unto our god he is the rock ascribe ye greatness unto our god what is god he is the rock and what his work is perfect wait a minute here's the rock he is the rock and his work is perfect god work is perfect perfect and when anybody is sent of god to do the work and on behalf of god yeah he got a bill on that rock that's right that way when a storm come and the wind blow and beat upon that house is founded upon the rock that's right what do you mean a rock a solid firm strong unmovable foundation that's right god is the rock meaning god is the foundation of the church that's right everything's got to be built upon god god be built upon the rock and nothing is to be built upon the bishop that's right i want to say to you apostolics there's a lie that you told for a long time yes let's see do you see it as our mind in sync do you know what i'm talking with we're going right to matthew chapter 16 and verse 18. that's right amen you apostolics and many others said god jesus built this church on peter right he was a lie that's a lie you said god built his church own on one single man right jesus ain't told you that no he didn't let's read what jesus said say in matthew 16 we're at verse 18. yes and i say also unto thee that thou art peter howard peter and upon this rule say wait a minute pastor jennis he called peter cephus right and cephas mean rock yeah cephas mean rock yeah but that rock was a temporary rock that's right god church here you have the church it's everlasting that's right i want to see if the church is everlasting but don't the church come to an end when jesus come the natural body of the church come to an end that's right and then the church change clothing we pull off the mortal garments and take on the immortal government that's right the church in this present state it's temporary because we're flesh and blood and because we can't go in the way we are he being the first part taker of the fruit peter said i must pull off this tabernacle as christ has shown me so as it stands now the church is an earthly fleshy tabernacle that's right waiting to be elevated to an everlasting immortal perpetual tabernacle that's right that's right torpedo temporary rock hallelujah god eternal rock that's right peter limited rock yeah god a rock with no boundaries that's right peter that rock has an answer to a rock higher than him amen listen and i say also unto thee that peter and upon this rock and upon this rock i will build my church i will build my church and the gates and the gates of heaven prevail against they say well he better known peter no he's not no he told you who is the rock in the book of deuteronomy back in deuteronomy 32 verses 3 and 4. because i will publish the name of the lord listen even the apostles themselves was building on the foundation that's right that jesus lead that's right none of the apostles built on peter none of the apostles you see you're giving peter too much credit yeah that's why you apostolic went wrong you put peter in a place that no scripture in the history of the bible yeah put peter in fact you put peter in a place you know what organization put peter there first the catholics i keep telling you apostolics in other churches you got a lot of catholic teaching in your church and you don't even know it that's true the catholic church is the first religious organization that proclaimed that the church was built on peter that's right give me the third chapter first correct chapter three come on i gotta start at verse 10. according to the grace of god which is right after me as a wise master builder as a wise master i have laid the foundation hold it right there right there give away him some more power and give me some more amen now this is what the churches have said paul is the founder of the church that's right because paul said i laid the foundation i have laid the foundation i want all of you bishops and would-be apostles and half-pint elders and one-eighth of our one-eighth bishops to hear this yes it ain't no man is the founder of god's church no jesus laid claims so clear and upon this rod upon this round i will be i will build my church you can't have two personal pronouns no no you can't jesus said i have chapter and verse uh saying matthew john 16 and verse 18. and upon this rock climb this route i will build my church no it's just pathogenic stretch i will build my church no it's not it's bishobano's church i will build my it's bishop johnson's check i will build my name now it's harness church i will build much no it's rc lawson's church i will build my chair as randolph goodwin's church i will build my no it's paul's church i will build my church somebody is a liar and it ain't jesus that's right that's right now i'm preachers let me tell you the fix you put yourself in if you say that the church wasn't here until you got started lord how did you manage to put yourself in god's church that's right because this is the church nobody can put you in for about one spirit the holy ghost that's right for the scripture says four by one spirit trapped in versailles first corinthians 12 and verse 13. now one spirit are we all baptized how much are we all baptized how much are we all baptized into one body you can you you can get your hands shut you can run around the church that's right it ain't nobody ever step foot in the body of christ until you got the holy ghost speaking in tongues that's right when you got the holy ghost you're in the body that's right and you can't claim you in the body okay you know some folks say claim it believe it you're in it right listen you can believe you in my car but if your britches ain't in my seat yeah you're gonna believe it from outside amen this is the only church that it takes the holy ghost to put you in for about one spirit house bill and spiritual baptized into one body all right now let's finish up this third chapter first corrected i want to lay groundwork for the preparations of the coming of christ back in first corinthians they don't need to talk about you going to heaven and you enjoying the trip when you ain't got yourself right here on earth that's right first corinthians chapter 3 we're at verse 10. according to the grace of god which is given unto me as a wise master builder i have laid the foundation i've laid the foundation now you know i love to do architect and building when one lay the foundation of something that don't mean they necessarily are the founder that's right that's right the founder of a thing is the originator yeah of that thing the originator or the founder of something when he f as the founder he's the starter of it it don't start on paper no it's starting here that's right that's right he originated the thought here yeah before them guitars came into being it was originated here that's right and then as men begin to learn more they simply perfected what a founder done in the book of hebrews john 7 verse 2. they simply begin to perfect what a uh what the founder done these cameras you can look at an old news broadcast from 1960 1970 1950 those cameras don't look nothing like these no those cameras are huge look at your phone when i came up we had to dial i remember when they went from dial to push button it was something back then you can memorize countless of numbers since you got cell phones you can't memorize your chosen number but it started with the founder yes and then talent came along and begin to expand on what the originator have laid looking unto jesus amen listen in hebrews chapter 12 and verse 2. looking unto jesus look to jesus the author look to jesus looking unto jesus the author the originator and finisher and the finisher of our faith of what we believe that's right the author the author he's although that that that beat every bishop that's right the faith of holiness is before the religion called apostolic that's right the faith of holiness is before the religion called baptist methodist non-denominational all these other religions got a date in ephesians chapter one and verse four now the apostolic said that the church of jesus christ started 33 a.d yeah where's that at where is that in the bible that's right well starving their pentecost i agree but the bible didn't say it was 33 a.d no it started after the death of jesus that's right but the bible didn't say it was 33 a.d no where did it come from cemetery school that's right the knowledge of the dead that's right and the sting of death is sin sin that's right do you hear this in ephesians chapter one and verse four all right according as he has chosen us in him according as he has chosen us in him before when before when before before what the foundation of the world what did he ordain for us to be that we should be holy amen holiness have no beginning no beginning one say what holiness was here when there were no apostles that's right that's right i'm going back further than the imposters go ahead i'm going back past the prophets yeah i'm going past creation that's right i'm gone before anything was fought that's right because the ultimate holy is god that's right [Applause] that is before the existence of the body of christ yeah the existence of prophets apostles to carry the word that was before baptism that was before the giving of the holy ghost holiness is the thinking of god holiness is the characteristics of god holiness is the intelligence of god holiness is the agenda of god that's right holiness is the standard of god holiness is the statues of god holiness is the purpose of god holiness is the will of god holiness is the doctrine of god that's right [Applause] that's why it's an invincible shield because holiness is eternal that's right and nobody can defend themselves against eternity go ahead are you getting what i'm telling you that's right glory to god he shall take holiness for an invincible shield let's go back to the third chapter i want to itemize and finish this thing up about founder amen and the apostles and i have to finish getting all the descriptions of the word that's right come on son back in first corinthians 3 and verse 10. all right according to the grace given unto me which is given unto me as a wise master builder what kind of master builder a wise master builder what happened i have laid the foundation i've laid the foundation and another building now when anybody come bill on the foundation yes that the apostles build on you have to use the same old ancient tools that's right can't modernize nothing you have to stick to the agenda and the original script of the church you see the word of god oh yeah glory to god the word of god is the blue prince of the church i don't care how old it is whenever god sends a preacher he puts the original blueprints in front of his own feelings that's right anytime he put his feelings in front of god's feelings he's a heathen that's right a real man of god brings the emotions of god someone said but god is a spirit spirit ain't got emotions oh it don't god said jacob by love loving his emotion he's our hate that's an emotion that's right god got emotional when he saw the chaos of the world so he repented him from making man that's right for you repent you got to be emotional it breathed him at his heart yeah that's right do you hear this in genesis chapter six and verse six genesis six and six says i had repented the lord he repented the lord he had made man on the earth for making man on earth what other feelings did he have it grieved him at his heart that's an emotion that's right got greed that's right it grieved him grieved him at his heart and his heart that is hard all right let's go back and finish up corinthians and then let's finish getting the hardware of the word back in first corinthians three and verse ten what is it i have laid the foundation i've laid the fountains in another building but what but let every man take heed every man should pay attention how he buildeth their attention we had to build on the foundation that was laid by jesus that's right and the apostles bill thereon that's right and now we got a warning but let every man take heed let everybody take how he built it thereupon real quick for other foundations who is it which is jesus christ that's the founder yes that's the originator that's right now every preacher that come after jesus they must build using the same manuscript that's right the same blueprints can't deviate to the left can't deviate to the right no if he put officers in the church you can't make up a office from the offices and they didn't put in the church that's right the bible says in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 and verse verse 28 and god has said god god god not pathogenic god god god had said some not not none of the bishops that's here now and that died no who's talking here and god had set some in the church oh first apostle all right all right yeah that's the first office yeah that's the first office in the church that's right an apostle is god called hallelujah glory to god god called god sent god made god anointed god taught he's an ambassador sent by authority to represent authority like an ambassador for america when he go to china he don't go there to bring his personal views he had to go to china to bring the policies of america that's right where god bring a preacher his job is to bring the policies of heaven and not mix it with his own personal feelings but bring god's agenda god's of policies god's laws to the world that's right and that way you always corrupted the bible and read the policies of god that's right you see they're after me i got a duck in the scriptures oh yes because williams have my life insurance policy there man that's my life insurance policy that's right it's not all state it's all god that's right that's right god it's all god amen you get what i'm telling you and god had sex god set some of the church first apostle first apostle ain't no man can make an apostle no any anytime anyone said the apostle made of man they are an apostle let me show you what kind quickly now that's right hey man you better give me a revelation revelation chapter two yes begin that verse one revelation any man made you an apostle i agree you're the apostle but i'm gonna show you what kind revelation chapter two will start at verse one real quick until the angel of the church of ephesus is right unto the angel unto the messenger unto the preacher of the church that's the secret says i want you to write these things says he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand the seven stars are the seven angels that were sent to the seven golden candlesticks of asia the candlesticks of asia represent the seven churches of asia the star that's in the right hand of god star mean messenger messenger mean preacher and the preacher gotta be in the right hand of god because right hand means power and if the preacher don't preaching the power of the spirit he's not a preacher that's right right are you getting what i'm telling you that's right i want to strip it bad now this thing says he that hold it there saying that whole the seven messengers wow in his right hand you gotta be in god's right hand that's right when you ain't god's hallelujah god's right hand you have the power of god which is the spirit hallelujah of god which is the unction of the holy one that's right who walketh in the midst of the seven golden cages he's walking in and miss up the seven golden candlesticks notice it's not just called candlesticks golden candles but they're gold hey man a candlestick is no good unless some power is on it that's right the power of a candlesticks is the flame of it and the purpose of a flame on a candlestick you don't need it if you already got the light that's right you only need it because you're in the dark you need the power of the flame of the scripture to come shine in the darkness to bring you to the light that's right are you kidding me i know that works it goes to show you if the church is a golden candlesticks and golden mean valuable precious the power of god or the spirit of god had to be in the church because the holy ghost is the fire he gonna baptize you with the holy ghost and that with fire a church without the holy ghost is the church that has no power that's right it's a candlestick but it's not golden that's right it's not gold that's right you ain't got no flames don't have no flame that's right and if it's not golden it's a church of no value come on son this thing says he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks yes i know thy words i know what i mic no they ain't gonna work one of your brothers get it that know what you're doing because brother lamar used to carry he don't know about no mics you know you don't know about no match you're gonna bring me something like that find a boom mic back there because this thing is all over the place and uh i really don't like it at all all right williams come on i know thy works i know you're working and i labor and i patience yeah god know our works in our labor and our patience and how thou cannot bear them which are evil you can't bear them which are evil no that ain't gonna work yet come on come on let's let's set it set it uh right here bring it over come on bring it over right here all right williams keep reading and how thou can just not bear them with your evil yeah and i destroyed them wait a minute you tried them that has tried them would say they are apostles which claim they are apostles and are not and how we find them and has found them liars my microphone brother have found them live now it's tried them come on take care of that so i can keep working mm-hmm turn it on back there give me some juice plenty of it don't be afraid crank it up all right you get it get it working there because we trying them they say they are apostles you're an apostle is it don't know you up here i'ma try you all right give me some power back there brother don't be afraid to turn it up so i can rid myself of this headgear still nothing come on still nothing s.w that's all right come on steal nothing glory to the father all right if that don't get you nothing will don't be afraid to crank it up i can read myself of this monstrosity all right williams come on i know thy works and thy labor and thy patience yes and how about can us not bear them which are evil you can't bear them that are evil and eyes tried them now if men man-made you are an apostle i can i can try you try them it ain't difficult all i got to do is go to my book of manual see how your engine runs that's right try them try them huh because your apostles like 12 cylinders he had 12 of them and then he had more than 12. that's right you see you've been taught that there were only 14 apostles you've been taught that lie too long too long now let me elevate your knowledge hebrews and show you who the very first one was hebrews chapter three will start in verse one therefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly language you know i said on several occasions that god's people have to be re-educated because a lot of stuff being taught in churches what is what i call hand-me-down information in other words bishop got it from his bishop who got it from his bishop who got it from his bishop who got it from his bishop and nobody questioned it everybody just jumped and shot over it that's right we're here i believe that church supposed to be the greatest divine institution of learning on the planet that's right all right let's look at here hebrews chapter three and adversaries let's get the first one wait for a holy brethren partakers up to heavenly calling what are we going to do consider the apostle what consider the apostle consider what considered the apostle and what else and high priest of our profession who is it christ jesus a lot of folk didn't know that exists that's right now hear the old man the spirit is not an apostle no [Music] an apostle is taught by the spirit that's right that can't be the spirit of christ because who can teach god he teach god but the son of god was an apostle not only was he an apostle he was a prophet that's right someone said what yes you see let's get both real quick son there's so much coming to my mind i gotta i gotta empty it out while i get full jesus was an apostle and jesus was a prophet for the bible said through moses god shall raise up a prophet unto you like an unto me and him shall you hear in all things while the apocalypse come along in a book of acts and verify what moses said acts chapter three and we'll start at verse 21. real quick whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution yes of all things come on says god had spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets what is it since the world began for moses truly said unto the fathers now there's some of you bishops saying this is you hmm amen my lord so you're trying to tell me moses knew you my lord read what you got in the book of acts on problem that's right moses never heard about you man that's right amen that's right that's right after you read that go back to hebrews yes and then i believe give me the book of saint john when moses talked to jesus again moses prophesied about jesus and then moses visited jesus after moses was dead [Applause] yeah that's right someone said but the dead know of nothing that's talking about your body your body don't know nothing but the inner man is the conscience of self i get into that father come on son acts chapter 3 we're at verse 22. acts chapter 3 and we're at the 22nd verse all right remember what you read in hebrews that three and one wherefore holy brother and partakers of the heavenly calling considered the apostle and high priest of our profession in christ jesus so that's when apostle paul taught that the apostle that jesus was an apostle right now let's get where he's a prophet and i'm gonna show you why i bought why he bear both titles acts chapter 3 and verse 22. for moses truly said unto the father a prophet a prophet shall the lord your god raise up unto you right then that make all men that say that's them a liar yeah because the bible says what a prophet i mean april april 1. that's right guess what why guess what why brother i don't care if a man is god sent the moment he said that's him he ran ahead of the spirit and he lied that's right because you can't say a prophet if it fulfilled in one and then williams come along later and say that's me no that's prophet that's right a prophet spell prophet p-r-o-p-h-e-t no s no s only one was gonna fulfill it a prophet listen at this promos has truly said unto the fathers thank god you see i love this atomizer that's why i often said look at the language of the bible i don't think of no man above what's written no i look at you according to what's written that's right and i stay in trouble because of that that's right all right from moses truly said unto the fathers moses said to the father a prophet a prophet shall the lord your god raise up unto you raise up unto you of your brother of your brother that's another section where many blind apostolic said when you save your brother that means you got to come from the church no when it was talking out of your brethren it was talking about from the house of david from the tribe of judah that's right that's right that's right of your brother was talking about to the sentence of jacob twelve tribes of jacob yeah amen go to jacob do you hear this a prophet a prophet shall the lord your god raise upon you of your brother like unto me he gonna be like who like unto me hold it right there now you just can't read it if the man said he gonna be like me like unto me you better find out how was he like so let us investigate what did jesus and moses [Music] don't just read over it he said it gonna be like like unto me the question is how he gonna be like moses well in the days of moses when he was born that's the name of god uh you know pharaoh's daughter found them after the proclamation was sent out killed all the male children killed all of them and his mother made a basket and pitched it within and without to make it water resistant water saved moses moses was saved by water all right so it won't sink and the water carried them downstream when jesus was a baby the angel spoke because king herod is not a proclamation kill all the male children two years old darwin the angel come to joseph take the mother and the son down to egypt that the scripture might be fulfilled a sun shall rise out of egypt all right that's right [Music] god appeared to the prophet as a burning but wouldn't burn up that's right but now you got a bush and now you got fire a bush represent that which is natural fire represents that rich divide the bush and the fire represent god and man because before a bush come it got the first beginning as a seed have not the scripture said that christ coming of the seed of david out of the town of bethlehem where david was and here come jesus being the seed of david he was ignited that's right by the fire of god that's right and yet being a plant don't you know jesus was a plant isaiah said uh tender plant he shall come forth as a tender plaque and as a root out of a drug what was the dry ground the dry ground was the body of mary the root you know when you got a root from a thing it stems from a plant and that [Music] but moses truly said unto them amen 40 days 40 nights ain't up all around jesus what's called the wrath that's right for the bible says and they shall come forth that shall come from the right of the stem of jesus out of the stem of jesus a staff is the scepter that something shall not depart from judah julia no alone from between his feet onto this shallow cup that's right and unto him shall thy gather another people that's right god shall raise up hallelujah i'm your brother a prophet shall the lord your god what did he say a prophet a prophet shall the lord your god raise up unto you hallelujah you're gonna raise up back to you jesus being called prophet yes sir and he's being called pastor he's called prophet because it is written christ it's the end of the law he's called apostle because he's the head of the church of the church first in the church apostles jesus is the first member of the body that's right he better title prophet because he's the end of the law we bear the title of the apostle because he's the head of the church that's right are you getting what i'm telling you hallelujah hallelujah the most is truly set up so moses jesus come along being like moses that's right but better than moses now after moses died yes sir and god buried them now moses and elijah yes have a chat with jesus in the book of saint luke chapter 9. there's one prophet died and the other prophet never saw death that's right but yet they both appeared yeah two witnesses two the two olive trees that's right someone said what read when they appear to jesus yes and they give me zechariah yes and they give me revelation amen come on sir in saying luke chapter nine and then verse 28 i hope you can get this and it came to pass again saint luke chapter 9 and what verse 28. and it came to pass about eight days after these sayings he took peter and john and james and went up into a mountain to pray yes and as he prayed the fashion of his countenance was over the fashion of his countenance was often and his let you know jesus was in the spirit that's right how of god just took him totally over that's right until it changed his natural appearance hallelujah to a divine appearance that's right all right and behold they talked with him two men two men which were moses which was moses and elias wait a minute moses was one that died elijah was one that was translated and taken away but yeah who talked and behold they talked with them two men which were moses but yet the bible said the dead know of nothing that's right and behold they talked with them two men which were moses and he lies and what title was those who talked to him and behold they talked with them two men i let you know in your physical body that's called man die and yet your spirit come out your body your spirit take on the name and the title of your body that's right your spirit is called man if you're a man and your spirit will take on your name that's right don't instead of that bible oh yes the bible says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god but yet the bible says enoch went in yeah but enoch was translated from northern immortality but the name enoch was given to flesh that's right but when the flesh was translated the spirit had the same name of the body it used to dwell in that's right which fulfill the future scripture you shall be known yeah as you are known are you getting what i'm telling you i hope you can get this come on behold i talked with them two men two men which were moses and elias who appeared in glory in the spirit and spake of his decease they talked about jesus death which he should accomplish at jerusalem which he should accomplish at jerusalem jerusalem all right now i want you to go to zechariah zechariah chapter four and i want to tell the people who are the olive trees that's right and i want to explain to them why were they looking as olive trees and then let us define what is an olive plant and then let's explain the usage of what comes from the olive plant that's right and then you'll understand why they're called alpha trees that's right come on zechariah chapter four and red verse 11. then answer the eye and said unto him what are these two olive trees amen what are these good chapters verse again zechariah chapter four we'll start in verse 10. all right for whoever despised the day of small things for they shall rejoice and shall see the plummet and the hand of ruber bell with those seven yes they are the eyes of the lord which run to and fro through the whole earth then answered i and said unto him what are these two olive trees where are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candle on the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side of the land of the light of god and on the left side thereof and i answered it again and what and said unto him what be these two olive oils beat these two olive branches which through the two golden pikes which two which threw through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves hold it right there they don't give their name no man but i know you buy your works and i answered again and sent out to him what be these two olive branches the reason why they call olive what comes from the olive plant oh it's olive oil what is the purpose of oil anoint so these two men were the anointing ones of god that's right why is it what come out of what what which be these two out of what which through the two golden pikes what kind of pipes golden pipes what's empty from the pipes empty the golden oil wait a minute out of themselves golding oil mean the anointing of god that's right in the form of speech come out of the pipes or out of the voice of the prophet what be these two olive branches yes which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves and he answered me and said noah's style what these do you know what it is and i said no money i don't know then said he these are the two anointed ones and these are the two these are the two anointed ones what two out of the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established that's right and god establish his word through the prophets these are the two anointed ones that stand by the lord of the whole earth wait a minute they do what that stand by the lord of the whole earth wait a minute they do what that stand by the lord of the whole earth let's read where they stood by this lord back in saint louis of the whole earth back in saying luke chapter nine and at verse 30. and behold they talked with him two men which were moses and elias yes who appeared in glory appearing and spake of his decease which you should accomplish at jerusalem that's the lord of the whole earth that's right someone said what you said was moses and elijah zechariah didn't say that let's go to revelation now in revelation 11. i want you to look at how the bible describe their deeds that's right and that is those deeds will tell on them that's right who they are yes all right back in revelation chapter 11 we'll start at verse 1. and there was given me a read like unto a rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of god and what and the altar in them that worship there yes but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the gentiles and the holy city shall they tread under foot 40 in two months about three and a half years all right at verse three clothed in sackcloth these are the two olive trees i told you the two witnesses that's right the two olive trees right here not here here not here now here it is now the two olive trees and let's let's get the profile now add the two candlesticks wait a minute not only are they the two olive trees but they also the two candles that let you know they got the spirit of god in them and the olive that you know they are anointed that's right they're full of fire because their words will consume you god told jeremiah make the people wooden thy words fire and shall devour them fire candlestick let you know they got the power of god that's right now let's see how the bible profile the power these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth yes and if any man will hurt them if any man heard them fire proceeded out of their mouths and devoured their their enemies yes and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed all right these have power to shut heaven that it reigned not in the days of their prophecy that's elijah you see their profile yeah it's telling on me focus on the language of the bible it says talks about the past that's right it talks about their past these have power these have power to shut heaven past right when they was living that's right overtake god elijah shut heaven up about three years and a half that's right all right all that power over water uh-oh let's get the other profile and have power over powder over water to turn them to blood burn them the blood i had to [Music] you buy your fruit that's right fruit is what you produce hey man they produce oil and they produce fire that's right all right let's finish getting the weapons of the word yes we got the rock yeah now jeremiah and then we'll get the sword yeah and then we'll get axe yes and then we'll get water amen and let's let's tie all this into the one god everybody all right if you can't follow me well you watch it tonight on youtube all right get this jeremiah 23 we're at verse 29 yes is not my word like as a fire wait a minute why is god worth call fire fire because our physical body is an offering that's right and we have to sacrifice or offer ourselves that's right and the fire of god or the power of god or the word of god come to consume everything that's right that is in us or of us that's contrary to the agenda of god behold i will make my words in thy mouth fight you hear what god said to jeremiah in jeremiah chapter five and that verse 14. ain't no need for the preacher to try to burn you and he goes burn free that's right that's why they hate patrick jennings because i'm an arsonist we always start in fire that's right yeah that's right i mean we start firing anybody's you tell me i can't come there i'll do a drive-by throw some scripture there that's right you're a drive-by and level your church out that's right with scripture yes until you're found folks scattering why truth is burning oh yeah god truth is burdened who represent god wherefore saith the lord god of god the lord god of all because jesus that's what the lord and it shall devour them you remember when it prophet elijah when the false prophets tore down the altar and the elijah had to come and build the altar back up the scripture specifically says in the book of kings he put the word in order and before the sacrifice was offered he had to put the word in order he said i would make the people would they let you know that the church got to be put in order that's right and before you can offer yourself a right though you got to be put in order you know what and the prophet put the word in order let you know you got to have a preacher to put your life in order through them by the preaching of the word of god that's right you've got to have a preacher hallelujah to put your life in order that ain't a man on the planet can put their life in order on their own that's right how can you hear how the preacher got a preacher that's right [Applause] how can he preach except to be sick accept he'd be sick you that are watching who sent you a preacher you that are watching what sensual preacher [Applause] who sent it what's in it are you listening what did he say here behold i will make my words fire and this people would people and it shall divide with him all right come on now in jeremiah chapter 23 i'm at verse 29 that's what it's not my word like as a father you see how i keep pointing to the word the word the word the word the word in the beginning was the word and where it was with god and the word was god when the bible said the word was with god didn't mean another god was with him that means he's a god of his word when anybody's word is with them that means they are dependable that's right that's right that means they stand behind what they said in other words not one word that god spoke fall to the ground that's right he's a god that live up to everything he said his word is with them his words his word is from him that's right anything god say it just got to come to pass oh yeah i don't care what it is it just got to come to pass that's right all right it's not my word like as a firefighter like a hammer what and like a hammer wait a minute amen you see the power of the words like fire come burn you and then uh it come back and do what and like a hammer see you're stubborn yeah so you got to get a hammer that break if you fall on this stone it shall be broken but if it fall on you it'll grind you to powder what you mean if you fall on the stone meaning if you submit to the hardness and the roughness of the world it'll break you yeah it'll break your eternal mind and make it a spiritual mind that's right it'll break your uh stiff neck heart yeah give your heart a flesh it'll break everything about you and you'll submit but if you won't submit yeah here switch it and let it fall on you and then the word of god will come down on you even when you don't submit and it does more damage yeah because then it grinds you to power to the power which means it'll dismember your entire life that's right when anything ground the powder it's dismembered man lord take god it's not my word like there's a fire said the light of the fire of the lord like a hammock i have to break the rocks in peace break up the rock now in the book of acts chapter 4 and we'll start at verse 10. all right be it known until you are known under everything and to all the people of israel forgive the acts now i got to get the axe i got to get that laid at the roots now okay hey man no no no no don't don't don't get the stone yet i got to get the axe all right that lady at the roots right you got a hammer but i gotta get the axe because people's sin is being nurtured that's right that's right amen oh yeah that's right that sin that evil he he don't bear these titles for nothing nothing all right son matthew chapter three we're at verse 10 solomon and now also the acts delayed the act better get that verse nine at verse nine real quick i think not to say within yourselves we have abraham to our fathers yes where i say unto you that god is able of these stones to raise up children under abraham yes and now also the axe is laid unto the root of the tree and therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is you down wait did you hear that amen now every tree every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit uh i have to strip it back i have to strip it back after you finish that go to the 15th chapter of the book of saint john quickly looking at verse one right amen now the axe lay at the root that's the rules what cause roots is the manifestation or rather the fruit of the tree is the manifestation of the tree the roots is what's being nurtured so what's on the tree can be seen if you cut a tree down that's not good enough you gotta get the stump out when you leave the stump there you're giving the tree a chance to come back is that bible oh yes in the days of daniel when the watcher were to go and never kineza was seen as a tree as a tree heeled down but the stump was left leave the stump of the tree roots wait no when the listen that this give the book of daniel quickly now in the book of daniel chapter four and that verse i want to show you what the stump means yes daniel chapter 4 and verse 26 yes and whereas they commanded to leave the stump they commanded to leave the sound of the tree of the tree thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee now wait a minute so never kinesia was cut down but was salvaged that's right cut down cut down but what was told to leave leave the stump of the tree room that means don't root them up that's right if you take it you take a tree cut it down yeah but don't de-stump it right let some time go by you're gonna see some green that's right coming up at the stop that's right so when he took the kingdom from the king yes but left to stop you you're the tree down down and destroy it let me take away his power take away his authority that's right but i'm gonna bring him down to a stop meeting i'm gonna bring him a low degree that's right i'm gonna give him a chance to get green again i'm not gonna pull you up all together i'm gonna leave you out there where get you the tree down and destroy it yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth leave it where in the earth and that's what nebuchadnezzar was left to live at that's right and the earth like an animal yeah and he was as a stump that's why he was as an animal stump mean low degree that's right if he stay low that means he give him a chance to humble himself so his understanding can return then he could come right back a tree again that's right so you find yourself losing things in life and seem like nothing won't go right it ain't always the devil sometimes god is taking away what you love that's right and leaving just to stop something brought you to a low degree to give you a chance to notice yourself that's right [Applause] give you a chance to notice [Music] and now i'm in a better position that's right i don't praise myself no but i do what i and i bless him and i praise and honored him i praise unto him that liveth forever that liver forever whose dominion is nevertheless god has to cut you down be glad if it cut you down not cut you off that's right all right that's right still your roots got a chance to be nurtured with the word why are you in this low condition but your roots is there so the word so the bible says that act is laid at the root the accents laid out to the roots of sins nurtures the flesh so that's why the word of god if you got a preacher he ain't preaching strict and hard and covering everything you will never be cut down you see i have to take the word of god and use it like an axe and have to go right to the source of your wickedness that's right i can't tap it no you have to cut it down that's right which calls for consistency and hard preaching now what my battle ax that's right when you got a tree that been in the ground long time you just can't tap that thing no you got to be consistent that's right if you've been in something long time people can't complain well don't they know better don't they know better you don't know how long those roots been in that thing that's right so therefore there's some roots that wrap around pipes in the ground all right tear up the plumbing man break up the foundation so years give the roots the chance to go deeper they go down and go out and they get thick and strong so the preacher gotta bring something that not match the strength of the roots but is stronger than the strength of the roof that's right now the word of god is stronger than any sin we can ever get in oh yeah regardless of how strong this is if the preacher don't have the strength of the spirit of god he gonna play with your roots he gonna play with it and that's why god had to send a man yes and uh make him love god more than he love anybody yeah and don't look at how nobody feels that's true that's it no no no no no no no you love me or hate me i'm satisfied with either that's right that was that if someone gave me 20 million dollars a day i'm going to take the axe and lead at your roots why are you giving it to me i'm gonna be chopping you that's right i'm gonna kill you yeah in other words nothing shall distract the preacher from the swinging of the axe that's right nothing nothing no man no woman no offering no following no building nothing nothing [Applause] should distract him from the swinging of the axe go ahead it is written the axe is laid onto the root of the jesus i got man you got the pound on it that's right that's right pound on it that's right laid at the roots of the tree therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit what is it it's you down it's what it's you damn saying john chapter 15 begin that verse i am the true god and my father is the husband right then he spoke of human and divine right he spoke on human and divine that's right i am i am the true vine [Applause] what is a vine a vine grows where the woman don't want it to grow you got a beautiful flower bed here come a vine and that vine gonna choke up everything that look good they're going to choke it choke it yeah that's where jesus came it was prophesied that he would choke it ripped him when jacob saw blessed god and got his sons together in the 49ers the book of genesis he evaluated reuben god is a card dan simon and levi but when he looked at judah he said judah thou art he whom thy brother go and pray thy hand shall be in the neck about that enemy that's what jesus came and do he's put his hands in the neck of creation to do what choked out all unrighteousness and everything that's right i am i am the true mind the true god so not only did he come to grow where people don't want him he come to choke what people don't want to believe that's right that's right he come to choke out unbelief and he come where he's not wanted that's right and then he comes praying and covering the church amen that's what a vine does that's right it grows it's prayers it'll cover a whole fence and it'll choke all the plants you got that's true that's what jesus comes for that's right choke all your plans come choke creation he said those plants that my heavenly father have not planted shall be rooted up i am the true vine that's talking about the flesh and my father and my father is the husband i know what a husband tree is husband she is farmer farming so he said my father which is the spirit is the husband man husband that let you know that the the origin of the vine come from the husband man that's right before you got a vine got to begin as a seed where was the sea that it was planted in the house of david in the ground in the dirt in the body of mary who put it there the husband man plant the true vine that's right the spirit plant the body that's right it was the planting of the lord that's right it grew up as a tender plant as a root and dry ground and the husband man was in the tender plant tender plant mean young he was a tender plant talking to the doctors and the lawyers tinder he was a tender plant on the outside but the tree of life on the inside that's right [Applause] that's what that's what i just couldn't grasp what he was saying that's right amen he said before abraham was i am the tender plant wasn't before abraham amen but he that was eternal that was before your father all right i am the true vine and my father is the husband man listen every branch in me that bears not fruit all right church every branch every branch in me that's not jesus that's not productive he taketh away you sitting around church and you don't have no fruit he said what every branch in me that bear is not fruit that bears not what he not fruit what happened to it he taketh away now what is the fruit you gotta bear fruit you see what i mean that's right you just can't read it that's right don't think of oranges and apples no apricots and lemons that's right peaches that's right all right let's see what fruit we gotta bear in galatians chapter five and verse 22. listen but the fruit of the spirit there it is amen you don't want god to cut you down what got to be got to be produced but the fruit of the spirit what is it it's love that got to grow on you joy that got to grow on you peace that got to grow on long suffering that god how long long suffering didn't say how long we just say long suffering gentleness we got that got to grow on goodness you got to have a gentle fruit i got to see some good fruit faith you got to have some faith people that works is dead meekness you got to be humble temperance that's got to have self-control against such there is no law there is no law so that's what got to be produced out of your life otherwise than that he gonna cut you down you're playing you plant it in the dirt yeah but uh if you want to grow fruit they got to have a preacher who got a green thumb go ahead you know you got the plants i have planted plant food yeah what do you mean a green thumb someone that have a green and they have a greenhouse or love planting they often say they got a green thumb they know gardening the preacher have to have a green thumb what do you mean he have to know how to deal with plants yeah you know why in the natural all plants are not the same spiritual all people are not the same there's some plants a lot of water is needed otherwise in that they shrivel up quick there's some plants don't take much water at all there's some people you got to stay on them and then some people it doesn't require that that's right you can tell them one time like one drop of water you'll get cooperation two words they go wonderful and wonderful what is it first corinthians chapter three and adverse five what's happening who then paul who then is paul and who is apollos i believe the same thing that's right that's right that's the way i look at them in the bible who are they who are they they ain't higher than the bible no they ain't greater than god they can't do no more than what god said that's right they weren't ordinary man they were extraordinary men that's right but yet there still was men that's operated by the hand of god who then is paul and who's paul and who is opposing but ministers by whom he believes by whom you believe even as the lord gave to every man what happened i have planted it look at the apostle paul said i plant apollos water apollos come along in water but god gave the increase that mean him and apollos was working together that's right man that's right you see if we come along planting the gospel of god and then the brothers come along and minister they have to water what's been planted in you so it can grow that's right you see what i'm talking yeah now you take a plant when the sun go down it can be a tulip it can be a rose but when the sun go down look at the crown of that plant it'll close up and sometimes it like it's limp like it's battling in brad that's right but it does it when darkness comes right when the sun come up and light comes it quickens the planet and the plant look alive that's right springing up if the sun is facing that way look at your plants they lean they shift towards the light plants got more intelligence than people that's right the light of god can be somewhere they won't go where the light is [Music] they go another direction that's why some mothers they can have a plant in the house and a certain time of day that plant the sun is that way plant is leaning yeah another time of day plant is that way or the sun is that way so mama take the pot [Music] that's right take the leaning part and shift it yeah so that thing can straighten back up that's right that's right [Applause] that's what we need you got to have a preacher that care about you enough that he'll shift you in need be bring you to war towards the light with you that's right move you around one question just like the mother loved that plan she worked with it yeah and sometimes she talked to it he said i'm talking to the plants now tell me your hair and by god's grace i'm trying to shift you towards the light of god [Applause] i want to shift [Applause] second chronicles 7 14. and that verse 14. listen at this if my people which are called by my name wait a minute give chapters ii chronicles chapter 7 and verse 14. it's my people it's my people which are called by my name will do what i shall humble themselves humble themselves and pray the reason why some of your prayers are not being answered because you put in prayer in front of humility that's right that's right that's why some of your prayers ain't getting natural that's right you put in prayer in front of humility it's like if you do wrong and you come before the church thanks i repent they ain't repentance repentance is more than what you say yeah repentance is something you got to feel that's right where there's repentance there's conviction no conviction no repentance that's right [Applause] why you think the word of god talks about a broken and kind right heart your heart must be broken that's right about that act that you've done that's right if your heart is not broken you're not sorry that's right amen [Applause] that goes from cold pit down yeah if a preacher said thanks i want to come before the church i die wrong i repent i'm sorry but there's no conviction it's words being tossed into wind i must be convicted now you mean to tell me i'm a preacher and i do wrong with the subject to happen but yet i'm preaching the word and i'm never convicted by the word that i'm preaching i'm a preacher go ahead man i do wrong yeah and yet i don't have enough gospel in me that i'm convicted by my own preaching that's right then why should i expect my dead weight to convict you that's right if i ain't got enough gospel to convict me am i wrong i ain't got what it takes to break your heart go ahead and make a crowd to go hallelujah i ain't got enough to convict myself [Applause] where there's conviction there's self-salvation i can't even save myself how can i save others over it i hope you can get this wall [Applause] apostle paul preaching convict him paul said oh wretched man [Music] who shall be able yes to deliver me from this body yes of death the body of death was not talking about the grave the sting of death is sin why was it called a body because sin take on shape because it is act out with shall humble themselves that's why some of your prayers ain't going away you trying to pray over humility the scriptures is giving us a pattern that's right a foundation how to go before god before the lord come for christ that's right listen if my people hold it first word if all that if go ahead [Applause] if what if hallelujah didn't you know it's circumstances here yeah it's circumstances he ain't gonna force you but if you accept what he's about to outline that's right and follow that pattern yes then you get results yes listen it's my people if you got to be willing to do this that's right now not no one force you if me you got to be willing if my people my people which are called by my name which are called by my name shall humble themselves then what and pray humble first that's right when the bible says every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord please look at that broader than your physical needs when it says every knee shall bow that's in symbolic terms that's right the truth someone said well how's that pastor dennis if it means everybody what about folks who don't have no legs yeah a person don't have no legs that don't stop them from battling that's right true bowing of the knee is the submission of the heart are you listening that's right true boweling of a knee is the submission of the heart that's right when your heart bound you down oh yeah your knees bow that's right so when the bible says every knee shall bow that's that's beyond your physical need because there's some folk that's born only from waist up and have no legs at all that's true but yet the bible said every night every shot we need yet they don't have none but yet they still can bow yeah are you getting this amen what did the holy ghost say if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves humble yourself first and pray submit yes give up give in even you to have the holy ghost don't ever go to god like you so full of the holy ghost go to god like you don't have nothing [Applause] all right listen that's right don't never go before god high-minded arrogant beside yourself like you so much that's right go to god like you were a sinner because if you investigate yourself you still might find out you're still a sinner yeah what is the center one that do acts acts of sin [Music] are you a senator well i speak in tongues it don't change my question huh [Applause] man nobody in here struggle with one thing no way we struggle with plural things that's right the problem with many of us we're now humble enough to admit to ourselves our struggle that's right you ain't got to broadcast to others what you're dealing with you know preachers quote the script to confess your fault one to the other and they say everybody got to come before the church and tell what they've done you know what i find interesting you don't find nobody in the bible coming before the body of christ broadcasting what they've done no nobody no man drinkers have made that a rule in the church you got to come before the church and tell what the bible said confess your faults one to the other all right let's itemize that now they got to balance out with a fool is known by the multitude of words they also got to balance out with a fool tail all his heart that's right now you're getting up telling every detail that you're done and god call you a fool so the prick is going to make you tell all their dirt why don't they tell theirs [Applause] are you listening if i'm going to make this brother come before the church and tell everything he done and yet i'm up there telling the church thanks i'm not perfect somebody else raise your hand oh tell all what you've done and stop preaching this thing as if it's just for the people and not for up here that's right [Applause] what did he say if my people which are called by my name do i shall humble themselves first thing humility and not the humility and pray then pray after prayer and seek my face seek god face in prayer after that and turn wait a minute first step humility humble next step great pray next step seek my faith take his face and while i'm doing those first three steps what i got to be doing and turn from their wicked ways i gotta be making the effort to change [Music] while i'm sick in his face while i'm holding myself while i'm calling his name turn from there lord deliver me and then god make a way for you to be delivered that's right but then you don't move that's right i gotta be making an effort yeah that's what i mean by you gotta rotate around the world that's right you know like this earth rotate and then the light of the sun hits the earth your earthly tap and knife are going to rotate so the light of the scriptures can hit you that's right right and then start burning out all the darkness that's there that's right it's written light shine in the darkness and the darkness comprehended did not making the wisdom of god shine in the place of ignorance and them that don't understand the light of god cannot understand cannot comprehend that's right what is it and turn from their wicked ways time from their wicked ways if you do this then will i hear from heaven wait a minute then then you get results that's right then then will i hear from heaven lord help me to overcome the liquor stop hanging around your friends that love to drink that's right all right let's let's test our honesty today hey buddy all right maybe you can shout tomorrow if you can get your feet up there's some sin we love to do amen all right you know you got some folk get up and satisfied you know thanks i hate all sin [Applause] yeah some sin put a smile on your face in the spring in your step all right hey amen amen amen you see that that's what i mean by being brutally honest that's i'm saying you look for you long for you hunt for what's the matter that i hit you there's some sin you look for you long for you crave you have withdrawal symptoms when you stay away from it that's true that's true oh yes work hard brother [Applause] amen that's why the bible says stop your ears from hearing about blood there are some things we want to listen to yeah it's true close your eyes i'm saying evil but there's some things don't look evil to us that's true that man see that woman built like he like when she walked by he may be talking to her brother yeah brother you know wait wait you know man man you know the work the world was being put put down that was being put down today the lord is coming after a while ain't no need to try to psych yourself up every time a woman walks by look good to you you going off some tongue that's the devil that's right every time she walked by you're gonna be like you man just stop you're here just stop because when that stuff wear off she's still gliding she's still gliding and sliding get real that's right if the bible didn't attack our eyes and our hands and our feet to be swift to run the mischief it wouldn't attack it if god didn't know there are things we still want to go after yeah that's why paul said i die out yeah daley but you got to have a preacher that constantly shoot at you and you got to have a preacher that when he take that gun out he got to shoot at himself too that's right that's right [Music] i'm bleeding out [Music] that stuff that stuff be harpooning me but pastor jenny you don't look at me that's all right i'm bleeding out when i leave here and get in the car i'm gonna be like oh lord hallelujah that's right what bleeding out we know paul said i'm not yet apprehended that's right that's right what is it i'm not yet apprehended take heed unto myself said and first timothy four in verse 16 take heed unto yourself and unto the doctrine and to the doctrine continue in them stay in it that here they foreign the preacher and the people amen we're not just preaching for you to be saved and then i go to hell oh please huh williams be safe and then i'd go to hell wow no if anybody gonna go let him go you understand i mean if it comes down to that it comes down to it if you come down to it i mean the bible said two in the field take one and leave one and if whims and eyes in the field and we got to choose let him go on to go to hell right then [Music] if you had to choose williams who would you choose i would choose me pastor you choose yourself to go to hell no to go to heaven [Music] [Applause] he choose him i'm choosing myself no you're a good brother i'm not that good god all right come on script let's go to work if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves first pray next i seek my face and turns make an effort strive from there that's right healing mean deliverance that's right so it's a process do you understand what i'm saying oh yeah all right where you at now in hebrews chapter 4 we're at verse 12. what is it for the word of god is quick now another tool yeah that describes god's word that's right now right then it shows you how it's used yeah what up god it's quick it works fast and powerful and it's strong and sharper than any 2d sword two eggs for it now what does it do piercing what does it pierce even to the dividing of soul soul and spirit hold it so here soul of a man is the total essence of the man but depending upon the scripture there's a separation of soul and spirit depending upon the scripture soul is spirit that's right and depending upon the scripture so it's flesh let's get genesis now in the book of genesis church come on son amen and then we'll get our believer book ecclesiastical jessica i want to show you soul ass flesh first genesis chapter 2 and at verse 7 come on and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground the lord god formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life pay attention he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became man became a living soul that's talking about his flesh so depending upon what scripture it addresses flesh as a living soul or a living being that's right now if he became a living soul what was he before his body came alive that's right he was dead that's right second astros chapter three for for you to become a living soul he became now that then that showed you the body was formed before it came alive that's right the form of man was there first then the breath of man came after that's right and the breath of man quickened the man that's right meaning it revived the man so what came in man so soul came in man and then man inherited the title of what was in him that's right that's right are you kidding me ahead now let me show you man without soul now in the book of second extras chapter three amen that's right oh i love this second esther's chapter three and at verse five says what and gave us a body unto adam he gave a body to adam without soul you better give chapter and verse second esther's chapter three and add verse five second estrus chapter three chapter three and verse five and verse five and gave us a body unto adam you better get that verse four at verse four come on oh lord who bears rule about speakers at the beginning yes when god did his plan of the earth and that thyself alone yes and commandeth the people and gave us a body unto adam i told you the body came first that's right he gave a body to adam without soul without life which was the workmanship of thine hands and did his breathe the breath of life and he was he was made made living before thee but first he had a body without soul with no spirits and a genesis said he became became a living soul that's when his body came alive that's right so he made the body and when he breathed in him soul came in him and the body inherit the title soul of what was in it that's right that's what the bible said the soul that sinneth it shall die that's dealing with your flesh but then the lord said all souls are mine that's dealing with flesh and spirits that's right also but you mean the total essence of the human family is his that's right your spirit belongs to him it is written in the book of hebrews should we not rather be subject to the father of spirits and live all souls of mine that got your outer and your inner you see you come from two places that's right you come from heaven and you come from earth that's right someone said what yes i say you come from heaven in the book of ecclesiastes and you come from earth give me ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7 the book of ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7 well wait a minute before you go there let's go back to genesis yes let's see where did adam come from and where breath comes from amen listen back in genesis chapter two and verse seven i want you all to follow me and get me i'm i'm almost done god be my help i had no changes on been up this long but come on genesis chapter two and verse seven yes and the lord god for man of the dust of the ground all right that's the flesh yes the body comes from the dust of the ground you got that but now what and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life now the breath of life didn't come from the ground no it's life a gift listen that my language is life a gift give me the book of james quickly son and every perfect gift is from above where does it come from and cometh down from the father of light from the father of lights mean the god of direction with whom is no variable that means he's not unstable neither shadow of turin so spirits come from above yes and your body comes from beneath comes from the earth so when you die just like you came here he do the same thing same thing he separates spirit from body that's right that's what he did when he made you spirit breathing body from the earth from the earth when you die the same thing is a reenactment the book of ecclesiastes in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7. we're taking you to school tonight yeah listen in ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7 that's what then shall the dust then shall the dust return to the earth it goes back that's right it returned to the earth as it was but what and the spirit oh the spirit shall return unto god that goes to god who gave it it separates your spirit is separated from your body that's right that's right someone said does it go to heaven it said it goes to god but where's god everywhere amen amen amen he can talk to your spirit after you're gone all go on to one place did you hear this now in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 20. all go to one place all are of the dust all of other deaths and all turn to dust again who know what the spirit of name know the spirit of man that goes upward the spirit of man go away goes upwards the man's spirit go wherever goes upwards i thought you said it didn't go to heaven it don't but it seems to go upward let me let me itemize that and what happened and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth it goes well downward so how does a man's spirit go upward when a man died he go down when the bible said the spirit go up what does that simply mean his spirit of sins that's right go upwards it comes out of his body yeah not go to heaven no it ascends up by coming out of his body that's right that's all that is not go to heaven it is sin simply by come up out of the body that's already gone are you getting but i'm deadly that's right all right go back to the thessalonians so i can knock off i hope you all can get this that can first get you on your belly full of information amen amen back in first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 1. real quick but of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that i write unto you yes well yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh is coming as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon this as travail upon a woman with child as travail with a one with child that means it's giving her a lot of pain and they shall not escape but you brethren are not in darkness wait a minute you not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief wait a minute that day should not overtake you as a thief but yet he's coming as a thief right he's coming as a thief but that day should not overtake you as a thief as a he's coming as a thief to those that don't expect them that's right won't be a thief to the church he tells us look up look up your redemption draw now all right we'll wait wait it's coming we're expecting go ahead looking for the blessed hope and the glorious hallelujah appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ we expect him sir the holy ghost says what but ye brethren are not in darkness you see how the bible itemize brothers you not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief we're not in darkness about this that's right we expect them that's right we're waiting for that's what we're working for so for us it's not going to be a thief not for us but for the unbeliever he's going to be as a thief in the night in the night but for the church we are waiting for him he are all the children of light we are the children of light and the children of the day and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness wait a minute we are the children of light the light children of the day we are not we are not of the night of the night nor of darkness no of the darkness the bible says they love darkness because their deeds are evil all right let's knock off what acts 238 then peter said unto them repent all right augusta who is the god everything here and i mean everything here that have not obeyed this scripture hallelujah now let's understand if you bow your head and raise your hands in some church i was told to accept christ as your personal savior you no more saved than a giraffe can tap dance still a sinner you pray to sinner's prayer you're still a sinner the preacher baptized you father son of holy ghost you just got wet jesus said do it in the name of the father son of holy ghost so that means when that preacher baptized you he don't say father son the holy ghost he got to do it in the name of the father son of holy ghost in the name of the father son the holy ghost is jesus and he's the christ that's right just like my name i'm a son by birth i'm a husband by marriage i'm a father because we have children you're not going to do something and say son husband and father you're going to call my name oh jennings so you out there father son of the holy ghost you're not saved you're not baptized if you bow your head and raise your hands it went to the catholic church to be sprinkled you no more born again than a duck can smoke crack and lay square eggs that's right why are you listening that's right i want to make it hard i said if you've been baptized father son and holy ghost or bow your head raise your hands or salt some lie on television and you touch the screen or touch the radio and he said repeat after me lord jesus come into my heart i'm a sinner wash me white as snow and then you look at that old liar he said you're safe my friend yeah send me twenty dollars you no more you no more see you ain't gonna find no duck smoking crack either no and he ain't gonna lay no square eggs no you got to repent repent you gotta be convicted in your heart about your wrong that's right acts 2 38 says repent and what repent and be baptized how much of augusta georgia every one of you how in the name of jesus christ not in jesus name no also some of you here got to reinvestigate your baptism someone said i thought you baptized in jesus name no we do not oh no how do we baptize in the name of jesus christ there's more than one jesus in the bible you never thought of that did you many preachers says 2 is our three jesus in the bible it is not more than that you got in the old testament you got jesus in the hebrew language there are no jays in the hebrew language so joshua will not be pronounced joshua in the hebrew language because there is no jays in their alphabet joshua is properly pronounced yahushua yahushua in the english translation is jesus you have jacob and esau well in the arabic language esau is pronounced isa isa translated into english that name is jesus you got bar jesus and you got jesus justice but you only have one jesus christ christ you only have one true lord jesus that's right tell them you've been baptized simply in the name jesus jesus just all jesus name yeah you got to go back repent and be baptized every one of you in jesus name in the name of jesus christ no just in jesus name in the name of jesus christ what jesus do you got you got issa you got your hospital you got by jesus you got jesus justice which one do you have if you don't have jesus christ you know you're not saved no did you hear the old troublemaker that's right get mad at me if you like you ain't gonna be mad enough that you're saved anybody want to be baptized right and get it right and be baptized in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet everyone and if anyone in the back stand their feet and come on to the front you that are standing come on to the front all of you that are standing come on to the front make room back there come on to the front hallelujah you don't want to be baptized come on little brothers get out the way guide them in the way [Applause] this is the work of the apostles [Applause] all of you back there help them get themselves together you sisters that work with the baptism you sisters can help get them together and you brothers help get them together all sisters that work with baptism help get them together and all brothers that work with baptism come on let's move quick and get them together this is what the apostles died anybody else come on you might as well get it right the bible said gather up the fragments that nothing be lost if you're standing back there come on if you're unsure come on you better repent now repent let me backside [Applause] every one of you hey we got water back there piper says see here's water we got water for you we got clothes you ain't got no excuse someone but it's time for you to get yourself right with god god gave us all something good all right we got some more coming all right all right all right we're going to ask you when you leave don't crowd back there because they're getting themselves together the brothers is great and baptize them and we'll find out about tomorrow how many got this good water baptism in the name of jesus you know i thank god for this powerful message pandemical no pandemic this message since the pandemic even before it have never slowed down at no time you know last year the last location the last location that i went to was in march we was i believe uh in miami and when a virus was just circulating baptizer oh man i think it was over a hundred and something down there in two days and then after that places started shutting down all over the country so we stayed in headquarters and was webcasted from march all the way to december didn't travel nowhere but the power of the gospel kept circulating even when we didn't travel in 2020 we baptized over 4 400 and something sold in one year in the midst of a pandemic that's right that's right in the midst of a pandemic no traveling that's right man people was reaching out from all across this country listening to the message hallelujah warning to be baptized we were sending the brothers all around the country amen even had the brothers even built baptismal pools was determined to get it to the people they was building baptismal poles putting on the back of trucks going from city to city city to city pulling up at people's houses so they can come out and get baptized and run back in the house over 4 400 souls in the midst of a pandemic that's right most men won't baptize that if they've been pastoring 70 years truly god is good you can't credit us you have to credit god all right we're going to let you go turn it back in the hands of bishop williams and he'll close us out in prayer let us all stand we'll be back in the morning at 11. praise the lord and then tomorrow reading at five let's bow our heads father god right now in the name of jesus we thank you for all that you have done this night father we pray that your choice anointing will fall upon all who've heard your word and father these souls that are going down in water today father we pray right now in the name of jesus that you would just impart something in them that would let them stay steadfast and immovable always abound and fill them up with the holy ghost and father we ask all these blessings and give thanks for everything that have been transpired today in the name of jesus now may the sweet communion of the holy spirit rest rule and abide with each and every one of you till we come together again in jesus name amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 214,625
Rating: 4.8038259 out of 5
Keywords: First Church, Holy, Holiness, TOG, Gino Jennings, Pastor Jennings, Religion
Id: FWjV9sctIhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 24sec (8844 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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