How to Tie the Truckies (Truckers) Hitch 3 Different Ways. Hitches to Secure Your Load with Rope.

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[Music] I'm Tim Thompson one of my most popular videos on my channel has been how to tie the truck ease hitch and I've had a few comments from people that they'd like to see a couple of different versions of how to tie the truck ease hitch so today I'm coming back to that same knot but I'm going to show you three different ways of tying a hitch the first two are genuine truck ease hitches the third one is an easy one for people that are starting out so to start tying down our load we're always going to start on the driver's side of the vehicle because this is the side you don't want to have to adjust and we're going to tie our regular clove hitch and a half tie a clove hitch we go once around the load bar across the end over the standing part of the rope go around the load bar again and through the hole we just made there's our clove hitch now to further secure this knot what we then need to do is do one more half hitch with the friend of rope so that we now have a clove hitch and a half that shouldn't go anywhere so now we're on the passenger side of the vehicle and I'm going to show you the traditional way to tie off your truck is hitch so to start the traditional truck is hitch we go one time around the bar on the passenger side of the vehicle just like we're tying the clove hitch we bring the rope across this time though instead of working with the end of the rope we're going to work here on the Bight we're going to bring this slowly up so that we've now got our lever section we've got a loop here and we've got the standing rope we're going to put our hands now between the loop and the standing rope bring our hand around the standing rope grasp the loop pull the standing rope off our hand and we've now hitched the rope together we do that one more time put our arm between the loop and the standing rope grab the loop pull it through and now when I pull down on the rope we have a trucker's hitch that will enable us to get a very tight load all we then have to do is finish this off with a clove hitch and a half the same as we started with we go once around the bar across around again through the hole and do another half hitch to secure the load off the remaining section of rope can be looped tied to the standing rope and kept out of the way while we're driving this version of the track is hitch will turbo charge you're not tying a little bit because it saves time feeding the rope around the load hitch the next approach is simply to make a loop here put your hand through that loop grab the standing part of the rope now we've got our same familiar configuration and we're going to do the same thing with our hand we're going to put our hand between the loop and the standing part of the rope bringing our hand around the standing part of the rope grasp the loop and pull our hand through going to do the same thing one more time between the standing part of the rope and the loop put our hand around grasp the loop and pull it through now all I have to do is pull down on the free part of the rope same as before and our truck is hitch has secured our load tie it off with the clove hitch and a half let's now have a look at the third version which is really simple not as strong but really simple now this is the really easy to tie version but it's not as strong it's good for things like tying down motorbikes or bales of hay we're going to bring our rope all the way around the load bar just like that now we're going to work higher up the rope this time further up the rope we're going to put one two three twists into the standing part of the rope we now have an eyelet hole we're going to push the standing part of the rope through that pilot hole and create a locked-off loop this is the loop that we can then put the free end of our rope through pull it all the way through and we've now got a tie-down point so there you have a really quick simple hitch that isn't quite as strong all the pressures on one knot and I wouldn't recommend it for heavy loads but it's kind of handy if you've got a limited amount of rope or your just tying down a motorbike or a bit of hay in the back of you it will put enough pressure on your load to keep it secure and in place with a good solid rope we're going to finish that off with a clove hitch and a half once again always be finishing with the clove hitch and a half so now we've got our free rope we've tied off our load once again secure the free section of rope reasonably tidally to the top of your bed that's not going anywhere and we can drive down the road safe and secure in the knowledge our load is not going to leave us behind if you liked this video please do think about supporting the channel by subscribing it's the little red button down there doesn't cost you a cent I try and come out with a new video most weeks thanks guys until next time
Channel: Tim Thompson
Views: 983,889
Rating: 4.9278483 out of 5
Keywords: Tim Thompson, how to, farm, adventure, truckers hitch, truckies hitch, truckers knot, hitch, load, tie down, transport hitch, transport, motorbike tie down, farm hitch
Id: fvjoE-xAfts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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