Truth Matters - Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit - Peter Tanchi

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being surrounded by bad company while growing up i was only 13 years old when i first entered a beer house due to their influence i learned in detail how to seduce manipulate deceive and flirt with a woman i also started viewing pornographic magazines and watching pornographic videos in high school even exchanging porn cds with my friends by hiding it in our workbooks three years after being awakened to that kind of sensuality i then entered into an immoral relationship that relationship had made me so addicted to sexual immorality that i was willing to do anything just to please my partner even to the point of lying and disobeying my parents i thought that by pleasing her i could get what i want to satisfy my fleshly desires on december 2012 i discovered that my girlfriend for seven years back then was having an immoral relationship with another guy she met while working abroad the pain was so unbearable that i had thoughts of ending my life i felt emptiness inside but god used my pain and brokenness to bring me to seek him on january 2013 i attended my personal day worship service in ccf and continued to attend weekly one sunday i heard the verse that terrified me and shook me to the or jesus said in matthew 5 28 but but i say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart that's when i realized my hopeless and helpless condition because of how i had lived my life but by the grace of god he also used his word to make me realize how i desperately needed a savior i then surrendered my life to jesus christ and began my personal union with him afterwards i joined a discipleship group and attended glc bible study classes where i learned the anatomy of sin how serious sin is and how i've been rebelling and displacing god most of my life as i grew in my christian work i realized that being christian is not difficult it is impossible but since nothing is impossible with god i was able to learn that christian life is a spirit-filled life one that allows me to con allows me to be convicted of sin and repent of it and one that enables me to grow my love for god all through the power of the holy spirit this time i could i could say no to sin god is indeed faithful through the holy spirit he has given me the desire to spend time with him through scripture reading bible studies and by listening to preaching he continues to teach me to keep my way pure by living according to his word through prayer by playing immorality and by walking in the holy spirit day by day so that i will not gratify the desires of the flesh god taught me to always be filled with the holy spirit by allowing the word of christ to dwell richly in me as colossians 3 16 states for there is no substitute in spending time with god not only reading and meditating on his word but truly leaving it out in the power of the holy spirit it is also by equipping and empowering of the holy spirit that i am and i am able to serve god in the expansion of his kingdom by preaching by teaching in the sunday school preaching in the singles ministry and by serving other men in our id group the struggles of the flesh will always be there but so the spirit of god he has never left me and has enabled me to overcome temptations of various kinds i have learned that my christian work is meant to live closely in the presence of god through the holy spirit within me if i give in to the desires of the flesh and stumbles into sin i am not only breaking his law but i am grieving the holy spirit because i am breaking the heart of him who loves me beyond measure the one who loves me the most by god's grace through the power of the holy spirit i am now free from pornography and sexual immorality for more than five years praise god please pray for me that god continues to protect me and strengthen me to pursue purity and to always be filled with the holy spirit i am rustic i pray in paris once i slave the sin but by the grace of god and by the power of the holy spirit i am now slave to the perfect master my savior the liberal rescuer redeemer and lover to god be the glory our topic today is very simple everybody read together be continuously filled with the holy spirit the book of acts is the continuing work of jesus christ through the holy spirit to his apostles and his people so jesus christ is still at work today but it is through the holy spirit the holy spirit is mentioned 48 times in the book of acts so he is very prominent it's very important somebody once said many christians today are living a defeated discouraged life at first i did not believe this until i began to see there are really many christians who are very sincere you have come to know jesus but somehow your life is defeated it's roller coaster sometimes you're up sometimes you're down you're not able to live the supernatural life that god wants you to have and the reason is this you have not learned how to be filled and controlled by the holy spirit it is probably the most neglected truth among christians you and i are ignorant about the holy spirit why because you have this extremists they abuse the teachings of the holy spirit so people are confused what does it mean to be filled and controlled by the holy spirit you have no choice it is a command to be filled it's not optional because god wants us to be filled so today i'm gonna talk about the holy spirit three important truths that i hope will surface in acts chapter two be continuously filled with the holy spirit now there are three things i'd like to emphasize about the holy spirit today number one it is the promise of god say that with me promise of god number two it is the power of god you have no choice and number three it is the purpose of god for you to have the holy spirit in order to share the gospel so you got a part to do let's read together when the day of pentecost had come they were all together in one place what do you notice when the holy spirit was introduced to the whole world in acts chapter 2 they were together in one place and the lord chose a day to manifest the holy spirit he chose pentacles and it was supernatural suddenly there came from heaven and noise like a violent rushing wind it filled the whole house where they were sitting in other words god was active suddenly without human intervention god did something to catch the attention of everybody so let me first begin by saying what in the world were they doing in that room because in acts chapter 1 the lord told them everybody read gathering them together he commanded them notice he commanded them not to leave jerusalem imagine don't leave jerusalem wait for what the father had promised so what did the father promise which he said you heard from me john baptized with water but you will be baptized with the holy spirit not many days from now so it has to do with the holy spirit so don't leave now you wait for the promise now many of us have no idea how important that promise is now before i tell you the is let me tell you the phrase baptized with the holy spirit in the entire new testament that phrase baptized in the holy spirit with the holy spirit is used only seven times the first four times it's in the gospel matthew mark luke john where john said i baptize you with water but he jesus will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire you will notice the connection the water baptism is a picture of what god is going to do in you and in my life the word baptized comes from the greek word immerse it's like if you're in textile our family used to be in textile and you want to dye a piece of cloth example this is why i now want to make it blue i will dip this cloth with dyed blue colored water you understand you dip it and you become identified with that color the bible is saying when you are baptized in the water it's a picture you died with christ and when you get out of the water you have new life in christ so baptism is very meaningful however the real meaning is the spiritual baptism when you are baptized in the holy spirit you become one with the spirit you become one in the body of christ that's the idea so i baptize you with water but somebody will baptize you with the holy spirit so you become identified with christ you become identified with the body of christ you become identified with the community of christ that's the idea now in acts chapter 1 the fifth time you will be baptized with the holy spirit we read that already in acts 11 you'll be baptized with the holy spirit peter is now recollecting what happened and in the epistle only one time it is used for by one spirit we were all baptized into one body what does that mean well that is how it is used by one spirit what does it mean to be baptized let's read this together for by one spirit we were all noticed dramatically no exception we were all baptized identified you become connected with one body whether jews or greeks were slaves or free and we were all made to drink of one spirit in other words in the new testament the word baptized in the spirit happens on the day of salvation when you come to know jesus the holy spirit enters your heart and boom you become part of jesus you become part of the community of believers are we clear so far many people are confused because they confuse the feeling of the holy spirit with the baptism of the holy spirit it can happen simultaneously you can be filled and baptized in the holy spirit at once it's possible but many times for many believers they come to jesus they are baptized in the holy spirit but slowly but surely they begin to surrender every area of their lives luke chapter 24 verse 49 why were they in one place let me tell you why they were in one place everybody read behold i'm sending forth the promise of my father upon you you are to stay in the city everybody read until you are close with power to be baptized in the spirit is to be filled with the spirit to be clothed with power that is repeated acts chapter 1 verse 8. let's read together ready go you'll receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses both in jerusalem judea samaria even to the remotest part of the area you know do you notice something when the holy spirit comes you'll have power for what purpose to be a witness so that's the theme of the book of acts i've learned that i cannot live the christian life in my own strength i've learned i don't have the power and i learn that the holy spirit will change my heart change my desire and give me the strength and that is the secret of the christian life it is simple and hard why simple let go let god simple right but hard how do you let go because we like to be in control we don't want to let god be in control so that's what makes it difficult and the reason why it is difficult is because you don't know jesus you are afraid to let go you are afraid to let god take over completely in the early church when they come to jesus it is completely complete surrender because they knew coming to christ means martyr they are ready to die that's why coming to christ and being filled with the holy spirit in the first century simultaneously understood clearly today many of us don't understand clearly what it means to come to christ surrender for us coming to christ you have many meanings for some of us it's a passport to heaven for some of us while everybody is coming to christ i will also come to christ you don't fully understand why did jesus choose the day of pentecost you remember on the day of pentacles so why did he choose that day let me tell you in the jewish calendar you have seven important fists seven important events for example leviticus tells us speak to the sons of israel and say to them the lord's appointed times which you shall proclaim as holy con convocations my appointed times so god in the old testament has chosen seven appointed convocations seven special days they are not just agriculture in nature they are not just teaching tools they are prophetic many people don't understand the connection of the old testament to the new testament so let me share with you the major events when it comes to jewish holidays in the old testament you have three major events under these three you have seven so what are the three major appointed calendar of god all right let me show you this chart three major celebration passover pentacles tabernacle under the passover the first day you have the unleavened bread and you have the first fruit now this happens within one week very fast and then you have 50 days of waiting it becomes pentacost and then you have another long period and you have the tabernacles now why do i say they are prophetic and they all point to jesus are you ready all right let's talk about the first important event pass over say that with me pass over what is so significant about the passover now this is what happened the jewish people were enslaved in egypt under the mighty army of pharaoh there is no way they could escape so god said moses i'm going to deliver these people out of egypt it's called mission impossible because egypt was the most powerful nation at that time the most advanced army and you have this group of slaves israelites but god said get them out of egypt moses said how can i do it god says i'm going to do miracles so god did a lot of miracles but the last miracle because pharaoh was so stubborn what was the last miracle do you remember the first born will die the angel of death will come all the first born will die how many of you are first born raise your hand first born bangla stand up i want to dramatize this all the firstborn in the family in theory usually the one first born only in the family now you know some people have two firstborn but typically all firstborn i want to imagine now imagine example only i'm moses and i and i'll tell you hey guys the lord said on this night the angel of death will come and all the first born in egypt will die however if you want to be saved you must kill a lamb put the blood on the door boss kill a lamb without blemish and put the blood of the lamb outside the door and god promised if he sees the blood he will pass over so you guys what is the solution for your salvation all the firstborn will die does it matter rich or poor egyptians or not egyptians you will die except if you put the blood outside the door now will you do it yes or no louder why would you do it you want to save your life yes or no and you believe me if you don't believe me you know what you were doing you put the handkerchief i surrender and the bible tells us on that night all the firstborn of the egyptians died all you can imagine the horror of the families of the egyptians they all cried because somebody died including the first born of the animal except the jewish people so pharaoh got so scared he said okay you guys you just get out of egypt i will let you go so the passover event is the day when israel achieved their freedom they were delivered from the power of pharaoh and god told the israelites from now on every year you must celebrate the passover to remember how i save you please sit down jesus chose a special day to die on the cross when was that day passover why did jesus choose that day he wanted the people to know he is the lamb that will shed his blood so that the angel of death will not judge us anymore so the passover is salvation and everything points to jesus praise god so my friend you now see the old testament always points to jesus so passover crucifixion unleavened bread you remove all sin that's what jesus did the first fruit first harvest of barley jesus is the first fruit the bible says from the dead jesus is the first fruit and then you wait for 50 days why 50 that's the word for penta cos because pentecost is the time when they first harvest the wheat so jesus wanted the church and the people to know the birth of the church and the outpouring of the holy spirit will happen on the 50th day so on the pentecost you have harvest spiritually you have three thousand people got saved on the day of pentecost because on the day of pentecost the holy spirit was unleashed so my friend everything points to jesus so he chose a day what was the day penta to introduce to the world the holy spirit the power of god to bring people to salvation and the birth the harvest of three thousand souls but then there's a long wait we do not know how long the next feast the bible tells us is the face of trumpets you know when is that the second coming the bible says the trumpet will sound and the dead in christ shall rise first and jesus will come again the trumpet in the old testament is always a summon for gathering and god says between now and the feast of trumpet which is a long time we don't know when you keep on doing what i want you to do be my witness tell people about me but someday the trumpet will sound the day of atonement when god takes away all sin and tabernacle when he will stay with us forever and ever ladies and gentlemen where are we today where we are now living in somewhere here now when will jesus come friend he can he he can come today he can come tomorrow so the day of pentecost to me is very significant so let's read now now you understand the bible when the day of pentecost had come they were all together in one place and suddenly nothing suddenly there came from heaven and noise like a violent rushing wind it is not wind it's light they heard the sound and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and there appeared to them tongues of us of fire it is not fire it is like fire distributing themselves and they rested on each one of them 120 first believers 120 of them were all able to experience what happened here the holy spirit fell upon them and the bible tells us they were everybody read and they were all filled with the holy spirit notice all of them no one laid hands on them no one prayed for them they were just gathered together and boom suddenly on the day of pentecost these things happen the bible called this descriptive passage why so that you and i will know the reality of the existence of the holy spirit because how will people know so the holy spirit is manifested in wind like wind power fire in the old testament fire is always connected with beauty the holy spirit holy pure and then dance what's the meaning of tongues notice let's read this together they began to speak with everybody read other tongues as the spirit was giving them utterance what are these tongues let's read together there were jews living in jerusalem devout men from every nation under heaven and when this sound occurred the crowd came together in other words it was public the sound and were bewildered because each one of them was hearing them speak in his own languages my friend that tongue was not gibberish it is not syllable monosuitable no it is a language continue reading everybody do you understand they were shackled they were shocked because god wanted his people to know the purpose of the holy spirit is for you to proclaim the gospel to everybody it is not just the jews i want them to hear that's why they were given this amazing gift let's pray together parthians meads elamites residents of mesopotamia judea capoducia ponchos asia philia pamphilia egypt and the districts of libya cyrene visitors from rome both jews and proselytes cretans arabs everybody read together go we hear them amazing phenomena look at this phenomena this is jerusalem these are people from all over the world except the gallon but now you don't need to understand you understand english comprende all right guys what's my point the holy spirit made a very dramatic entrance by the way when you are 18 years old what is that practice in the philippines they call it debu i pronounce it debu if you're american you pronounce it they wou i don't know but you understand debu when you introduce a girl the whole world god use pentos to introduce the entire world the reality of spirit you see you take this for granted because today we don't appreciate the promise of god we don't appreciate the power of god notice how the power of god was manifested they were all amazed these are all supernatural events these are supernatural the wind sounds like the wind the fire speaking in different languages are they supernatural yes or no you know why the holy spirit has to do with supernatural power and that's what you need supernatural power and they all continued in amazement and great perplexity they were shocked saying to one another what does this mean but others were mocking saying they are all full of sweet wine you see i've discovered something every time the work of god is happening when there's a preacher when there's a speaker you have always two types of audience those who will listen and those who will mock surprisingly when you go home and you share the gospel with your family members don't be surprised some will mock you some will listen but notice peter taking his stand with the 11 raised his voice and declared to them he declared to them men of judea and all of you who live in jerusalem let this be known to you and give hid to my words excuse me do you recall what peter did just a few weeks ago what did peter do he denied jesus how many times three times recall peter now let me ask you what changed peter what changed him when the holy spirit came upon peter he became a very stable strong believer he said listen to me before he was run away yes or no now what was the message of peter look at what peter said these men are not drunk as you suppose it is only third hour meaning nine o'clock in the morning but this is what is spoken through the prophet joel he now cited the old testament to show you the holy spirit is the promise of god the power of god and the purpose of god how did he do it he quoted the scriptures it shall be in the last days joel god says everybody read i will pour forth my spirit into all mankind your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams in other words my spirit will not just be given to special people it will be given to all notice the next verse even slaves even poor people both men and women it doesn't matter rich or poor male or female in i will in those days pour forth my spirit god said i'm gonna do something now you and i take this blessing for granted let me share with you how special this is in the old testament not everybody will receive the holy spirit for example only when god has a mission for you is given oatmeal and the spirit of the lord came upon him gideon and the spirit of the lord came upon him jephthah the spirit of the lord came upon him samson and the spirit of the lord came upon him mightily david saul moses the spirit of god is selected it is not given to all because the spirit of god is the very presence of god himself it's power it's given to jews majority all jews not given to gentiles but god is saying one day based on my promise god's promise beautiful promise guys i hope you get excited look at the promise of god in order everybody read in order that in christ jesus the blessing of abraham might come to the gentiles that's us so that we would receive the promise of the spirit through faith you know you know what god is saying because of jesus you can now have the holy spirit through faith it is now given to all people rich or poor young or old why it is god's promise do you believe god loves us he loves you so much he said you know what i know what you need you need me the holy spirit is the very presence of god and i'm gonna give you myself through jesus god cares for you the church is god's invention that's why christianity is never a religion christianity is living it's a personal encounter with god through jesus through his holy spirit if you see christians who have no life that's religion my friend religion is ritual but real christianity is different you have the spirit of god you are alive because of the holy spirit how do you receive the holy spirit he tells us by faith let's read together in fact for emphasis galatians 3 so that we would receive the promise of the spirit how through faith and that is repeated ephesians chapter one everybody let's read in him in him in jesus you also after listening to the message of truth the gospel of your salvation everybody read now having also believed you believed you were sealed in him with the holy spirit of promise you see the bible is very clear if you have the holy spirit you belong to him and how do you have the holy spirit you believe you were sealed now you and i don't fully understand this commercial term in the new testament the word seal is a business language it's like i'm a rancher i'm 10 cows you're a rancher you have 20 cows how will i know which cow is your sweet cows are mine how will i know there's a seal when there's a contract to be signed how do i validate the contract seal how do you know you belong to jesus seal you see i tell people in this universe only three people really know whether you are a christian or not only three will really know number one yourself have you given your life to jesus number two the devil and number three god because you have the holy spirit now let me ask you i'm not asking you do you come to church i'm not asking you do you go to small groups i'm not asking you that i'm only simply asking you do you have the spirit of god in your heart do you have my friend don't take this message lightly there will no be there won't be any real change real transformation real salvation until you understand the holy spirit comes when a person totally believes by faith when you surrender your life to jesus people ask me can i believe in jesus without surrendering my life to jesus you see that question can i really become a christian by praying to receive christ without surrendering my life to jesus my friend how in the world can you say you will pray to receive christ but you don't want him to be the boss of your life how can that be it cannot be because a christian is a follower of jesus how can i say lord jesus be my lord be my master see the word lord jesus jesus christ jesus savior christ king anointed king jesus christ some people want jesus only you don't want christ jesus christ jesus means what savior christ means what anointed king messiah the boss so let me ask you how can jesus be lord if you don't surrender all is that possible friends i don't judge you you don't judge your neighbor just ask yourself have you been playing christianity only games pretending to be a believer now the bible tells us the lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is what liberty that's the good news so who is the holy spirit he is the lord he is called the spirit of the lord so the holy spirit is god himself wow the promise spirit the promise of god himself power himself who is the holy spirit so that you'll understand the amazing truth of god only one god share that with me one god one more time one god in three distinct persons god the father god the son god the holy spirit however the three are distinct the father is not the son the son is not the holy spirit the holy spirit is not the father but the tree is god are we clear we are not teaching there are three guns no no no one god manifestation god the father god the son god the holy spirit a finite mind cannot comprehend infinite let me ask you what is infinity what is the number of infinity can you give me a number for infinity you can't because we think in terms of finite numbers one two three four five if you tell me god is infinite what number can you ascribe to him see god is spirit by the way if you don't understand don't worry i don't understand also okay but by faith by faith god the father god the son god the spirit i will ask the father jesus talks about the holy spirit and he noticed god the father will give you another helper the word another is a very special word in the greek language you have different words for substitute example if i'm driving a toyota and something happens to my toyota assuming i am renting a car the rental company will give me a substitute yes but the substitute can become a kia that's not what he's talking about i'll give you another exactly of the same kind so if i'm renting a mercedes-benz something happens the rental company will give me another exactly the same mercedes-benz so god is saying i will give you another exactly of the same kind like me helper now the word helper for some translation advocate but this is really the meaning is from two words para means alongside so god is saying i'm gonna send you somebody to go alongside you to comfort you to encourage you you know my friend i've discovered when i go to funeral services when we counsel people sometimes my words cannot mean much but just the presence just put your arms around the person god is saying i will send you another helper he will be beside you he will help you he will encourage you and my friend my job is to connect people to the parakletos because i am finite i cannot be everywhere but god can be of help so that's the holy spirit it's an amazing promise amazing power the holy spirit is a person you can grieve the holy spirit the bible says don't grieve him he loves you the holy spirit is eternal only god is eternal the holy spirit is all-powerful only god is all-powerful the holy spirit is ever present only god is ever present now whole point is this the holy spirit is god when he the spirit of truth notice the pronoun not it the holy spirit is not a force i know you like star wars yes or no jedi the force the holy spirit is not a force it is a person a living person you can grieve him you can make him sad the bible says when he the spirit of truth comes what will he do he will guide you and that is why without the holy spirit you cannot understand the bible why do you think many people are struggling reading the bible no holy spirit the bible tells us the holy spirit will glorify he will glorify me he will glorify jesus the holy spirit does not glorify himself the holy spirit does not glorify people listen to me anytime you have a ministry you have a church that glorifies a person my friend that is not the work of the holy spirit the church should glorify jesus amen you should glorify jesus so the bible tells us what will the holy spirit do he will glorify jesus he will take of mind and disclose it to you so when peter gave that amazing message the holy spirit will be brought forth he's simply saying the holy spirit is god's promise now in the last days he's releasing it and then he tells us the holy spirit is god's power you know why to do god's purpose you need this power and notice what happened peter said and i will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below behold fire and vapor of smoke the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon in the blood before the great and glorious day of the lord shall come ladies and gentlemen this is not yet happening so what does it mean we are now living in the last days the last days began when jesus went to heaven and sent forth his holy spirit so that the clock began ticking it's now ticking this has not happened yet but it's going to happen soon the sun will be darkened the book of revelation tells us in the last days the power of the universe will be shaken and everybody will be so scared you will see meteorites you will see stars falling the entire universe will shake the bible says in the last days and the moon will into blood before the great and glorious not notice he used glorious in another passage before the great and terrible days to those who are saved glorious to those who do not know jesus horrible and then look at this amazing promise everybody read it shall be done everybody read everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved have you called on the name of the lord to save you yes or no all right when you ask him to save you the holy spirit comes no wonder in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost the holy spirit was answered and what happened harvest next week we will discuss the message of peter but peter said something like this the first message repent and each of you be baptized in the name of the lord jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit and the bible tells us amazing things happen those who had received his word everybody read were baptized and that day how many were added to the church how many 3 000 on top of 120 on that very day the power of the holy spirit was unleashed god used the mouth of peter and his spirit spoke to the hearts of everybody and the bible tells us if you read they were convicted by sin they asked what can i do to be saved and peter said believe in the lord jesus repent three thousand god saved so my friend is the holy spirit important yes however you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the spirit of god dwells in you if anyone does not have the spirit of god he does not belong to him ladies and gentlemen a christian is not somebody who goes to church just because you go to a garage you don't become a car you go to the church you don't become a christian when you become a christian according to this verse however you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the spirit of god dwells in you if anyone does not have the spirit of christ he does not belong to him ladies and gentlemen do you not understand why i have so great a confidence in all of you that you will finish your journey to the end because the holy spirit is what in your heart if you teach bible and the people don't have the holy spirit it's all temporal they attend bible study they get excited wow that's a good bible study they attend sunday service wow that's a good sermon is that all no you need the holy spirit so that he will be with you forever and he'll be the one to walk in your hearts what's the difference between india presence of the holy spirit and being filled by the holy spirit what's the difference well to be enjoyed by the holy spirit is upon salvation baptized into the church so when you have the holy spirit the bible tells us you're saved you're baptized into the church one baptism multiple feeling what do we mean filled by the holy spirit upon complete surrender so for many people the fullness of the holy spirit occur at the same time upon salvation you know why for many of you once you come to jesus you understand so you surrender everything boom you have jesus and you're full of the holy spirit you know why you understand however for many others when they come to christ they are filled with the holy spirit and then as days go by you become irritated with your husband you become irritated with your wife you then have sin in your heart and you don't know how to deal with it so the holy spirit is no longer in control you take back the control is that possible yes it's very possible so you need to understand the fullness of the holy spirit is surrender and you need his power this is by faith to be filled with the holy spirit believe it or not is by faith also by faith everything is by faith through prayer surrender and obedience so everything is by faith one time once the holy spirit enters your heart he promised i will never leave you but this one is not one time this one is moment by moment meaning moment by moment for example my wife and i we have been happily married for so many years but my wife would admit to you there are times when she does things and i do things that will cause her to be irritated honey are you still irritated at times okay yeah yeah and sometimes he will do things that will cause me to be irritated like last sunday you do not know what happened last sunday you know last sunday god bless your heart after the second service we were supposed to go home already then she decided inspired i don't know by what spirit she was inspired to go to hyper mart to do some shopping in my mind after the second service i was not feeling well remember i was battering a cold i wanted to go home go home but my wife is nowhere to be found and then somebody said no no she told me to tell you you go to hypermart pick her up okay no problem i saw i was excited to pick her up when i was going they were receiving a phone call from her where are you i'm in the corner of fonterra and she's here i said what corner i thought you were in hyper mar no no no no so do i get irritated lord jesus control me fill me with your holy spirit so when i saw her i got to make another turn because in ccf they make the pastor jp i do not know why it's so complicated in this place where i cannot go right out of here i cannot go left it's all you know one way anyway i'm not blaming you but i have to submit authority you know so i finally found her and then she sat beside me and of course she was apologetic what did i do lord jesus control me would you believe it nothing i did not say anything you know why controlled by the spirit even though i wanted to say a lot i wanted to give a message on you know consideration thinking no more no more you know why just keep quiet praise god praise god huh it's all god so the bible says do not get drunk with wine that is dissipation but be filled you see the grammar here is this do not let the alcohol control you but be feel so the word field best translation is be controlled by the spirit do you understand so the word feeling simply means be controlled so when the alcohol controls you be honest with me how many of you have been drunk at least once or twice in your life raise your hand you have been drunk oh see i tell you this is composed of drunkards and sinners by the grace of god no problem no problem but you notice something he says don't get drunk with one stop getting down with mine but be filled grammatically be filled means what continuously feel that's the grammar present tense be continuously filled not this is a passive voice you allow christ to control you continuously day by day moment by moment so you must do that day by day moment by moment so to me the best illustration is driving a car if you are a natural man you don't have jesus you know this is like your life look at look at yourself you have no joy you know why you have no joy because you are driving your own life you are the one in charge of your own life what is jesus outside now a spirit fear christian jesus is driving and what do you do you just rest upon him notice you're smiling spirit filled christian in the early church they were all filled with the holy spirit you know why who's in control jesus but you know i discovered is possible to a backseat drivers have you ever bad drivers i tell you i have experienced backseat drivers because i am also a backseat drivers at times when my wife will drive and i'll tell her what to do you know what she will tell me honey just drive okay just drive because we like to be in control no no no to be spiritual let christ be in control so this is i call this the abnormal sick christian you know he's abnormal christ is not driving christ is inside his heart but he's not happy i've never seen a real christian who has not allowed christ to control his life and be joyful do you know joyful christians are christians who have surrendered everything you know why they are joyful they don't have to be in charge they don't have to be in control somebody asked me a friday night how do you deal with challenges in ccf i see very simple the way i deal with challenges in ccf number one i don't take things personally number two i know i'm not in control christ is in control so i surrender the ministry i surrender the work of god to him it's very relaxing i'm not here to prove anything because god is in control amen no some of you you love to be in control can i tell you something if you are in con you want to be in control you are doomed for disappointment you want to be in control you will always be irritated and you will always get angry because you cannot have it your way you see to be filled with the holy spirit is very simple you say lord jesus you control my life you control everything around me my job is to follow you you be the driver and you experience joy you experience peace god commands us to be filled and if we are not filled it is because we are living beneath our privileges what are the privileges of god's people as we close let's read this together the disciples were continually what filled with joy friends are you full of joy today yes or no how many are full of joy today raise your hand suddenly now you're happy huh very good so i will tell you something the moment you lose your joy you ask yourself why have i lost my joy ah i want to be in control lord i surrender so i'm gonna give you a simple prayer how to be filled with the holy spirit do you have this so you practice this how to be filled okay it talks about you must be desire confess all known sin but the magic word is this surrender you want to be filled moment by moment surrender i say walk by the spirit and you will not carry out the desire of meaning you obey the holy spirit day by day moment by moment and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh implication the flesh is always one thing to control you you will have temptations you have struggle but follow the holy spirit for the flesh set this desire against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh so don't be afraid of temptation it will come but when temptation comes sometimes you do when temptation comes that much you do you walk you follow the spirit and if you keep following the holy spirit what will happen as we close everybody read what will happen to us the fruit of the spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness ladies and gentlemen do you have the fruit of the holy spirit love joy peace that's the fruit of the spirit and it's given for all of us it's the promise of god it is the power of god to produce fruit and it is the purpose of god so that you will have the power to witness to people let's read this together according to dwight elmody let's read this together i believe that many a man is praying to god to fill him when he is already and his full already with something else before we pray that god would fill us i believe we ought to pray that he would empty us there must be an emptying before there can be feeling and when the heart is turned upside down and everything that is contrary to god is turned out then the spirit will come but you got to empty get rid of sin if we are full of pride conceit ambition self-seeking pleasure in the world there is no room for the spirit of god has god spoken to you be continuously what filled with the holy spirit how do you do it how you ask the holy spirit to control you by faith you don't beg he wants to control you the problem is never god the problem is us you got to get rid of what it tells you i know some of you are in a relationship and you refuse to give it up you will not feel the fullness of god's spirit until you surrender that sin for some of you it's a habit you don't want to give up what god is telling you give it up you're afraid you're going to fail my friend you will surely fail you need the holy spirit so be it pornography build relationship whatever it is surrender to the lord let's pray why don't you pray privately and surrender whatever god is bring to your mind whatever it is right now you surrender that to the lord it can be relationship it can be money it can be a practice whatever it is it can be your own ambition if god brings that up to your mind you surrender it surrender it to the lord lord jesus there may be some people here today perhaps them unforgiveness bitterness anger or greed or any immoral relationship or selfish ambition lord whatever it is speak to them and help them surrender it to you those of you who want to surrender something to the lord just raise your hand yes you want to surrender something in the lord lord here we are our hands are raised up acknowledging what we want to surrender and fill us now with your spirit lord jesus by faith we now ask you to fill us in jesus name we all pray amen amen god bless you
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 55,074
Rating: 4.806354 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: fkM1BJI5gc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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