How to Secure a Shotgun Coil

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how you doing my name is Joseph Massey load securement manager here at Western Express and we're going to demonstrate how to properly secure a shotgun coil this point weighs thirty nine eight forty so you got to divide that by two to get your working load and it's roughly about 19,000 so then you take your 19,000 and then you divide that by your 4700 roughly gonna tell you about four point two chains but we know that we're not going to go over four point two chains we don't want to just have four chains on it so we're always preaching extra security so we're going to put six chains and we're going to demonstrate how to do that and I'm gonna begin when I do my shotgun coils the idea for my exchange I want my exchange is closer to the pole as possible that will give you such like a cuff the fact on your chain on your chain so it'll stop using your coil from going from side to side okay so I'm gonna hook this chain up the proper way 48-foot trailer you can utilize these pop-up James where the pop-up chains is rated at 6600 pounds okay I want to use this because I want to be as closer to this calling possible I may have to plant another edge detected here right because I don't want to damage the outer part in this port when you're hooking your chains up to the pop-up you're always going to go to the middle link and we want you to go to the non well side as well because I want I'm gonna have my first two binders back here put my binder on I want to make sure that my hooks are swiveling 360 degrees okay I want to make sure they swivel it's important because when you snap your binder you can you can adjust it so you can reach it when you're snapping your binder you want to be on them on the end of you're on the end of your bar so you can get more leverage you gotta do is just come straight back with all right as you can see this also to the call as possible when we ran the chain through the coil it went from this anchor point through the coil and we connected it on the other side that's forming your first chain on your X and as you can see over there your chain is kind of going back so it's kind of cupping your coin now I'm getting ready to Iran by other chain we're going from this side of the trailer across inside the coil across to the other side to forming X in the middle so I'm gonna go ahead and hook my chains up properly and these are your state pockets okay these are the only things that you can put hope you changed to on a 48-foot trailer you cannot use these red spacers okay you can use the state pockets or you can use these pop-up chains the pop-up chains are ringing at 6600 pal the state pockets are rated at 5400 so these 48 foot trailers are really good when you hauling coals because you can utilize your pop-up chains and your state pop I'm going to use my pop-up chain now my pop-up chain has three links okay so I always want to be in the middle link this is why is important that your hook can swivel because you want your hooks to be up okay with your a snap this binder I got my I can turn my hook over so I can pull my binder this way yeah you know when your binder is good when you're just a little less than 90 okay as long as you're just a little less than the 90 you're fine now you can tell if your binder is too loose if you can grab that bar you just open it easily with your hand brace snaps it binder okay I just put my my cheater bar inside and I'm going to get right on the end of the cheater bar okay okay sometimes you might want to put something right in here to protect your coil but I know that this is just laying right up against it so it's not damaging the coil at all so my first two binders are gonna form in the back of the shotgun coil okay the first two binders want to be towards the rear okay now you now you can actually see what I formulated inside the coil it's an X okay that's your first two chains that's gonna be on a shotgun cause now I'm going to put my C chains in okay or you could call them a it horseshoe chain okay all that's gonna do is going to run from one pocket through the coil down to the very next pocket and you will not skip pockets okay now I have my first C chain or horse chain coming straight through before you I already have my edge detector set okay so I can run to change through one edge detector I'm going to utilize my popup chains again now my second two binders are going up we're gonna alternate the binders so my first set is going to go back here my second set is going to go in the front [Music] [Music] I'm going to run my second ccheng through my shotgun for you I ran it through you can see I'm still using the same as detectives as my exchange okay you're allowed to do that you can have two chains inside one edge protector I'm gonna use a lot again also I want my hook to be off the deck at least three to four lengths you don't want to have this hook on the bottom hitting your deck because your trailer going to operate okay so you want to have your hook up so they won't be touching the deck now I'm gonna pull my slack through and put my other binder now that guy was explaining you're gonna alternate your binders okay your first two binders are going to be on the rear your second two binders are going to be on the front my second boss Xu Chang that see Chang through I ran it through I got my change towards the bottom because I want to run to check to chains through one edge all I'm doing is adjusting this so I can get it tight [Music] when I did the math to determine how much determined I'm actually going to put eight chains on this so once I'm done I'm going to show you how to put eight chains on head and you're gonna have to [Music] [Applause] see what I have my binder set it's a little less than a 90 that's plenty tight enough okay now I have my shame off this trailer these homicides and reason why they call in homicide because they can go off from side to side okay so this point will break loose and go off either side of this trailer if I kill come on especially if you ain't moving okay now you can always test your binders to see if they're tight enough if you could take this binder with your head it easily open it up okay then it's too loose but if it takes force for you to pull this binder open and tight enough as you can see how snug this chain is if you have minimum movement on it okay so I'm gonna put eight chains on it because I don't I don't even want to take a chance that this coil will go anyway okay so I'm gonna get my eighth chain on all right now don't get ready put on my seventh chain like I said I'm gonna put a total of eight okay [Applause] [Music] and one of them you see the angled in the mall with my stake pocket this is the same angle that I want to pull my my binder with my chain so all I do is just grab my and walk my links [Music] all I'm doing is just making sure my binder is not seized up with these new binders the paint will door at times [Music] I'm going to adjust it I'm gonna come down one link add a link for my tear drop and that's a little less than the night okay as you can see I got eight chains now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab all my loose chains up with bungee so they won't hang up to give do to your chance to mess with me okay I have eight chains on here okay my first two chains is my ex chains okay my exchange vote for them up that's ninety four hundred okay pals work for working low level then I have six horseshoe chains or C chains okay that's fourteen one that's fourteen thousand one hundred so now time I add I'm ahead four straps [Music] so that's gonna give me a total working load limit of my securement it's gonna be about 45 45,000 pounds so I'm well over the working load limit of this coin and the reason why I'm a hundred percent why anytime you have no friends you have to secure it okay now as you can see I have eight chains on here this coal will not go nowhere okay I got my four straps over top all right you see that my binders is alternated my first two binders is here on the back my second two is on the front okay my third set is to the grand a full set is to the front okay so you want to alternate you bind us at all times if I had a 53-foot trailer I would have alternated my straps as well I wouldn't hook one up over here going over that and I would have hook one up on the other side and throw it overhead okay so you can give yourself opposite poles okay but you can't do this on this 48-foot trailer because all the winches is on this side okay now if you want to alternate some stripes in it and you want to put two two inch straps over this then you can't you'll just have that much more secure meant on this load okay so that concludes our showing you how to properly secure a shotgun coil okay and I hope this video is useful to you and you can always reach out to me get my number I answer my phone 24 hours a day 365 days a year seven days a week this is non-stop of me thank you have a blessed day
Channel: Western Express
Views: 151,263
Rating: 4.8170347 out of 5
Keywords: Load, Load Securement, Western, Western Express, trucking, truck, driving, tutorial, secure, secure load, best way to secure load, shotgun coil, secure shotgun coil
Id: Ymk_Pce29uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2016
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