Truckers' Hitch - Tie Tighter Lines with less effort - Is it Possible ?

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hey guys joepie here from advanced innovations if you are one of my subscribers you'll know that I'm primarily a machining channel but every once in a while I stumble across something I think that's pretty cool and I want to share with you well while back I showed you a mid lash tie down knot that I use exclusively when I haul steel in my truck and to everyone that commented what do you do with the other end of the rope well you secure it or everything's just gonna fly out of your truck so you know if there's anything that I assume that you know that I don't mention I apologize for that well today I'm gonna deep Punk the trucker hitch a lot of you guys said well you got to use a trucker hitch because it helps well you think it helps or do you think it doesn't happen I'm going to show you exactly what's going on and what the benefit is or isn't and surprise surprise but in doing so I think it's important that I show you how to put something on a rope mid lash if you can't get to the ends so let's take a look at a couple of different ways one way to do it is to feed your part make a loop feed whatever it is let's use the one this is a carabiner so this isn't fair let's use the one that's closed you can't do anything with this but I want to put this on this rope make a loop feed it through your obstacle put it over your obstacle now pull it boom look at that you're in all day long get it off the same way open it up put your whatever back through it and release it there it did not need the end to tie this on there securely away you go one of the other ways to do it is to make a little loop on here if you have a carabiner or something that does open and there's a reason for this so don't run and hide yet loop over yourself like this and then take this loop and pull this one through and when you cinch down on it you got a little noose now you can take your carabiner or whatever and clip it right on when it pull tight let me go and if you're gonna use the trucker hitch you're gonna need to know one of those two ways so if you didn't catch it roll it back figure it out for this demonstration I'm going to be using two of these guys these are 50-pound fishing scales and just to show you that they are pulling exactly the same I'm going to hook them up face to face we're going to pull watch what happens now for gifts the intermittent sometimes shaky nature of this video doing it by myself a little difficult to do get the glare over that for you oh that's a better shot I'm gonna cool 25 pounds 25:25 12 12 year olds arrow whatever is happening to one we're gonna stop this one on 25 and look at the other one there you go 25 25 we can establish that these scales are working together everything is good now if you're tying a Ridgeline for a tent that sounds just never gets old its rot rally weekend here in Texas and there's gonna be a lot of motorcycles on the road so forgive the noise anyway if you're tying a Ridgeline for a tent a lean-to you're tying down a tarp whatever and you go from point A to point B whatever you put in between them whatever you stretch in between them tension wise however much poundage you pull on that rope is what you can expect to see as the tension in that rope well the trucker hitch is supposed to allow you to pull with X pounds and get more than that so we're going to find out whether or not that's true [Applause] first thing we're gonna do is straight to straight 100% even up just like we just did here's your rope use your load we're gonna pull on this one we're gonna check the poundage on this one I'm sitting on 25 here and I got 25 here that is inline this next little demonstration is going to absolutely blow you away we're gonna take this line and we're gonna wrap it around that anchor point right there and we're gonna pull it and I'm going to show you what friction can do you think you're pulling real hard and you think your line is tight but the amount of friction created at just that joint right there and that's a nice smooth piece of brass that's not like bark on a tree watch what it does to the load nothing fancy here there's no friction absolutely perfect now I'm gonna get down close to the other scale for this and you are not going to believe what the friction does to this setup and like I said this isn't tree bark either this is ideal circumstances [Applause] Lupe's around the anchor point secure line straight up and over nothing's fancy about it okay here's my tension straight down it's 25 pounds I will put 25 pounds of pressure on this all right 25 look at the difference as it relaxes it comes back around pretty quick but as I draw there's 15 pounds of force to draw I have seven and a half showing right here 25 I have 12 and a half you're going to be hanging on your on your draw line thinking that bad I am making this thing as tight as it possibly gets and the only thing you're doing is introducing more tension into this line here because of the friction at that anchor point right there and that's not even tree bark this is good line - this is not supposed to be very stretchable line it's a paracord so let's eliminate the friction at this point try that again and show you what happens I'm going to use this pulley I'm going to mount it to this Anchor Point up here and we're going to take the friction out of the set up by using a pulley [Applause] [Applause] let's get a close-up look at this single fast light pulley anchor point friction should be taken up by the bearing in here two lines basically equal length do the exact same thing let's see how much friction has been eliminated and the results [Applause] let's get over top 25 on 121 on the other so the percentages is tremendous as soon as you take the friction out of the Anchor Point or the pivot point right down there as soon as you take the friction out you get almost 100% of what you're pulling on translated to the line that you want to tighten up so if you can wrap the tree with something that's going to reduce the friction or even bring a secondary strap with a pulley on it that's to your benefit now let's talk about this magic trucker hitch that everybody claims is so amazing what would a trucker hitch is and I hope I do this right because you guys are going to nail me if I don't [Applause] the trucker hitch allows you to modify the line that you want to tighten up so that instead of pulling from here you go up about another anchor point and you pull down so there's a mechanical advantage that's created and it's supposed to amplify the amount of tension you put on the line well how much does it amplify it let me rig up the the center pivot point I'll detail it for you I'll show you what I did and then we'll take a look at the difference in in the pull if there is any stay tuned that is the new set up the main line coming from the anchor point I've got one of those little overhand cleats in it and continues down around a friction reducing pulley it goes back up through the carabiner now the reason I'm using a carabiner is because as you draw this the last thing you want to do is through friction abrade this area right here thin it out whatever so I like a carabiner it only takes a second to snap it on and leave it hanging from one of the cleats in your truck it's always there I have several hanging in mind now if this trucker hitches worth its claim it's going to amplify the amount of pressure that we see here versus what I apply here let's see this is the moment of truth your guys better yet I'm just going to do this I'm going to take this one to 25 still on 25 has it moved let's go back and see what we have here tell you that twelve and a half pounds twelve and a half pounds of draw for 25 pounds of load on that main line so does that trucker hitch work yeah you bet it works it amplifies it by twice so I'm gonna pull this let's go all the way to 50 pounds on this for maximum I'm doing this with one hand while I'm holding a camera so there you go 50 pounds that's a fish you're gonna brag about right still loaded still 50 coming back 23 pounds crank it back to 50 shaking a little bit there you go 23 pounds of load 50 pounds of final resistance on that rope does it work it works fantastic pay attention to how that's done this is your anchor point let's say this is around a tree or the other side of the truck that goes across somewhere main line as it's going across before the return put one of these little hitches in it you can pass this line as it comes around your pulley or around your cleat on the other side you can take this line directly back through there that's the way a lot of people do it but I do this for friction and then take the line that's on the return and this is what you're going to tie off this is the one you're going to crank down with a ratchet strap or by hand or whatever once you've got your torque on it you can pinch it tie it off however you want to tie it off with whatever kind of hit you're gonna finish it up with but there it is it is a double a trucker hitch will double the amount of pressure you can put on that line so you can send your 100-pound wife or your 50-pound son out there and say here tie that down and he's gonna be able to put 200 pounds of pressure on that line or she will he'll get 100 pounds that's it it's all I got for you I thought that was really interesting and the trucker hitch is definitely the way to go learn it use it keep one of these laying around good thing to have and keep a couple of those carabiners in your truck too stainless steel if you're going to lay them out back thanks for watching [Applause] you
Channel: Joe Pie
Views: 126,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Pie, JoePieczynski, Advanced Innovations, advanced innovations llc, how to, machine shop, shop tricks, shop hacks, shop techniques, shop tutorials, Knots, why does it work, abom, abom79, diresta, prove it, how its made, tie down, rope, hitches, camping, sailing, rigging, survival knots, block and tackle, mechanical advantage, ridge lines, improved tie downs
Id: R1a3PTscy-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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