TruStitch Part Three with Michelle

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so based on that information that means that if I really have the cruise speeds that say 5% true stitch has to kick in so if I move the fabric quite fast it will try and maintain that ten stitches per inch and that's why you can hear the Machine motor speed up and the needle go faster so this is five is identify the low quarter sounds like it's having a moment okay so maybe I'd like to move that up a bit faster and that sounds a little bit better alright but if I move too you can hear the fluctuation in the speed of the Machine because true stitch like the controller is talking to the receiver saying okay I'm moving this fast you've got to meet the Machine keep up with me so I can maintain ten stitches per inch okay and that's what's happening so even if you're a faster quilter you can still quilt okay at ten percent alright because if you speed up it will still maintain your spits of stitches so if you're using true stitch and you've got to say based at twenty percent and you have quilting that looks like four ten stitches per inch and then all of a sudden you've got an area where the stitching looks like it's more like 18 stitches per inch and then you've got an area where it looks like it's like five stitches per inch the things that are probably happening are you've got the crew speed perhaps set too high especially where you're moving them fabric still but your stitches have all of a sudden become too close because now what you're doing is moving the fabric slower than what true stitch can actually do to maintain ten stitches per inch because then the crew speed is set too high if you've got larger stitches like that are larger than you know then the 10 stitches per inch as I said five stitches per inch maybe then perhaps you're moving the fabric just a little bit too fast like I did back here and true stitch cannot keep up with that movement okay so whilst true stitch will regulate your stitches and the beauty of our stitch regulation is that we can nominate a stitch per inch okay there are other stitch regulation on the market that you cannot nominate a stitch per inch so we are very blessed to have that option I have to say I'm really happy about that so while true stitch will regulate your stitches there are still things that you as the quilter need to be aware of and make adjustments for because true stitch will be it's sort of like a tailored stitch regulation to the individual cutter being a fast quilter or a slow quarter so for me I quilt around 40 percent or 35 to 40 percent say okay I still need to be moving my hair at a nice comfy for research to be able to regulate nicely okay now you can hear that when I slow down that then that's still a bit of speed in that machine because if I was to press play now you will hear how fast that machine is running okay you can hear that so for me I find 35% helps me maintain a nice speed as I'm slowing down and speeding up and I can my stitch regulation I'm really happy with at that speed but it is certainly not a speed that I would use when using rulers okay so I'm going to now put this way back down to about 5% and now if I press play you'll hear how fast that really doesn't go okay so it's pretty slow right so I'm just gonna move over to here so I can show you how this works the other thing is that we here in Australia do not yet have our overlays we are still waiting for our delivery on this and I'm hoping we get it really soon or non nodal fix is that when true stitch is having to read the surface because that's how this information is this unit is reading the textural changes in the surface to be able to talk to that receiver which is how it determines how fast is this little controller is moving with the fabric but you'll see here that because of the the insert where the machine comes into all the cutout there's a difference in texture true stitch doesn't read the machine and it's certainly not going to read the gap in between them all right so what hanok alter have done bless them is they've sent out a or they've made an overlay that we can actually put in over this table now of course you've just seen me very comfortably using true stitch without the overlay so I don't have to have it personally I am going to have it because I want to be able to use true speech at any point on my machine and not have to remember that I'll move it that's just because I work so quickly ok so my personal choice would be to have it but of course with our consumers we're not going to be forcing that upon them because we know true stitch will work with or without the overlays the other thing that the overlay will address which it really isn't a problem because if anyone has our seen my ruler quilts they'll know it's not a problem I'll just remove the fabric here ok is there has been some people find quilting here quite difficult because there's a bit of a height difference between the plate and the base or the bed of the table now I have worked and used successfully rulers on a lot of project projects as you see right now ok what I tend to have a problem with and that's really the only problem is that my basting pins get caught in here so I'm like bring on the overlay yay can't wait for it as far as using it with the ruler and my height difference has made no issue for me I don't have a problem with that I've adapted my ruler work for it not to be an issue but those of you who do find an issue may use the super slider I do not use the super slider by the way I have no need for one but those who do use the super slider I ate in there sort of taken the feed off or whatever you will be happy to know that that overlay will also make it flush with the needle plate so you won't have a height difference another yay Thank You handy cool okay so let's get back under here because I want to use the ruler with it and show you just the speed difference so I'll turn my controller back on okay I might start back here I'm gonna drop my needle in pull up my thread and start now I've got my speed set at 5% so I'm going to hold my ruler go perfect stitching all the way okay so for me personally as occulta true stitch is a winner because without true stitch and with me using ruler work I find it extremely difficult to maintain an even stitch length and I cannot if I quilt free motion my stitch length I'm pretty happy with as a free motion quarter but as someone who I love to use rollers I cannot without the aid of true stitch maintain accurate and regulated stitch lengths so for me this is a huge buzz I can't tell you how much I love this aspect just to be able to through and know that each stitch will be perfect yay okay so why would I use 5% if I need to pause my needle is continually stitching but only at the 5% it's not hammering and putting lots of stitches in when I pause because my cruise speed is down at 5% but it also means that if I had it any lower than that say at 0% each time I go to move again it would possibly take that large stitch that I initially spoke to you about in precision mode so I like to use a very slow crew speed when I'm using my true stitch because with rulers I cannot quilt fast I mean like you well you could but am I going to be accurate no way so I then just reduce my speed I really don't think there's much else that I can talk to you about it really is up to the individual quilter to sit down and work with true stitch to find their own personal speeds that work best for them and not to have the crews or that needle going too fast because you will always get caught out if you slow down the movement of the fabric it's going to put too many stitches in there but the other way around if your stitched if your crew speed is slower than what you would ordinarily stitch it then if you move the fabric of it faster true stitch will catch up and put those stitches per inch in you know that unit that you nominate well I hope to be able to bring you more handi quilter videos on the sweet 16 particularly with using rulers and true stitch soon thanks very much
Channel: Handcrafters House
Views: 7,310
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: TruStitch, Part, Three, with, Michelle
Id: ydAYGjYZag8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2012
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