Hunter Biden scandal is a prelude to indicting Trump: Sen. Cruz

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well welcome back now corruption in plain sight the latest on the investigation into Hunter Biden and the Biden family influence peddling Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson providing the U.S attorney leading the criminal probe into Hunter Biden more than 200 pages of Bank documents which are quote relating to the Biden family's connections to the Chinese regime and Persians connected to its military and intelligence elements join me right now to examine the very latest development to Senator Ted Cruz he is a member of both the Senate Judiciary and Senate Foreign Affairs committees the senator is also out with a new book titled Justice corrupted how the left weaponized our legal system and Senator it's great to have you this morning thanks so much for being here Maria good morning great to be with you two years you've what can you tell us about the hunter Biden investigation and where you see this going well the evidence of corruption is now becoming overwhelming and we've seen in the last month the Biden Department of Justice actively leaking that it intends to indict Hunter Biden and and I have to say those leaks are troubling on three different bases number one the Department of Justice shouldn't be leaking anything that is against the law to the extent they're revealing grand jury secrets that is in fact a criminal offense and they're playing politics they're not engaged in law enforcement number two the substance of what they've leaked is that they're looking at Hunter Biden for drug offenses and tax offenses now listen by any measure Hunter Biden is a deeply troubled soul a soul who has struggled with addiction his whole life what is concerning about their focus on the drug and tax issues is it is very carefully Walling off why this is a matter of public concern if Hunter Biden was just a regular guy who struggled with addiction it wouldn't be a matter of public interest the reason it is a matter of public interest is there is significant and in fact overwhelmed filming evidence that Hunter Biden was actively involved in official corruption with his father Joe Biden and that involves both Ukraine and the natural gas company barisma that paid Hunter Biden 83 000 a month when he spoke no Ukrainian and knew nothing about oil and gas and his father was actively doing favors on behalf of the oligarch who was paying Hunter Biden and likewise China communist China paying Hunter Biden and his family over 5 million dollars including we now know 10 percent for the big guy 10 percent for Joe Biden and the fact that the Biden doj is saying oh this is all a drug matter don't pay attention to the big guy don't pay attention to the corruption just make it one poor person struggling with addiction that's highly concerning and the third reason this is very troubling is I think all of this is a Prelude to doing what Joe Biden and Merrick Garland want to do which is indict Donald Trump and they want to be able to say look how even-handed we are we indicted Hunter Biden we indicted Donald Trump we indict everybody and and that is politics not law enforcement well this is just really well said it's just extraordinary to me that we're supposed to trust the commander-in-chief on the decisions that he makes regarding our number one adversary the Chinese Communist party and yet he has taken in all of this money he and his family I've said it from the start this is a Joe Biden story not a hunter Biden story because it was Joe Biden's time that they were trying to sell here this is a very dangerous moment how are we supposed to trust that his decisions are not compromised well we can't trust that and it's why as you noted I've been calling for two years for the appointment of a special prosecutor you mentioned my new book that came out this week the book is Justice corrupted how the left has weaponized our legal system and it goes in particular and describes how starting under Barack Obama Barack Obama began using doj and the FBI and the IRS and the CIA as political tools As Weapons to attack their political enemies well when Trump became president those hardcore partisans burrowed into senior career positions at those agencies and they waged war against Donald Trump both personally and against his administration and now under Joe Biden they are out in the open and under Joe Biden this is the most political and the most corrupt Department of Justice we've ever seen we see the FBI storming president Trump's home at Mar-A-Lago that's never happened in the history of our nation we see FBI agents storming pro-life activists machine guns drawn at the crack of dawn with their children crying and and I gotta say Merrick Garland has done more to undermine and damage the Integrity of the Department of Justice than any attorney general in history and that includes John Mitchell Nixon's attorney general who resigned was prosecuted and went to prison Merrick Garland is doing even more damage in this book Justice corrupted explains how and it walks through chapter and verse exactly what's happening and what we need to do to stop it well thank you for writing this book our viewers are very concerned about this Senator and uh you're right in terms of what we have seen take place look at the Russia collusion lie that was made up from a operative on the Clinton campaign you think this politization of all of these agencies started under Clinton and Barack Obama then well it really got bad under Obama and and if you look at and that's what the book walks through it walks through the IRS scandal where the Obama IRS targeted tea party activists targeted conservatives targeted constitutionalists targeted pro-life activists targeted pro-israel activists the book walks you through the meeting in the Oval Office on January 5th 2017 Barack Obama was there Joe Biden was there the head of the doj the FBI and the CIA was there Donald Trump was getting ready to enter the presidency and they sat there and agreed we're going to launch the federal government to go after Donald Trump we're going to weaponize it has never happened in the history of our country this explains what happened in crossfire hurricane how corrupt it was including a senior FBI lawyer literally creating a fraudulent document and submitting it to a federal court he's been convicted but of course he got a slap on the wrist and served no jail time it also walks you through the lawlessness of the left attack on Law and Order on the black lives matter and antifa riots across the country on the George Soros DA's that are letting violent criminals go and those George Soros Tas are now senior officials in the Biden justice department this is profoundly dangerous the good news Maria we're going to have Republican majorities come January in both houses and you're finally going to see some real congressional oversight of the FBI and the CIA and it is desperately needed well amen you could be the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee that was my next question do you think the Senate will take the majority the GOP will take the majority you've been on a 17 State national bus tour what are you going to do about it and what are the most important races you think uh will be the clinchers yes I think we're going to take the majority a big majority in the house 30 40 50 seats in the Senate I think we win between 53 and 54 seats I think we've got a great chance to win in Nevada a great chance to win in Georgia I think we've got really competitive races in Arizona and and New Hampshire and I think we've got a real shot in Colorado and Washington State all of those are in play and I think we're winning in all of the vote vulnerable States I'm very excited when we have the majority you can expect aggressive and real leadership at oversight thank you Senator good to see you we'll be right back
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: hunter biden, joe biden, fox news channel, fox news, fox news media, fox news network, hunter biden laptop, hunter biden business dealings, hunter biden scandal, biden family, biden administration, sunday morning futures, ted cruz, ted cruz fox news, department of justice, DOJ, just department, hunter biden investigation, hunter biden bank docs, hunter biden bank documents, maria bartiromo, hunter biden laptop story, hunter biden foreign business
Id: ObtpYgscfBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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