I Built a Track Where Every 1000 Feet the Bumps Get Worse!

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today we're back in zapist with another ridiculous track this track is kind of like level 8 but worse I made a track where every 1 000 feet the jumps get worse so it's a mogul's track we have some rocks to dodge and you know that's not really much of anything you can see we're on the nice sort of casual calm Moguls as we go down this hill but once we hit that checkpoint that's the 1000 foot Mark and then the bumps are going to get worse and then after that they get worse again and after that they get worse again there are four levels of pain on this track and honestly it's just yeah yeah we just we hit a rock so let me know what you guys think in the comments down below we're gonna bring this right into a public Lobby it takes about two minutes to get to the bottom because that's how bad it is but honestly it's it's it's pretty bad when you get to the last jumps it's absolutely terrible so let me know what you guys think and let's jump right into a public Lobby all right boys this is it this is it sometimes I make painful tracks sometimes I make fun tracks this track was inspired by mobile gaming so that's how you know it's gonna be your trial gaming Oh no just read the title oh man that's all you need to do three thousand feed the jumps get worse oh no oh there's not even feathers it's just oh heck there's not even feathers yeah just every thousand feet the jumps get worse so that's all you gotta oh no how did you calculate defeats yeah I use so basically uh one one block is um 16 units right in the game that's what you like 16 units so each one of these sections is 96 of those 16 units long and I figure you know one section is probably close to 10 feet ish oh no what yeah I don't know it's it's nonsense units whether it could be every kilometer one unit is one meter so there's six oh is it is it actually one meter oh so this is for like every 960 meters the jumps get worse so it's more like every kilometer of the jumps gets worse then oh I like that that makes sense yeah okay wondering why I had no idea what your units were so I was like whatever but I assumed they were feet but I guess if they're meters yeah yeah definitely not Freedom Units oh yeah cool so that it's every kilometer the jumps get worse every 960 meters oh no impression units oppressions rocks why oh yeah there's rocks too there's the jumps get worse I think the rocks are just worse no there's no man there's there's yeah this is yeah know every every so I guess it's every kilometer the jobs get worse that's great I'm glad your units actually make sense I thought they were just arbitrary nonsense oh god oh like the speed it's also kilometers an hour because you're driving meters and okay so it's every every kilometer the jumps get worse perfect yeah but now if I put it in my video title everyone's gonna be like what's a kilometer they're gonna it's gonna confuse like half my audience it's like the NASCAR participating in Le Mans just being like what the heck is a meter that thing was gnarly wait there was a NASCAR in the mall this year yeah it's a NASCAR sponsor team oh oh okay exhibition it was a Camaro that was like decked out oh man literally blew all the prototypes away that's crazy it was so big like it's just yeah just watching this thing pass prototypes on Straits was hilarious because you know exactly well prototypes are like these tiny little things right they're just like bro look at it this has the fastest pit stop and they didn't do it with with um like they just did it with hand jacks like they did it freaking NASCAR style someone already finished the time like that's crazy it took me so what multiple finishers bro this took me so long to validate like I'm not even joking the validation time on this was gnarly and it's true because people are already finishing it was up till 5 30 a.m validating I like how you can get into like a Groove and then just yeah just wait till the final section bro yeah this is level eight but worse the first section so the reason I put the rocks in is I built the whole thing without the and like I'm you know 96 units long 96 times 16 log or whatever so um you know really really long check sections I guess that would be more like two clocks really long I'm sorry but I built the whole thing and then I realized the opening sections were really boring because like you didn't have to steer or anything you could just go straight for 30 seconds I'm like oh I gotta sprinkle the whole track with Brock's so you actually have to like you know Dodge some stuff I forgot I was supposed to be uh being a terrible friend con this map sucks what's wrong I mean he got more finishers than any of us did on any of the other tracks the shortest time that's true that is true yeah that is good we all started getting well I guess I guess well I'm not gonna give it away but I guess no somebody's track had a finisher pretty early on but um look all I'm saying is if you think you can make a better track than this you got a wish list thank you making good tracks is to have zapkissed on your wish list can I can I wishlist safe because if I've already bought zapist is that a thing I you can make a new Steam account oh just make a bunch of other steam accounts or something isn't there something you were not good enough to have further accounts though yeah I'm not endorsing this so I'm just suggesting it but not endorsing it is what you're saying like there's options you know there's options I hate it when you take a jump and you see a rock and you're like I'm going to hit that rock there's nothing and you already know what's happening yeah hey two-faced cool hat hey thanks um this guy made it for me after I bullied the crap out of him that's so sick was it yeah I don't remember really he seemed kind of unimportant how far have you guys gotten I'm on the third set of jumps yeah I got to the last set of humps and then he died was it yeah yeah the last set of those one block jumps that go up and down and when you put them all next to each other it's like a 45 degree wall and I'm gonna hit him yeah and I hit a rock and eat it over the check boy you gotta be kidding me oh my gosh oh no oh count how many jumps you're going over yeah so that yeah each section is different yeah each section is different that's what I noticed too it's like when you get into the further second map involve math it takes more more effort I really hope I don't have to do a validation run on this to be honest oh no you should have just been reporting last night bro I know I should have recorded my validation that would have been smart I validated I'm not even joking on the last section I lost a wheel every time I landed so I ended up validating it with just a just a frame skidding across the Finish yeah there's I was like all right this works I died on a rock all right Peter the realist yeah I like the Rocks though I feel like it makes it more exciting when you have to do these little Moguls and jump the Rocks you know yeah why aren't they rocks in level eight yeah right level eight needs to be longer too though it's not long enough I I could make like a whole branch of Adventure level eight but it's just all different berries you should do that oh no the meme DLC yeah I know like once I do the the full adventure mode with a story it'll make like a small Branch full of dumb levels like that and add like a character with little text bubbles be like yeah I know these tracks are not great but yeah you know oh gosh oh gosh oh I hit a rock point I hit a rock and I lost them and then I hit another wrong no yeah no no baby what is you doing man I'm shocked that so many people are finishing already like that's insane what the heck oh once I do the full adventure mode story do you guys want to be like characters that sounds awesome yeah actually do you want me to voice for it too I'll avoid yeah I'll do lines man I don't mind oh yeah oh no over the final check oh no it looks like you've come down the con Branch I see you've also chosen pain oh no I was thinking of more like similish kind of stuff but yeah sure it's sure come on if you're gonna give us characters I'll get back to you guys on this yeah right write some lines for us okay never mind I can record you with my good mic and send it to you so that you have it like good audio quality and all that and you know you guys are the only ones with actual voices and all the other characters don't have voices they're just mutes does that mean that uh that Dapper doesn't get voice lines because he wasn't here right now yeah yeah so he didn't make the agreement I made it I'm ninth awesome nice incoming validation here we come like right I mean it's the worst when you hit a rock that blends in with the black Pavements rocks are the worst ones the middle is like easy mode to see but the black the edges are just like death okay I'm gonna go slow here because I kind of skidded a little bit but I think I'm still I'm still alive so that's all we're going for watch every track we do today get like 13 finishers on it because there's 10 right now on this one maybe we only have 13 good players in the whole Lobby Maybe go back and check they're all the same 13 every time I mean I haven't finished yet so clearly you know clearly okay it doesn't track oh no no no no that stupid rock God dang I was jumping and I'm like I'm gonna hit that Brock and then I tried to hands up to dodge it and I couldn't I'm three-wheeling this we're still doing it we're still alive we're still doing this I believe in you we're three-wheeling it he's screwed he's screwed still three-wheeling it just bouncing down the hill three wheels three don't hit that rock yes perfect I made it through that checkpoint all right I'm on the final section with three wheels I have two wheels now on the final section nice I have one wheel now on the final section I hope you finish bro I still have one wheel it's my rear right so I'm trying to like steer the vehicle to go to go into the middle still still one wheel just kind of bouncing through each hump don't hit that rock please come on oh zero Wheels zero Wheels cosbo we're back where we were skin I'm skidded let's go oh it's gonna be a finish no wheels [Music] oh my God no wheels every time I landed on the final section I lost a wheel that was great it was perfect it was legitness oh yeah yeah it's GG there's nothing you can do it's a two minute track unfortunately because it's you know It's like because it's unfortunate wait you said one one grid position like like one unit of Grid in game is one meter right so if you move a block 16 that's 16 meters is that the idea yeah so like one flat bro you're so good at 15 by 16 meters so if I made this 96 blocks long it's actually 96 times 16 long yes yes final kilometers almost akane just put a timer five minutes please you know you could just go slow and yeah someone with a six minute 30 time oh my god wow how long did they spend going like just full six minutes and 34 seconds full break the whole hill I'm actually on like a really good run here and unfortunately I'm not gonna get to finish it because the time is going to expire oh there you go oh no yeah that's all right that's okay jump into a rock dude feel like nobody else wants oh never mind well thanks for playing level 8 extended version 5.7 uh inspired by Mobile gaming you know oh it was pretty cool very good and uh yeah make sure you guys check out the other guy's tracks put the links in description and like subscribe we'll see y'all next time and apparently you got a wishlist Vape kiss because you know unique's here and he wants you to wishlist I need to look cool in front of my game yeah he apparently went and met with some game devs and he wasn't cool because he didn't have enough wish lists so you know that was they were making fun of me for not getting wishlist they were bullying him yeah yeah how many tapes and ear pressure and get wish listed you know and that'll be yeah that'd be great yeah anyway we'll see y'all next time actually my friends were really nice so
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 44,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, zeepkist
Id: 4l9LAHval-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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