Truck Driver Skills -- How To Strap A Load

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[Music] hey guys so here today we're going to talk about strategy we're going to strap down this nineteen thousand four hundred seventy pound counterweight now you've seen the chaining videos where we tied one down with change this one here has to use straps some for protection reasons you know and some because the client that we're pulling them for wants them under straps instead of chains so a four inch strap okay if you notice on the four inch strap it's all rolled up let's see if you also notice I'm on the passenger side of my trailer like I said the chaining videos we like everything on the driver's side there are some loads that you got across pull but depending on the trailer you use you have ratchets on one side Ward you might have them on both sides this particular trailer we only have our ratchets on the driver side of the trailer so back to the hook I tell everybody would you rather be hit with the hook or would you rather be hit with a strap when you throw it okay especially if you're in steel mills and stuff there are certain steel mills in the country that will kick you out and banned you for throwing the hook across basically what that means is is guys will roll up the hooks like that terrible idea terrible idea again you want to be hit with that or with that I prefer this especially if you're throwing it across the tall load and you can't see who's on the other side so well snug gets back up [Music] it's full inch strap 20,000 pound counterweight my philosophy in life is is I'd rather have too much than not enough it's better to need it and not have it then did not have it and neither okay so what we're going to do is we're going to look for our points here we got a good point here good flat surface good flat surface in the center we have a good flat surface on the end okay so we'll start with the center take the strap and the wind's blowing today so [Music] strap will be flat my hook faced inside [Music] here pull it up take your hand hold it tight take a little off leaver put it over now if you notice it's secure here we can let go it don't fall out so this side of our strap is secure then we have our edge protectors okay if you notice on the side of this it's got a very sharp edge which will cut your strap okay a cut strap isn't out of service if you twist your straps they will weaken and they'll get cuts in them out of service we don't want the outer surfaces we're gonna take this edge protector you can pick them up at any truck stop slide it under put a tarp 100 or are strapped now we're protected nothing to cut our strap if you notice on these they're rounded over instead of an edge so the strap actually kind of rolls over it instead of pulling against it okay so now we're back towards every side if you look at our strap we got it flat so it's straight okay again you don't want you snap pulling back here or up here you want to try to get them as straight as possible you don't want them with a twist to them you can see twist it'll build a crease which will weaken your strap some guys will argue that point but it will weaken your stress pull a flat again want to use our edge protector edge protector on now your load just protected and we're gonna tie it down take the end line it out like this so it looks like that strap reason being is so it's flat because if you crinkle this end up it's very hard to get into these ratchet straps or ratchet battles which we'll have another show on I folded up like this and I'm gonna tell you the reason I do this once you get it fold it up like this you take this part here pull it through here nice and neat because I like a nice neat clean ride I take this here shove it down now remember all this access right here looky here if we put it right there see on the other side of the hook it's double braid on this side there's no protection now we have protection from our strap we can pull it tight I go down here let me just a slight little bend in it like so strap push it until it stops roll it over now see where it's at here once you roll it over right there it locks get our load bar okay there's two types load bar you go to the door one for little fellas then we got a long one you notice I'm real tall I like something I can get some leverage so now we have a tight strap maybe about a G [Music] load is protected good secure our padding ain't going nowhere and two more straps and if you want to be a part of the nation's largest community of truck drivers download the CDL life app today and if you'd like to stay informed with more training videos make sure you like and subscribe to our YouTube channel
Channel: CDLLife
Views: 87,595
Rating: 4.8595505 out of 5
Keywords: Truck driver, Truck, Semi, Class A CDL, CDL Test, CDL Exam, Load Securement, Strapping, Flabed, Tips, How To, Chaining, Load Securement Tips, Trucker, Trucking, Flatbed, CDL, DOT, Inspection, Weigh Station, Owner Operator, CDL School
Id: b9VQ6tK3EZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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