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what's going on everybody all right now i've gotten a lot of feedback um from the recent video i put out about um suggestions uh i still cannot thank you guys enough for the response to this it's uh it's been amazing at the subscriptions it's just i'm i'm i'm blown away thank you guys so much again um i'm gonna start a securement series uh this first one is gonna be pretty basic but i'm gonna show you a couple of things i'm gonna show you how i secure my straps inside of a winch but i'm also gonna show you how i set my winches up and it's a lot different from other people i get comments at shippers and receivers and even at truck stops sometimes about everybody says i have my stuff backwards we'll get to that towards the end of the video when i wrap it up so yeah let's kick off this securement series right all right number one let's see what we got we have a 30 foot four crack this is used let's see the forks nine feet the rack itself is 30. this goes on a massive machine here it just kind of hooks on you can see there that secures the machine and uh this usually these are usually used to lift up like a massive wall panels like pre-formed wall uh building you know mega stores like you know walmart and stuff like that anything that's pre-made so let's uh let's go ahead and get some straps over this i'm not going to use any edge protection because it's so low profile i'm not going to get any buzz i am going to twist my straps anyway because that's just something i do but uh we'll go ahead and strap this down and then i'll get into how i secure everything so just real quick here let i don't let's just get it real basic okay let's how many straps would i need to strap this down it's 30 feet long it's steel it weighs six thousand pounds okay the working load limit on a typical four inch strap is fifty five hundred pounds usually on your little two inch ratchet straps it's 33 33 33 um so you know two of each should cover the whole load right absolutely not absolutely not because this is 30 foot long the fmcsr list that anything has to be strapped 10 feet it's every 10 feet with two straps in the front if it's not blocked or braced or has a bulkhead now is this considered a bulkhead the front the neck of my trailer will it stop this from forward momentum absolutely absolutely considered a bulkhead i do not need two straps and i've heard within the first four feet within the first 10 feet the fmcsr says 10 feet usually when i put my straps up front though it's a lot closer than that i would i would typically if this was 45 000 pounds and there was no if i had an open deck flatbed skateboard i would probably put a strap right in front of this piece of dunage right behind it that's not the case here that's after the fact but anyway okay so 30 feet so we need at least a minimum of what three straps would that cover this absolutely i don't do it that way um i was taught a long time ago that every four feet for lumber now this is heavy loads too this is way back to when i was in a semi you know this is heavier stuff it's never failed me i've got the space i've got the straps i've got the time there's no reason not to do this you can always over secure you can usually under secure one time remember that so i'll go every six feet 30 foot divided by six probably going to be five straps let's go ahead and count them out we'll do one one at the dunnage now i don't know if you guys know this or not i'm sure most of you do but here's a small lesson stake pockets two feet apart so let's start here spools are the same so that spools directly over the piece of dunnage i'm gonna do let's go six foot from that the three spools one two three six more foot i'm gonna toss the strap there one two three six more foot toss strap there one two three one more strap one two now see i ran out of room right here and my track ends right here so what will i do i'll throw a strap where it ends and because of the tandems i have one welded winch so that's where my last strap will go so we've got a total of one two three four five six straps on this load is that overkill yes do i mind no i i'm much more at ease knowing that this thing isn't going to wiggle around it's not going to move it's not going to bounce that's how i do it it doesn't have to be how you do it does it does not have to be how you do it that's just how i do it that's all i'm showing you guys how i do it let's get to strapping it that way i'll start this hold my strap over get my twist in it two and a half feet over the the rub rail put it through the rub rail bring the back out bring your slack all the way up keep everything straight about that much throw it over in just like that and once i have slack this long so you pull another round out of it kind of use this as a as a little bit of edge protection just slide it right under just like that um another thing you can do if this wasn't so short and i didn't have so much slack except my tripod up here okay is i would take this down put one more round into it pull this under and you just trap it in the rub rail with your strap once you tighten that up it's going nowhere but in this case i'm going to use it as somewhat edge protection being that it's so long because this load's so short and the next thing i do is a lot different than people do i have one guy tell me it was legal it's not so bring this down pinch it at the bottom roll it up today and one thing you probably noticed is another thing i wanted to show and that's everybody thinks my winches are backwards i love winches like this i've seen people lose a lot of teeth and have to have reconstructive surgery for having their winches the other way a lot of reasons why number one this is a low pro trailer i don't have a lot of room before i hit the ground to tighten i'm always smashing the ground with the bar another thing is when you're putting all that pressure going down you almost have to stand over it and you can't really put a lot of pressure on in front of you you almost have to stand over it and if one of these teeth walk out or pop from the tension of this load that bar is coming right up into your face every single time with these backwards i control everything pulling up if i take the tension off this and this bar flies anywhere it's going straight to the floor and it's not going to fly out because it's only two feet from the ground protect your face people love having my winches like this [Music] [Music] that's all there is to it strapping's easy hope you comment like subscribe we're going to do a lot more securement videos this was just the basic and i wanted to show you my winches and i wanted to show you about length and uh strap placement so we'll see you guys next time [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: Load Mizer
Views: 14,291
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Keywords: load mizer, loadmizer, load, mizer, miser, load miser, loadmiser, strap, load securement, straps, 4 inch, how to strap load, flatbed, winch, cargo control, strapping, steel, placement, how many feet, hotshot trucking, over the road, owner operator, hot shot, owner op, trucking business, hot shot trucking, truck driver
Id: NApczObXn0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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