Donald Trump grades Biden administration

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we start with my exclusive sit down with president donald trump in florida where he was in great spirits and as fired up as i've ever seen him his prediction for the virginia gubernatorial race his reaction to biden's disastrous administration and so much more take a look mr president thank you so much for having us here at mar-a-lago thank you okay if there's one word that could sum up the biden administration it would be crisis there's the energy prices the supply chain crisis the covet crisis if you look back on the last 10 months of the biden administration what grade would you give them well it's probably the worst presidency in history i can't imagine i used to say jimmy carter not a big fan of bush getting us into the middle east to be honest with you i think this is though the worst in the history of our country if you look at afghanistan and that horrible thing that happened to our nation with these young people being killed and by the way so badly injured we have over 20 no arms no legs nobody ever talks about them and then to leave 85 billion dollars worth of the best military equipment brand new much of it brand new better than what we have right out of the box and and they didn't explode it they didn't blow it up like they said yep they did a couple of old planes that were not very valuable no i think that was the worst and i'll tell you what it's getting to be pretty close what's happening on the border is one of the great embarrassments for our country well so we'll talk about those individually but what grade would you give the biden administrator i think you have to say an f and not an f plus it would be an f it's a failed administration it's a disaster i've never seen anything like it and by the way i wish you'd do well you know i love the country more than i love anything family god country you know we have to take care of our country i would love to see him do well i don't think there's ever been a greater embarrassment as an administration and we had everything ready to go it was we handed him on a plate whether it was the border or afghanistan we were getting out but we were going to get out with great dignity and strength well you know joe biden was sold to us as a guy who understood foreign relations he was a united states senator for 36 years he was on the foreign relations committee he was a vice president for eight years he was sold to us as a guy who understood foreign relations well his own secretary of state gates said very strongly he never made a correct decision in his life now that was made in policy numerous times by numerous people but it was made even recently by gates and others that worked with them and i think afghanistan was a disaster not getting out i was the one that set it up i brought it down to 2500 soldiers and we were in great shape and they weren't going to touch us they knew they weren't going to touch us and then he took out the military before he took out the people he left he left maybe thousands of people that are americans and people that should be taken out why do you think he didn't listen to his military well i think the military is largely discredited i think our top people in the military discredit it he might see that if he understands it he might see that i wanted to get out also i remember millie telling me because i said i want every screw every bolt every nut every tank i want to take the tents you know the big tents that hold the equipment and the planes i want everything out getting the planes out you just fly them into pakistan and then take them over to our country so easy they left everything but i remember millie saying and he told me this and i lost a lot of respect when he said it sir we'll save money if we leave the equipment i said save money if we leave a 50 million dollar airplane or a 10 million dollar tank you think we're saving money by not putting it into a plane or flying it out i said what does that mean sir it's cheaper to leave it than it is to take them and i said that's a fool talking no when i when milly said that i lost such respect for him i said give it to me again tell me again i want to hear it one more time and he said that i really lost a lot of respect for him we've got a school board controversy that feeds into the virginia gubernatorial race but more important is the fact that we are now at a point in american history where parents are being referred to as domestic terrorists by the national school board association they took it back after after the outrage but you've got an attorney general merrick garland who's ready to deploy national law enforcement to supervise what's going on in local jurisdictions which is a job for the sheriffs and the local police and he is doubling down we heard the hearings this week i've been watching the school board hearings more closely than i ever have to be honest and it's so interesting the parents are incensed they're not terrorists they're just people that are so upset they're angry they're hurt they're crying because their children are being taught things that in our opinion in my opinion in a vast majority of the people in this country's opinion they don't want their children to hear about this stuff they want to go back to reading writing and arithmetic and they want to hear that black people are good and they want to hear that white people are good yes this is the division that's being caused by these programs are just terrible the amazing part of this is the national school board association who drafted this letter um ends up the administration promotes the head of that association gives them a plum job we now know that there was coordination between the biden administration and the national school board association to get that letter to the attorney general so they could start going after parents the saddest part of all this is that there was a young girl raped the school board knew about it the superintendent lied about it and now we've got a gubernatorial race in virginia it will be a forecast to 2022 the midterms how do you see yunkan doing against mcauliffe next week i think he's going to do very well look mcauliffe made a tremendous mistake but it's really probably not a mistake from his standpoint he believes it right he said the parents have nothing to do with what their children are going to learn they have nothing to do with it i heard that statement i said is that going to be bad is that going to be like deplorables you remember when hillary made the statement deplorable that's not a nice word and it blew up i think this is going to cause him tremendous problems come tuesday do you think junkin's going to win i think he's a good man and i think he's a successful man he loves virginia he loves the country i think he should win i mean he should win i'll be honest my base has to turn out if my base turns out he's going to win and i hope they turn out i really want them to turn out it's interesting don't you think that they are now referring to yunkan as a trump acolyte using you as a way to get the democrats to come out and vote well i think it backfires because i think that gets the base to come out and vote by doing that by hooking me with him as much and i know him a little bit but i really know him as a good person you know the last person that ran as a republican did not embrace trump in virginia right he got killed he was just absolutely destroyed and i think if my base doesn't come out he can't win i think my base has to come out very strongly do you see yourself as a kingpin for elections going forward well something has happened and this is not from an egotistical standpoint it's a great honor because it's never happened before to anybody if i endorse somebody they win if i endorse somebody they went i think i'm 148 and two that's a pretty good number you endorsed junkin and i did endorse younkin and we're gonna see i hope it's not gonna be three okay do you understand that i did i endorse him strongly he's a good man he wants to do the right job he's a sane person these people are insane let's talk about inflation you talked about how you left this country in great shape we now have inflation of 5.4 now the prices of beef are up 17.6 the average american family spending an extra 175 a month gas prices are up to seven dollars in california five dollars in new york we can't afford these people and joe biden when he was asked about gas prices what he's going to do about it he says i don't see anything that's going to reduce significantly reduce gas prices in the near future he doesn't know no he doesn't have any idea look one of the things i was most proud about our country became energy independent we didn't need the middle east we didn't need russia we didn't need anybody we had our own we had more than them we were number one by far over saudi arabia and you know this and russia number one by far i had the pipelines going keystone xl pipeline amazingly i ended the russian pipeline i was not good to russia i got along well with russia i got along well with putin but they weren't happy with trump i can tell you that but biden opened up this big massive pipeline all over europe but he closed down the exo and i have to say because you heard it a thousand times more importantly we're energy independent no longer i was so proud of that first time really in history that you know they say 75 years but i don't believe we were ever energy independent we were energy independent we were doing so much the prices it was a dollar eighty seven a gallon okay if you look at you look at the numbers the credits now yesterday they had in a certain section of california seven dollars and 70 cents it's always the lead it's going to follow and it's going to go a lot higher than that and biden sent people to go see russia saudi arabia and other members of opec that we need help because we don't have enough now when you talk about inflation the biggest factor in my opinion is no energy the trucks the factories everything the deliveries the planes everything it's so energy based that the energy now is so expensive to get we don't have enough oil you know i filled up the strategic reserves right for almost nothing when oil hit bottom we had we were almost empty with the reserves and nobody thought of it i said you know this would be a great time to fill it up we'll buy it cheap i never got credit i don't think anybody's ever mentioned it but i bought 75 million barrels i believe it was 75 million barrels which is a massive order it was good for two things the prices got so low that it was hurting our energy jobs and we bought it cheap as hell and it's now he wants to use that that energy that oil that i bought at a great price it should be used in cases of emergency he wants to now drain it yeah so that the prices come down but he even he said it'll save us about 18 cents a gallon oh it's not he doesn't you know it would save we could i could get that down within six months i'll bet you i could get it down to two dollars two dollars and fifty cents it's going to be what's over ten dollars doesn't he know how to do it well i don't think he does because his answer was weird you can get it down a few cents a few cents no you get it down many dollars how do you do that you have to let the let the oil companies go back to work they ended leases they ended anwar because of lisa murkowski who's done a terrible job she's not a republican she says she's a republican in alaska ronald reagan tried to get it bushes tried everybody tried to get it i got it done it was all done maybe it's bigger than saudi arabia okay maybe they've tried for many many decades to get it done i got it done this would have added to our supply we're already the biggest in the world by far now we're not the biggest in the world anymore we've ended all the leases on government lands that frankly were pumping out for years and not hurting it done in an environmental way and if you look at natural gas natural gas is very clean we got windmills destroying our landscapes killing all the birds and not necessarily this energy is so expensive and you know where the turbines are made every one of them china germany and china still ahead what donald trump thinks of biden and the dems vaccine mandates plus his take on the latest caravan heading towards the southern border and how it can be stopped back in a moment welcome back to justice we return now to my exclusive interview with president donald trump covering everything from dr fauci to the latest migrant caravan headed our way take a look let's talk about um what's going on in this country with the firing of police officers firemen nurses the ones who were our heroes they were on billboards all over the country and now what we've got are you know we're talking about vaccinating kids who were five years old to 12 years old and then forcing them to continue to wear masks um our heroes are being fired they're losing their jobs are you sorry you didn't fire anthony fauci well it's not because of him they're losing their job it's because some bad policies that are being made by the biden administration but look if you look at my relationship with fauci first of all he's been there like for 40 years you walk in and you know he goes hi my name's tony oh great hi tony how you doing but everything he told me to you know suggested that we do i didn't do i went the opposite he wanted to keep china open i closed it to china we would have lost fouchy wanted to keep china oh yeah for a long time and he actually said president trump saved thousands and thousands of lives i was the only one i was sitting in a room with many many people i said we have to close it to china i then closed it to europe because i saw what was going on in europe and we saved thousands of lives and what i did do and we want freedom and we want all of this and this was a great achievement though worldwide because i think you would have had a 1917 like the spanish flu where 100 million and maybe 100 million people right died i got the vaccine done three vaccines in less than nine months they said it was going to take five years and it probably wouldn't get done i got them done and they do work and they're great i'm very proud of them but people shouldn't be forced to take them you must have seen this week as this caravan is coming the biggest anyone's ever seen yeah more than del rio okay this caravan that's coming up now is actually fighting with the mexican national guard forcing their way through how do we stop this and when they get here what do americans do they're here so the wall would have stopped them so the only thing they could do letting them in i know the wall would have stopped them the only thing they can do is go to small areas where the wall was going to be completed over the next month i mean it would have been completed almost immediately they just had to finish it but now okay before we start that let me just tell you these are rough people they were going through the mexican police who were tough they're tough police they were lined up they thought they could stop them you look at that front few lines of the people there on this on this caravan a name i came up with because i saw some caravans but they were tiny and we ended it we stopped the caravans we made sure now what's happened is they're talking about one caravan 120 000 people are going to be 400 that's like that's like an army if you look at that front line they look like they belong in the nfl in fact they should be signed some of them for the nfl you look at they burst through tough mexican police who tried to stop them they had no chance we have to stop them we can stop them but we have to get very tough but we cannot let our country is being poisoned it's being poisoned and you know what else it's being poisoned also with drugs we had fentanyl down to the lowest number since its founding because fentanyl if you look it's worse than anything it's the worst it's a killer much of it's made in china and i had him just about stopped i said look we're not doing any business if you're all of a sudden they're making fentanyl like crazy they're sending it through the border the numbers on fentanyl have gone up tenfold i had it not not stopped but i had it almost stopped when we would have had the wall completed and a couple of other things i would have had it down to almost nothing the fentanyl and drugs generally are pouring through our border people that are very sick are coming into our country very contagious diseases many different diseases not just covet by the way covet is peanuts compared to some of these diseases they're pouring through our country they are destroying these these leaders if you call them leaders they're destroying our country well and and the saddest part of it is they're here and if it's 1.7 million that we've counted you can i i imagine it's just as many who got through who were run away you can multiply times seven i don't know if you know that number so if they have 1.7 they say you multiply times seven that's the number that come in unchecked totally unchanged and the other thing so you're talking about you're talking about tens of millions of people over a relatively short period of time over a two-year period of time we would have more than 10 million people coming into our country our country can never be the same right our country is changed already do you have a plan to go to the border to boost morale there well i've gone to the border many times i mean i don't are you going again well i just got back i was there recently uh i saw where biden said he was there sometime but he wasn't in 2008 but he wasn't there i don't think he said he doesn't have time no i've been to the border many times i don't think it helps for me at this moment ago i'm not the president he's the president he's got to go to the border the border patrol people are incredible okay when i was there a few months ago i was there like three months ago they're so incredible ice peoples and they're tough people they have to be tough people they love our country you know they really want to do their job that's the amazing thing it would be easier if they didn't they want to do their job they're tough people but they're great patriots and they're being treated with tremendous disrespect still ahead president trump responds to the escalating crime surge in america plus he has a message for hunter biden that you don't want to miss [Music] welcome back to justice and our exclusive interview with president donald trump we now tackle crime in america and of course that includes hunter biden i want to talk about my favorite subject crime they are trying to defund the police demoralize the police they're now firing police uh you know we've got shocking headlines uh from everything and biden releasing a gender equity plan to make sure that women are released uh eliminating cash bail and all kinds of crimes uh and two san francisco prosecutors have quit chesa boudin as the d.a there i just want to take one second and i want to read this one case they quit in protest because they say what's going on because he's not making arrests but he's letting people out but in one case a man charged with robbery eight prior felony convictions was released early by the d.a chesa boudin in san francisco nancy pelosi's playground he's then arrested four more times for other crimes but the district attorney's office never charged him nine months after he was set free he hit and killed two women while driving drunk in a stolen car this is america today what can we do about this this is america today it's only going to get worse because you have all of these millions of people many of them are are the worst people the worst people somebody would say oh that's not a nice thing to say some of these people are the absolute worst the dnas are the worst they don't all they want to do is indict republicans that's all they do they want to go after republicans they use the da's the attorney generals and the federal government now sometimes you have fair people sometimes you don't they're good at destroying republicans they're horrible at destroying crime they're letting these people that are killers go out you look at chicago you look at new york what's going on with the crime in new york new york is like a different place here's the good news it could be changed okay you know otherwise it would be so sad you wouldn't even want to talk about it but what's happened to new york de blasio is the worst mirror it's filthy dirty people are living on park avenue they're living in tents on in the most incredible streets where people come from all over the world and they pay tax and which gives our police the money they have to refund the police they have to give the police more money but what's happening in new york and what's happening in chicago where 88 people were shot last month and six died i don't even know how only six died 88 people were shot you look at a weekend they had a little while ago where they had a weekend labor day weekend where many people were shot let's talk about hunter biden and his special counsel this week merrick garland was asked again about whether or not he would appoint a special counsel to investigate hunter biden again hunter biden who couldn't get his art so-called art listed in any gallery until his father became president now selling at the same prices as a monet or a degas yeah no special counsel that's got to eat it i think that's the least of it but the art the yard is so terrible so he's getting a half a million dollars a painting right and i was seeing that a monet was getting less okay uh it's it's such a terrible situation and we're not going to learn who the buyers are should i buy one but isn't it give me great access to the white house they say that they're they that there's a there's a wall they have no idea but there are people who are actually coming to the exhibits so first of all the concept of it is ridiculous and you said it couldn't get in the past i don't think he ever painted before i think he just started so he's learning by the numbers and and let me tell you i believe that as bad as that is it's peanuts compared to other things okay but it's so obviously horrible i've had people say that's a terrible thing that is a terrible thing what's going on and they're getting numbers like nobody has ever gotten a lot of money nobody's getting in fact i'm thinking about opening up my own gallery i'm giving it yeah how much are you going to charge and you got a couple of million dollars of painting if he gets five well you're gonna paint i'll paint whatever the hell i have to pay to get two million dollars mr president thank you so much for having us here at this beautiful uh mar-a-lago and thank you for taking the time for us thank you janine thank you very much hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 3,694,287
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, joe biden, donald trump, president trump, united states of america, president donald trump, biden administration, us news
Id: 5InzccRssnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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