Andrew McCabe, number two at the FBI,
has been fired. Now, the Justice Department
says it's because McCabe lied about leaking information
to the press. But McCabe has
a different theory. REPORTER: McCabe says his firing
was part of a wider effort to discredit the FBI
and the Mueller investigation. He says he was singled out
because of events he witnessed in the aftermath of the firing
of FBI Director James Comey. Trump, uh, and Jeff Sessions have been attacking
Andrew McCabe. They are probably worried
that McCabe could be a very key supporting witness, uh, to possible obstruction
of justice charges, uh, or any other wrongdoing
by Trump in handling the Russia inquiry. Oh, okay. That's interesting. So McCabe says he got fired because he's got dirt
on Donald Trump, right? He's got info
on the Comey firing. He was part
of the Russia investigation. He knows that Trump bought
a sex doll shaped like himself and then tried to deduct it
as a business expense. That last one is not
a true story, but it could be. But, look, just because McCabe
was closely involved in the investigations into Trump
and his campaign doesn't mean that Trump
was going to come after him. However, however,
it doesn't help that, for the last year, Trump has been trashing McCabe
on Twitter, right? Trump accused him
of plotting with Comey. He accused him of taking money
from Hillary. Trump even accused McCabe
of looking like every background extra
on Mad Men, which, to be fair,
he's right about that one. I can see it, I can see it. And unlike most Twitter trolls, Trump didn't keep the insults
online. One of his best stories about
the president hating McCabe, one of the best stories
I've heard, came out
after Comey was fired, right? When Trump was so angry
that he roasted McCabe about his wife losing a race
for state senate. NEWSWOMAN: Trump demanded
to know why Comey was allowed to fly home on an FBI plane
after he had been fired, these people said. McCabe told the president
he hadn't been asked to authorize Comey's flight,
but if anyone had asked, he would have approved it. The president was silent
for a moment, then turned on McCabe--
"Ask your wife how it feels to be a loser," Trump said. McCabe replied, "Okay, sir."
Trump hung up the phone. Wow. I'm sorry, man, but Donald
Trump is a proper asshole. -(laughter)
-Like, like, if being an asshole was an arcade game, he
would have all the top scores. Because...
no, because think about it. He's mad at Comey, right?
He's mad at Comey, so he insults McCabe's wife because she ran
for a Senate seat and lost? That's so messed up. Especially since Trump
should know what it's like to have a wife
who wants to run. Come on. (laughter, applause) And... -(whooping, cheering, whistling)
-and poor McCabe... poor McCabe in this whole thing,
he's so FBI that he gets insulted
and he's just like, "Okay, okay, sir."
That's all he does? 'Cause, like, the commander
in chief insults him, he treats it like it's an order. "Why don't you ask your wife
why you're so bad in bed?" "Okay, sir. Honey,
the president has a question." (laughter) So again, again, it's well known
that President Trump wasn't a fan of Andrew McCabe,
but still, that doesn't prove that he conspired
to have McCabe fired. It is suspicious, though,
that back in December Trump tweeted... And then
right at the deadline... NEWSMAN: Former FBI
deputy director Andrew McCabe fired tonight by
Attorney General Jeff Sessions just two days before McCabe
was going to retire. His pension-- now gone. That was just 26 hours
before McCabe was due to retire on his 50th birthday. Okay, that is heartless. Right?
He doesn't get his pension, and his birthday is ruined. Like, that's a double win
for Trump, because he fires an enemy and he
gets to eat his birthday cake. ♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪ Like, firing someone
on their birthday is the worst gift
you can give them. Right? Well, I mean, it's that
or a gift card from RadioShack. You know? Like,
"Wow, now I can buy that Walkman to listen to my Coolio CD!" ♪ Can't live
these nonstop lies livin' in a ♪ (like a skipping CD):
♪ Ga-Ga-Ga-Ga-Ga-Ga-Ga... ♪ You know what's funny
is young kids won't know what
I'm doing right now. They'll be like,
"What is that, Trevor? What...?" That was the life we lived. It was a hard one. So in the end, Trump appears
to have been extra vindictive about this, right? He said he didn't want McCabe
to get his pension, and it looks like he
made sure that that happened. And we don't know for sure
what happened. But that's how it looks. Like, if you've been saying
for a year, "I wish my dickhead husband gets
killed by a 1982 Dodge Caravan," and then three months later,
your husband gets killed by a 1982 Dodge Caravan,
don't be shocked when the cops show up like, "Ma'am,
we suspect that you killed your dickhead husband
with a 1982 Dodge Caravan." "But I loved
that dickhead! I did!" Here's the thing.
Because Trump involved himself so personally
in the McCabe case, you can see why it's easy
to think McCabe's firing was about politics
and not process. And because of that,
people are now saying Comey got fired,
McCabe got fired-- who could possibly be next? President Trump is taking
direct aim at Robert Mueller in the Russia investigation. Something of a milestone from
the president over the weekend, for the first time going after
special counsel Robert Mueller by name. NEWSWOMAN:
...saying the investigation into Russian influence
in the presidential election should never have started. NEWSWOMAN: Mr. Trump's tweets
have some wondering if he's considering firing
Robert Mueller. I mean, he's definitely
considering it. You know how they say men think
about sex every eight seconds? That's what Trump does
with firing people. Yeah. When Trump meets
a new person, that's what he fantasizes about:
he's like, "Oh, man, "it would be so awesome
to fire that lady. "I would fire her so hard. Oh, my God,
I want to fire her right now." But the point is, Trump
is going after Mueller by name for the first time. So, Robert Mueller, I don't know
when your next birthday is, but something tells me
the president may be planning a surprise.