GOP congressman has a message for Nancy Pelosi

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all right texas republican congressman chip roy versus nancy pelosi first chip roy thank you for coming on nancy pelosi last year she and her husband traded 50 million dollars in assets with annualized returns congressman of 69 now i got to tell you how impressed i am bernie madoff you know the embezzler the crook he was only 15 a year ms pelosi 69 last year um and of course she had no inside information right yeah well look this is why my friend abigail spamberger democrat uh we introduced legislation in june of 2020 so a while you know 18 months ago because this is a bipartisan problem i don't understand why on earth we would allow the members of the united states congress to bankrupt america while simultaneously enriching themselves and then i listened to speaker pelosi say oh well we're in favor of the free market oh yeah suddenly she's a big advocate of the free market when we're talking about enriching and padding her wallet as opposed to standing with the small businesses that she's destroying with all of her crony capitalism meanwhile she's got puts or calls i don't remember which on on google and then is she gonna be a fair arbiter of whether google's too big or what we should do with big tech we all know the truth that's why our ability simple put your money in a blind trust or or trade in simple uh broadly held index funds yeah uh and then let's move on um the pelosi's reported at least 5.6 million and maybe up to 30.4 million in capital gains and dividends from their holdings in five big tech stocks facebook google amazon apple and microsoft now of course chip she's trying to jack up the tax on capital gains although she got hers done before the tax went into place uh i'm just saying this to inflame you because you know what uh i'm an old wall street guy i've been covering the beat for a long time i'm inclined to agree with you put your money in index funds you can you know redo them once a year or something and that's that these high-level people you can't you you just can't be trading it's like day trading that's the way i feel about it nobody should be coming into congress and buying and selling stocks i mean look if you come in with some stock from your grandfather and you want to hold it i got no problem with that we're smart we can come up with some rules but you shouldn't be buying and selling and literally in this case uh calls or puts and basically betting on the market when you know full well you're making decisions that impact what's actually going to happen with policies that impact the bottom line of those companies meanwhile she's advancing all of this woke nonsense with the esg stuff that all the institutional investors are screwing up capitalism by advancing a political agenda and she knows it she does know it and you know what mr chip roy you know it too and i'm backing you i think you're on the right track thanks for helping us we'll talk some more about this in the future
Channel: Fox Business
Views: 287,831
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Keywords: business news, fbn, fox biz, fox business, fox business channel, fox business kudlow, fox business larry kudlow, fox business network, fox business news, kudlow, kudlow monologue, kudlow monologue tonight, kudlow tonight, larry kudlow, larry kudlow monologue
Id: QOm6okGLe18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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