What REALLY Happened to Earth? Starfield Lore - Plus, All Earth Snow Globes

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Earth 2330 a ball of dust devoid of any life a lot has happened on Earth in the past couple hundred years how exactly did the earth go from a big ball of water and Life to a completely inhospitable Wasteland this video contains some primary plot spoilers I'll only talk about the spoilers concerning the fate of Earth but if you haven't beat the game yet and you want to avoid spoilers now's your chance to turn back we learn while exploring masted at new Atlantis that Humanity became aware of Earth's imminent collapse in the year 2150 in 2150 Humanity learned the Earth's magnetosphere would collapse sometime in the next half century eliminating all life on the planet that was 180 years ago sure enough the magnetosphere collapsed in the the year 2203 the last Colony ship left Earth in 2199 which means everyone who wasn't able to get aboard died in 2203 since then radiation from the Sun blasted the Earth's atmosphere into space the Earth could no longer support life and everything turned to sand but why did the earth lose its magnetosphere throughout the course of the plot many people comment on the Earth's destruction Earth and everything around it was abandoned a long time ago it's all ancient history now but the Earth lost its atmosphere it started sputtering out into space Humanity had about 50 years to evacuate the planet that's kind of how the United Colonies government started managing The Exodus Earth is more or less a dust ball now you can occasionally find a few remnants of the world we left behind on the surface this but not much but no one seems to know why the magnetosphere disappeared we begin to pick up clues that answer this question while collecting artifacts for the primary plot eventually this Quest leads us to Luna Earth's Moon while exploring the novag galactic research station we uncover evidence that pre-cataclysm scientists were using a supercomputer on the moon to perform a complicated task voler is being reconfigured for this new initiative the math were being asked to crunches ambitious even for a supercomputer we might as well be asking it to count every grain of sand in every desert on Earth who came up with these original equations our partner isn't being very open about it every question I have goes through some discretionary Channel I'm surprised we even know we're working on a ship it's only when we get to the rooftop of the facility and activate a recording on a transmission tower that we learn exactly what the supercomputer was working on we learn that voler the supercomputer that was being developed here was designed to compute calculations for complex spaceship travel and this is where the first experiment was conducted one day the computer will be on board the spaceship just imagine that one Miracle of science at a time canaval counting down in 5 4 3 2 1 canav are you reading all clear Nova indicators look good the ship should be cruising Jupiter's orbit right now visual confirmation will be possible in 32 minutes afraid the speed of light is on the slow side these days how does it feel to break the laws of physics canfil we're all pretty excited down here in NASA I won't lie excited enough to tell me where you got the original data not in a million years Nova this was the first use of the grav Drive voler the supercomputer was plotting the path of a spaceship that was using a grav drive for the first time as technology improved these supercomputers would be aboard the spaceships themselves but for now it was here at the novag galactic research facility on the moon this achievement was possible due to data obtained by Victor Isa of NASA but he wasn't willing to divulge where he got that data but while exploring the moon we get the location of a NASA research facility and launch site on Earth after landing we find a huge sprawling ruin partially buried in sand we need to find an elevator to bring us to the Subterranean research facility but before going down we can find a a few Collectibles here in a large room about a third of the way up the scaffolding on a desk below a huge American flag we find a NASA snow globe then if we climb to the very top of the scaffolding and we have to use a jetp pack to get to the very top we find another NASA snow globe using the elevator to head inside the fac faity we find a NASA Museum there's a lot of interesting lore here on a chair by some water fountains in the museum we find a third NASA snow globe and then we take a staircase deeper into the facility where we find the actual research Labs on a desk by an old computer in one of these Labs we find a fourth and final snow globe here at Nasa which is identical to the first first one that we found but the research on the grav drive that we discovered on the moon and how it corresponds to the Earth's magnetosphere is piece together while we explore the terminals that we find in this research lab in one of the labs we find a NASA research computer we discover that this terminal was owned by a researcher named Judith Tatian here we find a familiar name she's talking about drct Victor Isa the NASA researcher whose voice we heard on the moon recording she discovers that Victor found something unsettling on Mars station Lo Dr Judith ttin the recent delivery from Mars is unsettling I was expecting Rock samples or maybe fossils of microbial life instead Dr Victor Isa comes with two members of the military everything they brought back is under reps what could a theoretical physicist need with a sample from mouth turns out that Victor might need Judith's help he needs somebody who's proficient in Material Sciences I've been trying to C you up to Dr Isa EV Victor to see what is going on I joked that maybe he found a little gray man that was doing an autopsy and he grew very pale two days later he sends me a request asking for more information on my background in material science mological engineering we have a meeting tomorrow I I think I'm being invited into the lab then I got to see the lab I I don't know how much I should say but the periodic table just got thrown out the window and so Judith joins the team Victor puts Judith to work trying to figure out exactly what this thing that came from Mars is made from but Judith can tell that Victor's not being straightforward with her he's hiding something and that's leading to tension between them as we learned from one of of Judith's personal slates that we find in one of the bathrooms I just don't understand where these calculations came from there's something wrong with the math I think it's quite straightforward that's not what I'm asking we've had no success expecting even a sample of material from the object no explanation for the gravitational effects no motion graph to explain its harmonic frequencies I can't even establish a Melting Point Judith but You' had me building these prototype colliders for months and now you want me to bump ilm 3 into it based on this equation you've written on a goddamn napkin I just need you to trust me I have been trusting you we keep slamming our heads against the brick wall getting nothing and you keep coming up with something new to try like you know what's going to happen where are you getting your information Victor I'm sorry Judith I look not here okay somewhere off base I'll tell you everything but I'm not lying okay we're going to discover something important here I promise this data came from Victor but Victor's being tight lipped he won't tell anyone where he got the data from but it sounds like at the end there he finally decided to confide in Judith but was he straightforward how much did he tell her and what was his answer where did the data come from the story becomes a bit more clear when we find another NASA research computer here we find a recording from Victor Isa made in 2138 while they were working on the prototype for the grav drive it tells us that they were working on the Prototype of the grav drive in an actual lab they moved it to the moon because they needed more space access to helium 3 and they needed voler the next is made 3 years later by Judith taan T Lo Dr Judith tan I watched the gra tests from Theon today it was the first time we were able to talk to the team at Nova Galactic directly so many things were under waps before but now everyone wants all the publicity they can get I'm already seen proposals for manufacturing hundreds of drives expeditions to Alpha centor and Beyond it's also overwhelming and worrying it could take years decades before we know what all these side effects of operating grab Drive can be but no one wants to heal that right now like a bunch of pioneers racing towards the edges of the frontier without knowing about the grizzly bears in the mountains Victor comes back from Mars with something something that defies the law of physics he creates a team here including Judith and they begin to poke and prod it trying to figure it out that process combined with strange equations that Victor seems to just pull out of thin air leads to the develop velopment of the grav drive but Judith raises a concern that no one else seems to be worried about she's the only one who's even thinking about the potential side effects of operating a grav drive everyone is just so excited by this technology that they're completely ignoring that potential problem after navigating to the depths of this lab we discover a section where there is no gravity we float around a room with a machine in the middle of it and the object in this machine that's defying the laws of physics removing Gravity from this chamber is an artifact just like the ones we've been collecting it is this artifact that Victor found on Mars it is this artifact that he and his team were using to develop the grav Drive in one of the control rooms we find the body of Victor Isa it's well preserved for being so old and there's blood spatter on the ground and on the desk we don't see a gun here but we kind of get the impression that he committed suicide we can learn more by rifling through his computer on the desk here and the story jumps forward in time many years later after they invented the grav Drive in the year 2149 the same team reconvenes to discuss some problems that are beginning to appear on Earth I never actually got to visit your labs back when we were working on the grab Drive projects seems like ancient history now only thing we're doing these days is launching weather satellites guess this is as good a retirement as any now project deer you want our help manufacturing scaners to better track these new meteorological patterns we seen our guess is that the PS might be naturally shifting causing some gravitational fluctuations that they are throwing off our old models why do you need the scanning tolerances to be so small what are you trying to find I just want to be sure it's it's not like we're doing much these days anyway the Glory Days Are Over why not give ourselves a challenge before they write us off in the history books they're just launching weather satellites these days the genie is now out of the bottle the grav Drive is no longer a huge secret project but scientists are beginning to detect some gravitational fluctuations on Earth Judith's best theory right now is that the poles are naturally shifting but she wants to look into it some more later that year the problems are becoming more pronounced Dr Luke Andrews recognizes that Earth's poles have shifted in the past but the data he's seeing is that the change rate is increasing exponentially something that hasn't happened on Earth before and for the first time humanity is becoming worried about what might happen if the magnetosphere completely disappears it's then that Judith begins to piece some things together these problems only started arising after the development of the gra Drive the very next day she joins a meeting with Victor Isa to discuss it I know what I'm seeing Victor the data coming back from the satellites is very clear it's the graft tries all those jumps from the moon at this rate Earth's atmosphere is going to start sputtering out into space can the drives be fixed I'm working on some designs that should discreetly solve the problem under the guise of an emergency update to the fueling pumps we're talking about the end of Earth and you're trying to be subtle about it Judith the last thing we need is people losing faith in grab Drive technology that might be our only option to what are you seriously saying we should should abandon Earth the timeline is under 50 years a blink of an eye for a planet but more than enough time for a human Exodus and what do we tell people we say it's an active God one that science has found a solution for time for Humanity to take its place in the Stars you know didn't you you lied to me I all this time I dedicated my life to this discovery Victor and you knew we were going to kill off our planet you haven't seen the future I've seen there's an infinite expanse of Promise out there a meteor could hit Earth a plague Another World War colonizing other galaxies secures Humanity's future for all coming Generations across all time at the expense of our home stop it both of you all then matters is building enough ships to get everyone off this planet and we need to start now I'll draft up a statement we'll need to address the entire International Community I'm sorry Judith there isn't a planet in this universe that would be far enough away from you Victor we are never speaking again after this is over they turned on the Prototype on April 14th 2138 this conversation takes place on October 22nd 2149 Humanity had been experimenting with the grav drive for 11 years they think they found a fix so future grav drives won't cause this problem on other planets but the damage to Earth has been done and Victor knew about it how did he know about it where did all of his data come from we learn a bit more in the next entury made by Victor Isa on September 8th 2160 11 years after the last recording long enough for a man to develop regrets my name is Dr Victor Isa and if you're listening to this then you probably already know the truth I was young when I first headed the retrieval team of an OG gravitational anomaly on Mars but I kept what really happened that day hidden from every one except one other person even she didn't believe me at first but I have no reason to lie to anyone now so I I hope you'll accept this confession whoever you are when I touched the anomaly I experienced 12 days of lost time I Met Myself he told me everything that has since come true the grab Drive equations the tests on the moon Earth's atmosphere sputtering way because of what we had done but he also told me about a city thriving on a planet orbiting a distant star human culture art music Lifestyles evolving and shining brightly across all of space what price would I be willing to pay for that future maybe you don't believe me maybe Judith was right and I'm just a coward who wants to believe his mistakes were Justified but everyone has forgotten about the real origins of the grab drive this artifact from Mars I hope you make better use of it than I did the technology for the grav Drive came from an artifact that was was found on Mars an artifact similar to the one that the space farer finds on vecta similar to the one that Barrett discovered and in both instances the space farer and Barrett saw Visions but Victor's story here presents us with a bit of a conundrum he discovers the technology that allows mankind to build the gra drive by touching an artifact whereupon he gets a vision where he meets himself it was this other version of himself that gave him the grav Drive equations that told him about the future that has since come true the problem then of course is that this Victor needs to survive the cataclysm and then find a way to give this data about the grav drive to an alternative version of himself that exists before the invention of the grav drive so that Victor can develop the grav drive but how is it possible for Victor to be both the origin of the grav Drive equations and the recipient of the grab Drive equations especially when we find him dead here if he's dead here which Victor is the one who gave him the grav Drive equations perhaps a Victor in an alternative timeline that didn't drown in his own guilt who didn't commit suicide that said we do find other scientist corpses here not the corpse of Judith or anyone else we've heard or read about giving us the impression that it might not have been suicide that these people were murdered or they died in some iic accident or perhaps they chose to stay here on Earth while the rest of humanity left maybe as some sort of penance for what they've done and Victor merely discovered the artifact on Mars who made the artifact and how did it get to Mars that's beyond the scope of this video but from this lore we finally understand how the Earth was destroyed mankind destroyed the magnetosphere by experimenting with the prototype grav Drive the Prototype was upgraded later so that other planets don't suffer the same fate as Earth but the damage was done and it's irreversible as the Emissary confirms when we meet with him later every grab Drive in the subtle systems was built on technology that came from an artifact that was discovered on Mars but these early drives shook the gravity field surrounding earth eventually the atmosphere started to slowly sputter away into space that's why Earth is uninhabitable the artifact gave the scientists a greater understanding of time and space but not the wisdom to see where that would lead the settle systems wouldn't exist without the artifacts in other words we owe what happened here in NASA a great debt now when we talked with Sarah earlier she told us that the Earth had essentially been destroyed very little was left on Earth but that occasionally we can can find remnants of the world that used to be but this is very hard to do without coordinates we were only able to explore the NASA compound because we got coordinates to it from the lab on the moon indeed if we land anywhere on the Earth all we find is Desert as far as the eye can see there's no oxygen and the temperature is -1° occasionally we will find a cave or a geological feature but no sign of any pre-cataclysm life however one day when reading a copy of Oliver Twist we discover the location of London we now have the location marked for us on the surface of the Earth and if we visit it we find a London Landmark this appears to be the ruins of The Shard and lying on a rock at the foot of The Shard is the London snow globe this continues our collection of snow globes that are found on Earth there are other snow globes on Mars and some on the moon as well but this video is about Earth so we're just going to cover Earth snow globes for now next while exploring the United colony's president's office at new Atlantis we have to steal a book called our lost Heritage when it became widely accepted that the Earth would have to be evacuated a group of prominent Architects team together to produce this book it contains a bonanza of high defition pictures detailed floor plans and behind the scenes information about the architectural wonders of some of the great cities of Earth New York London Washington DC Paris and Tokyo are the central focus in this reprinting one of the primary architects of new Atlantis acknowledges how inspirational she found these pages and how it influenced the design of the city she was building this book is considered to be one of the most important Toms of architectural ual history despite the book mentioning five different cities after reading it we only get the location of one New York heading to New York we find the ruins of a very familiar and iconic skyscraper this of course is the Empire State Building and lying in some Rubble at the foot of the structure is the New York snow globe next while exploring the town new Homestead on one of Saturn's Moon's Titan we find a book in the museum Maurice Leon's Journal scanning Earth was astounding there's just nothing the whole planet is covered with sand and will never support life again I did scan after scan of the major population centers and returned nothing I did get a glimmer on the ancient side of H Hong Kong it was faint I wasn't sure I just imagined it but I landed there and there amidst the unrecognizable Sands was something what was this edifice this Monument of a now dead civilization it was humbling and deeply depressing this gives us the Hong Kong Landmark on our map Landing there we can see exactly which edifice it was that Maurice found this appears to be the international Commerce Center at least that's what its name was in our universe we can only assume it had the same name in the Starfield universe and like with the last two on a rock at the foot of the tower we find the Hong Kong snow [Music] globe next we have to go to a Kila City and talk to anjang the Book seller in the city she sells the book the ancient civilizations of Egypt when the ancient world was young the civilization of Egypt was already old the Pyramids of Giza still Tower over Cairo and a Roman legionaires and Napoleon soldiers as much as any modern visitor but it was more than a tourist destination the fertile Nile was a key bread basket and valuable source of revenue for thousands of years its influence on the Mediterranean was and is profound using the latest technology we have new insights and glimpses into the rise of ancient Egypt and how its Society changed over the many years so come with us on a trip through the Land of Pharaohs and pyramids so starts a definitive work of the history of Egypt by a collection of unknown archaeologists and anthropologists published in 2133 we can now visit the Cairo Landmark on Earth landing at Cairo we find the remains of the Great Pyramids well two of them there were a lot of pyramids in Egypt but we only find these two the Pyramid of kufu and the Pyramid of cafre we find the Cairo snow globe on one of the bottom steps of the Great Pyramid of kufu we find the center of the pyramid almost completely hollowed out we don't find any tombs or sarcophagy however if we stand in the middle of the ruins of the Great Pyramid of kufu and listen closely we can hear what kind of sounds like a a humming or a a droning sound it's some sort of hology echoey sound that we can only hear when standing right here and as we move away the sound dissipates we find the next location while exploring Ron Hope's office on his desk we find a copy of Hope Family Tree that we have to steal so really if we don't want to anger everyone here in the factory we have to wait until a certain plot point when he's away from the desk in order to steal it this is a detailed family tree of Ron Hope's family the records go as far back as Earth where the Hope Family resided in a city called Los Angeles near the Pacific Ocean this of course marks the location of Los Angeles on our map and here we find the remains of Los Angeles's US Bank Tower at the foot of the structure we find the Los Angeles snow globe we find the next location while exploring the key it's in delgado's bedroom which is unaccessible until a certain point in the story on a bedside table we find the Diary of kyosuke Nagata and I sit like my grandfather and great-grandfather before me I know I will never leave this prison my wife said my family was cursed the nagato thought perhaps whatever Spirits we offended would leave us be when we fled Osaka but maybe we are cursed and all of this because I lifted baby formula these laws are pitiless leaving my wife my child with no hope and I just sit here getting angrier they think they can just lock us away on some forgotten Planet but instead they feed this prison more bodies more rage more vengeance one day the warden will pay maybe not this Warden but they will regret their Justice and our Vengeance will be the stuff of Legends from the Diary of kyosuke Nagata an early prisoner on the lock who was eventually executed for staging a prison riot this gives us the location of Osaka upon Landing we find the ruins of abeno harukas not sure if I'm pronouncing that correctly but an iconic Osaka structure lying in some Rubble beneath the building is the Osaka snow [Music] globe the next book we also can only find while doing the Crimson Fleet quest line during the quest Breaking the Bank we have to board the cruise ship siren of the Stars if we manage to get into Larry dumas's room we find the book race to the heavens on his his desk up until the wide availability of steel buildings were rarely over seven Stories the amount of structural support brick buildings needed made going over 10 stories effectively impossible in the early 20th centuries the availability of industrial strength steel and advances in engineering design led to the dawn of the skyscraper and then the race to the heavens was on 80 years after the first skyscrapers were built techniques Advanced so that a building and by was fully double the height of those early goliaths and the race to go higher faster was only beginning here are the stories and history of some of Earth's most impressive structures thus Begins the architectural novel race to the heavens covering the stories of many of the greatest buildings of Earth this gives us the location of Dubai and upon Landing there we find none other than the ruins of the Burge Khalifa currently the world's tallest building in our universe at least no idea which was the tallest in the Starfield Universe we find the snow globe sitting on a rock at the base of the structure next while exploring the ECS constant an interesting Starship and story that I did an entire video about that you can watch here we find a book in the classroom titled Essentials of modern macroeconomics this 22nd century economics textbook talks about the then modern international economic centers a great deal of time is spent covering several Chinese cities Shanghai being the first among them but New York London and Long Beach I'll get coverage too the textbook is an interesting time capsule of what life was like on Earth before the Advent of the grav Drive which changed everything and the author of this book might not know exactly how accurate that statement was after reading the book we get the location of Shanghai on our map upon Landing there we find the ruins of Shanghai Tower the snow globe is found on a slab of concrete at the base of the [Music] tower the next one is a bit tricky to find this book we have to go to Neon on volley Alpha in the volley system moving into the astral Lounge we have to sneak into the VIP section and then we have to have the theft skill this grants us the ability to pickpocket we need to find Benjamin bio when he's got his back turned to us which may be tricky as he's often sitting on one of these couches and he doesn't move around a lot but if we can find him with his back to us and if we have the theft skill and if we're lucky on his inventory we can loot be's Penthouse key then heading out of the astal lounge we can go to the nearby elevator and with the key in hand we've unlocked the ability to go to Benjamin be's Penthouse while exploring his Penthouse we discover a copy of the price of Destiny on his desk when the ink dried Napoleon indeed got the funds he desperately needed but a dark chapter of American History started the Louisiana Purchase would open most of the North American continent to rampant unchecked expansion as brutal as anything that took place in the colonial era what would in time be called Manifest Destiny was for centuries looked as a positive movement it was spreading the virtues of democracy and capitalism to vast new territories but for all too many indigenous Americans it was at best forced relocation and all too often a death sentence but this will willful blindness to the cost of manifest destiny would take over a century to be fully acknowledged one might argue it still is glossed over to this day in too many circles St Louis dubbed the Gateway to the West so venerated the concept they built a monument to it in the mid 20th century this is an excerpt from lilan De bois's critical view of the rise of America as a superpower this places the St Louis Landmark on our map landing at the Landmark we see that we've discovered the Gateway Arch and despite a few patches here and there it's mostly intact we find the snow globe lying on a rock in the middle of the [Music] arch that covers all of the locations that we can discover by finding books in the settled systems but there is is one more location it's Pisa in Italy there's no book in the settled systems that marks this location on our map now I'm told that if we have Pixel Perfect accuracy we can land directly on Pisa and load in the correct location however when I tried this multiple times even when looking at a map of Italy I never landed at the right location an alternative way to get this location is to use console commands to teleport yourself there to find Pisa open up the console and type c space 18 E4 B4 space 0 space 0 if done correctly we teleport to Pisa off in the distance we see a tower and upon arrival we see that it's the Leaning Tower of Pisa it has crumbled there's very little of the Tower left but what is left of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is still leaning all these years later lying on some of the rubble at the base of the tower is the Tower of Pisa snow [Music] globe and that's all the snow gloves that we can find on Earth as I said there's one other snow globe on the moon and two others on Mars but that's for another video so Humanity develops the grav drive and inadvertently destroys Earth but in so doing they open up the entire settled systems allowing mankind to grow as a species assuring that we'll be around as long as the Galaxy is around however this story leaves us with a number of questions one that I would love answered is if Victor was able to visit an alternative version of himself s and give himself instructions on how to build the grav Drive why didn't he tell himself how to build a grav drive without the error that caused the magnetosphere to blow away what questions do you walk away with let me know your thoughts in the comments section below I publish new videos each and every week on my channel and if you don't want to miss my next one be sure to subscribe and to click that Bell notification button if you have already but you still feel like you're missing out on YouTube notifications consider following me on Twitter at oxorn I update Twitter manually with every new piece of content that I publish I've got a new Ox plushie for sale this plushy has limited availability and Once Sold out it's gone it's currently available for pre-order so snag yours now you'll find a link to my plushy 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Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 43,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn
Id: H0SU8LdwGX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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