Trucks spreading rock on the new road we built very impressive drivers getting it done

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all right guys we've rolled back in here on the road job i believe uh the master jerry's rolling in let's get this day started [Music] i guess we'll start the day out by checking some fluids on this little girl making sure she's good to roll she does pretty good she don't leak a whole lot of leak or use a whole lot of anything so i better not say that i'm gonna jinx it we're gonna blow hose today but the most part she does very good oh wait she's just a little bit low on hydraulic hole but i think we'll get through the day on that let's check the drive oil over here see where we're at maybe just a touch level on that too i don't think we'll survive one more day i'll let this thing warm up a little bit while we get the other things unloaded and kind of get a plan with jerry here all right jerry is taking off up the hill he started moving dirt and surprise surprise the we're working on the kubota this morning so you guys remember my uh you guys remember my rant about fixing the hydraulic leak on this side remember we cleaned all the dirt out that side well guess what started leaking this morning the hose on this side so we really need to get this thing running on the job here we're going to try to reach down in there and just kind of uh hopefully get it tightened up enough to where we can get by and get this thing back to shop it's my my favorite my favorite piece of equipment i'll leave it at that this time you guys know how i feel from the other video calm down young grasshopper did you find the wrenches not yet so they should be on the top over here i think this is what you call barnyard engineering i believe what size is that 18 millimeter no i think it's 20. i think all right so we got a crescent wrench down there on the suspected fitting in who knows what land i'm trying to be nice here no man's land no man's land so we're gonna try to put that board on there and give it a little tappy tappy and uh see if we can i know you guys can't see anything in there all right you want it yeah now i am all right don't hit my finger let me get the in the base all right hold on we'll give her everything see you ready yeah [Music] i think you turned it can you push it away from you like towards the truck there you go [Music] all right [Music] now you definitely turned it see what we got here go and pull that board back up that way yeah you moved it well the combination of an adjustable wrench because unfortunately that's all we had a good old-fashioned piece of barn lumber with a notch at the end of it and uh he's already put it up but uh bfh big freaking hammer that's the pg translation yes it is i think we got her tight if nothing else i hope it gets us through the day if it leaks now it was loose if it leaks now uh we're gonna have to just uh the leaks now we're just going to put in the o-ring and get it back to the shop but let's slam this radiator back in here and get back to work before jerry fires us i think he already fired i think he did too he's not happy look at him up there he's inspecting his pipe yep we marked his pipes for him yesterday so if he lost him he could still fight them all right looking good you're doing good there matt easy on my radiator fins oh yeah my dirt perfect hoodie is going to be so hard on those fins there buddy oh i can i want to like this thing i really do like whenever i'm sitting you do i'm sitting in the seat operating and i love it and then it starts leaking stuff and i get really mad because it's for stupid reasons agreed [Music] all right i think we got this jewel fixed so let's put the uh let's go put the bucket on it we'll head to the top of the hill and see what we got from up there whoops that's the wrong button it's been a while [Music] we brought the ranger out today just to make it a little easier going back and forth up and down the hill until we get the road built all right up the hill again look a little different up here man that is a that is a long long long push downhill but at least it's downhill and i thought to jerry talked to jerry about this morning we still think uh we still think trench trench pushing that or slot pushing it as some people call it it's probably the way to go he can carry probably i'd say at least three c8500 loads with him downhill so every time he piles up and takes off downhill that's let's just call it two and a half truckloads to be conservative my time i'd load him back down the hill come back up it's gonna be hard on the truck on that hillside i still think we made the right decision uh running with the uh colonel the dozer there so it's one of those you just kind of gotta go with your gut feeling and see what see what works but the plan here is this morning matt's getting the laser set up we're gonna run great on top of the hill make sure we got all available dirt that we can get for uh for the road here and then once we get that we'll start caving these sides in and getting what dirt we can get from those sides to uh go we got we're pretty close on dirt down at the very very bottom where billy's out going through the gate he's still needing just a touch of dirt so we'll run grade front grate up here on top make sure we got all the dirt we can get and then uh we'll start uh getting the road ready for gravel all right everybody we just got done rolling the hill for jerry packing the dirt in really nicely it's coming along great here's a shot from the top side see jerry backing up the hill there driveway everything is packing in really well jerry obviously has just pushed a new layer onto this but now we are going to check grade for jerry make sure he doesn't cut this down too deep we're getting pretty close look at that just a touch high dead on [Music] about three quarters of an inch high [Music] that one there's about an inch and a half to two inches high so he can take out some fluff there same thing there that's about three inches high and then obviously you can see right over there he's got some fat to trim off of that upper level so i think jerry is uh he's getting close we're gonna let him know where he's at so that he can make some adjustments and move over into the fat area stay tuned for more all right i've made it back it's that time of year everything's going absolutely crazy trying to keep up with a bunch of fires burning everywhere but anyways top of the hill is buzzed off jerry's got it pretty close this don't this this is not super crucial the main thing is just get the dirt out of here uh because we gotta come in here and dig a basement accepting a whole lot of things jerry's pushing the last couple runs down the hill what i'm gonna do is grab the skid steer and we're gonna start caving these sides in i don't have a d4g here so we're gonna get by the skid steer we're basically going to cave push these sides up into the middle here or jerry can take them on down we still need a little dirt on the bottom and i think it's going to work out i think it's going to work out matt it's going to work out we're going to make it work out i hope it gets there don't start leaking oil that'd be bad all right guys here's what we're going to try to do basically just take this dirt off the sides get it shoved up here in the middle where jerry come back with the dozer you gonna hold onto the shovel rolls out there hopefully this will be just the right amount of dirt we need for down there at the bottom we're probably gonna go on this side for about 15 20 maybe 30 feet and i'll uh switch and go on the other side we're gonna work our way down there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check out up through there guys that road is looking sexy man that is uh that is sharp i get a chance here a little bit i kind of tell you talk to you guys about how we uh changed pitch change slopes just kind of did a few things in this driveway to make the drivability of it a little bit nicer but jerry's coming down through there with one final pass he's going to get it as close as he can with the dozer man look at him you know how hard that is to come downhill like that and carry just that little bit of dirt in front of your blade and cut grade like that in this clay that is absolutely incredible absolutely incredible there's a knot right there he should start cutting this little bit of dirt yeah look at that incredible operating skills it's amazing look at that shave that knot right off now he's carrying it again not cutting just carrying as he gets a little bit closer to me here in a little bit he should start cutting again there's a little knot right uh getting pretty close right in there he's gonna come across that what it looks like nope he's got it he'll lose it right here [Music] pretty dang good we've got a thumbs up from the man we've got those stuff in there so what we're gonna do now is uh we actually got the greater attachment on there i'm gonna go up through there i'm gonna put a crown in that road and just kind of work the edges down there's uh jerry's good but he can't get it perfect and i can only do a little better than him with this just because it's more of a fine-tuned grading machine so we're gonna go up through there work the edges in a little bit and hopefully we'll be ready for rock [Music] gotta love the greater attachment [Music] check it out guys she's looking pretty good got her pretty much that one definitely climbs the hill way better way better than the other one does we'll let him get that uh getting compacted up through there i think we got one more rock truck coming yesterday hopefully we'll be able to uh let him run up through there and see what he can do it's uh it's not bad it's compacted pretty good it's just his dirt still got a lot of moisture in it so it's a little bit spongy in places but my plan is i think we're going to throw some tubes down this is what we call number twos uh we'll get those a thin layer of those down through there and get them spread out we'll probably take the sheets through a roller i actually roll those twos in and get them pushed down in the dirt uh quite a bit and then come back with 23s and 23s or twos with what we call 53s mixed in with this being on a pretty good little slope uh those 53s will help lock those twos in so they don't roll and shift around we are not going to put any fabric underneath these uh we've had really mixed results on fabric on a hillside with this soil type it tends to want to hump up in the middle and then it gets graded and ripped and once it's graded and ripped in the middle it's pretty much useless what we found out is is for the construction traffic put a good base of rock down after construction is over if you got some issue areas some soft spots or something at that point come in grade it off put some fabric down and then go with it that's been the most cost effective way in our soils and the way we build to do it so uh that's what we're gonna do on this one but hopefully matt'll have this compacted here pretty quick and maybe a rock truck will show up and we'll see we'll see what happens jerry over trying to finish with the 850. he just won't give it up so he's got where he wants it [Music] it's a little bit spongy but it's not too bad well guys she's rolling it's compacted she's as good as it's gonna get i guess it's time for the moment of truth and uh see if we can get some rock up through here crazy man on the crazy man behind the [Applause] wheel everyone we want him to do is cut some ruts and we'll take that greater if they got greater attachment and get it down in there they can pack that back in he may actually make it to the top of the hill [Music] i go over you got a little aggressive right there all right i'm gonna take the grader grade that out let them back compactor and we'll try her again all right guys the first load of rock is up the hill that was actually pretty uneventful you can see it marred down his tire tracks there just a little bit that's why we use the twos he actually brought a low before we were ready which is this load right here we're gonna go ahead and take the skid steer back it up there on the hill and probably take our greater attachment polish it off that way uh tomorrow he's gonna be pretty much holding rock in here non-stop and he'll be uh he'll be good to go [Music] that's the process dump and scratch dumping spread all right change of plans the truck driver is still here he said just uh throw out a rock on me and i'll take it up there and spread it so let's get stared the skid steer will barely reach barely reached over the side of this truck i can't see anything so anyways we're going to load him down hopefully in the truck not on the truck let him spread it so we had chris dump the first load right here thinking we could uh move it faster than he could get back we had more grading work than what we thought now mike's putting the twos back in chris's truck so that chris didn't spread it up the hill and mike's words were don't video this so we're videoing this sad part about it is he has editing control i thought he hated everything all right here comes chris with load number two [Music] [Applause] so check that out guys starting to look like a rogue got the second load of rock spread that went pretty darn well jerry's on the little mini excavator now he's kind of cleaning up around those culvert pipes a little bit i got the greater attachment fired back up or hooked back up i think what we're going to do is we're going to greater way up greater weight down close up in wheel ruts from the truck any imperfections we got and i think matt's going to roll one more time and we'll uh call it good for today and be ready for more rock trucks for tomorrow so let's do it so so so [Music] well guys check that out we got the uh driveway graded out pickup truck made it up here i didn't have to put it in four wheel drive it had more to do with the loose gravel on the soft ground than it did the actual grade the grade actually felt really good so i think what our plan is for tonight jerry's finishing up those last few ditch culverts matt's going to run the uh run the compactor up there one time just kind of get that rock set down in the uh in the in the ground there and then in the morning we got rock trucks rolling in so hopefully it'll work we got one more day for the rain hit so we should be good all right guys it's the next morning it's an absolutely beautiful morning gorgeous morning love this time of year spring and fall always my favorite i think they're everybody's favorite but anyways we got three rock trucks just rolled in we're gonna see if the old max can uh get the old max maxim pull the hill this morning here and uh we got uh six more loads coming today so this will be the first round these trucks are gonna run two rounds i got more rock ordered a more rock figure than that but i think we're gonna get these in here and get it compacted i'll let her sit for a little bit and then we'll actually be back to dig the basement and do some work up on top so after this road gets a little traffic off we need to get a couple more loads of rock in here we can uh we can definitely do that so let's see what happens here this one i love mlr model max man they're good old trucks [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] truck one up the hill no problems [Music] man i feel bad for those drivers they're heading up that hill i don't know if you guys can see up there but they can't even see what they're doing they're heading straight into that song [Applause] [Applause] wow [Applause] looking good looking good [Music] all right second trucks mornings going out roads doing uh rogue's doing pretty good then just what we needed to this morning chris is actually going to try to get up the hill a pretty good ways and start spreading up in here where these other trucks are running short so we'll see how he see how he gets along coming up through there [Music] time you guys probably can't see in the sun but he's gonna come out about right that'll work oh now he's now he's just getting fancy well guys there it is with uh what is that uh two five loads of rock on it probably got there five loads to come it's starting to it's starting to come around i think it's gonna be all right i'm going to i don't think it's gonna hurt anything i'm gonna run this compactor up and down at one time mostly because i bought this thing and i haven't had a chance to run it yet and just kind of knock those little windrolls those tires are pushing up on the edge and just kind of match all that rock down in there this thing has been running absolutely awesome i think it's got the wrong battery in it they don't have enough uh either it's got their own battery other starters going bad but i think it's wrong batteries if you jump but it starts fine but it's like it don't have enough cold cranking amps so see what happens here this morning started this morning let's go runner see what happens [Music] we gave her a few minutes to warm up here let's uh crank on her and see what happens i think i'm just gonna go uh down the edge wait for some more looking good looking good i just need more rock got uh i think i'm gonna try to get four more loads yet today hopefully we'll get this knocked out supposed to maybe rain tomorrow so love to get this good and capped off and compacted and uh looking pretty for the rain but uh we're gonna run a few other irons we'll be back hopefully we got rock all right guys last couple loads of rock showed up while we were gone they got them dumped no problem whatsoever i've got them graded out aaron's actually taking the skid steer and just kind of tracking everything in but a couple things i want to hit on real quick before we wrap this video up just some things to take into consideration if you guys are building a road especially if you're going up a slope one this grade here is probably about the max you're going to want to do especially with gravel we looked at going around the hill and a couple different routes at the end of the day this was the less evil i guess if you'd say now without being said we did do a few things to kind of make it more drivable keep the drivability of it in one as you guys will notice we actually filled in quite a bit down here and kind of got a little bit of a running start kind of got a nice little transition into the hill the steepest part of the hill is actually the center section and then all the way up there top we're trying to kind of let it let it roll off a little bit so basically they gave them a little bit of a run hopefully they got some momentum for the steep and then they kind of roll off well that's going to be depending on driving habits what they're driving et cetera et cetera i think once this gets packed in these last several trucks we hauled in here we're actually 23s which are twos with 53s mixed in them they should get locked in there and do pretty good the second thing i want to point out is this is important whether you're going up a hill or no matter where you're going is you've got to keep that road elevated if you guys can look up through there how high that road is actually elevated you've got to keep the water off of it if you can keep the water off of it [Music] you're going to have a road it's a lot easier to maintain over time the third thing is if you guys look we've got a lot of crown in the road uh the road's high in the center and it kind of crowns off that should allow the water to not follow down the road and bleed off we've got these nice terraces on both sides we put cover pipes in to get that water to get that water away from the road so what the plant is on this particular road here is we've got a good base in it we're going to have to haul several loads of rock up top of the hill for the basement we'll let those trucks kind of compact and squish out any soft spots we've got the road's actually getting pretty solid these last few trucks didn't leave any ruts at all then we'll haul a couple more loads of rock in there dress up this road one more time after the basement is put in and the concrete trucks are up and down the hill i'll come back dress up the road one more time and by that point on that point it should be in really good shape it should be nice and solid it shouldn't be chasing any soft spots it should be draining good and they should be set for a long time and just need some uh just need some general maintenance from there on out so that's kind of our thought process about going about this like i said we could have put fabric down we could have went some different routes but after looking everything over seeing what was available seeing the type of dirt we have here we decided to go this route and from what i'm seeing so far i think we made the right decision i think we made the right decision so guys i'd love to throw the drone in the air and get you a beautiful shot of this because it's an absolute beautiful part of the country here as you guys can probably tell it is a windy windy day i don't don't quite feel comfortable doing that so we're going to let aaron finish tracking that in and uh these next couple rounds of rock to come in here which is going to be in a future video we may get the smooth drum roller out here and actually pack in the rock with a smooth drum roller but i didn't really see it necessary to haul it out here and just for that the sheep's foot roller worked worked great for work great for what we were doing but i think that's going to be a wrap on this one guys hope you enjoyed don't forget to like subscribe and comment and we'll be back stay tuned you
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 56,627
Rating: 4.9865007 out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, mini, skid, steer, trackhoe, new driveway construction, driveway, gravel, gravel driveway, how to, new driveway, gravel road, work, dump truck, skid steer, crushed stone, takeuchi, road, equipment, awesome trucks drivers, amazing truck driver skills, trucker, trucks driving skills, semi, amazing trucks driving skills, skill, driver
Id: 6sg2gK0S01s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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