Trump torches Biden in 'Fox & Friends' interview, says admin is destroying America

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YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheMoreYouSnowMan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like Trump on everything except the vaccines... he is so incredibly ignorant when it comes to vaccines and big pharma. πŸ™„

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Natural_Born_Wretch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice hint Mr. POTUS! Thank you! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ozzyfied1124- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Actually mentions his platform around the 1930 mark...but good video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JimboinSC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope this price stays in this range until next friday i will be able to go yuge please stay

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Glittering-Ad2196 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right let's bring in the former president united states uh number 45 will he be number 47 but first things first congratulations on your brand new book mr president well thank you very much brian thank you good morning what went into it what was your approach here just to bring back those four years uh to life through photographs well you know we had a great four years and i've been watching what's happening and a lot of people were they were remorseful and they were like can we do something and it's really pictures of a lot of great things with the military with uh so many of the things we've done and i think it's sort of a happy book we bring in some negativity about what's happening now but frankly it's really a happy book and it's a book largely of beautiful pictures of events that took place and uh some of the things we've done sure and uh we're going to talk more about the book a little later on by the way you can reorder right now at mr president uh your your uh administration came up yesterday uh our white house correspondent asked jen saki about something that joe biden said about you during the uh campaign and during one of the debates and uh she turned it around anyway it it's a great question and listen to the answer as well here's yesterday at the white house in 2020 when roughly 220 000 americans had already died of covet joe biden said about trump anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the united states of america is that still the standard now that more americans have died under president biden and president trump and the former president was suggesting people inject bleach he apparently reportedly didn't even share with people he was going to interact with that he had tested positive for kovit himself he continued to provide a forum for misinformation this president has made the vaccine widely available he's relied on the health the advice of his health and medical experts and he is trying to be a part of solving this crisis getting the pandemic under control and i think there's a pretty stark difference between their approaches so mr president uh when joe biden said during the debate with you that 220 000 americans had died on your watch you should not be president united states now more people have actually died 770 000 during the joe biden administration well he's done a terrible job just like he did with the uh h1n1 he he's done just a absolutely terrible job getting it out and getting people to take it i mean people just don't want to take it and the vaccines have been you know i have to be very proud of the vaccines we did it in less than nine months people said it was going to take five years to 12 years and probably wouldn't work they work incredibly well some people don't want to take them and that's their freedom and that's what we have to do but people don't want to take them because they don't trust biden they don't trust the administration we had none of that everybody was fighting to take them and we were doing great and we were doing really great on distribution we also bought billions of dollars worth before we knew it was going to be successful which saved us one year so many things we did right and what they're doing is very sad when you look at what's happening but more people died during this year than last year by a very substantial margin and sadly this year is not up well mr president why wouldn't people trust the vaccines they were developed during your administration well a couple of things number one they did a pause on johnson and johnson which really set shocks through over six people that didn't die by the way but six people and for that millions and millions of shots given and they did the pause with johnson and johnson that was very bad uh and they just haven't been able to sell it people are not they are not trusting this administration and if you remember when during the debate i think she said and he said oh if it's trump i won't take the vaccine i won't take the vaccine and then as soon as he got elected he tried to claim that he did it but he forgot that he got a shot into my during my administration he got a shot but there was just a great distrust of what they were saying and what they were doing and i think that's the problem and that's why they're trying to set up mandates and really hurting things with the economy with the mandates in addition to other things well fauci kept changing what we were supposed to be doing and then when you look at afghanistan you talk to military families and they say we don't trust this administration we put our kids lives in the president's hands and look what he did he pulled out and left so many americans behind enemy lines many of them are still there when you look at the border people don't trust what he's doing down there because you'll hear dr fauci saying you need to wear your mask you need to get vaccinated but yet they're letting so many people flow over the southern border and peter ducey he had a busy day yesterday he was also at the press conference with dr fauci and he pressed him on that issue listen to this mr president dr as you advise the president about the possibility of new testing requirements for people coming into this country does that include everybody the answer is yes and everybody who's coming into the country needs to get a test within 24 hours of getting on the plane to come here well what about people who don't take a plane and just these border crossers coming in in huge numbers that's a different issue but you don't have the capability as you know of somebody getting on a plane getting checked looking at a passport we don't have that there is there something to do to test these people somewhere else no there is there is testing at the border under certain circumstances as you know yeah but not by the federal government mr president your reaction it is a disaster we have millions of people flowing across and we're not only talking about the china virus or covet whatever you want to call it we're talking about many other diseases coming over the border that are far worse coming over the border and nobody is being tested nobody is being checked prisons of other countries are being dumped into our country we're like a dumping ground there's never been we had the strongest border in the history of our country the wall was largely built it could have been finished in three weeks and they decided not to finish the openings it's just some openings we did an incredible job 500 miles of wall and this is why that that coupled with other things gave us the greatest numbers we've ever had the most successful it's ever been we take people in but we take them in legally now one other thing that's pouring in right now that nobody even mentioned are drugs drugs are coming in at a rate of seven times greater than when i was doing it and our numbers were going way down we were having the lowest drug numbers and if you look at the numbers of people that are coming in now we're millions and millions of people every couple of months we're looking at 12 13 14 maybe even 15 million people a year and none of those people are tested so it seems to me that the remaining mexico program that was widely ridiculed by the current president united states now according to the courts has to be re-implemented and officially goes back into production remaining mexico starts again but your policy your policy is back in i think starting today what's your reaction to that well they should have never ended it if joe biden would have come in and just gone to the beach he would have been successful in many ways because all of this stuff might the border was the best it ever was and getting better drugs coming in was getting at a level that we've never seen before is there a sense of gratification mr president is there a sense of gratitude is there a sense of gratification for you personally that a policy that he ridiculed the courts are making him put back in no because i want to see good for the country brian it's so important to me i want to see good for the country there's no gratification what they're doing is destroying our country our country is being destroyed before your very eyes and i've never seen anything like it the withdrawal from afghanistan you know i got us there the two we were down to 2500 troops the taliban respected us abdul i dealt with him a lot he respected us we were going to take the people out we were going to take some afghans that we were going to take our equipment out we left 85 billion dollars worth of equipment it's unthinkable and they had a parade last week showing off all the equipment they took it was like a surrender there's never been a lower point in the history of our country and don't think that china and russia and north korea and iran weren't watching because that was the greatest embarrassment in the history of our country in my opinion uh if you're just showing everybody's opinion if you're just joining us uh we're speaking to donald trump former president united states about news of the day we're going to talk about his new book that comes out in a couple of days in a moment uh mr president uh we all know that there's a supply chain bottleneck um and joe biden yesterday essentially said doesn't matter if you're naughty or nice this year there are going to be problems but he did say one person and only one person can promise whether or not you're going to get your stuff listen to this if you watch the news recently you might think the shelves in all our stores are empty across the country that parents won't be able to get presents for their children on holidays this holiday season but here's the deal for the vast majority of the country that's not what's happening i've also spoken with the ceos of ups and fedex which are on track to deliver more packages than ever now i can't promise that every person will get every gift they want on time only santa claus can keep that promise okay so he makes a joke out of it at the end but it's a real crisis if you were president of the united states and and clearly the administration did not plan adequately uh as the demand returned after covet and the pandemic and you know were creeping back toward normalcy normal times but mr president what would you do to fix a supply chain crisis well first of all it would have never happened nobody ever mentioned those words supply chains that would never brought up we we had perfect supply chains we had an economy that was going like we had the greatest economy in history we then had the china virus we fixed it we did a great job with it and with between not only that the ventilators all of the different things that that we did getting stocking up you know all of the states which by the way all of the cupboards were bare and that includes the united states government there was nothing there we did a hell of a job we've got no credit for it but maybe someday we will but we would have never had a supply chain problem but one of the causes is the mandates because a lot of people aren't working because of forced mandates that's one of the very big causes another thing that's going to be a big problem and it's a problem like nobody's seen before you know we were energy independent we didn't need ships all over the place clogging up the waters coming in from saudi arabia russia and other places we were the biggest in the world we went to the biggest in the world within one year we would have been bigger than saudi arabia and russia combined with real energy and it's called liquid gold under our feet we have an advantage that other countries like china don't have so many different things but the mandates had a lot to do with the supply chain problem something that's also frustrating for americans is the amount of crime that has gone up in our country and the way that our men and women in blue are being treated the fraternal order of police they have had enough they tweeted this out yesterday they said enough is enough more officers have been shot and killed this year than any other year and there is one more month left 314 officers shot 58 officers killed by gunfire ambush attacks on officers up 126 percent from 2020 pray for america's law enforcement mr president this doesn't include the utah officer that was killed that we're all praying for and and another officer that was that was shot and is uh is trying to recover right now what is your reaction to that that tweet well when you look at san francisco and you look at a hundred kids or people running into a store together and the cops are standing out there not allowed to do their job they're not allowed to do their job and you allow a thing like that to happen we have a country that has no law enforcement has no law and order our police are great they're not allowed to do their job and they're now being hit people aren't even afraid they go and shoot police they don't respect them the people of our country love our police and they do respect them but they're not allowed to do their job if you allowed them to do their job that would stop and crime would stop but they're not allowed you look at what's going on in new york you look at what's going on in chicago and look at what's happening in san francisco and it's happening in many other cities that they don't want to report about you know the media outside of you people and a few others the media isn't reporting this problem but where you have hordes of people running in kids mostly running in and stealing robbing stores where drug chains are closing all their stores in different cities because they can't keep them open the we we just don't have law enforcement we're not allowed to have law enforcement our country i'll tell you what our country is being destroyed it should never be allowed to happen the police have to be given their power back they have to stop the crime they can do it and they want to do it but they're not allowed to do it uh mr president you referenced this a little bit earlier and that's china uh we know that they launched this virus intention unintentionally perhaps who knows they won't tell us uh this kills 750 000 americans and millions around the globe uh we know they just disappeared their leading tennis player because she accused a former official of sexual assault the wta is pulling out all the tournaments there there's a growing push to boycott the china olympics who by the way also have rounded up their muslims into concentration camps and are torturing them as well as harvesting their organs while doing the over fights in taiwan threatening their neighbors is this the time to say we're not going to go to the olympics the winter olympics and by the way before i answer that none of this happened with us they didn't send bombers over the middle of taiwan he knew not to do that had a very good relationship with president xi he knew very well you can't send bombers over taiwan none of that stuff happened and they'll wait till after the olympics and they'll do something with taiwan now they no longer respect us they watched afghanistan they watched our generals not knowing what they were doing they saw all of that and they're watching very closely they'll be doing things russia will be doing things and maybe even north korea will be doing things because they're watching our country we are psychologically weak we built the military i built a great military we had jet fighters that were 40 and 50 years old we have new everything we're in such great shape but you still have to have the brain power to know how to use it and they watch that withdrawal and they think and by the way the withdrawal get out 21 years but you get out with dignity and strength and we were going to get out with dignity and strength what they did these countries see that and i'll tell you what we're in a much different position with that being said you hurt the athletes you hurt a lot of people i would not do it jimmy carter tried it it didn't work i wouldn't do it that's not the problem by the way one other thing i took in billions hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs from china we never got 10 cents for 40 years they never paid us anything hundreds of billions of dollars and businesses were starting to come back to us china respected our country russia respected our country i stopped the pipeline going to europe biden approved it but of course he stopped the keystone pipeline in our country which and others he's trying to stop now we have a group of people i don't know if it's biden it might not be but we have a group of people that are destroying our country and perhaps knowingly destroying our country but he doesn't want us to rely on fossil fuels do you think he's doing this on purpose so that we buy electric cars so fossil fuels are our strength it's our advantage and it also can fire up those big factories and those big plants you look at what they're doing into our landscape they're destroying our landscape our birds they're destroying with wind and by the way those turbines are all made in germany and they're made in china yeah i know okay and and if you talk about emissions the making of those turbines if you really go with the admissions theory the making is so onerous to the environment that nothing they can do will ever save anything you know and as far as cars in order to make the batteries of those cars it's the electric cars and now you're not going to have a choice because they want to go all electric but doing that is going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of people they don't want to go that way they're taking our greatest asset under it's right under our feet we are blessed as a country with tremendous energy reserves under our feet and they don't want us to use them mr president you uh were on social media and you said a lot of people were saying you got to cool it on social media you said well that's the reason i got elected now that you're off social media even despite january 6 and the investigation everything that happened since the impeachment that followed your ratings according to some friendly points for you are higher than they've been did you overrate the impact of social media and in retrospect do you will you need it if you want to run again i think that people are seeing the great job that we did you know again we had the greatest economy in the history of our country we rebuilt our military we had great military support you look at the hispanic support we've had we had the best hispanic support i just think that people are missing us but what about social media mr president but what about social media did it hurt you more than help you and now that you're off it and you're and you see that nothing's really changed with your numbers except actually going up do you think that you'd ever you overemphasize social media it is strange because my numbers now are the best they've ever been i think that's because maybe they look at the opponent and they look at what's happening to our country uh look i think social media is important i think we have some very bad people i think a lot of illegal things were done with social media you understand where they can do 417 million you know if you spend more than five thousand six hundred dollars they put you in jail and yet here's the guy spent 417 million dollars and nothing happens to him oh on the other side i think social media i think social media is fine if it's used properly and i think we're going to have a platform that's going to be incredible and that's what's being developed right now will you change your approach you know i i really it's such an interesting question i had to move fast our country was in bad shape i had to move fast some of the niceties you know like let's sit down and let's talk very calm i had to get things going fast china was ripping us off 500 billion dollars a year europe they sound nice but they rip us they're almost as bad as china we made a new deal with mexico we made a new deal with canada we made a new deal with japan we were doing a lot of things and you had to move fast and sometimes in order to do that you can't go i can be as nice as anybody i think i'm a nice person but we had to move quickly and sometimes uh you have to break the eggs a little bit to make an omelet um okay so mr president during your four years as president of the united states you had at least one or two official white house photographers with you at every event every time you were out in public they were snapping pictures there are millions of images in the vault and obviously part of the donald trump presidential archives you've sifted through all of those and you put together the first book of your post-presidency it's called our journey together uh and this book it's a it's a coffee table book it's got 300 pictures in it i understand you wrote all of the captions how did you figure out what pictures were gonna out of the millions how did you figure out which pictures went in and which ones uh did not well it's a great question frankly and it's somebody from who also has had some very successful books but we wanted to do it quickly because we wanted to give people hope our country is is just now there's so many people there down and we wanted to give we wanted to show it was a beautiful time it was unfair nobody was ever attacked and hit like i was but i understood that and i got it and i think we also gave it back to them but we had to do something and you're right we have millions and millions of pictures but we picked pictures that we thought really represented the time and there are a lot of beautiful pictures even the rallies we have pictures of these massive rallies that we have and the rallies right now get are bigger now than even before the election which is shocking normally you would think you wouldn't have anybody show up we had in alabama 69 000 people in uh we went to we went to as an example uh i went we had four rallies that i think were the biggest that we've ever had we had a tremendous rally in georgia we had a tremendous rally in iowa unbelievable rally in iowa but the numbers are so big and it's it's really people want hope and that's a little bit and maybe a lot of the reason that i did this book i think it gives people some hope and to look into a very beautiful time in many ways right a very beautiful time it came along and we had to fix it yeah and then we got it going again so we really did it twice and now our country is being destroyed does it make you want to get another four years and be the 47th president and is it true that the first lady melania trump the former first lady has told you i'm not going back if you run again no that's not true that's an interesting one but more fake news no that's not true fake news all right she was a great first lady she did a great job she loves the people they love her i see how they love her but no i will i will say this we have to fix our country our country is going bad we're not going to have a country any longer if we keep doing this when we allow other countries to empty their prisons into our country well what about you do you want to be the 47. are you thinking about being does you think you're the only one to bring it back as the 47th president well if you look at the poll numbers i am because the poll numbers are 95 and 96 approval rating now in the republican party nobody's ever had that and overall approval numbers are great so you know i'm not going by polls i'm just saying i did it before and really did it twice i did it we had it at a level that has never been seen before and then we brought it back to a level that was really good despite the china virus and other countries not one country has fared as well as we have not one country mr president you know we did a good job pardon the interruption uh as we were just a moment ago looking at those many images from the four years of your administration what was the you know and you you had to struggle to to find the photographs for this particular book what was out of curiosity the best day as president well we had so much success everything if you look at this one if you could because we if you look at right to try okay we got the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country that was a great day we had a big serve we got the biggest regulation cuts that was a great number of days we did right to try so right to try they've been trying to get it for 47 years and i get it that's where you can use medicine to take people that are terminally ill and allow them to see if this medicine works and it's been incredibly successful that wouldn't sound as big as some of the other things we've done but that was a very big thing supreme court justice as well they're going to be making a ruling a very important ruling soon uh let's see how that works out but i have three you know it's very unusual to have three uh and i got three and they're very good and let's see how that all works out because right now they're going to be making one of their biggest decisions and putting in almost 300 judges throughout the united states i mean it's almost 30 percent of the judges in the country so we had a lot of big moments and i could go on i could just go on and on okay we had a lot of big moments so mr president thank you so much for coming on with us if you are you're interested in pre-ordering the book it's i hope you're enjoying florida i know the trump family unfortunately is cancelled in certain states and you all moved down to florida left new york i hope everyone's happy and doing well thank you so much for joining us thank you very much thank you all right donald trump former president of the united states
Channel: Fox News
Views: 4,485,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fox News Channel, Fox News, News, trump, donald trump, president trump, trump interview, trump book, trump picture book, trump fox news, trump fox news interview, fox news trump, fox news trump interview, trump news, trump covid, trump tested positive, trump border, trump border wall, trump wall, trump remain in mexico, remain in mexico, trump biden, donald trump picture book, trump books 2020, donald trump new book, president trump our journey together, trump 45 book, FNC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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