The Night Roberto Duran Challenged Mentally Unstable Laing

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K Lang is back for years people have been saying to me I'm the greatest thing since your Leonard everywhere I get it the year is 1982 Roberto Duran has gone from being the most feared man in boxing since Sunny Liston to a downtrodden disrespected fighter plagued with words like coward weasel and phony I could not be more stunned than seeing Roberto Nan quit after putting over a decade of work into the lightweight Division and achieving greatness with a Monumental win over the undefeated Sugar Ray Leonard in the welterweight division Duran has only had two wins in his last four fights Bonz virtually without question is the winner of the fight so for Robert to regain favor with the people Duran needs to show said people why he's great and his final hope for that is an impressive performance against the unpredictable and underestimated Kirkland Lang a scary brick with a heart of gold and a style that favored no competition does Kirkland have what it takes to kick the delusion dog while he's down or will this once rabid Beast return to his Cojo ways and sink his teeth back into the upper echelon of boxing again let's get into it Duran was always scary from his almost 75 fight long streak at lightweight where he carved a name for himself as potenti entally the best fighter in its division of all time to his Newfound assault on the welterweight division everyone feared the Panamanian Duran this guy was giving Duran a tough fight so at the 14th round Duran knocked him out and then everybody sad and so Duran says when they said ran what do you feel he's in the com is a possibility he may not live and then Durant P next time I be in shape he won't go to the hospit he go to theing MOG with a slight Spritz of English curses to break up his Spanish Venom during press conferences and his Relentless pressure fighting style between the four ropes it felt like as the opposition he'd be a man to haunt your daily life and Edge closer to you even in your dreams mono de pad's tag is so perfect for him because it it feels like his pant feel like rcks but while he had this monstrous reputation which he purposely did little to insinuate otherwise his loss to Ray Leonard found many fans arguing just how scary this man was all along to give up the way he did when losing and while excuses from him and his Camp have been given over the years to do with his weight loss stomach cramps and just overall unwellness going into the fight it didn't change the people's perception there's nobody that could do anything that would would help this man with the destruction of his reputation or the doubt that's been cast upon his reputation and he's going to be out of boxing you got to live there for the rest of his life it's going to be a real traumatic experience just two fights later Duran lost again to the former champion and honorary fifth King of the four rings Wilfred benitz in a stunning display that was even more conclusive than the first six rounds of the infamous Nomas fight but now he was looking to rebuild with a victory against a toughest Nails opponent that was near impossible to look good against no matter how well you fought the gifted one Kirkland Lang we might have been a bit surprised how quickly that fight finished were you certainly not Kirkland Lang was an anomaly in his time in boxing with next to no defense but a strong swarming style that could cause problems for all no one lined up to fight him the right again however when progressing through British boxing Lang eventually made it to the British World title level where he fought and got knocked out by the future world title Challenger Colin Jones you both came together a year later almost exactly a year later did you think that it was going to all be the same again at this point noive I thought there's no way this man can beat me again there and after soon losing another fight to the Lesser known Reggie Ford it seemed like the gifted one was running out of magic but now was his chance to redeem his Misfortune and pass mistakes with his most incredible fight yet a shot against the once dominant Champion Roberto Duran in a 10 round War it was up to him to either capture the greatness he'd been offered or finally say goodbye to his last chance at being a remembered name in the boxing history books as the referee brings the two together and counts the rules the men touch gloves and the Bell Rings the signal there's the first Bell underway round one he reached out the tap gloves with Lang I've never seen him do that in the fight left to the body by Lang Lang continues to spin away throws out a left hand was a little bit of elusive Lang with the Left Right combination and that right hand cracked on to R's face left hook by Durant and that CAU laying on the right side of the face Kirkland's open stance and jittery style seem to be a purposeful game plan in an attempt to tire out the Panamanian devil while he seems fresher than he did against Wilfred bonitz his power punches do little effect against L as L spun out of the way we're halfway through round two right hand by g g with a right and L comes back with a countering right hand Micky duck saying this is not England you can't run you got to throw punches Duran with a right hand L with a right uppercut excellent remark and L muscles Duran outto the Rope and good left hook by Lang and he is landing with he's throwing s Lang did some running in the first two rounds but he's been mixing it up with Durant and not doing too badly either so we're in the fourth now Lang in the green take a right hand from Durant and it seems like Lang is gaining more confidence as we go on and what we're not seeing is combination punching from Duran good right hand by Kirkman Lang a lead right and that tag Duran on the [Applause] chin Duran with a left hook from the flying side kland Lang isn't running now a trade right hands and now we get ourselves a brawl the street fighter from Panama is being tagged by the unknown from great Brit now we're back to round five a right hand by Duran and he catches Lane there left hand by Lane as Durant was driven sideways right hand by [Applause] Lane Duran had him cored Lane shoots a right hand and gets out of the corner you in the ring with this fell hard jab there by Lang yet another one Kirkland Lang has to be wary of Durant's power and he connects again with two Jabs on Duran's face Duran can certainly fight but speed is beating him and Lang scores again with a right hand and when Lang doubles up with the jab he's so effective we're in round five right hand by Lang a lead right hand caught Durant on the face final seconds round five we're halfway through the scheduled 10 rounders and F come back glooms large well Duran has not gotten inside very much and when he is there now we see him there in fact I've given the last three rounds for Kirkman Lange and of course this is little resemblance of the Roberto Duran who won the welterweight championship in 1980 in Montreal when he beat Sugar Ray Leonard Corner told him to punch to the body good right by Lang right hand by Durana left hook by Lang and Durant is there to be hit with that jab but there's a good right hand by Durant a right hand by Lang Lang with a left hand there a triple jab by Lang watch round seven sees Lang at his best and despite the punching stats for the two fighters being neck and neck it's clear Lang is doing the better work Duran's usual spring in his step is nowhere to be seen and Lang's Southpaw style and snappy left jab continuously catch Roberto unawares a right hand by Lang and that caught Duran flush on the jaw i g the last round I gave him by the be the marin oh big uppercut by L but now is stop for the remainder of this round if I was Kirkland Lang I'd try and box Durant I would not stand inside with him which he was doing before uh Durant looked much like this although he came back to win that fight for round eight it's scheduled for 10 Duran with a thunderous right hand he caught one of the big problems is the timing for dur his timing is just so far off a left hand by Lang and here in round eight Lang has not moved back a step Lang takes the left hand from Durant and Durant continues to try and take him out with a punch he just caught L with a right hand he's trying Durant's trying to take him out but Lang is smothering him Lang pushes the off Roberto Duran take a right hand from Kirk and Lang as we begin round nine right hand by L what effect will Durant's reputation have on the judges here that's a good question Duran takes a right hand as he pushes forward by Duran the man he's fighting is a good welterweight and a pretty good Junior middleweight kir Lang takes shoots a right hand and catches Duran on the head right hand by Durant that used to be the electricity right hand by Lance 10 and Final Round in Detroit Roberto Duran and Kirkland Lang looking to take him out well underneath the eye of Duran his left eye double up and triple up on that jab good straight right hand and he's being out punched here by a quicker man a right hand by Lan not a good performance by the two-time world champion and Lang take a big right hand from Durant no Firepower at all in those punches dur throwing there's a big right by Kirkman Lang grappling here takes a right hand from lank and Durant's knees buckled just a few moments ago he's pushing forward not throwing any punches Duran with one big right hand right there and the Lang didn't even Duran seems defeated in spirit just as he did against Benitez and Leonard in their rematch and despite the fight resulting in a split decision it's clear there can only be one real Victor of the night 96 Lane 94 toan the winner by a split decision K as the judges results are displayed with all score cards being 94 to 96 two of the main men with the pen and paper give the bout to Kirkland while the other gives it to Roberto and Lang has climactically achieved the most illustrious feat of his career and while eyes were now locked on Lang and excited to see what he could do in the future both fighters rode ahead looked unpredictable and destined for a sticky end Duran would infamously bounce back professionally and having multiple historic nights in the ring that would be forever remembered such as his grueling and impressive 15 round performance against Marvin Haggler his spectacular showing against Davey Moore and his great battle with Iran Barkley with that Victory he gave the finger to history he gave the finger to Father time he gave the finger to the laws of physics Duran eventually won back the respect of boxing fans after his disgraced showing against Ray Leonard in their second bout and has since become one of the most decorated celebrated and unreplicated fighters of all time despite being on a feverish after beating Roberto Duran Kirkland Lang's tail faltered like many close to Kirkland sadly expected his unpredictableness as a human being gave him an edge in the ring but unfortunately made things more challenging outside of it getting himself caught up with a partying lifestyle and struggling to motivate himself to train for fight he's got him he's got him and that might be the end not only of the fight but if Kirkland Lang's career Lang went from one to watch out for to one needing posters in his local neighborhood to be found by his loved ones falling victim to homelessness no one I speak to has a bad word to say about you what they say is he's too generous yeah I'm all right man but people take softness for weakness don't they they do take softness for weakness but while his career and achievements fell Into Obscurity the end of his life seemed to be a cozy fortitude of Solace for the man as he lived out his days in a retirement home before passing in 2021 he was a troubled man man yet a loved one with all who knew him remarking his likeability in genuinely good-hearted nature and for that alone outside of his incredible win against Roberto Duran we hope this uncrowned champ forever rests in power
Channel: Boxing After Dark
Views: 537,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxing highlights, boxing after dark highlights, roberto duran, roberto duran highlights, duran vs laing, roberto duran vs kirkland laing, roberto duran loss, roberto duran power, roberto duran toprank, kirkland laing highlights, roberto duran vs, roberto duran documentary, roberto duran hands of stone
Id: nKG94Uvmp84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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