Mike Pence: Biden is wrong about this

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joining me now is former vice president mike pence there's mr pence hello sir how are you thank you for coming back on you bet larry good to be with you thanks for having me on listen listen just on this little spat i mean president biden wants the oil companies to refine more oil into gasoline but at the same time he's closing refineries and we haven't built a new refinery in some 40 years now i don't get this uh mike summers of the api as i mentioned um you know those guys say look yeah covet may have been a problem but basically it's regulations restrictions and um various incentives not to refine so who's right and who's wrong here sir well joe biden is wrong and it would be right to unleash american energy and and take the boot heel of the federal government off the neck of american energy companies look i just spoke today larry here at the university club of chicago focusing on the economy focusing on a pathway forward but there's no question that what's unique about this economic crisis that we're facing inflation at a 40-year high gasoline price is up 75 percent shortages supply chain is what's unique about this like i tell an economist like you anything but to your viewers different from the depression different from the economic downturn in the 70s different from the great recession of 2008 all of this is a man man-made economic crisis with 100 of the blame going to president joe biden and the radical left democrats driving policies in the congress of the united states um to the extent that our friend mark short would would dare show me an early draft of your speech i do notice that you took um john kerry to the woodshed i guess uh mr kerry's latest incarnation is he's the climates are but kerry and some others are pushing this idea that no loans and no financing can go to fossil fuel companies this in an administration which pledges to end fossil fuels forever so coming back to the issue of refineries uh if they can't get a permit and they can't get financing then how in the world can anybody expand refineries um supply more gasoline and and lower the price i don't get this that's right yeah i said today here in chicago john kerry and a cabal of bureaucrats have literally been bullying banks telling them not to lend money for energy exploration and production to american energy companies the irony of which courses they're continuing to try and and restart the iran nuclear deal which apparently would allow us to buy oil from iran if they signed it into law and i'm also told they sent an emissary to the uh the dictator nicholas maduro in venezuela ostensibly to expand energy production but i was in ohio just last week when you talk about refineries earlier larry and and i met with all these great energy leaders there you know i graduated from high school in 1977. that was the last year that we built a refinery in the united states and all these producers told me the only thing that is happening is that refineries are being built in other countries that don't have the safeguards for the environment or for employees that we have in this country so it's it's it isn't that the production the investment isn't happening it's just not happening in the united states of america and americans are paying the price at the pump but as you know better than most that those gasoline prices are driving inflation they're impacting the cost of everything that we are buying all the goods and services across this country so the very beginning of turning this economy around is to end the war on energy and i called on president biden to do that today here at uh the university club in chicago so let's step back for a minute um we've got a major recession threat we may be in a recession we may be on the front end of a recession whatever nothing looks very good we also have a major inflation threat driven by gasoline prices and oil in general what would right at the top sir what would a president pence do to solve these problems well i can tell you that with with new republican leadership in the congress and a republican administration in two years uh in the white house the first thing to do would be to make those trump pence tax cuts permanent the second thing would be to unleash american energy open up federal lands to permitting open up the alaska national wildlife region begin again keystone pipeline begin to develop the infrastructure necessary to move energy and on a broad basis you know one of the things that drove seven million new jobs wages setting records household incomes setting setting all new records during the trump pence years was that we cut more federal red tape in our four years in office than any administration in history and so we need to go back to the idea that for every new federal regulation we need to find two that we can repeal those are just the beginnings of that having free and fair trade deals negotiating deals to put american workers first but the last thing we should do larry as you said in your rif is is talk about raising taxes or increasing spending i mean which is literally what the administration in in behind closed doors is continuing to try and negotiate the opportunity to do they're gonna they're not gonna build us back better if they get that deal revived they're going to build us back broke and the last thing we should ever do in with inflation at a 40-year high and americans feeling real pain at the pump is raise taxes on american businesses let alone businesses that are creating the very energy that's driving the american economy you know i've been talking on this with our friend newt gingrich and russ vogt and steve moore uh and a number of other people i mean i think it's time for the gop looking to the future to start talking about a balanced budget at least the principle of the balanced budget that would include a domestic spending freeze you have it in your speech and i want to ask you along with a domestic spending freeze don't we have to have work requirements or work fair because too many americans are being paid not to work they're getting federal assistance but they don't have work requirements which we used to have until about a year and a half ago well we've got a we've got to be a nation that lives within our means again we have to have a responsible pathway toward a balanced federal budget i called for that today here in chicago our freedom agenda that people can read at advancingamericanfreedom.com describes that but you know that that it's this runaway spending it was the partisan party line vote that passed a coveted bill a year and a half ago 1.9 trillion dollars in unnecessary spending that lit the fuse on the inflation that is harming american families today we got to put our fiscal house in order there's no question about it and uh and and at the end of the day i also think that as we see them falter as we see as i said today that the policies 56 percent of americans all believe we're already in a recession i pray that we're not but the vast majority of the american people know that the economic policies the biden administration has failed and now is the time for joe biden to live up to the oath that he took and promote the general welfare of all of the american people turn our country back to the policies that we know will create prosperity for every american and a balanced federal budget is at the very core of what where that begins you know it's so odd sir i mean stuff i don't understand politically mr biden who's been around a very long time so he won't take the blame for any of this inflation is vladimir putin's problem inflation is kovitz problem inflation lately is the oil company's problem he makes these statements that the trump pence tax cuts for example caused massive budget deficits when in fact the revenues came pouring in paid for themselves the economic success was unmistakable just lately he's blaming all companies on refiners but they can't build refiners because of his environmental problem have you ever seen a president who refuses to accept blame and i want to add to that commits so many falsehoods i'm being very polite here calling it falsehoods falsehoods you know on any given day he's out there saying stuff that just ain't true you ever seen anything like that never in my lifetime i said today that there has never been a time in my life where a president was more disconnected from the american people than we see today remember a year ago when president biden literally scolded the american people for not taking the covet vaccine remember he said that he was patient but his patience was wearing thin and then he then he tried to force a mandate on the american people that the supreme court threw out earlier this year as i said today president biden actually said that had been a successful year that he'd exceeded expectations of the american people look this is an administration that is out of touch with what's happening with families there's one statistic that really jumped out at me and i mentioned it today larry and that is back in 1980 the average family of four with with a single income could pay all their bills housing food groceries transportation everything on 30 weeks of work out of 52. now today in real dollars it takes all year for families to pay just their bills that's why so many american families are living paycheck to paycheck and i have to tell you here in chicago where my mom and dad grew up where my grandfather immigrated from ireland he drove a bus for 40 years this is a great city it's all about family and the reason we got to turn the ship with new leadership on capitol hill new leadership in state houses and ultimately new leadership in the white house is because we owe the american family an opportunity just like mine and yours to live the american dream yeah well i hear you i think it's great i mean it just blows me away so the last point um here's my friend joe manchin i don't know cooking up a deal with chuck schumer for a build back smaller with a 1.7 trillion dollars in taxes and another trillion dollars in spending i mean joe manchin was so good mike pence about saving america and killing the bill and now i think he just wants to break my heart i don't really want my heart broken how could we do this all over again i just don't get it how's this possible look i i don't get it either but i'm going to hope and pray that that senator mansion stands solidly where the people of west virginia are standing i mean families are hurting today larry you know that i know that i went to my 45th high school reunion last friday i talked to a lot of friends that i went to school with that are now parents and grandparents and they came up to me and talked to me about how much they miss the years of the trump pence administration and how much they know even where their policies didn't agree with mine that we got to get back to the policies that we were advancing in those four years that's where west virginia is at uh my hope my prayers at joe manchin is going to listen to the people that have elected him to governor to the senate and that he'll reject this build back broke bill one more time and prevent us from going even deeper into the abyss of this socialist welfare vision of joe biden nancy pelosi and chuck schumer so as far as mike pence is concerned the night is always darkest before the dawn comes we're going to stay with that mike that the deal that's the deal the future's always bright the sun's always rising in america larry we're going to have new leadership come this fall come two years from now we're going to get it all back and then some yes sir terrific stuff the cavalry's coming former vice president mike pence and a great friend thank you sir terrific stuff appreciate
Channel: Fox Business
Views: 295,834
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Keywords: Biden inflation, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Joe Biden approval rating, Mike Pence, Pence, Trump, economy, gas prices, high gas prices, inflation, inflation Biden, oil, oil importation, oil prices, recession, business news, fbn, fox biz, fox business, fox business channel, fox business kudlow, fox business larry kudlow, fox business network, fox business news, kudlow, kudlow monologue, kudlow monologue tonight, kudlow tonight, larry kudlow, larry kudlow monologue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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