A Hidden Surprise in your Sewing Machine Feet

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welcome to sewveryeasy my name is laura and if you looked really close at your sewing machine feet there might be one with a little hidden surprise there are definitely a lot of different sewing machine feet that we can get for our machines some are plastic some are metal some are teflon and some feet can do the same project and others have a little hidden surprise that makes our work a lot more fun here's an example of two embroidery feet now these go with a bernina machine but you can get embroidery feet for any machine you can get an open toe one and you can get a closed toe one and that open just refers to that little end being open or closed so today i want to talk about this particular embroidery foot the 39c because there is a little bit of a hidden surprise in it when we look at the foot we do have the red lines which locate where that needle goes down along the sides and down that center the back of the foot has this little channel that is open so the fabric is running along the side this is open and that means if we're going to do a heavy satin stitch or a zigzag or any decorative stitch it's going to float freely in between here and the fabric is going to be fed along the sides of the foot but this particular one and a lot of them do have a hidden surprise and if you look really close you might see it right there we have a hole in the foot and that hole is designed so small cording thread elastic different things can run through that cord and that opens up a whole new world of possibilities let's go to the machine and i'll show you the fun things we could do with that little hole so with the foot on the machine i have those two cross bars and that center one so the needle is going to line up right in the center of those cross lines and having that open underneath means any of our embroidery or special stitches are going to run very smoothly so even if that stitching is quite thick it's going to go underneath that area so the foot is great for any embroidery work any thick type of stitching but with that little hole we're able to put some thread or something else through that whatever we're putting in that little hole does need to run freely if you're having problems getting it through to that hole you can always use these little things that you can get for dental floss so that will go right in the hole so it's like a big threader and that'll just pull it right through for you be sure to have all of your threads sitting towards the back and now we can stitch right over top you can use these fancy threads and couch them over top of decorative stitches or you can just put them down with a plain zigzag so the thread is just going to go on each side of this decorative thread and because this thread is going to follow that hole we can do curved shapes and when you use matching thread you're going to have the beautiful decorative stitch things that are going to fit inside of that hole will be heavy threads button twist thread purl cotton you can put a strong thread inside like a button twist thread so hold all the threads to the back and start with a zigzag so that thread is running down the middle of that zigzag so we're going to have to knot off the one end or anchor it down by twisting your thread now i can take that inside thread and gather up all of my pieces you can also put a very thin piece of an elastic in there if you pull the elastic as you're stitching it's going to gather that fabric for you so it's fun being able to add some decorative thread with that extra space underneath really does open up a world of possibilities so take close look at your embroidery feet and see if you have that little hidden surprise it's fun for gathering and decorative threads just having some fun with and thank you for joining me today on sewveryeasy feel free to subscribe and come on back let's see what we're talking about next time in the sewing room bye for now
Channel: SewVeryEasy
Views: 479,389
Rating: 4.939033 out of 5
Keywords: fabric, quilting, quilt, sew, sewing, how to, advice, laura, coia, sew very easy, diy, do it yourself, Do It Yourself (Website Category), Sewing Machine (Product Category), tips, trick, tutorial, free, craft, crafts, crafting, learn, education, educational, teach, teaching, machine, cutting tools, rotary cutter, cutting mat, fabric sissors, Bernina, machines, thread
Id: fXYO3Wci_hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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