Truth Matters - Experience the True Gospel - Peter Tanchi

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everybody quick review what is the book of acts what is it about in one sentence can you give me let me tell you the book of acts everybody read the continuing work of jesus christ through the holy spirit in the lives of the apostles and his people so it is a continuing work of jesus matthew mark luke john is about jesus his life acts is after jesus ascended to heaven what did he do so he did it through the holy spirit in the lives of the apostles what is the key verse in the book of acts if you want to know what is the key verse this is the key verse in the book of acts everybody please read you receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses both in jerusalem in all judea samaria even to the remotest part of the earth so the key verse is god's mission for us where to be his witnesses but he gives you the provision the provision is the holy spirit he says you receive power the christian life is not hard it is supernatural it is impossible you need the holy spirit you need to understand the holy spirit and the outline of the book of acts is based on acts 1 8. you will be my witnesses starting jerusalem your immediate vicinity in all judea and samaria as you go farther away from your sphere of influence and to the ends of the earth so here is the book outline quickly the book of acts it has 28 chapters so the first part is the church is born the holy spirit is introduced that is the main actor is peter acts 1 to acts 8. the next part is the church cut out of its borders out of jerusalem it went to judea samaria the main character there was philip and also peter acts 8-12 and the last part of the book of acts is the church goes beyond so this is the remorse part of the earth acts 13 to acts 28 but you'll notice something the book of acts has no ending it's very strange as i've told you before the book of acts is still being written today by you and by me it is the holy spirit working through his people so let me repeat the book of acts has not ended you read it you will notice it has no ending it simply talks about paul you know why because ccs is part of the book of acts we are doing what god wants us to do if you want to know why we exist we exist to make disciples in our jerusalem in judea in samaria even to the remotest part of the earth that is why we are into church planting that is the book of acts so someday when my life is over when your life is over when jesus comes again the book of acts would have ended and i pray that you will be part of the book of acts someday when the angels will write the complete version of the book of acts how lives were transformed because of you are you excited there's a difference between the indwelling of the spirit and being filled with the holy spirit the indwelling happens one time upon salvation but the fullness of the holy spirit is day by day moment by moment upon surrender i surrender my life to jesus daily i don't ask the holy spirit to come into my life daily he comes in he promised never to leave me but i surrender my life to the holy spirit daily so it's moment by moment and the bible tells us the holy spirit enters your life upon salvation and you are baptized the word baptized into the church you become part of the body of christ that's what the bible tells us but the fullness of the holy spirit can happen at the same time for many of us for most of us the fullness of the holy spirit and the indwelling of the spirit happens at the same time the only problem is this you don't allow yourselves to always be controlled by the spirit so somehow you may displease the lord in your life and you fail to surrender that to him again and that's why you need to understand what it can happen simultaneously you have to make a conscious effort to say lord jesus i blew it i lost my temper but now i surrender back to you my life take control are we communicating so that's the secret and the bible tells us the indwelling of the holy spirit is done by faith it is the gift of god the fullness of the holy spirit is exactly the same by faith and it is also the gift of god so our series in the book of acts has been about truth matters now if i were to ask you the following questions if you don't mind can you define what it means to be a true christian who is a true christian in your understanding question number two how do i become a true christian question number three why should i be a christian why do i believe what i believe hopefully before this morning is over you can answer those questions what does it mean to be a christian would you like to know seriously would you like to know that's why truth matters how can you really be a christian if you cannot even define for yourself who is a christian so today i want to share with you experience the true gospel everybody say that with me experience the true gospel in the book of acts we will discuss today part 2 of acts chapter 2. acts chapter 2 part 1 you have the pentecost remember the introduction of the holy spirit in acts chapter 2 part 2 you will now have the first sermon ever given by any apostles to the public what was the first sermon what was the first message in short what is the most important truth that god through the holy spirit wanted the apostle to preach to the public if ever you have one message to give to the public on how to become a christian what will that message be this is it acts chapter 2 the first sermon are you ready to hear would you like to know what was the first sermon and you will be amazed the true gospel has to do with jesus it's all about jesus christ his death and resurrection and you will discover about the gospel that it was planned by god the gospel was not invented by man it's from god it's based on the old testament also and you will learn something about the gospel the gospel will produce repentance genuine transformation and lastly the gospel will produce real forgiveness and salvation so are you ready so the gospel has those following components component number one it is centered on jesus christ you're gonna learn that today it is it was planned by god the gospel is from the heart of god it was not invented by men and it will produce repentance a gospel without repentance salvation without repentance is unheard of it's not possible and it will promise it gives you salvation so what's the message today the true gospel you must understand the true gospel not only understand you must experience so what is the meaning of the word gospel anybody the word gospel is from the greek word juan valeo yuan hello meaning good news so the gospel means good news so literally evangelio means good news so when you go to a funeral week you have what you call eulogy that's from the greek word good news so what is the good news what is really the good news what is the gospel are you ready all right what did i say it's all about jesus what about jesus you'll be amazed you can say many things about jesus a good man a teacher a good moral example but you'll be amazed at the emphasis of the first sermon it has to do with who he is jesus the messiah his death and resurrection that is most crucial jesus the messiah the son of god who he is his death and resurrection let's read acts chapter 2 after peter quoted the book of joel he quoted the old testament and now he delivers the explanation everybody let's read men of israel listen to these words jesus the nazirin a man attested to you by god with miracles and wonders and signs which god performed through him in your midst just as you yourselves know what peter is saying now he's reminding the people do you recall 50 days ago two months ago what you did to jesus do you recall about jesus when he was still alive what he did so the bible wants you to know the gospel is about jesus the nazarene to specify which particular jesus attested to you by god it is from god he performed miracles wonders and signs you know why because god wanted people to know jesus is no ordinary man he is appointed by god chosen by god as the messiah the savior let's continue reading this man notice jesus was 100 man at the same time 100 god i'm going to explain that this man delivered over by the pre-determined plan and for knowledge of god you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless man and put him to death you have to understand now the gospel the story of jesus the plan of jesus was predetermined predetermined plan and for knowledge of god listen to me jesus christ and the gospel message did not come by accident nobody ever forced god to send jesus to die for us nobody ever coerced god to love us to provide a solution for our sins nobody can do that it was out of god's own love for you and for me the bible tells us before the foundation of the world before even the world was made god knew everything and god knew that you and i will choose to go against him god knew all of this and god had an amazing discussion with his son jesus and the holy spirit and they all agreed we need to do something to save humanity from sin and that's why in the book of genesis as early as the book of genesis you have the prophecy about jesus he will be born of the seed of a woman no man you have the prophecy of how jesus will bruise the head of satan to deal satan a fatal blow as early as the book of genesis you have god telling the entire world the seed of abraham will be the messiah so god already foretold and abraham remember her two sons who are they isa ismail and god said it will be isaac who will be the carrier of the messiah the seed of the messiah will come from isaac now i suck at two sons do you recall who are they jacob and esau and god said it will not be eso it's gonna be jacob see everything was planned by god jacob about how many sons twelve but god said it will come from judah now judah had many children but god said in particular it will come from who ah the line of remember judah had many children and one of them was perez and then jesse and then it will be jesus that will come from david king david so i god this is so crucial because for the jewish people they can never comprehend how can the messiah be crucified for them the promised messiah is a conquering king he will destroy the roman government and he will restore israel to its greatness that's their concept and here you have jesus crucified on the cross ah because of the resurrection it changes everything but you know this the bible tells us well it was predetermined by god through his foreknowledge also he makes us responsible for our actions the bible says he was crucified you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men he made us responsible in other words god is in complete control but we are responsible you can never blame god okay in other words you commit sin you can never say well you know god prejudice i'm gonna commit sin you cannot use that as an excuse because god has given you a free will how can a free will go inside with the predestinating power of god and the foreknowledge of god how do you reconcile the two do you understand my question if you're having a headache it's too early to have a headache the bible tells us god is completely in control yes or no yes the bible also tells us you are 100 responsible for your behavior that's the amazing thing about the wisdom of god only he can put the two together as my thesis my as my physics teacher would say parallel lines will eventually meet in infinity for the finite to understand the infinite you will destroy the character of the infinite that's what ravi zechariah said but don't worry let's now go to the bible god raised him up you see the emphasis of the good news is you nailed him on the cross but god everybody read god raised him up the resurrection of jesus putting an end to the agony of death since it was impossible for him to be held in its power in other words the resurrection of christ is everything if jesus did not rise from the dead how can he prove that he was the messiah the son of god so what peter did he now use the old testament to prove that this is something planned by god so he is now quoting the bible the bible in the days of jesus was the old testament so he quoted from psalm chapter 16. this is psalm chapter 16. so he is now quoting i saw the lord always in my presence he is at my right hand so that i will not be shaking that is the security of david therefore my heart was glad and my tongue exalted moreover my flesh also will live in hope notice he's quoting the old testament regarding the statement of david because you will not abandon my soul to hades nor allow your holy one to undergo decay you have made known to me the ways of life you will make me full of gladness with your presence this is the amazing thing about biblical prophecy it has immediate application and it has long-term prophetic meaning immediate application david was talking about himself david is saying my eyes is always upon you lord but what peter was saying this was not true of david because you will not abandon my soul into hades nor allow your holy one to undergo decay what david was saying is not referring to somebody supernatural david is saying you will not allow my body to undergo decay what in the world is david saying peter is an amazing bible teacher because he was filled by the holy spirit he now explained he now explained the old testament everybody read his explanation peter said i may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch david that he both died and was buried and his tomb is with us today many of you who have been to israel i used to bring people to visit the tomb of david then i discovered it's also a legend okay i mean nobody really know exactly where the tomb of david is but during 2000 years ago somehow peter said you know where is the tomb but today if you ask me where is the tomb i can only say somewhere there okay somewhere somewhere there now let's read and so because he was a prophet david was not just a king he was a prophet and knew that god had sworn to him with an oath to sit one of his descendants on his throne that is found in the book of second summer chapter seven god promised david i will raise up your descendants after you and his throne will be established forever and ever it's called the davidic covenant so god made a promise to david someday there will be somebody coming from your descendant whose throne whose kingdom will have no end referring to whom jesus so the bible continues he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the christ notice not a christ the messiah that he was neither abundant to hades nor did his flesh decay now everybody read it down together punch line together this jesus god raise up again to which we are all witnesses you see christianity rise and fall on the reality of the resurrection without the resurrection why will you believe that jesus was the messiah so the bible tells us the gospel what is the gospel it's about jesus his death and resurrection so let me now summarize for you the gospel based on first corinthians 15. everybody let's read together now i make known to you brethren the gospel what is the true gospel he now explains which i preached to you which also you receive in which also you stand so what is the gospel are you ready now remember i told you already the gospel is all about what jesus is death and resurrection so here is the summary form of the gospel i delivered to you as of first importance protos the most important thing you need to hear that i also received everybody read now christ died for our sins according to the scriptures you know why because the death of christ was prophesied in the old testament he not only died he died for our sins everybody what is the gospel christ died for our sins one more time what is the gospel christ died for our sins and he was buried and that he was raised up on the third day according to the scriptures so what is the gospel christ died for our sins and he was raised up on the third day according to the scriptures in other words the resurrection of christ was not invented by the new testament it was not invented by the apostles it's all prophesied in the old testament are we communicating so what is the gospel one more time what is the good news jesus christ died for our sins and he rose again from the dead on the third day now if you want to be very specific you say jesus christ died for our sins according to the scriptures he was buried and he rose again on the third day according to the scripture you want the long version or short version long hallelujah me whatever version just make sure you say christ died for our sins and he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures now to prove his resurrection everybody now listens to proof he now says then he appeared understand he appeared to shifa who is peter then 2012 after that he appeared to more than 500 brethren at one time most of whom remain until now but some have fallen asleep in other words peter is simply saying no paul is now saying the resurrection is a the gospel is historical it is not man-made story jesus died and he rose again how do you prove he rose again he said he appeared to peter he appeared to the disciples he appeared to more than 500 and then maybe some of them were listening and he said and some of them have died but many of them are still alive do you understand a legend can never happen according to sociologists in a span of 50 to 100 years from the event legend happens after an event 200 years later and that is proven by this crazy gospel that you hear where the da vinci code misled people because many of those writings the gospel of thomas the gospel of whatever gospel those were written 200 years after christ so legends have crept in but not the gospel not the bible the bible were written in the lifespan of those who survive jesus are we communicating so that's what paul is saying he's alive and then he continued then he appeared to james now who is this james he emphasized james then to all the apostles because james is the brother of jesus he was not part of the apostles josephus a non-christian writer talked about james the brother of jesus how he became a leader of the church in jerusalem now who is josephus josephus was not a christian he belonged to the rabbis to the pharisees he was jewish but he was good in historical writing the roman government used him to write history and he said james the brother of jesus was stoned to death in jerusalem for his confession why because jesus appeared to his brother you must understand james was never a believer at first none of the brothers of jesus ever believe him but when jesus rose again from the dead he appeared to them even the book of jude was written by the brother of jesus the bible tells us paul in his confession he said last of all he appeared to me also can i tell you why i believe in the bible because how will you convince a man like paul a skeptic somebody who hated christians how do you explain the changed life apart from the resurrection now everybody let's read this together if price has not been raised our preaching is useless that's true and then he continues if christ has not been raised your faith is useless you are still in your sins so ladies and gentlemen do you not understand why i believe because jesus died and rose again do you know why i believe because the evidence for the resurrection is so powerful that it is harder to believe that jesus did not rise again from the den because somebody once said people will die for a religious belief if they think it is true let me repeat people will be willing to die for a religious belief if they believe it is true however nobody will ever die for a religious belief knowing it is not true let me repeat people will die for a religious belief if they believe it is true but nobody will ever die for a religious belief knowing it is false you see skeptics said the disciples made up the resurrection the disciples made up the bible to make a new religion that jesus died and rose again he said that's so stupid if you make up that religion why would you suffer and die lose your family lose your life suffer for everything for what unless it is true you see my friend if jesus is not true i will not follow him i will not waste my time and my life talking to you about jesus honestly i'll be wasting your life but why am i a father of jesus because it is true jesus died and rose again and because he rose again he proves to us he is the son of god until there is this conviction [Applause] you cannot really begin to follow jesus and today many people do not understand who is a christian and why they are christians because they don't know the gospel what is the gospel jesus died for my sins and he rose again from the dead to prove he is the messiah to prove he is the christ the son of god and my friend is the resurrection real or not that is the bone of contention and i submit to you it is true no other explanation why the disciples all became martyred martyr means what witness why would they die because they believe so my friend peter continued he not only rose from the dead having been exalted to the right hand of god jesus not only rose from the dead he is now exalted the bible says at the name of jesus every knee will bow every tongue will confess jesus is lord so we have an exalted savior and having received from the father the promise of the holy spirit he has poured forth this which you have both see and here remember acts chapter 2 the wind the fire i mean not fire but looks like fire that and the holy spirit was descending on everyone do you recall that event they heard the wind then then they like fire coming down and they began to speak in what tongues understandable language there was manifestation and peter is saying this is it jesus he sent for his spirit and then the bible tells us he quoted the old testament again to show us what it means jesus is exalted it was not david who ascended into heaven but he himself says now this is amazing he is now quoting some i understand 710 if you look at your bible psalm 110 is also prophetic he quoted psalm 16 and now he's quoting psalm 110 verse 1. the lord said to my lord sit at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet he use this verse to prove that jesus is the messiah the son of god why notice the lettering the lord capital l o r d meaning what yahweh that's the name of god the lord the yahweh said to my capital l capital o capital r capital d yahweh said to my yahweh my goodness to the jews that is heresy because they believe in one god and here is you have to understand that the problem of the jews becoming a follower of jesus because jesus is considered god he is god the second person of the triunity of god so it was so difficult you know what jesus used exactly the same verse to prove to the pharisees that he's the son of god can i show you how jesus did it all right let's show you matthew chapter 22 while the pharisees were gathered together jesus asked them a question what do you think about the christ whose son is he wow they knew prophecy the pharisees said the son of david correct jesus said correct then jesus said then how does david in the spirit call him lord saying the lord said to my lord sit at my right hand until i make all your enemies your footstool meaning total complete victory how can that be you know what the pharisees did in tagalog meaning can answer okay so the bible tells us no one if david calls him lord how is he his son how can the messiah be the son of david ah you know the bible tells us no one was able to answer him a word so palpa nor did anyone there from that day on to ask him another question jesus is the son of god amen yes and he was he was worshipped and he is worshiped and today do you worship jesus my friend therefore let all the house of israel know for certain god has raised him both lord and christ this jesus whom you crucified here is the punchline jesus christ not only died and rose again he is what lord and christ the christ is a titan messiah anointed king and you crucified him you know when they heard this the bible tells us the true gospel pierced their heart when they heard this they were pierced in the heart and said to peter and the rest of the apostles brethren what shall we do you see the true gospel will help you realize that jesus is not just the savior he is lord he is the king and that's our problem today we don't understand the gospel we want a savior but we don't want a master peter said he is both lord and christ and you crucifies him you know i realize when you hear the true gospel and you see the work of the holy spirit there is conviction of sin for many people we are so good in judging others when we hear a message ah this is for that person you hear god speaking ah this for my husband ah this for my wife can i tell you something if you understand the true gospel you stop focusing on others you begin to focus on yourself they were pierce i am a sinner i have sinned against god that is what makes sin so serious you see if you just sin against people that's one thing but once you realize you and i have sinned against someone who loves us and he is not only someone who loves you he is the lord he is christ can i tell you what sin is all about sin is rebellion against god sin is looking down on god he's saying lord i don't care about you sin is very serious because it is contempt against god it is disdain against god it is disrespecting god it is disrespecting jesus and that's why most people don't understand the power of the gospel because they don't realize who jesus is that christ and that my friend is something you need to learn you see see what is spirit empowered witnessing i'm going to give you a secret by sharing the good news about jesus christ in the power of the holy spirit and you lead the results to god i learned this from campus crusade for christ ladies and gentlemen when i share jesus i talk about jesus i don't force people to change because i believe the heart is something that god has to work like today many of you are listening now some will respond some will not that's that's god's responsibility because the bible tells us the holy spirit when he comes he will convict he's the one telling us what's right and what's wrong it is god's spirit at work and you know what peter said they asked peter what must we do do you want to know how to be a christian let me show you how after you hear the gospel this is what you must do peter said everybody read repent and each of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit notice the command repent we you and i today we want salvation without repentance today we want eternal life and forgiveness without repentance you want a savior without the lord my friend it's not possible repentance is foundational the gospel that does not produce repentance is not the gospel it's called fake gospel today there are many fake gospels you can go to heaven without changing your life just believe in jesus it doesn't matter how you live those are fake gospels the true gospel jesus is lord he died on the cross for your sins he loved you he rose again from the dead because of his resurrection you now have the power of the holy spirit in your heart to change you and that's why he can say repent my friend what is the word repentance repentance comes from this greek word metanoia from two words meta after thought after you change knowya thinking to change your mind true repentance is changing your mind leading to a change in behavior you can be convicted of sin and not repent for example you can hear a message and you realize wow adultery is wrong i feel so bad i'm destroying my family premarital sex is wrong but that's just conviction without repentance what is repentance lord i hurt you and you love me i will give it up many people experience conviction without repentance today i'm gonna ask somebody from ccs to share with you the meaning of repentance if you don't mind let us welcome rem i am an only child born and raised in tondo manila i was seven when i first got exposed to pornography since then i would still moments to look at pornographic magazines when no one else was around this went on for the next few years until i could no longer find the magazines where they were normally kept growing up i saw how hard my parents worked they were often away from home so i was mostly raised by my maternal grandparents but the rare times the family was complete were also times of non-stop fighting and abusive language shouting and fits of rage became the norm i was very shy as a child and i never had the courage to speak up for years my usual response would be to lock myself in my room with thoughts of running away and wanting to die with the death of my grandfather the person i was closest to my loneliness and hurt turned into hidden rebellion i was 12 years old when i had my first relationship with another girl at 14 i gave up my virginity to a boy and throughout high school and college i was in and out of relationships in college i got into the dance varsity making me part of the cool crowd in an agent with peers espousing freedom and experimentation i began trying out new things the more i got into the lifestyle the more hooked and braver i got to go to the next level this went on after college partying until the wee hours of the morning drinking alcohol no matter the time of day chain smoking getting a high from marijuana and engaging in casual sex sex became my favorite drug disguising itself in the form of love and affection that i constantly longed for i lived this way unbeknownst to my family and selected people who thought my constant overnights were for school or work and other highly moral agenda i was not only neck deep in immorality and vices but i had also become a blatant and unapologetic liar in 2012 i thought i had found someone who could love me despite my ways we had started talking about marriage until infidelity tore the relationship apart devastated and wanting to escape i went back to the lifestyle that i had always known but this time all the lust-filled escapades and vices in the world could not cover up the huge gaping hole in my heart desperate i contemplated on taking my life little did i know that the lord had already planted his seeds in my heart in one of the darkest times of my life i begged the god of all creation to prove that he was real and to show me that life was still worth living the lord answered an acquaintance i met shortly after my desperate plea to god invited me to a ccf retreat i went not knowing anyone nor anything about it it was there that i heard the lord speak directly to me the void in my heart started being filled and my biggest questions were answered i heard his voice loud and clear he was calling me back home understanding jesus sacrificial death on the cross for someone like me changed the way i saw my life i repented of all the sin i had committed against my body against others and ultimately against my lord and i put my faith in jesus christ i asked the lord to help me leave my old life behind and welcome the start of a new one surrendered to him by god's grace i am now living life smoke-free drug-free and alcohol-free for over five years praise god i am pursuing a life of purity with a promise to god that should he have a husband for me our first kiss will be at the altar and that our marriage will be for god's kingdom and glory i am blessed to be plugged into a family of believers a discipleship group who pray for and guide me in my walk amazingly the lord has also entrusted to me ladies whom i pray for and guide towards christ and who have also started doing the same for other women the lord is also continuously restoring my family starting with my grandmother who grew in her love and devotion to god and his word before she passed away my mom is now also living a life in christ surrendering her life to the lord in a retreat that she attended and now part of a d group and serving in ministry praise god god has also started his work in my dad whom we constantly pray for and who has gotten to attend several sunday services with us and has heard the gospel in his goodness in grace the lord is also using me to share his love to others previously belonging to the saints dance ministry volunteering for the big singles ministry taking part in outreaches for the underprivileged and speaking to the youth in various events and for almost a year now being a missionary through the airwaves is a dj and saved radio a christian radio station taking the words of paul the apostle in first timothy 1 verses 15 to 16. christ jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom i am the worst but for that very reason i was shown mercy so that in me the worst of sinners christ jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life this is the truth that i now rest my life on i am ren de la cruz a sinner saved and constantly being transformed as i follow my lord and savior him who gave his life so i may live all praise be unto my lord and savior jesus christ praise god praise god repentance means what change of your mind you begin to realize jesus is not just a savior jesus is not your servant to call on him on your problem jesus is the lord the king of kings the one who loved you the one who died for you and every time you commit sin you are rebelling against the king of kings and it is a serious offense and that's what she discovered jesus the one who loves me he died for me so look look at my illustration watch repentance once upon a time i was walking this way away from god btc was running his own life i want to do what i want to do when i want to do it if whatever i want to do then i learn about the gospel how i was a sinner through the work of the holy spirit god convicted my heart i knew i was a sinner i asked myself what can i do then the lord reminded me come to jesus i gave my life to jesus you see my direction changed now i'm following jesus does it mean i will never sin no does it mean i'll never make a mistake no but what's the difference the direction of my life has changed i am now committed to pleasing god you see i am no longer what i used to be i am not yet what i am supposed to be i am on my way to becoming what god wants me to be when i repented and gave my life to jesus he did something in my heart he changed my desire honestly i don't enjoy the things that i used to enjoy i'm still tempted but something happened in my life and only god can do that the same thing with ren when she gave her life to jesus she was delivered from drug addiction from sex my friend apart from the grace of god apart from the gospel how can you change so you must understand the gospel the gospel is all about god his love for you but you need to do something you need to respond you don't become a robot you need to admit pierce in the heart i have sinned against god until you admit you are a sinner why do you need to turn to jesus you know i'm reminded of the story of frederick ii he was the king of perugia he visited the berlin jail and he noticed when he went to the jail all the prisoners were bothering him i'm not guilty i'm not guilty your honor i'm not guilty but he saw amanda on the side alone dejected he wanted to talk to the man why are you in jail your honor armed robbery and are you guilty yes honor your honor i'm guilty i deserve to be punished when the king heard it the king issued a command he told the soldiers this man who is guilty releasing from prison i do not want him contaminating all the innocent people if you still don't get the story wake up it's already afternoon you see all of us pretend to be innocent how can you be given pardon if you don't admit you're a sinner you see years ago i came before the lord and i told the lord i'm guilty and after i gave my life to jesus he did something a surgical transformation i am no longer what i used to be i no longer enjoy what i used to enjoy i am not yet what i should be but i am becoming what god wants me to be and that my friend is repentance you cannot have salvation without repentance so what is the gospel the true gospel jesus died for my sins and he rose again on the third day to prove that he's the son of god the savior and what does he want me to do how do i become a christian peter is very clear the gospel is very clear peter said repent and each of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ friend what is baptism baptism is the first act of repentance in the new testament why because baptism is a picture of dying to your old life in the water and you get out of the water new life in christ but baptism is a picture of repentance you died your old life and now you have new life see for us we don't understand repentance i'm reminded of the story now whether it is true or not but it gives the point it's about the story of a man who lost his wallet and after a few days she found the wallet somebody wrote him a note inside the wallet sir when i found your wallet i felt so guilty getting your money therefore i'm returning your wallet and some of your money if i feel more guilty i'll return some more money my friend is that dependence no lord adultery is wrong it's messing up my life i'll just do it once a month that's crazy repentance is lord this is wrong i don't have the power i do not know how to live a holy life but lord i'm sick and tired i'm a sinner i want to change i repent my friend if that is a commitment i guarantee you one thing god will pull through because he's alive he's in your heart the holy spirit is in your heart to change you amen you know this morning somebody came for prayer [Applause] and she told us what happened during our prayer and fasting she was so sick and tired of her life especially her smoking her drinking she said lord if you are real i really want to change you know what she told us the next morning when she got up no more desire you see only god can do that yes or no i know some of you are struggling you are struggling you know why you have not understood the gospel the good news is this jesus died and rose again he's alive and when you ask him to come into your heart he will come into your heart and he will change you that's the christian life it is christ in us amen my friend don't be confused with this verse repent and each of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins it is not saying baptism is equal to forgiveness that word is that's the greek word can be translated as for or it can be translated as because i suggest you translate it this way be baptized in the name of jesus christ because of the forgiveness of your sin that's the proper way what's my proof that i want i will teach you how to interpret the bible you look at other passages regarding the same topic you make the clear passage describe the passages as a possible interpretation here is the clear passage do we have forgiveness everybody read of him all the prophets bear witness the true jesus everyone who believes in him receives what forgiveness so how are we forgiven when you believe the gospel jesus died on the cross for your sins and he rose again if you believe he died for you and he rose again he is god forgiveness but then notice what about baptism the same chapter by peter himself he now explains surely no one can refuse the water for this to be baptized who have received the holy spirit just as we did notice you are baptized after the holy spirit comes into your heart and when does the holy spirit come into your heart when you believe so baptism is always after believing and that's why in ccf we do not promote infant baptism because infant baptism is totally meaningless they don't even know baptism is an act of obedience it is the act of saying lord i repent of my sins i will identify with you that's why you must understand the meaning of baptism do you not know that all of us who have been baptized same word into christ jesus have been baptized into his death so when we baptize in ccf we put you under the water but passed into his death and then when you get out of the water therefore we have been buried with him through baptism into death so that as christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the father we too might walk in newness of life when you get out of the water what does it mean new life no longer i but christ you see repentance is saying no longer i but rice my friend that's the gospel wonderful my friend some of you remember him nelson reed nelson red is the father of my daughter-in-law my son is married to jenny her father is nelson reed nelson reed grew up drug addict bad young man he worked for a store but he was stealing the stuff in the store is the sporting goods then he met jesus when he met jesus he knew what he did was wrong conviction it's wrong repentance changed he went to the boss he said boss i want you to know something i've been stealing from you here are some of the goods they're expensive leather gloves you know for baseball baseball bats skiing gears expensive stuff the boss said i forgive you however there are consequences i cannot hire you anymore you know what nelson said sir i understand i will repay every cent i stole from you it's called restitution repentance and my friend nelson reid repaid everything he stole from the company that my friend is the meaning of the gospel that brings about genuine repentance not salvation without transformation my friend that is a joke so do not deceive yourself okay praise god no he who gives you the power to repent who gives you the power the holy spirit and he concluded his message the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far away as many as the lord our god will call to himself in other words the gospel is god calling you it's god calling me return to me come to me i died for you i love you the gospel is all about jesus it's from god and he calls you and what must you do you got to do something with many other words he solemnly testified and kept on exhorting them peter kept on speaking be saved from this perverse generation you see the gospel is all about god's grace but you need to do something you need to make a decision and he tells you how to become a christian how do you become a christian believe be baptized in the name of jesus and you receive the forgiveness of sins guess what happened how do you become a christian you believe those who receive his word you receive you trust him and then baptize how many were baptized three thousand just imagine on that day now what did they do next week i will tell you this evidence of change lines but you notice something about the 3000 the holy spirit came in their lives but no tongue speaking no wind no fire but there was transformation just like you today god will come into your heart in the quietness of where you are if you repent he comes in and he begins to change you you will see the changes of these three thousand people next week would you like to know in the meantime has god spoken to you let's bow our heads and i'm gonna ask as your heads are bowed down i'm gonna ask the elders and the pastors to come forward and to pray for you you know why i know some of you you need to repent and some of you you need to come and talk to somebody i know god is speaking to you if god has spoken to you and you need repentance i want you to do something later on as we sing you come forward because we will have leaders we will have pastors will be praying for you as your heads are bogged down now your head's bowed down how many of you can honestly say god has spoken to you you finally understood the gospel and you want to experience the power of the gospel you want to experience two repentance will raise your hand praise god many of you praise god i want you to come forward those of you raise your hands and those of you who still want to come many of you remember when the holy spirit speaks to you you need to respond on that day 3 000 responded today i know god is speaking to many of you and your heart has been touched do not rebel against god when god calls you you come forward they will pray for you we don't do this every sunday but this sunday the lord led me to do a special thing praise god those of you who need to come you come raise your hand just come father god in heaven i thank you that your holy spirit is alive jesus you're alive you rose again from the dead you see the hearts of people here lord we need you we need your strength to help us to repent truly of our sins by our own power we cannot because we are weak but lord jesus i thank you because of the truth of the gospel the gospel of grace the gospel of salvation that we are saved because of you jesus and now i pray for the others who are struggling wherever they may be minister to them as they humbly come forward to be prayed over and lord some of us have to be baptized they have not been baptized after knowing all of this lord let them also come and remind them they need to be baptized in the name of jesus christ amen and amen
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 43,049
Rating: 4.8230767 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: nYL61puOKy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 2sec (3902 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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