TruStitch Part Two with Michelle

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with the stitch regulation we're going to set our stitches per inch so at the moment this is on 10 stitches per inch and what I like as a quilter is between say about 10 and 12 you could go as high as 18 which is very very small and I would use that if I was doing tiny micro quilting you can go as large as 4 stitches per inch which you would use maybe for basting or something like that but that's quite large so on average I like around 10 to 12 you know I'm using a King Tut in the top and I'm using a pre round bobbin in the bottom I've set my tension I'm really happy with how all of that is going to quilt so now it's all about the quilting so how do we use true stitch how is it that we make it work so that our stitches are truly stitch regulated because yes you can out stitch stitch regulation and if you're doing that I have to once how accurately you're forming your designs so you can also stitch or move your fabrics slower than the crew speed that you said which means that you would be putting in a lot of stitches and therefore the Machine is trying to stitch regulate but you've set the settings too high for it to be able to do that based on your movement of fabric and I'm going to explain that to you so you have what they call precision mode and precision mode means that if I was now to press the play button which is my ability to use the Machine without my foot on the pedal you can see that it's just gone green here that means it is ready to stitch but it's not sewing the machine is not stitching that is because it has not detected any movement but to make the needle so if I press stop it'll drop the needle in because now it's saying oh well you've told me that when you need to stop my needle needs the needle needs to be in the down position that's what that settings for so I'm just going to raise my thread from underneath the fabric here and I'll just do a couple of little locking stitches which I like to do with the needle up and down button okay and I'll raise the needle so again I will show you how this works I will press play my foot is not on the pedal I am not using the foot pedal I am using the automatic stitching button which is the play button here and now I'm going to move it and you can see that it is going to stitch once I move the fabric when I stop it stop stitching now I'll press the stop button and make it stop right so based on that my stitching is not fantastic because it's quite jerky I'm not a fan of the precision I don't know if I would personally use that I don't see it being of any advantage to me at all what I don't like about the precision is that as I stop or pause and then want to continue to move that needle needs to make a full stitch it's not already moving up and down with some form of cruise speed ok so then it might take an extra large jump at that point so my advice is to always have some form of cruise speed so you could cruise as low as 3% and if I press the play button the needle will move this fast but it's always ticking over so if I move it's always ticking over now the thing about our stitch regulation you can hear the Machine adjusting speed okay so it goes slower and faster slower and faster because that is the Machine being told by the receiver there that the controller is moving at a speed so you need to hurry up and make the motor work faster to be able to maintain the stick ten stitches per inch that the kultur has told me that you need to stitch up and that's how it's working so three percent is probably still a little bit slow for me I'm quite a fast quilter so my quilting speed my cruise speed will be higher now how does the cruise speed work right if you're a fast quilter you will automatically probably have the stitching percentage or the cruise percentage higher if you're a slow quilter then you will want the the cruise speed to be quite low maybe around five to ten percent the reason being is the machine is being told by true stitch by the actual controller at sending information back to the receiver because it is reading this surface and the receiver is then going okay well true stitch is moving this fast whatever it may be the quarter has told me that I need to maintain ten stitches per inch so I need to tell them machine to quilt however fast this fast because she's moving true stitch controller at this speed okay so that's how that works if you're moving very very slowly and let me say that I have the crews feed on 30% and this is a bit slower than what I would automatically on but let's say it was at 30% and I'm going to emulate a slower quilter so I'm gonna press I'm actually just going to use my foot pedal for now so as always I would put my foot flat out on the pedal but I'm going to move slowly because this is how slow I normally work this is me moving as slow khalsa now there's no way in the world that that is ten stitches per inch okay because I am moving the fabric outside of the parameters that I have set for someone that stitches at 30% crews they would want to ordinarily be a faster cutter like okay now you can see that my stitches have increased to what I want it to be at ten stitches per inch but there's no way in the world that that is ten stitches per inch because I had set the parameter to go at thirty percent now thirty percent is like that the needles doing this I've told it 30 percent so the machine can do nothing but work at that all right but true stitch you know it can't even come into play because the Machine speed that I have set overrides everything because that needle has to work that fast so if I'm moving that that fabric too slow for that machine needle then true stitch can't even like work it can't even start to work because I haven't even moved the fabric faster than a 30 percent cruise speed same thing can be said if I had really slow stitching on Cruise and then move the fabric all right now we've got stitching all over the place because I'm actually out stitching the the stitch regulation because I haven't got that needle to go in fast enough or my stitching all right and as you can see at quilting at that speed I'm not really forming points as nicely as I was when I was moving the fabric a little slower so this is why I questioned even so if you're out running the stitch regulation how is your design you know is your design still really nice because I could still quilt I'm just going to move true stitch out of the way I can still quilt nicely you know even at 21 percent theory you're going to do a stipple okay so that's working at 21% to get my 10 stitches per inch
Channel: Handcrafters House
Views: 15,387
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Keywords: TruStitch, Part, Two, with, Michelle
Id: 3rwdnfTdxi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2012
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