First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1521-1523 April 18th, 2021 Sunday Morning Augusta GA Live Stream

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thank you brothers and sisters you may be seated greetings brothers and sisters once again we bear witness there is no god but one there is no god with him there is no god besides him there is no god equal to him there is no god greater than him and there certainly is no god better than him we thank him for being the true sender true teacher of holy prophets and of holy apostles we are thankful to him for the way of holiness revealed to his servants for our learning to our beloved ministers that are present uh to all of you that are here you that's in the back i don't know whether a screen was set in the back or not is it it is oh good thank god for that to all of our guests and to the millions that are watching again we are dedicating our new temple here in augusta georgia the address is 3441 millageville road in augusta georgia you're welcome to come and be a part of the work of the lord that is taking place here god willing this weekend coming we'll be starting a new work in jackson mississippi this weekend coming i went there once and we baptized i believe over a hundred and something souls there in two days so we are going back i suppose it went there last year but coveted shut everything down so god willing we'll be in jackson and next month we have to i can't set my schedule like i normally do because of covet different states have different rules so we have to do it one step at a time now uh but next month god willing we'll be in chicago we're starting a new church in chicago a church was given to us and it's not even big enough to hold the people but i'm going to utilize what i can and the following week after that the last week of may i'll be in good old columbia south so we'll be carolina out with uh brother minister jones brother minister evans and all the saints down there and we do hope that the many viewers get a chance to come we will we won't have enough room but you better get there early probably do good to spend the night in church but to all of my beloved brothers and sisters that are watching in the foreign countries uh we someone reached out to us as they always do from new zealand crying out for baptism in the name of jesus christ and we were scheduled last year to be in new zealand and then try to petition the government to finally let me in australia the government of australia wouldn't let me in in 2019. it was 2019 wasn't it wow time go by fast and uh they decide not to sanction my passport and visa because i don't agree with homosexuality and the government banned me from coming it made me feel good what it did it showed me the power of the gospel of god anytime an entire government will forbid you for coming in their country all because you believe was written and you fight what they believe they actually would not allow me to have a visa they refused to sanction it they said they feel as though iowa caused a riot because of my stand against same-sex marriage they let williams go yes they did they let williams go and in fact all the sinks that was going from america got approved that's right my planning staff whatever brothers went sisters went all of them was in australia so we had to come up with a plan so me and scoleski and dan and john and i said listen they want to keep me out fine but we got to get the message in there so uh mr rollins and all of them over there we had to coordinate we got a massive screen set it up in perth australia and in the capital in sydney australia now that caused us to be up in the pulpit preaching here in america two and three o'clock in the morning but by the help of god we worked and do you know in perth australia and perth australia we had a little disturbance some gay and lesbian protesters came to the meeting and uh the screen was in headquarters so i was able to see the congregation in australia and they was able to see us so they came in and i told them well let them in don't bother them they came in and with gay flags and set down on the floor and put it over their shoulder like a shawl i told them i'd take that flag and wrap it up and baptize you in it but uh when the meeting was over i believe over a hundred and i think in the teens if i'm not mistaken souls went down in the name of jesus christ from australia and yet we physically wasn't there but the gospel is very strong last night 16 went down so far in the name of jesus christ so then let me remind our viewers in memphis remember i don't want you forget we'll be back in your area may 9th telecast will be on uh sunday mornings from 11 30 or rather to from 10 30 to 11 30 wlmt cw 30 thus channel 30 beginning may 9th from 10 30 to 11 30. uh we hope you tune in so you can get yourself right with god also and baton rouge louisiana covering lafayette and surrounding areas we'll be there telecasts be there sunday mornings from 6 00 am to 7 a.m beginning may 2nd that's wbrl channel 10 on cox cable all right get your recipe books open i call the scriptures my recipe book because there's a lot of heavenly meals in there we have meat the bible says meat for the belly and belly for the meats and we have bread to offer you jesus said i'm that bread from heaven we have water to give you it's called living water so we have a good balanced meal and when you have a balanced meal physically it helps you to develop properly when you have balance teaching spiritually it helps you to develop properly if you want to learn in the right manner dismiss what you know dismiss what you have and go to god with the mindset of starting fresh and the reason why that is important sometimes holding on to tradition is a hindrance and divine development divine development in other words let's look at it from a natural perspective if you've been used to working out a particular way and then somebody come along and show you a better way a safer way to work out and get the same results using less energy you know when i came up and we work out and pump iron the concept was and when you're curling with weights you know you curl it you try to have it as heavy as you can so then later on the thought was lighten the weight and just increase repetition you see what i'm talking about years ago make it heavy just curling well that's less repetition because of the weight of it so they came up with the idea let's let's lighten the weight and just more repetition that's right and then you can get the same results i wanna lighten your weight that's right but increase the repetition in the book of philippians chapter two says what and we'll start at verse 12. all right wherefore my beloved does he have always obeyed yes not as in my presence only why do i but now much more in my absence work out we want to have a workout today that's right work out your own salvation don't worry about nobody else's you're wrong work out your own salvation salvation with fear fear and trembling so we want to bench press some scriptures today that's right bench pressing you know some folk they may be small slim but the ability to bench press shock some people that's right you got some men maybe 150 pounds and can bench press double their body weight that's true scriptures are heavy oh yes i mean they are heavy that's right that's why a lot of folk drop them that's right and drop the book i don't mean the physical paperback book they drop the information that's right they've been laid upon them because it's just too heavy that's right they start out working out glory to god and lifting scripture and applying it to the spiritual development in the book of first timothy chapter two and verse eight listen i will therefore that men pray everywhere i will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up i told you amen lifting up holy hands holy ass now many folks that saw us as i've said on many occasions when they first seen us they thought i was a muslim i never knew a bow tie had so much power and then when they saw me or some of the saints over the telecast praying like this they say you know he's a muslim because the bible say lift up lifting up holy hands well if i lift them up like this they're up that's right if i left them like this they're up that's right up is from any position that's not down that's right are you getting what i'm telling you that's right so church people say well wait a minute when you lift them up you're supposed to do like this says who that's the way you lift yours up you ain't getting an argument out of me i lift mine up yeah like this lift up holy hands holy hands without wrath without wrath and doubting and doubting so i want to educate you how to lift up scripture that's right you know i often refer to the natural because that's what jesus did yeah he taught us if i tell you earthly things and thou don't know you don't understand it how can i tell you heavily anyone who wants to physically work out and to get results it calls for the modification also of your diet that's right so you have to consume protein yeah you can get it from beans or from meat and you have to take carbs yes and you have to take in some good uh vitamin d and strengthen your bones that's right and you need a trainer that's right you just can't go in and start lifting you may hurt yourself yeah you have to be trained so most time they require that you do some stretches first in other words limit yourself up that's right hey man warm up go that way go that way you want to level yourself up exercise thyself amen i want you to hear this because we're going this is our holy gymnasium this morning that's right the bible says in first timothy chapter 4 the book of scriptures is our training manual that's right for divine development that's right i want to increase the muscles of your mind that's right that your mind might be strong enough to hold the heavy sayings of god that's right that's right and i want to increase your heart that it might be emotionally strong enough to carry the sayings of god that's right your sayings of god is heavy oh yes oh man that's heavy sometimes that thing weigh on your mind so heavy and make you lose sleep that's true it's heavy that's right amen and say it it's a weightier matter yeah what do you have son first timothy chapter four we're at verse seven yes but refuse profane and old wives fabled refuse profane in what and old wives fabled just a minute let's park right there for a little bit because we have a lot of old wives that we have mistaken for scripture that's true are you listening to the old man we have a lot of old wise fables that we have assumed to be scriptures that's right we have assumed it to be the teachings of jesus and his apostles and there's nothing more but fables that have been passed down from generation to generation that's right fables bring about homemade scriptures that's right homemade you know you got some women they need uh a they make cake from a box but then you got some women they don't they don't use box no they they make it from scratch right and they they know how much of everything they go in there that's right and uh they don't even have to look they just know what to do what to grab and put it in on the phone holding it that way and can't come out just right that's right they know how to do it that's right now homie scripture are scriptures that not even god have that's right so they hung me that's right they came out of the mind of somebody but not the mind of god like some parents when we were coming up when the children didn't want to eat all their food some parents say now the bible says waste not want not yeah ain't a half a script that ever made no such statement no no old wives oh wise favorite amen waste not want not now this is a big one here the scripture that says don't let the sun go down on your wrath an old wise fable says listen there's a sin to go to bed angry ain't nobody said that someone said what listen i went to bed angry woke up through the night angry went back to sleep angry and woke up when the sun came upon you that's right in the book of ephesians chapter four i better explain that don't let the sun go down on your wrath let me strip that apart uh you know because i'm pretty sure many of us still have these old wise favors in us and one of the requirements that's recommended before you physically work out is going through a detox that's right clean your system out that's right so you don't mind if we detox you amen hey man if you don't want to be detox we're going to run that junk out of you anyway all right let's have it in ephesians chapter 4 and verse 26 be angry and sin not be angry that give me permission permission to be angry that's right god gave me permission but there's a certain kind of anger that he allowed be angry that means you're allowed to be angry and sin but now you got to go against your will while you're emotional that's right what a combination amen because the lord know anger ignites sin that's right it's almost inseparable that's right that's right now here come god amen glory to god what is he teaching the church discipline yes so when they said be angry that means he's giving us permission to show your displeasure about something that's right but it's a cap on it be angry and sin not be angry but don't get into self that's right he only allows you to be angry yes on his terms think of it think of it he allowed you to be angry in a manner that only satisfy him that's right that's right that's right amen amen you know because flesh get angry come on this is after this is after we am i right i said that's right [Applause] that's right now in the book of proverbs 14 and verse 17 proverbs 14 17 did we go back to ephesus he that is soon angry that get angry quick deal with foolishly he deals foolishly and one of the qualifications of the elder which is the bishop is not suitable it didn't say he can't get angry no it says not soon meaning god forbid you to be quick tempered that's right amen that's right now let's go back to ephesus chapter and verse again back in ephesians chapter four and verse 26. be angry be ye angry and sin not now when he says don't sin that means i can't sin in no form while i'm angry that's right don't limit it down to express expressing your anger physically and sinning no that's right it says sin not sin not that mean i can't say nothing in my mind or think anything makes me sin that's right because if i'm angry it triggers thoughts god so now he that's why i said this is a workout because our mind soul body and spirit must be conditioned go ahead must be conditioned in following the statues the precepts the orders of god that's right now listen at this be you angry and sin not now let's first get the mind in the book of proverbs chapter 24 and verse 9. the thought of foolishness the very thought of foolishness is sin the thought of foolishness somebody said you know since i've been sanctified and holy god cleaned me up i used to be a cussing something but god took all the curse words out of my mouth but is it in your mind that's right that's right amen amen amen amen the very start the thought of foolishness is sin so if i get angry i cannot thank no ill that's right against you because the holy ghost said the holy ghost thank you no evil no evil no evil so if the holy ghost thinketh no evil i have to be ministered to with the word that the word may condition my mind that i may have the mind of christ that's right for me to have the mind of christ i must be exposed to the constant thinking of christ and if i'm exposed to the constant thinking of christ he reprogrammed how i think that's right that's right now in order for me to be reprogrammed i must willingly let this mind offer yeah my mind that's right let's go down to philippi in the book of philippians chapter two and verse five what's the first word let's hold it amen let the moment say lit that means i must volunteer willingly that's right give my mind over to the how god think and then willingly allow god's thoughts take over my colon mind until it removes all the carnality in other words the mind of god is a divine mental detox to our mind that's right that's right are you listening let this and you're watching all around the world when the bible says present your body is a living sacrifice one of the things you got to offer is your mind that's right one step that says get rid of your mortal mind let go from the immortal thought do you hear this in the book of estrus second esther's chapter 14 second estrus chapter four the fourth chapter and verse 14. what shall we do let go from the immortal thought no hold on do it let go from the immortal thought let go from the mortal folk mortal fleshy carnal way of thinking that's the way the burdens of man cast away the burdens of man put look at yourself oh yeah this is a weakness that's right that's why gloria take god god established a new birth yeah he want to switch your nature that's right when you're born again you take on a new nature that's right so you got to repent of your sins and when you repent of your sins you are repenting for the performance of the weak nature the weak nature and now you need the holy ghost which is the power of god to strengthen the weak nature from weakness to strength that's right are you getting what i'm telling you that's right so you have to get rid of all of these wise favors let's go back to the book and be figured i got to finish that up because i got some more fables to straighten out back in ephesians 5 and verse 26 what is it be angry and sin not all right you can be angry but no sin is allowed involved you can't think it yes you can't feel it yeah you can't say it that's right you can't do it i said you can't think it yeah you can't say it you can't feel it you can't do it anything that come under the heading of sin sin while you're angry let not the sun go down upon your ass now hold it amen when it says don't let the sun go down on your wrath right that don't that domain is a sin to go to bed angry no let us just define what happens when the sun go down and let us define what happens when you're in a state of anger anger when the sun go down a shadow is cast upon the earth that's right so when the word of god said don't let the sun go down upon your wrath or don't let the sun go down while you in this state don't let your light go out what do you mean don't die yeah in this predicament that's right because when the sun go down darkness falls when your light go out of your life darkness falls over your earth that's right over your whole body that's right and if you die in that predicament you're lost yeah but if i fall asleep in that predicament i'm not lost because i can wake up and repent that's right wonderful are you getting what i'm telling you that's right lord say god wonderful all right i could get some more of the fables now what it says back in first timothy four and verse seven what is it but refuse profane and old wives fables all lies waste not want not what not don't let this there's a cindy go to bed angry yeah teeth fall out your mouth put it on the pillar that's right that's right i'm old fool fairy speakers children believe that to this day yeah still believe it i want you children that are watching amen if you lose any teeth and you put it under your pillow yeah and your mama or daddy told you was a tooth fairy listen to the old troublemaker now it's just a lie that's right well pastor jennings i woke up some money was under there it either came from your mother or your lying father that's right oh wise old wives fables easter bunny yeah oh wise faith santa claus that's right oh wise fable that's right i when i came up i was told if you count 12 stars up in the sky and go around a corner you see a coffin amen i tried it i tried it yeah the street that we used to live on was between two large streets oh york road which is a major street in philadelphia and broad street and i remember as a child i was beautiful summer night and the stars was out and i count 12 stars and ran down the olyac road and looked no coffee and i concluded i was down the wrong street so i ran up the broad street and when i didn't see no coffin down the street or up the street i realized i was suckered never counted the stars again amen oh wise old wives this is one always fable that probably came from the south i don't know that when uh when you see a dove land on your windowsill that means somebody died if that's the case you better have a bunch of birds on your windowsill that's right people die every second of the day that's right old wives fable so parents you have to go back and investigate yeah and if you got to undo the years of fables that you told your children and correct them and let them know listen i didn't know no better that's right i was deceived because a lot of information that's passed through the years is hand-me-down information that's right another old wise favor bow your head and raise your hand that's right christ a student of that word i'm very familiar with that amen another old wise favor uh that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you are saved right then right then bible didn't say that no bible said if you confessed your mouth the lord jesus that it arose from the dead thou shalt be saved didn't say you are no it says you shall be which let you know you got some more to do that's right oh wise fable repeater send us prayer yeah so there's a lot of fables that been out oh yeah and the word of god debunks them all but refuse do what but refuse chapter and verse first timothy chapter four and verse seven listen at this but refuse reject profane and old gods fable we'll be right back at it again that's right why scriptures warn us about all wise faith and now the apostles come along and tell us how to deal with it but refuse reject profane and old words and old wise fables and exercised i said amen exercise yourself rather unto godliness now somebody may say well pastor general you said earlier about you want to exercise your mind give me hebrews yeah when you exercise your mind your exercise your senses your senses that's right someone said what oh yes you know you have to your senses you need exercise because you know god gave you five senses yeah and uh you better give me the old testament about the operations of god that's right let's get the senses first i know your hands is busy everywhere but so much is coming to my mind now i want you to follow me and hear me i want to have a good workout this afternoon verse in the book in the book of hebrews because most people don't even know that these scriptures even exist that's true talking about the physical and the spiritual part of the body that's right all right in hebrews chapter 5 we'll start at verse 13. now i know the bible says bodily exercise profit prophetic little that's right they didn't say it in prophet nothing bodily exercise prophet is literally in first timothy chapter four and verse eight so i have to take you on the higher level of your workout that's right it profits little little it don't do nothing for salvation no so he may do something in his natural life a little a little but spiritually i have to teach you how to lift scripture that's right in the orderly fashion so you don't dislocate nothing that's right that's right you know you can lift weights because you overestimate yourself yeah and underestimate the weight lift it too fast injure yourself little red beats of god that's right you can overestimate yourself spiritually running too fast injure yourself take too many matters in your own hands that you're not capable of handling that's right are you kidding me that's right listen now in the book of hebrews chapter five and we'll start at verse 13. that's what for everyone that uses milk everyone everyone that used milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness hold it why for he is a babe he said you don't find no baby bench pressing a hundred pounds no way two year old baby bench pressing a hundred pounds that's not gonna happen no well if you are a babe in christ that's why it says everyone that use milk milk is unskillful in the world that's right and the word what you mean this is the spiritual baby yeah you're unskillful in the word so if you just repented of your sins been baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ and just received the holy ghost or still seeking it still you obeyed that's right so being that you unskillful in the word of righteousness you're not qualified you don't have the spiritual mental capacity nor do you yet have the divine vocabulary to express and properly decipher and explain the wisdom of god in the form of scripture and because you are a babe you are not yet able or capable to witness to nobody that's right unscathed are you gonna bring somebody to christ when you know you you try to get there yourself that's right learn first when a baby can't talk the mother and father teach it to say words that's right learn daddy mommy that's right daddy and the parents constantly repeat it yeah and the parents don't teach it difficult words that's right that's right the parents teach teaching words that's easy to be formed in the mouth that's right why would you try to take on difficult scriptures and you're just a big that's right trying to explain it and you're not capable that's right in other words your goo goo gag gay over the scripture that's right and that's where many men are in the pulpit yeah once the scriptures read the explanation is going [Music] to be and people's likes say what that's right what what is it what do you say the scripture is too heavy that's right that's right your mouth must be fall it got to be in season yes to speak a word to them that are weary you got to know how how to speak it that's right are you getting what happened the lord god has given me the tongue of the lord listen listen in the book of isaiah chapter 15 and verse 4. the lord god has given me who gave me the lord god hallelujah the lord god has given me he hath given me the tongue of the lord where your tongue got to come from the lord god and when he give you a tongue what does it consist of has given me the tongue of the learned hold it of the land that gave me the tongue of learning no i'll be learned if he gave me the tongue of the learnt that means what he put in my mouth the information is there that's right and the understanding is there so i can express what's in my mouth that's right that's right do you see the language of scripture amen giving me the top of the learned that i should know how that i should know how to speak a word speak a word in seasons a word where in season and then the apostle instruct timothy be instant yes in season season out of season so that i may know how to speak a word and sees that man you have to speak it at the right time that's right at the right place that's right about the right thing that's right but for the right people go ahead man go ahead in season end season glory be to god that i should know how to speak a word knows how to do it that's right know how that's right so one must be taught how to express the intelligence of god that's right that's right know how know how oh take your time yes make it plain that's right let's be very precise yes and your explanation of your interpretation of scripture that's right don't run ahead of the spirit yeah stay within the confines of the book that's right if if you bring up history tell the people the bible didn't say this yeah history said this that's right that way you don't have the people stringing along looking for what you're talking about when it's not in there that's right that's right now do you see what i'm telling you that i should know how to speak amen when the preacher come and tell you it's five minor propers in five major you won't find that no so if you're wise here say history teaching that's right paul died at nero's chopping block ain't it no bible no history teacher peter crucified head down and feet up there ain't no bible history teaching that's right the church started 33 a.d there ain't no bible no history teaching you see what i'm talking that's right so there are things that history teach about scripture that the scripture don't back up but when god say a thing it is written god's make manifest his word through preaching god make manifest his word through preaching so when you step outside of the word and don't preach the word you ain't preaching that's right because if we say he make manifest his word through preaching and you preaching everything else but the word that's right thank god is not manifesting himself out of you preach the word that's right the lot preach the word how be instant in season out of season and if we preach the word what else come with it reprove approve review exhaust exhaust with all long story suffer and you'll bring the doctrine for the time will come doctrine that they won't bless god they won't endure sound teaching but what but after their own lust oh they too caught up in their own lusts shall they heap to themselves amen always say god amen itching is not when you're here you're scratching no no you know when you when you itch naturally there's something that's bothering you that's right and you resort to a measure to get rid of the itch that's right a itching ear itching it's a ear that's interested whatever it's being heard in that ear it itches the ear it triggers the hearing of the air and draws the air to the information that's right they have itching ears about what and they shall turn away their ears from the truth but what they're hearing is not truth and shall because the purpose of listen when you get an itch is a distraction from what you're doing that's right that's right so if you gotta you know if you're reading the scripture you know you listen to the word and all of a sudden you gotta itch you look them down it's a distraction that's right or itching ears as when you hear something that's not the truth and now it spark your ear that's right it's a distraction from the truth that's right and if you listen to it long enough that means that it begin to linger and the longer it lingers you start to turn from the truth that you hear that's right what did he say and they shall turn away their ears from the truth they're gonna do what and they shall turn away they turning away there is because the itch is so great that's right that's right having itching ears do your ears here now amen you better leave these social media devils alone that's right amen that's right you watch all these devils and fake preachers it doesn't matter because they call church to the lord jesus christ no the devil went in that business before i was born that's right one scripture says all that say that israel is not israel israel everything that's called church of the lord jesus christ don't represent the lord jesus christ at all that's right don't be tricked because somebody baptized in the name of jesus christ amen teach the holy ghost speaking in tongues they ain't all of it no that's just the introduction to the faith that's right the bible says neither 2 42 they continue to stood fastly in the apostles doctrine and paul went among the hebrews in the sixth chapter i believe of the book of hebrews and that verse one says therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of christ all right you that are watching that are baptizing you that are here that go to some apostolic church that's right apples and stoliks amen and are you baptized in the name of jesus christ and i have the genuine holy ghost speaking in tongues yeah and you say i'm on my way to heaven are you are you oh you are let's check out the journey that's right the bible says what therefore leaving the principles of the doctrines of christ as i repent of my sins and go down in water in the name of jesus christ receive the baptism of the holy ghost i have to move on from that that's right leaving them leaving the principles even the beginning stages of the doctrine of christ let us go on go on unto perfection in order for me to go on to perfection or go on to completion yeah i got to have a complete teaching that's right in other words physically when you start working out months turn to years you start seeing development that's right but if you baptize and have the holy ghost and you're not getting no teaching there's no spiritual development that's right once you begin to understand what teaching really is and what preaching really is and your understanding come over you see when you teach the word of god you are a scriptural surgeon that's right rightly dividing the word of truth you cut the scriptures rightly you know if i got a whole pie and uh i got byron there and loren's over there lou was there and uh they said pastor yeah i want some of that sweet potato pie you want some i said no i don't want no whole pie for three brothers yeah so i cut it in thirds that's right lorenzo good one byron get one lewis get one there's nothing left left that's right what i did i rightly rightly divided divided it rightly divided so distribution would be given out evenly and that way my brothers don't come lacking that's right blessed be god that's right that's right the preacher must rightly divide the sayings of the prophets and the sayings of the apostles that's right you cannot rightly cut the sayings of the prophets or the apostles if you don't understand what did they say that's right therefore even distribution of information of knowledge cannot be given out right so there you have a congregation that becomes lacking in knowledge and if you lack in knowledge you lack in growth if you lack in growth you lack in development if you lack in development you lack in know-how that's right i don't care how much you want to live holy that's right you got to develop first that's right so you can master that lifestyle that's right wonderful the word of god says he that strives for mastery and if a man also says listen listen listen listen in second timothy chapter two and we're at verse five what is it and if a man also strive for him strives for mastery for mastery yet yet is he not rewarded except except he he strives honestly that's right what is mastery mastery is the full discipline of self that's right mastery begins with the master of self that's right is when one is able to bring all the elements of their being that's right mind soul body and spirit under the control of the master who teaches you how to master himself that's right self mastery are the lessons of god and i have engulfed myself or entombed myself in the teachings of jesus and gave him let him have full control that's right of mine heart body spirit that's right full control strive for mastery and if a man also strive for mastery you got to strive for it oh yeah a person don't strive for what they don't want no you first got to want it that's right but then you got to strive for it that's right that's right when you strive for it the master is there yeah so you can master self yeah but a lot of times the mastery is not being taught so therefore i'm trying to master this i'm trying to master that and i'm trying to fill my way through on my own yeah you got to have a master coach oh yes they teach you mastery that's right that's right let's get back to exercise your senses back in hebrews 5 and verse 13. and then i want to get the old testament yes and work on these senses that's right let's let's get this come on williams hebrews 5 verses 13 and 14. yes where everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness so when you just got started everyone that used milk is unskillful the word of raccoons in the bible gave the reason why for he is a babe you're a beginner but strong me oh amen strong me belonging to them that are a full age just understand it from a natural perspective you know that mother whatever she eat those that good food collard greens and tiny greens butter beans and all that stuff and good chicken glory to god amen and uh that newborn is here the chemicals of the physical body breaks down all the food and it comes and forms in the breasts in the milk-like formula so therefore all the chicken and greens and all that stuff the baby is drinking that's right but it's in the form of milk yes that's why a pregnant woman can't eat anything no because what she eats she's giving her child you drink liquor your child gonna drink liquor that's gonna come out of your breast yes you start smoking the child gonna come that nicotine gonna get in your breast milk that's right and that's why there's some children already nicotine addicts that's right because the mother is all in the system and the mother gone breastfeeding and just that's why a woman if you're pregnant don't you just eat anything watch what you eat because what you eat you're gonna put it in your child well let's look at church the preacher better watch his diet that's right and make sure he consumes nothing but scripture that's right that's right because he got to be able to break the scripture down and make distribution yes to the church now from the church the church is like a woman's breast that's right book of isaiah quickly now isaiah chapter 28 and we're at verse 9. whom shall he teach knowledge hallelujah to god amen whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand doctrine where does knowledge and doctrine come from them that are weaned from the milk and where is it drawn from i'm drawn from the breasts amen notice someone said well how can you say that about the church pastor janet because jesus called the church wife wife jesus called the church bride and the apostle john in the book of revelation declares the spirit and the bride the spirit and the spirit listen at this in revelation 22 and verse 17 yes and the spirit the spirit and the bride and the church say come come on that's right that's right hallelujah god calls the world through the church that's right to come to him that's right now the church got to have milk oh yes and the milk is the wisdom and the knowledge of god that's right and the church also got to have meat which is sound strong teaching that's right go back to the book of isaiah back in isaiah 28 and verse nine that's what whom shall he teach knowledge who's he gonna give this information to and whom shall he make to understand dust and understand doctrine which are rules and regulations set to govern the church them that are weaned from the milk oh amen you gotta get wings wean from the milk and and drawn from the breast hold it now hold it so that's that mother true food yeah break it down chemicals in the body break it down and then the child get winged from the breast that's right in order for the church to drink properly yeah and get fat by the information of scripture scripture got to be broken down that's right that's why i said the word the liquid and the solid that's right they got to be broken down where you can digest it yeah where you can drink it man and then you strive to live by what you have taken in that's right that's right none of god's word is sour no oh no none of god's word is sour no no it's all good got you right only time it seemed like it sound sours when it's time to obey it amen that's right that's right that's when it seemed like his is south that's right i believe john the apostle saw an angel one foot on the earth the one foot on the sea and the angel told the apostle john uh take the book yes john said you give it to me give me the amen you give it to me that was opposite from what god said go and take the little bit give chapter and verse now revelation chapter 10 we're at verse eight i'll let you know god's word wouldn't even change for the apostle that's right god set rule the apostle got the obed if not the apostle goes to hell like anybody else that's true give chapter and verse revelation chapter 10 we're at verse 8. what is it and the voice which i heard from heaven from heaven speak unto me again and say go and take the little book and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel is opening the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth what else and i went unto the angel and said to him went to the angel had something different in mind give me the little book but that's not what the angel said no take the little book he was told to take it take the little book but what's it john said give me the little book but what was said for john to do take the little book but what was john thinking give me the little book it's something that's the way we are yeah contrary amen wanna go opposite that's right god tell you repent and be baptized everyone in the name of jesus christ you come along i bow my head and raise my hands that's right come up with something else contrary yeah and and take the little book which is open in the hand of the ancients open open in the hand of the angel which stands upon the sea and upon the earth what else and i went unto the angel and said unto him give me the little give it to me and he said unto me take it oh amen we ain't changing no god say take it you might as well get busy to take it and eat it up and then you better start don't just take it and do nothing with it that's right you gotta take it now you got to digest it take it and eat it up and the moment hit your mouth and it shall make thy belly bitter wait a minute eat it up eat it up and what and it shall make thy belly bitter when you digest it and make your belly better but it shall be in thy mouth in your mouth sweetest honey hold it right there amen see all the word is good all the word is good it's good for you that's right but notice there's two different effects that's right because the word is in two different places now that's right listen and i took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it up and why and it was in my mouth oh and my mouth sweet as honey when it hit my mouth it was sweet and as soon as i had eaten it but soon as i ate it my belly was bitter that's right two different reactions that's right because it's in two different locations that's right what you mean when it's in my mouth when it hit my mouth it was sweet you know the moment you hear it you've been looking for the long time oh how happy you feel oh yeah shouting rejoicing hands shaking all in the spirit hallelujah all behind the pews jumping happy happy thank god but when you around it fall out around a while around that's when it started going to your belly i mean now the word is starting to settle into you now your understanding is starting to come open what god really expects out of that's right man how do you feel after that as soon as i had eaten it my belly was bitter bitter amen even though all the world is good yes but when i'm around a little while amen you'll be like whoo i didn't know it was all this that's right now do you understand what i'm talking that's right all right let's finish up exercising your senses in hebrews back in hebrews 5 let's get the old testament everybody all right amen listen back in hebrews 5 and verse 14. but strong meat belongs to them that are full age strong meat means sound doctrine that's right sound firm solid doctrine is for them that's of a full age many of them that been walking with god for a good length of time even those who by reason of use by reasonable use have their senses exercised since this exercise to discern both good and evil you see the bible required the usage of your senses senses all right let's get the old testament enthusiastic us let's follow me in the bible let's let's follow this now i want to follow this trail it smells good that's right a lot of good stuff is cooking and it smells just awfully good that's right all right in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 17 we'll start at verse one what is it the lord created man of the earth the lord created man of the earth and turned him into it again and he going back where he came from he gave them a few days and a short time in power also over the things they're in yes he endured them with strength by themselves and made them according to his image and put the fear of man upon all flesh yes and gave him dominion over beasts and fields and fouls yeah at verse five they received the use of the five operations of the lord see we call it five senses yeah but the bible terminology is the five operation operations of the lord now now now now i want to educate you real good god knows after we show you what's the five operations of the lord naturally i want to show you what's the five operations of the lord spiritually spiritually are you listening that's right are you getting this byron are you getting this lorenzo all right benny you lorenzo all right benny oh danny oh denny i'm gonna give you plenty lord of god all right come on ecclesiastical 17 in verse five yeah they received the use of the five operations of them i want you to listen closely i want to take you to school yeah they receive you talk about what god put in man that's right we call it five senses yes but it's five functions that's right five operations of the lord of the lord yes and in the sixth place in the sixth place he imparted them understanding he imparted them understanding and in the seventh holy mm-hmm first he do what they received the use of the five operations of the lord then what and in the sixth place sixth place he imparted them understanding hold it that's right you gotta get understanding after he give you the five operations that's right understanding is necessary that's right so you can know how to use the five operations that's right then what and in the seventh in the seventh speech speech wait a minute speech didn't come before understanding no in the sixth place he imparted them understood understanding is in the sixth place and in the seventh and then the seventh speech you see it is more wise to understand before you talk that's right understand first that's right talk after talk after that way you know will come out of your mouth that's right are you getting what i'm telling you amen listen and they receive the use of the five operations of the lord the bible is breaking down what the five operations are that's right and in the sixth in the sixth place he and part of them understand understanding and in the seventh seventh speech speech and interpreter what an interpreter of the conjunctions thereof being able to explain that's it being able to interpret that's it being able to decipher yeah make known have you ever heard someone talk you don't understand what they say and you ask them what do you mean which simply mean interpret to me what you said that's right and the interpretation is more jacked up than the explanation that's right that's why understand first understand then talk after that's right what else and in the seventh speech yeah an interpreter of the consultation counsel what counsel wait a minute if you get understanding amen you all know how to talk that's right and when you get understanding uh you may be in a advisory capacity you know how to counsel everybody don't know how to give counsel no yeah apostle says it this way you have 10 000 instructors but yet not many fathers i mean you have a lot of people want to give advice but when he said not many fathers father represent that because of age age represent that which is wisdom ten thousand instructors but yet you don't have a lot of folk that have wisdom that's fit or qualified they give you counsel that's right and a tongue a tongue tongue and eyes wait a minute understanding in the beginning right understand then it give you a tongue that's right for taste eyes sight ears ears to hear and a heart and a heart to feel gave he them to understand gave he them to understand with all he filled them with all he filled them with the knowledge of understanding with the wait a minute he filled them he filled them what was the theme that he filled with understanding go back up and read that the eyes yeah come on son counsel on a tongue a tongue wait a minute understanding's supposed to be in your mouth that's right what else and a tongue what else and eyes understanding got to be in your eyes you know what to look at and what not to look at ears your understanding got to be in your hearing so you can know what you're listening to what you can't listen to and a heart understand it got to be in your heart so you can know what to be emotionally tied to and what to keep your emotions out of gay feed them to understand gay them to understand to understand with all he filled them with the knowledge helped them with the knowledge of understanding of understanding and showed them good and showed them good and evil he showed them what he showed them good and evil go to genesis that's right let's go to eaton let's take a trip to africa near the euphrates river show them what's good and evil in the book of genesis chapter 2 are you getting this and we'll start at verse 4 16. listen captain verse again genesis chapter 2 we're at verse 16. it says what and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the gods commanded the man every tree of the garden you can freely eat but of the tree of the tree of the knowledge of the knowledge of good you see there's knowledge in good and evil and there's knowledge in evil and evil so the five senses are exposed to these two knowledges that's right the five senses five operations have operations are part takers of both knowledge that's right but of the tree of defense if you go back to ecclesiasticus yes where he's reading he's talking about what he put in man we thought he filled them and what he put in man was what he put in adam and everybody that come after adam inherited those five senses now the first function of the senses was all godly but when adam failed his senses had a change appreciate go ahead man [Applause] that's why when you're born again and come out of your sinful life now you're taught that you got to use your eyes that's right now the bible says you got to have a single eye that's a total different usage of your eyes that's right then the bible says when you and now when you're in christ touch not let you know oh wait a minute when you're a center there ain't no touch not here oh no hand or not handle knot when you're out there smoke drank anything in your mouth mm-hmm now case not the bible come along and say taste not taste nice so notice the knowledge of good good and evil but it's called the tree the tree from the tree comes two knowledges yes good and evil and evil but notice the tree was in the garden and the garden was on earth on the earth there is a knowledge of good and evil and evil now that's right before you have a tree you got to have a seed the knowledge of good and evil starts as a seed somebody must plant that information in you over a period of time it starts to sprout up and starts to develop that's right but it must be planted don't you see the serpent in the garden planting you won't die for the day you eat there love yeah yeah yeah you're dying but satan had this knowledge yes you you won't die that's right say don't tell yo you won't die surely you won't die don't worry about what the lord you won't die that's right for the lord know the day you eat thereof you know you're gonna be as a god look closely of what the lord told adam and then look at what the devil told eve now in genesis 2 and verse 17 listen closely now but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that first information came from god that's right that's right the tree of the knowledge the knowledge of good and good and evil thou shalt not eat them you won't eat don't eat that for in the day that thou eat is there then you eat there thou shalt surely die don't say a pastor jennifer's holder right there why didn't adam die yes he did yeah but how was the pathogenesis he didn't die till he was 930. that's a physical death that's right the moment he ate thereof he died of many he lost the characteristics of god that he had a spiritual death that's right are you getting what i'm telling you that's right he died spiritually spiritually but yet he didn't die physically until he was 930 years old that's right he said the day that you eat thereof you shall die that's why adam fell it is written the first father have sinned and the sting of sin is death yes are you kidding me that's right now god told adam about the tree of the knowledge good and evil right but look at the devil in the book of jesus also had the same information but his objective with the information was different different listen now in genesis chapter three we'll start at verse one yes now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field all right hold it right there that's right sir give me the revelation yes let's see what title does he have that's right i don't want you to you know now another old wise favor is that it was a talking snake that's right or that the snake used to stand up on his feet like a man yeah that's a fable that's a favor snakes don't talk no someone said but it was called the serpent serpent servant talk about the characteristics of the devil that's right give me a book of revelation revelation chapter 12 we're at verse nine what at the great dragon was smashed out first he's called what great dragon he ain't no lizard no but the question is why do we bear the tire tidal dragon a dragon is a beast that's right a dragon is also considered a carnivore cold-blooded a flesh eater he'll rip you apart yeah so it's talking about the characteristics of satan vicious destructive that's right untamed yeah unruly yeah listen and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent wait a minute what is he called old serpent now if the serpent is more subtle than any beast of the field and he's called the old serpent that means he is a master of subtlety a master of deception that's right oh serpent he can deceive you better than anything out here amen until he come project as if he's light yeah and if you can't discern the light of god from the light of satan you were called the light of satan the light of god that's right oh second oh oh trickster yes and the great dragon was cast out great dragon was cast out that old sir that old set called the devil it's called the devil and satan and satan which deceiveth the whole world how much the whole world all right let's go back to genesis back in genesis chapter three at verse one listen now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field the serpent the first manifestation of his ability to be subtle was in heaven before he came to the earth he expressed his subtle mentality and his subtle thoughts i will exalt myself above the stars of heaven and i will be like the most high well a third of the angels believe what he said took sides with him and he tricked a whole third one third that's a lot that's a lot that's a whole chunk of heaven that's right took sides with him that's where the first massive backsliding took place that's right not on earth no in heaven that's right they backslid spirits backslid yeah before it was a church spirit's backslid now think of it how strong the devil is yeah you folks that are watching you look at these false prophets on television who tell you the devil ain't got no power you know the devil got power because he made that false prophet lie to you like that that's right you're gonna tell me the devil ain't got no power and he don't cause war in heaven and made a whole third of angels backslide that's right angels didn't have to strive to be holy no the angels were holy and a whole third took sides with satan in order for them to take sides with satan they had to believe what he said that's right he had to be extremely convincing for them to turn their back on god to join the devil that's right then wall breaks out all right still in genesis 3 we're at verse 1. yes now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said unto the woman yeah god said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden yes and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the god but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden what god has said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest she die now what did the devil say and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die hold it let me give you another understanding why he's called a serpent if you take a snake and if he stick his tongue out the end of his tongue is split yeah at the end it's split that's right but the tongue is one down within him that's right are you listening the enemies tongue split within one yep he's divisive that's right he will pull you many directions that's right like he'll tell you there's three separate distinct persons in the guard here yeah but he know that is one for the bible said if thou believe there is one god you do other devils believe and tremble he makes you believe what he don't believe that's right another characteristics of the serpent of a serpent when a serpent attacks its prey it wraps around it suffocates it limit the praise momentum yeah the fight that's right are you kidding me that's right next thing is to swallow the prey yeah a snake never starts from the feet no the snake starts head first that's right the part of self that's under assault that's under attack go ahead morgan any part of your being go ahead brother is your mind that's right [Applause] good teacher so the thoughts of satan coil itself around your thoughts to suffocate or choke out the mentality of god that's right so you can't think clearly of the things of god that's right are you listening go ahead listen but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden what is it god has said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it unless you die and the serpent said unto the woman you always got an opposite message that's right what ye shall not surely die lie for god doeth no truth that in the day ye thereof then your eyes shall be opened first he said lie yeah truth truth that's that split tongue that's right lie truth that's right that's the split tongue lie truth that's right baptized never jesus christ holy ghost speaking in tongues god women preachers lie truth yeah baptized in the name of jesus christ holy ghost speaking in tongues no apostles now come on with lie true true baptized in the name of jesus christ holy god speaking in tongues ain't no more prophets in the earth lie truth baptized in the name of jesus christ holy ghost speaking in tongues ain't no more divine healing live truth baptized speaking in tongue got the holy ghost uh and baptized the name of jesus christ got the holy ghost speaking in tongues but there's two gods in heaven yeah lie truth baptized in the name of jesus christ you've got the holy ghost speaking in tongues flesh and blood is in heaven lie truth baptized in the name of jesus christ the holy ghost speaking in tongues but you got little acting deacons lie truth baptized in the name of jesus christ have the holy ghost speaking in tongues but now you got first ladies in the church yes lie truth baptizing them jesus christ got the holy spirit in tongues for the junior elder lie truth baptizing them you just got the holy ghost speaking in tongues only white folk going to be in heaven go ahead man baptizing lemon juice like the holy ghost speaking in tongues only black folk will be in heaven lie true am i right that's right you see what i'm telling you hallelujah glory to god that's the serpent that's right that's the devil that's the devil he's a serpent that's right he's cunning oh yeah he's a trickster oh yes and you cannot recognize when the serpent speaks unless you learn his devices so the scripture says don't be ignorant of satan's devices and for me not to be ignorant to his methods i must learn the scriptures that scold me of the methods of satan that's right are you getting this that's right genesis said what the chapter and verse again just remember it was first the lord that told adam about the tree of the knowledge good and evil but the devil also had that information that's right is that what in genesis 3 and at verse four yeah and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not show the god oh crook so subtle that's right he won't die well god do whatever preacher tell you hey you don't divorce god the second companion oh god gave you to me you all right you are right preacher tell you you got your second wife don't worry he'll allah the lord spoke to me the lord spoke to me and tell me about to get my third uh-huh so subtle that's right he go off in the tongue and because what he's saying work in the favor of your flesh he go in this fake spirit and you join right with him you're like oh yes ooh jesus bishop you're both going to hell bible says like people like priests that's right blindly the blind bowl fall in the ditch that's right thank god all right and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die you won't die but god do with me and then the day you eat there and your eyes shall be opened your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as god ye shall be as gods no what does being as gods mean knowing good and evil giving the book a psalm psalms 82 and verse 6. now ye shall be as gods he had that knowledge that ye shall be as gods and the definition of not being as the god of heaven no because the god of heaven is not g-o-d-s that's right so wait a minute pastor janice how is it g-o-d-s if there's only one god hmm it is written there are god's many many and lord's many that's right but yet you're not equal to the god of heaven that's right what do you mean bs god anybody can turn something to a god yeah oh yeah satan is called the god of this world this world so bearing the title gods just simply mean you will have the knowledge of the spirits that's right and the spirits that god created know the difference between good and evil and evil and evil given the book of psalms psalms 82 and at verse 6. that's what i have said i have said ye are before the prophet did that's right don't say how was that he was up there with god yeah oh yeah i have said i have said ye are gods what does it mean and all of you are children oh all of you are children of the most high but at the end what's gonna happen but you shall die like men i told you ain't like the most high that's right that's right you'll soon knock off oh yeah did we finish up all the operation book of ecclesiastes go back to that again let's make sure we got all the operation five senses how that works in the body in the book of ecclesiastes 17 and verse five so fast they received the use of the five operations of the lord yes and in the sixth place he and part of them understand all right and in the seventh speech an interpreter so you can use the five operations that's right and then when you get understanding now you can speak clearly in defining the five operations that's right then what counsel and then you know how to utilize those operations and a tongue and a tongue and eyes ears ears and a heart yes gave me them to understand yes with all he filled them with the knowledge of understand those things with the knowledge of understanding and show them good and evil all right that's naturally that's on the body listen that my language yes the five operations or your five senses is given to your body that's right now there's five operations that's given to god's body the church that's right the body of christ that's right that's right go ahead you ever heard the term fivefold ministry yeah that's the spiritual five operations that's right now let's read what they are in the book of ephesians chapter four and at verse 11. and he gave some apostles that's one and some prophets yes and some evangelists yes and some pastors yes and teachers yes for the perfecting of the saints for the perfecting of the body for the work of the minister is the body that's right so just like naturally you got five senses so your body can function god come along and put spiritual five senses within the church so the body of christ can function that's right are you listening for the perfecting of the saints wait a minute so the saints or the church yes or the bride can reach perfection or be completely developed in god that's right all right for the work of the ministry for the work of servitude for show you how to give service that's right administer me one that serves that's right that's given to a man and a woman that's not a preacher someone said what the bible says she ministered to jesus the minister she didn't preach to jesus but she ministered to jesus that's right me she served them that's right are you getting this williams go ahead brother go rest here for the work for the work of the minister of the ministry for the edified now when you got these five senses in the spiritual bride that's right what would it do for the church for the edifier it'll build up the church of the body or who of the body of who of the body who's at the head of christ so god amen five senses on the physical body five senses or five operations and the spiritual body lord my lord and you tell me ain't no more apostles now there ain't no prophets now then what you got just a ear that's right you got just a mouth in order for the church of jesus christ to function yeah you got to have five operations attached to god's wife that's right god's bride is a complete developed woman that's right that's why the church is called bride because yeah here here let me give you a better knowledge let's break it down naturally when a man is with his wife and lay with his wife they want to have a child the woman have an egg that's protected by a wall within that egg lodge the characteristics of the woman within the man seed is there and when the man bring forth seed within the seed the characteristics of the man now there's a whole lot of elements in the man yeah and they all going after one prize that's right know ye not that they which one in the race no frontal i know but one received the prize all of them run into that egg yeah but only one going so run that's right that it may obtain that's right when that egg is penetrated fertilization take place within the egg the intelligence of the woman from the man the intelligence of the man so when a baby is formed now the baby has the intelligence of both mother and father had the characteristics of both mother and blue father now the child is being formed in water in darkness by the power of light within the woman is blood water and spirits glory to god within the woman i said that's right it's blood water water and spirit and spirit the spirit is not only her breath but the spirit is her life that's right blood and water the child is formed i believe in the book of ecclesiastes talking about has formed there carried for x amount of months so while it's in the darkness it doesn't eat in darkness the same word eat in light the umbilical cord ties the mother to a child for when the body is fashioned i want to show you what i'm talking in bible in the book of second esther's chapter eight we'll start at verse seven says what for thou art alone thou art alone and we all are one workmanship of thy we are one workmanship of thine hands like is thou he says for when the body is fascist when the body is fascist fashion now in the mother's womb now in the mother's womb and i'll give it members you give it members thy creature is preserved your creature is preserved in fire wait a minute when it's being preserved it's in fire and water and it's in water and nine months nine months do what thy workmanship endure thy creature of thine workmanship do what endure thy creature endure thy creation which is created in all and what but that which keepeth and is kept shall be preserved now within her is water and fire and fire don't say faster generals ain't got no fire in me when i'm pregnant yes you do girl let me educate you two elements i want you to pay attention to yes fire fire and water water water you need those two elements yeah to properly fashion clay [Applause] now anyone that knew anything about pottery the potter himself worker work on the wheel on the wheel arise and go down to the potter's house jeremiah jeremiah chapter 18 we'll start at verse two arise and go down to get out of his house and go to the potter's house and there i will cause howard caused it to hear my words hear my word then i went down to the potter's house and what and behold he brought a work on the wheels listen amen that makes him a creator yeah a one who forms and fashions that's right so within the woman fire water water any form of pottery while he worked to work on the wheel he got to keep that clay wet that's right and while he keep the clay wet his hands is moving that's right farming it yeah the wheel keeps it rotating go ahead and if you know anything about life the baby rotates within the body of the woman what you mean rotate it change your position it rotates that's right ah why there's a wheel creature that's being worked on that's right easy as a wheel or hey in the midst of a wheel go ahead so the child rotates why because the creator it's lord that's right that's right fasting it that's right now where do fire come from fire confirms and hold the shape of your pottery that's right that's why once it come off the wheel it's placed in the oven that's right pour it to god and it's burning yeah and then it holds the character of what it was made that's right brought out the fire yeah so when god fashions and form it comes from out of the fire from the womb of the woman that's right and the shape that god made it male and female it holds its place that's right wonderful are you getting it then i went down to the potter's house and the vessel that he made of clay that's what that he made of clay was more than the hand of the planet so here you have the child come forth now have the intelligence of mother and father that's right and then the mother and father teach it and train it of a child and the way it should go that's naturally spiritually the preacher must discharge seed and god's bride that's right not from his lower nature but from his mouth in his mouth jesus saith the sea seed is the word the word is the word and once the word is discharged christ must be formed in you my little children give me the book of corinthians if you will galatians in the book of galatians chapter 4 and verse 19 listen my little children my little children of whom i travail and birth again never heard of a man travelling in birth men don't travail in birth oh no but this is the only time a man can get pregnant that's right go ahead not with a physical child no no but he's carrying the spirit of god and just like a child moves in the belly of the woman hallelujah the spirit of christ moves within the belly of a man and a woman that's right that's why it's called living living water water that's the water that i said there's still water and there's living water that's right living water you're busy that's right it's active yes still born dead child that's right that's why the mother she checks and sometimes you can see where the child was here next thing you know that thing is over here that's right next thing you know over here why it's in the oven ain't ready to come out yet that's right that's right look at the wisdom of god a child is formed in a sack of water yeah and it breathes but now you go in water you're drowned that's right you try to breathe that's god wisdom why your mother carry you in the sack of water the child breathes now you go swimming and try to breathe may the lord have mercy on yourself are you listening amen man god of wisdom is infallible oh yes real quick my little children of whom i travail in birth again yeah until christ be formed in you so christ must be formed in you so this is what happened the preacher must discharge seed and given the book of matthew let's see what the seed is quickly now yes he must discharge seed and i want to show you the seed is the word that's right so when they discharge that now here here here here let's go back naturally again before man discharge seed he must be aroused before the priesthood can discharge the word he must be anointed that's right the anointing is the arousal of the spirit that's right [Applause] are you listening the anointing is the arousal of the spirit that make him preach iraq that's right then he can discharge the word of god that's right that's right the spirit of the are you getting that amen the book of luke says luke chapter 4 and verse 18 what the spirit of god why would you say something like that god said he had made man upright upright upright is where you are erecting god that's right that's right are you listening that's right who retake god's already god i hope you can get this is it all right heavens listen luke chapter 4 and verse 18 minus the spirit of the lord the spirit in luke chapter 8 and verse 11. that's what now the parable is this this is the parable the seed the seed is the word of god i told you amen [Music] god must arouse the preacher that's right and the discharging of the word must be and must take place until jesus comes that's right and i'm swapping my mouth boldly listen listen listen now in the book of ephesians chapter six and verse nine that may open my mouth bowling to make known the mystery of the mystery of the gospel of the gospel of which i am an ambassador and representative and i may speak boldly and as i ought to speak now the discharging of the seed of god yeah will be until jesus come that's right amen that's why the church is always pregnant that's right the bible says it this way and he add daley that's right that's why you see fertilization take place everywhere in the truth of god that god's bride just keeps getting bigger that's right bigger bigger bigger why he's hallelujah glory to god he's adding daily daily why god want to add daily until no man would be able to count which fulfilled the prophets and the apostles that i saw a number no matter no man and the lord added to the church daily who done it and the lord added to the church daily not pastor jennings the lord added ain't no preacher can come along and say after me it won't be no preacher oh no oh no the lord added daily to the church in other words pregnancy of the bride won't stop that's right [Music] go ahead man and then he won't need no preacher on earth hallelujah because that day will be the day of the lord that's right when the day of the lord take place no need no baptism jesus christ don't need no holy ghost speaking in tongues because you're with the lord that's right until then god keep making babies lord add it daily to god to view us hallelujah we are baby makers go ahead you know somebody gonna hijack that statement oh i told you i told you [Applause] go ahead brother amen amen you had to take the seed of the word of god and plant it and fertile soil planted that's right go ahead babies may come from the north east west and south give me isaiah isaiah i believe uh chapter 43 and begin at verse five amen isaiah chapter 43 and at verse five hey man when i say baby makes i'm talking about spiritually that's right amen make that plan i got to make that plan please somebody may say i want one oh no [Applause] that's right that's right i don't want to justify you folks out there who's pregnant by your pastor [Music] that's right all right isaiah 43 we're at verse five what is it fear not for i am with you i am with you i will bring thy seed from the east wait a minute i will bring thy seed from the east i told you he's pulling them that's right i will bring this from the east look at the people that's coming in now out of the united arab emirates yeah from dubai oh yeah pulling on us from towards asia from the crook islands samoan islands solomon islands out there in the east amen and i will bring thy seed from the east and gather thee from the west they're coming from the west amen i'm not worried about what these other trickers are doing i know what god is saying that's right this world is being fulfilled in the truth of god every day that's right every day he said he add daily daily listen i will say to the north what i will say to the north at no time are we stuck no this is being fulfilled here consistently i will bring thy seed from our brain from the east and gather thee from the west gather it from the west i will say to the north our center give up surrender and to the south we've got to surrender and to the south keep not back how should we get them bring my sons from far my daughters and my daughters from the ends of the earth what name should they have even everyone that is called by my name what do you measure for i've created him for my glory and what else i have formed i found yeah i have made i have made it bring forth the blind people you can't cease you're blind naturally and spiritually bring forth the blind and the death and the death that have earlier and what let all the nation how much all the nations all nations gather together black white black yellow red hell yeah all nations let all the nations be gathered together you got jews repenting of their sins going down in the water in the name of jesus christ they're reaching out to us from greece want to be baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ reaching out to us from israel wants to be baptized in the name of jesus christ from russia from japan all the nations from the hawaiian islands all up and down india all the nations and you find the jealous ones that hate this message pastor jennings pastor general is a cult leader i'm a cult leader my lord they worship pastor ain't nobody wishing they just thank god for me that's right that's all that's right god for me i try amen ain't nothing wrong with thanking god for me no thank god for paul that's right you thank god for peter yes they're not here now but we are here by god's permission [Music] hallelujah [Music] the moment the moment when folk the moment folk thank god for the brother right and when they say they wish up and jealous anybody worshiping me i thank god for all these ministers and all the ministers of the truth of god around the world i thank god for them the ministers in america india africa europe canada the bahamas throughout the caribbean and jamaica i think hallelujah i thank god for these brothers god gave me the vision to plan that's right these brothers come along in water that's right and now give the increase [Applause] they get upset with the truth of god yeah because they thank god for passing in something but yet you same one that's angry yes sir you thank god for your your sinner boss that's right check he gave you that's right they thank god for they sent sinner supervisor yeah this is after he cuts you out that's right you thank god for your company you thank god for your job yeah what's wrong with thanking god for a little fella like me no [Applause] you got a brother who won't rob you all your money go to the work of god that's right won't steal you won't steal from you hallelujah that's wonderful i thank god for one of the newest ministers brother minister lawrence set up brother lodge from raleigh north carolina brother elijah and i talked to you and he said pastor jenny we want to turn everything over to you sure he said i look look at you the overseer church monies and everything i said i don't want your money use it for the work of god and let's expand what you presently have right had a church in washington north carolina say what you think i should do what i say is in the royal area he said it's in a rural area i said salad let's go to raleigh north carolina and uh because when you when you tie up to this stuff sheep got the cop got your gum that's right amen she's got to come that's right someone say you boasting i'm boasting in the god of my salvation that's right that's right hallelujah amen hallelujah the brothers at minister have no idea how much i thank god for them wonderful when they faithful hallelujah faithful and dedicated to the work of god that's right who in the world will get upset because someone thanked god for someone else what god gave us to give you is for your salvation and for your eternal life one man said you are internet sensation i said i'm not an internet sin nothing the sensation is god god that's right we are putting god in front of the world that's right i want the world to understand that you got a short time to live repent now repent get on god's side now that's right i'm just a warner that's it that's all i am that's right i'm just passing through like a pilgrim amen just a one halloween who is a god just a water they call your attention to god's thinking that's it god got a lot of thoughts concerning you i'm determined to do it right that's it i don't want to know nothing among you saying jesus said him crucified god has sent us to do a job and i'm determined god be my helper to do this job right i ain't trying to be like nobody out there but jesus that's right that's it [Applause] many folks say he's trying to be like johnson i wasn't even born when johnson was alive i don't think that much of johnson would be like in fact let me go further i don't even think that much of peter or paul to be like them that's right someone said you don't want to be like paul no no i say like what's written who is peter yeah who's but ministers bible ain't tell me be like them no no bible teach me to be like jesus that's it and that's who they taught us to be like that's right that's right every move we make is to point people to christ point people to christ that's my interest that's it but the anger and the hatred people have oh they they why you got to thank god for pastor jennings so much well i never saw such hatred but yet they keep watching it yeah even that jealousy have kings among some of our own brothers preachers get up behind our back i tell folk moreover i'm not your god jesus christ is our god that's right but you can't take away the fact god gave me the vision that's right give it to somebody the bible says without a vision the people perish god gave me a vision that's it that's it when god bless us with a telecast in jamaica look like the bottom fell out then one day the holy ghost came to me and said i want you to go through the island in person and i give you more in person than what i'm doing by telecast and the telecast covered the whole island and hundreds was going down the water and i obeyed the word of god i called brother minister gary i said brother gary you know i need to call him brother geary i said the lord told me go through the whole island he said say what i said the lord told me go through the island and he'll give me more results amen in person than he have given me in television he said where do you want me to start i say i don't care god set the island any place it don't matter when we went there in person we started going all through the island every stop we made 80 baptized 60 baptized 90 baptized 50 something baptized this is every single time when we started in jamaica we had between 8 to 10 people now when we hold a meeting we got to get a place that whole way over two thousand amen it has to be amen and even then that's too small even then it's too small that's right outside i can say hallelujah i can see like paul i was not disobedient to the heavenly vision i had a real divine vision from god i am not somebody says i don't believe it it's too late now it's too late used to be you should be a you should be a song in the 70s it's too late baby now it's too late and it's too late i don't care if you don't believe it you can look and see it for yourself that's right everywhere we go soldiers going down in the water in the midst of a pandemic the bible said believe for the very work sake that's right amen god almighty have appeared unto me over 40 years ago that's right amen and brought this thing in a vision and to see how many thousands are turning amen he moved on me too fast in my teens yes three days in three nights and then he moved on me to fast seven days and seven nights i don't mean one meal a day hallelujah seven days and seven nights as a teenager god moved on me turned my plate down wouldn't eat nothing for seven days and seven nights i didn't understand oh what what all that was about i understand now he was building me up that i may have an inheritance among them that are sanctified and get me well prepared for now i didn't understand all that stuff he moved on me on several occasions turned my plate down seven days and seven nights in fact i remember i think when i first went seven days and seven nights i was about 140 pounds by the time the seventh day came i was between 90 and 95 pounds you can see the bones in my shoulder blades protruding then later on god moved on me to fast 12 days and 12 nights straight through no water no food our whole body had the pain of a charlie horse my eyeballs hurt hallelujah but god moved on hallelujah i isolated myself from everybody [Applause] that's why i tell the world i don't care what you think i don't care what you're saying god spoke to and follow the us of god and god is my witness seven days and seven nights 12 days and 12 nights and i can hear a fool now while starving yourself didn't mean nothing it's easy for you to sit out there and say it i'm reaping the benefits that's right [Applause] i'm reaping the benefits that's right 12 days and 12 nights in a month of august my ribs look like xylophones like you can play on them 12 days and 12 nights seven days and seven nights three days and three hallelujah three nights god moved on me that's right he's got to move on that's right cause i don't mind eating god moved on i didn't understand what all that stuff was but just as sure as god is my god my understanding now is certainly in place oh yes god almighty move on me the fast those many times in that length of time and as a result of that and following the vision that he gave me to the letter that's right that's one thing god scored me on that's right follow what i show you to the letter go ahead so as a result of such some philosoph or cold-blooded i won't tolerate nothing but that vision that god showed to the letter hallelujah i don't care who the bishop is who the pastor how long you've been preaching how large or how small a church is i don't care that's right i'm gonna follow that vision that god gave me jesus hallelujah god start showing me this work while he was delivering me out of falsehood i wasn't even out of falsehood yet me and williams grew up together i would tell him about the vision god showed me he was like what i said yeah williams god showed me this churches around the world large headquarters church broadcasting around the world he said broadcasting too he said man [Applause] think of it we only 14 15 16 sitting on the steps having this conversation about a vision yeah that wasn't coming to years later that's right i told them then we're going to have a fleet of buses i wasn't even pastoring that's right every detail god showed me yes hallelujah one vision god gave me that stand out i was in an open field and there was a polar pit and a microphone up to my mouth and i couldn't see nobody and i was preaching from the 15th chapter of the book of corinthians then cometh the end when they shall deliver up the kingdom to god even the father that thing was thundering and i remember looking in my mind i'm wondering well i can't see nobody the ground far as you can see was just grounds and mountains but i kept preaching and then i from afar i heard a rumbling i didn't know what it was and then from afar you saw this mass cloud of smoke and as the smoke got closer we were still preaching when the smoke got closer i started seeing people it was so many peoples like a herd [Applause] you see him fulfilling it oh yes they're coming like cattle that's right everywhere we go they're coming like cattle that's right like a hair yeah how do you do that god it's the lord's story oh yes and it's marvelous in our eyes [Music] i'm not boasting in myself i'm telling you what god done for you right and what he done for us that's right and these last and evil days god showed me this i'm actually standing in something that god not only spoke to me but showed me very few people can tell you god showed them a thing and it come to pass williams my wife brother mike ravenell and some of the others that was with me in falsehood can bear witness that's right i told them about this day i was 14 15 16 17 just brother geno or most of them call me by my nickname nick jess nick that's right and i was telling them about this yes amen amen so i don't worry about who don't believe it no i don't worry about who don't like it i am not worried about jealousy nope i'm not worried about what people say behind my back that's right there's a vision given to me from my lord that's right he gave me a course and he laid out a plan that's something for me to follow yeah and then taught me how to follow it that's why i won't bargain with nobody and when i say i don't care who you are i mean it from my sanctified soul that's right there's a course and a pattern that god laid out for me to follow i have followed it and he has proven to me it works amen [Applause] hallelujah [Music] won't put nothing above him won't put nothing next to him refuse allow any form of distraction to get away from him that's right i'm extremely focused on building this beautiful work to the glory of god wonderful now we won't let no man know woman no preacher infiltrate the program yeah and try to dismantle it not at all this thing was given to me in a vision a vision not one vision several not one vision several amen it has nothing to do with the so-called finesse of passage finesse or passing yet ain't no finesse [Laughter] what it is he said it's not you that's speaking that's right for the voice of my father so many of you you think it was jennings that you saw you saw the physical man but it was god that brought you here amen [Applause] you know you know some of you that's here now fought it when you first saw it many of you fought it didn't like it i had one man posted and gave a brief testimony he said i need to repent he said pastor jennifer if you read this i owe you an apology i don't know who he is he said i cussed you out for years he said to me you was the worst thing living on the earth he said now i just can't turn you off i keep watching he said i love you with the godly love [Applause] viewers they hated the apostle paul because if i use the term paul's style yeah what's different from what folks are used to and that's why many of you hate me and think that i don't have love because mine if i use the term style that's right i'm not a sugar daddy yeah in other words i ain't like your pasta that's right that's right you'll pastor scared to lose members i'm not scared to lose nobody but my soul amen amen your pastor preached to patronize you so you can be his friend i ain't trying to be your friend i'm living to save your soul from hell that's it your pastor preached to get money out of you i preached to get your soul to god that's it totally opposite hallelujah i'm all about god i ain't worried about your work how big how small thank god when you die you leave it behind but you're going to give an account to god for the time wherein you live and i'm responsible for the time wherein i live the apostle paul hallelujah said i commend you to god by the words of his grace meaning he was responsible for the time wherein he lived and i know the truth that i am responsible for the time wherein i live that's why i'm determined to do it right that's it every every minister in the truth of god either you read it or against it take your jelly your childish jealousy if anybody got it and flush it down and do the service of god right or get out the pulpit that's right [Applause] lose sight on yourself go ahead we're in this for god and the people we're in this for god and the people hallelujah pastor taylor called me earlier last week how a false prophet called him and told him why don't you close the church in new brunswick tell us say he told him this is about the people it ain't about me wonderful if you ain't got nobody maybe you can afford to close your church you won't miss nothing jesus said my sheep will hear my voice and a stranger he won't follow i'm determined to stay on course with the vision that's it god gave me that's it my wife have no influence over me touching the gospel that's right you don't interfere my bed don't dictate what i tell you yeah it's wonderful not at all and she don't try to yeah she's built for comfort not for speed amen are you getting what i'm telling you she don't dictate what we preach wonderful amen sometime it makes her angry sometimes she have cried i said i know it hurts i said it hurts but i can't change it as close as william's eye uh shade and huey lamar yeah i remember shane repented me he said i never thought i'd get angry with you hey man word of god got a hold of shade and put them in a brutal headlock one day that boy looked at me he was looking like the devil amen and i knew it was hurting him after service i went up to him i said it burnt you up didn't he said you got to drive the needle and i said ain't got no need i'ma drive the entire knife in your heart till i beat cut the devil out of you he said i never thought i'd get angry with you i said well that's all right i can live with it just as long as you don't sin with your anger i said be ye angry but don't you sin i said be as mad with me as you want i said and be ready to get on the road next week amen where did it go [Music] you understand i love the brotherhood that's right people wonder why we stand so bold and so outspoken brothers and sisters the god of heaven made me a preacher and he literally stripped every drop of fear out of my being and left my fear only for him i ain't afraid of nobody walking this planet that's why we talk about the governments of the world and everything under the sun and i don't care about any threats of what they got in mind to do that's right amen if you ain't got nothing to die for you ain't got nothing worth living for [Applause] acts 2 38 says then peter said unto them repent amen i guarantee when you go on youtube you can see some comments look at the folks praising the culture amen get mad if you please but the lord spoke to pastor jen yeah i know that burns many of you up the one god elohim jehovah yahweh i am that i am spoke to me amen and showed me this thing in visions hallelujah that's why it doesn't matter to me you don't believe it i'm living in it i'm looking at it and i've told people about it before it even got off the ground that's right that's why many of them come to me today out of all the years where's been with us took this day after each meeting he come to me shaking his head man he said you told me about this i said whims i know he said but why are you you why you weren't excited i can't believe it man ain't been full on the spirit come up [Applause] him jumping around [Applause] spread the lord have him gone but you don't understand hallelujah to be in your young teens and a group of teens that grow up together and there's little things man a little 13 14 year old cat telling you that the lord shows you something that's right and then you you become an adult we start pastoring at 22. but i stepped in the palm pit at 13. i've been pastoring 37 years i've been preaching 45 years [Applause] at a young age god started developing my understanding rapidly rapidly many people write me today and say i never saw a combination like wills and pastor jennings how is that william seem like he read his mind before i became pastor jennis i worked with him day and night yeah how to coordinate with scriptures old testament and new when i say work with him you know how old he was doing this 15 16. 17. after he came and waked up from being a three-guard man we showed him how to go from old testament to news that's right but it was god that gave the increase one day i believe on briar road before we even had a headquarters temple he came up for prayer and the lord moved on me and i lay hands on them and i remember what i asked god i say lord give him the same mind that you gave me that wherever you guide me to preach anywhere in the bible guide him in the scripture just guide him and anoint them hallelujah hallelujah and do you know god answered my prayer hallelujah [Applause] god answered my prayer hallelujah so it isn't that we talk on saturday night and i say look we're going to preach this on sunday no that's why many times i tell him open your bible anyway i don't know where he's going that's right but the holy ghost know it don't even matter to me where you go you know your way around your house don't you amen glory to god that's right that's home for me that's home word if god is home for me are you listening to what i'm telling you wonderful this is a divine holy work of god this is the real mccoy brother mccoy nothing made up nothing that came out of no seminary school no movement that somebody handed over to us no we started in the basement from scratch in my mother and father's home from basement to briar road from briar road to frankfurt avenue from frankfurt avenue to lindley avenue and the thing just just burst exploded and there were brothers that came with me and then after they came they got jealous what they get jealous for for what god sent us the bill and here we set the ministers right in the parliament they even got to build no church that's right set it right there and then the people come by hearing the message they're already ready to be baptized that's true all that all the ministers got to do is ask anybody when we baptize them they already ready ready they come ready to go down in water that's something and even then among some jealousy set in that's a disgrace before god all i'm interested in salvation i ain't got no time for no competition competitiveness is for children this is about salvation repent then peter said unto them repent hand and be baptized every one of you every one of you in the name of jesus christ all right for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the holy anybody want to get right with god now and be baptized the right way if you want to be baptized in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet and come to the front if you in the back come on to the front [Applause] come on i want to be baptized all right you that's there stop blocking the house stop talking stop talking get out the way now make way make way make way that's right pop the red sea make way big wave who that wants to be baptized come on come on come on come on come on go reset god do you see what i'm talking come on all right take them on and get them ready you brothers all men all men come this way all men come to my left oh women go right there men come over here [Music] [Applause] police for the very work sake the lord is coming they can call me anything you want to me it's like water on the duck's back the lord is coming that's right and while they are complaining we're gathering up the sheep of god that's right are you listening all right this is a good thing we are indicting in a good thing all the sisters go that way all the brothers go that way now remember viewers you come on now you got a new church here in augusta georgia 3441 millersville road augustine georgia come on and be a part of the truth of god and come on out of the false church that you're in all right may god keep him preserve you come on back at five o'clock and we can uh work out some more all right let us all stand unto him that is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of us glory with exceeding joy only wise god our lord and savior jesus christ to him be both glorified forever brothers and sisters say amen
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 194,179
Rating: 4.8338962 out of 5
Id: IaY1w1e2Lto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 57sec (8577 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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