NILE RANGER | True Geordie Podcast #104
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Channel: True Geordie
Views: 1,456,201
Rating: 4.9367752 out of 5
Keywords: True Geordie, Nile Ranger, Podcast, Sport, Football, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Goals, FIFA 19, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Highlights
Id: RVA-ww6o1RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 7sec (7087 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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Couldn't believe it when i saw he's got Nile Ranger on hahaha good podcast, think he was a bit too honest at times though, not the most enticing interview in terms of attracting clubs!
I think one of my very first TG videos was him tongue lashing ranger on some shitty camera haha
He talks about his life and his struggles, finding a club atm etc
About 3/4 through this interview and I'm actually warming to Nile Ranger. He's still a proper bellend, but he's at least being genuine and honest, kind of hope he turns himself around because we've all seen the talent he possesses when he's on it.
Used to hate the True Geordie and he still comes across as a bit of a knob sometimes but the stuff I've seen with him recently has been pretty good
Decent interview but no sympathy for the guy at all, he's a massive idiot. 27 years old and saying stuff like "I don't wake up for training because I go to sleep too early, that's my only problem". As if mate.
Also I don't like the idea that he's some massive wasted potential. He only scored twice at Newcastle, 3 if you include all comps in which he had 60 odd appearances. Lad's shite, he's league 1 level if you look at his record, maybe even league 2 and he acts as if he could play Championship.
Don't think this was a good advert for him at all. We'll either see him never picked up again or he'll go to non-league
Really enjoyed this. However I donβt think he will turn around it
You have to admire him being open and honest. Seems like he's well aware that he only has himself to blame. Think the damage is done though, nobody is going to throw money at him to come and play for them with his track record. Doesn't seem like he's willing to put the work in to get his career back though.