Choices Have Consequences with Pastor Peter Tan-chi (August 20, 2017)

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I was through my mother that I was introduced into the Christian faith and eventually our whole family committed our lives to the Lord my siblings and I became very active in church activities and ministries I was serving in the in the church but never really had a chance to go debate my relationship with the Lord I never really understood what it meant to be a follower of Jesus in high school I became curious about relationships I entered it into a same-sex relationship but broke up with a person when I realized that it was wrong during college I was influenced by my friends to drink alcohol and smoke I would go home drunk and wasted in the middle of the night I was living a double life serving the Lord actively while doing worldly things this lifestyle continued when I started to work and earn my own money I got into a relationship with my co-worker spent most of my earnings in drinking smoking and got involved in premarital sex that got me pregnant at the age of 22 my boyfriend talked to my family and told them that he will marry and be responsible for what happened but after four days I received a text message saying that he could not own up to the responsibility for me and my son I was broken and hurt and did not know what to do after a year I decided to talk to the father of my son because I didn't want my son to grow up without a father we decided to go on with the relationship for my son's sake even without the knowledge and blessing of my own family what I thought was the right thing to do just made things more complicated I was back to doing the wrong things again and again and living any moral life the relationship did not work out and we eventually broke up again I never had any communication with since then in order to fill in the sadness and longing in my heart I entered into the difference in two other different immoral relationships that eventually did not last being a single mother and thinking about my son's future I tried to look for a good-paying job abroad my family did not support my decision to go abroad because it would mean I would sacrifice the years I would need to spend take care of my son with a heavy heart I left the country to work in Singapore when I reach Singapore I was endorsed by a family friend to one of the churches there there I met a woman who would always intentionally talk to me and pray for me she eventually became my decipher and held me in deepening my relationship with Jesus God used her to make me realize how important it is to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus and that His grace and love for me is always available in spite of what I have done in the past it was in Singapore that I recommitted my life to Christ in 2012 I went back to the country for a short vacation and the Lord used this time for me to mend my broken relationship with my family it was also during this time that one of my friends introduced me to some people who were attending CCF it was through them that I learned about live stream worship services and sky groups I started to watch worship services in YouTube and eventually joined a Skype worship group it is amazing how God orchestrated events in my life that one of the CC efforts who encouraged me to cultivate my relationship with Jesus and helped me grow in my faith would eventually become my husband and we got married in February 2015 Carl accepted me love me despite all my wrong choices in the past he also took my son as his own we now also have another son who just turned one year old we ask for your prayers ass Carl wants to legally adopt my son Johann as his very own as Galatians 2:20 says I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me the life I now live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who despite my past he has loved me unconditionally and has forgiven me completely after all the things I experienced I learned the importance of abiding in Christ and surrendering my all to him God is using my past experiences as I disciple women most of them single mothers who went through a similar journey as I did and by God's grace some of them are already deciphering other women as well I am Janette Dalio a recipient of God's Amazing Grace transformed by the power of the cross of Jesus Christ to him belong all the priests what appears to be normal everyday life is actually a battle a battle for hearts minds and soul a battle with our family at stake we are at war every day we walk into enemy territory whether we realize it or not the enemy has concealed landmines Oh Lord designed to destroy and kill these landmines are issues our families face today we need to watch our step we need to oppose where Jesus tells us to join us as we inert these landmines that endanger our family [Music] what do you notice about that man he was enjoying a walk but he did not realize he was going to step on landmine if he knew I don't think he will walk the same direction amen the same thing spiritually there are landmines that is laid out by the devil to destroy you and your family do you know the purpose of landmines it is not to kill because the devil cannot kill it the reality is if you belong to Jesus you're his but he wants to maim you to hurt you in warfare the strategy is to hurt the soldier because for every wounded soldier you will need two three other soldiers to take care of him if you kill a soldier that's it but if you wound him if you maim him you need two three other soldiers to help and that's why in the Christian community you have many Christians who are wounded and the reason they are wounded it because Satan is out there to impact the Church of God that's why many families are hurting when the family is hurting the parents are affected and when the parents are not doing well the children are affected you can be the best parent if you don't teach your children whom to marry how to a boyfriend they can had problems like our Shira Jeannette she grew up in a Christian environment and this is what I discovered you can grow up in the church but you don't grow up in Christ we raised up children in church but we don't raise them up in price and that's why I believe one of my responsibilities is to train our people to warn them about my in fields today the minefield I wanted to remember is this everybody read this with me choices have consequences one more time choices have consequences Satan has successfully murmur eyes our young people into thinking choices have no consequences and it is not entirely the fault of young people if you look at what's happening they play computer games in the computer games it's all about illusion and you think it's real so you play games and you think that life is all about illusion but many times is the fault of parents let me give an example if your children forget to bring bow on what do you do in the most parents especially mothers they panic they go to the school they bring the food to the children mothers can I tell you something you are not teaching your children responsibility if your children forgets to bring bow on what do you do let them go hungry they won't die one meal they won't die and I guarantee you next day they will remember to bring bow now if the principal calls you in the school you know what your children is going to be expelled for misbehavior you know what I've discovered especially in very exclusive schools because the parents are rich they will donate sort of the kids will not be expelled by doing that you are trying in your in your mind you love your children but you are not training them properly you are teaching them you can get away with wrong behavior and some day they will get the shock of their lives when they are realized in this world there are consequences so what's the message today one more time choices had conse quences the verse that I want you to see is found in the book of Galatians everybody will together do not be deceived God is not mocked whatever a man sauce this he will also reap a few observations how many of you have been deceived by other people gnilova higher yeah how did you feel noona lo Haga i think you are hurt you feel bad yes I've been deceived I feel bad but this verse is talking about another kind of deception it's even more painful do not deceive yourself in Tagalog Huang no lo Cohen and sorry remove color neighbor don't deceive yourself in a wife because to deceive yourself is thinking whatever you do because I'm still young there are no consequences have you heard of that statement saw your Wild Oats while you are still young you can do anything in you're still young time will make up you can manage what's happening my friends that is one of the most successful lies of Satan the choices you do today have no consequences so the Bible says do not be deceived the grammar in the Greek language is something like this they are already deceiving themselves and the Bible is saying stop deceiving yourself you can translate that verse literally stop deceiving yourself do not deceive yourself stop fooling yourself in other words I'm learning more and more about God when he gives us this word it is to protect us it is to bless us stop deceiving yourself do not be deceived God is not mocked what does it mean God is not mocked how do you mock somebody you have to mock somebody it's not just a belief it is too like thumb your nose on somebody huh look at that expression ha when God says something and you say half you don't believe it the Bible says you cannot not God you cannot deceive yourself you cannot deceive God what everybody did whatever a man sauce this he will also rip the problem with this is many young people because you don't experience immediate consequences you think it's okay because you have many friends they don't obey the Bible they seem to be happy because consequences are not immediate but look at that verse it does not tell you when it simply tells you whatever a man sauce what this he will rip it does not tell you for a new rib there is usually a time love even in agriculture when you plant something he doesn't rip immediately yes or no some plants take longer how long does it take to harvest coconut trees the food how long when you plant a coconut how long does it take a coconut tree it takes years am I correct you see not all plants you harvest immediately the same thing with your action young people if you can share this with your friends parents tell your children choices have consequences can I share with you the English version of modern English of this verse would you like to know how how I will translate it properly well let me share with you this is the modern English version right everybody ready you are free to choose but you are not free to choose the consequences of your decision you are free to choose remember this illustration I gave years ago how you become Superman you buy a red brick you wear the brief and you buy a cap okay and then what do you do you think you're Superman you jump now I want you to imagine now this young man he wanted to jump in one of the tallest building in the Philippines what will happen if that little boy will go to that building and then that little boy wants to jump and then you come around you tell that boy don't jump and the boy tells you why not what will you say well you tell the boy there is such a thing as the law of gravity and then the boy tells you I don't know the law of gravity I don't believe in the law of gravity it does not matter whether you understand you don't understand the moment the boy jumps he's free you are free to choose to jump or not to jump but once you jump you are not free to choose the consequences now what will that boy discover there is such a thing as gravity before he jumps or after he jumps my friend there are many ways to learn one is you listen you obey the word of God or the other one by experience experience is a very cruel teacher our Shira Jeannette shared with us about her experience premarital sex unwanted pregnancy many Christians are not taught properly I want to forewarn you so that you'll be forearmed there are many minefields there's going to attack the 21st century families one of them is this one you are free to choose but they don't tell you you cannot avoid it you are free to choose but you are not free to choose the consequences of your decisions that's basic you can choose to listen to the Bible or not I respect you every time you come here on Sunday we preach the Word of God you are free to choose to believe or not to believe but I'm going to tell you something you are not free to choose the consequences but the consequences are not immediate it takes time for some it takes years friends there are so many people I can tell you again and again they seem to be happy on TV when they are young everybody's flocking to them you know why to them this is life complete freedom do whatever you want to do don't listen to your parents Bible forget the Bible you are free do whatever you want to do sure you are free to choose your way of life but you are not free to choose the consequences if you can teach your children your family and fathers learn this principle so that you will be careful because the world is full of minefield and how this has impacted my life is sympathies when I go through life I do not know where the minefield right so I want to stay as close as possible with Jesus because Jesus will help me navigate through life by avoiding mine fields by avoiding the mines the land mines God knows so I stay close to Jesus that's the most of my life I need his guidance I don't like to make decisions on my own friends what's the message today choices have consequences can you turn to your neighbor just look at them in the eyes tell them be signa choices have consequences my friend one more time let's read together do not be deceived God is not mocked whatever a man sows that he will rip this verse tells me what you do not sauce using with for example you want to be happy family what are you sewing are you investing time with your children if you are investing your time with money just money all the time popularity power how in the world do you expect you will reap a happy home if you want to see Jesus someday and to hear Jesus say well done good and faithful servant that's your desire eternal reward versus temporal rewards you want something eternal but the way you live your life is all about this one you are sowing worldly sins but not eternal seeds in other words you don't care about the spiritual things what makes you think at the end of your life you are going to harvest eternal rewards it doesn't make sense what you sow you will reap that is throughout the scripture and I'm going to share with you an example in the Bible about sowing and reaping have you heard of the one big greed principle if you are writing an airplane and you are one degree off it does not matter for the first 5 10 minutes however when you keep traveling one degree off by the time you hit 600 miles you are 60 miles of target if you keep going one degree off by the time you fly 6,000 miles you are 100 miles off you can no longer see the landing field you are completely lost what's my point if you don't walk with God you deviate sure first year of your life two years you may not notice something but slowly but surely something is happening to you because consequences are not what immediate they don't happen immediately but God gave us those principles to protect us some consequences are immediate for example a few weeks ago you prayed for me I came from the Middle East I visited matra a refugee camp between Syria and Jordan would you believe it I was run over by a car how many of you have been done over by a car you should be dead am I correct you know why I'm still alive let me tell you what happened I was crossing the street there was a car coming you know me my problem is I'm always in a hurry my wife was here talking to the women so I told my wife I started Vista I'm gonna go first already so I got a few guys walking with me and then the car came I stopped but I did not realize the car will make a sharp right turn because I was in the middle of the street and when the car made a sharp right turn because it's another Street here my goodness he ran over my foot scraped my body I fell down but very happy I can still walk today a miracle happened or the miracle you want to crop praise God all right but this is the blessing from now on you watch me cross the street now when I cross the street today I am very careful now you know why I learn a lesson you reap what you sow it's for our protection young people you can do many things today in your mind it's okay because the consequences are not immediate not all consequences are immediate some takes longer other friends who develop AIDS you know why you are saving sex with different people he got away with it for a while but my friend what you saw you did it's not always immediately if you can fit that your children into yourself is going to help you the one big rid principle a little of your things okay no no sooner or later there will be consequences now the next verse explains why this is so important the one will sauce to his own flesh with from the flesh reap corruption the one who sauce to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life what is the Bible saying the one who saw stew is on flesh you see all of us have appetites nothing wrong with appetites but if your life is governed by appetites sexual appetites pornography all kinds of appetizer let me repeat nothing wrong with appetites but our appetites are distorted by sin and that's all you do the Bible says you are going to report corruption the word corruption does not mean sudden destruction the word corruption has the idea in decay it takes time but slowly but surely you are destroying your soul you are destroying yourself and that is the danger of making wrong choices every time you make a wrong choice you are changing to somebody else you are surrendering your inner self into the choice you are making but that choice does not have immediate impact and the Bible says on the contrary if you saw to the Spirit the Holy Spirit you listen to the Spirit of God from the spirit you rip eternal life this word eternal life is from the world solving it's a quality of life it's a beautiful life it's a life of blessing however listen to me the assumption of the Bible is very simple you and I are saying not because of good works we are saved by grace but the Bible tells if you have experienced the grace of God Jesus Christ you'll be led by the Spirit of God Romans chapter 8 those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God let me repeat Goemon step to it I think that I'm probably the worst 14 you can check those of us who are led by the Spirit are sons of God if you are led by the flesh you cannot please God so the assumption is this if you belong to Jesus you follow him let me repeat if you tell me you are the Christian and I ask you why are you a Christian and your answer is because when I was eight years old I stood up I raised my hand when I was eight years old I went forward I gave my life to Jesus that is a wrong answer a Christian is a follower of Jesus piddly are you a Christian yes I follow Jesus you cannot say I'm a I'm a follower of Jesus but I don't follow Jesus I mean it does not make sense do you understand let me repeat when you come to Jesus you have a real encounter because you know him he died for you you experienced forgiveness but because you experience forgiveness you experience His grace you now begin to follow him there was a young boy he became he grew up in church when he when he reached college he taught his father his father is one of my good friends one of the pastors of the biggest churches in Atlanta he told his father dad I enjoy college the father's avoid you enjoy college or the drinking the womanizing the father was surprised the father said are you a Christian the son got angry how dare you ask me if I'm a Christian father do you remember nine years old I went forward the father said a wrong answer just because you went forward nine years our newer nine years old how does that make you a Christian the Christian is always present tense so the father asked him examine your life he got angry with his father two years later he went off with funny from colleagues he said daddy I understand I am now a child of God his father said what happened I gave my life to Jesus I began following him a Christian is the father of Jesus if you walk by the spirit that's the evidence of Christianity you don't become a Christian by obeying the Holy Spirit you are a Christian and the evidence of that is what you follow the spirit so my question to you is do not deceive yourself into thinking a Christian is somebody who raised his hands and just pray to receive Christ and then he can live whatever he wants to do no no that is not in the Bible the Bible is very clear we are saved by grace but the grace that saves you will have evidence if you don't have evidence like that girl Janet she talked about you knows you came to Christ and then when she went to college she cdb lose life honestly when you see really become a father of Jesus only God knows amen but I want to tell you something the message today is so important in my heart I want to avoid you guys and your family from stepping on landmines that will destroy your family you know why forgiveness is different from consequences of sin let me repeat if you jump out of the building two to three floors you can break your leg yes or no now when you break your leg and you come to Jesus or God forgive you sure he will forgive you but what about you broke your leg consequences stays but you're forgiven so don't learn things the hard way learn to listen to the Lord you know I love dissipation every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you the part of you that chooses into something a little different from what it was before in other words every time you make a choice you our surrendering that central part that really into something different and if you keep choosing the wrong thing this was going to happen taking your life as a whole with all your innumerable choices we make 70 choices a day according to research original you do not know it around 7 P in one year you make around 2000 plan choices understand every year now whatever those choices are it impacts you little by little you are slowly turning into a heavenly creature like Christ or into a hellish creatures each of us at its moment is progressing to one state or the other in other words you are free to choose but whatever you choose is going to impact you it slowly but surely I don't know about you every time I make a good choice I feel good what about you and every time I mean I make a bad choice I feel awful so my advice is this just because you make a bad choice that's nothing you have to repeat the bad choice and that's what we are here together we need the help of God to help us choose wisely now everybody let me tell you a story it's the story of Jacob and Esau how many of you know the story of Jacob and Esau raise your hands how many of you have not heard the story of Jacob and Esau raise your hands okay let me just go over quickly once upon a time I stopped married a wife named Rebecca they don't have any children I separate for 20 long years after 20 years God gave Rebecca a twin who were the twins ESO and Jacob the word eso means what red Edom Jacob means what a cheater a grabber that's the background you know why he grabbed the foot of his older brother he's a grabber so here's the background when the boys grew up Esau became a skillful hunter a man of the field the man's man man he liked to live outdoor but Jacob was a peaceful man living in tents now I suc love Esau because he has a taste for the game his hunter Rebecca the mother loved Jacob in other words favoritism in the family the problem with ISIL he didn't attend CCS parenting so he was played playing favoritism that was the best way to destroy your family you play favoritism and as they grew up you can see the dynamic tension going on and the Bible calls our Jacob cookies to Esau came from the field and he was famished he was hungry okay because he went out hunting and the Bible tells us he saw said to Jacob please please let me have a swallow of that red stuff I am famished therefore his name was called Eden because of the red stuff so Edom means what bread now if you were Jacob and your brother is hungry what we do no problem bro you are hungry I give you stew will you do that from 800-meter see Jacob I know Jacob is a schemer instead of offering the stew what did he do this is what he did Jacob said to the brother sell me your birthright Esau said the whole and about to die what use then is the birthright to me remember what is the name of Jacob schemer sell me the bird life now he's so given amazing answer what use is the birthright to me can I tell you something about appetite for the rest of your life you will always have tension what is the tension look at what the Bible tells us what happened Jacob said swear to me cigarette lighter schemer so he swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob what is the birthright can I tell you something about birth right birth right in the middle is is very important in Tagalog vahana how many of you are piranha at this do you know if you were born in the Middle East you have a special inheritance you get more than the other siblings secondly you become the leader of the clan you are the leader and thirdly you become the priest the high priest you are the spiritual leader of your family it's pretty insignificance as far as Jay is concerned I don't care about birthright you know why in actuality he cared he really wanted the burden but because of appetite remember appetite nothing wrong with appetite what did he do Jacob gave piece of bread and lentil stew he ate and drunk roast and went on this way he saw the spices but write them explain to you guys I came from the Middle East and somebody explained to me lentil stew lentil stew is the cheapest kind of food you will find in the Middle East it is tasteless in fact because the middle is today a new eat lentil stew they will mix it with chicken broth or beef broth in a way so that it will be tasteful what is so did was to surrender the birthright because of his appetite everybody listen to me nothing wrong with appetite appetite is god-given what are our appetites I heard for men the appetites of men cut along them the first one is sex the second is sex and that 36 I don't know if that's true for most men their pre appetite sex food eating for men you want men to be happy give them food and let them sleep women put your appetite ru and that's where it's a bit complicated okay women I don't think immolate myself but listen to me appetite is god-given nothing wrong it's distorted by sin example sex it's wonderful but learn to wait because sin appetite wants it now she's the problem with appetite it will always struggle with the way you make decision because it wants it now appetite is never satisfied I want it now now now it wants immediate gratification for the rest of your life you have to face that tension money what's wrong with money what's wrong with success that appetite is god-given you want God want you to be successful but you got to do it graduate let me repeat let's talk about the appetite for relationship the appetite for intimacy friendship what's wrong with that nothing but you've got to do it God's Way because God wants us to experience real happiness but you have to do it his way and that's why you need to make choices choose wisely only choices have what consequences now if I wear if I have a time machine I will tell you so either it off before you tray before you give up your birthday easily so listen to me you know what I'll do it so I would bring him years later Esau this is what you're giving up you know what these are giving up because there was nobody to tell him remember appetite blinds you I want it now that's a psychological thing it's called vocalism when you have focus on something it is out of proportion let me tell you why ladies do you know the difference between the main male brain and female brain I'll tell a difference men stand up all the men stand up on a document monologuist miles away oh I believe standing up the whole morning men scientists have discovered without any doubt that the male brain our brain is different from the female brain we have what you call the frontal cortex the front lobe the frontal lobe is the part of the brain that makes connection between choices and consequences it's called logic that part of our brain does not develop as fast as the woman's brain women you have more white stuff if you know the MRI the woman's brain have a lot of white stuff but they gray matter the gray part is a bit less than me don't feel bad some men are smarter we have more gray matter how except with the problem our frontal lobe does not develop as fast as women for men it develops by the age of 25 only what am I saying you will notice when women marries a man most of the women will say grow up why are you acting like a child grow up do you know this witness you you say that your husband grow up you know what because some men don't grow up the frontal lobe is so they do crazy things what crazy things do they do look at me you look at teenagers they will do a skateboard okay they will go down they don't mind breaking their legs in their mind they will never break their legs they will never fall down they will never lose their teeth you know why in their mind the frontal lobe is undeveloped so they take stupid decisions then make stupid decisions and then you you wonder I'm not coming any Sigma Beta Laguna Hindu municipal what are you thinking I remember this man successful businessman he left his wonderful family get involved with his secretary what are you thinking he is not thinking you know why appetite men grow up let your frontal lobe develop think of the consequences you're spending my father-in-law was in the Navy he became an officer he became a chaplain he told the Admiral this women that we are going to bring to Europe to meet their husbands are all sexually hungry therefore do not have any dancing dinner on the ships because this women are hungry I asked my father-in-law how did you survive the temptation you know what my father-in-law said I think I think the consequences I think of my family I think of how my wife would be so hurt I think of my children I think of God's reputation I think of my ministry I think of my career and because I think ahead I'm able to resist my friend choices of what consequences and many of us are not thinking because you think you can get away with consequences gentlemen please let us grow up together tell your neighbor grow up the well of your frontal lobe okay thank you Saddam man this message is not just for you it's for your children you know what the Bible tells us is so how is she described in the Bible let's read this together everybody look at Hebrews let there be no immoral or godless person like Esau who sold his own birthright for a single meal he gave up amazing heritage for a single meal do you know what his lentil stew did you hear me what I just said about lentil soup the cheapest he gave it up for a bowl of soup and the Bible tells us everybody read you know that even afterwards when he desired to inherit the blessing he was rejected for he found no place for repentance though he sought for it with tears when he wanted back the birthright the Bible says stoolie you see choices have consequences now if I have a time machine I'll bring ezel 1,000 years later 100 years later after Esau look at what you miss out how did God describe himself you know how God described himself in the Bible I am the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of that's it a bit Eva and the God of Jacob if so do you know what you're giving up you're giving up a spiritual heritage do you know how God described the ancestry of Jesus the record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David the son of Abraham Abraham was the father of Isaac Isaac was the father of who Jacob not Esau and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers if I have a time machine I will tell all young people before you make decisions you think but when Esau made that decision nobody was there mm it was the worse exchange the worst barter trade every time you make a decision you are bartering example you make a decision to play computer games what are you giving up you're giving up time for something else when a man makes a decision is a barter it's always a barter it's a trade-off life is all about trade-offs it's all about choices when I choose to teach the Bible I'm making a choice not to do that time with something else understand life is about choices an hour tell ezel ezel before you surrender your birthright think twice now let me ask you what's your bowl of soup you see all of us a bowl of soup for some people it's relationship for some of you it's sex you are willing to trade off your birth right you know all of us who are children of God we're birthright amazing privileges amazing blessing I'm asking you today before you make those choices you are free to choose but you're not free to escape the consequences thing about it for some of us that birthed our bowl of soup is money you are willing to sacrifice all that God has in mind for you can I tell you why disassociated for me because not just of the consequences the blessing that you will miss for example I look at my own life I look at Diana's life we all made choices viana made a choice to follow Jesus she made a choice to live the States she made a choice to surrender her boyfriend to the Lord those are simple choices she came I was just thinking if I did not make the right choice my wife did not make the right choice we will not intersect and we don't inter-cell we won it and we did not meet honestly I'm just wondering what my life would be like I will not know what I had missed I five wonderful children 18 wonderful grandchildren and you know what if my wife did not follow the Lord she will not know what she miss can you imagine what she miss I'm a friend do not make decisions without thinking you need the Lord to guide you especially comes your marriage your career especially when it comes your moral life can I tell you something the law of sowing and reaping is universal in Tagalog who are not eating the name the Andina I mean I mean is universal God designed it to bless us now look at me what makes you think you are exempted from that principle unless you deceive yourself you see many young people deceive themselves I'm still young I can make choices it's ok client eyewear I can manage my friend don't deceive yourself make good choices question what is your bowl of soup please don't threaten your future okay now my encouragement use this what if you have made wrong choices already my company cannot you have made wrong choices what do you do can I tell you let's look at the family Jacob made the wrong choices but Jacob was able to recover what are the bad choices of Jacob what you saw your jacob deceive his father remember if the Seabees father what happened to his children they deceived him Jacob as I said Jacob the Seabees father is brother-in-law decision Laban decision what you reap you saw how the VDC B's father by wearing a jacket animal skin how did these children deceive Jacob by using an animal skin by putting blood on the animal skin what you saw you did however our goodness for you that's because you make you made a mistake does not mean you keep on repeating the same mistake because at the latter part of Jacob's back at the latter part he repented he made a decision do you know what is the decision would you like to know how to recover from bad decisions would you like to learn or you like to go home already you like to stay all right I'll tell you what he did the Bible tells us when Jacob was left alone a man rested with him until daybreak now you'll be thinking what in the world is the Bible talking about when Jacob was all alone God initiated as wrestling much God wrestled with Jacob but because Jacob was so hard-headed these are all word picture the Bible tells us this is jacob in hosea chapter 12 in the womb he took his brother by the heel and in his maturity he contended with God he wrestled with God the guy is always scheming always manipulating but currently something about God he does not give up so he did not give up on Jacob and finally the Bible tells us in that wrestling mat that night when he saw he had not prevailed against him he touched the socket of his thigh so that the socket of Jacob's thigh was dislocated what he wrestled with him in other words God did something on the thigh of Jacob the strongest muscle of the human body my friend is the thigh God dislocated the thigh of Jacob I guarantee you it was painful and God did not stop there you know why let's read Jacob wait let me go the dawn is breaking this is what Jacob said I will not let you go unless you bless me you see Jacob for the past life he is always manipulating always scheming to get blessings at this point in his life Jacob discovered we are blessing comes from God no I only want you I will not let you go unless you bless me no longer the blessing from manipulation many was a manipulative scheming human method Jacob said no more none of that stuff Lord I want you I only want you I won't let you go unless you bless me what did God do God was waiting for Jacob to reach this point this is what I call the point of total surrender and you know what happened the Bible tells us Jake okay what is your name he said Jacob do you think God did not know the name of Jacob of course God knew why did he ask him what's your name let me tell you why the word jacob means what and Araya mongrel oho allah paramo when the Latino Alabama mongrel loco you see God wanted Jade of the face himself you are a deceiver you're a schemer but God said no longer will you be called Jacob I'm going to change you Israel will be your name you know the meaning of the word Israel the Prince of God my friend I don't know about your past life but one thing I can tell you God wants you to come to a point where you say Lord I surrender I will not let you go unless you bless me for many of us your blessings your bowl of soup in your mind your bowl of soup will make you happy sex relationship money that bowl of soup don't trade that in for your birthright and the Bible tells us Jacob named the place pena pangaean means the face of God for he said I've seen God face to face yet my life has been preserved and now the Sun rose upon him as he crossed a beautiful picture a new beginning over Penuel and he was limping on his time for the rest of his life look at how Jacob oh you know I was limping the very limping is now a blessed anything that God will do to make you be dependent upon him is a blessing you know why Jacob can no longer run he can no longer hit and none in the past you would scheme manipulate and he will run but God is saying Jacob you can no longer run you can only run to me I don't know about you some of us are still scheming managing your own life and when God speaks to you you the one reason well let me tell you you are free to choose but you are not free to escape the consequences of your choices do you know how this message will close god wants to remind you vary by the radius as we close let us not lose heart in doing good in due time we will rip if we don't grow weary you know why this is inserted in the Bible because many of you are making good decisions already I praise God you did not make bad decisions you make good decision but you feel like giving up you know why nothing is happening do you feel like giving up because in your mind what's the difference what this is the difference let's read this together everybody let us not lose heart in doing good in due time notice in due time when is you time I tell you sometimes the harvest is the next life sometimes the harvest is years later as I look back in my life I praise God for His grace he prevented me from making bad decisions as I look back today I look at all of you you guys are a blessing but I had no idea what God was going to do look at your life today don't give up if you have made a decision to follow Jesus keep on doing what it says in due time settle me in due time what will happen you will rip you will reap the harvest in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary so why are you giving up some of you have been following that and you like to give up don't give up you know why friends sometimes you're about to harvest and what do you do we give up this truth is very encouraging to me I ripped but I saw I will keep on solving the good things of God I will keep on following God if I don't see result that's okay I'll just keep on doing what God wants me to do because God says I am not mad God is saying don't mock me if I promised our bless you I will bless you if you say I will not bless you you're mocking me so God is saying don't grow weary keep on trusting him and let's close with this beautiful verse that I feel will be a blessing everybody lies with this we have as our ambition hey when you make decision what is your ambition everybody will at home or absent to be pleasing to God so from this day onward when you make decision it must be to please God what is the best reason for making good decisions answer tomorrow let me repeat what's the best reason for doing what is right today answer tomorrow it says here we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may be recompense may be rewarded for his deeds in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad so make good choices say okay will you make good decisions everybody let's read it together without faith it is impossible to please God so what must you do he comes to God must believe he must believe God is God or powerful but not enough you must believe that God is a rewarder you reap what you sow has God been speaking to you ladies may I suggest examine your life today what is the bowl of soup that you are willing to develop let's bar heads father God in heaven I want to pray for my brothers and sisters no remind them you are right beside us you see our choices lord help us to have the faith to believe if we make good choices sooner or later we will experience your rewards if not now you have in the future and I pray for those who have made bad choices remind us that your grace is greater than our mistakes your grace can redeem our bad situations like Janet Lord many of us have made bad decisions but I thank you that your grace will help us make good decisions and help us reveal the bad situation we are in continue to bless your people in Jesus name we all pray amen amen god bless you
Channel: CCF Alabang
Views: 77,270
Rating: 4.7969174 out of 5
Keywords: ccf, alabang, sunday, service, tagalog, filipino, pilipino
Id: eZ-r1c5ej3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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